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Although Chrysalis had no doubt that her plan was going to work she had to sure that, if her plan were to fail, that her race would survive. But her plan failed, utterly and completely failed. She had thought that her plan was fool proof but one mere child had managed to derail her plans in one fell swoop. Oh how the queen wanted her revenge and oh she was going to get it. She reveled in the irony of the situation for the pony that had sentenced her and all her children to a slow, painful death in the bad lands would also be the savior of her race. So as the Queen released her final breath she was content in her final revenge.

Thank Pink Pearl for the cover art

Big thanks to Arctic for doing chapters 1-14 on this story!

Chapters (17)

Magic, the most powerful of the Elements Of Harmony, it binds them together and helps keep stability over Equestria. Cut that off and what happens? What happens when the threads of friendship are severed, and the flames of chaos are rekindled? For Twilight, her existence's end is simply the beginning to something much bigger. How will she act in a world deprived of the harmony it once held as a creature that must thrive on the blood that Equestria has lost?

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle finds herself spending time with a local pegasus from the weather team, and may be developing feelings for her.

But when they stumble across a relic of nightmares past, Twilight must learn to cope with distressing new urges, and keep her friends and the rest of Equestria in the dark...

Chapters (2)

Vinyl and Octavia have been together for a year and are enjoying their life in peace. But on the night of their first anniversary, a figure from Octavia's past resurfaces, disturbing their idilic lifestyle. Octavia will discover that her marefriend has been keeping dark secrets from her. As ghosts from Vinyl's past return, Octavia will learn things about her soulmate that will put her love to the test. And she will have to ask the ultimate question....can you be soulmates with a creature that supposedly has no soul?

I need a new synopses

Chapters (10)

Monsters, they're not real right? Well they are, but that's not a very widely known fact. They have stayed hidden for a long time. Until that day. She crashed, straight into the Everfree. She got the 'Blessing' the mother called it. But that doesn't mean Rainbow Dash thought so. Because she was the one, the one to be 'infected', giving her advantages, but it made her something else.

Chapters (23)

After failing to stop Nightmare Moon in the ancient castle of the pony sisters, Twilight Sparkle is left with a scar that will permanently change the rest of her natural born life. As Twilight recovers from her ordeal, she finds that she is left with a difficult choice. Either live her life as a lie or sacrifice her innocence to protect the ones she loves. The path before her is set and she must now walk it alone. The sands of time continues ever onward, with everyone already trapped in its muddy depths. The sun will rise and the sun will fall. Waiting for its call, Death awaits for all.

Tags, rating, and characters can change.

Art created by:
http://cuteskitty.deviantart.com (top)
http://ventious.deviantart.com (bottom)

I just put the two together

Chapters (17)

After a quite terrifying encounter in the Ursa Majors cave with Twilight Sparkle and her friends, Rarity awakens the day after feeling not too well, and steadily getting worse as the day drags on not realizing her body slowly succumbing to the effects of Vampirism.

Chapters (3)

Everypony sees me as a role model for their children. That I am the pinnicle of success. However, I harbor a dark secret that should stay forever hidden. But there is always one pony who can't help it. They set themselves up for a death sentence.

But when one filly finds out her secret, she has to keep her quiet or leave town.All the while Nightmare Night aproaches.

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle is changing; she's not sure how, or why. All she does
know is that she has to reverse the change before she hurts somepony she
cares about. But she won't be alone, Spike will be by her side until the

Chapters (7)

When Octavia gets bitten by a supposed werewolf it opens up a whole new reality to her. She even might gain a couple new friends along the way. (Currently on hiatus due to lack of motivation to complete.)

Chapters (10)