• Published 8th Oct 2012
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Rebirth of the Damned - Borsuq

Months after his death, Arthas Menethil, long known as the Lich King, is given another chance. In a world populated by talking ponies, of all places.

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130. Love Blooms and Dragons Weep

The air whistled around Storm as he continued to beat his wings faster and faster. He had no idea how long it was since he left the Heart of the Forest behind and he tried to not think about it. The idea that, after all he had been through this day, he would not made it back to Rarity in time was unacceptable.

I will make it,” he promised - to whom, he didn’t know - as he soared through the night sky, beneath the moon.

The paladin was not alone in his struggle. The Holy Light was with him, giving him strength to push past his limits, long after he felt the effects of Provato’s blessing leave his body. Thankfully, he managed to cross a very long distance in that time.

Storm’s concentration lessened as he remembered the feeling; he soared through the air with such ease, speed, and grace… Ever since his stupid accident which scarred him, Storm had lost interest in developing his flying skills. And yet, with Provato’s blessing, it seemed to him as if he was a born flier.

Well, he is the son of the greatest pegasus who ever lived,” the paladin commented, still shocked at this revelation. “This must have affected his blessing.

He snapped out of his train of thoughts when he noticed that, with his concentration slipping, the Light’s strength grew weaker. Storm was beginning to slow down. He focused once again, renewing his connection to the Light and speeding up. The Light’s touch emanated through his body, enveloping him in a gentle glow and leaving a short tail of golden blur in his wake.

Just as an amusing thought crossed his mind about how would Princess Luna feel about him lightening the night sky, Storm saw something that made him smile.

The spire of Lightbringer’s Chapel, with an orange glow of Al’ar coming from the roof of the barracks near it.

He was almost out of the forest.

“Sir,” Sound Wave greeted him as he had finally reached the entrance to the Abbey.

Arthas nodded to him. He intended to avoid speaking too much, in fear of the guard picking up the smell of his mouth. Though before Arthas had left Twilight’s library he had made sure that his mouth was clean, during the trek back the awful taste reminded him of itself. The paladin wasn’t sure if it wasn’t just a trick played on him by his mind, but he was resolved to not risk an embarrassment of somepony wondering why the stench of vomit was coming from his mouth.

Unfortunately for him, Sound was in a mood for some gossip.

“How was the party?” he asked, immediately switching into more familiar tone. Not that Arthas minded; if he had, he would not have requested from Celestia to place the two royal guards he befriended during Shining Armor and Cadance’s wedding under his orders for a few months when she had brought up the need for security of the Abbey.

What he did mind, however, was standing there and talking while he desperately needed something to wash away the taste in his mouth.

“Nymph came back some time ago, but she wasn’t in a mood for talking,” Sound Wave continued. “She just wished me, Applejack and Fluttershy a good night and went straight to the barracks.”

Arthas sighed mentally. “Knowing Applejack, they’ve must have walked all the way here in awkward silence.

He hoped her attitude towards changelings - or at least this one - would change soon, otherwise poor Nymph will most likely find herself in a rather unhappy situation. Arthas had no doubt that Big Mac will be able to knock some sense into Applejack if things would go ugly, but he didn’t envy the changeling the stress she would go through.

“So, how was it?” the guard’s question brought him back to the present.

“Eventful,” he described it shortly - and surprisingly accurately - while making sure he stood downwind. “Has there been any sign of Storm Clash?” Arthas asked, changing the subject; the paladin preferred to not explain to Sound as to why he returned much later than Nymph.

Aside for that, Arthas also asked that question out of concern. He had faith in Storm, but his time was running out. Glossing over fact that if he wouldn’t show up soon, he could forget making it in time for Rarity’s birthday, Arthas would prefer to spare Storm the embarrassment of being rescued.

“No sir,” Sound replied, sounding a bit more formal. The unicorn then raised an eyebrow. “Should he be back? You haven’t told us where you sent him…”

While he spoke, Arthas’ ears picked up a sound emanating somewhere from within the night. He stopped the guard’s flow of words with a wave of his hoof as he perked up his ears. “I really should be more grateful for the advantages this body has over human’s,” he thought as he listened.

It wasn’t until Arthas saw it the next second that he identified it as a very fast beating of wings.

Both he and Sound Wave stared with wide eyes as the golden blur passed over them, heading straight for Ponyville. Arthas turned his head to keep his eyes on it, surprised by the speed with which it moved.

“Um…” he heard Sound stammer beside him. “Was that Storm?”

Arthas nickered. “The better question is: how many minutes are left before midnight?”

Rarity sighed as she leaned over the window in her bedroom, admiring the the moon and the stars. Another year had passed since she was born. Now she had to add one to her age. A furrow crossed the white unicorn’s head at the thought, even though she still had good eight years before she would stop adding.

Assuming I will need to at all,” she mused with amusement, relaxing. “Maybe I will be lucky and stay beautiful forever?

Her good humor was soured as the cold draft blew against her. Rarity quickly moved away from the window, though she left it open for a few more moments before she would close it. She hated when her bedroom become frowsty. During summer and warmer nights of fall and spring she normally left the window open the whole night. However, tonight, despite wearing a dressing-gown, Rarity felt chilly in her bedroom.

Although, to be fair, that’s mostly the fault of being fresh from a long, hot bath,” she amended as she trotted towards her bed.

As she was about to call it a night and go to bed, her mind went back to her birthday party. Rarity was truly satisfied with how it turned out; she had a pleasant time with her friends, got to know some of the guests better, received fabulous gifts from her friends, and now she could look forward to a delightful time in the spa tomorrow, when she would tutor a new friend in the field of dating. Only one thing spoiled this day for her: the absence of two ponies, Serenity and Storm Clash.

Out of the two, Rarity found herself missing more the presence of the pegasus stallion rather that the crystal pony mare. She pondered on why exactly was that; wouldn’t it make more sense for her to miss Serenity? Being both mares, they had more in common, and she was a crystal pony for Light’s sake. True, she knew Storm better than Serenity,talked with him more, even met his family and befriended his mother… and he was so charming, despite his crooked jaw…

Rarity sighed, sitting on the edge of her bed, as her mind went back to the day of Storm and others’ Initiation. How she talked about him with his mother when making a dress for her… how he hugged her unexpectedly when she was about to congratulate him and the others, how pleasantly surprised she was…

Did she like like Storm Clash? Rarity bit her lip as she pondered this question. In the past, when she was interested in some stallion, she had “nudged” him to ask her out, and during the date she would try to get to know him as best as she could. However, after every single time she found the stallion to fall short from her criteria, she quit dating. Unlike Rainbow Dash, who was happy with living without commitment, Rarity wanted exactly that: a commitment, to share her life with another pony and nopony other than him. She wanted to be nopony’s but his, and preferably with mutuality. Though she had long since given up on the idea of capturing the heart of royalty, she still wanted to be like a princess to her stallion.

Rarity chuckled, remembering some of her favorite fairy tales, which were probably responsible for that last thought. In every one of them, a princess was saved from a terrible fate by a brave pony, sometime prince, sometime knight, and sometime a mere servant or peasant, but every one of those heroes had one thing in common; love for the princess.

Tales like those, read by her mother when she was a little filly, was what caused Rarity’s determination to find the one and nopony else. Was Storm the one? She knew he liked her, that was obvious, despite her not making the best first impression when they first met. Rarity cringed at the memory of how she reacted when her eyes laid on Storm’s crooked jaw. Over time, she came to treat that disfigurement as a part of the pegasus paladin’s unique charm, giving him quite an appeal… Storm Clash was also kind and patient, attributes he must have developed while looking after his younger brother. He was quick to forgive her reaction back at the station, was fun to talk with, he was polite… and he was a paladin knight

By all accounts, it seemed that Storm filled most of the criteria Rarity looked for in a stallion. So maybe… But what did he think of her? He liked her… but did he like like her? If so, how come he haven’t tried asking her out yet?

Rarity sighed, turning off the light in her room. “This would have been much easier to think about if I could have talked to him today… ugh, why did Arthas have to send him away today?

Shaking her head, the unicorn decided to look for Storm the next day - assuming he wouldn’t seek her out first, seeing how he missed her birthday - and try to steer their conversation to let her know if there is a chance for something more than friendship between them. Making that mental note, Rarity reached over to the nightstand, where her sleep mask was…

Her hoof stopped in mid-air as she hear a weird noise coming from the outside. Intrigued and displeased that somepony might be causing such a ruckus at this hour, she was about to trot over to the window to see what it was, when in the next heartbeat she realized what this noise reminded her of.

Rainbow Dash made similar cries whenever she lost control over her flight and was about to crash into something.

Within a second, her suspicion proved true. Even without any source of light, Rarity still could see and hear a pony-sized object fly through her window, and crash against the wall of her room.

Storm Clash groaned as he recovered. “And ponies don’t believe me when I tell them ‘I hit a wall’...

The moment he spotted Carousel Boutique the pegasus tried to slow down his flight. The key word being “tried”. It was sort of funny, actually. In high school, Storm nearly failed physics one year.

Tonight, physics failed him.

He hadn’t realized just how fast he was flying, not even when he passed the Abbey astonishingly swiftly. Nor when he flew over half of Ponyville, until Rarity’s boutique came into his sight. Only then had Storm stopped drawing strength from the Holy Light and attempted to slow down. However, being only an average flier, he had no idea how hard it would be to halt. His attempt at beating wings forward caused him to lose control over his flight, and, after uttering a short cried, he shot straight through one of the windows at the upper floor of the boutique. The window was, thank the Light, open, so instead of crashing through glass Storm’s side had collided with the wall inside.

He shook his head as he rose, clenching his teeth from the mild pain. Storm opened his eyes to examine where he was hurt to heal himself, but the room he was in was dark.

The next second, however, everything around him was illuminated by a soft light.

“Storm?!” blunted from behind him a very familiar voice.

“Rarity!” Storm quickly exclaimed. Turning around and hoping he made it in time, he started: “I-”

Words stuck in his throat when he stared, wide-eyed, at the scene around them.

Rarity stood in front of him.

He was in Rarity’s bedroom, and the mare stood in front of him.

He flew through the window into Rarity’s bedroom, and she now stood before him.

He flew through the window into Rarity’s bedroom, and now she stood before him in a dressing-gown.

As Storm’s mind tried to comprehend that and come up with a wise-sounding response while he stood there with his mouth open, his body took it upon itself to address the sight before him.


Much to Storm’s horror, his wings stood straight up, awakened by the sight of Rarity in a dressing-gown while standing in her bedroom. Seeing her like that, in this environment, awakened the most primal thoughts in his brain. And that was a split second before his nose picked up the scent of bath oils clinging to her coat.

Mercifully, the shame of his wingboner lasted less than a heartbeat. Storm didn’t even get the time to get properly embarrassed, nor did Rarity to notice his reaction (at least, he hoped). That was because the instant when his wings unfolded, he localized the source of his pain.

“Augh!” he moaned as he curled the hurting wing, sitting down.

“Oh my goodness, are you hurt?” Rarity quickly exclaimed, hurrying towards him. Storm glanced at her in time to see her use her magic to switch the lights in the room on and cancel her illumination spell. “Wait here, let me get a first-aid kit-”

Storm, though still confused, managed to recover enough to stop her before she ran past the door. “Rarity, it’s okay,” he said, lifting a hoof. When the white unicorn stopped, he exhaled air in order to calm himself a bit and opened himself to the Light. Due to his nervousness and embarrassment, it took him longer than usually, but soon the Light’s soothing touch raced across his body, healing all the scratches and the strained wing. Once he was healed, he turned to Rarity, smiling shyly and stretching the wing. “I’m a paladin, remember?”

Relief washed over the unicorn’s face, and Storm noticed a bit of crimson appear on her cheek. “Right, how could I forget?” she smiled, giggling. “Although, to be fair, that was the first time I saw you working with the Holy Light.” Rarity looked at him with admiringly very briefly, before her eyes narrowed. “Now that you’re alright, would you care to explain, darling, what exactly are you doing in my bedroom?”

The paladin’s mind went blank hearing the simple question. “Um…” he stammered, wondering how to reply.

“Or, for that matter, why did you think it was necessary to arrive in such manner?” Rarity inquired. “Dashing through my window, armed, and wearing a tacky and burned armor?”


“Now that I think about it,” she cut him off, “I’ve been told that you couldn’t attend my birthday party because you were sent away on your Order’s business. I somehow doubt that now to be true, given your attire.”

Storm closed his mouth and tilted his head. “Order’s business?” he wondered, confused. Then it hit him. “Sir Lightbringer must have told her that! He didn’t want her to worry...

In his mind, he apologized to his mentor. The only way to explain all of that to Rarity would require telling her that her friend lied to her.

“You see…” Storm started, and took a deep breath. Afterwards, words just came out of him: “I crashed because I was flying really fast thanks to the constant prayer to the Light to give me strength and for about a half-way back I was even faster because of the blessing of a timberwolf demigod, the one that attacked Applejack and was healed by Sir Lightbringer, his name’s Provato, I helped him defeat a crazy centaur called Tirek but the blast knocked me out for a few hours which is why I was so late, not to mention that I spend most of the day in that damned forest running away from monsters which I now think might have all been corrupted demigods, and that all happened after I fell underground and met Daring Do and Sir Lightbringer knocked down the Ursa Major-”

As he talked, Rarity’s expression changed from curious to confused to very confused, and in the she raised a hoof and pressed it against his lips, silencing him. “Dear, I’m afraid I didn’t understand any of this,” she told him, smiling, probably amused by his stammer. Storm felt as if he could melt against her hoof watching that smile. “How about you take another breath and start again more calmly?”

The paladin nodded, and she released his lips. However, he did not listen to her; for all he know, there was no time left for that. “What time is it?” he asked, praying that it was still her birthday.

Rarity raised and eyebrow before she turned around to look at the clock on the wall. “It’s… eleven fifty nine.”

Hearing that, Storm’s mouth curved into a smile. “I made it!

Without a moment of hesitation, he reached to his saddlebags, picking up the gift he went through so much trouble to get. Storm turned back to Rarity, who was looking at him with curiosity, and offered her the Eon Petals. “Happy birthday, Rarity.”

The white unicorn gasped upon seeing the flower. Her eyes became wide as plates and her mouth hung open. “Wha… what is this?” she stammered as she regarded the white-glowing and emerald-fuming flower.

“It’s Eon Petals. Do you like it?” Storm asked, slightly nervous.

“Like it?!” Rarity exclaimed, shocked. Her eyes gleamed. “I love it! It’s so beautiful… I’ve never even heard of such a beautiful flower, let alone seen one!” she said, picking up the Eon Petals with her magic.

Storm’s heart lifted in joy as he watched her smelling the flower. “That’s not surprising,” he told her, smiling. “It only grows in the Heart of the Everfree Forest, so-”

“Pardon?” Rarity cut him off, taking the eyes off the Eon Petals. “Did you say ‘the Heart of the Everfree Forest?”

“Um… yes?” Storm replied, not sure if he was suddenly in trouble or not.

“So you’re saying” the white unicorn said slowly, her eyes going back to the flower, “that in order to give this to me on my birthday you braved the most dangerous place in Equestria, and traveled all the way into the deepest part of it?”

“Well… I wanted to give you something…” he stammered, looking for right words to convey what he felt, “special, something beautiful… b-because, um…”

He could feel himself becoming redder and redder. Storm paused to take a deep breath. “Just say it!” he told himself. The paladin tried to force the words out of his mouth, but embarrassment and fear blocked them. He feared hearing how she would respond; his mind went back to how in school ponies were looking at his jaw…

While he battled his inner demons, he noticed that Rarity was smiling. She sniffed the flower once again, with her eyes closed. When she opened them, she looked straight at him.

“Storm?” she asked, and just like that, her voice erased all those negative thoughts from his head. “What are you doing tomorrow night?”

“Um…” he stammered, confused. “Nothing?”

“Would you look at that,” Rarity whispered, her gaze never leaving his eyes. “I also have nothing in my plans after the Ponytones’ performance…”

Storm continued to look into her eyes, wondering why she was telling him that… and then his eyes widened as he realized that he was an idiot. “W-would you like to-”

“I would love to,” Rarity interrupted him, her cheeks becoming a bid red.

He could scarcely believe what he just hear. Rarity, the most beautiful mare he ever met, had just agreed to go on a date with him!

Light, if I am dreaming, don’t wake me!

“G-great!” he managed to say somehow. “So it’s a date!”

Rarity giggled. “Indeed it is.”

The two ponies were so lost in their happiness, that neither of them had realized that there was somepony watching them through the crack in the door.

Or rather, somedragon.

Spike, awoken by the sound of something crashing in Rarity’s bedroom, hurried to see if she was alright. He sighed with relief when he was near her doors and heard her talking with one of Arthas’ paladins, meaning that she was okay. However, as soon he calmed down, Spike became suspicious just what he could be doing in Rarity’s bedroom so late at night. Curious, concerned and full of worries, the little dragon took a peek through the crack in the door.

What he saw inside was like a nightmare.

At first, he thought that it was it. A nightmare, nothing more. He was still asleep. But no, it wasn’t because when he pinched himself he hadn’t woken up. What was happening in the room was real, and in that moment as Spike watched it, he felt as if his heart was stabbed.

Rarity was just asked out on a date by some stallion… and she agreed to.

But it wasn’t just that. If all Spike saw was Rarity agreeing, he wouldn’t feel so heartbroken. No, what made this so painful to watch was the way Rarity was looking at Storm. She wasn’t staring at him like at Prince Blueblood, her former crush. The white unicorn was gazing into the pegasus’ eyes with the intensity Spike had never seen in her. Nor he ever saw her blush when talking with a stallion. It could mean only one thing.

She really, really liked him.

He couldn’t believe this. Out of everypony… him!? A pony with a crooked jaw?! Why, because he brought her a glowing flower?! Spike gave her a fire ruby, and what did he get for that? A mere peck on the cheek! This was not fair, this was… this was…

With tears streaming from his eyes, Spike ran back to the room in which he slept, certain that nowhere in the whole world there was a dragon whose night was worse than his.

“Garble, when are we going back?”

Garble, the teenage red dragon, glared at his two companions with fury. “I told you two, we are not going back home until I figure out how to get back on that sorry excuse for a dragon and that pony!”

The other two dragons cringed and didn’t dare to continued this argument. They returned their gazes into the campfire.

Garble snarled, exhaling flames from his nose drills, and turned around, resuming his pacing. It’s been months since that memorable confrontation in that village. Months since they came to get back on that runt of a dragon Spike and on his pony friends, only to get beaten by that-

His heart jumped into his throat when he recalled that pony. When he gazed into his eyes, Garble was certain that he was going to kill him. There was so much fury in them…

Angered, he shook his head. “No!” he repeated for about a thousandth time. “This is just a pony! I am a dragon, I will not let some grass-chewer humiliate me like that!

This was why they hadn’t returned yet to the dragon’s nursery grounds. He could face any dragon until he would make that pony pay. They stayed just by those namby-pamby ponies’ country’s border, plotting.

The only problem was, even after they would devise a plan, none of them could muster enough courage to actually go through with it. None of them dared to travel back to that village and face that white pony.

Garble scratched his claws against the entrance to the cave in where they’ve slept. He looked with satisfaction at the deep marks they left on the stone, imagining them on that pony’s throat.

How did it come to this? That we would be hiding, not daring to go fight one pony?” he wondered, his rage returning.

This couldn’t go on. Every day he woke up, he thrashed around in impotent fury. He no longer cared even if that pony would follow up with his threats.

One of his companions spoke up again: “Garble-”

Whether he was about to try suggesting yet again that they should head back home, or just ask if he could go looking for games or something, Garble wouldn’t know. Because at that moment he said the word he had been holding back for five months.


It was almost as if everything around him fell silent. Not only just the other two dragons, but wind and crickets as well. Garble turned back to them, glaring at them and daring to oppose him.

“We are going back there tomorrow, and we will teach that pony what it means to threaten a dragon.”

His friends exchanged glances. “B-but-” one of them tried.

“NO BUTS!” Garble roared, silencing him. “We are dragons, the strongest creatures there ever were! We-”

Something dared to interrupt him. A noise.

A snicker.

Garble turned towards the source of the sound, which, to his surprise, weren’t his friends. Whoever just uttered that snicker was, it was standing outside the circle of light.

“I’m sorry,” a voice - probably male, judging by it’s depth - spoke from the direction he was looking, “but I think I’ve never heard more ridiculous statement. ‘The strongest creatures there ever were’...”

The red dragon’s eyes narrowed as the stranger began to laugh. “You've picked the wrong night and wrong dragons to mock, jokester.” he growled.

“Oh, I would beg to differ,” the stranger replied casually, still hidden in the shadows. “At least in the latter. Because you see, I think I picked the right dragons. Ones that nobody will miss. You are, after all, such colossal failures-”

Garble heard enough. He took a deep breath and unleashed the torrent of flames upon this idiot. Once he was done, he nodded with satisfaction, certain that the stranger had been burned to crisps. Garble turned to his friends, grinning...


His eyes wide, Garble turned back at the sound of hoofsteps. The stranger was not only not-burned, he was also standing now within the light’s reach. It was - much to Garble irritation - a pony, but unlike that one, this one’s coat was ebony. A horn was sprouting from his head, and in the flickering light of the campfire, his eyes seemed to gleam orange.

“I’m sorry, was that supposed to be a dragon’s fire?” the pony asked.

Grinding his teeth, Garble nodded at his companions, who were equally shocked as he. They quickly shook it off and rose from the campfire, moving to surround the pony.

The black pony sighed. “I tried to be a courteous guest, but it seems now’s the time to throw all pretense aside.” He grinned as he looked around at the three dragons. “Oh, but I do hope this little group of yours can amuse me for a few moments!”

With a furious roar, Garble and his friends jumped at him.

Author's Note:

Well, this mini-arc is finally over, it only took me like forever...

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