• Member Since 7th Feb, 2022


Man, I wish Bios where longer, guess that means I have to shorten it. But I'm lazy about it so I'll do it later.(probably never) If I see an opportunity to meme I'm going to meme.

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Having survived the shutdown command at the end of the Clone Wars, The Super Tactical Droid Kraken retreats from a losing battle against the Galactic Empire into unknown space, and finds himself and the remains of his fleet at a mysterious pony world?

Chapters (43)

Desperate and out of options to stop the crisis of their declining population, Equestria created a portal to the human world to convert the population to supplement their own; only that this was not the world they had planned.

Thera, a world that barely survived the Great War that lasted a hundred years and numerous Xeno incursions, now find themselves connected to a magical fantasy world of mythical creatures via a dimensional portal. A surprise to be sure and pleasant one at that, considering the numerous others that appeared to their world with ill intent. Little did they know how wrong they were before they discovered the truth.

As tensions rose, armies mobilise and civil unrest escalate; war is now inevitable.

Inspired from a conversation with Rated Ponystar and set from my fictional world of Thera based off of the Paradox game Stellaris, TCB: Thera dives into various perspectives within the conflict through exchanges of letters, correspondents from both sides, recorded meetings and propaganda.

See the conflict progress through the eyes of an observer as Equestria challenges the world who declared to the galaxy that all who threaten them will know that they came to the wrong neighborhood and knocked on the wrong door.

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to The Cat in Canterlot Castle

While out and about visiting Ponyville on Nightmare Night, Luna takes a moment to visit the Castle of Two Sisters to reflect on what has happened since her return. Though, as she looks back on old memories, the alicorn happens to find a rather peculiar creature inside the castle.

However, all they want to do is just be left alone and sulk in peace since they're bored out of their mind. Though, the mentioning of a particular festival and the celebration of Nightmares... might happen to peak her interest.

The fourth entry in the 'Cat Chronicles'. Only this time, the story is about someone other than Yuumi. Wanted to try and do something different while also tailoring it to the theme of Nightmare Night, so here we are!

Credits to everything shown.
MLP belongs to Hasbro
League of Legends belongs to Riot Games
Cover art by Lcfz on Twitter

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Cat in the Crystal Empire

The day after Princess Celestia and Princess Luna returned to Canterlot from their extended vacation, both of the Royal Sisters are in need of rest before they can make any further preparations for their retirement. There's a lot of things that they need to do after all.

Unfortunately, what they were not expecting was for an unexpected visitor to arrive in the throne room. One particular magical cat that Celestia happened to hear about before from Princess Twilight. It's fine though... surely there isn't anything that they can't handle.

... Hold on... what do you mean that she brought a few friends with her?

Well, here we go again. A third story involving the shenanigans of Yuumi, the Magical Cat from League of Legends. Only this time, she's not quite alone.

I kind of thought of this up randomly on the fly, so expect for some things to... get weird.

This takes place after Season 9's 'Between Dark and Dawn', but also references the comics too. Particularly, Issue 65 of the Friendship is Magic comics. Of course, like with its predecessor, there may be a couple of things that differentiate itself from the show. Because a talking cat is one thing... though, once you throw in a few other champions, it kind of goes off the rails.

Credits to everything shown
League of Legends belongs to Riot Games
Cover art belongs to Blaedic on Artstation

Big thanks again to Viper Pit for helping me with ideas and sorting out all the jumbled thoughts that emerge in my brain when I'm thinking of ideas.

In Popular stories and Featured 01/27/2020-01/28/2020. You guys are awesome :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Cat in the Counselor's Office

After being resurrected by Grogar; The Father of Monsters, King Sombra went to work on his plan to take over Equestria. Starting with the Crystal Empire, he made sure that everything was going according to plan and take everything into account. Nothing was going to stop him this time. Not even the talking cat that's on a floating book and playing with Cadance's daughter...

... Hold on, what?

Well, here we are. You guys wanted to see more Yuumi, so I'm trying to deliver on that. Plus, with the tenth anniversary of League of Legends in full swing, I think it was the perfect kind of motivation for me to see this through.

This story takes place during season 9's 'The Beginning of the End' and serves as an alternate outcome to what happened in the show. I am trying my best in order to set itself apart because... well, when you throw a magical talking cat into the mix with anything, crazy things happen.

Credits to everything shown
Cover art was an image I found on Google, but don't quite know the artist that did it. Still, credits go to them anyways
Big thanks to Viper Pit for helping me look over what I was writing and providing ideas.
Hit the Popular stories tab on 11/02/2019. Nicely done

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Just a Little Batty

For five long years, Nightingale Mooncrest has suffered from a terminal infection of Diamond-studded cooties; she is perfectly alright with this.

A Batty-verse Story Reading the first story first is highly recommended to avoid any confusion.

Cover Art Source
Artist is Kam3E433

Dreams of Ponies
Level Dasher

Chapters (28)

This story is a sequel to She Drives Me Batty

A family of one is as good as a family of none. Each voice it holds adds yet more richness and echoes to the depths of the cave, and it's often best to take a step back and listen to the song a family makes as a whole.

This is an anthology of one shots running parallel with She Drives Me Batty. Each and every one of them are going to be from PoVs outside of Night's to better look into the lives of her family in ways I can't or don't want to explore in the main story. Each one shot will be marked with it's narrator and any additional tags.

A Batty-verse Story Reading Just a Little Batty and She Drives Me Batty first is highly recommended to avoid any confusion.

Cover Art Artist is KatChan

Prereaders and Editors:
Dreams of Ponies
Level Dasher

Chapters (6)

The first day of school always sucks. It's particularly sucky when you're normally nocturnal.

Now an expanding anthology of one-shots due to popular demand for MOAR!

Featured on Fimfic: 10/1/2017
Featured on Equestria Daily
Now with several chapters in audio: link!
Now with commisioned music: link!

Cover Art Source

Dreams of Ponies
Level Dasher

Submission for the Bat Ponies and Thestrals 2017 Competition

Chapters (23)

After Starlight comes back from her trip to Saddle Arabia with Trixie, all she wanted to do was relax. Come back to her office, get some hot cocoa to drink, rest her body and relax with the talking cat that was in her office somehow.

Wait, what was that last part?

A little short crossover story I decided to do based on the newest champion to League of Legends, Yuumi. I just think that it would be funny to have her interact with some of the characters in MLP, Prominently, the Young Six. This was the result of that.

Credits to Everything shown.
Cover Art belongs to Imako_chan on Twitter.
Also, big thanks to MrAquino for helping me with writing some of the Young Six. This was my first try with them, and thanks to him, I think I can be able to try more later on.
Takes place after the events of Season 8’s ‘Road to Friendship’

Hit Popular stories list on the first day? You guys are amazing!

Chapters (2)

John is a RAF pilot, he and a Luftwaffe Pilot, Wolf, crash-land in Ponyville, Equestria nearby a cottage after a intense dogfight over the Cliffs of Dover, they have to put their differences aside in order to return to their world with the help of the Mane 6, but will they overcome their war fueled hate for each other, and stop the war from spilling out onto Equestrian soil?

Chapters (9)