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    - October, 2014
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(Picture source, image is not mine: here Prototype by MDreed)

Chapter 6 contains time travel, and foaling(mare pregnancy and birth)

Project Pariah, stuck in a cell, made by a virus, that pretty much sums up life for him, he has led a lonely existence, imprisoned and scorned for something that he didn't cause, because they are scared, what happens when you corner a fox? bad things.

They learned this with Alex Mercer and James Heller, both interests to Pariah, who can patiently wait, but when the End War breaks out and shit goes wrong, Pariah is thrust into a world he doesn't understand, but Parah is an adapter and can make himself fit in, but when he ha to reveal what he is, he is worried and hopes these inhabitants will not mess with things they don't understand... but in a world filled with peace, does it have a place for people and ponies like Pariah? Pariah who is lonely? maybe he can find company in a purple pony and her 5 friends, and 2, perhaps 3 Princesses and learn what it means to be human/pony...

Chapters (9)

An average but nerdy young man goes to an anime convention dressed as Ichigo from Bleach. He was missing only one thing from his costume, where a mysterious merchant sells him just the item he needed. The next thing he knew. He was in a new place with no way home. Met some of the locals and got possessed.

Trapped in stone for a thousand years and no memory prior to that convention. He finally breaks free and is loose upon Equestria once more, even stronger then before.

But this time, is he in control?

This is a Displaced story

Note that MLP does not exist on the main character's Earth.

Chapters (29)

In a land far far away, a land very different from Equestria, there lived a Firebender by the name of Kurama. Unbeknownst to him, he was to be ritually sacrificed on his twentieth birthday to bring prosperity to his generation. In his final moments he cursed the world. However, he then awoke from the depths of oblivion into a strange world, the world of Equestria. Join him in his adventures to give his flames purpose as he makes friends and enemies beyond his wildest imaginations. In this tale of ridiculous pastel colored sentient ponies, what path shall he decide to take? well.. if he isn't driven to insanity first that is.

This is a HiE, Avatar the Last Airbender crossover. If you're not a fan of Avatar, I wont stop you from reading but a lot of the slice of life will be confusing to you. Enjoy!! (Beware of spoilers in the comment section)

Featured 12/12/15
Featured 1/25/16

Thanks alot guys.

Chapters (15)

Rainbow Dash and Applejack went to far. I barely survive their last prank. Now the Elements are all begging me to be their friend again.
I only have two friends left. Ditzy Doo and... The Darkness. It promises to never hurt me. It treats me like I'm its best friend.
I can feel myself slowly falling apart.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to A Gamer In Equestria

This story is a soft reboot of A Gamer in Equestria which I have rehashed into a prequel to this story.

After the death of Craig in his last reality and being forced to reset the world back to before he arrived he relives his life once again, but nothing is really as it seems.

Everything seems the same, almost like nothing had changed, even his powers remain even if they are locked away from reach.

Once again setting himself back on the path to find who he should be, his world will be turned back around, but as he tries dark shadows surround him from beyond the Void. Just who is watching him and what are their motives in his life.

One thing is for sure, the story may always repeat the same cycle, but this time, Craig's life will change, but is it for the better or the worst?

All rights go to the respective owners.

Chapters (25)

The war is finally over. We ponies have lost. Our plan to convert humanity into ponies has failed. Hundreds of thousands are dead. Homes destroyed. Our nation is shattered and near annihilation. All because we underestimated humanity and their refusal to become like us.

I alone now hold the fate of my people in my hooves against the humans who want nothing more than to destroy us for the so called atrocities we have committed against them. I've lost my friends one way or another. My family. My fellow Princesses.

I have but one duty and that is, reluctantly, to see that we are shown mercy.

I'm just afraid of the cost. Or what I will learn from this.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-Read by bahatumay and Chaotic Note

Edited by Biker_Dash and wlam and Bemmo

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

I was just hoping to get this last job done, always getting sent to this dimension or that, always doing the interests of others. Unfortunately, everyone's luck eventually runs out, and it looks like mine has ran out as well. Now somehow I got stuck in this place, in a foreign body, and things just keeps getting worse for me. What did I do to deserve this?
Note: This is not a HiE story.
Editors: Discord Kantus (Chapters I-XLII), Hyari (Chapters XXXIV and onward), Fourpony
Art: AlicornParty

Chapters (51)

Dragons. Beasts of Fire and Fury. Of course, two things obviously come to mind when you think of these creatures. First, They're completely fantasy. Second, if they were real, then you would have to end up running away from them if you don't want to become their next meal. However, that's not quite the case for me, and I have a big friend who could say the same thing.

My name is Ken. You may see me as just an ordinary guy, but I'm not quite exactly what you may consider as "normal". I'm a Scalebound and I now made a pact with Revaan, the last dragon of his kind. From he knows of course. Now, we stick together and try to survive against huge monsters, manage my new life with a few friends from other dimensions and get along with the local population in a new world that I just happened to wake up in.

Oh, and another thing. That "population" I was talking about happens to be a massive group of ponies and various other species. Some who aren't as warm or receptive to seeing us as others are. Let's just hope we don't get on there bad side.

No promises.

Oh come on, Revaan! Seriously!?

What? It isn't my fault that I'm the size of a small building. I'm just glad that I didn't squish anything... or anyone for that matter

You and me both, my friend.

Displaced story based on the concept behind the Xbox One Exclusive; Scalebound by Platinum Games. With some added elements to it. The first few chapters might be... well, hard to understand everything going on, but once you get past that, things begin to clear up. Trust me...

Credits to everything shown
MLP belongs to Hasbro
Scalebound belongs to Platinum Games and Hideki Kamiya
Takes place midway through Season 5 around the time episode 14 takes place. The narrative is first person and mostly takes place from Ken's Point of View. I want to thank Gale and a couple of other authors in the Displaced community who helped me come up with this. You guys are awesome.

This story will update when I have the motivation and time to get to work on it. I want to clear my to-do list of things to work on before we get there.

Chapters (48)

Lyra has done it. She has studied all she can to know about what a human is.

But there isn't enough information to make her stop.

She needs to know.

She has to know.

The princesses know what a human is, so she'll go see them.

Yes that's...wait...why are they so sad?

Is there someone in that glass?

Who is that?

Note: Music that is used in this is 'One More Day' by Diamond Rio.

I own nothing in this story, all rights of ownership to MLP go to Hasbro.

Chapters (1)

We all know Shining Armor to be the hero that gets thrown around and beaten by the abnormal enemies of Equestria.

We know him to be the good guy that keeps going headstrong in a fight.

He's done it with Sombra.

He's done it with Tirek.

This new challenge, however, is going to be his most difficult one ever. He is alone and broken by the lies his friends and family have used to keep him in the dark.

Now that his loved one have brought the truth to the light, there are going to be consequences to lying about what has happened with Cadance' pregnancy.

Shining Armor is not going to understand for them. But they will understand this. . .

He is hurt.

He is angry.

He is done with his friends and family, especially Cadance.

Author Notes

Inspired by Zamairiac. Thank you by the way. :pinkiehappy:

A Semi-Dark Short Story to the alternate universe of Shining Armor and Cadance having a screw-up in their marriage. And by "Screw-Up" I mean they are both in the wrong of what has put the gap in their love.

No, there is no rape or gore in this story. The twist of their conflict, however, is going to be a little messed up.

Chapters (2)