• Member Since 25th Jul, 2012


Hey Whats up. I'm a chill guy and don't have much of anything going on. I am a proofreader of about average quality but can't write to save my life.

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  • Featured 23598 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Tyran has been taken in by the Apple Family and is trying his best to be useful to his new family. Forces are set against the farming family however. Tyran is going to need to find the courage inside him in order to protect his newfound family. Will he succeed, or will the farm be destroyed by the actions of a desperate mare?

Family is hardly ever about blood, it's about what you are willing to do for those you care about, no matter the cost.

Chapters (1)

A mysterious singularity storm hits the Tardis with Private and the Doctor inside it. The storm sends Private to the distant past where Twilight's parents are in high school. Private accidentaly changes history by saving Night Light from getting hit by a carriage. Private will have to convince Night Light to overcome his fears and fall in love with Twilight Velvet before history is changed forever. As if that wasn't enough, The Doctor is convinced that the storm wasn't natural...somepony very close to the Doctor knew that he would be in the Tardis at that point...but just how close to the Doctor are we talking about here?

Chapters (7)

After coming home from their camping trip Sweetie Belle finds a new inhabitant in her sister's shop. Young Cross Eye has taken on apprenticeship to the fashionista and Sweetie Belle is not happy about it. But as time goes on the pair start to get closer. Will either party have the courage to admit their newfound feelings? Meanwhile Rarity is facing her own dilemma with Spike. What will be her ultimate decision with the young dragon who's grown attached to her?

Chapters (1)

I always wanted to go to Equestria. When I got the chance, I took the deal without reading the fine print. To my surprise, I didn't arrive there as a pony, or even as a human. It seems I get to view this world from a different perspective than what I've imagined.

My name is Echo. I am a Diamond Dog.

-Edited by the one, the only, Nathan Traveler!
-(Cover by Jovial_Shake of fimfiction.net)
-Now featured on Equestriadaily.com!

Chapters (26)

Moxi is a pegasus pony forced to leave her small town home in order to spend her life with her beloved Chillwind in Manehattan, but things turn ugly when Cloudsdale decides to secede from the Holy Solar Empire, Moxi joins the fight for the New Lunar Republic in an attempt to learn the truth behind the fate of her missing love...

(Contains references to Sweet Dreams, Luna by Dreamcatcher174. Dreamcatcher and Melody are property of Dreamcatcher174. Radiant Sol is property of SirRadiantSol. Cheshire Grin is property of X-tatik)

Chapters (27)

Currently undergoing cleanup

Call me Shiro. My story begins when I find myself in the land of Equestria. I would say something cliché, like, “a world I only thought existed in a show for little girls” or something, but it really isn't. I mean, sure, it's similar enough, but at the same time it isn't the perfect, peaceful world they depict. For starters, I haven't met a pony who hasn't had somepony the know and love get eaten by some predator. That's where I come in.

You see, when I arrived, I was changed into not a pony, but a tiger. I don't care what you say, I'm not a Gary Stu! Sure, I have chaos magic, get a girlfriend in less than a month, and get a katana, but the katana breaks... while fighting an elder god... Okay, fine, but I don't go full Stu. You never go full Stu. Anyway, this is the story about my quest to protect these ponies that I came to love.

Chaotic Harmony is an over-the-top action/comedy (emphasis on comedy) that takes all the clichés you know and love (or hate) and breaks, twists, turns them on their ears, or pumps them full of adrenalin and laughs as they rape your brain. This is, however, also a story about overcoming loss and forging a new life.

Contains: Different-but-not-quite-different-enough-for-AU Equestria, ridiculous comedy, over-the-top DBZ level action, borderline Stu self-insert, tigerxpony shipping, and dark, emotional chapters later on.

You'll laugh, cry, cheer, and d’aww throughout the rollercoaster ride that is Chaotic Harmony.

Chapters (90)

Private travels to Manehatten once again to answer the call of his Uncle Lazarus. An ancient family heirloom has been stolen by a mysterious thief. Joining Private this time is his cousin Cross. The young colt idolizes the detective and wants to tag along on this case. But Cross seems to be hiding something that Private can't put his hoof on. That isn't the only thing that's being hidden. For the heirloom appears to be connected to a local community of Zebra that have moved in the last few months. That and a new zebra detective by the name of Seeker is also looking for the heirloom for his own personal reasons. Can Private find the heirloom before something terrible happens? Just how much is this side of Private's family hiding?

Chapters (7)

(CJ)Cave Johnson here, (TW)Twilight Sparkle here, (CJ)and we will be testing the least safe parts of science possible! First, we're going to see if we can turn Scootaloo into a chicken! (TW)For science! (CJ)Yes yes, for science! Then we will see if Applejack can survive if we replace her apple trees with combustible lemon trees! And last but not least, you all might have wondered, what happens when you give Pinkie Pie coffee? Well, we're about to find out! (TW)For science! And many more! The possibilities are endless!

Chapters (10)

It had been one year since Twilight Sparkle vanished in the battle against the evil unicorn Xander, and her friends were still trying to overcome the grief of losing her. On the anniversary of her presumed death, her friends gather at her memorial. What was suppose to be a day of remembrance was shattered by a strange metal object that landed right beside them. Their anger quickly turns to shock as a familiar unicorn emerges... and boy does she have a story to tell.

Rated Teen for violence, language, and sexual content. Rating and tags may change in future chapters.

This is not a Halo fic. It IS however loosely inspired by Halo as well as Star Wars, Mass Effect and several other sci-fi movies, books, and games.

Edited by Jack-Pony, HuskSummers, Coldwall, and sadron

Cover art by Sonic Rain

Chapters (59)

Meet Pipsqueak.

Pipsqueak, or "Pip" as he prefers to be called, has quite the imagination. There are times when he is a fearsome pirate, scourge of the seas of Equestria. There have also been times when Pipsqueak has fantasized about being a gallant prince, traveling the land, saving fair maidens, slaying wicked beasts, and being hailed as a hero by his peers. Not once did he ever imagine he'd get exactly what he wished for in the form of Princess Luna adopting him, making him an actual prince! Soon enough, Pip learns that being a prince isn't as glamorous as he thought it to be, and that there are more than a few downsides to being a part of the royal family. One in particular downside coming in the form of a nuisance named Blueblood.

On the other side of the coin, Princess Luna must adjust to her newly-found position of motherhood, balancing the task of providing her adopted foal as normal a life as possible for a young prince, while also making sure the nobility and paparazzi keep their hooves out of their business. Fortunately, this mare not only has the entirety of the Royal Guard, including her own Night Guard at her disposal, but her sister and niece also happen to be fiercely protective of the newest member of their family.

Chapters (6)