• Published 14th Jun 2013
  • 3,147 Views, 593 Comments

Stories in Stone, Lost Empire - TDR

The teenage CMC go on an adventure to find the reason for Applebloom's nightmares. 3rd book in the SiS saga.

  • ...

Thoughts Led Astray [7]

Author's Note:

This story has a direct tie in to a short piece written by WhiteWolf that is posted in the Tales in Stone story.

Stories in Stone
Lost Empire

Thoughts Led Astray

[New Canterlot, market district.]

“You promise you won't freak out?”

“I already promised that four times..... Fine Orange, I promise I won't freak out.”

“You promise you won't hurt him. He's a gentle stallion and I don't want you doing anything that could ruin this for me.”

Jer'rahd rolls his eyes looking at the practically prancing mare next to him at the restaurant. He rests a foreleg on the table rubbing his forehead with a hoof at the absurdity of this. Orange had finally decided to let him and Luna meet the stallion she had been secretly dating for about a year now. Luna had unfortunately been unable to join them both due to her sleep schedule and the classes on birthing that both Celestia and Rarity were practically forcing on her. He had already forgotten what they were called, but he was more than thrilled to be as far away from those two over zealous mares as he could get. Missing the class had put him in a rather uplifted mood despite having to meet his adoptive daughters new colt friend and what he knew Luna's mood would be like after being stuck with Celestia and Rarity for several hours .

“Orange, I already told you I wouldn't do anything. I'm just supposed to meet him and tell your mother about him. I only threw one of your colt friends through a wall not all of them.” Jer'rahd chuckles. “ Your mother did that with the other two....”

“Arrgh, I know, but she's not here and you are and I don't need you trying to match her score.” Orange states flattening her ears to her head as Jer'rahd stifles a small chuckle.

Orange Danish, the eldest adoptive daughter of Princess Luna, currently twenty six years old. The mares creamy orange colored coat was nearly shimmering with the amount of work she had put into it for this meeting, her long silvery hair was done up in a way that still covered the half of her face and neck that hid the burn scars. Honestly though, Jer'rahd thought, if her colt friend was shallow enough to have a issue with the bit of scaring she had, then he wasn't worth her time. She had a darker orange bow around her tail and Jer'rahd was certain she had put on some sort of make up.

In contrast Jer'rahd had not done anything differently. He was dressed as he normally was in little more than a leather harness to hold his sword, and he was doing his best to ignore Orange's magic pulling at his mane and tail trying to make him look more presentable. He had been letting his mane and tail grow out a little bit at Luna's suggestion, the amber colored hair was however in it's most unruly stage of growth, nothing he did kept the cow licks from appearing so he didn't bother.

Considering he was supposed to leave here and meet up with Rhede and Velkorn at Sweet Apple Acres to yell at some jars again, he had no plans to dress up. Besides, the angry haggered father look tended to be more intimidating to potential suitors than anything else. He was absolutely thrilled that none of their other adoptive children had started dating yet. Brush and Pip would do well to never let their mother know if they were seeing a filly. Bleu and Pinkie were already taking bets to see how long the first colt interested in Berry lasted. Between Luna, Jer'rahd, Celestia, her brothers, and sister, any one who wanted to date the youngest was in for a rough time.

Still that was yet to come, right now however he was waiting for Orange's current stallion friend to show up, while she fidgeted over everything nervously.

“Ahh there he is, don't act up or anything!” Orange grins prancing.

“Act up? What do you even mean by that?” Jer'rahd grins.

“I mean don't act like a over the top soldier type, with trust issues and a tendency towards random violence and sarcasm.”

“So in other words don't be me.”

“Yes exactly.” Orange agrees.

“Sorry am I interrupting something?” states a rather melodic voice from behind him.

Jer'rahd sighs watching as Orange's nervous giddiness changes completely to a calm and pleased demeanor. He shakes his head having only seen Celestia pull that total change off that well.

Jer'rahd slowly turns to look back at the pony, noting the pristine white coat the well manicured hooves, the stylized blond hair of the unicorn and the compass rose cutie mark on his flank.

In one glance over the pony and the small smirk on his face was gone, his good mood had been thrown out the window, run over by a stampede of buffalo and then crapped on by a incontinent hydra.

“Jer'rahd , this is my stallion friend, Prince Blueblood.” Orange grins.


[ Sweet Apple Acres]

“What do you mean we have to take Pip with us?!” Sweetiebelle protests.

“Seriously, it's one thing to have an escort by law, but I mean he's still practically a foal.” Scootaloo grumbles.

“I'm only two years younger than you, we had this conversation already on the way here.”Pip rolls his eyes

“Meh doesn't matter tah me.” Applebloom shrugs getting a glare from the other two CMC.

“Sorry, but that's tha deal. He goes tah keep an eye on you three or yah don't go. Ain't no one else got time tah be running around the country side right now.” Applejack states while Rhede chuckles softly behind her.

Rhede was pretty sure he knew what the other two were doing, though he remained silent still noting the glance Scootaloo and Sweetiebelle gave each other.

“Arrrgh fine what ever, but he better not be a wet blanket, this is supposed to be our trip” Sweetiebelle shouts rolling her eyes and barely hiding a grin. Scootaloo was not as skilled in acting and couldn't hide it.

It was pretty clear the pair thought they could do what they wanted and receive no issue from the smaller pony. Rhede realized that they clearly didn't know what the colt put himself through when he thought he was on a mission. He really wanted to hear how this trip went when it was over.

“Alright now that all that's settled. Y’all sure ya have enough Bits for this trip?” Applejack questioned, either missing what was going on or ignoring it.

“Not like I’ve spent any of my share of the jam and cider sales fer tha last few years.” Applebloom shrugs.” Ah'm good.”

“I get a pretty good paycheck being water girl for the Wonderbolts. Havn't even cashed my last one.” Scootaloo states.

“I've got a savings account with the majority of my last two album sales still in it.” Sweetiebelle chimes in.

“I'm technically a prince. Ma and Auntie Celestia set up an account for us and there's more zeros in the number of bits in the account than I can count.” Pip remarks getting a stare from all of them in the room.


“Luna and Jer'rahd spoil you four rotten...”Rhede grins

“Nah, the only one who even uses the account is Berry, and that's only if there's a new book she wants or she stops by Sugar Cube Corner when Pinkie's not there.” Pip grumbles. “Orange is a doctor and I don't really need anything.”

“Any way You three still need tah ask your parents if you can even go first.” Applejack points out. “So y’all get to that first. Pip yah ken wait here. Jer's supposed tah come by before long any way.”

“Yeah I’m still debating if I should go ask ma any way. Da's should be meeting Orange's new colt friend today. Might not be safe tah ask fer anything.” Pip grumbles noting Rhede's wince.

“Don't worry Pip I'll help you out with that.” Rhede chuckles. “ Shouldn't be too hard to convince him to let you go.”

“Yer prolly right. Easier than trying tah convince ma any way.”


[ New Canterlot Market.]

“Errrr excuse me?” BlueBlood questions as Jer'rahd grabs Orange in his magic pulling her off to the side much to the mares annoyance.

“What the heck are you doing Jer'rahd?!” Orange hisses at him as he moves around the side of the building with her.

“I can ask you the same. Is this a joke? Is he behind Blue Blood or something?”

“It IS Blue Blood.” Orange growls back.

“Seriously he's like twice your age.”

“He's six years older than me, I’m twenty five now and he's thirty one.”

“That's still six years....”

“And how much older than you is Luna?” Orange asks smugly.

Jer'rahd grumbles with that.

“You realize you are related to him right?” Jer'rahd adds.

“Actually YOU are related to him. I'm adopted remember, no relation at all.”

“I still don't like this. ”

“You never like my choices and you know that.”

“I liked that cream colored pegasus guy you were dating.” Jer'rahd grumbles.

“No you didn't you thought Flash was an arrogant twit. You liked he was trying to be a Guard. You also promised you wouldn't freak out.”

“You know your mother and my opinions of the nobles though.”

“I also know you went to his house and praised that he did something good during the war.” Orange rolls her eyes. “ Can you at least try not to run him off. You promised...”

“I did promise that at least. But seriously Blueblood? You don't even know what he's done in the past....”

“I don't know a great deal of what you and Luna have done in the past either, but I do know that every one avoids talking about it and yet you are still given the benefit of the doubt and let to roam free.”

Jer'rahd blinks looking at her his ears flattening again.

“Not sure if I am more worried about you dating Blueblood or that you seem to be taking lessons on countering me from Celestia.”

Orange smirks slightly. “So are you going to cause problems?”

“No, but I still don't like it.”

“I really didn't expect you too. It's nice you are trying to look out for me, but I’m a big filly now and I can make my own choices. You should be more worried about Luna becoming a mother than my choice in colt friends.”

“I worry about both. Can I at least give the customary threats before I head over to the farm?”

“You can't be happy unless some pony is scared of you can you?” Orange grumbles.

“That's not true... just ask your mother.” Jer'rahd forces a grin.

“Ugh pass. Fine, but just stick to the basic threats then. I'd rather have him just wary of ticking you off then outright terrified.”

“See now you are sounding more like your mother. Make them afraid of you, but not enough so they run away.”

“I'd rather be loved than feared Jer'rahd.”

“So would your mother. I'd rather be loved by those I care about and feared by everyone else.”

Orange shakes her head pushing him back out from around the side of the building . Blueblood was sitting patiently at the table waiting for them. He didn't seem the least bit perturbed to be kept waiting, which seemed odd to Jer'rahd immediately.

“I gather nothing is wrong?” Blueblood questions watching the pair walk back up to the table.

“No nothing of the sort really, just a bit of a family discussion.” Orange states.

“Oh did something happen?” the white unicorn asks far too innocently.

“No nothing like that, I was just informing her that I needed to meet up with Applejack to help her with a few things on the farm. So I won't be staying.” Jer'rahd chuckles softly glancing over to Orange a small grin showing a bit of fang. The mare nods lightly though flattens her ears.

“Oh it is a pity you cannot join us for lunch , but I suppose priority and such.” Blue Blood's smile fades as Jer'rahd leans a little closer to him his grin widening and fangs bared fully.

“True though I would simply like to make this clear before you get too serious with my daughter. Simply put if you hurt her in any way, I know of several ways to ensure that the the shattered husk that will be all that is left of your worldly remains will never be found. Clear?”

The white unicorn noble leans back his ears flattening to his head at the bright red glow radiating from the gray unicorns left eye.

“You... you can't do anything like that. I know what Princess Celestia told you about leaving my family be.” Blue Blood stutters.

“You really think I couldn't take anything she could dish out as punishment? And how would me being punished for erasing you help you any way?” Jer'rahd snarls lightly.


The glow in his eye fades as he glances back at the annoyed mare behind him “Too much?”


“Well I suppose I will be going then. She's as dangerous as her mother and a zebra friend of mine when she's mad. Best that neither of us tick her off hmm?” Jer'rahd chuckles patting the trembling Blueblood on the shoulder with a hoof. Judging from the white unicorns wince, it was a little harder than he expected.

“You two have fun now. Try not to do anything I would do, I don't need the extra paperwork.” Jer'rahd chuckles heading off before any one noticed his shadow had gotten much larger and was shaped more like a monster than a pony.


[ New Canterlot Suburbs]

“Alright So we got Applebloom on board, and we're forced to drag along Pipsqueak.” Scootaloo sighs. “ Well at least half of this is going right.”

“Yeah well I was a little worried there when you set the house on fire.” Sweetiebelle chimes in ignoring Scootallo's glare. “ Besides Pip's not so bad , I should have him wrapped around my hoof within a day. Then we won't have to worry about him getting in our way.”

“Wait that's your plan?” Scootaloo snorts back a bit of laughter.”I was actually trying to protest his going.”

“What's wrong with my plan?” Sweetiebelle growls.” I'll have you know I have inherited my sisters talent form making colts swoon.”

“Button doesn't count in that regard, he's so stuck on you, he'd probably tell you your farts smell like roses.” Scootaloo laughs. ”Still you don't hang around the training grounds so I guess you wouldn't know. That colt get's it in his head this is a mission and there's nothing any of us can say or do that will change that. This quest is vain.”

Sweetiebelle grumbles to herself, not doubting her friends word on this. She already knew the colt was a stickler for the rules, but she still figure she would have no problem charming him into doing what she wanted any way.

“Ah well at this rate it's not likely to happen any way. My parents will probably say no, and yours probably won't even be home to ask.” Scootaloo grumbles.” Still it was a nice idea.”

“I doubt that. I have a plan for your parents and mine just got back from a vacation. So there's no way they......” Sweetiebelle begins to say as the pair walk up the path to Sweetiebelle's front door, and spot the rather large note stuck to it.

“What was that Encyclopedia marshmelloanica?” Scootaloo grins as sweetie yanks the note from the door.

“Dear Sweetiebelle, sorry we aren't home , blah blah blah, feed the cat, blah blah, your father and I are taking our forty fifth anniversary early this year and are off to the exotic beaches of the Zebralands for the next three weeks. Your father found a excellent deal, blah blah blah. We will be sure to return for your graduation and I promise your father will bring you back a souvenir.....”

“Told you.”

“ Early it's like six months early gahhhh whatever. At least that means I’m clear to go. But now I have to see if Fluttershy will take care of Snookums.”

“Snookums? What is with your family and pet names?”

“There's nothing wrong with our pets names.”

“You had a goldfish named Sir Eddington Charlie Flipperspear the third once.”

“That is a perfectly normal name for a goldfish.”

“Where you trying to disapprove my statement or enforce it?” Scootaloo questions as the pair head into the house.


[Sweet Apple Acres]

“PELT!!” Jer'rahd bellows as soon as his hoof touched the property line of Sweet Apple Acres.

“Which one?” a hesitant stallions voice calls back.

“THE RED ONE!”Jer'rahd growls stomping towards where he had heard the voice.

“Crap........” Rhede mutters wanting to run off and hide. Rhede knew that tone, Jer was pissed about something, and since the unicorn was yelling for him, he had a feeling he was the target of that ire.

“Maybe I should ask da later.” Pipsqueak muttered glancing up at Rhede. “ He doesn't sound happy, don't think I’ve ever heard him yell like that except at the recruits.”

Rhede raised an eyebrow at that, though it didn't make him feel much better to know Jer was evidently in drill instructor mode.

“Don't worry, seems he's mad at me. I'll put in a good word for you after you ask though.” Rhede chuckles.

The gray unicorn finally stomps around the corner of the barn, he eye glowing a bright red though the glow fading rapidly as he saw Pipsqueak with Rhede.

“Pip what are you doing here?” Jer offered a glare at Rhede briefly wondering if he was trying to use Pip to shield him from the chewing out he was about to give him.

Rhede shrugged lightly though seemed more than happy to to let Pip remain.

“Da, Sir.... requesting permission to submit a mission assignment.” Pip snapped actually saluting.

Rhede blinked watching the glow all by fade from Jer's eyes with interest even though he rolled his eyes at the military like statement,.

“Pip you don't have to act like that.... you're not a recruit yet.” Jer'rahd sighs. Pip didn't move for a moment and Jer'rahd sighs again. “ Alright, at ease.... report.”

“Yes sir, requesting permission to accompany the CMC as their escort for a trip they are taking.”

“Wait those three are going on a trip together? Do we have time to pull all the Guards in the outlying providence’s to protect the city?” Jer states actually looking a bit fearful. “Wait a trip? Where are they going?”

“The current itinerary has them visiting Gallopagos, the Crystal Empire, Manehatten, and Las Pegasus. A full trip report will be delivered as soon as the plans are finalized and Sweetiebelle and Scootaloo secure permission from their parents.” Pip continues.

“Why do you want to go with them?”

“Some one has to Sir and it will get me out of the castle while every pony is in new baby mode sir.”

Jer'rahd narrows his eyes at that. It wasn't that bad was it? Okay maybe the check points were a bit much.... and the extra guards. And the.... yeah okay it was a bit much, perhaps he should let the Lily’s come stay here for a little while. He should as Applejack about that later.

“How long is this trip?”

“Scheduled for one week, as two of the girls have to be back in time for graduation. It begins in two days. It may go a little longer as graduation is at the end of the third week. I expect at worst the trip will be two weeks. I will be sure to reign them in if it goes past that.”

“Why a second week?”

“This is the CMC, sir.”

“Noted, and granted provided, I am given a detailed route plan to keep your mother from strangling me. I'll also set you up with some message crystals. If anything goes wrong use them, any sort of advanced warning for a disaster will be helpful.”

“Yes Sir.”

“Seriously Jer, the message crystals? Those thing's aren’t cheap. I can't even get more than one for my trips.” Rhede states.

“You were not here for the noodle incident Rhede. The CMC have a class four disaster rating unsupervised and even with supervision they only drop to a two.”

“You have got to be kidding me. Discord and Pinkie are only a three and that's both of them at the same time. Those fillies cannot rank as high as a changeling attack.”

“I'll show you the reports later. Pip go see if your aunts need help I have to talk to Rhede alone for a moment.”

“Yes sir. Err where should I get the crystals?” Pip questions.

“We'll get you set up once we get back home You still have two days to get ready, I can track down Peach Blossom in that time. Now then Rhede..... Rhede? Crap....”

“He ran off sir.”

“Noted. PELT GET BACK HERE NO...OW!!!” Jer'rahd winces rubbing his head and looking down at the steel pot that had smacked him on the side of the head.

Both he and Pip look back at the farm house to see Fluttershy in the window with a very angry looking Velkorn behind her.

“Um sorry, but um could you keep it down, we just put the twins down for their nap.” Fluttershy whisper shouts before glancing back at Velkorn. “ Oh yes and Velkorn says that if you wake them up she will choke you to death with your own legs.”

Fluttershy smiles at that last before closing the window and both Jer'rahd and Pip shudder.

“I think I’m gonna go home now Da... very quickly and quietly. “ Pip winces “ Good luck...”

“I have yet to figure out which one of those two is scarier.” Jer'rahd mutters heading off to find Rhede.

[ New Canterlot military housing, Wonderbolts wing.]

“What do you mean I can't go?” Scootaloo shouts.

“I've seen your grades Scootaloo you are barely passing.” Spitfire counters.

“Yeah, but I AM passing. Heck I am graduating in a few weeks.”

“Barely passing, and that's not the point you should be doing better!”

Soarin and Sweetiebelle sat off to the side as the pair argued back and forth. Occasionally Scootaloo's wings would ignite or Spitfire's tail would start to smolder as they argued.

“Is this normal?”Sweetiebelle asks looking up at Soarin who was flipping through a hoofball magazine.

“Yup. The mares our family tend to be rather strong willed and stubborn. This leads to a lot of clashes. Spits and her mom are the same way. You should see it around the holidays when all three of them are here.” Soarin mutters. “ Three generations of ponies who don't take crap from anyone and are more than eager to fight about it.”

“Great. I guess the trips a bust at this point.”

“Seems it sorry. If it's any consolation I'm on your side.” Soarin states turning the page.

“I don't see you helping.”

“I'm on your side, not suicidal, I know better then to get between those two when they are like this.” Soarin states glancing over at his wife then at a bikini model in the magazine then back with a small chuckle. “Besides considering the trouble you three get into even with the General's son going on this trip there’s not a really good reason to allow it.”

The look was not lost however to Sweetiebelle who grinned evilly.

“Yeah pity that. We'd be gone a little over a week, I hear the Wonderbolts are on break too.”

“Yeah, it's a bit of a down time. There's personal training but we don't have any big shows for a few months. Spring training will start up in a month or so but we have a few weeks of nothing.”

“So basicly both you and Spitfire are on vacation.”

“Yep. That doesn't happen very often.”

“So just you and her, a romantic relaxing time.... all alone with each other and with your daughter......Pity cause I heard there's some rather impressive deals for a beach vacation down in the Zebralands for the next few weeks.” Sweetiebelle unfolds the note her parents left her waving it slightly in the air with her magic.

“Well not so much romantic with Scootaloo around, she hates that sort of thing and clouds are not very thick................” Soarin stops looking down at Sweetiebelle and her note, as the white unicorn grins up at him with a look of innocence so forced that even Soarin didn't buy. “Oh you are a clever one.”

“Who me?”

Soarin sets down the magazine with a shake of his head, folding his wings against his back and trotting over to the still arguing pair and clearing his throat loudly interrupting them mid rant.

“Alright, two weeks tops. I expect you will listen to everything your escort tells you and I want a list of every where you plan to go before you leave. You will also check in at the Wonderbolt's offices station in all the places Sweetiebelle told me you were going.” Soarin states ignoring the sudden look of surprise from Scootaloo and the wash of heat from a clearly pissed off Spitfire.

“What! What the buck are you doing Soarin she's not going!!!.....” Spitfire starts to yell before Soarin leans over muttering something in her ear before nipping the orange tip a little sending a shudder though the pegasus mare's form. Another few whispers along with the faint graze of the blue stallions wing tips against the back of her neck and Spitfire wound up being more red than orange. “ Ye....a.... okay have fun Sweetie, don't forget to write back from the Crystal Empire!”

“We can get you that bikini I saw....” Mutters Soarin as they walk away.

“Why would I need to wear a bikini?”

“Nude ooh even better.....” smirks Soarin as spitfire actually giggles.

Scootaloo twitches as Soarin guides the blushing Spitfire out of the kitchen .

“Well that worked out well. “Sweetiebelle beams grinning evilly at Scootaloo. “Isn't it sweet to see two ponies who love each other so much still after all this time being married?”

“I think I’m gonna be sick......” Scootaloo groans.


[Sweet Apple Acres Orchard, well away from the farmhouse.]

“Well I can understand why you are upset and I suppose it is justifiably so at this point Jer. But would you please put me down. I do not think my wife would like very much if I was hurt and couldn't watch the twins when she needs a nap.” Rhede states as calmly and polity as he could.

“Rhede you know damn well she would kill you herself if she knew you got us into this mess. “ Jer growls his horn glowing as he shakes Rhede about in the air barely restraining himself from smashing the earth pony into a few apple trees. While pissed he didn't really want to hurt his friend so was content to hold him in the air by his tail and give him a shake or three every so often.

“Yes well I could not have predicted this.”

“You should have let me kill the bastard when I had the chance, now he's managed to get me bent over a barrel I can't even tell Luna about.” Jer'rahd growls back. “ She's still got enough trust issues that my telling her about Blueblood now would cause no end to her stress.”

“Then tell Celestia.”

“One, she wouldn't believe me at this point. Do you even remember her ultimatum to me if I so much as sneezed in the bastards direction? It's been ten damn years Rhede, if I did anything to him at this point every pony and their brother comes down on my head.”

“That's never stopped you before.”

“That's because before the parties involved did not include my daughter, fiancee and soon to be sister-in law.... ugh that hurts just to think about. I also had no ultimatum from one Princess and I was never before doing my best to not stress the trust of another who I am in love with who is pregnant with my child and GAAAAAHHH..... AND THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT?!”

Jer'rahd growls shaking the stallion in the air enough rattle loose a piles worth of daggers and other throwing weapons. The unicorn pauses looking at the pile of gear that fell out of the earth pony then looks up at him wearing little more than a few leather straps of a harness.

“Where the buck do you keep all this crap?”

“Trade secret... put me down please Jer.” Rhede mutter expecting another shake, though oddly it didn't come and he was set down.

“I hate when things get out of control Rhede. Especially things I could have prevented. Blueblood is still a very dangerous stallion and now he's charmed Orange into an almost hostage situation. What for Rhede, tell me there was a reason we let him remain free.”

“Scarlet is still uncounted for. We were told that she's no longer a concern, but there was no body, nothing. Blueblood had contact with her once, I expected for him to have contact again. We've arrested two other nobles in conjunction with the attack, they both could id each other, Scarlet, and Claymore, but neither knew that Blueblood was party to the plot, they thought his steward was running things.” Rhede sighs.

“I know all this Rhede. We only have four bodies. Claymore and Scarlet are uncounted for.”

“ We have five, Claymore's bounty was collected years ago.” Rhede sighs rubbing his temples.

“What? By who? And why the hell am I only learning of this now?”

“I've been busy and it never came up, you and Luna were letting my ponies handle this situation any way to keep it a secret that others were still alive. A one Trixie Lulumoon claimed it the bounty, though not intentionally it seems. She had been asking a number of questions about trolls, and I had one of my ponies tailing her any way as I expected Claymore to come back for her and her foal.”

“Trixie was the one that he kept as a slave and raped if I recall the reports.” Jer'rahd grumbles.
“She was in severe shock and required a great deal of therapy. Sparkle let her take her old job running the Ponyville Library.”

“Indeed, well turns out she had her own agenda. Claymore was turned into a troll, not a god. Trixie evidently found this out some how and tracked his flank down and well ….... lets just say there's not enough left of claymore to bury. He's very dead.”

“Well Bleu will be happy and annoyed by that.”

“She knows. I told her after it happened so she would stop looking for him.”

“Rhede...... we are going to have to work on your communication skills it seems. “

“Oh you mean like you need to? Just so you don't run off and get married without telling any one?”

“Do not even go there Pelt. You got your payback for that already. Now you're holding important things from me again, things I need to know. Not to mention you put me in a situation I cannot get out of at all with out pissing off nearly every one I care about..... and Celestia.”

“Jer'rahd .. you're not head of the guard any more. General is a honorary title it doesn't even exist as a rank, you're head of Luna's personal Guard because you are her consort, and you're the officer in charge of the Guard training. My Shadows don't even acknowledge your position, they report either to the Guard Captains, myself or the Princesses themselves. You don't need to keep track of every single little thing any more.”

“I am aware of that Rhede, but in case you forgot Claymore almost killed Bleu and was responsible for a number of deaths in our time and in this one. Luna and I should have been told this as soon as you knew it.”

“Yeah about that. I told Luna.” Rhede states noting the face hoof Jer'rahd gave at that.”I thought she would tell you, how bout you go yell at her.”

“Right , do I look like I have a death wish any more? Besides she's been listening too much to Sparkle and Celestia as of late. She's trying to get me to stop trying to jump in every conflict.”

“ You're about to be a father I can see her doing her best to keep you around. And I don't believe a word about you being afraid of her. I know your personality and I know hers you cannot tell me you two don't argue.”

“Occasionally we do, but not lately. She nearing her delivery date for the foal, you know what that's like. I know you walked around on eggshells near Velkorn when she was this far along.”

Rhede rolls his eyes. “ Velkorn could kill me with an eyelash, Luna wouldn't do anything to you.”

“She flung me out the window a few nights ago because I didn't know where to find pistachio and pickle ice cream.” Jer'rahd sighs.”I didn't even know what a pistachio or ice cream was until afterward.”

“It's been ten years you really should be caught up on the modern world by now Jer. As for Luna, odd tastes are fairly normal, at least you didn't have to track down eucalyptus pancakes.” Rhede groans. “ I had to send an envoy to the zebra lands for that one.”

“Ugh we are off topic here.”

“Maybe. But are you calmed down now?”


“Good enough. I'll have some ponies keep an eye on Blueblood, make sure he isn't trying anything. He might be pulling a fast one on us, he may be trying to use her as a power play, or strangely he might actually care for her. Heck we might have scared him straight, he's not done anything note worthy in years.”

“I hope you're right Rhede, cause i have no idea what to do if he's playing us. I can't touch him with out both Celestia and Orange coming down on me and bringing Luna and Sparkle with them. “

“Try not to stress about it. Orange is a big girl she can take care of herself, after all Velkorn's been teaching her. Blueblood tries something she doesn't like and you won't have to do anything at all.”

“There is that.” Jer'rahd exhales a bit sitting down finally and looking up at the sky glancing over as Rhede struggles to put everything back where it went. “So how has married life been treating you?” Jer'rahd grins.

“Oh don't worry you'll find that out soon enough.....”

“I already would have found out if you lot hadn't annulled the marriage for something with more ceremony.” Jer'rahd grumbles.

“Oh come on are you going to dwell on THAT again Jer? It's been years.” Rhede rolls his eyes.

“You sicced a seapony on me with malicious intent, yer damn right I’m gonna dwell on it.”


[Two days later, morning. New Canterlot Train Station]

The train whistle cried out , it's shrill pitch breaking the morning silence and competing with a few local roosters for who could annoy the most non morning ponies at once.

Pip stood on the platform with Applebloom readjusting this saddlebags to fit around his sword belt. His bags were mostly empty, though he had promised to bring the Lilies back any interesting souvenirs or new candy they came across. Since he could dip into his funds at any of the cities they were going to he only had a small amount of bits with him, just enough to get something on the train's concession cart if he got hungry.

He had packed a small medical kit and survival pack along with a bit of dried rations just in case something unexpected happened. He was also given a selection of various parchments and a sending crystal so he could send reports back. The crystal was only one way as a dragon or a unicorn versed in the spell needed to be there to both send and receive. Or if there were two crystals, but despite Twilight’s best efforts the costs of the crystals to make were still too high to give out many, even in this situation.

This one in particular was actually set to his aunt Celestia, just in case Ma had the foal and she and pa were too occupied to deal with incoming letters.

Applebloom's pack was set up much the same, she had a book to read, some leftover food from dinner, a couple of apples and at the bottom of her bag was her collection of bits. She had some in the bank as well, but she wasn't supposed to touch that unless it was an emergency. She also had a small potion kit that Zecora had given her for hearths warming one year along with the necklace. Despite everything she was still concerned about the bit of jewelry. It wasn't like Zecora to just give her something and then have no real explanation for why save that she would need it. Applebloom had known the zebra long enough to know when she was hiding something or she just didn't know. This was unfortunately the latter.

Scootaloo was the next to arrive, The pegasus didn't look like she had slept much Judging by her small saddle bag it also looked like she hadn't brought much with her either. Maybe a toothbrush and a few snacks, though at the bottom of her bag she had a few things she wasn't supposed to have like a old head set from the Wonderbolts equipment locker and a couple of song crystals. Like Pip most of her money was in the bank though she had a few bits here and there. She also had a rather large metal thermos that she was currently holding between her wings. The other two waved a greeting to the sleepy pegasus who seemed to offer back only a small grunt. After a moment steam started curling around out of the top of the thermos bringing a small smirk to the orange mares face as she pops off the lid and starts to drain the scalding liquid completely unphased by the heat of it.

“ Coffee? That stuff'll stunt yer growth Scoots.” Applebloom chided.

“Lies...” Scootalloo yawned. “ If it did, I wouldn't have grown past the size needed to do a rain boom already. Feels weird enough to look down at Dash and Starfall. I'd rather have stayed Pips size, no offense.”

“None taken, we can't all be freakishly tall like my cousin here.” Pip states getting a frown from AB and a smirk from Scootaloo. “ Did you see Sweetiebelle on the way in?”

“Nah ,but knowing her she'll make a grand entrance at the last minute or something, just like her sister.”Scootalloo states.” Any one know why we're going to see Rarity first any way? We pass right through Manehatten getting there.”

“Babs is busy lately with her new job, she's got the weekend free and that's when we were coming back through there.” Applebloom smirks. “We'll stop in then.”

“Still three days with Rarity..... not my idea of fun. Scootaloo mutters. “Be nice to see Babs again though.”

“Well a day of that will be on the train getting there, then we go to Manehatten then the Crystal Empire to see Grandpa Rose.....”Pip begins...

“Then to Las Pegasus!” a voice practically screams behind them.

Looking back they are greeted by the sight of Sweetiebelle with a set of suitcases larger than she was all being carried by a rather distressed looking earth pony.

“What took you so long? Tha train is gitting ready tah go.”Applebloom fusses. “ And what is all that? This trips only a week an it looks like yer moving yer whole house.”

“A proper young lady cannot travel without the necessities.” Sweetiebelle scoffs.

“Yeah that's true, so why do you have all this stuff?” Scootalloo questions getting a scowl from the unicorn.

Pip walks over leaving the three to argue to look at the pony under the pile.

“Errr hello?”

“Oh thank Celestia, are you the porter? She said there would be a porter to take this stuff.” the pony replies shakily.

“Ummm fraid not, you okay under there.”

“Is Sweetie nearby?”

“Errr she's yelling at Scootaloo at tha moment.”

“Then for Luna's sake saaaaave me.....”

“Oh Pip. Tell Button he can drop that stuff there. I'll get it.” Sweetie states picking up the whole mess of it with her magic and floating it onto the train, not seeming to notice the exhausted reaction of her colt friend.

Button Mash does his best to stand up straight and look like it was no effort to carry all that. “Hehe don't worry it wasn't any trouble.......”

Pip shakes his head moving over to the group as Sweetiebelle trots back out of the train and over to Button.

“Poor colt, why does he put up with her nonsense any way?” Scootaloo mutters.

Button starts to say something when Sweetiebelle leans in and kisses him rather forcefully before pulling away and smirking slightly as the brown earth ponies eyes roll back in his head and he tumbles back wards.

“That would be why.” mutters Applebloom with a sigh boarding the train along with Pip and Scootaloo.

Sweetiebelle trots to the door as Button slowly sits back up.

The white unicorn leans out of the door half in and off the train.

“Oh good bye my love I shall return to you with utmost haste, parting is such sweet..........”


Sweetiebelle blinks as a train conductor glares at her, before pointing to a large sign on the station wall with a list of rules.

“Number seven.” the conductor states.

Sweetie looks down to number seven and the rule 'No long winded pointless goodbyes that are all just annoying drama towards some one you maybe won't see for a week, that hold up the train schedule.

“Oh, Well that's a oddly specific rule.” Sweetie comments.

“Your sister did live here for a long while.” snarks Scootaloo from behind her.

“Oh yeah..... Bye Button see you in a week! And don't you dare play my save file!!” Sweetiebelle shouts.