• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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27. Battle of Light and desires

The Changeling's Queen smirked in response.

"Very well then. I do happen to have some time to kill." she said as Matthias watched her carefully. "But you do realise that I am stronger than your precious Princess Celestia, right?"

Of course, Matthias knew that. But he also knew that it's not always the strongest one that wins.

"That may be true." he replied, preparing to attack. "But you see, Queen... I'm sorry, what's your name?"

"Hmm, it's Queen Chrysalis. Why do you ask?" she inquired, surprised. "Most ponies would be just content with calling me a monster, and such."

"Why would I call you a monster? You're just doing what's in your nature." Matt answered with a shrug. "If it wasn't for that little fact that you trapped my friend in some caves and turned everypony she cares about against her, I would have even felt pity for you."

"My, what a gentlecolt." Chrysalis replied, and Matt couldn't tell if she was mocking him or being honest.

"Anyway, Queen Chrysalis, there is one thing that I have that gives me an advantage here." he said, coming a bit closer.

"Oh? And that would be...?"

"Plenty of experience in combat!" he answered, emiting a dazzling light in all directions, blinding her, and charged.

As Chrysalis backed away, covering her eyes, he jumped and swung his Light enveloped hoof, aiming at her horn, but before he could reach it, he was blocked by a barrier of green energy.

Noticing that the queen was opening her eyes, Matt quickly jumped away. After a second Chrysalis shot a magical beam through the place were he was, and made a hole in the wall. Amused, she attacked once again. Matthias dodged that one as well, although this time he got grazed.

"I could sure use a weapon right now!" he thought, and grimaced as an idea formed in his head.

The Light shaped itself into the form of hammer in front of him, and was hurled in the direction of the changeling, hitting the floor.

"Nice aiming." commented Chrysalis, smirking. Matthias smirked as well.

She soon screached in pain as the hammer started blasting the area with arcing Light, hurting her and healing Matt's injury.

Chrysalis teleported out of the reach of the hammer and gazed at Matthias with sickly green eyes, now enraged. Knowing what she was going to do, he jumped away, and as the place he stood was hit by another beam, he grabbed a rock from the rubble and threw at her as she was about to shoot again.

The rock turned into dust as the beam hit it right in front of her face, once again blinding the queen. Matt took the opportunity and hid behind one of the columns.

Next to the column was a window, and Matthias saw to his horror, but not surprise, that the protective spell of Shining Armor was broken. The barrier was collapsing, and he could see many black objects - probably changelings - flying in.

"Girls..." he thought, but shook his head. "If I leave now, she will just follow me and make things more chaotic down there. I need to have faith in them."

And he had. He knew that Twilight Sparkle was a powerful unicorn, second to none of her kind when it came to magic; Rainbow Dash was a great fighter, even if impatient, but so was he in the past; Applejack was strong; Fluttershy scary when she wanted to; Rarity could wrap anypony around her hoof, like those Diamond Dogs he heard about; and Pinkie Pie... was Pinkie Pie. They would be fine.

He had only a second to think about this all, because in the next one the column he was hiding behind exploded, and he was hurled through the window.

"What the..." he thought as his body shattered the glass. "I made sure she couldn't see my reflection in it!"

On the plus side, he didn't need to think about avoiding collision with the ground.

On the minus side, it was because he was surrounded by green aura.

Chrysalis pulled him back and threw him into the wall, and then into the floor in front of her. Stunned, he shook his head and saw her standing over him, about to bring her hoof down on him. Not having time to dodge, he asked the Light for protection.

The Light's barried formed around him, blocking the queen's attack. The look of amusement returned to her face, as she brought her hoof up for another strike.

Matt smirked as another idea hit him.

Chrysalis wanted to laugh as she saw the earth pony smile, thinking that his puny shield could stop her. Unknown to him, the power that changelings gained as they fed wasn't just magical.

It was also physical.

She stomped once again, this time putting more strength into it, and this time shattered his barrier. Punching him in the stomach more lightly, she leaned over.

"Now, seeing that we still have some time, prehaps we could talk?" she asked, curious about him.

As in response, she felt a light pain that didn't have any particular source. Pressing her hoof tighter, she said:

"Still thinking that those light tricks of yours will help?" noticing that the pain was growing more intense, added: "Stop it!"

The earth pony - Matthias, she heard him called - smirked, despise the increasing pain he should be feeling.

"As if I could." he rapsed, and at the same time, golden chains once again formed around her.

"What?!" Chrysalis thought, not understanding what he was trying to do...

... until she saw her shadow move.

She glanced above her and couldn't belive it.

A giant hammer-shaped beam of light was coming down on her, and the closer it was, the more pain she felt. And it was already too close for her liking. She didn't want to find what would happen if it collided with her.

She casted a teleportation spell, only to find that it didn't worked.

"So that's why he summoned those chains again!" she thought.

In any other circumstances, she would have spared a second to congratulate him that he was willing to get hit by his own attack to defeat her. But the hammer was a second away.

Thinking fast, she casted another spell.

Matthias yowled in surprise as the the floor below them collapsed.

He whirled in the air so that he could land on his hooves and attack Chrysalis, but before they both hit the floor, she shot him in point-blank range in the chest.

They both screamed: he as he was blasted across the room and hit the wall, and Chrysalis as she was hit by the hammer he summoned, and fell on the floor.

"That was close." he thought, looking at his chest. "If it wasn't for that attack healing me, I probably wouldn't get up."

Matthias glanced at her as the Light healed him. She managed to minimise the damage from the Light's hammer by bursting through the floor just in time, but she was still hurt pretty badly. Both her wings were reduced to small knots, there was green liquid everywhere around her, and judging by the way she was lifting herself up from the floor, her spine was damaged.

"Does she even have a spine?" Matt wondered as he watched her heal herself.

They soon both finished healing, got up and prepared to resume the fight.

"Ah, how cute." spat Chrysalis, looking pissed. "We both finished together."

Matthias' eyes went wide.

"You're making that kind of joke after I broke your spine?" he asked, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"That coming from a stallion..." she snorted, and her horn glowed.

Matthias asked the Light for help as he dodged her attack, and the Light answered.

In front of him materialised Guardian of Ancient Kings, a huge humanoid, with two wings spreading from his back, clad in armor and made entirely out of Light. In his hands was two-handed sword Decimation. At once, he charged at Chrysalis.

So surprised she was by his appearence, that she barely flew out of the way of his sword and attacked him with magic. The Guardian of Ancient Kings stumbled back and fell, disappearing.

Matthias, who was waiting for that (apologising in his soul to the ancient spirit), unleashed the Ancient Fury.

Now it was Chrysalis turn to stumble back as Matt's attack hit her, but noticing that the distance between them was too long, he took advantage of the fact that she wasn't paying attention and hid behind one of the columns.

He needed a moment to think about his next step. So far, the Queen of Changelings managed to deal with everything that he threw at her, and he was about to run out of tricks. What could he...

Matthias jumped away at the last second as the column exploded.

"How the bloody hell are you doing this?" he asked frustrated.

Chrysalis chuckled in response.

"We changelings feed on love, remember? I can sense your emotions, you poor fool. I must admit though, they have quite an unique taste."

"Why didn't I figure that out?!" Matt cursed at himself, but in a heartbeat he smiled.

"Oh, so all I have to do to hide from you is stop feeling any emotions?" he asked her as if to be sure, teasing her. "Thank you, Queen Chrysalis, that will surely help!"

"Stop fooling around." she snorted. "Nopony can just stop feeling emotions on call."

Matthias smirked.

"Apparently you've never fought a paladin before." he said as he blinded her once again with Light.

Deep beneath the ruins of Capital City, within the Undercity's Royal Quarter, the Dark Lady Sylvanas Windrunner shook.

Sharlindra, Bragor Bloodfist and ambassador Sunsorrow all looked at her, surprised.

"Mistress? I something wrong?" asked Sharlindra, concern on her ethereal face.

Sylvanas, no less surprised than them, replied:


... despite the warmth she briefly felt inside.

She couldn't sense him.

"That's impossible!" she thought, continuing to keep up the barrier that she created as she was blinded by his attack around her.

Before, she could sense a torrent of emotions: great anger for her, deep love for his friends, tiny fear of what might happen to them all... and deep down, almost not noticable, an insane hatred for himself.

But now there was nothing.

Of course, she knew that there were certain ways for ponies to stop feeling any emotions for some time, like through meditation, but no pony could do something like that in the middle of the battle.

"Where are you!?" she shouted, frustrated.

Matthias sat behind anothet column, knowing that his plan was working. He once again repeated in his head a prayer that helped paladins to clear their minds before the battle:

Light, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

The courage to change the things I can,

And the wisdom to know the difference.

Focusing on those words helped him to achive the same state of mind as during meditation. Now Chrysalis couldn't tell where he was.

Glancing at her, he noticed that she was still keeping up her barrier. He waited. Either she would soon drop it, or she would continue losing her energy.

Both options worked fine for him.

Chrysalis was thinking.

She couldn't sense him. He could probably see her. He knew she was loosing her energy the longer she kept her shield up. Of course, it would take a while for her to run out of the power, but if it would last longer, she might find herself weaker than Matthias.

He intrigued her. His abilities were like nothing she ever faced before. She wanted him alive, so that she could know how he acquired them, and who he was. Even looking over his weird powers, he was unique. He not only managed to figure out that she wasn't Cadance -which even Twilight Sparkle couldn't - but also showed great skill in combat. He kept surprising her, and she knew that if she grew weaker, he might actually win.

"What to do..." she mused.

She couldn't start shooting random columns. If she chose the wrong one, she would give him an opening. Maybe if she could force him to reveal himself...

Chrysalis smirked and dropped her shield.

"Now!" thought Matthias.

Without making a sound, he left his hiding place and jamped and Chrysalis. He asked the Light to give him strength, and it once again enveloped his hoof as he was about to break her horn.

Green flames flashed.

He was about to attack Twilight.

"Wha...? he thought, terrified.

Nowhere to run...

Twilight looked back. Her horn and eyes glowed green.

Matthias was thrown into the wall. He couldn't move.

Twilight laughed and once again the green flames flashed, transforming her into Chrysalis.

"Dammit!" Matt thought, realising how stupid he was.

"I knew you would feel something if I transformed into her." said the queen, still holding him with magic and coming closer. "She's special to you, isn't she?"

Matthias didn't bother with reply and instead tried asking the Light to help him, only to find out that he couldn't concentrate.

She wasn't just holding his body. He could feel her doing something with his mind, and to his frustration, he couldn't do anything to stop her.

"You know, I actually enjoyed this." said Chrysalis, looming over him. "It's been a while since I've had to fight like this. And you are interesting. Who are you?"

Matthias didn't answer.

"Now now, no reason to be like this." she chuckled, and her horn glowed brighter for a second. "We should be friends, don't you agree?"

"Why would I be friends with you?" Matt asked, feeling his head hurt.

"Because I can be generous to my friends." she whispered. "I could give you anything you want..."

Green flames flashed.

"... or anypony." finished Twilight, coming closer.

Matthias knew this wasn't her, or that he didn't even truly wanted her. And yet...

"There's no reason why we shouldn't be friends." whispered Twilight even quieter as she brushed his his cheek with her nose.

Their lips touched and Matthias gave in.

"Stallions truly are the easiest to fool." Chrysalis thought putting her hooves around Matthias neck as the kiss deepened.

Noticing how furious he was when he realised that she did something to Twilight Sparkle and how quickly he became calm when she appeared at the wedding hall, she guessed that the unicorn was more than just a friend to him. But there was something else to this than just that. Even now as she fed off him, there was some dismay he had for himself that had nothing to do with the fact that she wasn't real Twlight. As if... she wasn't who he truly wanted, but still...

"He really is an interesting one." conluded Chrysalis as she run her hoof down his body.

But she had time to discover what this was. The spell that she used on his mind subtly increased his feelings to easier bend him to her will, and now he was hers, despite that he still knew that she was a changeling.

Chrysalis would have smirked if her mouth wasn't busy. What Matthias was experiencing now was even worse than what she did to Shining Armor. He didn't knew that she wasn't Cadance, and now, after she consumed so much of his love, he didn't knew what was happening around him, but this one... he was fully aware of everything and couldn't do anything to stop himself.

"Tormenting ponies is so much fun." she thought as she was about to place her hoof on his member.

Suddenly a pain exploded in her mouth.

It took incredible effort of willpower from Matt to bite both of their tongues off, but it had done the trick.

When somepony was trying to take over your mind, it was always the easiest way to force yourself out of her or his control by inflicting pain on yourself. And she happened to be kind enough to present a way to harm her as well.

As Chrysalis, still looking like Twilight, pulled back, screeching, he felt both his mind clear and the magic holding him weakened. Not wasting time, he headbutted the Queen of Changelings and ran once again behind a column and calmed his feelings so she couldn't find him.

"Ooo..." rasped Chrysalis as they both healed their tongues. "... ret... skshgn... just you wait!" she finally screamed. "I've given you chance to serve me, but you chose to suffer! When I get my hooves on you, I will devour every bit of love of yours, and make you watch as I do the same to your friends! I will break your mind and make you serve my every whim!"

Matthias wondered what to do now. Another mistake would cost him dearly. He knew that he couldn't beat her alone but who could...

He almost facehoofed himself.

Queen Chrysalis was never this angry before.

"How dared he?!" was all she could think of as she changed back to her true form.

No being ever had done something like that to her. She wasn't really hurt, but was offended beyond measure.

She had enough.

Her horn glowing, she prepared to destroy this whole room. After that she could wait until the smoke and dust cleared and he would emerge, covered in that shield of his.

"Looks like I really pissed her off this time." Matthias noticed as he heard a loud explosion behind him.

Why didn't he thought about this earlier? If he could heal Celestia, then together they could beat Chrysalis. It was so obvious, and yet...

Matt shook his head. He knew why he didn't thought about it.

It was because he forgot how to fight with somepony standing by his side.

"How long has it been?" he wondered as he run. "It must have been when Anub'arak and I lead the Scourge against Illidan's forces at the base of Icecrown."

Even when he was still just a death knight, he knew how to fight side by side with others. But as the Lich King...

He shook his head again. He could think about it later.

As he run, he passed by a few windows, and could see hundreds of changelings attacking everypony. He sped up, but then he stopped as he realised what he was seeing.

Terrified, he looked through the window.

"H-How... How is that possible?!"

He stared at them, unable to understand. It took all his willpower to make him turn away and force himself to run.

"How?" he kept thinking.

Noticing that he was about to enter the wedding hall, he took a deep breath. Right now, what mattered most was healing Celestia and defeating Chrysalis and her minions.

He will deal with that later.

He burst into the hall, and noticed that it was now empty, save Spike, Princess Cadance, that was glued to the floor, Shining Armor, that was still staring into nothingness, and Princess Celestia, unconscious, that was in a lime green goo cocoon.

And there they were.

He didn't bother to fight the six changelings that were guarding them. He just flashed Light at them all, causing them to flee out of fear.

"Don't worry, I will free you in a moment." he told Spike and Cadance as he ran up to Celestia, wondering how to free her from that cocoon.

"Behind you!" they screamed.

Too late.

Matthias was blasted across the hall and hit the wall. Slowly, he fell on the floor.

As he tried to get up, stunned, he could hear the sound of hooves.

"Did you really think I wouldn't figure out were you went?" asked Chrysalis, a bit calmer that when he last heard her, but with an edge in her voice that told him she didn't forget what he did to her.

Matthias forced himself up, summoning the Light.

A beam of green energy hit him before he could do anything, causing him another wave of pain, but instead of blasting him away, it was...

... trapping him in a green amber.

Tired and full of pain, he lost consciousness.

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