Emerald Key and his family move away from Manehattan after his dad's boss transfers him to another workplace in Ponyville for an entire year, much to Emerald's dismay. Trying to adapt in this small, strange town, Emerald Key continues his education at Ponyville Elementary, hoping for some normality, but instead falls in love with one of the school's bullies, Silver Spoon. He wants to date her, but a pink coated, tiara wearing friend of hers, makes that extremely difficult.

Chapters (6)

Diamond Tiara hypnotizes her mother into going out naked, as part of her effort to make her mother nicer to her.

Commission for Superfun
(Note: commissioned story; different vibe than my other stories.)

Chapters (4)

Set shortly after "Crusaders of the Lost Mark". Though she finally stood up to her mother and expresses a genuine wish to be a better filly, Diamond Tiara really DOES have A LOT of nasty stuff to make up for. Half-fortunately, half-unfortunately, a new bully even nastier than SHE used to be just might give her the opportunity she needs to patch things up with the other students - especially Silver Spoon (as the bully in question is a nasty colt who has a VERY one-sided crush on her). However, with the help of her former enemies/new friends, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, she just might pull it off.

Chapters (1)

After hearing how people say how they think the Cutie Mark Crusaders will get their marks, I'm was disappointed with the results they get. Not only from how they get their cutie marks, but also what their talent will be. So I will tell my own story to be the finally to the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

It's the last week of school for Cheerilee's class before the little foals move up one their learning and develop their talents. CMC, despite all their heard efforts and did everything that they can, still haven't got their cutie marks. But fortunately, Cheerilee had requested the help of a "Cutie Mark Consoler", someone who's job is to find little ponies cutie marks.
But will this consoler help achieve the little crusader's dreams, or will he bring a nightmare that they themselves haven't already discover

Chapters (6)

Applebloom is in town for a convention.
Silver Spoon is staying in town to visit a loved one.
The two of them coincidentally bunk together.

The (probably) last in a trilogy of stories about the CMC living parts of my life.
Which is more interesting in retrospect than it seemed at the time.
Oh, I feel that I should mention that they're older now. That seems important enough to warrant a mention.

Chapters (1)

Vinyl and Octavia are the best of mare friends. But what happens when a bear threatens to tear them apart? Literally!


A crazy amount of slapstick like in the Tom and Jerry Cartoons, A Dumb Cheesy Romance, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon acting like Themselves, A giant Grizzly Bear whose power level could probably rival Goku, and the worst offense! Vinyl being Mute!

Chapters (1)

Cloppenhagen: Once a large trade city at the south most border of Equestria. Cloppenhagen was trading with anyone who had things to trade and bits to buy, but once the war started, the trade with the Zebra lands started to stop, even if the city was still willing to trade with the foreign country. When the bombs fell, it landed outside the city, so it wasn’t irradiated, but it was still hit by the shockwave. When the ponies of Cloppenhagen emerged from the Stables in and around the City, they started rebuilding the city as best as they could; it took years, but eventually they created what was more or less a society; they even went to the Zebra lands and established trade with the remaining Zebras in an effort to help them restore their country as well as themselves. Now 2 mares from the only stable left in Cloppenhagen goes into the wasteland, to seek adventure, and maybe find grand treasures from the past.

Chapters (9)

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon got their cutie marks so early they never actually learned what they meant. Now, some time later, the answer to that question still tugs at Diamond’s mind.

Chapters (1)

Two years after apologising for everything and becoming friends with The Canterlot Movie Club, Diamond Tiara is feeling down cause here friends have boyfriends and she doesn't, then Spike ask her out on a date.

One shot Spike x Diamond Tiara

Other ships

Button Mash x Sweetie Belle

Tender Taps x Apple Bloom

Rumble x Scootaloo

Thorax x Silver Spoon

Chapters (2)

Pinkie Pie sends Silver Spoon to the Moon in a wondrous pink Balloon.

Apparently; Luna had built herself a castle on the Moon, during the long years in her isolated exile. Not that she could ever visit any of the rooms or trot the long hallways; yet there it is, she had built it.

Now Silver Spoon ends up in the Saloon, having a cup of tea, trying her damnedest to avoid, being the Buffoon.

Ps: A tribute to the Spoon!

Chapters (2)