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We all know the story of how Sunset Shimmer left Equestria and went to the human world. But what if that didn't happen? What if the mirror that Sunset took didn't lead to the Equestria Girls universe, but the world of Remnant? How would Sunset's life take a different turn? Well, just read and find out.

(Rewrite of the original Sunset Huntress)

(Crossover between this Story, The Beacon's Tempest, and Kamen Rider Arms)

(12/29/2016) This story got featured! Thank you all!

Chapters (14)

Heartbroken from her friends and brother abandoning her at the wedding rehearsal, Twilight Sparkle retreats to a strange new world and is later followed by Spike and Rainbow Dash. Once there they encounter new races, strange technology, gain great power and see to the foundation of a new empire. But while there they experience constant warfare from many enemy factions that seek their destruction, turning the innocent ponies and dragon into naught but a memory. So now there is only one question: when they return to Equestria, will they come as peaceful diplomats, or conquerors?

Universe in set in a Halo/Warhmmer 40k/Star Wars mixed galaxy.

Halo is property of Bungie.
Warhammer 40k belongs to Games Workshop.
Star Wars is owned by Disney.

Not sure if the action sequences will actually be gorey, but the tag's there just in case.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Change

There are many changeling hives spread throughout a large portion of the world. Wherever love energy is going to be found the changelings will pursue it.

But now, one by one, they are disappearing.

Many hives located at the very outer edges of changeling inhabited lands are vanishing without a trace, Twilight Sparkle's family history has returned to haunt them all as something is hunting the changelings down. But how? And for what purpose? And more importantly, what does this mean for Queen Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the changeling race?

Edited by RC2101_Copey.
Cover Art was designed by Jesuka.
TVtropes Page:
Physical copy:

(Featured on the first day, 6/11/2016. Awesome!)

Chapters (70)

This story is a sequel to Fire & Rain

To say that the Wonderbolt's last trip to Manehatten was eventful would be an understatement. Spitfire broke her wing, met Rainbow Dash, dated Rainbow Dash, and a planned thunderstorm went out of control landing many ponies in the hospital. Now with Spitfire getting "promoted" to command of the Wonderbolt's Academy and Rainbow Dash on the mend from her own injuries, the two will learn just how much life can still throw at them.

Meanwhile, Soarin and Rapidfire must come to grips with their new roles as leaders of the Wonderbolts. Soarin doesn't know if he's up to the task, and Rapidfire doesn't know if he even wants to stay. All these trials and more await them further on up the road...

Pre-reading and Editing: LoyalLiar, The24thPegasus, SolidFire, Sorren, and Skeeter The Lurker.
I do my own cover art.

Chapters (11)

I leave this note here in case my sister and I were wrong and there are others who survived. While I am doubtful there is anypony, if you did survive, read this carefully.

My sister and I are sorry. We could not protect you. The monster...the Maestro...was too powerful. Far more powerful than we could have ever believed. And because of our ignorance...our world is gone. Leaving only my sister and me.

But the Maestro is not finished. He has plans to do to others what was done to us. And though we may no longer have subjects anymore, our vow still stands as long as we draw breath. So we head off to a new world, a world where hopefully we can stop him this time.

But this won't end until either we kill him...or he finishes off the royal family.

Chapters (44)

A young girl, having been robbed of her childhood and very life by illness finds herself given a second chance in a strange world and with an even stranger body. With a new life, family, and even a brother, she tries to cope with the bizarre world she's found herself in while also trying to embrace her role and become worthy of the gift she has been given.
Being a princess can be hard however, even if it's only an honorary title, especially when you're the twin sister of Prince Blueblood.

Warning, very slow burn.

Chapters (39)

Phoenix Flamez is a kindly citizen of Appleloosa, having recently moved in shortly before the Gyaos attack. Thankfully unharmed and with the town back on the way to recovery, her mind drifts to other matters. It's then she had a chance meeting with quite possibly the most unique being Appleloosa has ever encountered.

And kaiju don't dance.

Made as a gift to a good friend and valued member of the Amalgam'verse group, FallenAngel5414 or simply just "Angel" as some fellow readers know her as. Hats off to you all for you support of her and all bows granted to the artist herself.

Chapters (1)

My name is Eric and this is my wife, Saskia. How to Train Your Dragon has always had a special place in our hearts and after the second movie came out, we decided to go a convention together, dressed as Night Furies. What could possibly go wrong?

Apparently, an awful lot.

We bought this Night Fury egg from this guy dressed as the Merchant and we ended up in an alternate Equestria as Night Furies. Well on the bright side, we always wanted to be parents.

A\N The cover is a picture by Choedan-Kal.

Chapters (2)

Chrysalis has won, Twilight is dying and everything looks hopeless. Still feeling the sting of betrayal from her friends, three powerfull entities visit Twilight's fading mind and offer her a deal. To not only survive, but to assume their mantle of power. Twilight accepts and is reborn as the next Queen of the kaiju.

This is all based on Snow Ghost Pony's, Kaiju Rumble. Credit for this wonderful idea goes to them.

Edit A\N new cover! This cover is fan art created by Cyanjames2819 and they did a wonderful job. Shout out to Cyanjames, thank you!

Chapters (3)

Hello and welcome all (especially the ladies), my name is Jea-ha, the Ryokuryuu or Green Dragon. And yes, I am available.

How can you say such things so casually, Jea-ha? It is distasteful. My name is Kija, the Hakuryuu, otherwise known as the White Dragon and don't mind my brother.

And Zeno is Zeno, the Ouryuu or Yellow Dragon! Pleased to meet you all! And this is Seiryuu, the Blue Dragon!

...... Shin-ah.

Well, now that introductions are out of the way, let's begin. Our story starts where any Displaced story starts. At a convention. We had attended the con dressed as the Dragon Warriors from Akatsuki no Yona, bought something from The Merchant, and now here we are in Equestria.

A\N Again, no idea who made this art, but credit to them.

Chapters (6)