• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2015


I'm not good at short bios.

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My version of Lauren Faust ending up in Equestria. I probably got her character all wrong. Hey, I never met her, cut me some slack.

So, Lauren Faust is Queen of Equestria in this story. How will she react? How will everypony else react? And what does Pinkie's chimicherrychangas have to do with all of this? One thing is clear already. For Twilight and her friends it won't be the same.

Added AU tag, 'cause someone mentioned it would be safe. And when I think about it, I don't think we ever get to learn who the princesses parents are.

Just a note, this is set during season two. So the events of "A Canterlot Wedding" haven't happened yet.

Cover Art done by ZuTheSkunk

04.18.2015 Wait what? This story is hot? Wow. Thanks guys.

I got an editor. It's GaleSinger

Chapters (16)

An interlude between Flammenwerfer's fics Metroid: Equis and its sequel, Metroid Equis II: Duality.

The war is over. Equis has survived the dual threats of Phazon and Space Pirate invasion. A new era of peace and prosperity covers the planet, as new trade routes between Equis and the Federation - centered in the country of Equestria - bring new technology and wealth to the nation, and the world.

But these thoughts are far from Fluttershy's mind. Her thoughts are focused on her friends - especially Samus, far distant from the world - her daily life, and her animals.

In particular, a new one... One she's never seen before. But she calls Fluttershy Mama, so of course she'll care for the little flying jellyfish, whatever she is.

What could go wrong?

Edit: It isn't required to read Metroid: Equis to enjoy this story...but it's highly recommended to read it anyway. It's a really good story.

Chapters (10)

Twilight becomes alicorn of the stars. This is sort of a problem, because Luna kind of already was alicorn of the stars. Oops!

TV Tropes

Chapters (23)

Loosely based on the ever so popular My Little Dashie, see if I can tug at your heartstrings with this. Also this is in a different universe than my other stories, though you may or not spot some references about them in the future.

When you live alone, you can imagine things get pretty lonely, even for Derpy, one of the most bubbly mares in town, is no different. But when she finds something that will change her life forever, she has a choice to make, and as every choice comes, there will be a consequence.

Chapters (9)

A magical accident has a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

Warning, Spoilers in comment section.

Cover art by: Sipioc

AN// All thanks to the people over at spacebattles.com for betaing.

Sequel can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/306592/normal-life

Chapters (53)

Pinkamina Diana Pie has kept a secret from all of her friends. A secret that her greatest wish has only been for someone to notice. And now after years of waiting somepony finally has. And what sweet release does it bring for the pony who has never known a sunrise or sunset.

Random Little Fimfic That Burrowed It's Way Into My Brain.

P.s. Mr. Muffin is a Tomska creation I don't own him and I don't own Harry Potter either so please don't sue me! Also if I don't own those two then it goes without saying that I don't own MLP either.

P.p.s. This Fimfic might become rated M later on. This factoid remains to be seen and will remain in Teen until further notice.

Chapters (7)

Harry Potter, in a fit of despair after his friends leave him on the hunt for horcruxes, is discovered by Nightmare moon who promises to give him a favor in return for serving her forever more. He accepts this offers.

Original idea by Darkened Paradise. Used with his knowledge. rest of the story is mine, first chapter is his with some small alterations.

Cover art is made with general Zoi's pony maker and will be what Harry currently looks like in the story.

Chapters (31)

Twilight Sparkle is interrupted from a midnight study session by the arrival of three confused magic students.

A short Harry Potter/My Little Pony crossover. Can the universe handle Twilight Sparkle and Hermione Granger in the same room?

EDIT: Rewritten per 2015-04-27


Chapters (1)

Only a small number of bat ponies remained in Equestria after the disaster of Nightmare Moon. The majority fled, not trusting the nation after being betrayed by their own Princess. But with Luna's thousand year exile having come to a close, it is time for them to rejoin the fold, and no pony is better suited for negotiating that task than the Princess of Friendship herself.

However, when the captain of your escort is Indigo Zap, who suffers from a severe case of Lust At First Sight, and has an ego to put Rainbow Dash's to shame, things get a little more complicated than merely healing millennium-long tensions.

Thanks to bahatumay for pre-reading.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Distorted Fate

After enduring the task of adapting to being a filly and helping to stop a potential disaster from occurring, one would think that things are finally turning around for me. Sadly... fate will never be that nice to me. Now I have deal with ponies knowing that I was originally an alien, Twilight's desire to learn everything I know, as well as training a team of ponies to handle any interdimensional issues that could come to Equus thanks to Celestia's recklessness. My life just keeps getting worse.

Oh, and everypony said I'm also going to have to go through something else, but I didn't understand the word. Just give me a moment as I look it up. I think it started with a p.

Note: It is recommended to read Distorted Fate first. Also may contain some gore.
Updates Tuesdays and Fridays.

Art: WildSoulWS
Editors: FourponyChapters I-XXXV), Hyari(Chapters I-XIV) PersonalGamer (Chapters XXIX and onward) RockstarRaccoon (Chapters XXXVIII and onward), PinkieThePrankster (Chapters Chapter LVIII and onward)

Chapters (67)