• Member Since 7th Feb, 2022


Man, I wish Bios where longer, guess that means I have to shorten it. But I'm lazy about it so I'll do it later.(probably never) If I see an opportunity to meme I'm going to meme.

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The Clone Army. An army that was created by the Kaminoans, and is used to fight against Confederacy of Independent System's Droid army. Created from the genes of bounty hunter: Jango Fett, these soldiers are the 'tip of the iceberg' of The Galactic Republic.

Unfortunately, sometimes things can take a turn for the worst. When something goes wrong during the cloning process, the clone itself can suffer mental, and physical complications that cannot- or will not- be fixed. This was the case for: Clone 99.

99 was one of a kind. He never saw any battles, and never partook in one of them. Having been 'degraded' to a simple maintenance clone by his creators. 99 now inspires other clones to give it their all in the heat of battle. To care for each other. To love each other, like any normal family would.

But alas, fate had other things in store. The attack on Tipoca City, the attack on Kamino.. The attack on his home. Having been his first, and last battle. 99 died in his 'home'. But fate had yet again other things in store. Instead of his soul going to the afterlife, it was sent towards another place. A place called: Equestria.

Now, 99 spends his days in Equestria, living his life as he should have done from the beginning. But this day turned out to be very different. Why did Princess Luna insist on speaking him as soon as possible?

(If you dislike the story, please tell me why. It really helps me improve in certain aspects)

Chapters (1)

Five years after the inhabitants of Equestria and the land beyond took to the stars, Chrysalis decides its now her turn. With two goals in mind; find food and find Starlight, Chrysalis ordered her drones to finish construction on a ship to take her to space. These are but the first steps towards an even bigger adventure in this prelude to the upcoming space epic.

This TEEN version has all explicit sex scenes edited out for those who want a cleaner experience.

Chrysalis drawn by: lumino010 [original pic]
Heavily edited (removed magic glow, wings, and changeling stomach skin) by me

Chapters (1)

Emperor Mateus, emperor of the Palamecian Empire wakes up in a strange new world. Having been defeated not once, but twice by the hands of Firion and his rebel gangs. But instead of returning back to hell after his second death just like he expected, instead he suddenly finds himself drifting off through the void and dragged to a new and unfamiliar world with an even more unfamiliar body as well.

His mind somewhat warped and altered from his previous experiences, he now has now the chance to start over from scratch in a world that seems to be oozing with magic. But don’t be fooled by his now somewhat altered ego, he still is the Emperor, highly intelligent, cunning and extremely powerful (even though at the beginning his magic is weakened)

Now that he is here and given another chance in a new world filled with new possibilities and conquests he will make sure to not repeat his previous mistakes ever again while getting his…han-hooves…on a new empire. He is going to show this new world what true dominance is.

The Emperor is back and hungry for more power.


(Authors note: The current cover art is only temporary, I will create a more dedicated cover art if this fic is being received well.)

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to Strange Day at the Recruitment Office

There was one thing Gallus always wanted to be growing up in Griffonstone, a military officer. There was one slight problem though, he made several friends at a school in Ponyville, all of whom he values greatly but they also plan to stay in Equestria. So now sets his sights on being an officer in the E.U.P. Guard, by making his way into and through Canterlot's Royal Guard Academy.

Problem solved... except he'll be training at one of the toughest academies in Equestria, trying to keep in touch with his friends in Ponyville, while trying to make new friends in Canterlot, and oh yeah, he's a griffon amongst an institution full of ponies.

Cover art by Mix-Up.
Editing (starting from Winter in Ponyville) by Javarod.

Chapters (41)

The Royal Guard wouldn't be the Royal Guard without ponies working in Recruitment, yet for one recruiter it's not the most fun and exciting job in the world.

However, this recruiter's day is about to get pretty interesting when someone turns up wanting to apply for the Royal Guard Academy, someone the recruiter was never prepared for.

Fanfic Reading by StraightToThePoint

Chapters (1)

After a month of being missing after a magical mishap, Spike has returned to Ponyville. However, he's not the adorable baby dragon everyone remembers.

Now a well fleshed out drake, and garbed in armor the likes of which ponies have never seen, he walks with caution, grace, and absolute confidence. His eyes show wisdom beyond his years, but he has trouble remembering details about his friends. But he returned with a purpose.

He also didn't return alone.

One thing is certain though...he has a story to tell. That is this story.


MLP/Metroid crossover.
Part of the PWNY-verse.

Edit: Now with cover art by DavieRocket.

Chapters (141)

Nineteen-year-old Zen is a guy who is perfectly content with his life, despite his tendencies to be a little eccentric. However, thanks to some otherworldly intruder he's pulled to a world brimming with magic. Equestria, now as the Fighting-Steel Lucario.

Now, liberated from the mundanities of his life, Zen embarks on a fresh journey with a distinct goal in mind. As he grows accustomed to his new physique, his journey will ripple throughout the world, gradually altering his fate, but in the end, will he find a way back or will that change?

But what's with the gemstone?

A/N: 'Sex' tag due to references and jokes of the subject. The character becomes a Pokemon and has the abilities of one but that is as far as the 'Pokemon' side of things goes.

Featured 01/05/20! Thank you all so, so much!!

Chapters (31)

Approximately three thousand years before the events of A New Hope, Anonymous and Sunset Shimmer are a pair of Mandalorian bounty hunters in the Star Wars galaxy. With their friend Rarity, they work together to hunt down wanted individuals for anyone willing to pay, while dealing with the corrupt Republic, the hidden Sith, smugglers, crime lords, and nosy Jedi.

Originally a greentext story for /mlp/, I decided to post a non-greentext version here.

Chapters (32)

This story is a sequel to Normal Life

Cause and effect. Opposite and equal reactions. If a butterfly... You know how it goes. The point is that your actions, large or small, have consequences. If they turn out good or bad is often not up to you. Especially when you live with the Princess.

But fear of the consequences is not a reason not to act when you need to.

Next story can be found here: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/361744/secret-of-flying

Chapters (51)

Long ago, the Seraphim granted power to the Doom Slayer that he might conquer the forces of Hell. The Doom Slayer has won, Hell lies defeated, and now he returns to the Seraphim's holy realm. His mission is not over though, he has promises to fulfill, rewards to collect, and as always, evil to defeat. Let those who would harm this sacred land tremble, for the Guardian of Equestria, has returned!

(This story now has two sequels: Legion and the novella Doom Slayer.)

Chapters (27)