• Member Since 7th Feb, 2022


Man, I wish Bios where longer, guess that means I have to shorten it. But I'm lazy about it so I'll do it later.(probably never) If I see an opportunity to meme I'm going to meme.

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Estimated Reading: 13 weeks



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In the midst of Order 66, Jedi Knight Kaleb Taymar is transported to Equestria. Starting a new life, he finds friendship and solace with the Main 6. However, the Force has awakened in Equestria, and their lives will never be the same.

PLEASE LOOK BEFORE READING: The tag for suicide only applies to chapter 9. There is no attempt shown on the page but suicidal thoughts are referenced a few times.

Chapter 2 and onward edited by Mine Menace

Chapters (20)

"My Name, like many others, is no longer important. Because who I was, and who I am is like looking at water, and fire. So, I abandoned that name, and took another, Vegeta... So tell me, have you a name?"

The pain of lost friends is staggering, the guilt of a lost family is crippling, the devastation of a lost rival? Crushing. Hilarious, but cruel is the story that lays before you, edginess and epicness in equal measure. Begining at comicon and ending in the blood of his enemies (and possibly the Lamentations of their women), of course if he can figure out who he's sposed to fight. Though udoubtibly these words scribbled on the discription of a story stuffed into the darkest corner of a website, that is In turn, stuck in the darkest corner of the Internet, has left you with many questions, before you continue, I have a question for you...
Are you ready for the super saiyan swagger?

This is a LoHAV/H and HIE story.

Have thoughts, suggestions, criticisms? Feel free to post your thoughts!

If you favorite this story please like it as well.


The Black Knight - Zaralann
The Mighty Warrior of Epicness - Shinigamisparda
The Gravity of the Situation - DJSkywalker


Consistent language and Mild gore,

The following is a fan-based fiction, Dragon ball, Dragon ball Z, Dragon ball GT, My Little Pony,
Are owned by, Toei Animation, Fuji TVm Akira Toriyama and hasbro respectively.

The OCs are mine though

Wait, this is in a game crossovers bookshelf? How did that happen?

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to The Wayfaring Strangers

Two friends have been summoned to Equestria, to assist in their other friends objectives in preventing a war. They don't have any powers, so they must rely on their friends.

Chapters (2)

"Ponies with magical powers? And I thought the Jedi were weird..." - OOM-5264

Shortly after General Kalani and his sentient droid soldiers managed a desperate escape from Agamar and fled the system, the super tactical droid soon made the decision to try and re-build the separatist alliance, this time not influenced and dominated by the sith or the corrupt business leaders, instead serving it's true purpose, a bastion of freedom and liberty, free of corruption and suffering. Kalani, now dead-set on his goal, set course for the planet Bracca, having located a scrapyard filled with confederate vessels, and after arriving, activating a large dormant army of droids and the Providence Class Dreadnought Blade of Serenity they were aboard, Kalani ordered his newly activated droids to set course for a new world to hide from the empire and build their forces... And upon finding this world, Kalani observed the natives, and determined that this world would be the first building block to rebuilding the Confederacy.

This story is heavily inspired by Logic and Friendship. Roger! Roger!, as well as Ponies and Lasers and Clankers, Oh My!

6/29/22: Featured boys, let's GO!

7/27/22: AYO, Featured again? YOOOOOOOOOOO-

I do not own MLP or Star Wars.

Chapters (20)

When most ponies think about the Canterlot Wedding, they think of a few main things. The imposter bait and switch, the invasion that followed and how, against all odds, the love between the Bride and Groom was able to push back the invaders that stormed through the city.

Ironically, most of those things just so happened to be included with the event package Princess Cadance picked. And the queen herself? Well, when she says that she planned this, she meant it in more ways than one.

A funny one shot that came into my head after seeing this piece by Icey_Starr.

Also, it's been ten years since Canterlot wedding? Man time flies by fast.
Credits to everything shown
MLP belongs to Hasbro.

6/23/2022- Reached the Popular stories box and Feature box!

Now with an audio reading from StraightToThePointStudios! :pinkiehappy:
And a second reading by Lotus Moon :pinkiegasp:

Chapters (1)

One Thousand years ago, just past the The Great Nightmare Event a Kingdom now lies Insular and cut off from the rest of the world, long since forgotten but by one being now returned. That being, the one they Called The Lady of the Night has now sent a Pony to Represent them and bring them back to the light of the world while hiding them from the dangers of a changing world.

Hello all, I would like to present this new one-shot to you! It is a side story to a good friend of mines which you can find Here I hope you all like it and I urge you to go read his story (and the first one in it's series) and give it a thumbs up and a comment!

The Cover Art has a Source linked

Chapters (1)

"They arrived, like angry, voracious gods from on high, and all but destroyed our world. We did not simply roll over and die however. We remained strong, we survived, we adapted...

...and we found the means to fight back.

Hearken to my words, fair citizens of Equestria and beyond! Today is the day we stand our ground! Today is the day we say 'no more'! Today is the day we take back this planet from the beasts that would see it consumed!

Today is the day we devour the Gods!"

~H.R.H. Princess Luna (2031, Lamnis 23) Founding of the Daeus Hunter Defense Force, Speech presented at Wendigo Corporation HQ, Canterlot, Equestria

MLPxGod Eater Crossover/Adaption

Note: While helpful, knowledge of the God Eater games/anime is not required.

Chapters (36)

This story is a sequel to Before the Storm: The Rise of Firefly

Three hundred years after Luna's banishment, an uneasy peace has collapsed and war erupts between the United Tribes of Equestria and the growing Gryphon Empire, who seek to supplant Princess Celestia as ruler of the heavens and claim the rich lands of the pony nation for their own. With the border defenses shattered, Canterlot endangered and the armed forces unable to stem the onslaught, who can stop the relentless Gryphon war machine as it overruns province after province, scoring victory after victory as it closes in on the Equestrian capital city?

In this time of peril, when the entire pony nation teeters on the brink of defeat, a champion will rise to lead the resistance to the gryphon invasion, becoming not just the commander of an elite force, but a symbol of Equestrian valor and fighting spirit. A born warrior and leader, the name of Firefly will be one day revered as not just the founder of the Wonderbolts, but as Equestria's greatest hero...

Taking place seven hundred years before present and canon to both the Gentlemanverse and Turnabout Storm novelization, this is the story of Rainbow Dash's ancestor, the founding of the Wonderbolts, and their role in the bloodiest conflict of Equestrian history. It is a multistory Magnum Opus consisting of several discrete stories, as described below:

Book 1: The War Begins

The Gryphon Empire invasion of Equestria launches at dawn with an all-out assault on the Equestrian Army and Aerial Corps border bases, accompanied by deep-strike raids against Cloudsdale and the Royal Guard training base of Fort Spur.

Will Princess Celestia unleash her enormous power to end the war quickly? Can Outpost Epsilon withstand the onslaught long enough for the much-maligned Royal Navy to reach them? And can the civilian populace of Cloudsdale resist a massive and determined air attack by the Imperial elite against its all-important weather factories and storm cloud production facilities?

Book 2: Rally and Recover

With the border defenses crushed and the remains of Outpost Epsilon evacuated, both sides lick their wounds, hastily reorganizing and preparing for the next Imperial offensive aimed deeper into Equestria.

Can missing Cloudsdale be located near the borders of Thestralslovakia? Will the once-disloyal and still-distrusted bat-ponies that live there side with Equestria or the Empire? What is the Imperial invasion plan? What role will the Changelings play in the conflict? And what will happen when a sixteen-year old gryphon cub faces off with the gryphon-hating pony named Thunderbolt; one of the most lethal and bloodthirsty beings to ever live...?

Book 3: Second Offensive

While the fate of Cloudsdale is negotiated and Firefly's forces prepare for additional action, the second Imperial offensive begins with an assault against the badly outnumbered Equestrian Army at Maresk two hundred miles inside Equestria, attempting to pocket and destroy the thousands of sorely-needed soldiers based there.

Can an out-of-favor earth pony Colonel rally his regiment to save the city and an entire Army Corps? Or will the city's soldiers and civilians alike face the fate of the border bases, becoming yet another crushing defeat in the Imperial drive on Canterlot?

  • Writers: Denim_Blue and Firesight with occassional writing assists from Leo Archon and AJ_Aficionado
  • Prereaders: AJ_Aficionado, SilentWoodFire, TheGoldCrow, Denim_Blue
  • Guest Writers: AJ_Aficionado, Denim_Blue

Maps of Equestria and Equis: https://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/1105220

Chapters (45)

Three hundred years after Luna's banishment, Equestria is at a shaky peace, its borders protected by the Equestrian Armed Forces from several hostile races, from raiding Diamond Dogs to the increasingly aggressive Gryphons. Incidents are many, and tensions rise as the newly unified Gryphon Empire sets its sights on the lands and riches of its pony neighbors.

In this troubled time, a young pegasus orphan named Firefly comes of age. A born warrior, her name will one day be known as not just the founder of the Wonderbolts, but as one of Equestria's greatest heroes...

Set in the same universe as the Turnabout Storm novelization but taking place seven hundred years before, this is the story of Rainbow Dash's ancestor, the origin of the Wonderbolts, and the coming of the Great Pony/Gryphon War. Also referenced by multiple stories in the Gentlemanverse.

Writers: Leo Archon and Firesight
Prereaders: AJ_Aficionado, SilentWoodFire, JamesCyberlink, Denim_Blue

Cover Art by Equestria Prevails, classified as creative-commons/share-alike: http://equestria-prevails.deviantart.com/art/Firefly-351657539

Chapters (35)

As fate would have it, Twilight had to hatch a much bigger egg this time.

Chapters (33)