• Published 14th Jun 2013
  • 3,147 Views, 593 Comments

Stories in Stone, Lost Empire - TDR

The teenage CMC go on an adventure to find the reason for Applebloom's nightmares. 3rd book in the SiS saga.

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Hidden Truths [9]

Stories in Stone
Lost Empire

Hidden Truths

[Gallopagos Island present day]

“...... of course there were a large number of ponies and even some half dragons that said the only reason I was marrying Lion Heart was because of his station and wealth. Since it seemed that my past accomplishments and my own fiscal standing meant nothing to these neighsayers, I would have to do something about it. After all I did not want any pony to think any less of Lion Heart simply because he proposed to me.”

“Uh huh...” Sweetiebelle comments.

Rarity continued on despite the blank stare her sister was was giving her. Sweetiebelle looked like she was listening intently though she was also sorting through a number of musical crystals on the table occasionally nodding or smiling at her sister, but with the vacant stare of one long used to a mare who carried on a one sided conversation for hours.

“......So after a few weeks of all these rumors I decided to do something about it. I reopened my boutique here and contacted my friend Coco, I met her in Manehatten, such a wonderful town, there was a bit of a issue there of course ,but that is a story for another time, I really should tell you about that though you know what our connection is.....”

“Lovely,” mentions Sweetiebelle.

Pip did not have the lifetime of experience with this sort of thing that Sweetiebelle had. With the exception of uncle Rhede and Aunt Celestia, his family was not really the talkative type. He was used to ponies that said what they wanted to say and that was it. Ponies like Rarity seemed to enjoy the sound of their own voice to the the point that they forgot where they were going with what they were saying. Despite this he was desperately trying to pay attention if nothing else but to be polite. He was doing his best to view this as endurance training, though at the same time he couldn't help to casually plot what he would do to pay back the other two who had abandoned him here. Well maybe just Applebloom, Scootaloo had enough issue to deal with, with the food poisoning from the tacos........

“..... but any way when Coco arrived with a few other friends of hers and we all started to work on some new designs utilizing the cloth and materials that the book Princess Luna gave me. Now I know I am supposed to be Generosity and all but Princess Luna entrusted the information to me so I was reluctant to share it freely. Of course I took a bit of time while the others were working on the designs to find a way to mass produce the material and the best applications for it. Still after the first show and some stress testing by the local Guard it took next to no time for the word to get around and the orders from all over Equss to start pouring in. It barely took a year, but the designs and the material have become the Gallopagos chief export. Not only did it silence the neighsayers but it attracted quite a bit more business to the island and greatly increased the revenue. I dare say it pushed Gallopagos to the forefront of the fashion world, perhaps more so than Prance and New Canterlot. Oh and the designs.....”

“That sounds nice.” notes Sweetiebelle, not even looking up

Pip was debating how hard he needed to fall out of the chair to receive a head injury that would knock him out rather than outright kill him when Scootaloo and Applebloom returned.

“Ahh welcome back you two, you're just in time for dinner, Pipsqueak, Sweetie, and I were just having a delightful conversation on how my fashions saved the day.” Rarity chimes out in a greeting to the pair.

Scootaloo winces realizing what they left Pip to suffer through, though Applebloom blinks a bit surprised.

“Umm ya said mai cousin was here? Ah dun see him.....” Applebloom questions.

“Why he's sitting right......” Rarity explains turning and pointing a hoof to an empty chair next to her. She blinks in surprise at the empty seat turning to look around the room and even taking a glance under the table. “Well he was here, perhaps he had to go to the little colts room.”

“ we forgot what she was like.... He's gonna kill us....” mutters Scootaloo to Applebloom who shivers.

“Uh huh.... “states Sweetiebelle flipping through a music magazine, still not paying attention.


[Three years after the War of Gods, Camp Ruin, border of the Everfree Forest on the far side of the Maneterhorn from New Canterlot. < named after Luna's General, not what the Guard trainees think.> ]

A small office sat at the edge of the camp overlooking the lake and the river that fed it. Three ponies sat inside pouring over notes and calenders ,making plans and going over the training goals for the period. While the Guard training was supposed to start in the spring, a number of delays kept it from happening until the end of summer, partially coinciding with the foals going back to school. This was done to aid a number of the trainees and instructors with foals.

“ …. Alright so we have Bleu for this month to do the claw to hoof fighting and some other exercises, she can take a break from being Dean for only that little bit of time. Rhede and Velkorn are still on their honeymoon, and I doubt that will end before next year knowing Rhede and how long Velkorn was after him, so we won't have her as a medic. Zecora has offered her services, though she's not so much a medic as a potion maker, it will help for some of the stranger ailments we might come across. Still that likely means we have to hold back a little to keep from hurting too many of them.” Jer'rahd states pointing at a calender. “The week after Bleu heads back to her school is when split them up among the three of us for specialty training, same as last time.”

“This groups three times tha size as that first. Just ponies and half dragons this time, but tha Guard Captains want all of the Guard to pass what we throw at them, that includes the old Guard instructors. Gonna have a hard time training trainers. Doubt they will wanna listen. We're looking at being worked tah death just as much as tha trainees are with only tha three of us.” Rose grumbles.

“We have a few of them from the first group to help out. Lion Heart and Peach Blossom have already volunteered. I can probably get a few of the others as well.” Starfall states.” Should take a bit of the burden off of us any way.”

“Tiberius is right out. That pony doesn't need any sort of leadership roll, too much of a cowcolt. I wouldn't mind Dusty and Breezy, those two managed to actually surprise me in the end.” Jer'rahd remarks.

“We can't get those two. Dusty was called back to her fathers aerie and Breezy requested a transfer to accompany her.” Starfall sighs. “ Princess Celestia approved it and Rhede told me to tell you not to worry about it. Which of course means you will.”

“Great. Any other pony in the Empire willing to lend a hoof Rose?” Jer'rahd asks.

“Nah, most of um are focused on tha fact Sombra is still out dhere.” Rose mutters. “On tha plus side dheir training dhere own recruits so we won't get any more from tha empire fer a while.”

“Well it looks like we will have our work cut out for us then. On the plus side we have the roster lists set and the Guard Captains know we can only handle so many. “ Jer'rahd sighs. “I don't care how skilled the first batch we trained seems and how well they did, if they keep rushing things and trying to change the program they are going to get sub par Guards again. Still seventy ponies at once, I'm getting tired of all these surprises they keep throwing at us.”

A heavy knocking on the office door gets a slight smirk from Starfall as Jer'rahd slams his head onto the table.

“Yer cursed Lad.” Rose mutters.

“At least he didn't say anything about being clever.” Starfall chuckles.

“Don't even joke about that Starfall.” Jer'rahd cautions before looking at the door and sighing.”COME IN.... oh this better not be another change and so help me if it's Moskau with more paperwork, I don't care if she's my boss and your mare friend Rose, I will....… oh it's you.”

Jer'rahd and Rose both frown as the tall white pony with the flowing multicolored mane ducks her head to get in the door. She flutters her wings lightly looking at the three in the room a bit pensively, noting Starfall's partial bow and the two stallions glare.

“What do you want!?” Jer'rahd and Rose both bark glancing to each other then up at Celestia.

“What ? Am I not allowed an inspection of the training area before it is fully opened?” Celestia questions.

“We've had six inspections by the three Guard Captains, eight by the Wonderbolts, twelve by the nobles, and at least six by concerned parents and spouses of the trainees, and once by the CMC which set us back a week and a half on repairs alone, all of them cleared by you to do so. We have also been checked out almost nightly by Princess Luna and Pip.” Jer'rahd sighs.”Granted she was bringing me dinner and trying to avoid some of her Night Court Duties so I can't blame her for the visits.”

“Plus it's pitch black outside, dun you need yer beauty sleep mare? Cause it certainly looks like yah do to me.” Rose snorts.

Celestia glares at the crystal pony though decides to ignore him.”Fine then I suppose I do have an ulterior motive.

“What? You have an ulterior motive? Naaaaaaaah..... say it ain’t so, not you!” Rose taunts in mock surprise slapping his hooves to the side of his cheeks in shock.

“What is it Celestia?” Jer'rahd cuts in before she snaps back at Rose. The crystal pony was likely the only one out there who disliked Celestia more than he did. Of course Rose showed the same dislike to Luna, but when Jer'rahd was around he didn't push her as far as he did with Celestia.

“We still have a great deal to do Princess and if we want everything done on time we can't have any more issues come up.” Starfall attempts to placate.

Celestia sighs, she would have preferred to meet just Starfall or even just Jer'rahd for this conversation. But Rose was also part of this, despite her hope he would have gone back to the Crystal Empire. Not that she wanted to foist the old goat on Shining and Cadence again, but at least he tolerated them. Still all three would find out eventually, better to get this over with now. She figured it would be easier to deal with these three than it would be to deal with Twilight. Not like her student could say anything about the time spent apart when she was doing the same sort of thing while writing her book.

“I have an additional pony to add to your training for this class Kaisur.” Celestia states flinching as Starfall and Rose face hoof and Jer'rahd smashes his head against the desk again.

“Are you daft mare? We're already at our limit, if not already over it. Yer recruiters are too damn good at their jobs.” Rose grumbles.

“He is right Princess we are already at our limits for how many we can have in training, even one more pony would force us to use less individual time then we need on this group. We were already looking to extend the training to thirteen weeks. We also are pulling from the first class we did to fill out the rosters so the three of us don't have to do everything, and we need time to train them in what to do as well.” Starfall explains. “We really cannot take in any more.”

“Who's the pony? “ Jer'rahd questions suddenly, his head head impacted on the desk. “Must be some one important if you came down here personally to ask us to include them rather than sending it as an order like you usually do.”

Trust Kaisur to catch on quickly, Celestia sighs once more. “I am sure the importance of the trainee is subject to some debate, particularly by those of you in this room. I wish to join the training my self.”

Starfall's eyes widen, Jer'rahd looks up the desk where he face planted, shock on his face as well. Rose chokes on the flask of, what certainly wasn't water, he was trying to discreetly sip from.

“What?! Las have yah finally gone daft in yer old age? This ain't exactly a picnic, and yer being a high and mighty god type pony, which I will say annoys tha piss outta me like a bladder infection, you ain't even gonna be winded by tha stuff we put tha average louts through.”

“If some one as crotchety as you can do this Rose, I should have no issue with it.” Celestia mutters.

“Ain't a matter of being crotchety. Though I mean yer not one tah talk, despite yer living life vicariously through a mare a couple thousandths of your age like you are. It's more along the lines of this training ain't designed fer yer flappy bits and mystic mumbo jumbo at that same time. It's made fer three separate types of ponies and maybe a griffon or what have you. In any case they all are one thing you ain't, mortal. Side's despite all ya did in the recent conflict all yah done before it and since, is sit on yer ponderous rump eating cake. Tha most exercise yah been getting is tha stuff they make clop stories out of with yer little purple tart....”

“Rose if you continue insulting Twilight I will melt your crystal pony flank down to sand and make a latrine out of you to be placed in the mess hall, which will from then on only serve spicy zebra food.” Celestia snarls.

“Well that's fine as long as yer fat flank don't try and use me. Until ah saw ye again ah didn't know they made toilets in wide load.” Rose fire's back.

“Rose enough.”Jer'rahd interrupts, looking at Celestia. “Why?”

Celestia looks at the gray unicorn as if expecting some sort of jab from him as well, though Kaisur simply sat there staring at her waiting for the answer. “Several reasons, though the foremost of which is I could have done better than I did.”

“The evacuation of Canterlot? I doubt any one could have pulled off moving that many ponies and the defensive coordination of that magnitude as you did Princess.” Starfall points out.

“It should have never come to that.”Celestia grumbles. “I've become far too complacent, I’ve not done any sort of war preparation for myself since the Discordian War...”

“Yeah and we see how well that worked out fer yah.” snaps Rose.

Celestia glares at the crystal pony her mane smoldering, though she continues on as if he hadn't spoke.
“The first training exercise you had here produced a hoof full of soldiers the likes of which have not been seen in Equss since the Equestrian Civil war. Out of all the Guards the 42nd saved more ponies and suffered less casualties than any other group. To the last every one of them cited something you trained them in as how they survived and saved so many. I could sit in and watch what you do to understand it , but I feel that if I want to understand it I will have to take the training myself. You claimed before I should be better so that is what I am attempting to do Kaisur. I have been blind sided far too often lately. Twice by Chrysalis, and the same mortal dragon, as well as my own mentor. I do not want that to happen again.”

“In your defense, you did take Aviana down rather quickly.” Starfall mutters.

“The point is the books are still out there as are Sombra and Chrysalis. I want to be as prepared as possible for when they come again.” Celestia states.

“There is also the fact that other nations might see Equestria as weakened from all these attacks despite the new soldiers. If the goddess trying for a peaceful solution could also beat the tar out of any one of them is offering the olive branch herself, it would make negotiations go smoother.” Jer'rahd ponders out loud. “Same as it did when every one thought you beat Nightmare Moon on your own.”

“When did you start following politics?” Starfall questions.

“Starfall I’m Luna's consort and one of my best friends is Rhede. I deal with more politics than I even want to think about.” Jer'rahd sighs.

“Point.” concedes Starfall.

“Yah realize that yer sisters the one who helped design half this training right, last I checked she was still tha Goddess of war and it's her job tah make the other nations wary of us not yers.” Rose snaps.

“That's not how Luna wishes to be viewed.” Celestia states receiving a small nod from both Starfall and Jer'rahd.

“It's another reason she adopted the foals. She's tired of being feared.” Jer'rahd remarks. “She wants to care for them first and foremost, but she also wants ponies to stop being afraid of her. She thought this might be a start of it. Some one willing to be a mother is less likely to be feared.”

“Unless you mess with said mothers children.” Starfall points out.

“Buncha hogwash, yah do what yer good at.”snaps Rose. “She does the fighting , you do tha bitching, been that way fer as long as I recall.”

“You are good at being an ass does that make you a donkey?”Celestia grumbles.

“Still doesn't change the fact we don't have the room or the training tah deal with this.” Rose grumbles.

“Ask Luna.” Jer'rahd states.” Get her permission, as well as Pip, Berry, Brush and Orange's. If they don't agree, you can forget it for now. “ Jer'rahd offers.

“Why, what for?” Celestia blinks.

“ This training is going to take me away from the foals a lot more than I like, adding you to the list will remove me further as I will need to work more to include you. If you are here training Luna will have to cover your duties, because I am not letting you leave to hold court or whatever once this starts, you stay here in the barracks like every other Guard. And since you are taking both their parents away from them for your own personal reasons, they need to allow it. This is going to be thirteen weeks Celestia. There will be other conditions as we go, but they won't matter unless you meet this one first.”

“Ya can't be serious?” Rose grumbles.” We dun have the time tah take special care of this bint.”

“Rose, I was put in charge of this operation, what I say goes. You don't have to like it, you just have to accept it. Either that or you can go complain to Princess Luna, who will probably tell you to go home, at which point Moskau will be mad at you.” Jer'rahd responds, strangely calm. “Now, if that's everything you might want to go talk to Luna now before she gets to embroiled in listening to some one whine in her court.”

Celestia blinks at all this looking at Jer'rahd curiously before she nods turning back to the door. “Thank you Kaisur.”

“Don't thank me Celestia. If you hated Rose and I before, you are just setting yourself up to hate us on a unprecedented scale now. I've been told some of the Guards I’ve trained have nightmares about me.” Jer'rahd quips as she walks out the door.

The trio waited a few moments staring at the door before Starfall and Rose look at Jer'rahd, more specificly the rather large grin spreading over his face.

“Took her long enough to finally listen to something you said.” Starfall sighs ”I did tell you to use the carrot more often than the stick after all.”

“Seriously what tha buck are we gonna do about this? We can't deal with a goddess, how tha heck can we break her down tah build her back up?” Rose grumbles.” She's gonna buck up red phase before we even begin.”

“Let me worry about that. I plan to do most of her training. Pushing her past her limits might be a good warm up for me. I still expect Starfall to handle her flight training.” Jer'rahd smirks. “we all know how badly she needs that.”

“By the stars I’ll need to get Spitfire and some other Wonderbolts out here, she flies like a wounded watermelon launched from a catapult by a griffon with leprosy.” Starfall grumbles her ears flattening to her head..

“And what of the rest of the trainees? Only half of them are green recruits, the rest are guard who actually know something. We can't keep all of them on their tippy hooves and watch over her too.” Rose snaps. “We got too many to just focus on her like she needs.”

“Leave it to me Rose as I said, I already have a plan for this. That half the group are Royal guards already makes this even easier. Besides you are missing the fun parts of this.” Jer'rahd grins.

“And what are those pray tell colt?” Rose snaps

“Every pony in Equestria saw that flare on the moon and knows who did it. She's got the reputation of beating both Nightmare Moon, Discord and ,Sombra across Equss. She's also known now as a ridiculously powerful Goddess who many even outside of Equestria both fear and respect.” Jer'rahd smirks wider, as does Starfall though the mare tries to hide it as she catches on.

“Yer point colt?”Rose asks still not putting things together.

“We are going to have her jumping through hoops and acting like every other trainee. What exactly do you think will happen to the reputation of the 42nd when we are ordering the Goddess of the Sun around like she's nothing and she actually does what we tell her to do?” Jer'rahd states and Starfall gives up trying to contain her smirk.

“It may be a harder session for us this time, but we have a chance to make our jobs much easier in later sessions as every pony will be absolutely terrified of the instructors who trained the Princess.” Starfall chuckles. “After all I doubt any of us are going to go easy on her, with that information out there no pony will even consider that we will be easy on them, it should shut down any frivolous trainees and nobles making a station grab. The only ones who will join after this will be the ones who really want to join the Guard. The ones we actually want.”

Rose flicks his ears a moment reaching up to scratch the green crystalline growth under his chin that was supposed to be a beard but didn't match his rust colored mane and tail. “Ah see. Fine then ah'll agree tah this under one condition.”

Jer'rahd and Starfall both stare at the older, white crystal pony in confusion.

“And what's that? Starfall finally asks.

“Yah have tah agree with my earlier suggestion.” Rose grins.

“The one about what trainees uniforms and mane styles are allowed?” Jer'rahd asks.

“Aye that's the one....” Rose smirks.

Starfall and Jer'rahd look at the grinning pony then back to each other, then to the door that Celestia had gone out before both of them fall over laughing.

“Ah'll take that as a yes then.” Rose chuckles.


[Gallopagos Island present day, Darwhinny Keep.]

Pip leaned on the battlements of the keep, looking out over the island, bathed in his mother's moonlight. There was only just so much girly talk and rambling he could take in one sitting. It was one of the reason's he didn't mind dealing with the CMC, with the exception of Sweetiebelle, none of them really got into any sort of discussion like all the other fillies he knew. Heck half the time dresses, fashion, and gossip was all Diamond Tiara and his other female classmates even talked about. He could handle it to a point, and he couldn't deny some of what miss Rarity talked about was interesting, but she went so far around the point to get to it, he had no idea what half of what she said meant.

“Three hours. I think that is a record for listening to Rarity whine. The diamond Dogs count her as a weapon I’ve been told.”

Pip turns at the voice as Princess Luna steps out of a shadow walking towards him slowly. She seemed a bit off to Pip as she approached. It took pip a moment to realize why however. Luna didn't have the swollen belly she had when he left and she had a rather large glowing wicker basket nestled between her wings.

“Wha? Ma? …. oh....” Pip lifts his leg up biting it lightly, lowering it back to the stone floor without feeling any pain. “Ah musta dozed off huh.”

Luna rolled her eyes. “That both you and your father seem set on doing that every time, is rather irritating you know that?”

“Da says it's better to make sure somethin's a dream rather than assume it is and get fooled.” Pip states .” What are you doing here Ma?”

“We got the message about the ship. I decided to check on you.” Luna sighs

“Wha? I haven’t even sent off that letter.... oh Lion Heart.......” Pip sighs.


“Ugh, ah was hoping my screw up would take a little longer tah get back.” Pip grumbles hearing Luna chuckle a bit at that. “It's not funny.”

“You definitely take too much after Jer'rahd, little Pip. Every pony makes mistakes and no one was hurt.....”

“This time...” grumbles Pip.

Luna sighs trotting over and putting a hoof on his head ruffling his mane to which he halfheartedly tried to swat her hoof away in a huff.

“Way too much like Jer'rahd. You do realize that you took on a bigger responsibility than even my sister could handle. Those three are considered a disaster for a reason, even Discord was caught unaware by several of their antics.” Luna smiles. “No one was injured and Celestia and I never really liked the name of that ship any way.....”

“Not the point Ma, something happened I coulda stopped and I didn't.” Pip grumbles.” Ah let Sweetiebelle do what she wanted for a second and then every thing bucked up....”


“Sorry ….”

“It's alright Pip. I know you will be more careful from now on, but I wouldn't even expect Jer'rahd to be able to go on a trip with those three without something bad happening at least once. And you know how he gets when he does something he thinks he screwed up on.” Luna sighs her ears flattening and her tail whipping.

“Ah don't plan to sulk for three months straight if that's what you're worried about Ma. “ Pip chuckles remembering his Da after the flood in Ponyville a few years ago. “ It's just I shouldn't ah let her go off like that and I knew I shouldn't have, but I did any way.”

“I assure you Pip you are by no means the first colt who made a mistake because of a pretty mare.” Luna chuckles.

“Wha Sweetie!?! NO, NO, NO, EWW, JUST NO, Ma seriously stop trying ta match make? Even if she wasn't dating Button Mash, I want nothing tah do with her.” Pip bemoans “ That mare is flips between annoying an down right terrifying at tha drop of a hat. I dunno how Button deals with her at all.”

“Well I didn't expect that sort of reaction.” Luna chuckles.

Pip sits down against the battlement again looking up at Luna with a half smile “I didna think yah could come intah my dreams when I’m way out here. Yay planning tah keep an eye on me after all?”

“I'm close enough to you, Berry, Brush , Orange, and Jer'rahd that I can connect to your dreams no matter where you are. I can do the same with my sister and my friends, every other pony there needs to be something that draws my attention. As for keeping an eye on you well.... I would like to, but your father has convinced me not to. Granted if something else does happen, I do plan to check up on you then, just not the whole trip. I also expect you want to know when your little sister is born too.” Luna shakes her head at that. “ Though I doubt I will be able to inform you faster than the gossip papers can.”

“You know Miss Rarity's expecting too.... I got about an hours worth of chatter bout that.”

“Yes, trust me I know, despite this being her first she seems keen to inform me of how I should do things. Honestly, I think she believes this is a competition.” Luna sighs. “Keep in mind Pip you wanted to go with them. If nothing else, I do hope you will have some fun on this trip, no need to be all business, you might miss out on something if you act that way. It would also be good if you were not as high strung as your Da....”

“Ah'll keep that in mind, though ah have tah as Ma..... errr why aren’t you with foal here and what's with the glowy basket?”

“Hmmm? Just now noticed? I expected that question earlier. Well to answer both questions......” Luna picks the basket up from her back with her magic floating it down so Pip can see inside.

Pip peeks over the edge of the wicker basket seeing little but a rolling mass of colors and shapes with no form or substance. He stares at it a moment looking up at Luna confused.

“This is your little sister or brother. She's near enough to being born that he has her own dreams and thoughts, but he has no reference for any defined shapes as she hasn't seen the world yet, so he does not even know her own body yet to take it's shape in his own dreams. It is quite common for foals not yet born. It's considered a sign of health to have this much activity in their minds this young. “

“Wait, can't she, err he, what ever, see us now?” Pip asks.

“No as I said she has not yet learned to perceive anything yet, even here. He knows me simply by instinct, but has yet to identify me by any other senses. Though she knows enough to stay close to me like this and he has no desire yet to wander off. After she's born I expect he will have a whole different shape in her dreams. Though young foals tend not to remain in a static form in their dreams until they fully identify themselves which can take months or years.”

“Ah'll take your word for it Ma, this is a little beyond me.” Pip sighs as Luna chuckles.

“Alright, I won't lecture, still Pip, be careful.” Luna smiles leaning down to kiss him lightly on the forehead. “Also get up and go sleep in a real bed or you'll wake up with a crick in your neck.” Luna smiles putting the basket back on her back and ruffling the colts brown mane with her hoof getting a playful whine of complaint from him, before she pushes him over gently.

“Ma come on now....... wha, WHAAA!” Pip yelps waking up mid ruffle and falling over on his side on the stone battlement atop Darwhinny keep.

He sits up with a groan rubbing his head and muttering to himself glancing around and noting a rather amused looking half dragon sitting on one of the parapets not far from him. She was dressed in the brightly colored Guard armor Rarity designed and seemed to be keeping an eye on him, she was clearly a younger generation of the half dragons, she had more fur than scales and looked more like a bat pony than a dragon.

“Errr hello?” Pip questions.

“Finally awake I see? Lord Lion Heart sent a few of us to find you when you didn't show up for dinner.” she states.

“Urrgh dinner.... I fergot about that trying tah get away…. How long ago was dinner?”

“Yes well, Lady Rarity can do that to a pony not used to her. She's not normally this bad however. And it's near midnight so at least by two or three hours” the mare states fanning her wings.

“Bugger.... wait.....”

Pip bites his limb again with a faint wince before standing up getting a odd look from the half dragon.

“I am sure we can find you something to eat. I doubt any one would appreciate you resulting to self cannibalism.” the mare states.

“That's not …... never mind. If it's not too much trouble ah wouldn't mind a snack, I hope no one was too worried.”

“I don't think that is the case, though most wondered where you went.” she hops down from the parapet and walks towards the door glancing back at him. “Shall we go? I need to report I found you to Lord Lion Heart.”

Pip nods though his mind travels back to what his Ma had said about the accident with the Princess Bride. She sugar coated it he was sure, but Ma didn't think he could keep the three in line. He didn't like that, it made him feel like he was a disappointment to Ma and Da, whether he really was or not, and he hated feeling like he had upset them. Orange was a well respected doctor already, Brush was a highly talented painter, and even Berry was the assistant to the Bearer of Magic at such a young age. What did he have? Sure he trained and saw himself as a Guard in training, but if he couldn't complete a simple assignment, like keep three young mares from getting into trouble, how was he supposed to be a proper Guard?


[Three years after the War of the Gods., Camp Ruin, Fall]

“Pathetic, completely pathetic. The lot of you are, I've half a mind to send you sorry lot back home to become party clowns for a foal's parties, but I expect you would some how screw that up. On the plus side, at least you had the guts to try and take me. I can work with that.” Jer'rahd shouts down at the pile of groaning ponies.

He had almost wanted to skip this part of the training with as many of them as there were, he knew that some of the Guards who were retraining knew how to work together, they might have been a problem save for two factors.

First there were a few more rookies than Guard trainees, that former group had the expected show of arrogance and they all rushed in at him after a few insults. He showed them getting into a fight or two in school was not the same as taking on a properly trained war pony. Better still, the newbies got in the Guard trainees way while they tried to coordinate. That helped immensely. Still he would probably go back to the hat target his own instructor had used for the next batch.

The second factor was Celestia. Not a single one of them expected the Princess to be there, and even less of them expected to see their ruler with a mane cut that left her mane and tail shorter than an apples length from her head and rump. Rose went a little far, but he doubted that would last long, he knew how fast his own hair grew back from cuts and he figured hers would do the same if not even faster.

She didn't enter the brawl either, but the majority of the Guards did so in her name, or were trying to impress her or something. It was pathetically cute, though he would need to make some adjustments to the training to ensure that the other trainiess didn't try to make her training easier for her somehow.

In fact only two ponies didn't enter the fray, Celestia and a red scaled half dragon unicorn he immediately recognized. He let a wide grin split his face as he trotted over to the mare standing before her and looking up at the taller half dragon.

“Well, well, nice of you to join us again Night Feather. Planning to test your hoof to hoof combat on a bee swarm again this time?”

“Sir, No Sir.” the mare responds quickly causing Jer'rahd to offer a small chuckle.

“You have a great deal to catch up on. That batch of screw ups you were partnered with last time actually managed to do well enough to impress me in the end. Think you can do the same?”

“Sir, I will try sir!” the half dragon shouts.

“Good to hear.” He moves away from her, rather glad that she followed his order and came back. He wasn't entirely certain he had the power to remove someone who failed from the Guard itself, despite claiming that power. There was also the issue of Celestia, he had hoped she would make an attempt on him. But so far she simply stood there watching.

“There a reason you didn't try your luck Celestia?” Jer'rahd grumbles.

“I thought you liked this training ground, if we fought there wouldn't be much left of it.” Celestia states matter of factly.

“And here I figured you would try to take the easy win. You had a chance, beat the trainer and get a free pass. Out of every pony here I figured you would want that to get back sitting on your flank as soon as possible.”

“What I want is to experience this training Kaisur. I already do not like your methods, but it has been proven that they work. Since I plan to be here for all of it, skipping out would be pointless.” the princess glowers

“Amazing, I’m in charge here and you still somehow manage to talk down at me.”

“It is rather easy considering you are shorter than me.” Celestia barely stifles a smirk and Jer'rahd made a note to add a few more hours of PT just for that. ”Besides you said we would need to beat a trainer, you never specified which, every pony else just assumed it was you because you were standing in front of us. I am well aware Rose is hunkered down over there with that tree of his waiting for the moment I made a move.”

“No I'm not!” shouts Rose from behind one of the buildings.

Jer'rahd suppresses a smirk.” Celestia I have no intention of making this easy for you, Rose sure a buck is not. So here's what's going to happen, we are going to work you to the point of exhaustion and bring these trainees along for the ride. Your being here is going to make them suffer far more than they would have because we have to gear everything to your strengths. Which means to push you, we need to go far beyond what a normal pony can deal with. We are either going to have a batch of soldiers this time that makes the first group look like a Colt Scout Troop, or we are going to have a whole group drop out or fail. Keep that in mind Celestia, if any one drops out of this class due to difficulty, that it is your fault the training was so tough.” Jer'rahd states craning his head up to meet Celestia's gaze with a glare from under his hat, his voice almost a low growl. “Can you deal with that? Is your ego going to let you accept that your very presence is going to cause ponies around you suffering?”

Just for a moment he was sure the Goddess of the Sun flinched a little under his glare, but it was brief enough that he might have been mistaken.

“ROSE! Put down the stick and get this lot running, they all have been resting too long already!” Jer'rahd bellows.

“What ya mean? She's not gonna try anything?!?” Rose shouts from behind the building.

“No, she's not.” Jer'rahd responds turning away from the white alicorn.

“Damnit!” Rose shouts, as what might have once been a adult pine tree flew through the air and crashed to the ground on the other side of the recruits, sinking in a quarter of it's length into the hard packed earth.

Jer'rahd rolls his eyes at the collective gasp at the display of power shown by one of their trainers. They knew now that two of their instructors were monsters from the fight and Rose's little show. That should put a bit of fear into them, which would make things much easier.

“What the heck are you all standing aroundstaring for? MOVE!! ” screams Rose starting the mad rush along the running trail. “ I think a nice stroll up to Canterlot and back is in order. I know this neat little trail that goes uphill, both ways!” shouts Rose cheerfully as a pair of pegasi training assistants from the first class took to the air to make sure every pony stayed with the group as Rose shouted at them. “If I see any of you flying or using magic I will personally rip the offending limb off and make you a official earth pony am I clear!!!?”

Celestia took a last worried glance at Jer'rahd as Starfall landed next to him before turning to run along herself, followed by an terrified looking Night Feather who over heard the talk with the Princess.

“So that go well?” Starfall mutters.

“Seeds been planted, with luck she'll over tax herself trying to make sure none of the others fail. Night Feather will probably help that info spread a bit too. Once word gets out, I’m sure a number of the trainees will do their best to make sure they don't need Celestia's help and work even harder so she doesn't suffer thinking it's her fault. The ones that don't seem to care about her or the other troops suffering because of their actions are ponies we don't need any way.”

“So you are pushing for a collective loyalty thing then?” Starfall hums to herself. “It could work or it could back fire spectacularly.”

“I think they can pull it off. And she should be able to handle the extra strain and worry I dropped on her head. Keep in mind she asked for this.”

“Was that a compliment? Did you just compliment Celestia?” Starfall taunts.

“I'm impressed she's actually doing something finally. It's one thing to sit on a throne and order ponies to die for you, it's a whole different thing to live like they do, and go through what they go through just to be able to serve.”

“Heh, with that logic, should we expect to see Luna in here any time soon ?” Starfall smirks.

“No. Luna doesn't really need the training, she still spars with Velkorn and I from time to time. She's trying to be feared less, not more. She doesn't need an angle to be feared like Celestia does. Besides we would both have to sit out that training and I don't trust Rose alone with her. On the subject of sitting out of training, is Dash still pissed at me?”

“Oh yeah, she was trying to convince Zecora to make a voodoo doll out of you when she found out you canceled her spot in this training session.” Starfall smirks.

“Well we had too many as is, even before Celestia. Besides you would have to sit that out and there's no other fliers from the first group that can challenge her.”

“Spitfire is signed up for the next class. When she passes she might be inclined to sit in for Rainbow Dash's session as an instructor.” Starfall states.

“That confident Spitfire will pass already?” Jer'rahd glances over at the pegasus.

“She didn't become the youngest Captain of the Wonderbolts by throwing names around. Most of that lot is pretty good, but they can be better. I'll see to that.”Starfall grins.

“Then lets make sure this group passes so we have a chance to have another.” Jer'rahd responds.


[Current Day, Gallopagos, Darwhinny Keep, Gardens, Early morning.]

“Fraid I can't help you there miss. Doesn't look like any seed I’ve ever seen before.” the old gardener Mossflower states with a small rasp of breath.

Applebloom sighs softly looking down at the small seed in the glass bauble.”Well thanks any way Miss Mossflower. Maybe Ah'll have better luck when we get to the Empire. I shouldn't be surprised I couldn't find anything out ah suppose.”

The old gray mare ponders a moment.” Nah, I don't think you will in the Crystal Empire. See I might not know what kinda plant that's from, but I can tell you some things jus by looking at it. “

“Really?” Applebloom perks up watching the older mare tend to a blue rose bush.

“Yep, It looks like it's got a thin shell, so likely it was part of a bigger seed pod with a buncha others just like it, maybe like in fruit or judging from the size, a berry or cone. It's a little odd cause it's shaped like a simple flax seed but it's got some spots that looked like it had coarse hairs like wheat. It's definitely not a tundra type of plant like where empire is. Seeds from there tend to be fatter and some times barbed to hitch rides on animal hide. I'd say it's temperate or subtropical at best. Prolly from the Zebralands or close to it, if I had to hazard a guess.”

“That doesn't narrow it down as much as I like.” Applebloom sighs.

“Sorry hunnie, but look on the bright side least I didn't suggest going to the Everfree forest. No telling what you might find there fer seeds, I went a time or two myself when I was younger, swhere I got my cutiemark,” Mossflower glances back at the faintly withered flower on a patch of what might be moss on her flank. The old gray mare grins a bit. “I ain't what I used ta be though.”

“Still this is a step in the right direction at least. Thank you again Miss MossFlower.” Applebloom smiles trotting away from the garden to leave the older mare to her work.

“Good luck in yer search hunnie.” she calls out after the young mare.

Applebloom tucks the bauble away in her saddlebag as she trots off. Today was starting pretty well she had at least something to go on now, she hadn't thought of looking up similar seeds. Applebloom rounds the corner of the garden's gate and freezes in place. Pip was sitting on one of the benches talking rather animatedly with a Guard about something. She had been trying to avoid him ,expecting some sort of retaliation for being left alone with Rarity while Sweetie was out to lunch as it were. She sighs , she couldn't avoid him forever. She slowly trots up to the pair getting noticed by the guard first then by Pip.

“Umm hey cousin errr, not still mad about us leaving yah with Rarity are you?” Applebloom smiles sheepishly.

“Huh? Oh, na, revenge isn't really my thing.....” Pip shrugs. Waving to the guard as he moves off back on his patrol.

“Yeah but your Da said the same thing and well...there's a reason no pony messes with him on April Foals day any more.” Applebloom states, shuddering as the pair head back towards the keep, a pair of Guards watching them from the entrance. “So what's up then?”

“I was talking to tha guard Talia and she said you were looking for information on the thing Zecora gave you?” Pip questions.” I know was urging you tah go on this trip, but I didn't know she gave you something. Since I’m suppose to be watching over you three I kinda wanted to know what you found out.”

Applebloom sighs, she really didn't want either Sweetiebelle or Pip to worry about the seed. She wasn't trying to keep it a secret, but Sweetie would likely go over board and maybe even destroy it and she didn't want Pip to make it his quest as well.

“Zecora gave me a seed and said it was important that I take it with me cause I would need to use it sometime on this trip.”

“ Ahh, is that all, No worries then. I just want to know if you found anything out.” Pip responds somewhat disinterested sounding, as the pair walk into the keep.

“Nothing new though it's a temperate or subtropical seed. Might be some kinda fruit as well.” Applebloom explains.

“Huh. Ah'm not quite sure what that means.” Pip states wandering down the hallway.

“Oh temperate plants live in the zone that have discernible seasons unlike the near constant cold of the Crystal Empire and the Griffon Lands. Sub tropical is like the area's just north of the zebra lands that tend to stay warm in the winter and not get much snow if any.” Applebloom explains as the pair walk on, happy to be explaining something she knew something about to some one..

“So something like Las Pegasus? Pip suggests.

“Yeah that's..... oh yeah, we are going there. Maybe I can find something out there.” Applebloom beams rubbing her hoof roughly over the much shorter ponies mane mussing up his brown hair and getting a loud shout of protest from the colt. “ Yer smarter than yah look sometimes lil cousin.”

Pip growls and Applebloom smirks, bouncing ahead of him though a doorway keeping out of Pip's reach as he moves to make a grab for her. Applebloom laughs, though she freezes noting a rather evil smile on Pip's face as he stops in the doorway not pursuing her at all.

“Huh what's that about.....? Something wrong Pip?” Applebloom questions getting a bad feeling about that smile.

“There you are darling, I've been looking all over for you. “states a chipper voice that makes Applebloom's blood run cold. She flinches a little feeling a fore hoof slide over her back and the rasp of measuring tape.

The pale yellow filly turns her head meeting the beaming gaze of Rarity in full fashionable mode. Behind her stands a dazed looking Sweetiebelle and a excessively annoyed looking Scootaloo, both in in various states of fashionable dress.

“I've been meaning to ask if you could model for me for a time given your unique body type. Little Pipsqueak said you would be delighted to help me out. I have a number of delicious ideas to try out. I just needed the proper forms to fit and you girls are perfect. He was sure you wouldn't mind and even went to find you for me so I could concentrate on my ideas here. Sure a thoughtful and well mannered young colt, it seems Princess Luna has brought him up properly.......”

Rarity continues on with her monologue dragging the larger Applebloom along with her towards the piles of clothing and fabrics filling the room. A brief glance back to the door she saw her cousin had already vanished.

Applebloom sighs as Rarity moves her about like a doll before starting to test some materials against her fur color.

“Not tha type fer revenge huh?” Applebloom mutters sarcasticly. “He ain't ever gonna carry tha Element of Honesty....

“Of course he knows this means war right?” Scootaloo growls wearing a poofy blue hat and a dress that looks like something Granny Smith once wore.

“Uh huh...” Sweetiebelle mutters flipping though a music magazine and not really paying attention to anything.


[Three years after the War of the Gods., Camp Ruin, Fall]

“Come on maggots. Those rocks are not going to carry themselves.” Rose shouts.

Jer'rahd watches on as the earth ponies of the group, as well as a couple of half dragons, and Celestia, half march, half crawl up a hill carrying massive boulders on their backs, or in Celestia's case carrying one and dragging three. Though it was something to note that several of the others were dragging a second bolder as well as they tried to keep up with their Princess. That this was happening only three weeks into the training was far ahead of his expectations.

The schedule for the split training had worked out quite well. Celestia would start in Rose's group as it had the highest chance of wearing her out. While Sparkle's spell group at lunch and Starfall's was at the chess boards. She would then go to Starfall's group for flight training while Rose's group ate and Sparkle's hit the chess boards. Finally when Starfall's group went to mess she would go to Sparkle's group for the magical training.

It was set up in such a way that the casters were fed and focused for the spell training, the pegasi were hungry and not weighed down by a meal, and the earth ponies burned off anything they might stuff their faces with and were more relaxed for the chess matches to work their minds.

Celestia would get a couple of oat bars and a apple in there somewhere after Starfall's flight lessons, but she was deliberately kept going with little to no break for as long as possible.

It seemed to be working as one of the first things Sparkle noticed after her short cut mane and tail was that she had thinned down and toned up considerably. Jer'rahd had not noticed as he had been here the whole time with her, but Sparkle was only coming in for this part Granted Rose had cut her hair again that morning and Jer'rahd took a bit of interest in noting her mane and tail came back faster than his did.

He planed to sit in on the training with Sparkle to make sure that she didn't go easy on Celestia, though with luck the talk they had earlier he expected the purple unicorn would remain focused. would keep Sparkle focused.

>>” I would prefer that Sparkle be looking for Grace you know,”<< stated a voice in his head.

“Both she and Rhede are looking, Celestia and Luna have ponies searching the archives as well. There's not much more that can be done past that Troph. Particularly since The Books seemed to vanish at the end of the war. We can't even find one to question. “ Jer'rahd states to himself, it was not like anyone would hear him talking to himself at the edge of the field and if they did it would just be a bit more fear he might generate.

>>” I was promised results for my aid host. Not being forced to watch as you play teacher to a bunch of foals playing at being soldiers.”<< Troph mutters.

“And what would you have me do? Go running about Equss at random? Sparkle says she has a lead to follow, but it's taken us this long just to get New Canterlot back in order. You know all this, why are you harassing me now?”

>>” I am tired of waiting, and you seemed complacent. I do not wish you to think I am going to forget what you promised.”<<

“Trust me I want you out of my head just as bad as you want to be out. You have to keep in mind every one is leery of letting you free.”

>>”Still? After what I have done for you ponies..?!”<< Troph snarls.>>” I helped stop your precious City from crushing another and that was after I fought a dragon god to prevent him from killing every one in that garish castle. What more do you want from me?”<<

“Look at it from our standpoint Troph. You were controlled by The Books for how long? And what items are currently still running about in the world unchecked?”

Troph growls incoherently though Jer'rahd simply shakes his head.

“I have not forgotten the deal and I'm sure something will come up. You know damn well I am not going any where for a while and after all this time I figure waiting a bit longer won't kill you.”Jer'rahd sighs “ It didn't kill me to wait a little longer despite being freed.”

>>”That you know the feeling is the only reason I am being calm about this host. Keep me waiting too much longer and I will not be as pleasant. It has been far too long and I know she is here in this world some where. My friends have confirmed this during our short meeting. I have never been this close to being free before and I will not let anything stop me now. Especially not you.”<<

“Like I said the sooner I’m rid of you the better I’ll be as well. But we all have our jobs to do. I made a deal and you are going to have to trust that I will honor it.“ Jer'rahd suddenly grins baring his fangs as he chuckles to himself. “I'd even be willing to let you out to play a bit if you would behave. As a show of faith on both our parts.”

>>” What?!”<<

“I've got an idea. It might help a few of the trust issues that exist and might speed things up in regards to the search for Grace.”

>>”I'm listening Host.”<<


[Current Day, Gallopagos, Darwhinny Keep Training Grounds.]

The clatter of wooden weapons connecting sounded in the air as a pair of figures lashed out and shifted around a sandy circle outside the keep that overlooked the Harriet river, that ran through the city to the sea.

A small figure in black padded armor was bouncing around a larger figure, lashing out at the larger pony with a wooden sword in his mouth. A few of the Guards stood around watching the display curiously. The larger pony was using a spear to knock aside or block the smaller ponies attacks with no apparent effort, although every so often he was forced to side step or dodge the smaller ponies attacks.

“You extended too much on that swing, pull back your strike a bit, you leave your throat bare for any one attacking you when you do that.” the clack scaled pony states shifting to knock aside another strike from the smaller figure. “Better Pip, but you put more strength than you needed into that blow, ease your attacks a little, a blade down not need to have that much force to it to do damage if it is properly sharpened.”

Pip hops back a few paces kicking up sand as the training spear from the larger figure lances out striking rapidly at the smaller pony putting him on the defensive. Pip grits his teeth avoiding most of the blows and turning aside the ones that he couldn't dodge with his sword.

“Your defense is impressive. I see you have picked up a few things from Princess Luna as well as from General Kaisur. It is a interesting style you are developing, a strange mixture of the two.” Lion Heart states stepping back as Pip lashes out with a few low strikes with the training weapon as well as his fore hooves.

“There are a number of flaws in it however, you use the General's strange 'bull rush' style, though you do not have his resistance to pain and damage. You utilize Princess Luna's more agile style to compensate, though much of her ability requires the use of wings to aid with her mobility.” The half dragon parrys another strike with his spear, lashing out with another attack of his own only for Pip to flip back wards over himself to avoid it. “Despite that you are far more dexterous than you look at your stature and the mixture of styles is not without it's own merit. You do need to refine it more before I would consider it a acceptable style on it's own. I look forward to seeing what you will be able to do with it in a few years.”

It was hard to tell if Pip was listening or not. The half dragon was using his wings, fore hooves and tail to move his spear about, while Pip mostly relied on his mouth as the straight training sword was not the type of blade he was used to using.

In all honesty he was some what surprised that Lion Heart was willing to spar with him. The half dragon was one of the few that was able to beat his Da in a spar and was about even in wins and losses with Starfall, he still lost more, but he was the closest behind Ma in sparing with the small pegasus.

The leader of Gallopagos was doing much the same thing Da did in training, correcting his form as he went,and keeping him active and moving while doing so. Still Pip noted he was pulling his hits, something Da had to force himself to stop doing from time to time so as not to go easy on him. No pony wanted to go all out against the adoptive son of the Demon of Dullahan, and the Goddess of War.

Still Pip didn't want training, he wanted to beat the large half dragon. He wanted some indication that he could be something special. Beating one of the best fighters in Equestria in a spar would be the sort of indicator he needed to let him know he had a chance to be worthy of all the time Da and Ma put into him. Defeating Lion Heart might at least show him that he had the potential for that.

He pressed his attacks more against the half dragon, doing his best to try and make Lion Heart take this as more than some training. The black pony continued to deflect or side step the attacks making no showing that he noticed an increase in Pip's efforts aside from increased critique.

“You guard is too low, adjust the angle or your opponent's blade may be deflected the wrong way and cut off your muzzle.” Lion Heart states as he blocks another blow. “You are not swinging a hammer, your blows do not need to have that much force…..... I think you are getting worse now, let us stop here.”

The half dragon steps back, though Pip hesitated before sighing and stepping back as well. He wanted to keep going, but he doubted it would be a good idea to do so, if Lion Heart called a halt to the spar. He moved out of the sand pit tucking the training blade into his harness and pants heavily trying to catch his breath, not realizing he had gotten so worked up.

“So what is bothering you so much that you forget what should be basic sword play? I doubt General Kaisur skimped any on your training.” Lion Heart asks, the large pony not even seeming winded.

“Nothings wrong.” Pip mutters.

“I do not believe that at all. I suspect this has something to do with the ferry?”

Pip flattens his ears wondering if he was that easy to read or if the half dragon was just that good at reading ponies, it might be how he was so good at combat.

“I am not sure what the problem is. I understand you helped a number of ponies to the life boats and were one of the last off the ship after ensuring every one else had made it to safety. Rather impressive for one so young.” Lion Heart states.

“I should have made sure it never happened. I let the three of them go off on their own....” Pip mutters.

“Yes, that was a bad idea, but it was not as if you knew what was going to happen. That you reacted as well as you did to the disaster speaks highly of you. I believe you were a good choice to watch those three.”

“But the ship.....”

“.....Is an object. It can easily be rebuilt or even raised from the sea floor and repaired. That there were no lives lost and barely any injuries to speak of, is far more important here. You made a mistake, but nothing of any real value was lost because of it. It may also be that your actions are the only reason it did not become a worse disaster. You saw your error, accepted it, and worked to correct it rather than trying to pass the blame, or hide from it. That speaks highly of your character Pip.”

“Ah bet some pony else could have prevented it from even happening.”

“I assume you are thinking of your family, how the Princess or the General could have done better? Do not. You are not either of them and I will not regal you with the mistakes they have made in their life before they came to be how you know them. I expect you wish to be out of their shadow and as such you are pressing yourself harder than you need to. I was the same way with my grandfather. Yet I never managed to do so. How does one outshine a pony that saved our entire race?” Lion Heart smirks slightly. “My advice is do not try to outshine them. Find your own path and you will make your own light.”

Pip stares up at the half dragon his eyes narrowing.

“Ah've gotten straighter answers out of aunt Velkorn. Ah'm not trying tah outshine um, ah jus wanna do something that they'll be proud of.”

“I feel I should be insulted.” Lion Heart snorts, though the smile remains on his face. ”I thought that was a moving speech myself..... I am quite sure they are happy with you and your siblings. I doubt you need to do anything aside from your best to make them proud.”

Pip sighs.

“Ah don't think yer getting it.”

“It seems not. At any rate go and get cleaned up, lunch will be served soon and I have found a vessel willing to take you back to the mainland in time to catch your train this afternoon. I will go see if my wife is still in her zone or not, perhaps I can rescue the others if she is in it too deeply.”

Pip nods as Lion Heart walks off. He moves to the side of the sparing circle to put the training weapon back on the rack before making his way back to the provided quarters. He thought over what Lion Heart said to him, though it wasn't doing much to improve his mood or the feelings of failure.

[Three years after the War of the Gods., Camp Ruin, Fall]

Jer'rahd rubbed his temples with his hooves, feeling a headache forming. Starfall and the other ponies he had put on assistant instructor duty at least tried to look embarrassed about the situation.

Rose, on the other hoof, had fallen over on his flank choking on his own laughter.

Bleu had come to assist in the training earlier in the week and they had come up with a war game involving paint to show who had been 'killed'.

The trainees were split into teams, given a paint color, and wooden poles covered in sponges to use as weapons. The goal was to take out the other teams while keeping as many of your own team alive as possible. Splatters of paint didn't count, though a solid hit by one of the training weapons would be easy to tell apart from slung paint. Flight and magic were allowed during this though attack spells were still banned. The twelve teams were then turned loose in the Everfree forest and set to hunt each other down.

The pegasus instructors watched from the air reporting back about the events in the forest. Of note were several alliances that were formed, ambushes, and outright battle royals of bright colors. About half way into it Jer'rahd unleashed Bleu and Rose into the fray to add as much chaos to the conflict as they could. Nothing could ruin the best laid plans and alliances faster than a third party getting involved who couldn't be negotiated with..

That was all of thirty minutes ago. At the moment, nearly every trainee was currently 'dead' and Bleu was in her large size using a comically flailing pegasus to paint an abstract mural on the side of one of the barracks, dunking the pony in several different barrels of paint and using him like a brush.

Jer'rahd wasn't sure what the pony had done to annoy the dragon, though he made sure Bleu wasn't hurting him at least.

“Alright who's still missing, we are three units short still?” he questioned noting immediately that the horde of bright blue ponies that Bleu and Rose had taken out did not contain Celestia, or Night Feather.

Starfall looks up to a trio of trainers still flying over the forest. Two of the trainers were near each other and the third pegaus was moving towards them.

“All three groups are converging near the falls. Seems the Princess and Jackdaw's group are fighting and Night Feather's is moving up to ambush them both.” Starfall states.

“Bleu, Rose, you hear that?” Jer'rahd states glancing at the pair who were still sitting around the training compound.. “ Have at them.”

“No can do Boss.” Blue states dragging the pony along in another long stroke.

“Like wise, colt.” Rose grumbles.” Got ambushed by Night Feather. She was using some of the tunnels the dogs dug in the last training exercise to move around in. Rather clever, that mare.” Rose states showing a red line running along his chest. “Still, I took out two of her team before I went though.”

“Yep and Celestia got me..... she's got that light teal coloration so it doesn't show up well on my belly scales, but it was a pretty good hit. I think she's taken the lessons from Sparkle to heart cause she was teleporting around the battle field like it was nothing.”

“Wait why are you still doing this to me if you were taken out !” shouts the pony being used as a paint brush. Jer'rahd thought it might be Mapleseed, but he couldn't be sure with the multitude of colors the pony was at the moment.

“Cause I needed a paint brush.” Bleu states simply. “And I wanted seeing how far you would take this playing dead thing.”

“Bleu let him down.” Jer'rahd rolls his eyes. “Rose if you are done then, take the tally of points and get every one cleaned up for chow. Come on Starfall, let's see how this plays out.” Jer'rahd states trotting off into the woods along with his friend gliding along behind him.


[Present day, Gallopagos, Darwhinny Keep.]

Pip was doing his best not to smirk. He had a bit of practice not laughing from the few times he had been around Da while he was training Guards, but this was straining that self control.

He had cleaned up and was waiting for the others to arrive for lunch in the dining hall. He also wanted to hear if Lion Heart had anything else to say that might clarify his earlier speech. Failing that information on the ride back to the mainland would be good. He had forgotten all of that the moment the girls came in the room.

Sweetiebelle was the first to come in. She walked like she was in a trance still though she some how managed to get her head though the door with out effort. Pip was not sure how considering she was wearing a massive blue and light gray hat that looked like the ripples one got in a still puddle of water when a rain drop hit it. The dress she wore was the same color blue and gray and it cascaded down her back like a waterfall, the ends of it dragging the floor with puffs of white. Her legs were covered in long stockings that kept the aquatic theme and were a darker blue with a bit of white trim though they had the same ripple effect that the hat had. Her little hoof held gaming system floated in her magic before her eyes making Pip wonder how she managed to move without hitting anything.

Applebloom came in next, glaring daggers at Pip. She was in some sort of tight body suit that made her look like a bright yellow and green super hero, or a stalk of wheat, he wasn't sure what Rarity had been going for with this one. He suspected it was the latter with how her hair had been spiked up atop her head and touched up with some sort of gold ribbons that seemed more like spikes than bows with the sharp angles. The material seemed to shimmer as she walked and the ends of the pant legs seemed to flare out like a bell over her hooves.

Scootalloo came in last, with Rarity bouncing around her, still making adjustments to the outfit. The pegasus's mane and tail were slicked down, and far neater than he had ever seen. She was in some sort of a pin striped business suit that matched the color of her hair. Her small wings were stuck out at odd angles though the back of the jacket and he was pretty sure it was not comfortable..

“Oh wait, I forgot the tie, wait here you three. I will be right back.” Rarity states before trotting off humming to her self.

Scootaloo and Applebloom both glared bloody murder at Pip and the colt couldn't help himself any more There was a time and place to hold ones tongue, this wasn't it.

“So ah see you have your Nightmare Night costumes already. Everfree river, a clown and a lawyer. Ah think at least Scootaloo might scare some ponies with her costume.”

“I will destroy you colt.” Scootaloo snarls.

“Not as such Manelock, keep in mind tha pair of yah ran off and left me with her yesterday. This is jus payback fer that........ and ah see Sweetiebelles still out tah lunch?” Pip responds waving off the threat.

“It's a defense mechanism. She loves her sister, but she has to shut down the higher functions of her brain in order to deal with her fer too long. “ Applebloom sighs. “That caused all sorts of trouble when we were younger.”

“Wouldn't she have to have higher brain functions to shut them down?“ Scootaloo chimes in.

“Uuhh huh,.... hey wait a minute...” Sweetiebelle gasps, finally looking up from the game at Scootaloo as if to snap back with a comment of her own, though the words freeze in her mouth as she regards her friend as if seeing the orange pegasus for the first time. “Scoots, why are you dressed like Phoenix Wright?”

“Oh goody now she comes back down to Equss. “ sighs Applebloom, glaring at Pip as his laughter causes him to fall out of his chair.


[Three years after the War of the Gods., Camp Ruin, Fall]

“This is the worst idea I think you have ever had.” Starfall snaps “ And I know nearly every bad idea you have ever had.”

“I agree.” Luna states staring down at the gray unicorn.

“Nah this is gonna be damned awesome.” Rose grins.

“I am curious about this. I haven't seen it in a controlled situation and I do kinda want to study the phenomena.”Twilight explains.

“He Sparkle, not it. He has agreed to help and this sort of confrontation is something that they will all need to know how to deal with, particularly her. I may never do this again with other training classes, but I like the idea of some variation in training in case some pony wants to give tips to the rookies. I was denied the cockatrices, so this is the next best, and more controlled thing I came up with.” Jer'rahd explains.

“I almost wish I had agreed to the Cockatrices now.” Luna sighs. “I gather I am here in case things do not go as planned?”

“Of course. I'm willing to extend him some trust, but I’m not stupid. Still I don't expect him to do anything aside from what we agreed on, but you are here just in case.” Jer'rahd states.

“You sound like you are explaining this to him as well.”Starfall mutters.

“I am. Rose are the trainees in position?”Jer'rahd asks.

“Yep. We have a mock village set up in the middle of the woods too. A couple of straw ponies meant to be civilians fer rescue as well. They don't know what's going to happen, but they have been told to go weapons free. I kinda hinted at a exercise versus you again though. Most were thrilled with that idea.”

“Are you sure you will be alright Jer'rahd?” Luna asks.” My sister can be dangerous.”

“Don't worry Luna. Troph isn't bothered much at all by Starmetal and he's made of the same stuff as the books. I doubt Celestia could do much more than give him a suntan. Particularly since it will be him that shows up, not The Beast.”

“I guess we are go then. Alright every one get in position. Get out your notes Twilight because the change is rather fast.“ Starfall sighs moving away from the gray unicorn.

Jer'rahd looks up at Luna who frowns at him as the others move away, though she leans down kissing his nose lightly. “I hope you know what you are doing. Jer'rahd.”

“When has that ever stopped me before?” Jer'rahd grins as a number of dark shadows begging to swirl about him.


[Present day, Gallopagos, Beagle Docks, afternoon.]

“It was lovely seeing you again Sweetie, you simply must come and visit more often. Thank you again for all the recording crystals, I love hearing those yet unreleased songs you have.” Rarity chimes. Not to say I would brag about that t any of the fancy parties or anything.....”

“I expect I’ll see you again when you come to my graduation. At least you better, the birth of my niece or nephew is the only thing that should keep you.” Sweetie glares at Lion Heart who visibly flinches from it.

Pip, Scootaloo, and Applebloom were already on the small patrol boat that had been assigned to take them back to the mainland. They had boarded the boat about an hour ago and Sweetie and Rarity were still saying their goodbyes to one another.

“Ugh why couldn't that rule about dramatic goodbyes be at the docks too?” Scootaloo growls.

“Primarily because she's the wife of the Governor of Gallopagos. She can pretty much do what she wants.” One of the guards on the boat sighs, checking the sails yet again. “ Thankfully she is rarely this bad, usually only when family is visiting.”

“I technically outrank her.. I could try something...” Pip mutters.

“Nah, ah've had enough of this mai self.” Applebloom grumbles. “ SWEETIEBELLE GIT YER BUTT ON THA BOAT OR WE'LL MISS OUR TRAIN!!!”

Scootaloo winces at the volume, as Pip glances up at his cousin. “ Taking lessons from Ma in the Royal Canterlot voice?”

“Tried tah get a cutiemark in it one time.”Applebloom admits sheepishly.

“I was legally deaf for three days after that. “grumbles Scootaloo.

It still took another ten minutes before the pair of unicorns parted,of course they still kept calling out to each other. During which Scootaloo and Pip were forced to hold Applebloom back from going to retrieve Sweetie herself. Of course the moment Sweetiebelle had a hoof on the boat Scootaloo yanked her on all the way and Pip and Applebloom cast off the mooring lines in a effort to get moving away as fast as possible.

As the boat sailed out of the dock, Sweetiebelle finally put her hoof down after waving to her sister and shouting back to her until they were out of ear shot.

“Whew glad that's over. “ Sweetiebelle explains dropping down onto one of the benches at the back of the boat.

“Coulda fooled us.” Scootaloo grumbles looking up into the sky. “ If I knew you were gonna take so long I woulda flown for a bit.”

“Why not do it now?” Applebloom questions.

“Sail boats and open flame don't go well together, there's not a big enough spot to land on the boat that I wouldn't risk setting something on fire. “ Scootaloo sighs. “ I mean I could easily land with no problems but I think Pip is stressed enough without having to worry about another boat sinking while on fire.”

“Yes, thank you very much for the tact Scootaloo.” Pip exhales with a small smirk towards the pegasus.
“So since we have some time tah kill, how about you explain a little more about that seed of yours. Did you find anything out in the library yesterday?”

“Ah told you about that earlier,” Applebloom retorts as Sweetiebelle's ears perk up.

“Umm yeah well I wasn't paying much attention I was trying to get you to be distracted for the trap...” Pip admits as Applebloom facehooves.

“You went to the library? I thought you went shopping.” the white unicorn comments.

“Might as well tell them AB. We can avoid the wacky hijinks of them trying to figure it out for themselves this way.” Scootaloo sighs laying her head on the railing one hoof lifted and moving in the air before in the faint ships breeze as she acts like shes flying along the waters surface with her hoof.

“Ah don't do wacky hijinks.” Pip protests

“She's not talking about you Pip.” Applebloom states looking at Sweetie who tries to look innocent.

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Sweetie states.

“Remember when you got the idea to get us to disguise ourselves as you so you could hang out with your sister, your colt friend, and your parents at the same time?” Scootaloo mentions.

“That would have worked if every one didn't decide to go out to the same cafe for lunch.” Sweetie admits.

“Ah dun know how they even fell for it, we look nothing alike.” Applebloom states.

“Or the time you convinced Button that you wanted a specific flower from the Everfree forest for your birthday. Then you felt bad and convinced us to go after him to stop him from getting hurt and we ran into the ursa major, and the hydra and then ran though the poison joke and ran into a rockadile? And then after all that, when we finally got back to town we found Button just went to the florist for the flower and not into the forest.” Scootaloo grumbles.

“Oh I forgot about that.” Sweetie smirks “That was kinda fun.”

“You screamed and cried for the entire trip cause you thought he got eaten and ah was plaid for two days until Zecora could mix a potion up.” Applebloom grumbles. “Argh fine I'll tell you, just no wacky hijinks.”

“Well ah was interested in what you were doing before, but now ah wanna know more about these hijinks.” Pip points out.

“Arrrgh” Applebloom groans.


[Three years after the War of the Gods., Camp Ruin, Fall]

“Well that went better than I expected.” Luna sighs. “I was quite ready to get involved there at the end. I am glad I didn't need to.”

“True, it's good to see that Troph is keeping his end of the deal. I should probably put my research aside and look into the leads we have to find Grace for him. Still it was rather interesting to see him cut loose like that, I still doubt that is the full power of a old god, but it was impressive non the less.” Twilight nods. “I wonder if he's weaker because he's stuck inside Kaisur?”

“I agree, it was clear the general had a hoof in everything as well, using the dragons power to deny the soldiers who had trained in using draconic abilities that connection. A very effective strategy, we need to know if normal dragons can do that just in case.” Starfall comments. “That the trainees managed to save the villagers even while losing so many of their own was impressive as well, this was a better batch of ponies than I had hoped for.”

“Indeed, it was quite clear my sister took to the training well, she displayed an aggression I have not seen in some time, and this time it was finely tempered instead of just a rampage. That she took command so readily in a combat situation was also an improvement of her usual wait and see policy too. I was unaware however that Jer'rahd was planning this to be a Kobayashi Maru however.” Luna sighs. “Tia will not be happy learning that.”

“A what?” Twilight asks.

“Kobayashi Maru, sea pony term, it means 'no win scenario'. It was first used after Neighlantis fell when referring to future conflict with the Lunar Republic.“ Starfall points out with a hint of a smile on her face. “He had no intent of letting them have even a small chance to win this. He meant to teach them some humility as well as to see how far they could go when a situation was hopeless. A Kobayashi Maru is a exercise to show how well one will act when one knows the situation is hopeless. It's more a judge of character than ability. Still I am surprised they didn't figure out this was part of the training.”

“I believe that had something to do with Twilight Sparkle's rather impressive illusions, making them think that a hoof full of actual ponies were running from the creature and fled to the village for shelter. It also likely helped that none of them have seen Troph's fully dragon form. Even Tia has only seen the Beast. I was impressed at how they all reacted, Night Feather has remarkable leadership ability as well. Her tactics are perhaps why even the hoof full that survived did as well as they did even after she fell.” Luna regales. “ I think she might be the proper pony to take over my sisters personal guard.”

“What, not good enough for your own personal guard?” Twilight chuckles lightly.

“You think the General would allow any pony to be in charge of that but himself?” Starfall smirks. “ Still I doubt we will be allowed to do this again any time soon. The results were nice ,but well the aftermath of the Princess and Troph fighting... well...”

“Are yoo three lasses DAFT?!?! THIS WAS FAR BEYOND WHAT SHOULDA GONE ON!!” Rose shouts clearly on the verge of freaking out as he clung to the side of the building the trio stood on top of. The crystal pony was struggling not to be swept away by the water swirling around the building from the flooded river nearby.

Much of the forest, most of the training facility and even a good portion of the side of the Maneterhorn was devastated. The river now ran through the remains of the camp and poured down into a crater that was all that remained of the parade grounds in front of the camp. The lake was vaporized and the whole area was shrouded in a thick steamy mist.

Thankfully, New Canterlot was on the other side of the Maneterhorn, though even they probably felt the fight going on. Luna expected a contingent, or six, of Guards to be arriving soon.

A shouted cadence along with a thunder of hooves could be heard approaching. A few of the trainers were marching the rather ragged looking group of trainees back towards the camp. Most of them were covered in dirt and grim and a few were bloodied. One or two of them were being carried though it seemed the most serious injuries were a broken leg and a split lip.

Troph had been rather effective when fighting the trainees. Most had been 'killed' and shunted through the earth to a small cavern under the battlefield where several of the trainers had been waiting to inform the trainees that they had been 'killed'.

No one took it that well when they wound up there. Judging by the smoke still rising from Celestia's shortened mane she was highly pissed about the whole thing even this long after her 'defeat'

“Ah yes. I know that look. I don't think I’ve met any pony who's as good at pissing off Princess Celestia as Jer'rahd is. How long do you think it took her to figure out this was still a training exercise?” Starfall smirks.

“Probably not until the end judging by how hard she was trying to take Troph out.” Luna chuckles waving at her sister with a wing and getting a scowl in return as she was marched past to the remains of the barracks.

“Hmm short hair... not too bad, though I liked it better long gives a better grip........” Twilight mutters to herself before realizing both Starfall and Luna were looking at her.” Ahem... any way , doesn't Jer'rahd usually pass out when he changes back? “

Luna blinks and slaps her hoof against her face. “I'll go find him.” she sighs before launching herself into the air flying towards the spot where Troph had last been seen at the end of the battle.

“Will one of you bucking help me up already!!” shouts Rose from water below them.


[Present day, Mainland, Shrewsbury port, afternoon.]

The boat nears the dock finally and the small group gather their things, making ready to disembark. Scootaloo swore that Sweetiebelle's luggage collection had doubled in size.

“So that's what the deal is. Auntie Zecora didn't give all the details as to what was going on, just she had a feeling that you needed to go.” Pip states with a small shrug.

“Why do you call her auntie?” Sweetiebell asks.

“That's classified.” Pip retorts before muttering under his breath. ”and it makes more sense than cousin.....”



“So what are you gonna do about it then?” questions Applebloom nervously.

“Wot do you mean?” Pip asks.

“Aren’t you gonna take it over as part of your mission or somethin?” Scootaloo asks.

Pip raises a brow at that, though as he glances back at Applebloom and sees her expression, it seemed a valid fear of hers. He sighs and shakes his head. “Ah got mai hooves full just keeping you three outta trouble, why tha heck would I wanna add researching a seed to that list? So long as yah don't do anythin stupid or dangerous tah figure out what it is ,this quests all yours. Though ah can ask Ma or auntie Celestia if they know. Miss Twilight would have been a good bet too.”

“Yeah but if that was all it was we wouldn't have been sent on this mission.” Applebloom sighs. “ specially as she knew we weren’t going any where near tha Princesses or Twilight.”

“We can always ask if we get back to New Canterlot with out any leads.” Scootaloo points out climbing onto the dock and stretching her wings out with a crackling of green flame. An act that causes a number of shouts from ponies on the boats around them and further up the docks.

“Wait til we get off the very flammable wooden docks please Scootaloo. “ Pip sighs “Ah'm not sure why ya were worried about me having an issue with this. Sweetie ah ken understand with her penchant fer wacky hijinks.......”

“Hey I thought it was a mask when I tried to pull Old farmer Brown's head off!” Sweetie yells out.

“..... but yah shoulda known ah wasn't gonna do anything about it. Specially since Auntie Zecora put yah up to it. “Pip finishes.

“Well that's good, I guess. Hopefully I can find something about tha seed in Manehatten or the Crystal Empire. Though I figure the best bet will be Las Pegasus.” Applebloom sighs

“Seed ? What seed?” Sweetiebelle asks as she floats her luggage along with her as she walks up with the others as they head down the dock.

“The seed we have been talking about for the three hours it took us to get to shore...” Scootaloo states.

“I don't remember that.” Sweetie complains.

“Did you fall asleep while ah was talking?”Applebloom asks with a roll of her eyes. “Again?”

“Maybe....” Sweetiebelle admits.

“Criky, I need to learn that sleeping at full attention trick of hers then. Wot was the last thing you remember?” Pip grumbles.

“Button going to get that flower I wanted for me from the Everfree. He can be such a romantic at times.” Sweetiebelle giggles
as the others all facehoof.


[Three years after the War of the Gods., Camp Ruin, start of Winter]

Jer'rahd yawns rubbing his forehead with a hoof looking down at the last of the paper work on his desk. After the training exercise with Troph, as well as few rounds of shouting and screaming from both Guard Captain Moskau and Guard Captain Nicker Fury, almost immediately after he woke up any way. Things had gone rather smoothly for the rest of the training.

Aside from yelling a lot neither of the Guard Captains did anything to him given that both Princesses were present, and at least one of them had given the green light for the exercise. Both of them were just pissed he went over their heads and directly to Luna. It was going to take some time to get used to following orders and the chain of command again after being at the top of the chain for so long.

Granted he could probably make a play for the position of Guard Captain again when one of them retired, though he didn't have the desire to do so right now. He was content to simply be in charge of the training of the new Guards and Luna's protection detail, not that she needed it, but a few extra hooves watching out for the foals helped him feel a bit more at ease at least.

The first official class had gone through their graduation ceremonies this morning. Out of seventy ponies, seventy one counting Celestia, all but ten of them graduated. One of them went A.W.O.L. Early on and no one had seen him since, though it was expected he went home, with how badly he was dealing with the training and the pressure it was probably for the best. Still he needed to be caught and punished if for no other reason than to be an example to others not to run away. He doubted the punishment would be severe, but something still needed to be done. He had just finished signing off on the paper work for that investigation earlier.

There were four major injuries that forced ponies to withdraw, three older guards and a rookie, they were given the same ultimatum as Night Feather had been given He still wasn't sure if he could make the threat to strip them of their Guard positions, but it didn't matter all of them had promised to come back and try again, even the rookie, after they recovered.

Four of the others simply dropped out, all rookies who couldn't handle it at all. They were discharged and left to go do what ever it was civilians did in this age. If the awol pony had dropped out instead of running away it would have saved him a lot of paper work. That might be the real reason he wanted to punish him, oh well.

The last one, the last one gave him a headache the likes of which he had never had before.

Techtronic was a unicorn, the son of some minor noble or another, while he was not the only noble offspring in the training, he was the only one who acted like Equss owed him everything just for being born.

He had started out simply being irritating and pushing the other trainees around like a school yard bully, simple thinks , like pranks, twisting words around, spreading rumors and lies. It moved into trying to make himself look good by making others look bad, more malicious pranks, thefts, direct insults and threats. Celestia did her best not to get involved with it and Techtronic wasn't stupid enough to try anything with her that could be traced back to him..

However with Celestia ignoring his actions and the instructors not noticing anything he did directly, he grew more confident ,and the bullying and degradation of those around him got worse. There were several reports of blackmail and intimidation to get the other trainees to do what he wanted, including a number of the training Guards. Up until the end he had managed to keep his actions hidden from the instructors, but when his ego finally got the better of him he decided to try his hoof at forcing some of the instructors to do what he wanted as well.

That's when things blew up in his face, rather spectacularly too. One of his first targets was the smallest and visibly weakest of the instructors. The one he clearly thought he could bully the easiest.

Two broken legs, three cracked ribs a broken muzzle, loss of a sizable number of teeth and a small crack in his horn at the base of his skull were how he found out that trying to bully Starfall was not his best plan.

Jer'rahd smirked a little despite himself at this, Starfall never even laid a hoof on him. Peach Blossom had been nearby when the other pegasus had attempted to intimidate her. Techtronic had evidently taken a swing at her when Peach Blossom got involved. Techtronic apparently fought back enough that the Captain had to make sure he stayed down, hence all the injuries.

Peach Blossom, of course, took full accountability for his actions though in his report he simply stated that ,'he actually saved Techtronic's life by stopping him from getting in a fight with Starfall.' that was something that Jer'rahd could agree with completely.

There would still be an investigation, though Peach Blossom's report of the incident was confirmed by Starfall and no one would dispute the word of a Pony who once bore the Element of Honesty. Then adding that report to the other trainees reports on Techtronic's behavior that surfaced after wards.

There would be a fuss and it wouldn’t amount to much, at worse the Captain might get a bit of unpaid leave, or maybe a demotion, though likely it wouldn't even come to that. Techtronic on the other hoof might be facing jail time, if half the charges lobbied against him were true. The black mail alone and threatening the other trainees and their families was serious enough for that, but in the end it was up to the courts to decide on, not him.

Celestia was less than thrilled about the whole incident as well. She had ignored his actions and simply accepted what he was doing around her as she tried to be 'normal' and tough through everything. Granted he and Rose had not exactly made themselves easily accessible for any pony to complain about anything, so it was just as much a failure on their part as her's. Thankfully it was all dealt with early on, and the rest of the training went well despite Peach Blossom no longer being able to help.

He made sure to make a note to keep an eye out for that sort of thing in the next class to avoid a repeat of this incident. It would probably be a good idea as well to make himself or at least one of the other trainers more open to complaints and grievances with in the training group.

Jer'rahd sat back in his chair again looking at the piles of paper work still on his desk. Some of the rookies had done well enough that he could suggest a promotion before they even got to their assigned duties and a few of the other retrained Guards deserved a commendation or two as well. There of course was a great deal of paper work to set up and he had already picked a few of the retrained Guards to assist in the next bout of training. Mostly pegasus as the next batch seemed to be primarily Wonderbolts, to be honest Starfall would be the one to have her work cut out for her next class.

He glanced up as a knock sounded at his door.

“Come in.”

The door was opened by a Royal Guard who took a quick glance around the room before stepping back and letting Celestia trot into the room. Jer'rahd rolled his eyes at the Guards caution, but was rather glad to see some pony taking their job seriously. Still he didn't like the interruptions, unless it was Luna or one of the foals.

“So what do you want? I figured you would be off with the others celebrating being free from under my hoof. Or did you come here to try and pay me back for all that?” Jer'rahd questions glancing up from the paper work briefly, though he largely pretends to ignore her.

“Do you actually think I am petty enough to punish you for something I asked you to do?” Celestia comments taking a seat in one of the chairs in his office. Her mane and tail were already growing back rather well despite Rose's almost fanatical dedication to making sure they were all but non existant during training. Rumor was he was having the hair made into a throw rug for his office.

“Probably not, but I’m not ruling out the possibility. So if it's not that, why are you here?” Jer'rahd snarks.

“I wanted to talk, Kaisur. “

“Rather odd, usually you just tell me to do something and I do my best to ignore it.”

“Just stop, alright. I don't feel like going through this again. You hate me, I get that but does every conversation with you have to wind up being a fight?”

“I don't hate you, I just don't like you.” Jer'rahd responds sitting up in his chair. “ Rose... now Rose hates you, and Luna, a lot. I don't think anything you do will change that. He still sees that you broke a promise to him, and his family is gone because of that. Me, I just hate how you do things. I have since you sent your sister and my friends into the Dark lands with just an idea that we needed to find Discord's Castle to get a book. I hated how you handled the war, I hated how you dealt with the nobles as if they were small children who only needed to be guided and taught, and not the power hungry adults most of them were. I hated how you looked at everything as a chess piece on the board to be moved around and sacrificed at your leisure.”

“I never treated any one that way Kaisur, and you know it!?”

“How many lost their lives because you wanted to play politics and did your best to keep peace by giving up land, supplies and anything else to prevent a full on war?”

“I was looking at how many I could save by avoiding the wars.”

“Some times conflict is the only way things get done. We saved more lives by destroying the threat then you did by trying to bribe it.”

“I am aware of that Kaisur. I am also aware that had things happened differently we would not be having this conversation now and I would not have lost my sister for a thousand years. I had hoped after I survived that madness you put me through that we might be able to have some form of civil conversation without an argument from the past being brought up. So much for that.” Celestia growls rising to her hooves and storming towards the door.

“Well if it makes you feel any better, you are improving. You're not hiding in your tower any more. You've now experienced what ponies go through in order to be worthy of serving as those that protect you and Equestria. And you stopped putting so much faith in that pacifistic crap as well. I'll admit you had a good run while I was gone,it was built on our failure, but you still managed it, so it wasn't a total waste. Still doesn't mean I like you.” Jer'rahd stars rather nonchalantly watching the white alicorn twitch.

“Thank you …. that sort of does make me feel a little better. I could do with out the round of insults and arguing however.” Celestia snorts.

“Not happening. There's no other pony willing to face you down with your failings enough to keep your ego in check.” Jer'rahd smirks.

“Really, and who keeps your obviously inflated ego in check?” Celestia glares back at him.

“Starfall, Bleu, Luna, Velkorn occasionally, Rhede mostly, Applejack's getting fairly good at it, Orange too.... Rose tries....Moskau's getting better....”

“Then I believe they need to hurry up and bring you back down. You seem a little too smug behind that desk.”

“I hate the desk, I’m more than happy to be almost done with it for a while. I haven't had any time to spend with the foals in a while.” Jer'rahd sighs, though he smiles still. “And after they go to bed I’ve thirteen weeks of time to make up with Luna....”

“I do not need to know that Kaisur.” Celestia winces.

“Seriously I don't know how I managed to last this long after a brief taste...., I mean have you seen her flank... her legs... well all of her really....” Jer'rahd makes a gesture in the air with his hooves getting a snort of disgust from Celestia.

“That is my sister you speak of Kaisur, you have been spending far to much time with Pelt if you believe I think of her that way.”

“Yeah, well that sort of thing between you two was always one of Rhede's fantasies if I’m not mistaken.”

Celestia shakes her head moving to the door though she at least had a small smirk on her face now.
“With allies like you lot, I doubt I need enemies.”

“With allies like us Celestia, you shouldn't have enemies for very long.” Jer'rahd grins.

Author's Note:

This was bigger and less progressive than any chapter i have made in a long time. I also couldn't help giggle like a mad man at the plethora of Darwin puns in this thing.

A few more chapters and the focus will shift almost entirely to the present.I simply need to cover a few other back stories of what happened in the past before i get to that point. The real story will start at that point.