• Published 14th Jun 2013
  • 3,148 Views, 593 Comments

Stories in Stone, Lost Empire - TDR

The teenage CMC go on an adventure to find the reason for Applebloom's nightmares. 3rd book in the SiS saga.

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Misplaced invitation [6]

Stories in Stone
Lost Empire

Misplaced invitation

[1 year ago.
New Canterlot Castle]

“So are you sure about it? I mean absolutely sure?” Jer'rahd states skeptically, looking up at a equally worried Princess Luna as the pair trot down the halls of New Canterlot castle.

“Cadence and I both checked the foal out extensively, much to the chagrin of Locust. Seems with Sombra in the state of mind we found him in the changeling maid was the only one who was around to care for the foal after he was born. She was not happy to be separated from him for any length of time. But yes, neither of us could find any trace of the Book's corruption in the foal.” Luna states.

“We should still speak with Grace. She might have done something while Chrysalis was in Tartarus that would account for this.” Jer'rahd mutters.

“You act as if this is bad news.” Luna frowns, glaring down at the unicorn.

“No, it's far from bad news and you know that, but forgive me for being a bit paranoid here. There's no guarantee it would be the same for us. If Grace didn't do anything I will be more inclined to believe it.” Jer'rahd smirks. “i know you don't like Grace, and I hate to be the pessimist here, but one of us has to be. There's far too much at stake to simply accept it how we see it now. On a different note though, Shining and Cadence are going to take care of him?”

“Shining swore he would, and while Cadence was clearly not happy, she is going along with his word. I am sure he will never hear the end of it though. She wanted to have a foal with him and he winds up adopting one instead” Luna chuckles.” Although if I am not mistaken she might actually already be with foal.”

“She looked the same to me as the last time I saw her. How would you even know?”

“Mare's intuition.”

“So in other words don't ask just accept it.”

“And Rhede said you were a slow learner. “ Luna laughs lightly.” Still we returned Shining unharmed and Cadence up held her end of the agreement.”

“Well at least that was done without any worry or fuss. Last thing we need is the chaos something like that might cause.” Jer'rahd shakes his head, then smirks.” So then, about the last name......”

“Do we really want to start this conversation again? It tends to end in us fighting.” Luna grumbles.

“True, though I do enjoy making up after a pointless fight quite a bit.” Jer'rahd grins as Luna snorts in both annoyance and amusement as a response.

The pair turn down a side corridor trotting though one of the meeting halls in an effort to avoid the main part of the castle and Celestia's gathered day court, which should be in full tilt at this time of morning.

Half way through the darkened room they both freeze in place.

“Did you feel that?” Jer'rahd mutters.

“Indeed. A teleportation lock. A powerful one as well.” Luna mutters.

They both glance back as the double doors behind them slam closed, a large shadowy figure moving in front of the doors as several other figures block the door they were heading towards. With the doors closed the only light in the unused room came from the pair of stained glass windows depicting the first fall of Discord and Pinkie Pie helping to save the crystal empire.

Jer'rahd and Luna shift, sides pressing together as they both face a different way watching each others backs. The pair move themselves between the two pools of light from the windows staring down the shadowy forms milling about the edges of the room in the darkness.

“This cannot be good.” mutters Jer'rahd.


[Present day]

“Yo Sweetie wait up!”

Sweetiebelle pauses, mid step, her ears perking as she recognizes the voice even before she hears the sound of the crackling flames that she had come to associate with her friend.

She turns her head to look up watching as a orange and purple maned pegasus barrels towards her at high speed as if she was falling from the sky. At the last second the green wings of fire snap out from the mares back lighting up the street stopping the flying mare dead in the air. A single sweep of her wings forward launches the pegasus mare into a small back flip, her wings go out and she lands lightly on her hooves a few paces before the white unicorn. She flicks her small wings a few errant green sparks flitting down to the cobblestone as she folds her wings against her back.

Scootaloo grins as a couple of smaller foals and a few adults nearby claps their hooves at the showy landing before continuing on with their day. Scootaloo grins taking in the praise while Sweetiebelle just rolls her eyes.

“Honestly you pick one of Rainbow Dash's most annoying traits to copy. Did you develop her ego too?” Sweetiebelle snarks.

“Hey if I did, I always have the marshmallow dictionary to insult me til I’m grounded again.” Scootaloo chuckles.

“Right because that's my job, curtailing the ego of a roast chicken.” Sweetiebelle giggles.

“Hey you're good at it. You should have gotten a cutie mark for insulting Scootaloo instead of singing. So you heading to see Applebloom too?” Scootaloo questions practically bouncing along beside her friend who until that point had been trying to carry herself with some air of grace, though her friends hopping made that near impossible.

“Depends, you're not going to bounce the whole way to Sweet apple Acres are you?” Sweetiebelle questions.

“Maybe, good exercise and keeps your legs limber.” Scootaloo states bouncing a bit higher her tiny wings flapping a bit to give a little extra height to the bounce.” Why? Is it bugging yooooooou?”

“First off you look ridiculous, the only pony who can bounce like that and not look silly is Pinkie Pie., and she still looks silly. Second every time you hop up your tail bounces too and you flash your flank at any one behind us.” Sweetiebelle states with a smirks watching the orange pegasus stop bouncing and turn a bright red.

“I am not!!” Scootaloo yelps her tail curling down over her flank.

“Wow look how red the little chickens gotten. Poor little dodo. Seriously Scoots we have got to find you a colt friend. I bet Button knows a few nice colts who are looking for a date...... “ Sweetiebelle teases watching her friend try and stop her wings from sparking up.

“I don't need a colt friend, I am perfectly fine focusing on my training....” Scootaloo states, practically yelling with almost robotic repetition as Sweetiebelle laughs louder.”Let's just go see Applebloom before my hoof want's to date your face.”

“Of course.” Sweetiebelle giggles. “Although I will say if you're not really into colts I know a few mares that swing that way, they just might be interested in an athletic little roast chicken like yourself.”

“I am not gay!” Scootaloo yells back at the unicorn drawing far more attention from those around her than she liked. She blinks, ears flattening and her red face spreading to her neck as she glares at Sweetiebelle who smiles innocently then takes off like a shot galloping away from Scootaloo laughing hysterically.

The pegasus stares after the fleeing mare for a moment before growling and launching into the air to chase after her.

“Get back here you damned dictionary!”


[1 year ago
New Canterlot Castle.]

“So did we make a plan for this?” Jer'rahd mutters.

“Yes, several in fact, although most are ruined at this point given that the situation has clearly changed. Let us simply see what they want, there is no way they could know, every pony involved was sworn to secrecy.” Luna whispers back.

“Oh ho, that may be true, but I am no pony!” a voice from above them announces with a loud bark of laughter.

Jer'rahd and Luna look up to see Discord hanging by his tail from the rafters. The draconequus was painted a shiny gold coloration and was holding several different types of light bulbs with his hands and feet as if attempting to be a chandelier.... at least this explained why it was so dark in the room.

“Who would have thought a little favor for ole sun butt would have such delightful repercussions. She didn't believe me at first of course. I had to Pinkie Pie Swear twice before she would accept it. Such a waste of a cupcake too.” Discord cackles. “ Oh the looks on your faces, this is priceless and I didn't even have to do anything this time.”

“That is absurd, why would Tia have you follow us?” Luna questions before wincing at the sound of a flame igniting and a wash of heat and light coming from the far side of the room.

The Princess of the sun strode forward and Luna took a step back from the blast of heat that radiated from her sisters direction, her tail and mane crackling with fire.

“I asked Discord to follow you in case you needed help. He has been willing to make some amends for past deeds including this little trip. If nothing else he would have been able to help if Chrysalis and Sombra were stronger than they let on. While it seems that was not necessary, the information he brought back was more than enough for me to offer him a little past forgiveness. “

“She keeps a tally of it. Little bits of candy in a jar for all the bad I did and when I play nice I can eat a few. Almost makes me want to cause more chaos just to have more candy.” Discord smirks.

“Making deals with the god of Chaos? You've sunk pretty low there Celestia.” Jer'rahd snarks though he flinches at a crackle of electricity from the other side of the room and a rather large and pissed off looking blue dragon moves out of the shadow of the doorway lightning dancing over her scales.

“Give it a rest ….'boss' Lesti's not the issue here you two are, this time you went way too far. “ Bleu snarls. The dragon slaps one balled fist into the palm of her other clawed hand, glaring down at the pair. “ I can't believe you never even let on about this.....”

“We were trying to be a bit discreet.” Luna mutters, her ears flattening.

“Yeah well you two suck at that sort of thing. After all the fuss and work we went through?” Rhede snorts, snapping at the pair as he steps out of a shadow with a very pregnant Velkorn right behind him.

“You know how I hate being in the lime light......” mutters Jer'rahd.

“Like that is an excuse in this instance. Do you have any idea how long some of us have waited for this to happen and you two blow us off completely?” Starfall snarls snapping her wings closed as Rainbow Dash stands behind her muttering something about 'real Loyalty'.

“We were going to bring it up......” Luna protests out sheepishly backing away from the glares and pushing back against Jer'rahd more.

“Bleu and I were gonna plan the whole thing as one big party and you ruined it!” Pinkie shouts from atop of Bleu's head pointing menacingly at the two with a hoof.” And you took that away!!!”

“This isn't something that should be kept from the ponies of Equestria. It is a fairly big deal that would be of great interest to a large number of creatures.” Twilight states stepping from behind the burning Solar Princess, her horn glowing brightly.

“I'm supposed to be family colt, yah think I wouldn't have issue?” Rose states leaning on a rather large spear with easily half of the 42nd standing around him, all with rather vicious grins on their faces as they watched their commander squirm.

“I have been holding off and planing for my self and Lion Heart this long because I did not wish for my day to be over shadowed by you two and you do this and completely ruin any back up plans I have!!?” Rarity shouts with a rather confused looking Lion Heart behind her. “And you also would deny me the chance to make a master piece? For shame.”

“Considering Maw Pelt adopted you way back when that makes yah part of the Apple's too Jer..... And this sorta sneakiness doesn't sit to well with tha family.” Applejack mutters glaring at the pair from under her hat with Big Mac standing on one side of her and Granny Smith with a rolling pin standing on the other side.

“This wasn't a very nice thing to do to your friends..... “ Fluttershy huffs actually looking a little angry. Orange Danish, Pipsqueak and the Lilys stand behind her, also clearly not thrilled.

“As it stands I cannot believe my own sister would stoop so low as to run off an elope like this......” Celestia roars. “I may not like the lout, but to think you would try and force me to miss something like your wedding? We are going to have a nice long chat about why this is not okay sister. As well as discuss the punishment for it.”

Luna shifts her gaze at the figures surrounding them with a wince as Jer'rahd does the same.

“What was the plan again Luna?” Jer'rahd mutters.

“Well we have two choices in this. We can stay here and discuss this all out like reasonable adults.”

Jer'rahd looks up at Bleu , then to Celestia and Velkorn.

“And what's the plan we're going for?”

“Run away and hide in the mountains for a few centuries while all this blows over.” mutters Luna.

“Plan B it is.” Jer'rahd states rushing off the the side suddenly towards the wall and leaping up through a stained glass window with Luna hot on his hooves.

“My window!” shouts Pinkie at the shattering of glass.” It was just fixed!”

“STOP THEM!” bellows Celestia, while Discord giggles madly still spinning from the ceiling by his tail.


[Present day]

“You didn't have to hit me so hard.” mutter's Sweetiebelle to the annoyed pegasus walking next to her.

“You're lucky I didn't knock you into next week for setting me up like that.” Scootaloo grumbles.

Sweetiebelle grins lightly, rubbing her shoulder where Scootaloo had walloped her. “ Jeez it's just a joke. I kinda figured you were a late bloomer after the whole thing with your wings and all.”

“You want another date with my hoof ?” Scootaloo growls.

“Not really, I wouldn't want you to think it was cheating on you...” Sweetiebelle smirks as she looks back at the confused expression on her friends face. She stops walking waiting for a moment or two before groaning in annoyance that her friends brain was not engaging properly.” It was a clopping joke, dodo....”

“I knew that.” Scootaloo mutters.

“I doubt it.”

“Any pony ever tell you that you talk too much?” Scootaloo grumbles.

“All the time, any pony tell you, you're a violent psychopath?” Sweetiebelle snarks.

“Aside from you and Applebloom, never more than once.” Scootaloo grins.

“Well happy to be in the former group then.” Sweetiebelle chuckles lightly. “So what have you been up to anyway. I see you around, but you're either racing some where in a hurry or I don't have time to flag you down myself.”

“Yeah the last few months have been rather nuts. Training, finals and projects, getting graduation stuff together. Finally have a full week to myself though. Gonna try and spend it avoiding mom. Swear if she tries to get me into one more graduation dress I’m gonna scream.” Scootaloo sighs as Sweetiebelle giggles.

“Been just as busy with singing as well. Tests are done at least and I’m looking at a week free as well. Celestia bless the sophomores and their insane demands this time of year. Miss Scale was so tired of them whining about having so much to do, she just gave in to the demands and we all get a week off. I think we impressed her enough that she's willing to let us be a little lax. We still have two weeks before the ceremony so if we slip too much there's still plenty of time for her to drill the songs back into our heads.”

“Pfft like you need that. I bet you remember everything you've ever heard.” Scootaloo chuckles.

“Not everything. I thankfully can't remember any of the lines to that song you wrote for that first talent show.” Sweetiebelle smirks.

“Hey I wrote that and we won an award for it!”

“Yeah best comedy act.”

“We beat Snips and Snails to get that award thank you.” Scootaloo smiles. “Speaking of those two, have you seen them lately?”

“Snips I think will be graduating the same as us with the Ponyville classes, Snails graduated with Applebloom last year. I think he went into entomology.”


“Bug stuff.”

“Oh. Should have known.” Scootaloo sighs. “Hard to keep up with what every pony's doing now.”

“Well most of the foals we went to school with in Miss Cheerilee's class are graduated or still in school down in Ponyville. You moved back in with your mom and dad when your aunt's home burned down and my house was rezoned into the Canterlot school district same as Button's.” Sweetiebelle rambles off. “I'm rather surprised it's something you're worrying about.”

“I'm not really, it's just we used to see Applebloom and the others every day almost and now it's like once a week or two or even longer. I mean it's not even a twenty minute walk and we still never manage to meet up cause we're always too busy. Heck I barely see you any more and we go to the same school.” Scootaloo mutters. “ I mean, she still doesn't even have a cutie mark either. I kinda feel like we failed her as crusaders.”

“I know what you mean. Well we have a week of nothing planned, so we can spend the whole time trying to get Applebloom's cutie mark to show up.” Sweetiebelle stops dead a wide grin crossing her face.”Oooooh ideaaaaa!”

“Please don't do that again, your sister creeps me out when she does it …...”

“We need to get Applebloom and go on a road trip! Nothing we did here got her a cutie mark so we need to head out into the world and see what might happen. We can go visit the Crystal Empire, the Half dragons in the Gallopagos, and hit Las Pegasus, and any where else we can pack into a week. It's been forever since we did something together.”

“Yeah, there's a reason for that remember the standing order from the Princesses. But that still sounds like a great idea...... though why the Gallopagos?” Scootaloo questions.

“Rarity's there with Lion Heart.” Sweetiebelle grins, her face some how becoming covered in shadow leaving only glowing red eyes visible for a brief moment. “ I need to make sure he's treating her right.”

The pegasus flying past with a cloud moved on pushing the shadow past the unicorn mare as if nothing had happened, though Scootaloo had to suppress a shiver regardless.

“Please don't do that again either.”


[1 year ago
New Canterlot Castle.]

“Wow.... Celestia went all out.” Jer'rahd mutters looking up at the glowing magic wall preventing the pair of them from escaping the castle grounds.

The pair of them stood half hidden in a small collection of trees on the far side of the castle. Jer'rahd had thrown up a shield after they broke out of the room and that gave them time to hide here.

Luna sighs looking up at the dome.”This is Twilight's work and likely also what is keeping me from teleporting away.”

“Well. I'll apologize for the headache I’m about to to give her later.” Jer'rahd mutters pulling the Waning Moon from it's scabbard. The weapon was swung quickly at barrier only to bounce off as if it had hit a wall leaving no visible damage. “Uh oh.”

“Uh oh? What is this uh oh, why is there no hole?” Luna questions wincing as a series of pops fill the air around them and the group of ponies they had fled from teleported into being around them.

“Found them!” announces Twilight as the Guards and Bleu leap at the pair.

“She's been practicing with the Brilliant Dawn.“ responds Jer'rahd, diving to the side as Bleu lands where he and Luna had been. “ Her magics gotten resistant to the star metal same as mine.”

“Break and regroup later at A4” Luna shouts taking to the air over the castle with the attacking fliers in hot pursuit. Jer'rahd looks over the larger group of Guards and upset relations running after him and curses, galloping away. He turns suddenly and quickly dives through another window , back into the castle emerging in a lower level of the structure. He quickly raised a shield behind him blocking pursuit. He didn't know what would happen if their friends caught him. Though he rather would prefer not to find out.


[Present day, New Canterlot Market Square]

“Okay so we take the train to the empire, then a train and a boat to Gallopagos?” Sweetiebelle states.

“We should wait and see if Applebloom wants to go some where too. I figure she might want to visit family or something.“ Scootaloo points out stopping suddenly and putting out a hoof to stop Sweetiebelle as a pair of massive chocolate glazed doughnuts roll past with a madly giggling Pinkie Pie and Discord in the middle of them. The doughnuts continue down the street and roll around another building before vanishing from sight. The white unicorn and her friend sigh and continue on through the market square.

“Well that was new.”Sweetiebelle states with the lack of interest in the strange that could only come from being raised in Ponyville. “I hope Applebloom doesn't though, she's got family everywhere. They would take a lot longer than a week to go visit.” Sweetiebelle sighs. “Oh maybe we can go visit Babs. We should be able to fit Manehatten in our trip. We can meet the crusaders she started there. What do you think Scootaloo?....... Scootaloo?”

Sweetiebelle stops in her tracks looking around, and above herself before spotting her friend a few paces away looking through the crowd at something on the other side of the market. The orange mare's ears were pinned back against her head and her short tail was whipping in annoyance.

“Scootaloo? Hello? Chicken? Any pony home?” Sweetiebelle questions waving a hoof in front of her friends face.

Scootaloo glances at the taller unicorn with a frown before galloping off suddenly towards a small ally between shops. Sweetiebelle blinks galloping off after her with a huff.

She was half way across the market before she spotted what her friend had seen and it made her run just a little faster.

The ally wasn't empty. There was a very familiar light pink earth pony in the ally staring down at a much smaller pony. Sweetie couldn't tell who the smaller pony was but it's position against the wall partially pinned there by the larger mare made it clear, it didn't want to be there. The mare had a dark smile plastered over her face, and a while sweetie didn't know who was trapped, she knew the mare who was smiling all to well.

Diamond Tiara.

Getting away from her was one of the few upsides to being placed in a different school district. The last she had seen of the bully was not long before Applebloom had knocked her through a wall and been grounded practically forever. The pair of them had been banned from associating with their friend for quite some time as well a punishment made some what pointless as the adjustment of the school district made it so they no longer went to class together any way. Despite that Scootaloo blamed herself for not being there to try and stop Applebloom from hurting the obnoxious filly, despite how much Diamond tiara deserved it.

It was a rather miserable time for all three of them, though they figured at least Diamond Tira might have learned something. Seeing the pink filly with a smaller pony cornered in an ally showed this was clearly not the case and the bully had not learned anything.

Scootaloo reached the ally mouth first and probably would have flown straight in and tackled the mare if Sweetie hadn't grabbed her tail with her magic to prevent it. Last thing that they needed was something to ruin their plans, and scoots was hot headed enough to punch first and then start kicking to get questions answered.

“Seems somethings never change no matter how much time passes. “Sweetie snarks.

DT looks up spotting Scootaloo and Sweetiebelle, her eyes going wide a moment. She shifts her head pretty much ignoring the two, but her gaze darts over the ally clearly panicked as she seemed to be seeking Applebloom. Her tense form relaxes a little seeing the third CMC member was not there.

“Go away pests. This doesn't concern you.” Diamond Tiara grumbles.

“Yeah well guess what, I’m making it my concern. “ Scootaloo pops her wings, the feathers of flame snapping out and casting a green glow over the ally.

“Trust me pest you don't want to even try anything with me.” Tiara turns slightly shifting her hooves into a stance in a way Sweetiebelle immediately recognized.

“I see you took some lessons from Master Li. “ Sweetiebelle states sliding up onto her back hooves adopting another stance. “You see the pictures of me on his wall with the trophies I won?”

“Of course. But I have more of them. Daddy wanted me to be able to defend myself against that monster of yours.” DT states.

“Oh fer ma's sake will tha lot of yah stop that posturing and posing. O'm not gonna allow any of ya ta fight here. Specially not on account of something stupid as this.”

All three of them look at the smaller pony who was clearly fed up with the three of them. The brown and white patch work colt shifted his gaze between the three mares , the motion shifting the harness wrapped over his shoulders holding a long sword and marked with a old patch that Sweetie recognized as being from the old Lunar Republic.

“Pipsqueek?” Scootaloo questions surprised.

“Ah tend to go by Pip now, but yeah.” Pipsqueek sighs, moving between the three mares. “If yah start a fight ah'm obligated as a Junior Guard member tah stop you. And don't think ah couldn't even if tha three of yah worked together.”

“Don't get too full of yourself kid.” Scootaloo sighs rolling her eyes.

“Ah'm only two years younger than you, and as tha chipmunk fiasco proved, I’m at least twice as mature. So don't go calling me kid.” Pip snorts

“You are never going to let us live that down are you?” Sweetiebelle sighs.

“Yah nearly got me stuck being the manager of a group oh singing rodents. Mah ears still hurt from that high pitched noise So no.” Pip states with a grumble. “What are you two doing here any way?”

“Thought I was rescuing some one from a bully. Not sure why you would need rescuing though.” Scootaloo sighs though her glare was still directed at DT.

“Well t'was a rescue of sorts.” he looks at Diamond Tiara who glares back at Scootaloo though her expression softens a bit as she looks down at Pip.

“Oh whatever. “ the pink pony sighs turning her gaze away from Pip. “ Just make sure you do it like I said Pipsqueak.”

“Yah should be doing it your own self.” Pip grumbles. “ Ah'm not yer pet.”

Diamond Tiara huffs looking down at the smaller earth pony who simply rolls his eyes. “ Fine whatever ah'll do it. This is ridiculous yah know.”

The pink pony smiles slightly and turns walking towards the pair of crusaders pushing between them and heading out into the street.

“You know I miss all the quiet that happened when she was in a full body cast.” Sweetiebelle grumbles.
“We should make that happen again.” Scootaloo nods.

“No yah won't. All that trouble that happened last time she got hurt? Yah really want tah go through that again? Specially since this time you're old enough tah go tah jail for it?” Pip points out.

“Aww pippy you wouldn't tell on us would you?” Sweetiebelle grins batting her eyelashes.

“Tell on yah? Of course not. I'd be the pony bringing you two in.” Pip chuckles.

“I think you hang around your dad too much. “ Scootaloo sighs.” What did she want any way?”

“Nothing of importance.” Pip sighs. “She's not as bad as you two make her out tah be. She's graduating this year same as my brother. She's kinda quiet most of the time.”

“Yeah she looked real quiet trapping you against the wall there.” Scootaloo mutters.

“That's a different story. She's still annoying and rude, kinda like you Scootaloo.” Pip grins ducking a swat from the annoyed pegasus.

“Well no love lost between us. Sorry you have to deal with her though. Wait why do you have to deal with her? I thought you lived in Canterlot, shouldn't you go to school there?” Sweetiebelle questions.

“Ma thought it was a good idea fer me to stay close to the friends I made in school after the war. She has a couple of Night Guard's fly me down here in a chariot every morning. After a while it just kinda stuck. Paint Brush and IceBerry came along with me so we could all go to the same school as Brush lost the few friends he had, and Berry wasn't old enough to be in school yet. So me and cousin Applebloom were set to keep an eye on them.” Pip explains seemingly happy to change the subject away from DT.

“You two down here tah see Applebloom too then?” Pip responds trotting to the end of the ally before looking back at the two taller mares. The poor colt was still tiny even with the amount of muscle he had put on. Scootaloo had a apple on him in height and she was the shortest mare in her class.

“That was the plan. I figured you would be training with your dad.” Scootaloo states.” That's usually where I see you.”

“Ma's keeping Da busy as of late. She's due in a month or so and tha whole castle's gone nuts. Only so much baby talk ah can stand, so I came down here when I heard uncle Rhede and aunt Velkorn were at the farm.”

“They're here? That means the twins are here!” Sweetiebelle smiles in glee as both Pip and Scootlaloo groan.

“What is the fascination with those two? Yah they’re cute, but it's like every filly that hears about them goes nuts.” Pip sighs looking at Scootaloo who shrugs.

“Can't say I’ve actually seen them. I'm not related to any one who really knows Mr. Pelt.” Scootaloo says. “You headed to Sweet Apple acres then?”

“T'was the plan. Figure my cousin might have something interesting happening. Has tah beat listening to every one in the castle freak out about a baby that ain't even born yet.” Pip sighs.

“Aw poor Pippy, not gonna be the smallest and cutest any more are you.” Scootaloo chuckles.

“That was always Ice Berry and you know it.”

“Wait a baby? Princess Luna is having a foal?” Sweetiebelle gasps her brain finally catching up to what she had heard once she could get past the thoughts of the fluffy zebra twins.

“Been tha big news all over fer a few months now, once she was far enough along that she couldn't hide it. Any more. Granted tha family all knows but it came out to tha public a bit ago.” Pip states some what in shock that Sweetiebelle didn't know about it.

“Well yeah. Dash and Starfall have been going on about it for a while now too. “Scootaloo shrugs.

“How do I miss out on these things?” Sweetiebelle groans throwing her fore hooves in the air dramaticly.

“How do you keep up with information on some pony like Snails, but miss out on this sort of news?” Scootaloo asks in an annoyed tone.


[One year ago,
New Canterlot Castle. East Wing.]

Jer'rahd pressed himself up against the wall glancing around the corner as a group of the 42nd rush past. Stealth was not something he excelled in, but he could do it in a pinch when he needed to. He wasn't as good as Rhede, Bleu, or even Luna, but at least he never tried to hide in a cardboard box like Starfall did once.

He slipped out of hiding, glancing down the hall before moving along the corridor away from where the Guards had gone.

A4 was the location of the Black Princess on the chess board. Well at least in Luna's games any way. It was considered the home tile for the piece and he expected she meant her room in this context.. The other option depending on the board layout was the white Princess's home tile and he doubted very much she wanted to meet in Celestia's room.

Where he was now was the new East wing of the castle, built on the spot of the old Royal vault before it exploded. It was comprised of a number of smaller structures connected to great hall and various meeting rooms. Each of the structures was designed to accommodate a ambassador of a various species or another with a environment similar to what they were used to back hat home.

The griffons was built with high ceilings and a number of perches and enchanted to circulate chilled air to simulate the high mountain aeries that most griffons preferred. To contrast was the Zebra area which was kept dry and warm, Celestia and Rhede had worked out a number of different things that would make the creatures visiting feel more at ease in pony lands, and more willing to talk.

The wing had grown rather massive after the war as well. News of the Changeling invasion and Aviana's attempted to take over had spread beyond the borders of Equestria like wild fire. Races that had previously considered Equestria's forces a joke, and their leader a toothless fool to take advantage of were suddenly forced to reevaluate their stances. The new scar on the moon, the hordes of captured changelings and tales of the 42nd and it's leaders were enough to give many pause, particularly as some older gods remembered the War of Night.

That the new 42nd, The Five Beasts of the Moon, The Elements of Harmony, The Goddess of War, The Solar Flare and the fact The God of Chaos himself, now resided in Equestria made it so everyone suddenly wanted to be friendly.

It was a bit depressing to be honest. What good was a solider without a war to fight? Sure there were bandits and the occasional monster, but that that was a bit one sided to tell the truth. After all this time he finally had gained control of the monster that dwelled within him and there was nothing to do with it. Celestia and Rhede called him a deterrent, he called it a waste.

Jer'rahd pauses for a moment rubbing his head with a hoof, maybe he was too violent for his own good. When there was a war he wanted peace as quickly as possible, when there was peace he wanted a war.

His train of thought was derailed by the thunder of hooves rushing down the corridor. He cursed lightly, pressing against a locked door and shouldering it open as quickly and quietly as he could before ducking inside, closing it behind him as gently as possible. With luck they wouldn't notice the broken lock as they were running past.

“Hey wait a sec. This doors been broken into, look at the splinters on the ground.” some one shouts outside the door bringing the armored march to a sudden halt.

Jer'rahd curses grabbing a table in the room and propping it under the door handle as the first Guard checked the door. It was his own damn fault for making sure his trainees were always observant about their surroundings. He made a small note to himself to offer some praise to the Guard that noticed the door, but much much later after he was no longer hunted.

Still that would hold them for a bit hopefully until he found another way out, or made one.

He quickly scanned the room. It was just a small meeting room with a few stylized chairs that had been around a table and a cabinet probably holding some documentation or another. There were no windows in the room either, just his luck to duck into a room in the middle of the wing.

Spotting a door at the far end of the room he darted over to it finding a wide stair case leading down, likely to the residence of what ever race was housed here.

He smirked at the chance in his luck. This had to be the Diamond Dog's embassy rooms. The guards had had a rather difficult time keeping an eye on them as the ambassadors were know to pop up in bars out in New Canterlot even after they had been escorted to their quarters. It was a pretty safe bet they had tunneled a way out of the grounds. He would be sure to close those tunnels off behind him and report them, but for now he was rather happy the Dog's didn't follow the rules.

An ax striking the the door forces the decision for him as he darts down the stairs yanking the cabinet from the far wall to seal the door behind him before locking it and breaking off the handle.
With luck they wouldn't notice the door with the large cabinet in the way. If they did he still gained a few precious seconds by sabotaging the door.

The end of the stair well ended at the start of another stone corridor, he didn't even pause before running down it noting the lights were getting dimmer the further down the slope went.

The air was also damp and there was a steady annoying dripping sound echoing down the tunnel,echoed enough to sound louder than his own hooves in his ears. Adding to that he was starting to see his breath as the air was noticeably chilled here. He ran past a few spit off points glancing down the other halls into more darkness. What sort of race wanted a cold, dark wet place to serve as a reminder of their home? Wait.......

The unicorn ponies eyes widen suddenly and he skids to a stop looking around

“Oh buck me.” Jer'rahd curses.

“Took you long enough.” states a voice crackling from some where in the tunnel, likely over an crystal intercom.

“Rhede damn you!”

“Now now, you brought this on yourself. I am a little disappointed that you didn't realize the Guard's were driving you this way though. I taught you better than th GAAAH!.”

“Seriously Jer'rahd how could the two of you do this? See this is the crap I’m talking about and why I never introduce you to any of the colt's I wanna go out with.” fusses Orange, also over the speakers clearly having shoved Rhede away. “You two go nuts when I keep who I like a secret, but then you run off and get married without telling any one.”

“Ummm can I....” Rhede interjects.

“YEAH YOU TELL UM GIRL!” Bleu shouts drowning Rhede out.

“Right cause the wedding of a Princess can be a quiet affair. You know neither one of us want anything to do with that sort of publicity.”Jer'rahd shouts back prancing a little in place. Was the dripping getting louder?

[“This isn't about you, do you have any idea how many of us have been waiting for you two to get hitched and then you go an do this?”] Velkorn shouts.

“What did she say?” Jer'rahd questions.

[“GAH!!! A thousand and forty years and he learns a dead language before leaning one that gets spoken around him all the time!”] Velkorn yells and could be heard storming off. Orange and Bleu were shouting at each other and Rhede seeming to be fighting for control of the microphone. It was almost comical at this point. Though it didn't take long for Rhede to wrestle control back.

“Jeez can I freaking do my super villain bit now? I've wanted to try this out for a while..” Rhede grumbles.

Jer'rahd tries to ignore the arguing and gallops back up the darkened corridor trying to make his way back to the stairs, better to face the Guards than a trap set by Rhede. He jerked to a stop yanking his hoof back as if he had been stabbed.

Freezing cold water dripped off his hoof and pool of water continued on, the tunnel leading directly into and down into the softly rippling liquid.

“I suppose I should get started then. See I know you Jer. There's no possible way I could beat the crap out of you straight up for this thing. Velkorn could of course, but I don't want her straining her self with the foals. I mean heck, even if you let smack the shyt out of you a bit, it's not like you can't take more pain then I would feel comfortable dishing out.” Jer'rahd could almost hear Rhede grin as he spoke. “ But that doesn't mean I don't know how to make you suffer.”

“You don't want to do this Rhede. I can just bust out of here you know. I' don't have to worry about reigning in the Beast any more now that I have Troph out of my head.”Jer'rahd shouts the pitch growing in his voice as he races down another corridor his hooves again splashing in water before he skids to a halt leaping back out of the water like it was lava.

“You could, but you won't. Your friends, Luna, and your kids are all above you and they would get hurt if you tried to bust out. Granted you could always give up now.”

“Like heck I’m gonna do that, the Princess is gonna need my help to hold off the rest of you later, and I’m not gonna let her down.” Jer'rahd shouts clearly starting to panic

“I was knew you would say something like that, though to be honest I think you are getting off light compared to what Starfall and Celestia are doing to her. “

“What!!? This is considered light?!” Jer'rahd trembled.

“Okay maybe not. Still this is payback.”

“What for not throwing you a proper bachelor party? Velkorn threatened to skin me if I hired strippers.”

“That shouldn't have mattered.”

“I am stallion enough to admit when something scares me and your wife is high on my list. I am rather attached to my skin and you know she would have done it literally.”

“It would have grown back. Any way moving on, I fully planed to show you how to properly throw a bachelor party , but NOO you had to take that away from me too. Any way, I have some one here I would like you to meet. Ambassador Sailfin, say hello would you?”

“Um are you sure about this Ambassador Pelt. I don't mind lending my quarters to you for what you are doing, but I am not sure this is a very good idea.” A soft mare's voice mutters.

“It probably isn't, but that's not really the point at the moment. Just ignore the stallion in the hall. I am rather curious at what you said earlier that you enjoyed singing? I am quite sure something from you might put him more at ease while we deal with the situation. Perhaps the classic song we discussed? “ Rhede states smoothly. Jer'rahd could hear the charm being laid on and the grinding of Velkorn's teeth as well. “Tell you what I’ll cut his mic so he can't complain, just sing for us I'm sure Bleu would love to hear it as well.”

“Not really.” mutters Bleu barely under her breath ignoring Rhede's shushing sound.” I was there too you know....”

“Well I mean if you insist.” Sailfin giggles a bit before clearing her throat clearly falling to the red stallions charms.

“I'm gonna kill you Pelt.” Jer'rahd snarls, shuddering violently as another corridor he ran down ended with him tripping and falling bodily into the chest deep water ,surfacing with a panicked sputter. How had he gotten this lost going down one tunnel?

“Shoo be doo shoop shoop be doobie......” sings the sea pony ambassador as Jer'rahds screams fill the tunnels.


Applebloom stares down at Zecora, the zebra mare suddenly becoming rather self conscious at how much shorter she was than the much younger mare. Clearly Applebloom was taking more after Big Mac than Applejack.

[“I'm still not understanding what you are saying Zecora. What do you mean somethings gonna happen? Why do I have to go on a trip?”] Applebloom questions.

Zecora sighs rubbing her forehead with a hoof, realizing she hadn't thought that far ahead in this situation. A normal pony would just fall for the old mystic seer shtick that she used. Applebloom knew her too well. Plus this was rather difficult to explain with out letting on just how long she really had been alive.

She had shown up on the farm and sought out Applebloom before even taking more than a glance or two at the stripped fluff balls that where her aunt's twins. That in itself took a great deal more effort than she liked. Still Applebloom usually followed her advice and suggestions with out much question.

Well she used to any way.

[“Err, It is just a feeling. You know how I sometimes get those and it allows me to show up where I am needed.”] Zecora mutters.

[“I always thought it was just listening for the screams from town and dropping by at the right moment.”] Applebloom states. [ “Being observant to yer surroundings is what yah taught me.”]

[“Well sometimes it is that too....Still this is something clearly important or I would not have been guided thus far.”]

[“Sorry, but I think you might be wrong this time Zecora. I'm not going any where, and even if I was with the Zapp apples coming I can't.”] Applebloom looks a bit pensive about something however and this catches Zecora's attention.

[“What is it?”]


[“I have known you long enough to tell when something is bothering you Applebloom. Is it the nightmares again?”]

[ “No, well yeah they are still bugging me, but no more than usual. I mean.....Well,.... Have you..... have you ever heard singing from the Everfree?”]

[“Singing? Like bird song or the Breezies?”]

[“No I mean.... oh I don't know how to even begin to describe this. I heard a song that sounded like one of those old chants you used to do at times. And after Talking with Fluttershy I realized I was hearing the Timberwolves howling and I was hearing them sing. Kina like how even when speaking zebra my mind translates it to pony so I can understand it. “] Applebloom winces clearly not liking the idea that some one might think she was going crazy, though if any one would believe her the zebra mare would.

[“I cannot claim that I have heard singing like that.”] Zecora states shaking her head. [
I cannot think of any reason how you could understand them either.....”] Zecora blinks glancing back at her saddlebag as she felt a light tug on her mind.

[“I have to be going crazy. With all the nightmares and everything else. I figure if I ever do get my cutie mark it will be in going insane.”]

[“ Well you did once say you would like any sort of cutie mark.”] Zecora smirks.

[“Yeah well not in going crazy. What would that even look like?”] Applebloom wails.

[“Most likely it would be an image of Discord.”]

[“Yeah cause I really want a picture of him on my flank.”] Applebloom grumbles, though she did smile finally so that was something at least.

Zecora chuckles glad to see her friend in better spirits. She turns digging into her saddle bag pulling the necklace out and offering it to the yellow mare. [“Here”]

Applebloom takes it, looking over the little wire cage and the item inside.

[“Errr this is nice and all, but why are you giving me a rock in a necklace?]

[“It is tied to the feeling I had. I suggest you not lose it as it is likely the only one like it that exists any more. It is also far older than either of us. I do not know what you will do with it, but I feel this is the right thing to be doing.”] Zecora states.

[“Thanks, but you should keep it. I know I won't be going any where. There's to much to do every day around here even without the Zapapples. I don't even have a trip planned, there's not even any where I wanna go.....” ]

“HEY APPLEBLOOM!!” bellows a voice with enough volume to make both of them wince.

“Crikie, I think I’ve gone deaf.” grumbles a much quieter voice.

“Warn us next time you bellow like that you blasted Dictionary. Oh wait there she is.”

[“I think you might need not have anything planned at all for a trip to come to you.”] Zecora smiles as Pip, Scootaloo and Sweetiebelle trot around the side of the farm house and spot the pair of them standing next to the barn.


[1 year ago. New Canterlot Castle]

A squad of pegasi flew past one of the tall towers eyes scanning the ground and the windows and balconies of the castle searching for some pony.

A pair of glowing eyes opened in the shadows under the eaves of the tower's roof watching the squad pass before slipping out of the darkness and dropping lightly onto a balcony startling a small collection of birds before she slipped into the room.

Luna spare a glance back outside before pulling the door closed and drawing the curtains before the glass doors.

It seemed she had given Starfall and Rainbow Dash the slip somehow. A difficult task, but not impossible if one knew how the pair of them flew. She did not expect however for the flying members of the 42nd to be joining in the chase. Her sister evidently thought them the only ones capable of capturing herself and Jer'rahd. Luna smiles softly, Tia was cheating again, but it wouldn't work this time.

She rather hoped that Jer'rahd could make it past the others with out being able to fly. Still considering Starfall was the only one who could regularly beat Jer'rahd in a spar, and that the pegasus was after her, his escape would likely be easier than her own.

This was a completely ridiculous situation however, she expected their friends to be a bit upset at the revelation that she and Jer'rahd had secretly wed, and she knew her sister would be mad, but to this level? Making the pair of them fugitives in their own home was a too far. She really needed to have a word with Tia about over reacting, that would certainly be a interesting conversation.

The room she had found her way into was a unused guest quarters, one that Rarity had been in not terribly long ago if Luna was not mistaken. That would make getting down a little annoying as the stair well was exposed. Still she could hide out in here until the patrols died down.

She grumbles again starting to wonder if the secret marriage had been a good idea after all. It had been done to avoid fuss, not make matters worse as it clearly had.

She had much she needed to tell her sister and running away from her was not the way to do it. Still Tia had started this challenge and Luna was not about to let her win just to hold a conversation with her, even if it was about the changelings.

Shining and Cadence had set aside a unused area in the Empire to create spot for the changelings to occupy. The general population clearly was not happy with that fact, but at the same time since Shining and Cadence were adamant about it, they could not do much more than be upset.

The changeling population that had been captured was no where near the size of the one that swarmed Canterlot. The maid Locust had informed them that most of the changelings that were involved in the attack were drones with no real mind of their own anyway. Luna was unsure of what that meant of if they could trust the female, but Locust did not have anything to gain or lose by lying. In any case Luna was sure Twilight would love to study them when she had a chance.

The light click of hooves on the stone stairs outside snapped her back to her senses and derailed her thoughts. She winces hearing soft voices at the door and the sound of keys jingling at the lock. Luna turns ducking back out onto the balcony, better to slip free and avoid any conflict, she could always hide in the rafters again.

Luna's eyes go wide and she back peddles furiously as she comes face to face with a pink haired, yellow pegasus with a small flock of birds fluttering around her.

The pegasus mare hops off the railing walking slowly towards Luna, glaring at the Princess as she backs up into the room.

“Fluttershy what....?”

“I am sorry Princess. I am sure you and Mr. Kaisur had your reasons for hiding your marriage, but you upset a lot of ponies by doing that .”

“That was not the intent.” Luna protests.” Why are you here? I did not think this would bother you of all ponies.”

“Oh it doesn't bother me at all. I always feel uncomfortable at weddings and parties like this. I am rather happy for you two in fact.”

“Then why?” Luna glances over to the door wincing as a trio of young ponies step in looking up at her.

The Pegasus colt was the tallest and the lankiest as well. Paintbrush Lily, or Brush as his friends had been calling him, had just turned sixteen and had not yet gotten past his growth spurt yet. The dark blue colt had a shock of bright blue hair for his mane and tail and his cutie mark was a paint brush that was coloring a cloud white. He was attempting to give her a mean glower, though on his young face it was more of a cute pout.

The smallest of the three was also the most fit and well muscled. Pipsqueak had taken to Jer'rahd's offer to train them like a duck to water, so much so that for his fourteenth birthday last year Luna had helped craft him his own sword. She worried at first he might out grow it, but since he was only a little bit bigger now at fifteen than he was at ten , she did not expect him to out grow the blade. The white and brown spotted earth pony colt was taking good advantage of his size and how his brown hair fell over his face to try and look sad and disappointed. He pulled it off a little too well.

The only filly was Ice Berry Lily. Her brother and Pip called her Berry, though she didn't call them anything. She and her brother were the pair that was rescued from the storm drains of Canterlot nine years ago. Unlike her brother the thirteen year old filly had yet to get over her nightmares. The unicorn filly also never spoke, and no one knew for sure why. Despite that the light blue and dark blue haired filly still acted as if she was a normal child, simply one rendered mute. She had also not yet gained her cutie mark. Still she did not need to speak for the teary eyes she was showing to make the Princess of the night whimper slightly.

Luna flinches as if she had been slapped and back peddles until her rump hits a wall her eyes wide as she looks at the sad stares they were giving her. The three approached her along with Fluttershy cornering the Goddess of War.

“I don't mind what you did, but they do. And Mr. Kaisur is part of the Apple family and you know how Applejack gets when something happens with her family. Weddings are just another big family gathering to her and she loves those. She was very upset that you tried to take that away from her.”

Fluttershy frowns her wide eyes glaring down the Princess of the Night.

“And I don't like it when some one makes my Applejack upset.....”


[Current day]

“You wanna do what?” Applebloom questions.

“Go on a road trip. You know head out have fun with just us girls?” Sweetiebelle states.

“Yeah, the ban on the three of us being alone together only covers New Canterlot.” Scootaloo points out.

“Aunt Celestia had it extended after the Noodle incident. It now covers all of Equestria.” Pip mentions as he slowly slices into an apple with with his sword cutting out a wedge before eating it.

“That was not our fault!” Applebloom yells back.“Why are you even here!?”

“Because of that ban of course.” Pip states matter of factly tossing a apple wedge to Scootaloo before eating another one himself. “ The three of you are not allowed to be alone together with out some sort of supervision by a competent pony. Sides ah know Sweetiebelle and Scootaloo want to grill me about DT and ah figger it would be rude to run off before then.”

Applebloom rolls her eyes grumbling at her adopted cousin as Sweetiebelle and Scootaloo nod. “Look it sounds nice. But Zapapple season has just started and with Granny gone....”

“Wait, Granny Smith is gone? When?” Sweetiebelle questions.

“About seven months now. Seriously how are you considered the gossipy one?” Scootaloo sighs. “ You're like a broken dictionary, you know what you don't need to, and miss what you should know.”

“Ah think that's a encyclopedia.” Pip points out receiving a glare from Scootaloo. “ I’ll shush now.”

“Like ah said, with Granny gone ah have to stay here and make sure the Zap apples are harvested correctly.” Applebloom mutters.” Last thing ah need is for Mr. Rich to have another reason to hate me.”

“Geez why bother trying to appease that guy. He's never gonna forgive you.” Scootaloo snorts. “It's his own fault for raising such a bully anyway.”

“Still mah family needs me here to help out. Every ponies counting on me to make sure this season goes off without a hitch and ah'm gonna make sure it happens.”

“Maybe we can speed it up a little. I can yell at the jars for you.” Sweetiebelle states.

“Ah need them tested for weakness, not shattered tah a million pieces. Uncle Jer'rahd should be coming by tah do that.” Applebloom states. “Granny let him do it last year and she said he seemed to enjoy tha yelling.”

“We could help pick them.” Scootaloo suggests.

“Dash, Uncle Rhede, and my brother and sister are doing that.” Applebloom shakes her head.

“Sing to the water?” questions Sweetiebelle

“Nah the foals are doing that.”

“Help make the jam?” Scootaloo asks.

“Nah Fluttershy and Velkorn are taking care of that. They helped out last year and they have the recipe down pat.”

“So what exactly is there left for you then?” Pip queries.

Applebloom opens her mouth to answer her cousin before closing it as she did the calculations in her mind and her ears flatten to her head.

“Run around and make sure everything is going as it's supposed to like Granny did.....” Applebloom sighs.

“Which according to your own words, it is. So all you have to do is sit back and watch.” Sweetiebelle and Scootaloo grin wide looking at Applebloom as Pip rolls his eyes at the pair. “So you could sit around and watch everything get done like it already is, or you can come with us.”

“Ah walked inta that didn't ah?” Applebloom sighs.

“Eeyup.” Pip states eating another slice of his apple.


[1 year ago, New Canterlot]

Princess Celestia had dealt with a great many trials and tribulations in her long life. Discord, Chrysalis, Aviana, the great cake batter scare of 703, Discord, Nightmare Moon, Forge Scale,the Noodle Incident, Sombra, and Discord to name a hoof full.

She had not expected the turn out, nor the result of Discord's information. Granted the draconequus seemed to have seen it coming, judging by the fact he was still pretending to be a chandelier and cackling madly as the two escapees were brought in. She had expected him to follow the chaos and go after them but he had just waited around and it prevented Celestia from locking him out of the room when the others came back.

She wanted to punt the annoying creature out of the city, but for now at least he was staying out of trouble. Of course now Discord was not even a contender for the most annoying thing in the room, and she was developing a nervous twitch in her eye as she looked down at the gathered group. Twilight who had returned to her side, surveyed the scene and simply face hoofed.

Her sister, the Goddess of War, The Princess of the Night, the terrifying creature who became Nightmare Moon, sat before her bound up in Applejack's rope ,babbling apologies and bawling like a foal who just had a sucker stolen from her.

She looks to the ones that brought her in. Starfall and Rainbow Dash seemed both confused and worried over Lulu's state. Applejack didn't seem certain of what was going on either despite her rope binding Luna. Her sisters adoptive children however all pointed as one to the yellow pegasus hiding behind Rarity as soon as Celestia's gaze fell on them. Fluttershy squeaked and tried to hide in Rarity's tail apologizing profusely.

Bleu had carried in Jer'rahd who was also bound up, though in a sizable amount of chains that made him look more like a caterpillar in a cocoon than a pony. Celestia's other eye started to twitch at the sight of him, and Twilight had started to beat her head against the wall.

General Kaisur, Leader of the Five Beasts of the Moon, The Demon of Dullahan, the most feared solider of several wars, was lying on the floor twitching in spasms, his eyes were rolled back into his head, he was drooling, and frothing at the mouth, clearly catatonic.

She looked up at Bleu, Velkorn, and Orange Danish, who all promptly pointed at Rhede. She turns her glare to the sheepishly smirking pony.

“The Seapony ambassador from Sandy Shoal says hello Princess.” Rhede chuckles halfheartedly.

Celestia rubs her hoof against her temple, wanting very much to join Twilight in beating her head against the wall.

“You were just supposed to capture them. Not break them.” Celestia growls.


[Current Day Sweet Apple Acres]

[“I Told you there was a trip coming.”] Zecora chuckles looking up as Applebloom stomps back into the kitchen along with her. The pair had found Applejack and after a short conversation with Zecora, Applejack had agreed to let Applebloom go on the trip.

“Ah dun wanna hear it.” Applebloom grumbles heading up stairs as the other CMC and Pip look up from the kitchen table. “Ah still wanna know how you convinced mah sister so fast.” she shouts back down.

“Hey Miss Zecora.” Pip states. “They're all yours. Ah'm gonna go see my uncle now.”

“Hello to you as well little Pip, Your uncle is in the front of the house, so there is not much of a trip.” Zecora responds waving a hoof at the small pony's salute. Zecora shakes her head.” So the ban on you three is still going on? Memories of the Noodle incident I thought would be long gone.”

“Not our fault!” shouts Applebloom from upstairs.

Pip sighs slipping out the door before either of the fillies at the table remembered to question him about Diamond Tiara.

“Soooo ummm yeah.” Scootaloo rubs her hoof against the back of her head trying not to look at the zebra mare.

“Do relax Scootaloo I do not blame the fire that happened on you.” Zecora sighs. “It has been a long time since then, I am sure you have more control now then you did way back when.”

“Yeah , the Princess did show me a few things to keep my wings in check. Though she's a little disappointed that I can only make wings of fire.” Honestly I'm kinda glad that's all I can do.” Scootaloo mutters.

“Princess Celestia is not upset with you, she was likely simply hoping for another who could control fire too.”

“Wait the Princess was hoping the fried chicken here could control fire like she can? That would have been awesome..... “ Sweetiebelle chimes in.

“Forget it you pyro. I told you before I am not here for your amusement.” Scootaloo grumbles.

“But it's soooo pretty .” Sweetiebelle monotones, a blank look crossing her face that made Scootaloo wince, before the unicorn giggled.

“Don't do that. It's creepy. “ Scootaloo scolds.

“Not to be a wet blanket now that your trip is set, but have either of you told your own parents yet?” Zecora questions, rolling her eyes at the looks of terror the pair suddenly developed.

“Awww crap......” Scootaloo curses under her breath.


[One Year Ago, new Canterlot.]

Celestia and Twilight had relocated and now sat across the table from a red eyed sniffling Luna and a still comatose Jer'rahd. The Sun Princess had shoo'd all the others away, particularly Discord who had some how convinced Pinkie Pie to pretend to be another chandelier a little further down the hall. Something Twilight seemed content to let happen as it kept both of them quiet for at least a little while.

Luna at least had stopped sobbing uncontrollably from the after effects of Fluttershy's stare, though the yellow pegasus would likely be apologizing for it for a few months.

“Fine then sister get on with your punishment or what ever it was you had planed. I doubt, mine suffering has been deep enough for you to yet be appeased by it.” Luna bemoans.

“Do not even start to paint me as the one wrong here. While I admit this was a little excessive.....” Celestia trails off looking at the puddle of froth filling the bowl some one had placed under Jer'rahd's head.” Umm.... is he going to be alright?”

“He shall recover. He just needs his brain reset and will likely have worse nightmares for a while. This is not the first time this has happened. Do recall the fits he had at that minor flood a few years ago.” Luna mutters.

“We really need to find a way to fix his fear of water.” mutters Twilight

“Tis only deep water thankfully. “ Luna points out.

“Yes, anyway. I am quite upset with you running off and getting married without telling any one. I thought you more responsible than that Lulu.”

“We did not want any of the fuss a public wedding would bring.” Luna sighs

“And as such you robbed Pinkie and Rarity of the opportunity to design the wedding and reception, something both of them have been rather adamant about wishing to do. Your friends were rather disappointed to not see the pair they worked so hard to get together wed. And well you know the effect it had on your adoptive foals first hoof.” Celestia explains

“Not to mention after everything another Royal wedding would definitely bring some interest and a bit of cheer to every pony. Nine years after the war and there are some who are still trying to adjust to the way things are now. While all of us are consider heroes of the conflict, Jer'rahd's name is actually known as the one who challenged the attacking god directly thanks to that weird broadcast spell Aviana used. The wedding of a hero and a Princess would be one of the biggest things ever. Just the positive focus and the bits that it could bring into the economy would be monumental.”Twilight rambles.

“Then you and Tia should wed. I am sure the subjects would be more interested in thine wedding then mine.” Luna snorts.

Twilight flushes though Celestia shakes her head.

“Unlike you and Kaisur here we are not quite ready for that sort of thing yet. You two have proven otherwise with this stunt. “Celestia sighs at that looking at Twilight who sheepishly looked away.

“Besides this is also a very good opportunity for you to see that every pony does care for you as well , not just Princess Celestia.” Twilight points out. “ Or at least show everyone at once they have nothing to be scared of in regards to you.”

Luna blinks staring at the pair of them. Not at all happy that Twilight would bring up her complaints about Nightmare night after all this time.

“I am not sure I like the influence you have on her Tia. You are both playing dirty.” Luna mutters

“Not nearly as dirty as Fluttershy and Rhede do evidently. “ Celestia smirks looking at the still comatose Jer'rahd. “Remind me not to get them annoyed at me.”


[Current Day, Sweet Apple Acres]

“So she is with a foal? Damn, Jer doesn't waste any time. The news that Changeling foal couldn't have been out for longer than a few months, and if she's that far along.... I guess the wedding is on hold then?” Rhede chuckles. “Caught red hooved and yet they still manage to make things go the way they want. I taught them well.”

Pip stares up at his uncle who looked far too proud of himself for some reason and sighs.

“Aunt Tia was a bit mad, then excited, then mad again, then giggling like a school filly when she was told she could plan the baby shower.” Pip continues. “ Was really creepy.”

“Yeah she does that some times. How'd she take the news that the wedding needed to be pushed back til after the birth of the foal?”

“She and Ma argued a bit though Ma was more than willing to fight her on this one. How come you didn't hear about this? Whole city's talking about it.”

“We just got back from the Zebra lands today. We came here first so I wouldn't get swamped in paper work right after getting home. I hate the fact everything always needs to be documented.”

“S'what Da said. Though with more swearing. Ah, think he's a bit overwhelmed with what's happening too.“

“Knowing him he probably has gone into super protective mode.” Rhede grumbles.

“Ah gotta show three forms of ID just to get to the bathroom.” Pip confirms.

“Owch. Planning to ask AJ if you can stay here? It's a bit crowded, but I’m sure she'd find a spot.” Rhede suggests.

“Was a thought, but I think ah got an idea bout a mission that might keep me outta the way fer a week or so.”

“Oh?” Rhede states watching the three foals hop the other way around the water. “ I don't suppose it has to do with a mare? Bout time a colt your age started looking.....”

“Ah me ears, not this conversation again.” Pip groans dropping his head to the ground and covering his head with his hooves. “ What is it with yah adults and trying tah play matchmaker!?”


“And Ma and Aunt Tia and tha castle maids, and a couple of tha female Guards, and grandma Moskau and Aunt Bleu....... Seriously, is that all yah adults have tah think about all day?” Pip bemoans. “Shipping tha younger ponies tagether?”

“Owch I didn't think it was that bad. I'd be careful though. You've seen how Jer got last time Orange had a date, I expect Luna might be the same way.”

“Oh yes thank you so much fer that encouragement. Now ah really ain't gonna tell um anything about......” Pip blinks as Rhede grins. “Crap....”

“So Pip's found himself a little filly friend? Or a colt friend?” Rhede's grin grew wider. “I had quite a few fillies myself when I was your age.....”

“If I tell yah, will yah not tell me those stories......”

“Deal.” Rhede pretends to pout, though he can't hide his grin. Pip was way to easy to sway, much like Jer'rahd used to be.

“Yeah there's a filly ah like. She's a little pushy and she's made a lot of ponies angry at her. She puts on airs but she's actually rather nice when yah get past all that.”

“Oh, what's her name?”

“SCOOTALOO, YAH DAMN FIRE CHICKEN, YAH SET THA CURTAINS ON FIRE AGAIN!”Applebloom's voice shouts from inside the house.

Pip had opened his mouth to respond when the scream rang out from the building and a orange pegasus with burning green wings is flung out of a window, tumbling over her flank before righting her self, wings spread wide.


“Oh not not again.” Rhede mutters rising to his hooves. “Pip watch the foals....”

Rhede runs off as the two friends continue to shout at each other while smoke billows out of the window.

Pip blinks then slaps his face with a hoof.


[ One year ago, New Canterlot.]

“You going to be alright?” Luna questions

“Just find a vat of that northern vodka stuff and toss me in it.”

“Wouldn't that set off your fear of water as well?”

“No, cause I would drink my way out of that in a hour or so and be too blitzed to care. Best thing about getting that damn dragon out of my head I can drink myself comatose again when I need to.”

“At the cost of a bar's entire stock. And at least eighty percent of your paycheck.”

“Small price to pay for being able to get drunk again.” Jer'rahd grumbles sitting on the floor of Luna's quarters his head laying on her bed as the Lunar Princess plays with his mane with a hoof.

“You should grow this out again.” Luna mutters in his ear.

“Maybe in a few years......”

“Spoil sport. So what sort of punishment did Tia hit you with?”

“A promotion.”

“You are kidding?”

“No, which means I get another silly dress uniform redesign and another few dozen medals. Also an office job until the wedding happens. So all I have to look forward to is paperwork. A LOT of paperwork, she's not even letting me have an assistant this time. What about you?”

“She's cutting off my sweets intake for a few months as well as banning me from making any more trips. She also doubled up the cases for my Night Court.”

“She's getting too good at knowing what will most bother us the most. “

“Tempted to try and over throw her again just for some of the red velvet cake the royal baker makes on Tuesdays.”

“I'll schedule a raid. Pip, Pinkie, Discord, and Bleu will probably want in on it.”

“Won't be any cake left after those four get done.”

“ So did you manage to tell her about the new godling?”

“No, we got rather distracted by wedding planning before you woke up. Well she and Twilight did. They didn't really ask my opinion.” Luna smirks slightly. “ I am not looking forward to this.”

“Look on the bright side. I try to.”

“There is a bright side to this wedding?”

“Hmm what did Pinkie say was the line. Ah yes. To quote the best Princess.” Jer'rahd clears his throat before shouting in the loudest, highest pitch voice he can manage. “ HA HA, The Marriage has been doubled!”

“By the stars do not ever try to imitate my voice again. I will end you Jer'rahd.” Luna laughs.

“No promises. I thought it was funny.”

Luna shakes her head a small grin remaining on her face however. She lowers her head nuzzling lightly against his her smile getting a bit wider.

“So do you think you can deal with all the paper work that will be sent to you?”

“I'll forward most of it to Corporal Peach Blossom and make sure I sign it from Starfall. He won't even blink before taking care of it.”

“Poor fool is stuck on her.” Luna smirks.” Not unlike another pony I know.”Luna chuckles pulling her head back to look down at him.

“Yes well like that 'other pony you know' it's not just one sided. They have gone on a few dates already and they both took a few days off a couple months ago for something.”

“Good for them. It will be nice to see Starfall somewhat cheery for a change.”

“You know as well as I do that she's too damn cheery around Rainbow Dash already.” Jer'rahd sighs.

“Yes well enough about that. We spent far too long trying to avoid the others.....”

“Only to end up where we were going any way......” Jer'rahd shrugs.

“............. and it is too early in the morning and we should be in bed.”

“You are already in bed Luna....” Jer'rahd mutters looking up at her.

“Yes well you are not. Cut the lights out before you join me and perhaps I can make you forget about seaponies for a while.”

“As you wish Princess.” Jer'rahd grins hopping up to do just that.


[Present day, Sweet Apple Acres]

“It was sooooo preeety.” Sweetiebelle monotones like she was in a trance, only to have both Applebloom and Scootaloo smack her in the back of the head. “OW!”

“Ah think ah changed mah mind.” mutters Applejack looking at the remains of the curtains and the scorch marks on the wall. “ Ya'll three shouldn't be doing anything on yer own.”

“Not to point this out Miss Applejack, but what was granted cannot be taken back.” Zecora responds.

“Ah dun wanna hear it from you, this happened while you were watching them.” AJ snorts.

“And because I was doing that so well, you have only ruined curtains, your house is not a burned out shell.” Zecora responds.

Rhede sighs looks at the damage with a small smirk. “I can't say this was really a bad thing. Those curtains really needed to be replaced any way . They clashed something fierce with the rest of the room.”

“Oh I agree. Something in a pastel green or blue would suit the room much better.” Fluttershy chimes in.

“Funny I was thinking more of a warm orange or burnt umbra to play off the brick in the fireplace.” Rhede points out.

“Oh I can see that, though it might be better to use something that could match all the seasons so one wouldn't need to change them too often.” Fluttershy states not noticing Applejack's face hoof.

“I'm not letting them go on a trip if they can't even leave tha house without destroying something.” Apple jack mutters.

“It was an accident!” Scootaloo yells from outside the window.

“You say they was all accidents. Including tha noodle incident and look what happened there!” AJ yells back

“THAT WASN'T OUR FAULT!” Applebloom screams out.

Applejack grumbles shutting the window with the three fillies out side with Big Mack and Rainbow Dash watching them.

[“You seem rather intent on making sure they go Zecora. Why is that?”] Velkorn states.

[“A bit of a premonition. I get them from time to time. Normally they are a prelude to something important. It has helped me know where to be or who to guide several times in the past and it has always wound up being for the best in all cases. This time it is telling me for certain that Applebloom needs to make this trip. Past that I do not know the details or what might happen only that I know it is a very important task that will change her fate.” ] Zecora responds.

[“Still we can't let them go on their own. Applejack wouldn't allow that. And to be honest neither would princess Celestia.”] Rhede mutters.

[“Yer darn right I won't”] AJ states loudly also in zebra causing the three of them to look at her in shock then to Fluttershy.

“Oh um sorry I’ve been teaching her Zebra and a few other languages, she picks them up fairly quickly.” Fluttershy whispers trying to hide behind her mane.

“Remind me to get you to try and teach Jer zebra sometime.” Rhede responds flattening his ears. “Alright so we get a pony to go with them to keep them from destroying the world or causing another noodle incident.”

“NOT OUR FAULT!” screams Applebloom from outside again. Applejack growls shutting the window again.

“Any way. Jer would be the best bet, he'd probable kill to get out of the paperwork Princess Celestia has him doing.” Rhede suggests.

“Da is waiting on ma to give birth remember.” Pip points out as he looks up from playing with the three foals on the other side of the room. The trio clatter across the floor back and forth between him and Fluttershy still hopping about as they bounce around in the bunny suits. Fluttershy softly coos at their cuteness and pulls them into a hug much to Butterscotch's annoyance.

“Right forgot about that then. Twilight maybe?” Rhede suggests.

“She's doing that book thing ah hers. She's hard pressed tah remember tah eat lately.” Applejack responds. “ What about Bleu?”

“She took off with Spike to do something. She mentioned there were a couple of stubborn dragons not wanting to cooperate. You know how those two are on the Cindervale thing, very hush hush.” Rhede sighs. “ And all of us are dealing with the Zap Apples....”

“Perhaps it should be you, you are most insistent about what they are allowed to do.” Velkorn suggests looking at Zecora.

“I have my own reasons for not being able to go, simply put this is Applebloom's show.” Zecora responds.

“You an me are gonna have a long talk about what is going on here. Normally ah'm kinda lenient on yer advice considering all that you've helped with Zecora, but this is involves family, an is a little mysterious even fer you.” Applejack states getting a sigh from the zebra.

“I'll do it.” Pip offers.

“What?”Fluttershy questions. Both the zebra's look a bit surprised as well, though Rhede and AJ seem to consider it.

“That might work.” Applejack states as Rhede nods.

“But … Pipsqueak’s still a young colt...” Fluttershy protests.

“True, but he acts like an adult more so than some adults ah know.” Applejack states, glaring at Rhede.

“Not to mention Jer and Luna have been training him so he's probably able to deal with anything they might encounter on a road trip.” Rhede states though he looks at Pip .”What I wanna know is why would you volunteer to chaperone the walking disasters?”

“Ma's having a foal, which has got the entire castle going completely nuts. Da's a wreck, and he's running ta Guards and every one else ragged with security. Orange is trying to figure out how tah prepare for a goddess giving birth and driving most of the hospital staff nuts. Aunt Tia is excited and giddy and is driving the castle staff nuts. And Discord an Pinkie are visiting and some how managing to be the calmest things there.” Pip lists off. “ Safer for me tah be with those three tah be honest.”

“Ah kinda doubt that.” Applejack mutters.” Still if Yer Ma and Pa say it's alright I expect it'll be okay. Ah know yah ken be trusted. Besides they're only going tah visit Rarity, and Cadence any way.”

“And Los Pegasus as well if you listen to Sweetiebelle.” Fluttershy points out.

“Ugh” Applejack winces at that.”..... Ah well I trust Applebloom not tah spend all her bits in gambling.
An I suppose ah ken trust Pip tah make sure the others don't do something stupid.”

“I'll make sure they leave a plan of where they are going.” Rhede comments. “I need to know the places to prepare disaster plans for.”

“The other two still have their parents to tell. But if my feeling is right they will be allowed as well.” Zecora points out.

“So there's a plan. Still something still feels wrong about this whole thing.” Applejack mutters.

“Dread, that feeling is dread.” Rhede responds.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long. It took me forever to be happy with it.