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This story is a sequel to The Witching Hour - Chaos is Change

Captain Midnight Storm of the Bearer Guard, tasked with protecting the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony, has her hooves full. Between dealing with new recruits, rogue ponies, and the whims of alicorns and her charges, it's enough to make anyone want to get away.

So what will she do when the things she's been looking for come looking for her?

Join Midnight, Sapphire, Squeaks, Windrunner, Honeycomb, and the rest as they make new discoveries, deal with old foes, and embark on a journey that will change everything for not only them, but all of Equestria in part 3 of The Witching Hour!

Cover art by Niban-Destikim

Chapters (14)

Guardian. Warlock. Sunsinger. What happens when Guardian Sunset Shimmer returns home with a fellow Sunsinger by her side? Two Warlocks of Light in a world of Magic, with none of the problems that plagued the Earth, but rather its own.

Chapters (3)

Joe is your average bartender, but he likes to do all sorts of new ways to mix drinks and serve smiles to the customers. He is also a kind hearted man who likes to help people with their problems. But, one day when he finds a crying women, with hair as dark as the night sky sitting alone at the bar, he tries to make her smile and asks why she is sad. The women said that she is very far from home and doesn't know how she got here and has no where to go. So Joe decided to take care of the women. Both Joe and the women's life will take a beautiful turn for the best.

Rated teen for language and some violence.

Inspired from the story The princess and I.

Chapters (4)

A starving colt is found hiding in Applejacks barn, he refuses to speak too much about where he comes from, claiming that he would be branded crazy and locked away.

Applejack doesn't know if that would happen,

But he does seem to know more about her and her friends than he should

Okay first fiction on this site, more of a way to develop my skills before I launch into some big ideas I have so constructive criticism is appreciated as my descriptions probably suck right now

This is inspired by Oh to be Old Again by Minalkra (which you should totally check out as well)


EDIT: Now with cover art by the ever talented mix-up! It is just awesome! Check out his pages here and on Deviantart!

Chapters (36)

Come read about the comedic misadventures of two colts and their insane, hyper curious, fun loving, danger seeking friend. Join Spirit Shift, Bionic Force, and Blazing Notes on their adventures throughout Equestria to document, research, and most likely fight, new and completely undiscovered creatures.

Facehoof as they struggle to survive when Spirit blows all their money on custom action figures. Laugh as Notes somehow manages to strike out on literally every mare on Equestria. Cower behind a lead wall when Bionic Force attempts to mix Dark Magic and Napalm. And sit on the edge of your seat when they take up jobs as Monster Hunters on a whim, tasked with taking down a rampaging octopus beast.

Main Character descriptions
Cover Art Drawn by YoursTruly
Collab with Bionic Force
Pre/Beta/Proof Read by: Lunaisthebest and Lightning Sword

Chapters (9)

A human wakes up to find that not only has he been altered in species and gender, but that he has also landed halfway across the world from Equestria, in an unfamiliar land.

This is not that story. Not yet, anyway.

A decade in passing and Kaz has gained a reputation as a member of a well-known group of explorers traveling the world. Not once have they set foot on Equestrian soil, and she was content to keep it that way, for her appearance would bring about unwanted attention from a few certain ponies and one certain baby dragon. So what happens when the rest of the group hears of unbelievable tales of Equestria, and decide that it's time they paid a visit?

An impending disaster, that's what.

Chapters (3)

So... I met Discord. Cool guy, if I do say so myself. We were actually having a nice chat, but something made his powers go haywire and drag him back to Equestria, with me along for the ride. Oh yeah, I also became my OC Lightning Blaze, a vampony filly with the power to control Fire, Lightning and Darkness. So now I have to cope with conflicting memories, powers that I know next to nothing on how to control and how strong they are, cybernetic limbs, ponies treating me like a kid (which I guess I am now), and overall, trying to not get put into an orphanage because I am an orphan now. Fan-flaming-tastic.

Oh, and apparently, Diamond Tiara has a crush on me. Help.

For those of you who followed the pre-rewrite, this is a completely new plot with only a few details from the old one. Hope it's better than that cringey thing.

Cover art doesn't show it, but Blaze's front hooves are actually cybernetic enhancements due to reasons that will be explained on the story.

Chapters (6)

The daily lives of the royal princesses, often times is pretty simple. Wake up, raise or lower their celestial bodies, hold court, meetings, sleep, and repeat. Oh, and dealing with their infuriating nephew! Overall, things aren't all that easy for them but it's manageable and mundane.

But when an innocent wish came true, both sisters are now facing a new Blueblood. One that can be considered better, yet for some reason, this version seems to have forgotten how magic works and keeps looking at the world like a newborn baby.

So what happens now? Did their wish actually come true? Is it some sort of act? Has he been replaced by a changeling? And what does this new Blueblood mean for Equestria?

Only one thing is for sure, shenanigans will appear and a lot of ponies are about to spit their coffee. Look out Equestria! There is a new Blueblood on the loose, and this one might actually be worthy of the title 'Prince'.

The 'Romance' tag is for events that happen later on the chapters

Commission by: https://www.deviantart.com/estefanoida/art/Masked-Man-Rotation-781069129

SirReal ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/238433/SirReal )
Sipioc ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/222170/Sipioc )
AvidSeason ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/185717/AvidSeason )
RadBunny ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/70640/RadBunny )
Brony_Falcon ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/156110/Brony_Falcon )
YellowBastion ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/61468/yellowbastion )
Brave Stomp ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/55493/Brave+Stomp )
Arstotzka-Pon ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/302802/Arstotzka-Pon )
FlashBoltMayhem ( https://www.fimfiction.net/user/118466/FlashBoltMayhem]FlashBoltMayhem)
Nocturnas (https://www.fimfiction.net/user/292418/Nocturnas)
Kit The Kite (https://www.fimfiction.net/user/29208/Kit+the+Kite)
Thank you so much for giving me a hand!
Initials in the chapter titles denotes who to thank/blame for the majority of the edits in that chapter.

Now with a Russian version!
Link: https://ficbook.net/readfic/8253964
By: Mariness

I made this out of curiosity and intrigue, so there is no need to take too seriously. This takes place during season 8 before Spike got his wings.

Rated ‘Teen’ for language, mild violence, and graphic depiction of cuddling. Ratings could change at any moment depending on how the story progresses.

Chapters (135)

A few weeks have passed after Nightmare Moon's defeat and Princess Luna's freedom and she has returned to Equestria to rule once more by her sister Celestia's side. However, a mysterious young griffon is discovered, and the questions about this young unknown griffon grow as Celestia and many others try to find out how and where he came from.

No solid answers come and communicating with the young griffon is going to be more of a challenge then they could believe.

(The one rule is revealed in Chapter Six. If you wish to be spoiled, reveal the spoiler, but if not, read to Chapter Six. Also, if there is a better way of wording this, please let me know.)

The one rule is: Letting someone hold the Griffon's (Young one's) plush and returning it to him is for him to have absolute trust in someone without the need for words.

Chapter 1: Proofread by Truthseeker
Chapter 2 to 4: Proofread by Katarina Mau
Chapter 5.5: Checked over by Mr_Mopey
Chapter 65.5, 75.5: proofread by Akira Dragonborne
Chapter 99.25 to 100.75: Collaboration with Goldfur
Chapter 99.25 to 100.75: Proofread by Goldfur

Featured: 179 times

Chapters (200)

Made the Popular Stories section: 10-7-2015

It was all just a simple joke really: You star gaze and if you happen to see a shooting star then you make a wish no matter how crazy it is. I did just that by wishing to be a pony for a laugh knowing it wasn't going to come true and come to find out I woke up as a pony ... a Bat Pony Guard thanks to Luna.

Am I happy? Of course because it's mostly every bronies dream to be a pony so I'm not overly shocked even if I'm sorta surprised that it even happened in the first place.

Now I have to deal with family and the outside world since I was planning on doing pony shopping! ... Yeah, this will be a very interesting day for sure to see the types of reactions I will get... at least my coltfriend doesn't mind having his lover as a pony for the time being.

Luna!! You clever clever pony!

Cover photo cropped from this - https://derpibooru.org/2103554


Warning: This story has moments between Male/Male and Stallion/Male ... nothing to the extreme, but if M/M is not your thing at all then it's best that you don't read this story.

Okay, so this is a different and hopefully better version of my first story - Thunderclap and Thunderlane Go Shopping

Now if any of you actually read that half disaster of a story then you might be wondering: "Why is he even trying to redo it?"

The answer is simple: I know that story is bad. Hell, I'd probably cringe trying to read it... at least the sequel to it was much better in my view.

Also, I'm trying to see if I can do a much better job with this story compared to the first one since I'm changing so much stuff and not making it easy on myself.

So if you decide to read this anyway then I hope you can actually enjoy it.

One last thing: By doing this story, I actually have ideas for two sequels!

And one more last thing! This story is unedited, but I tried to fix what I can!

Chapters (8)