• Published 14th Jun 2013
  • 3,147 Views, 593 Comments

Stories in Stone, Lost Empire - TDR

The teenage CMC go on an adventure to find the reason for Applebloom's nightmares. 3rd book in the SiS saga.

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Missed Chances [10]

Stories in Stone
Lost Empire
by TDR

Missed Chances

[Four years ago, New Canterlot Royal library]

“SPIIIIIIKE!!! SPIKE, WHERE ARE YOU I NEED THE BOOK ON THE PENNYWORTH TREATY........... oh... right....” Twilight shouts before slowly trailing off, her ears drooping.

It had been a year since Spike had left to try and remake the Dragon Empire, and she still found herself getting so wrapped up in things that she forgot he wasn't there any more. They had parted on better terms this time and Bleu had said she would keep an eye on him and keep her informed of what was going on when she came back from a trip to the dragon lands. Bleu had decided she was going to help Spike as well as run the school, though she had Octavia covering for her while she was away.

Still with her number one assistant gone Twilight was having a harder time of it than she liked. She was working on compiling a book about the assorted gods of Equus and Spike's deific abilities were beyond helpful in that regard.

She sighs running her hoof though her mane. Princess Celestia had appointed her to the position of Royal librarian, something she had always wanted, even if it was little more than a title without any real backing. She was supposedly in charge of the main library in Canterlot, but the former librarian, Dewy Decimal, was still here. Even though she was his boss, the ancient unicorn always made her feel like she was a little filly who had accidentally spilled marmalade on a book and tried to return it. He never did let her live that down. Of course it was also his day off or she never would have yelled in the library in the first place.

Personally she would be much more comfortable in her old tree house library on the other side of town, but that was no longer hers. After a talk with Rhede and Rarity she had given up her home to Trixie, and her newborn colt Trevor. She still felt guilty about not trying to stop Trixie from running off after the alicorn amulet incident and because of that she was captured and enslaved by Claymore. Giving her self proclaimed rival a place to live and a job was probably the least she could do. It was not like Trixie could travel any where before the foal was born, and after wards he should be allowed to grow up and go to school in one place instead of traveling around like she did before. It actually took Miss Cheerilee to convince Trixie to stay put for Trevor's sake. Trixie had a bad case of wanderlust it seemed, still the teacher and show mare had hit it off rather well in the end, so Trixie had a friend here as well.

Twilight flattens her ears. She was getting distracted by reminiscing again. She was only twenty five she shouldn't be old enough to reminisce this much yet. Besides she needed to find that book herself now that Spike had left, and this was a rather big library.

Twilight turned back to her table to gather her notes before going hunting when a book that had not been there before catches her attention. She picks it up in her magic looking over the cover before flipping to the table of contents with a small gasp of surprise. While this wasn't the exact book she was looking for, it had a rather detailed description of the Pennyworth treaty that she needed.

Where had this come from? Did she have some innate power herself? Did Spike's power work at a distance? Who built that book fort in the corner of the room? Did Trixie speak in their person in her own mind? Why was she narrating her own questions? By the Stars were Pinkie Pie and discord here?

Her ears perk up as she hears a rather soft 'no' that sounded like Pinkie pie shouting from a long distance away.

“How does she do that ,”mutters Twilight her brain finally catching up with the rest of her. “Wait... book fort?”

The purple mare sets the book back down and trots over to the small structure. Most of the books comprising it were newer tomes, and dictionaries. It all was set up quite sturdily, with small pamphlets and thesaurus’s making up the parparits and a few battlement towers. It looked like a some what rough reconstruction of Castle Whinnyshire in the Everfree forest. She ducks her head down looking through the opening at the front of the fort spotting a unicorn filly wrapped in a blanket and reading an older Daring Do novel.

The dark blue filly looks up at Twilight as she look into the fort. Her red mane was a bit frizzled and hung over her face and upon seeing Twilight she eeps and pulls the blanket down over her head.

“Ice Berry?” Twilight asks curiously.” What are you doing here?”

The hidden bundle made no response.

Ice Berry Lily, the youngest of Princess Luna and Jer'rahd's adopted foals, Twilight wasn't sure but she thought she might wind up being ten this year. Despite that she was still tiny, smaller than Pip though just barely, even though the colt was going through a some what growth stage right now. If Berry followed her brothers example she would probably be about the same height as Twilight once she reached her teenaged years. Despite six years having past since the war she still had not uttered a word, and was still beset by nightmares, though Luna said they were not nearly as bad as they had been before. None of the doctors could figure out why she wouldn't talk and there was no luck with any therapists either. Luna and Celestia were going to see about different kinds of therapy, when Luna noticed that some of the nightmares she was having were about doctors now, and thus stopped trying to find out what was wrong with her and let her speak when she was ready. Jer'rahd pointed out he had suggest that to start with and was promptly ignored again by the Royal sisters. Her brother, Paint Brush, still had the occasional nightmare, but other wise he was a normal colt for his age.

Berry hadn't really stood out in any way, though Twilight had been amused to note she was an avid reader, mostly fantasy books according to her library card check out slips, but a few history books and a couple of nature books as well.

Dewy had been quick to point out 'that unlike a certain purple unicorn who some how got her placement clearly only due to knowing those in charge of everything, Berry always returned what she borrowed on time and had yet to cover a expensive tome in a sticky mess.'

Twilight sighs softly looking back at the table then ducking her head down to the forts entrance.
“Berry did you find that book for me?” Twilight blinks as the blanket nods a pair big gold eyes staring back at her. Seriously the filly could give Fluttershy lessons in being shy, but also like Fluttershy, that made her freaking adorable to the point that Twilight had to make a mental note to schedule a dentist appointment to check for cavities.

“Did you hear me calling for Spike and went looking for the book yourself?”

Another nod.

Twilight considers for a moment a small smile crossing her muzzle as she came up with an idea. She would have to get it past Berry's overly protective and some what violent parents and aunts, but it may help the filly out in the long run to be doing something different, at least that's what she told herself.

“Berry would you like to help me out more? To be my assistant?”


[Present day, Manehatten train station]

“Are you sure you are reading that map right?” Sweetiebelle grumbles as Applebloom looks over the rather sizable city map that she had unfolded, and unfolded , and kept unfolding until she was buried under the mass of paper.

“This ain't a map it's a bed sheet!” Applebloom whines struggling to get out from under the giant map.

“If we don't figure out where that store is we're gonna miss meeting Babs as she gets off work. “ Scootaloo grumbles picking up the edge of the map to let Applebloom out.

Pip sighs noting the number of stares and smirks the group was getting trying to unfold the map at the train station. At least they had taken his advice and moved to the side before looking it over.
“Do you want me to help you find the shop, maps and directions are kinda my thing....” Pip remarks pointing to his cutiemark and the silvery shield with the globe in the middle of it adorning his flank.

“Nuh uh ah'm gonna do it. Babs is my favorite cousin ever and ah'm gonna find that shop and surprise her when she gits off work. “Applebloom states.

Scootaloo flattens her ears.”Hey now, isn't Pip your cousin too? And your gonna say that in front of him?”

Applebloom winces and looks back at Pip who had his ears drooped and a look like a puppy that had been smacked with a newspaper.

“Sorry Pip , ah didn't mean it like that....” Applebloom starts to try and placate.

“It's okay Applebloom,” Pip chuckles softly dropping the fake look of sadness.” Babs is my favorite cousin too.”

“Yah see that Scootaloo everything’s alright then . Babs is his favorite..... hey wait a minute......”Applebloom starts with a bit of relief in her voice until she finally catches on to what he said and turned to glare at the grinning colt.

“ARRRGH YOU ARE TAKING TOOOOoooooooo long..?..” Sweetiebelle shouts before her voice trails off her ears perking up as she stares at a spot on the train station wall. “Hey guys, listen!! Do you smell that?”

The other three blink looking at the white unicorn as she rushes off suddenly heading out of the train station and galloping down the street

The three of them look at one another before taking off after Sweetiebelle, Applebloom still holding the map that billows out like a massive cape behind her.


[Four years ago, New Canterlot]

Jer'rahd and Luna looked at each other , then back at Twilight who sat on the other side of the table. The pair then looked at each other again , then over at Berry who was on the other side of the room poking her brothers side in the most annoying way possible as he was trying to paint.

The group of them were in the main room of Luna's quarters, the new set up had taken over a number of the ambassador suites, requiring a new wing to be built. Still the expansion was enough for all four of the foals to have their own room as well as a spare guest room and a few other rooms that served other functions, including a room with a exceedingly uncomfortable couch for when Luna got mad at Jer'rahd.

“So you are saying she agreed to be your assistant?” Luna questions her eyes narrowing as she stares at Twilight.

“Well she didn't say it, but when I asked she nodded.”Twilight admits, wondering why in Equus she thought this might have been a good idea. These two were more protective of their children than a mother Ursa, more dangerous too.

Jer'rahd and Luna looked at each other then to Berry, who had finally been run off by Brush after he painted her nose yellow. Luna sighs getting a napkin and wiping the paint off the foals nose shooting a glare at Brush who does his best to hide behind his easel while still painting as if he had done nothing wrong.

“Berry, Sparkle says you want to help her out?” Jer'rahd asks as Luna finishes wiping off most of the yellow paint before the filly nods.

“You know that it's going to be a lot of work right?” Luna asks before getting another nod. “Alright , go finish washing your nose, and wash the rest of yourself as well. You might as well get you bath out of the way at this point. That goes for you too Brush, finish up and get ready for a bath when Berry gets out of the tub.”

Berry frowns at that her ears flattening as she glares back at her brother though she pulls away from Luna and trots off blowing Brush a raspberry in annoyance, which the older colt returns.

“I am hesitant about this Twilight Sparkle.” Luna sighs. “ Not because we do not trust you...”

“....But because we don't trust you.” Jer'rahd finishes before getting smacked in the back of the head by Luna's wing.

“I know, I know, it's not like I planned to bring her along on any field research or anything, for the most part I’m just researching books and things in the castle's library. I won't even be that far from any one if something does happen.” Twilight interjects.

“You are like us in regards that trouble seems to follow you.” Luna sighs

“Or in my case it calls ahead to make reservations, then brings unexpected guests.” Jer'rahd adds shaking his head a little. “She's not like Orange, she's not really that confidant, nor is she social in the slightest. Even at school she tends to hang around one of her brothers or cousins. She's not made any friends or even acquaintances, she acts like a normal, if silent, little filly while home or at Sweet Apple Acres, but to some one she only sort of knows she's much shyer. It's gotten to the point that she has been known to run away in a panic from some one she doesn't know at all. I have to personally introduce her to any new guard on duty here just to keep her from hiding under her bed from the stranger at the door.”

“We think before Brush got her out of their home during the attack she witnessed the changelings killing some one, perhaps even her mother, as the mare's body was found in their home after everything was over. She doesn't do well with surprises either, she has a routine that only has a little variation to it. It's one she set up and follows on her own. She tends to have issues when that is changed as well.” Luna states.

“I didn't realize she had that many problems “Twilight sighs, “I guess that's a no then? I suppose I expected that even before you told me what was happening with her. I knew she had some problems but not like this.”

“Neither of us said 'No' Sparkle.” Jer'rahd explains. “ We're just telling you what to expect.”

“What?” Twilight asks.

“Berry actually decided to do something beyond what she normally does. Normally she only goes to the library on Tuesday and Thursday,but it's Wednesday and she changed her pattern for some reason, and now there's this. I am hoping it means she is finally starting to adjust. I am willing to allow her to be your assistant so long as you do not over work her or put her in any sort of danger.” Luna explains.

“I … I don't know what to say... I’ll try my best to keep her safe and see if she'll open up more...”Twilight stammers.

“Of course there is the standard warning that I give the Guards who get stationed as one of Luna's Guards, if something happens to her, your corpse better be between where she is and whatever the problem is, if it isn't, it will be.”Jer'rahd growls getting another cuff on the back of his head with Luna's wing.

“Excuse him, as Orange will tell you he takes over protective to a new absurd level.” Luna sighs looking at the rather nervous Twilight.

“So says the mare who teleported all four of them to the Crystal Empire the moment the alarm sounded during the Noodle Incident.” Jer'rahd grins as Luna blushes. “ Orange was not thrilled as she was in the middle of taking a final exam she had been studying for, for weeks. And yet she still calls me the over protective one.”

“You threw one of Oranges colt friends through a wall Jer'rahd.” Luna grumbles

“And you flung another one of her colt friends off the castle tower and into the lake on the other side of Ponyville.” Jer'rahd counters.

“Well.... Thistle bloom was an ass.......” Luna huffs as Jer'rahd smirks.

“Ummm can I go now?” Twilight mutters nervously.


[Manehatten, Current day]

“Where the heck is she going!?” growls Pip as the group of them rush after the galloping Sweetiebelle.

“How the heck should I know? With all the classes and training we have I barely get to see her any more and we go to the same school.” Scootaloo snaps.” I blame that crazy aunt of yours.”

“Which one? A'hm evidently related to a buncha females that are thought to have a screw loose or two.” Pip shouts back glancing at Applebloom before sliding under a cart as Applebloom slips around it and Scootaloo soars over head while they try to keep up with Sweetiebelle.

“The blue one!”

“I'm pretty sure Breezy's a stallion, though I’m not sure why I’m supposed to be related to him past Da wanting to screw with him.”Pip states, 'Though Da screwing with his head might be the reason he introduced Breezy as my aunt.....”

“Not her, errr him, I mean Bleu!”shouts Scootaloo nearly crashing into another pegasus. Her wings flare and she changes her direction nearly instantly avoiding hitting the startled stallion.

“Guys ah think she's running in circles cause this is tha second time we've run past tha train station entrance.” Applebloom yells sliding to a halt looking over at the train station entrance nearby.

“We've been what?” Scootaloo stops in mid air to try and figure out what was going on when Sweetiebelle leaps out of the crowd tackling the flying pegasus.

“Tha buc.....?” Pip states catching himself in the swear as Sweetiebelle hops off the groaning Scootaloo and dances around in place.

“Do you guys hear that? This is awesome, professor Bleu was right you can hear it eeeeeeeEEEEeeeEEEEEEeeeee.” Sweetiebelle squees prancing in place her hoofs starting to click in a rhythm.

“Yer aunt Bleu is a Professor?” Applebloom questions.

“Nah, but she calls herself that, and what sane pony's gonna argue with a big, blue, easily excitable dragon that's friends with tha Princesses and Discord?” Pip sighs.

“Point.” Applebloom nods watching as Scootaloo launches herself back into the air with a number of choice swears after shaking free of the unicorn.

“What is wrong with you, you dictionary!?!” Scootaloo growls clearly barely holding back from throttling the white unicorn.

“Can't you guys here that? The city is singing, there's music here!” Sweetiebelle giggles. “Seriously listen!!”

Applebloom and Scootaloo tilt their heads to listen trying to figure out what their friend was talking about, though Pip simply gets a horrified expression on his face.

“I don't hear anything” Scootaloo grumbles. “ Just a bunch of noisy ponies and a hobo playing a guitar for change over there.”

“HEY!!” the raggedly clothed pony yells at her. ”I'm not a hobo, I'm a liberal arts major!”

“Oh sorry, hobo in training.” Scootaloo grumbles.

“Don't say anything, don't say anything.” mutters Pip.

“Sorry Sweetiebelle, ah don't hear nothing but noise.” Applebloom responds.

“Crap!” Pip snaps.

“Well I guess I’ll have to point it out then won't I?” Sweetiebelle shouts excitedly before darting off again.

“Okay that's weird.... what are you complaining about any way Pip.” Scootaloo asks glaring at the spot Sweetiebelle ran off towards.

“I know what's gonna happen.....Da warned me about this.” Pip groans.

“An what's that?” Applebloom asks.” What's going on?”

“Da said aunt Bleu learned a trick from aunt Celestia a long while back. He says it's tha worse thing ever and aunt Celestia used tah use it to punish ponies every year.” Pip explains, “I don't think Da knew she was gonna teach it to any one else, but he forbid aunt Bleu from using it as he said it was far too dangerous.”

“Awww crap, what's going to happen? What was the trick called?” Scootaloo asks.

“ Gala flash mob.” Pip states, flinching as the unmistakeable sound of hoof steps marching to a beat fills the air.


[Four years ago, New Canterlot]

“There are four kinds of gods in Equus. Five if you count the Books of Orbsah as gods. Considering they make other gods and can't be destroyed that's not a bad way to look at them, though sentient artifacts might be better. What do you think Berry? Artifacts?” Twilight questions looking up from her book to the small unicorn on the other end of the table pouring over a tome of her own. The golden eyed filly looks up, rests a hoof on her chin lightly as if considering, and then nods once.

“Alright, we'll change that for the final publication, at least the non public publication any way.”

Twilight scratches something down in the book with a quill and fills out a scroll with some notes.

“Okay, there's the natural born gods that most races have. A child that grows up to have the best traits of their species, basicly a paragon with an additional power seemingly chosen at random. Examples of this include Lord Talon or as Pinkie called him, Fred, who could control lighting, Discord, with .. well what ever it is he does, though I need to talk to him about that a little more I guess, and Zecora with her premonition ability.” Twilight blinks and looks over at Berry. “Don't tell any one about Zecora, especially not your uncle Rhede and auntie Velkorn. I figure your ma and Da would flay me if they didn't get to see your uncles reaction to that bit of info.”

Berry nods again smiling a little.

“Let's see there are the inherited gods. They can be anything before they inherit the power, though afterwords, like the natural gods, they become paragons of their species, though the power isn't random, it's the same as the god they gained their power from. It is possible that all natural gods can pass their powers on like this though the only evidence for this theory is Spike who was granted his powers while in the egg by a dragon assumed to be a natural god. Both Princesses are also in this category, with Luna's deity like power being the dream walking and Celestia's ….. well fire I guess. Berry remind me to think of a more technical term for what Princess Celestia does.”

Berry nods writing her own note on a piece of parchment as Twilight continues writing.

“The third type of god are the first ones. Hmmm I suppose the Gray Grimiore counts as this type. Might have to reevaluate the rating on the Books. Any way there are only six of the First Gods, seven counting that book... of course for all purposes all but two of them are considered little more than spirits, or ghosts inhabiting the Element's of Harmony. So I’m not sure they can count at all, if it wasn't for Grace and Troph, though grace did say that their bodies won't last forever and they will likely return to being little more than spirits when they die or destroyed. Ugh this whole thing chapter is messed up and it's almost all speculation, and it's giving me a headache.” Twilight grumbles smacking her head into the table.

Berry leans over the table, patting the purple unicorn on the head with a hoof, bringing a small smile to Twilight's face.

“Okay, thanks I needed that Berry. “ Twilight starts writing again.” Lastly is the artificial gods, or the demi gods. Ones granted power from another source like the Books. Notable members of this set include the six monsters from the war, Jer'rahd, and Mooshroom, the leader of the Minotaurs on Mycelium Island. Demi gods have the same resistances and life span of other gods, though they have less power and only have access to one of six power types depending on which aspect of the Element's of Harmony they bore.” Twilight glances up to see Berry still writing.

“Loyalty can summon The Beast, which as far as we know summons one of three types of monstrous creatures that are near impossible to kill and seemingly uncontrollable most of the time. Or maybe that was just Troph because Jer'rahd seems in full control of it now that Troph's gone. Uggh more things I don't under stand.” Twilight groans.

Berry holds up a book and points to a picture of the Element of Magic.

“Oh right, if there was a book changed Element of Magic they could control the Beast as well. Thank you Berry.” Twilight states scribbling more notes. “Moving on the corrupted Element of Laughter has some sort of reality warping properties. Another reason to talk to Discord... ugh. “

Twilight grumbles to herself as Berry keeps looking through the book she was reading.

“Okay Corrupted Honesty produced the changelings and other shape shifters and Corrupted Generosity produced Sombra who has some odd kind of dark shadow magic. Thing is any one can learn to use that magic, maybe it's an aspect of Generosity still in there, giving ponies something that they really don't want?” Twilight ponders. “ I wonder if the two of them together are why the changelings became a race, if Sombra gave his power to others and tied it to Chrysalis then maybe that's how they were created, and the Love cursed queens desire to be loved was what started the whole feeding on emotion issue with them. Arrrgh we need to find those two so I can ask them questions, or study them....the only other one who would know is Discord!”

Berry looks up at the shout, cocking an eyebrow at Twilight's mane getting more and more frazzled.

Need to refocus, okay, Compassion we know corrupted into some one who had the ability to charm and control others, like Clopopatra from the history books. I guess Bloodtail had it and never managed to use it past getting a bunch of ponies to fight for him. Hmm not much on that either And then Magic had a little bit of all five other powers plus boosted the hosts natural powers, of course that's all information directly from your Ma, Berry so at least that I know is true.”

Twilight slides back with a sigh setting down the pen and rubbing her eyes glancing over at the clock. It had not been that long since she had started today and it wasn't even near sunset. Berry had been helping her for a little over a week now and while the small filly wasn't nearly as helpful as Spike had been she had made Twilight's work a bit easier as well as kept her from getting distracted enough to pull all nighters when she shouldn't. Last thing she wanted was Princess Luna to show up wondering why her daughter wasn't in bed.

Still they hadn't done much but sit in the library the whole time, Twilight supposed she needed to get out and judge Berry's reaction a little better. Besides she had a Draconequus to find, and attempt to question. And to find him, she had to go find the most unpredictable pony she knew.

“Berry I think it's time for a break, have you ever been to Sugar Cube Corner?”Twilight asks


[ Current Day, Manehatten]

The beat of numerous hooves was unmistakeable now as was the pattern of a large group of ponies as they marched. A lithe white unicorn strode along in the lead of the group, all of them moving to the exact same beat. The guitar playing hobo in training on the corners music changed tempo as well, changing from a rather crappy Pontera cover to a more upbeat random tune.

“Well, you can tell by the way I use my trot,
I'm a important mare, no time to talk.”

The trio winces as Sweetiebelle starts singing, and all the other sounds in the city seem to change to match the tune that she was setting up, the cement mixers and the jack hammers of a construction yard nearby, even the train whistles and the clack of the engines running over the tracks out of town matched the rhythm.

“Music loud and stallions warm,
I've been kicked around since I was born.”

The parade of ponies seems to swell to the point where Pip started seeing parade floats with back ground dancers spinning around on them in time to the beat. The trio had to move out of the way as a float that looked like it belonged in Maredi-gra passed by complete with a brass marching band.

“And now it's all right, it's O.K.
And you may look the other way.
We can try to understand
The Manhatten Times' effect on mares.”

The trio step back further as a group of ponies tumbles past adding their own voices to the chorus.

“Whether you're a brother
Or whether you're a mother,
You're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Feel the city breakin'
And ev'rybody shakin'
And we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha,
Stayin' alive.
Stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha,
Stayin' aaaaaaallllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve”

“What tha heck is this song even about?” Applebloom shouts over the music that seemed to be filling the whole city.

“Heck if I know, it's got a catchy beat though.” Scootaloo responds.

“Doomed.” moans Pip.

“Well now, I get low and I get high
And if I can't get either I really try.
Got the wings of heaven on my hooves
I'm a dancin' mare and I just can't lose.”

A number of ponies in suits dance past while the crowd grows even larger. A police officer runs past chasing a purse snatcher and even they were some how moving in time to the music, at least until Pip tripped the purse snatcher allowing the cop to catch him.

“You know it's all right, it's O.K.
I'll live to see another day.
We can try to understand
The Manehatten Times' effect on mares.
Whether you're a brother
Or whether you're a mother,
You're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Feel the city breakin'
And ev'rybody shakin'
And we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha,
Stayin' alive.
Stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha,
Stayin' alive.”

“Ah don't git it. I mean this is weird, but ah remember Pinkie Pie doing this and nothing bad came out of it. Though ah really dun like the idea that Sweetiebelle has this much power....” Applebloom states as the chorus starts to fade out.

“Kinda confused as well, but da did say it was circumstantial. Oh that must be it then.” Pip admits.

“What's the issue?” Scootaloo asks.

“There's always the chance uncle Rhede might be around and try to join in the singing.” Pip mutters.

Applebloom and Scootaloo both flinch at that.

“All in favor of never letting Sweetie do this again?” Scootaloo asks raising her hoof, something the other two also quickly do.

“Life goin' nowhere.
Somebody help me.
Somebody help me, yeah.
Life goin' nowhere.
Somebody help me, yeah.
Stayin' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiviviviiiiive!”


[Four years ago, New Canterlot, Old Ponyville district, Sugar Cube Corner]

Twilight hadn't even pushed open the door when a blur of pink slammed into her and flung her back out of the shop over the top of the now cowering Berry.

“TWILIGHT!!” Pinkie Pie shouts cutting off the purple unicorns air supply in a bone crushing hug.” I haven't seen you since I was a chinchilla . What's going on how are you doing? What did I miss? Are you still writing the book? If a tree falls in the forest and lands on a mime does it make a sound? Did you and Celestia get married yet? Is Jer'rahd still a sour puss? Is Bleu going to visit any time soon? What year is it? Why do hotdogs come in packs of twelve and the buns come in packs of eight? Who's this filly? Did Discord blow up the castle again? How are Breezy and Fred's daughter doing? Why do we drive on a park way and park on a drive way? Are you coming to the Apple's hearths warming party?Why do we say black as night to mean dark when the night is kinda bluish purple and not really black? Did you shrink? Why aren't you responding? Did you see how big gummy got he can fit his mouth around my whole head now? Is that a new mane style? How's Rarity doing? Wanna see me make bubbles with my spit?”

Before Twilight could even think of any of the answers, she was rescued by a rather large cup cake with blue frosting being shoved into the pink ponies mouth by a clawed hand. Pinkie was then lifted into the air as she munched on the baked good. Twilight looks up to see Discord rolling Pinkie Pie into a ball and rolls her from his hand down his arm and across his shoulders to his other hand all while the balled pony giggles madly.

“Why Twilight Sparkle what a surprise to see you here. It has been far too long since Celestia's luv muffin has graced us lowly plebs with her presence. How's the fame and noble life treating you Sparkle butt?” Discord taunts.

“Sparkle butt!! Hehehehe I’m going to have to remember that.”giggles Pinkie Pie unfurling herself from a ball and hopping up and down on Discord's head. Discord sighs with a hint of annoyance, but seems to be doing his best to hide the annoyance, even though his eyeballs started bouncing around in their sockets every time Pinkie landed.

“Ugh don't remind me, the first few years of that were insane, if I didn't know any better I’d say you were behind the media frenzy.” Twilight grumbles dusting herself off as she gets up. “Proper pony princess picks particularly perfect pony partner.”

“Who me? “Discord grins tucking a badge labeled 'Press Pass ' into a nonexistent pocket on his chest.

Twilight rubs her temples with a hoof. “I came by to see Pinkie and to ask you a few questions for my book.”

“Oh.... how dull, you're still working on that.” Discord drones. “I’ll pass.”

“It must be super important and super long, like all those terms of service things that pop up for any new software.” Pinkie states.

“Oh I love those! I've made a few and I've tossed in a number of clauses that require a bit of chaos for the system to even work properly. Must wear your pants on your head, do the hokey poky before hand. Quite delightful really as no one ever reads them.” Discord chuckles tilting his head and then spins it all the way around as he finally notices the small pony in the cloak hiding behind Twilight. “Oh and who is this ? Don't tell me you traded in poor Celestia for a younger model already my dear Twilight.” Discord chuckles reaches down picking the small filly up with both his hands ignoring her struggling to get down.

“Discord put her down, that's Ice Berry.” Twilight snaps. She was starting to remember why she didn't like him.

“That's Ice Berry? “ Pinkie shouts climbing up onto Discords head again trying to peek under the hood she wore. “ Wow I haven’t seen you in years!”

“Why does that name sound familiar?” Discord questions, stroking his beard leaving Berry floating in the air a moment and ignoring Pinkie Pie using him as a jungle gym.

“Oh she's Lulu and Jerry's daughter” Pinkie states.

“Jerry and Lulu....? “ Discord questions pondering, his eyes suddenly widening larger than his head as the color literally drains from him to puddle on the ground leaving him monochrome. He very slowly, very deliberately and very very gently sets the filly back on the ground. He pats her on the head lightly once and steps far back away from her. He whirls suddenly on Twilight. “Why didn't you tell me that was Kaisur's daughter!?!?!?”

“You didn't ask.” Twilight snarks watching as Discord poofs out of existence and Pinkie fall lightly to the ground. A moment later a much smaller Discord appears cowering in Pinkie's mane.

Twilight watches this as Pinkie completely ignores it and starts chatting and rambling on to Berry. “Why Discord, could it be you are actually afraid of Jer'rahd?”

“Afraid? Me? Of a mere pony? Of course not, don't be absurd.” Discord states waving his lions paw in the air. “ I am absolutely terrified.” he states before sinking into Pinkie's mane more.

“You have got to be kidding.” Twilight sighs. “I doubt he'd be much of a threat to you in a fight even in your weakened state. Besides I’m pretty sure star metal doesn't bother you very much.”

“Fight? Star metal? Forget that crap!” Discord shouts. “I was forced to tag along with him last year on April foals day. I have seen first claw how that pony thinks and plans things out. I do NOT want that pointed in my direction. I'd rather deal with ten, no twenty, angry Celestias.” Discord wails.

Twilight represses a shudder at the memory, only the noodle incident last year had been more horrific than the April Foal's day rampage. Princess Luna and Princess Celestia had created a whole new disaster rating system, just so they could put both Jer'rahd and the CMC on it. Of course this was something Jer'rahd was immensely proud of, despite Princess Luna making him sleep in his office for three months. In any event she had forgotten that Discord had been there to witness it all first hoof, yet had some how been spared when almost no one else in New Canterlot had.

Still the idea that Discord was scared of something amused her and Twilight had to stop her self from teasing the draconequus ruthlessly. He might be considered 'reformed', but he was still annoying, and she didn't trust him, besides she had a better idea.

“Fine. I won't tell him you were tormenting his youngest daughter.....” Twilight can't help hide a grin as Discord shudders. “ If you tell me what I want to know with none of your usual run around, just straight facts.”

The tiny Discord in Pinkie's mane blinks then narrows his eyes and points at her accusingly, briefly turning into an angry looking evil monkey. Pinkie Pie still didn't seem to notice though Berry switches her attention between the tiny draconequus and the chatty pink pony who was rambling on about chimicherries.

”You have been spending far too much time around Celestia!” Discord accuses.

“Is that a no?”Twilight grins wider.

“GAH, I’ll talk, I’ll talk!” Discord wails.


[ Manehatten, current day.]

Applebloom, Pip and Scootaloo stared at Sweetiebelle as she trotted back over to them. No sign of the parade or the dance number was left and the ponies around them simply were going about their business as if nothing had happened at all.

Scootaloo, Pip, and Applebloom look at each other , then to Sweetiebelle, then back to to each other, then back to Sweetiebelle..

“What the BUCK WAS THAT!?” Scootaloo finally shouts.

“What was what?” Sweetiebelle asks innocently.

“Oh no, I’m not falling for that, I am not Buttons and your cute doesn't work on me! “ Scootaloo rants as Sweetiebelle giggles.

“Okay that wasn't so bad. Why did uncle Jer warn you about this? Uncle Rhede's not around so it shouldn't be a problem.” Applebloom asks ignoring Scootaloo trying to choke Sweetiebelle.

“Yeah I kinda expected worse myself to hear him talk about it. He said all his friends got caught up in one once for Nightmare Night.” Pip states looking around expecting some sort of devastation and instead he didn't even see any of the confetti that the parade had been tossing into the air.

“Well guess, we lucked out that there’s no one hurt.”

“Aside from Scootaloo trying ta kill Sweetiebelle you mean.” Pip points out.

“Nah that's normal.” Applebloom smirks,her grin growing a bit wider as she looks up over Pip's head.

Pip blinks, suddenly felt a chill run up his spine. He glances down seeing another larger shadow over take his as someone moves up behind him.

“Oh bugger.” the small pony manages to utter before a pair of forelegs wrap around him and lift him up into the air, swinging him around like a doll while giving him a rib cracking hug.

“PIPPY! H'ow's my lil'est couz doing?!?” Babs shouts spinning him around.

Applebloom tries not to laugh, fails utterly, and collapses onto the ground holding her sides laughing at Pip's plight. Scootaloo notices Babs and drags Sweetiebelle over, still holding the white unicorn in a head lock and tickling the fool out of her with her short wing feathers.

“Oi should have known it was you guise, Pinkie and Discord only show up on Thursdays.” Babs grins finally setting Pip down, though one foreleg was still wrapped around him a little too tightly.

Babs Seed had grown up much the same way Applebloom had, nearing the height Big Mac and some of the other stallions in the family. Unlike Applebloom however, she didn't grow up lanky, she filled out rather well keeping some of the pudge from her foal hood, though all of that was just cover for the wall of muscle underneath. She had kept her mane and tail short, though there was enough to pull it back into a pony tail now and it didn't cover her face save one errant strand that wouldn't stay put. Also unlike Applebloom, she had gained her cutiemark. A red apple sitting on a small wooden cutting board with it's front half missing exposing the seeds and core, and three perfect apple slices laying on the board in front of it, cut from the same apple. She claimed it meant she had a flair for cooking, though she also had a thing for knives and had a collection of them.

She had met all of Luna and Jer'rahd's adopted foals a few years after the War of Gods during a ceremony to honor the Appleoosians and Buffalo that had fallen in the conflict. She and Orange had gotten along fairly well, though Berry was scared of the towering earth pony. Babs had fixated on Brush and Pip however leaving the skittish filly alone. She considered both of them insanely adorable and enjoyed teasing and picking on the pair, nothing malicious, though she treated the much smaller colts like plush toys at times. Brush eventually filled out and grew enough that she couldn't treat him as such any more. Pip had not been as lucky. Still neither of them seemed to mind much, either that or they were as terrified of her as Berry. Pip's expression at the moment was leaning more towards the latter, though it might also be due to lack of air.

“Babs seriously let the poor colt breath.” Scootaloo snorts with a small smirk.

“Ah ken ask tha same of you. Sweetie's turning tha same color as Aunt Plum.” Babs snarks getting a giggle from Applebloom and more flailing from Pip and Sweetiebelle both.


[ Manehatten, current day, VIP suite in the 48th floor, Crystal Empire Building.]

Velkorn flits around the lush room, doing her best to try and calm the two screaming twins, the octave of which was rattling the windows.

The pair of still fluffy baby zebra's had been napping quietly until the music started from below. Even then they seemed to be enjoying it, something she was quite happy with. Music often lulled them back to sleep no matter what the volume of it was, and the pair had not been napping that long before it started. She could use a few more hours of peace.

Of course that might have happened, but then her idiot husband had gotten caught up in the music and started singing as well.

There were a great many things Rhede was very good at, so many in fact that he seemed to defy logic and reason itself and was the perfect stallion. All those things he was good at were balanced out by his singing voice. While his normal voice could cause a mare to swoon with just a few words, his singing voice could peel paint off walls that were not even painted and wake the long dead just to tell him to shut up.

So one could imagine the reaction of two foals to hearing it for the first time.

She had fixed the situation readily however, Rhede was now in a crumpled, but silent, heap on the floor taking a forced nap of his own as she struggled to get the foals to calm down.

“Your father really should give up trying to sing, it is quite clearly not his thing.” Velkorn mutters trying to sooth the crying twins.


[Four years ago, New Canterlot, Old Ponyville district, Sugar Cube Corner]

Twilight wasn't sure what to do with the information Discord was giving her. He all but confirmed his species was a created race. One brought into being by a powerful spell caster who had wielded the Element of Laughter and then fallen to the power of the books. He didn't know what had happened to the one who made them as Discord was fourth generation of draconequus and had never met them. He did however point out that he was a god of his race before he came any where near one of the books and his reality warping potential stemmed from that and only got bigger the more he did.

She was sure there was a larger story there, but she could tell that Discord was only giving her this information because of her threat. She figured if she pressed too much he would stop and even the threat of getting Kaisur involved wouldn't loosen his tongue any. It was quite clear he did not want to remember any of this. It was worrying to see him in this state too, a depressive Discord could not be a good thing for any one, particularly if he reacted as Pinkie Pie and Bleu did when they got like that. Still there was a small part of her who couldn't help enjoy his suffering for all that he had done to Celestia and her friends in the past. That part of her worried her too.

“So you're the only one left.” Twilight asks as he finishes.

“Indeed.”Discord mopes.

“Are you sure?”

“Noooooo, I simply spent a thousand years twiddling my thumbs and watching a glacier move south for the winter. Of course I’m sure, there isn't a corner or curve of Equus I didn't look in, the damn griffon got everyone but me, and if he had shown up personally instead of sending his hit squad he would have gotten me too. As you said before star metal means nothing to me.” Discord growls at the memory.

The pair of them were sitting at a table in Sugar Cube Corner. Pinkie Pie was trying her best to get berry to smile or laugh with middling success, at the very least Berry didn't seem to be afraid of the pink pony any more. Twilight herself had to focus rather hard not to be distracted by the standup routine Pinkie was going through.

“Sorry, but I figured I would ask. Your motives are rather hard to understand at times.”

“My motives are easy Sparklebutt. I want to have fun and forget about everything. It's not that hard of a concept to any one but you, who wants to know and remember everything.” Discord growls.

“No need to get snappy.”

“This is the perfect reason to get snappy.....” Discord blinks a moment then lifts his tail to pull Gummy off the end of it, before throwing the small alligator at Pinkie Pie who catches him and starts ranting about him to Berry who had gone back to terrified the moment there was a flying alligator involved. “You are digging at a sore subject now with me, when it was just me it was one thing, but now you are digging into history I don't want to deal with.”

“Some one should know, and you did offer to tell me of your connection to Avianna before as well.” Twilight points out, not wanting to let him forget that.

“Yes, but that was going to be when I chose to do so, not because you threatened to sic the traffic light on me.”

“Traffic light?”

“Yes red eye yellow hair green eye.... never mind, that went over your head, your reflexes were too slow.” Discord sighs.

“Fine I have what I need regarding your species as well as placement in my book.... which is a whole new category to tell the truth. Though I have another question.”

“What a surprise.” Discord bemoans.

Twilight glances over at Pinkie who was celebrating finally getting Berry to smile with cupcakes, though the filly was still leery of the alligator on the table. This was the perfect opportunity to ask something had been bugging her for a while.

“What's going on between you and Pinkie Pie?”

“Excuse me?” Discord asks his head tilting a little.

“You know what I mean. She was dead, you brought her back and now you two are never seen separate. What's going on.”

“I don't see how that is any of your business.” Discord huffs.

“I'm looking after my friend, you don't have a very good track record Discord.” Twilight snaps only to have Discord shove his face back in hers.

“Neither do a number of your new friends, and yet I don't see you watching them like hawks or worrying what they are doing.”

“Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not happening” She shoves back her own glare matching his. “And at least they are predictable.... well maybe not Bleu, but the others are. You are not. So I ask again what is going on between you two.”

“What are you her mother? Cause I’ve met her mother and if you are the new her, I need to tell Clyde about how his wife is shagging sun-butt now.”


“I am doing nothing wrong and neither is she. Of course she seems to be the only one who believes me in this case. Do you think you are the first pony who has wondered about this? I've been questioned by everyone,EVERYONE. You are very late to the party in this regard, after your rampage at her death and her subsequent return I thought maybe you were past this. Clearly not. The only ones who believe anything I say are Pinkie, Bleu, and strangely enough Jer'rahd. I've lived here for how many years now and aside from the usual complaints from ponies who can't take a joke, I’ve been a model citizen. Heck Rainbow Dash and the mail mare cause more destruction and chaos than me lately..... I'm loosing my edge.” Discord admits.

“I'm looking out for my friend, you can't blame me for that.” Twilight grumbles.

“No, I suppose not, but you also don't have to accuse me. After this long I figured I would at least be tolerated , but noooooo the first chance any pony gets they let the accusations fly in my direction. I suppose I can understand it from Sun Butt and Moon Butt, and maybe even you considering how brown your nose is getting hanging around the former... but every one all comes to me with their questions, accusations and threats. No ones asked her yet why she lets me stay around, or follows me, it's always 'why are you following Pinkie Discord?' and 'What did you do to Pinkie Pie, Discord?” and of course 'Why is my living room upside down Discord?' Though to be fair that last one doesn't really relate.”


“It's been six years Sparklebutt. That may not be a long time to all these gods running around but to us it should mean something.” Discord snaps with a growl a look of anger on his face. Something that was very out of place on the draconequus.”This conversation is over.”

“Wait what do you mean us...” Twilight starts though the draconequus had already snapped his fingers and left in a puff of pink smoke. “ Well buck.”

“Made him mad huh?” Pinkie Pie questions, suddenly appearing on one side of Twilight causing the purple unicorn to yelp and fall over onto the floor.

“Pinkie Pie wha..?” Twilight stammers.

“He's been a bit moody lately since talking to Pa. Not sure what they talked about, but he was kinda flustered and worried afterward. Maude says it was nothing to worry about cause Paw did that to her all the time to colts she knew as well. Any way, you all need to stop picking on him.”

“Picking on discord? What?”Twilight stares at the pink pony who doesn't meet her gaze.

“Everyone acts like he hasn't changed, like he's going to try and destroy New Canterlot first chance he gets, when he isn't. Heck every ones accepted Jer'rahd and he's caused more problems than Discord has since he was first turned to stone. I mean Discord's antics got two episodes and Jer'rahd's got a nearly feature length novel with three full books and more words than War and Peace....”

“What..?” Twilight stammers, not following even half of what Pinkie said.

“Don't make me choose between friends Twilight....just leave him alone. I'm not a filly I can decide who I want to be friends with on my own.” Pinkie sighs.

“I'm not trying to do that Pinkie. I just don't trust him still.”

“Sooner or later you are going to have to Twilight. I don't like seeing him upset like this. He's annoying when he sulks, cause then I get depressed and then he gets more depressed which makes me more depressed and it's a never ending cycle, that only ends in cupcakes and Mrs. Cake said she'd throw us both out if we binged on her products like that again.”

Twilight rubs her temples with her fore hooves. This is not the conversation she wanted to have today. “Alright, I'll leave him alone, but the moment he does anything wrong, you had better let me know.”

“He won't, at least not to me. I don't think he can.” Pinkie shrugs. “Also, you might want to get Ice Berry home, I don't think she is used to that much sugar.”Pinkie adds.

Twilight blinks looking over at Berry at the next table watching the small unicorn vibrate in her chair. The wooden seat making laps around the table with the filly still sitting in it.

“Luna is going to kill me....” Twilight sighs smacking her head into the table.


[ Manehatten, current day.]

The rest of the day was spent touring Manehatten, though Babs was reluctant to let Applebloom know where the library was as she didn't want to see her cousin vanish for the whole trip. Still persistence won out and while Applebloom searched the library for information on the seed, Scootaloo and Sweetiebelle decided to hit a few shops they had seen on the tour. This left Pip and Babs alone on the steps of the library waiting for the others to come back.

“So have ya talked to her yet?” Babs asks suddenly.

“What do yah mean?”Pip questions.

“You know what I mean.”

“Oh that. Yeah I’ve talked to her.” Pip sighs.

“Really? Last time I was in town yah hadn't said a word.“

“Things umm change?”

“Yer a terribly liar Pippy.”

“I have talked to her.”

“About yer crush on her?”

“Okay, not about that.....”

“Thought so.” Babs chuckles. “I can understand why, she's a intimidating filly that one. Terrified me the first time I met her.”

“You don't know the half of it.” Pip sighs sinking further down on the great stone step of the library.

“Ah think I do. But soona or latah your gonna have tah get ovah it and just go for it. Otherwise some other colt's gonna snatch her right up from underyah. She's a choice piece of flank even if yah don't take into account her family line. That alone might attract some ones nohtice” Babs comments.

“There's too many differences it's wouldn't work anyway.” Pip sighs.

“Dun gimmi that crock, yer Da is marrying a Princess, one of yer uncles married a wonder bolt and another married a zebra, seriously yer surrounded by odd couples and yer stuck on what? Station? Please.” Babs snorts ruffling his hair. “Tha only thing that should matter is if she likes some pony else and even that's not a total wash. Jus lay on the Lil Pipsqueak charm and yah win.”

“I'm pretty sure there is someone else. At least from what I’ve heard. Not sure who it is though.” Pip sighs.

“Bah. If she ain't said nothing then there is nothing. At this point ah'll have tah make yah my special project. Operation get Pip laid.....”

“Ugh no. No hiijinks. “ Pip groans.” And aren’t you a cook, or did Princess Cadence give you her calling?”

“Hey, I’m a mare, we like ta meddle in affairs that ain't ours.”Babs chuckles as Pip groans.

“While we're on the subject hows your love life going?” Pip grins evilly only to lose the look as Babs waves her hoof dismissively.

“When ah find a colt who doesn't mind his girl being bigger than him, I’ll have found mai husband. Until then I ain't gonna stress it.”

“Right, good luck with that.”

“Oh I dunno. Know any younger Guards who might be like um big Pippy? Think yah ken hook a mare up?” Babs leans over batting her eyes.

“Ugh no why would you ask me... gah …. go find out yourself....” Pip growls as Babs laughs.

“Yep this hasn't got old yet. So then back to the matter at hoof. How tah hook up you and….........”

“SCOOTALOO!!! YOU COW!! GET BACK HERE!!”screams Sweetiebelle.

The two earth ponies on the steps look up in time to see a orange blur tear over the road in front of them , leaving a trail of green flame behind it. Right behind Scootaloo was an irate white unicorn covered in shopping bags and screaming at the pegasus in front of her.

“THAT'S THE LAST BOX OF POCKY THEY HAD!”Sweetiebelle screams out as Scootaloo pauses long enough to take a slow bite out of the candy tormenting the unicorn by over acting how good it tasted before racing off again with the unicorn in hot pursuit.

Babs and Pip watch after them a moment before glancing to each other and getting up as one to go into the library before any one connects the pair to them.