• Member Since 7th Feb, 2022


Man, I wish Bios where longer, guess that means I have to shorten it. But I'm lazy about it so I'll do it later.(probably never) If I see an opportunity to meme I'm going to meme.

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It was a beatuiful day outside. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming, it was a perfect day to try out some new spells that the Ponyville librarian came up with. However the spell goes awry and causes a chain of events to take hold on their world.

Meanwhile on a planet far far away, a group of freedom fighters are trying to escape from their pursuers after a failed attempt at sabotage. One by one they are being captured until only one reamins standing, but even he eventually runs into a dead end. With no means of escape he prepares to fight until a blinding light envelops him and transports him to Equestria.

In a new and unfamiliar world, with no means of return, he must adapt to his environment. But how can someone of a violent nature like himself integrate into this new alien society? And will he ever learn the meaning of friendship?

Cover art done by the amazing xXAngeLuciferXx.

(Proof read by EMBER SPIRIT SHIELD from Chapter 12 onward)

Note: First of all, this will be my first long story, so any and all constructive critisim is welcomed.
Second, while the tag says human it is not technically a Human in Equestria.
Third, this takes place before Canterlot Wedding and will span across multiple seasons. Also I will may change a few things in future seasons.
Fourthly, I may add a gore tag, but only maybe, not 100% certain, and sex tag only for humor and suggestions (no clop though, sorry to all the cloppers).
Finally, this story will greatly revolve around Dragon Ball, but it's NOT a Dragon Ball crossover. By that I mean, Ki blasts exist, heavy paralels between Saiyans and the protagonist (protagonist is NOT a Saiyan though, just a lot like them) and, surprise, transformations.
Hope you enjoy :pinkiesmile:.

Chapters (48)

What would happen if your life changes after you find out your best friend was a Merchant who sends everyone to another dimension. And one of them was me.

My name is Ryan, I'm the big fan of swords, I'm otaku who enjoys anime, mangas, cartoons and my little pony.

I blame my best friend to show me many animes and this cartoon. But what happened must be in the past. One past I really want to forgets about my life. I hope you enjoy my new life the same way I'm enjoying now.

Have a teen tag because of sexual and swear language. Not clop, sorry, but not so much XD.

Non edited: But who cares? It's no my first language anyway. Enjoy the story.

FEATURED 12/05/2019.

Chapters (20)

It was a day as normal as any and in the blink of an eye I am recruited by a being of chaos who forces me to kill, and now with the beast finally defeated the only thing I and my summoned companions can do is flee from the wrath of the equestrians.

Did I mention that none of us were summoned in his original body?

-Disclaimer: none of the series, characters mentioned and images are mine.
-I apologize for the spelling errors, I'm bad with English so I depend a lot on the translator.

Chapters (10)

Ever drank too much and woken up in a different place? I have several times. Ever woken up in a different body than your own? No, that one is new.

Hello, my name is Storm and I am a 24-year-old dude. Or I was yesterday, now I am some kind of filly and everyone is calling me 'Flurry Heart'. Everyone thinks I am 10 and that I am confused and traumatized. Probably doesn't help that I keep asking for a drink and am a bit lost with what's going on. I just hope that these ponies, frequent disasters and one scary pink pony don't kill me before I can go home.
Now translated into Chinese by Aeri: https://fimtale.com/en/t/31675
Credit for the Cover Image goes to SkyeyPony.
Link can be found here: https://www.deviantart.com/skyeypony/art/Flurry-Heart-908403193

Chapters (28)

Sol was a stallion living a secret life, but after an incident involving his father's side of the family, he was hidden away and sealed within a crystal. That was over one thousand years ago, and has since then remained dormant, waiting to be awakened to aid Equestria in a time of dire need, or when it's finally safe enough for him to return. At least, that's how it was supposed to go.

Having been accidentally awoken, Sol must now adjust to the present world, cope with what he's lost with time, sort out his growing feelings for another pony, and eventually, accept his position in this modern-day Equestria. However, even after a thousand years, some grudges aren't so easily forgotten.

Note: Tags may be added as the story progresses.

First Featured on 3/25/17:pinkiehappy:

Chapters (65)

Dark Flame is a young unicorn stallion who works as the local blacksmith and has protected his home village of Stonewall from constant dragon raids, earning him the title, Dragon Slayer. But when a dragon thought to be a myth attacks, Dark is left the lone survivor and loses consciousness during the fight against the mythical dragon. When he awakens, he finds himself in a hospital with a part of his memory missing, a few bodily changes, and six mares who have questions for him.

Now trying to rebuild his life, Dark will learn about his new body, try to regain his lost memories, and attempt to live a new life of peace apart from his old life of near constant fighting and survival. Though if only it were that easy. New friends will be made, secrets revealed, enemies both new, old, and supposedly dead will rise, a love will blossom, and a ghost from Dark's past will threaten to destroy what little left he holds dear to him.

This is my first fic, and any constructive criticism or advice would be appreciated in helping improve my writing, and in turn, the story itself.

Featured: 6/24/16:pinkiegasp:

Chapters (100)

Ahsoka, Anakin, Obi-Wan and Captain Rex crash land after a battle on a world populated by ponies during the Clone Wars. Will they be able find a way back before the Separatists arrive?

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to The Hollow Pony

In the abandoned metropolis of Manehattan, the Hollow Pony and her guide encounter a dark spirit...

A non-canon quick glimpse forwards into the later plot of the Hollow Pony. While reading the original story is not required, if you enjoyed this, why not take a look? It's a Dark Souls/My Little Pony crossover that updates every Sunday!

Happy April Fool's day, everyone

Chapters (1)

Equestria is a barren land trapped in perpetual sunset.

Broken, alone, afraid, and recalling only faint memories of her former life, a Hollow Pony awakens from her dreamless slumber. Lost in the shattered ruins of a hauntingly familiar world, she shambles onward in a quest to find herself, before she loses herself.

(A Pony story, heavily inspired by and using elements from Dark Souls/Elden Ring. Will update weekly, one chapter every Sunday. Praise the Sun!)

Chapters (59)

After years of being the runt of the litter (despite having no siblings), Spike finally comes into his own and starts to grow up and mature. The result is a unique bit of magic all his own, or so the theory goes: He awakens one morning to find words hanging overhead that call him [The Gamer], along with powers that let him 'live life as though it were a game'.

How he decides to handle all of this, and where things go from there? That would be a spoiler, and you all know how we feel about spoilers around here...

Frequently asked questions will be answered from time to time, and those answers linked here for the curious:
The First FAQ

Chapters (135)