• Member Since 7th Mar, 2014

The Zebra Hybrid

Be who you are and strive who you want to be

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  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Anon made a major impact on the lives of every friend he made in his time in Equestria, but he had to return home sometime. However, his friends weren't ready for him to leave just yet. Writing letters is supposed to be therapeutic...

Chapters (4)

You are Anon, and you have been sent to a magical land of ponies and mythical creatures. At first, you thought you had everything you wanted. That was, until you realized you were missing something very dear. Something that consumed your thoughts until you couldn't take it anymore.

(someone made this image for me and I thank them for doing that for me)

Chapters (5)

Ever since you have arrived in Equestria, you have been an outcast. Not because of your personality or looks... well it's mostly because of your looks. Ponies here tend to be a lot more Xenophobic than you first thought. But now, you have had it.

And yes, there will be a bit of OOC in this story.

Chapters (1)

The Unity Day party at Sweet Apple Acres goes awry after surprising accusations are leveled at Applejack, on account of some difficult-to-discern lyrics.

Find Iron Wolf's dramatic reading of this story, in a super cool Polish accent that kicks the whole thing up to 11, here.

Chapters (1)

After attempting suicide, Jason Wright finds himself far more alive than he'd hoped. His ordeal in Equestria it seems, isn't over just yet. And he learns that friendship can come after all, but from the most unlikely place. With Ponyville itself in the firing line of the persecuted survivor, the stage is set for a titanic clash of power, and it may take more than magic to stop him.

After the End, who will be left standing?

This charming little tale is an alternate sequel to Ending by the remarkably cheerful Mister Blonde.
I now recommend reading that first. T'is very short, and an engaging read. If you have, it means you've might've read the "canon" sequel - Never Really the End. Will this be as uplifting as that? Eeeenope!

Chapters 1 through 4 pre-read by Confusion_
After Hours Pts. 1 and 2 pre-read by Mimic Kairatta, Feo Takahari and Mister Blonde himself!
By the grace granted by the magic of mysterious data coding, this story was Featured on a warm September evening.

Chapters (7)

I am here. Right behind you when you're not looking. In your dreams when you can't help it. In your thoughts when you finally notice. Always watching. Always stalking. Bringing fear to your heart. Making it spread through your existence. Until fear is all you are. Then you're ready. Then you're mine.

A story about a brony somehow ending up in Equestria... In the Everfree Forest... As Slender Pony.

Rated Teen for Gore.

This story has been featured at 14:24, Oct 29! (Moscow time) [PROOF]
Feature again today. 11:48, Oct 30! (Moscow time)

Chapters (4)

I accidentally revoked submission so I submitted the story again. please don't read if you already have and I'm apologizing in advance

No one had ever seen Anon without his clothes on. Not even the princesses. So they task Twilight to unravel the mystery. How will she fare? There's only one way to find out...

This story is a response for a blog post you can find here. This is pretty rushed so don't expect too much.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Hears The Narrator

After her odd encounter with the mysterious entity, Twilight has grown rather accustomed to living with the voice of a narrator following her life. Although she still doesn't understand his presence, she has begun to accept him as a friend. But the confusion only grows, as the Narrator finds himself following the stories of other ponies. And Twilight will soon learn that she is not the only one who can hear the voice of the handsome, talented, witty, charming, manly gentlecolt yours truly!

Chapters (11)

Your name is Lightning Strike, a pegasus tranfer to Cloudsdale's one and only "Cloudsdale's Academy for the gifted and talented".The only otherpony you know is your all time best friend, Thunder hoof, a dependable friend and caring pony ...

You aim to make the school wingball team with Thunder hoof and get an athlethic scholarship but school never seems to be that simple.

Along with everything else, you also get to experience the many ups and downs of high school.

How will you cope going to a new school, away from home and friends?


Please comment on what you like and what could be improved!
Taken inspiration from many fics on the website. No plagiarism intended.

Chapters (16)

Nightmare Moon returns and is hit once again with the Elements of Harmony rendering her a mischievous little filly.
Much to Nightmare Moon’s annoyance, Anon thinks she's cute as all hell and is the only one willing to put up with her antics and evil, so Celestia tasks him with reforming the bundle of misery and mischief.

Cover Image is by EvetsSteve, may he rest in peace.
Chapters 1-21 were converted into prose from my greentext stories with the help of Nav/WhatMustIDo

Chapters (103)