• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2015


I'm not good at short bios.

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Celestia: a filly of twelve. A cynical, hungry pauper, with a young sister to protect and feed.

But the food has run out. Winter has gripped the land for too long, and now the pair face starvation.

The cynic in Celestia knows she can't move the sun. But the child in her wonders... and so she tries.

(Inspired by the Donovan song of the same name.)

(Now with a dramatic reading here, by Crafty Arts, and here, by KeyframeProductions.)

(Now with a Spanish translation here.)

Chapters (1)

When a filly version of herself appears in the middle of the library, Twilight must figure out what happened. She must figure out what it means. But most importantly? She has to comfort the last person she thought she would ever have to.


All while dealing with her own shattering reality.

Credit to Kaitou for the coverart!
Thank you Blankscape for massive amounts of help writing it.

And, of course, the person who has been waiting a long time for this story.
Happy birthday Foals! Thanks for sticking with me for so long!

Chapters (2)

In this verse Chrysalis successfully takes over Canterlot with no last minute hiccups. This hardly ends her venture. In fact, it is just the beginning.

Will neighboring nations become friend or foe? Can her rulership survive the enemies lurking in the shadows ready to sabotage her every effort? Among these obstacles are foes the Alicorns and element bearers would have faced...

NOTE- I began this story early into season 5, accordingly much of the changeling lore in this story won't match details shown in Season 6 and beyond.

Chapters (72)

Princess Luna has many secrets. Some being of the royal variety while others being a bit more personal. One of those secrets being an experiment. One to fix her lonely nights of seclusion. Though, it's been many years since that faithful night when she did it, so it's doubtful it could come back and bite in her...

Chapters (3)

Lilith is given an ultimatum by the Alpha Drone collectors. Gather love or have to situation escalated by referring it to higher powers. Unfortunately for her, she has no idea how to go about this after her escapades and lack of focus in training leave her without the skills needed to “harvest love” from the ponies. She knows what her issue is, but the Alpha Drones don't want to hear her excuses, they just want to see results and of course it's in their best interests to protect their own hides. Following an unlikely series of events, she sees herself in a situation where she is stuck with an Element of Harmony bearer for an indefinite period of time. What could possibly go right?

This takes place around Season 3, Twilight won't be an Alicorn... I think... or maybe she won't even play a major part at all, it's all a little TBD lol.

Image was just one I found on Deviant Art, full credit goes to the artist "MoonlitBrush". And no that's not blood x)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Count's Traveling Haunted House

Third installment in the "Love, Adventure, and Friendship is Magic" series. Lord Ruber didn't die of Excalibur's magical might, but instead transported himself to Equestria. And this crazy and power driven man is on a quest to find Excalibur's magic in this new land. And his griffin is on this same quest...but for a different purpose. Cover image is from "The Quest For Camelot" wiki page.
Sequel to The Green Eyed Gryphon

Chapters (13)

Luna always wondered what it was like to be a mother, and now was her chance. The twist, her 'daughter' just so happens to be her sister.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Trials of Blood and Kindness

Mistress Flutterbat has been living with her family in Cloudsdale, where her parents did their best to lead the local clan of thestrals in peace for centuries. However, after a terrible tragedy that changed her life forever, the young thestral was forced to flee Cloudsdale and seek a new home in Ponyville.

Now known as Fluttershy, and with Rainbow Dash by her side, she is trying to heal old wounds in her heart and find a meaning to her empty life.

Will a vampony with a good heart and kind nature survive in a world that sees her as a threat?

Will she be able to keep a low profile, away from the silver arrows of monster hunters?

And most importantly, will her friends help her during these hard times, or will they ultimately turn against her?

This story takes place years before Nightmare Moon’s return.

List of editors, thanks for your help, you did a great job:
ShipIsLove ShipIsLife
Word Worthy

Thanks for assisting with Zecora’s sentences, it really improved her talking style: Discord_Lexia

Thanks for pre-reading and assisting with the funeral scene:
Rated Ponystar

Chapters (39)

When Twilight Sparkle was just a kid, her best friend was a girl named Sunset Shimmer. Though their friendship had a bit of a rocky start, they quickly became inseparable, no matter how much everyone thought of them as ‘weird’. They were there for each other.


Years after the tragic accident that tore them apart, Twilight is determined to move on from her loss, and she sets off on an independent research project to investigate the strange happenings at Canterlot High. Little does she know that she will soon come face to face with what appears to be a literal ghost from her past.

Coverart by Kare-Valgon. Chapter illustrations by Zorbitas.

Edited and Pre-read by Dubs Rewatcher, r5h, and Kalan.

Takes place after Rainbow Rocks, but was written before Friendship Games and does not take it into account.

Chinese translation

Print copies now available.

Chapters (25)

Everyone dreams of a happy life. And in a world of multicoloured ponies, magic, and manufactured rainbows, it seems possible that everyone can have that. But for some, unfortunate circumstances can stop that pursuit dead in it’s tracks, no matter how hard they try to push on.

Caramel is a pony who finds himself in that situation, even if he doesn’t want to admit it. But when something is standing between you and the life you need, it can’t be buried forever. No matter how hard you try. And Celestia does Caramel try.

Note: This story has sad elements and conflicts in it

Thanks to Lord-Commander for Editing this story.

Chapters (1)