Ralph was ever the outcast- shunned for something that he wasn't even at fault for, feared and hated for his size and strength. And so he set off on a journey...
Cross-over with Wreck-it Ralph. It's kinda a ponified version of it but not really.

Chapters (6)

An evil underground corporation is working on a project that includes them stealing pony hearts from only the purest of ponies and making an army of pony robots to take over Equestria. They want to rule over Celestia and Luna by taking Celestia's heart and destroying Luna's. Will Twilight be able to stop them?

Chapters (10)

Everyone was sure they didn't exist. We were wrong. No one knows why they're trying to kill everyone, but they are. If we don't win, it could mean the end of everything in existence.

Chapters (3)

Dr.LunyJoy is a blue male unicorn with a brown mane. He lived in Manehatten and has multipersonality disorder that is triggered by feelings, and each personality has its own corresponding cutiemark. He is the only pony taken hostage at the royal wedding and he has to survive with friends while trapped in changeling country.

Chapters (4)

Princess Ginger Snap Sparkle is the epitome of mary sue. She lives a perfect life, she has the perfect family, and she has the perfect relaxation spot: a super steamy volcanic hot spring.
Ginger Snap is enjoying her perfect secret spa day when she's suddenly interrupted by an evil pegasus from her past.
What will become of this adventure? You'll just have to keep reading to find out.

(WARNING! This story is NOT MEANT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY AT ALL! There was absolutely no effort put in, and the story is merely the product of a bet. DON'T TAKE IT SERIOUSLY!)

Chapters (1)

It's a bit dark, not really though. So, I hope you read, and enjoy. I have nothing to say here. OH! Yes! Okay, so, here is a small start.

Flare walked along the beaten dirt path that lead around the city. He slipped pass some guards. He was wanted for thievery across the town, with one or two major crimes like murder. It wasn't his fault, he was merely a tool used by his clients, who usually wanted something. Suddenly a bag went over his head, which smelled faintly of potato. He was brought down to the floor. Please don't let it be the guards, please no. Flare blacked out when a rod came down on the back of his head.
He woke up, without constraints, but still with the burlap sack on his forehead. He pulled it off, and suddenly his headache started up. He looked around the room. He noticed a man, who was dressed somewhat noble style, and a list in his hand. He handed Flare the list. Flare sighed and reviewed it. It's not like I'm greeted very better than the way I was... He finished and looked up. Suddenly the man spoke. "I want you to steal these."

Chapters (11)

Queen Chrysalis, the queen of the changelings. Was she always the love-eating villain Equestria has come to know. And what of her children, the changelings. Did they always look and act like that of their queen. What happened? Were they different, once?

This story was proofread and edited by my Dad.
This is a rewrite of my original Quiet Chrysalis story! Check that out here: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/464091/quiet-chrysalis

Chapters (1)

Still more carnage from Equestria, though this time with a slight Transformers crossover: Match-ups: Jack Silver vs. Optimus Prime, Dr. Lizardo vs. Smaug and Garble and his goons vs. the Diamond Dogs vs. the Changelings!

Chapters (1)

A war has lead to the extinction of the Changelings... At least that is what everpony thinks. With Queen Chrysalis's dying breath, she casts a powerful spell that temporary changed a Changeling's form and wiping their memory. Ten years has passed since then and the new heir to the throne, Princess Mariposa must rebuild the Changeling Kingdoms with help from all of her subjects of course.

Chapters (1)