Favourites 1418 stories
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    Created by foxpaw
    - October, 2014
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The Adeptus Astartes, great defenders of mankind. Unless they're just some guy who's been thrust into being one due to the whims of fate and some sort of extra-dimensional being. Especially so when that guy is weird, possibly likes classical literature a bit too much, and might be a little insane.

A displaced story and my first story that I've shared anywhere, so please be gentle with your scathing comments.

Warhammer 40k/MLP crossover. all copyrights to their respective owners, Games Workshop and Hasbro.

Chapters (12)

So yeah, went to Comic-con with my girlfriend and cosplayed as a Tyranid Swarmlord. And I saw this creepy merchant selling some legit stuff. I bought a set of Bone Sabres to complete my costume but ended on some girly show land called Equestria filled with xenophobic ponies. So my plan? Run to some random ass town with a squad of Tyranids and open a diner!

Hey look a cupcake. *picks it up and eats it and spits it out* THIS *BLEEPING * CUPCAKE IS SO *BLEEPING* SWEET, IT GAVE KOBE DIABETES!!!

Chapters (1)

So, I go to Comic-con to have fun with my friends and have a normal experience. I even resisted the temptations around me so I would not go cosplay as something. Go me. Unfortunately, the universe knows no bounds when it comes to screwing around with me.

Now stranded in a world and a body no longer my own, I'll have no choice but to face the politics and war that surround me. That and I also has to face the fact I'm in charge of a new kingdom and I have to look out for them as well.

My name is Philip. But some recognize me now as Yveltal, Pokemon of Destruction and Lord of Death.

Well, without further adiue, down the rabbit hole we go!

Displaced fic so if you hate that don't read. Displaced as a Shiny Yveltal!

Rated teen due to some violence and foul language!

We've got a great editor, Blood Angel Kirito who will edit things when he can, so don't rush the poor guy :3

The cover art is a clip from the amazing, and fluffy :3 , art series of SoftMonKeychains. So check out her work. She gave me permission to use her art as long as she gets credit, so thanks for that!

Crossovers will be done once I get situated!

Chapters (11)

Random guy ends up in Equestria story, yet for reasons unbeknownst to him, he finds himself in an Equestria much like the one he barely remembers from a show he once watched, yet very different in all the wrong aspects.

It can't possibly be because he turned into a changeling right after their infamous invasion.


And now with an editor. A huge round of applause to Kablam Pony for helping me with editing this story.

A giant round of applause for mix-up for drawing such splendid cover art.


AU: This is literally an alternate Equestria, where grim events happen as normal occurrences, also, the story starts from season 2 and moves up to season 4.

Comedy: who doesn't like to laugh at the misery of a fictional character?

Adventure: if that wasn't obvious I don't know what is.

Dark: Some of you pointed out that it has some dark elements, but don't worry, I will not write anything overboard.

Human: dare I need to state why.

Teen because of a couple of death scenes here and there, no gore, unless it's written in an extremely scientific language.

Oh, it's a shameless self insert by the way. I want to see how much I can write myself as a character in my own story and how much it relates to other characters I have written.

Chapters (13)

We thought him dead and gone.

He came back.

We thought that since we beat him once we could do it again.

He proved us wrong.

He was a nightmare when he only had a forest.

Now he has his own country!

May the Maker have mercy on us, for Darth Vulcan the Lord of Outland will not.

A recursive fanfic of RealityCheck' s TRODV

Written with the author's permission;

Here's the link to he original:


Chapters (1)

Dante attended a con with his two pals John and Tony. Everything was going pretty well... Until they met the merchant.

Now? Now he's feeling Cooler...

But he misses his friends, and he plans to find them... Somehow. Hopefully his five (or so) new friends, and one purple science psycho, can help him achieve that goal... Maybe.

Planning to tie this in with my other two stories Promising Shadows and Son of a Kaiju

Chapters (6)

After going into a convention and buying a item from a mysterious merchant, a human suddenly finds himself transformed into his favorite videogame character.... only he was transformed into the baby version of him.....and inside a egg...
After being transformed into a egg, he finds himself in a new world, where one of the rulers of the new world finds and adopts him. Years later while working on a new spell that could revolutionize the world, he makes a miscalculation and sends himself 1000 years into the future. Now he must adapt in a new environment with his adoptive mother who refuses to leave his side, his magic teacher who acts just like his grandmother, a small baby dragon who thinks he's cool, and a purple pony who keeps pestering him...... Who knows how long he'll last before he finally gives up.

Featured in 11/9/15. Thanks for all of the support! You guys are great!
Special thanks to:
Warmaster Ahriman!
Northern Desert!
Regreme for all the help and ideas and let's not forget my buddy m2pt5 for editing this!
Warnings: Displaced story

Chapters (3)

Ponies get drunk, right? Some of them wake up with a hangover or even next to somepony and then proceed to run for the hills. This may go double if you end up in Las Pegasus...weird things happen there.

Our dear human, Jason is one such being, but his drunk mistake has upped the ante by being with none other than Princess Celestia and by that action alone they are forced to marry soon by a law long forgotten from Celestia's teenage years. But that's not the only surprise in store for the pair of them as many conflicts will be coming over the months ahead.

Whether the two like it or not, they must be together until Jason's mortal life ends and there is no way of getting out of that but to live with it.

Chapters (24)

When Andrew wakes up in Equestria, he makes a rather large impact. Well, as large an a impact as a normal 20 something guy falling from about 20000 feet can make. Will he make friends in this strange but oddly familiar world? Or will the absence of his sister drive him closer to the edge? Strange things are happening in Equestria, will Andrew be able survive being at the center of them all?

This is my first story, so constructive criticism is always welcome.

I'm pleased to reveal the new cover art, done by the extremely talented Shadow Beam!
(Here's his Deviantart! http://lshadowbeaml.deviantart.com/ )

Chapters (32)

I wish I didn't bought that helmet. But who cares about that! Now I am in Equestria more importantly I'm the current ruler of the Crystal Empire ruler also have a couple Protoss Templars and others with me. But those who dare threaten our new home shall face our wrath!

Chapters (2)