• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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90. Parent-teacher meeting

“So, how do you feel about having somepony go for the parent-teacher meeting?” Sweetie Belle asked Scootaloo as they entered the Abbey.

“Um... okay, I guess?” she replied, a bit nervously. “I mean, this is just the meeting for the start of the school year, right? It’s not like Miss Cheerilee will tell Matt how many points I scored on a test or something...”

Scootaloo trailed off, uncertainly. It’s been years since she actually had to care about stuff like that. And while she was fairly certain that Matt won’t be happy with her once her teacher actually will show him her scores, she felt... oddly warm at the thought of that.

And yet still, she was twitching nervously from time to time, experiencing for... actually, the first time - as her grades before her parents’ death weren’t bad - a fear nearly every filly and colt felt whenever those cursed meetings came around.

“Hey, c’mon, Scoots.” Apple Bloom tried to cheer her up, no longer angry at the pegasus for telling them the truth about her living conditions only few days ago. “It’s not like yar grades are that bad. Besides, what would Matt possibly do?”

She had no idea. At one hoof, he fought timberwolves and dragons with ease, the latter with such fury that made the entire town shake in fear, and at the other he was a pony so gentle that he could give Fluttershy a run for her bits.

“So, do you think we might get our cutie marks by learning about the Light from Chapel’s books?” Scootaloo asked, changing the subject.

“Well, it was yar idea.” Apple Bloom replied with a roll of her eyes, but didn’t press the point.

The three of them knew the way to the small library, as they already had explored the Lightbringer’s Chapel, along with the rest of the Everfree Abbey. The only places they haven’t seen so far were the ones they weren’t allowed to see, the armory and the dungeon complex under the Abbey. Everywhere else they were free to move around, so they didn’t need anypony’s permission to enter the library, which would be hard to get, since everypony here seemed always busy. So it was to their mild surprise that, as they drew closer to the corridor leading to it, they saw the light was lit in it.

Scootaloo, leading the other two, was first to enter the library. She instantly recognized the pony inside.

“Oh, hi, Miss Serenity.” she greeted her.

The crystal pony turned her head away from the book she’s been reading and smiled to her and her two friends, who also quickly said their greetings.

“I don’t believe we had been properly introduced, haven’t we?” she asked them. Indeed, as Scootaloo recalled, she never got a chance to even speak to Miss Serenity - or most of the Abbey’s initiates, for that matter - but she knew her name from Matt. And Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle probably didn’t even know that.

“Well, yeah, I guess.” Scootaloo replied with a slight embarrassment. “I’m Scootaloo, and these are my friends, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.”

Miss Serenity nodded to them in greeting, and then turned again to Scootaloo. “As you knew my name, I knew yours. I’ve seen you around the Abbey, although our paths haven’t crossed before.” Scootaloo, hearing such an odd way of speaking, shoot her a questioning look, which made the crystal pony chuckle with amusement. “Sorry, I’ve been reading these books too often, it seems.”

“Miss-” Sweetie Belle started to ask, but the older pony stopped her.

“Just Serenity is fine, Sweetie Belle. I am not that much older than you three, you know.”

Despite the lightness of her voice, Scootaloo thought she spotted a weird expression on her face, as if she thought of something unpleasant.

I should tell her as well.” the filly pegasus reminded herself; by now, most of Ponyville knew about her living in the Abbey, and out of them only a few she hadn’t explained to the reason for it yet. Having told the truth about her parents to so many ponies that she lied to for years, it became easier to her, so Scootaloo now only waited patiently for Sweetie Belle to finish asking whatever she wanted from Serenity.

“Serenity...” the filly unicorn started again, but stopped, this time out of her own accord, as if ashamed. “Um, would you mind if I touch you? I mean, I’m curious-”

“-about how my coat feels like?” Serenity finished for her, seeing that the by now panicking filly was having problems describing what she wanted. Extending one foreleg for them, she said: “Sure, go ahead.”

Scootaloo, also curious as to how a pony whose coat was made out of crystal felt like when touched, put her hoof on the foreleg, as well as her friends. To her surprise, it felt... normal. Other than she couldn’t feel any singular hairs, she would have sworn she was touching any other pony. Serenity’s forelegs were warm, and her skin rippled when the three fillies pressed their hooves against it. The coat didn’t even feel more solid that other ponies’.

“Crystal ponies’ coats prevent us from getting hurt and wounded.” Serenity said, no doubt seeing (or even expecting) their confusion. “But despite that, when touched, it seems to you not different from your coats, and I also feel your touch as you would feel another pony’s.”

“That’s... weird.” Apple Bloom commented as the trio took a step back, letting the crystal pony take back her foreleg.

“I suppose so.” Serenity replied with a smile.

“So you can’t feel pain at all?” Scootaloo asked her.

“Well... mostly. Sir Lightbringer still found ways to inflict pain and bruises upon me during combat training.”


“Sorry, I meant Sir Matthias. That’s what we call him in the Crystal Empire.”

“Huh, Lightbringer...” Apple Bloom repeated, tasting the name. “Ah think it fits him.”

Scootaloo had to admit that to her it also seemed as such, but she pushed such distracting thoughts away as she prepared to do what she had to.

“Hey, Serenity...” she began. “You had probably wondered why I live here...”

She quickly explained it to her, as she had a lot of practice during those few past days. To her confusion, Serenity almost appeared as if she was expecting such story, but a familiar gasp of shock escaped her when she mentioned that part about living in Ponyville for two years.

“Oh, dear...” she whispered, and then took a hold of herself. “I must admit: I expected something along those lines, seeing that Sir Lightbringer didn’t want to tell us anything himself, but... two years? You’re way tougher than I was.” Scootaloo, upon hearing that, looked at her in confusion. “I had also lost my parents, around the same age as you. But, I had my older brother Sentinel to look after me.”

“That’s kinda like me.” Apple Bloom cut in, and as Scootaloo glanced at her, she saw her friend’s ears drop, as she always did whenever she mentioned this. “Mah Ma and Pa died shortly after Ah was born, but Ah had my sister, brother and granny looking after me.”

Scootaloo exchanged look with Sweetie Belle and saw her be as uncomfortable as her. Apple Bloom seldom shown any sign of sadness over the loss of her parents that she didn’t even have a chance to meet, and she still had a big family. It was very easy for even her best friends to forget this.

“I am sorry to hear that,” Serenity told her gently, “as well as your story, Scootaloo. Now, then!” she said, brightening up. “Since you are here, I assume you wanted to read some of those books?”

The three Cutie Mark Crusaders immediately nodded, all brightening up - wherever it was because they would get a chance to try something new to get their cutie marks, or because they could use this as a distraction from thinking about deaths of kins, Scootaloo didn’t care.

Matthias sighed, wondering how one’s life could change so dramatically over the course of just few months, as he entered the Ponyville Schoolhouse.

Apparently, despite being few minutes early, he was the last one to get there; as Cheerilee, seeing him from the end of the classroom, smiled and said: “Alright, now that Matthias is here, we can start.”

Her words caused more than few heads to turn back and regard him. Matthias smiled and bowed his head in greeting, then trotted over to where Applejack was sitting, ignoring the curious stares. By now, most of the town knew about Scootaloo living in the Abbey and him being her legal guardian now, so at least he wouldn’t need to explain this here.

“Well, look what the cat dragg’ in.” Applejack whispered teasingly while he sat next to her. “Haven’t seen ya in awhile, partner.”

“Sorry, I’ve been busy.” Matthias replied honestly.

During the course of the days after the ‘Pinkies incident’, he practically buried himself into work. If he wasn’t training the initiates, whatever be in fighting, praying, meditating or contemplating the Light’s nature with them; then he would be doing other stuffs for the Abbey, starting with translating the librams Brann had brought, and ending with paperwork. On top of it all, he also had to make sure that Scootaloo was eating properly, that Tucker was serving his punishment as he was supposed to, give an extra hour of battle training for Serenity every day, rotate the cooking duties, and work with Bolvar and Ner’zhul on their ‘project’.

He was a bit surprised that he somehow always managed to finish all those duties before Rainbow would come in.

Returning his attention to the present moment, he scanned the area. He recognised most of the parents, like Sweetie Belle’s and Rarity’s mom and dad, and Derpy. There were only few that he didn't have the pleasure of meeting, but knew that from sight.

Cheerilee glanced at some notes on her desk before she began. “Let’s get to the first order of business- yes?” she asked, noticing that one of the ponies cleared her throat.

“Perhaps we should start asking why this poor orphan wasn’t sent back to her orphanage, instead of living with Mister Matthias?” the middle-aged mare, whose name Matthias didn’t know, asked. She then looked to the back of the class, along with the rest of the parents. “I’m sure you are taking great care of Scootaloo, but that Abbey of your is hardly a place for a little filly to grow up in, with all those weapons and that scary bird flying around.”

Matthias stopped himself from showing his frustration over her words. While he could tell that this mare took some pleasure in voicing her discontent over things, she did raise a good point, and she seemed to be genuinely concerned. No doubt, her opinion was also affected by Al’ar flying around above Ponyville from time to time, a sight that not only almost caused panic in just this small town, but also in Canterlot. He was visible from there, although as a small, bright dot.

“Your concerns over Scootaloo are validated, Ma’am.” he told the mare, although he addressed everypony present. “However, trust me when I say that there is no need to worry. Abbey’s armory is locked up whenever we’re not training, and Scootaloo knows that she is not allowed there. And as for Al’ar; while I can understand that he can unnerve most ponies, even those of the bravest of hearts, he himself is a noble creature, and would never try to inflict harm on younglings.”

He pushed away the memory of the angry phoenix attacking him after he raised from his ashes. While it was true that in his rage he caused harm to his initiates, his rage for Matthias was blinding him at the time, and he also must have felt disoriented after years of slumber.

“You spoke of sending her back to her orphanage,” he continued, “but that it’s impossible at the time. The administration of it is currently under investigation of the night guard, and some were even arrested, under charges of negligence for not informing any authorities when Scootaloo run away. The fact that the senior caretaker of the orphanage was drunk at the time of the inspection isn’t going to help their case, and gives me more reason as to not sending that little filly back there.”

Several ponies gasped hearing the news he shared with them, and muttered words between themselves. Some bore angry faces as they did so, but Matthias was willing to bet that their rage paled in comparison with fury that must have took hold of Luna once she got her night guards report of this.

“What about orphanages in other towns, then?” the older mare continued, choosing to not givieup.

“I could have agreed to send her to Cloudsdale, as it is a relatively close town, but all the other towns are too far away, and I think that sending a pony so young so far away from a town that she grew to call her home is cruel.”

“And Canterlot? That’s pretty close, too.”

“Is there a specific reason why you don’t think my Abbey is a good place for Scootaloo to grow up in?” Matthias asked, deciding that he had enough of this discussion. He also didn’t want to explain that he didn’t want to send the filly to any orphanage because he feared she would once again be made fun of for not being able to fly.

“Well, to be perfectly honest, it’s not the Abbey I have problem with, but you, Mister Matthias.” the mare replied, shocking not only him, but almost everypony, as they all knew him. “I don’t think such lewd pony should be taking care of a filly.”

Matthias brow furrowed, hearing those words. He knew that it was a public knowledge by now that he and Rainbow Dash were ‘friends with benefits’, but it was a first time he heard anypony make such opinion. While relationships like theirs were looked down on in higher circles of cities like Canterlot, nopony in Ponyville made any fuss about them. Even now, ponies looked shocked and dismayed at the older mare on his behalf.

“First of all, its Sir Matthias to you.” he told her coldly, reminding her of his title. “And if you think either I or Miss Rainbow Dash would try to project some of our habits on the filly, know that you are wrong. And,” he added mist a cruel amusement, spotting that she was a pegasus as well, “I must say I don’t understand why would such practices offend you that much, given you’re a pegasus.”

“What was that suppose to mean?!” the older mare asked, offended, although other pegasi present looked more curious than anything else at the remark.

“As everypony present here knows, prior to the founding of Equestria two thousand years ago, ponies lived in three tribes, all being separate nations into themselves and with different customs.” Matthias explained, and saw that Cheerilee and few other ponies, who must have knew the history better, blushed slightly as they realized where he was going with it. “The Pegasi Armada, after whom Equestria inherited equal rights for mares and stallions by the way, had a completely different view on matters of intercourses that today’s ponies. One could say that they were even more perverted that sea ponies of Aquastria, but they’re another thing altogether in my opinion. Anyway, according to history notes I’ve stumbled about, the pegasi had an average lifespan of thirty years, due to their constant war with the griffon’s tribe that used to live in the north. As such, they enjoyed pleasures of flesh as often as they could, with many different ponies (often at the same time), even if their hearts belonged to one pony in particular and or they had a foal.”

One he finished, he saw that old mare that was complaining about his relationship with Rainbow look at him with disgust and disbelief in her eyes, which was now directed at her ancestors. As for other ponies, they also looked appealed.

“Now that we had this history lesson,” the paladin told them, happy that he managed to shot that mare up, “I believe you wanted to start the meeting, Cheerilee.”

She nodded and shot him a quick smile, and then cleared her throat as she checked her notes.

“Did’ya make that up, or was that all true?” Applejack asked him in a whisper.

“All true, apparently.” he replied, also whispering. “Those customs began to tone down after founding of Equestria, as Pegasi, no longer being in a state of constant war with griffons, began to live longer.”

“As I was saying,” Cheerilee began, so they stopped talking and turned to her. “The first order of business will be the premiums for the insurance all parents have to pay.”

Some parents were unhappy with the sum that followed, but to Matthias, who had the budget of the Order at his disposition (and the fact that Scootaloo was living ‘in the Abbey’, and not ‘with him’, allowed him to use those funds for this), it seemed almost non-existent.

“Next are the holidays and free days.” Cheerilee continued. “As you all know, the Summer Harvest Parade is due in two weeks. Because Summer Harvest day is on Tuesday, it means your kids will have a long weekend, which I’m sure they’re going to be happy about.”

Several ponies chuckled, as Cheerilee went on.

“And then there is the Hearth’s Warming Eve break, starting on a December twentieth, and ending on the second day of January.” Cheerilee said eventually, and then paused, seeming distraught. “While we’re at it, I’m afraid I have some bad news. It turns out that this year we won’t be able to hold a pageant.”

Her statement caused more than few ponies to exclaim their disappointment and asked why. Matthias, who knew that the school every year performs the re-enactment of the Founding of Equestria for the foals’ families in the town hall (as the Schoolhouse was too small), also wanted to know the answer to it as well.

“The Mayor informed me a few days ago that, due to unexpected expenses the town had to pay for during this year, there simply aren’t enough funds to spare for the school’s play.” Cheerilee informed them, and seemed as disappointed as everypony, if not more.

Hearing that, Matthias quickly thought what he could do about this. There wasn’t even a moment of hesitation in his mind whatever the pageant should happen or not. Hearth’s Warming Eve was a celebration of not only founding of Equestria, but also of friendship triumphing over hatred, of ponies looking behind their differences. How could Matthias spread the Light among ponies, if he wouldn’t do what he could about this problem?

“If the funds are the problem, I think I might have a solution.” he spoke as the plan was still forming in his head. Naturally, he couldn’t use the Order’s funds for this, even if he doubted that Celestia and Luna would care. But, there’s more than one way to solve a problem; sometimes you can find better solutions if you looked around the case instead just at it. “I will have to discuss it with the Mayor first, though.”

“I see.” Cheerilee replied, looking relieved and hopeful. “Will you be ready to share this idea with us by the time of the next meeting?”

“Provided that Mayor agrees to it, I think there shouldn’t be any reason for me to tell you later.” Matthias told her and everypony else.

“What’s on yar mind?” Applejack asked him with hushed voice.

“Well, let’s just say that... I believe the Hearth’s Warming Eve is a time of year when ponies should all come together.” he replied with a smirk.

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