• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 49,696 Views, 7,011 Comments

Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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4. Mists of Equestria

After ten minutes of answering the doctor's questions and over five of putting down his signature, which was embarrassing, Matthias was finally free to leave the hospital. As he walked out by the door, wondering were should he go, he had been surprised by the sight of Twilight Sparkle and Spike waiting for him.

"Hi!" said Twilight, noticing him. "All done?"

"Yes." Matthias nodded. "While I'm pleased to see both of you again, do you mind telling me what are you still doing here?"

"Well... I just thought, that since you don't have anywhere to sleep, you could come to my place."

"Really?" asked Matthias, surprised. "That’s... nice, thanks."

"You're welcome. So, shall we go?"

"Lead the way."

Twilight smiled and started trotting away. Spike run up to her and jumped on her back.

"So," said Twilight to Matthias, not reacting to Spike's behaviour; Matthias guessed it was normal, "could you tell me more about Azeroth?"

"Ah, there it is." thought Matthias, looking around. It was already past nightfall, but only one of the moons was rising. "Or maybe they have only one moon here? Better not ask." The town was preparing for the night, it seemed; he could see ponies leaving places that reminded him of his world's taverns and inns and hurrying to their homes. More than few of them shoot him a curious glance and were more than disturbed by his scars. What struck him as odd was the fact that he couldn't see any fortification around town, no walls or anything. "Is it really that peaceful around here?" Matthias thought. At the same time, however, he noticed a town at the mountineside in a distance, which looked like somebody mixed together Dalaran and Silvermoon.

"Maybe," he said, answering pony's question. "but perhaps you could tell me few things about this place, first?"

"Oh!" said Twilight, as if the thought of him wanting to know where he is didn't occured to her. "Sure. What do you want to know?"

"How about you give me some basics?"

"Okay. This is the town of Ponyville, and this land is called Equestria, ruled by sisters Princess Celestia and Princess Luna from the capital, Canterlot, which you can see over there."

Matthias nodded.

"Princess Celestia also raises the sun, while princess Luna..."

"Wait, wait." interrupted confused Matthias. "What do you mean by 'raises the sun'?"

"Eee... what I said? She raises the sun every morning, and Princess Luna raises the moon."

Matthias shoot her a look of disbelief, but didn't say anything. Either all of these ponies were being fooled by their rulers, or this world was even stranger than he thought.

"Or is it?" he thought, remembering some of vrykul's myths about horses pulling the sun, moons and stars, or about the night elf's moon goddess Elune.

"Never mind. They're good rulers, I take?"

"Of course!" Twilight snapped at once.

"Sorry, didn't mean anything rude." said Matthias, flinching a bit.

"So, can you tell me now about your homeland? And how come nopony ever heard of it?"

"It's... complicated. You see, our land is hidden behind... a magical mist."


Arthas stood near the dying wildkin. It was the biggest one of the group; the three smaller ones already died. Arthas mused over an idea of raising their corpses to add them too his army, but rejected this notion; he would deal with his former brothers personally, with only his subjects fighting beside him.

"Mind telling me why you attacked us?" he asked the beast, not really interested. "Most creatures simply run away. Did you liked those trees we've cut so much?"

The wildkin looked at his direction and gasped something. Arthas shook his head. He thought for a moment that these creatures were intelligent, since they used some weird magic to fight them besides their claws and beaks, but apparently, this wasn't the case. They were just some animals.

Arthas came closer to the dying beast, deciding to end its suffering in a rare moment of mercy. He raised Frostmourne and plunged it through the heart of the wildkin. As his runeblade took the soul of the beast, the death knight took a peak in its memories.

His mind was assaulted by a stream of memories and thoughts, of some strange beings and their promise.

"Slay them. None can know about this secret pandaren relaxation area." was the most recent thought in creature's head.

Arthas looked at the corpse for a long moment.

"You weren't just some animals, weren't you?"

"About few thousand years ego, our land was in terrible danger." Matthias said, recalling the memories of the wildkin who was guarding for the pandaren of the Wandering Isle their relaxation area and what they told it about their home as well as about Pandaria. "In orded to save our land, our last emperor created a barrier made of mists that hid Azeroth from the rest of the world."

Twilight looked at him, stunned. When she finally spoke, she did so in a bit unsteady voice:

"How come you are here, then?"

"I'm... not sure." he said, for it was the truth. "All I now is that I woke up in a middle of that forest and almost immediately heard three fillies screaming for help."

"So that’s why you were there." said Twilight, nodding.

"Wait, she actually believes me? What in Light's name is wrong with this world?"

"I'm assuming you would like to find a way for you to return to Azeroth?"

"No, not really."

Again, she looked at him stunned.

"You don't want to return to you home? Why?!"

"Well, mostly because I'm pretty certain that it's impossible. And besides," he added in much sadder tone "I don't really have anything to return to."

Twilight looked at the weird stallion that was walking next to her. She didn't know what to make out of him. He was big and well muscled, probably even more than Big Macintosh, which along with his scars made him appear as some brute, but spoke with eloquence befitting a prince, aside of few moments when he was irritated at something.

And there were also his eyes. Now that Twilight took a good look at them, she could understand what Fluttershy meant.

"There wasn't any emotions behind them. Whenever he has smiled or frowned, it didn't reach his eyes. As if their were obscured by a mist."

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