• Published 14th Jun 2013
  • 3,141 Views, 593 Comments

Stories in Stone, Lost Empire - TDR

The teenage CMC go on an adventure to find the reason for Applebloom's nightmares. 3rd book in the SiS saga.

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Legion of Monsters [33]

Stories in Stone
Lost Empire

Legion of Monsters

[West of Cindervale 2200 hours, Tuesday]


The name alone was enough to send a chill down even the strongest dragon's spine. There were very few things dragons feared collectively. Granted in the last few years the number of things a full grown dragon would wet themselves in the presence of had doubled with the return of the Five Beasts of the Moon, but Linorm would still be at the top of the list.

No one was exactly sure when the first Linorm appeared, but most legends had it as a secret love between a Windigo and a Dragoness. In any event, the race of Linorm seemed to spring up almost overnight going by the first official recording of them.

The first official encounter was when the ancient dragons had pushed northward to expand territories after subjugating the Rams and isolating the Yaks. In pony history this was a pre Exodus event. The Dragons had encountered a small settlement of the creatures in the wilds of the far north. The Linorm had not liked the incursion into their territory and the dragons were used to being challenged by the locals when they found an area they liked.

A fight was inevitable. What was not as inevitable was how well the Linorm fought back.

The creatures were only twice the size of an average pony. They had equine heads and maws full of sharp teeth. Their eyes were the burning red of their Windigo parents. There were some variations in orange or yellow, blue was rare and those with blue eyes were usually the tribes leaders or shaman. Their manes were a collection of fine spines rather than hair, like a hedgehogs though the smaller spines turned into thicker ones along their back and going down their long serpentine tail to end in very thick spikes on a club like tail. They had large leathery bat like wings that were vaguely reminiscent of a dragons, though were smaller with more flexability, like a pegasi's wings. This gave them far more agility and speed in the air than dragons with their bulkier forms.

They had no fur though they were covered with odd feathery scales that were more akin to a snake than the thick plates of a dragon. There were only a few color variations recorded, most were gray or white with some black or pale brown, they were always one solid color rather than any mixed colors you might find on a pony or dragon. Like their dragon kin they all had breath weapons, though it was always a blast of freezing cold or ice. Also like their dragon kin they had claws rather than hooves at the end of all their limbs, though they were thinner and harder than a dragons claws. Wisps of mist constantly floated around them forming little flakes of snow or fog depending on the humidity in the area.

The Linorm had the durability of their immortal Windigo parents and the tenacity, longevity, and ferocity of their dragon kin. A full grown Linorm could rip through a squad of dragons before the collective damage taken by it would finally drop it.... maybe.

Before the wars with Equestria all of the Dragon Empire's focus was on seeking out and destroying these creatures. Something they were not very good at. Dragons primarily ate gems with a small number adding meat or plant matter to their diets. Linorm were fully carnivores. They ate primarily fish and some of the herd animals of the north like the Yak, Griffon, and Caribou. They were also known to eat dragons.

The only things they did not hunt were the Windigo, Snow Ponies, and each other.

The dragon's attempted expansion northward was met with such ferocious resistance that the Dragon Nation actually lost territory as a number of the dragon caves close to the border were abandoned to the now encroaching Linorm.

The dragons saw the attackers as cannibalistic invaders that needed to be destroyed.

The Linorm saw the dragons as an abundant food source that would feed a family and came in many flavors.

Thus conflict began in earnest. It was not until a few of the Dragon gods personally stepped into the battle that the Linorm were forced back. Nothing the Linorm had could kill the dragon gods, though only a few gods would waste their time chasing down the Linorm tribes and thus the balance was kept for the most part and the encroachment on both sides of the line was halted. The few gods willing, took their place at the tops of the ranges separating the Linorm territories in order to strike out at any of the tribes they could find and protect Cindervale. These gods eventually saw their positions as greater than any other dragons and they became countries all their own. They claimed territories that far exceeded anything a normal dragon or even a god could hold. Territories that they forced others to respect simply out of the fear of what they were supposed to be fighting off.

When Forgescale returned and urged the Dragon Nation to war with the ponies many of the soldiers and gods that were keeping the Linorm at bay instead turned their attention to the south west and the nation of Equestria. Why gain honor from fighting something that was a nightmare given flesh when you could remove softer targets and claim their land instead?

With the wall only defended by one dragon god who refused to move at Forgescale's call, the Linorm pressed again into the south. It was this push and the defeat of Forgescale by the Princesses of Equestria that marked an end to the first war as the troops were recalled to push back the Linorm again. In the hundred year span that followed, Ice Talon and the other gods pushed back hard against the Linorm seeking to eradicate them fully. The second Dragon War stalled this eradication, though still remembering the last invasion a greater number of dragons refused to help in this war.

Several decades after the fall of Cindervale there were no traces of the Linorm left that any dragon could find. Over the course of a thousand years they became the things under young dragons beds, with only Ice Talon left having met themin battle and knowing they were real. The white dragoness remained in the mountains ignoring the migration and remaining in solitude on watch for the creatures return, and any dragon foolish enough to try and stake a claim in the massive area of mountains she controlled.

Right now Spike was looking at a score and a half of things that he had only hard about in name and some old books. Out of several thousand dragons there were only four figures on the plateau who were not shaken or panicked from the arrival of the group of Linorm. Neither he nor Bleu had ever really heard the legends or heard the tales that turned them into the draconic equivalent of the boogy mare, and could view the creatures objectively. Ice Talon stared at them in anger. And Troph was impassive.

The creatures landed lightly , more like pegasi than dragons, predominately they were white with a few black and gray coats mixed in. The lot of them landed in a circle with two or three of the larger ones in the center. Their wings were spread, bodies crouched to pounce as they surveyed the dragons surrounding them. Claws dug into stone as the air around the creatures grew cold enough for small flurries of snow to form about them.

“Ice do something! Isn't this what you are supposed to be fighting?!” Copper wails hiding behind the others.

“Seriously? There's a thousand or more dragons here and you hide behind me? It's not like they can even hurt a dragon god. “ Ice Talon snarls knocking the other dragoness out from behind her with her tail. “Besides this is your problem not mine I wrote all of you off as a lost cause a century ago. Fight your own damn battles.”

“Hmm, I thought Troph said his call was tailored to full dragons?” Bleu mutters to Spike.

“Not his exact words, but he said he left out the half dragons, I guess Linorm don't count.Well some Linorm.” Spike contemplates before turning to Troph. “ Did you call them too...... Troph?”

The purple and the blue dragons both turn back looking around for the mutilated form of the first dragon before a number of gasps and sharp intakes of breath cause them to whip their heads back to where the gray form of Troph was striding towards the gathered Linorm.

“What is he doing!?” Spike asks.


Troph ignored them approaching the Linorm with some interest. He had never seen the like of these creatures and the reaction that they gave his race was of interest to him. He moved up to one of the larger ones in the outer circle. The white monster standing easily twice as tall as he was. The creature hissed at the mutilated pony who for the most part ignores the threat as he tilts his head looking the creature over.

Troph sniffs the air, glancing back at the group of gathered gods before looking back up at the Linorm, approaching closer he got nearly nose to nose with the hissing creature.

>” Do stop that. You are not threatening to me in the slightest.”< Troph states a wisp of shadowy magic wrapping around one of the Linorm's fore claws pulling it up off the ground and nearly unbalancing the creature as Troph leans down looking over the lifted claw turning it slightly in the shadow magic. >”Interesting.”<

Gray shadowy magic swirls away from the Linorm's claw, and pulls it's head down below Troph's as he lifts a claw like hoof up tracing it over the creatures spines Before lifting the creatures head back up enough to pry open it's jaw to have a look at it's teeth.

The Linorm and the others around it were clearly confused by this and all of them, as well as the entirety of the dragons on the plateau watched the pony like creature examine the Linorm like he was a stock animal.

>“A drake as well. Quite interesting.”< Troph lets the Linorm go and simply walks past him to the ones in the middle they were surrounding. This brought all of them back to attention and in threatening postures again. Though Troph cuts them off before they start hissing again. >” Stop it. You sound like a bunch of wet cats. And speak draconic, I'm certain your mother taught you.”<

Troph pauses before the larger three in the center and smiles a bit, his fanged maw spreading enough that the three in the center took a step back as he looked them over.

>” Mares. With foal too it seems.”< Troph mutters moving closer to one who all but froze in place as he puts his head to the Linorm's side, his ear flicking against her scales as he listened. >” Several months along.... not eggs either but multiple young.... interesting. This explains a few things. As does your scent. This is going to be delightful to see how it plays out.”<

Troph chuckles to himself pressing back out of the circle of Linorm and towards the fast approaching Bleu and Spike.

“What the buck are you even doing!?!? They are supposed to be dangerous and deadly and destructively wild! “ Bleu snaps. “ And you walk up in a body that doesn't belong to you like a mobile meat snack!”

>” Relax whelp, if they were a threat we would have been fighting already. Something is definitely wrong however if they have brought three pregnant mares along with them.”< Troph explains as Spike looks up at them approaching a little as the closest Linorm hiss and growl again.

Spike stops though he doesn't back away.

“Why have you come?” Spike asks. “ You couldn't have missed all the dragons here yet you still landed in the middle of them all.”

“We heeded the call.” the one that Troph had examined snaps back.

“The call should not have been enough for you to risk your lives like this, let alone to bring your young into the middle of all this. I recognize what this is. It's a statement. You are here for a reason other than hearing a call. What is it, it's clearly not to fight, so why?” Spike demands.


[Whitetail Woods Cairn,700 hours Wednesday ]

Pip's ears droop as he looks away from the group he had been talking to over breakfast. After the talk with his Ma he was woken up by Scootaloo to take his turn on watch. He hadn't woken Sweetiebelle for her turn, nor Applebloom, letting the pair sleep and dreading what he was going to have to tell them. Morning came far too quickly for his liking and after getting chewed out by Scootaloo for taking all three watches Pip explained what Luna had told him about Tirek.

The reactions were exactly as expected, upon learning of Rarity and Lion Heart's fates Sweetiebelle had started bawling, that had started an hour ago and she was still going brushing off any attempt to comfort her. Pip briefly wondered where she had gotten the red couch she was crying on, but opted to ignore that.

Applebloom cried for a while as well after hearing about Rhede, Velkorn, and Zecora though Pip could almost see her mind switch from sadness to anger. She barraged him with a plethora of questions regarding Tirek, few of which he could answer. They would need to keep an eye on her.

Daring Doo seemed to catch on to Applebloom's mental state and remained quiet as she watched the earth pony. The older mare said nothing as she mulled over the information. Pip was rather curious as to what the adventurer would say when he told them of Ma's mission for them, but he wanted Sweetiebelle and AppleBloom to calm themselves a little more before he told them of that part.

He was jerked out of his thoughts as a orange form drops down, laying next to him, the mare's shoulder pressing lightly against his.

“So how you holding up Pip?” Scootaloo asks quietly.

“Better than those two.” Pip mutters, looking at the others on the other side of the camp.

“I somehow doubt that. They were your aunt and uncle too, plus Princess Celestia is down, she's another one of your aunts. And I know you were fairly close to LionHeart. Then there's Jer'rahd.”

“Yeah well I wasn't as close to Aunt Velkorn and Uncle Rhede as some others. Berry's gonna lose it if she hasn't already though, so will Orange. A soldier always expects to die fighting, Lionheart knew that. Besides his death protected a large number of ponies who couldn't defend themselves. While I am upset he is gone It was an honor to know some one like that, even for a bit.”

“And your Da?”

“Not worried bout him. Ma seemed more annoyed at his situation than upset, so he's not dead and not in a coma, he's probably doing something stupid and heroic again. Or picking a fight with some one he shouldn't, that's probably what's going on there. Ma said it was something that she wasn't even sure about.”

“None of that means you're alright though.”

“I ain't. S'not tha foist time I've lost family though, doesn't git any easier, but ah ken push past it.”

Scootaloo nods though Pip tenses up as she drapes a wing over his shoulder offering a small half hug.

“So are we safe down here from this guy?” Scootaloo asks.

“Down here? Probably, but we're not gonna be staying down here.” Pip states a bit louder than he liked the sudden closeness with the pegasus mare making him nervous.

“What? What do yah mean we ain't staying here?” Applebloom demands looking over the fire at the two.

Scootaloo turns a bit red and slides a pony length from the smaller earth pony.

Pipsqueak exhales as even Sweetiebelle stops her crying and sits up on the couch to look over at him teary eyed though with a easy to spot glimmer of anger in them.

“We are not staying down here Ma gave me a official Royal mission.”

“ And what might that be kid?” Daring Doo asks.

“We are to complete our original objective in helping Applebloom figure out the deal with her seed.” Pip explains.

“At a time like this?” Sweetiebelle asks sniffling.

“Ma believes that seed is more important than we know. Remember how I said Tirek was sealed away in a tree for thousands of years? “

“There were a number of old legends from pre exodus that support something evil locked away in a tree.” Doo interjects.

“Right, well the tree he was locked away in was the Yggdrasil, also known as the World Tree as it's massive size made one think the roots grew under every part of the world.” Pip explains gesturing with a hoof at the massive root structure that filled the cavern they were in. “Our mission is to try and get Applebloom to the site of the Yggdrasil and see what she can do. Given how close we seem to be, that shouldn't be hard.”

“What? Me?” Applebloom stammers.

“Yes. Zecora wanted you here for a reason even if she didn't know what it was. That seed is one of the few seeds that the Yggdrasil produced. Ma thinks that if the tree or a sapling of it was restored it might seal Tirek away again because the tree was created soly to trap him the first time. It's a long shot, but the only way to help the ones who are comatose is to capture Tirek and seal him away again. If we kill him every pony he's claimed is going to die, including Auntie Celestia and Twilight Sparkle.”

“Yeah that's a load on mai shoulders. Even if it works, seeds dun sprout up tha instant yah plant them, it'll take weeks or months before we even see anything. And that's even if this things still viable and not just a petrified lump of plant matter.” Applebloom rants.

“Maybe Discord or some one knows a plant growth spell, but that's a bit beyond me.” Sweetiebelle adds.

“Besides Zecora might ah just wanted us on this wild goose chase tah keep us out of tha way. She don't even understand her impulses when she gets a hunch. There's nothing, not even mai stupid dreams, that even supports that ah ken grow ah tree.” Applebloom grumbles.

Scootaloo, Pip, and Doo look at each other then back at Applebloom.

“Actually now that I think of it, the Princess is right, this might work. “ Doo comments.” This is an awful lot of coincidence.”

“Fate?” Scootaloo asks.

“Maybe, though I don't think Bonnie has much say in this.” Pip comments getting a few confused stares.

“Bonnie?” Scootaloo asks.

“Friend of Ma's and Twilight's, met her once in the dreamscape with Ma. Friendly enough but very depressive.” Pip explains.

“You mind telling me what tha hay you three are talking about? What coincidence? What fate?” Applebloom growls.”What's going on?”

Pip slowly rises turning to dig through his saddlebag for a few corn kernels. “Scootaloo get one of her fresh bandages. Applebloom, Sweetiebelle.... I have no idea how you missed this before now, but this is why Ma thinks we can do this.......”


[ 2100 hours, Tuesday, West of Cindervale]

To the dragons gathered at the plateau, the pony thing and the purple dragon, that was one of their gods, seemed mad. They already knew the blue one was mad so that wasn't important. They had both moved right up to the circle of demonic death the Linorm had with out flinching. The pony thing walked right into the midst of them then right out, and their dragon god was demanding answers of the monsters. It was insane. A number of dragons gained a great deal of respect for the youngest god, though very few thought he would live through the encounter.

“Well? “ Spike asked. The large purple drake was some what intimidated, but from what he had read unless one of them was a god, the Linorm couldn't kill him. Getting mauled might hurt like Tarturus, but he wouldn't die. Bleu had no such guarantee and he had told her to get back. He was rather surprised that she had listened, though she still grumbled the whole way.

The large Linorm looked at the others then back at the ones they had circled around before focusing back on Spike.

“We demand compensation for what your kind have done to us.” The Linorm snarls.

Spike raises an eyebrow looking down at Troph, who didn't seem to be paying attention any more, though Spike could tell at least three of the creatures six eyes were still on the Linorm.

“And what exactly are you demanding? From my understanding your kind currently occupy a great deal of land that the Dragon nation once held.”

“A place that was ours first!” The Linorm snaps.

“Centuries ago yes, and when the dragons stopped pushing northward you kept pushing south, hunting dragons for food in fact. Something banned by the God's council of Equss.”

“We are not part of your council.”

“This is true, but that doesn't mean you are exempt from it. No one is allowed to eat sentient creatures.”

“Dragons eat Ponies and others. You are being hypocritical.”

Spike smirks a little at that. This wasn't a near mindless beast he was dealing with.

“I've never eaten any meat but fish and in case you missed it the Dragons paid severely for doing that en mass last time. At any rate, I'm called Spike, What's your name? And what are the exact demands?”

“I am called Glacier. The demands are simple, we wish a place where we will be left alone.”

“You would be left alone now if you did not keep attacking any thing that goes north of my mountain.” Ice snaps striding up beside Spike. The purple dragon looked at the Linorm who didn't hiss at the white dragoness as she approaches like they had the others. Perhaps they had gotten the hint?

A series of hissing and some growls provide that wrong as a faintly glowing Grim Jaw approached. The black dragon had a wavy nimbus of light around him that was likely some sort of armor from his power. Copper and Crimson Wing approached behind them getting the same greeting. Yet the one who fought them the most only got stared at? Were they afraid of her? They didn't seem it. Spike looks down at Troph and notices the mutated pony had a rather creepy grin on his muzzle.

“So what do they want?” Copper asks.

“Territory.” Ice responds.

“Our tribe has never attacked anything south of the mountain, nor even the White Queen's lair. Other tribes have.” Glacier comments.

“White Queen?” Spike asks.

“Their name for me.” Ice states with a small smirk on her muzzle. Spike considered she was acting too calm around her supposed hated enemies as well. Something else was going on here.

“Why should we bother, there are more than enough of us here to simply wipe them out then go and deal with the rest of them in one go. Surely that should be enough to convince the young upstart that we do not need help from any one in dealing with this Tirek monster when it comes.”

“They came in peace Grim Jaw. We are not going to attack them when they came to talk. Besides if they can follow the councils rules it shouldn't be hard to find a place for them. There's plenty of wild pigs and trolls in the mountains to the east.” Spike offers.

“Shards to that! Then they would be able to attack from two sides.” Crimson snaps.

“He has a point.” Ice comments.” No dragon would want them that close. Believed friendly or not. Perhaps something further south. Far away from Cindervale.”

“Oh that's a good idea stick them in the pony lands, let them kill each other.” Grim Jaw laughs.

“Might be an idea. Though I don't like the idea of them making friends with the ponies then turning on us.” Copper contemplates.

“I don't think Ponies think like that.” Crimson mutters. “But I think if we ever decided to attack them again we would have issues.”

“Then we shouldn't attack them. That answer is simple. “ Ice rumbles.

Spike looks at Ice curiously. The large dragoness remained impassive though her gaze seems to shift between Spike and the Linorm more than the others. His dealings and interest in ponies was well known, though Ice's comment seemed like she favored them as well. Or wanted him to think that.

“You're trying to protect them...” Spike mutters looking at Ice. The dragoness focuses her attention on Spike, her eyes narrowing. Spike turns to the others speaking louder. “I might be able to arrange something, but I'd need to speak with the ones in charge there before I could promise anything.” Spike looks down at Troph who nods a little. ”If you offer your aid however, in fighting Tirek I'm sure that will factor more favorable in their decision.”

“And what would a clawful of us be able to do?” Glacier asks.

“A clawful managed to make a entire nation of dragons nearly wet themselves just from you showing up. I seriously doubt that fear is unfounded.” Spike explains getting a few grins from the Linorm as confirmation. “And who knows. Maybe it might motivate a few others here to pitch in instead of letting their ancient enemies do it alone and gain favor with the race that nearly wiped them out, twice. “ Spike turns glaring at the others before looking to Ice who was hiding a smile, badly. ”Was that your plan then Ice?”

The others look from Spike to the large white dragoness who suddenly loses her smirk and looks rather uncomfortable at the attention.

“What?” Ice demands.

“No other Linorm showed up and Glacier said there were other tribes and that his never made an attempt on the White Queen's lair. Ice was one of the last to show up and the Linorm came in from the same direction. There's no way she would have missed them flying in given how slow they were going with three of their number flying with clutch. Particularly if you have been hunting them for the last thousand years or so.” Spike chuckled a little.”Your subtlety also needs work, you seemed to have a idea in mind for where you wanted them to go, but your attempts to steer the idea towards that location were obvious. You've supposedly been fighting Linorm for centuries and yet you didn't even spit a stray spark at them. You also knew what they were before they got any where near enough for any of us to identify and Bleu's got some damn good eyes. You knew they were coming, likely because you sent them here. They never heard the call because Troph excluded half breeds. You knew what the call was so you told them what to do knowing we would all be here. Why?” Spike explains looking at Ice, his eyes narrowing. “Not that I would deny the aid, but I want to know what the game plan is here, and why you seem to care for what you are supposed to be killing when you don't give a shit about your own kind? I'd be a little more miffed at your work to ruin my plans if this didn't have my curiosity up.”

>” A mother tends to look after and protect her hatchlings.”< Troph comments.

The white dragon some how manages to pale further as all eyes suddenly turn to her. The dragoness was not well liked by the other gods due to her harsh dismissal of everything they tried to organize and the wide territory in the mountains she had claimed, nearly the entire range and almost everything north of it. Far larger than any dragoness, even a god should have counted as theirs. It was far too large for one dragon to keep watch over. A family of several dragons would have had issue patrolling it all and collecting the gems that would be present. But it was the perfect size for a dragon and a hidden tribe of hunters.

“What the shard are the Whelp and the half breed going on about Ice?” Grim Jaw snarls.

“Interesting.” Copper states. “I would like an explanation as well.”

“They don't look that young either. If the legends are true their life spans are as long as dragons. How long has this been going on?” Crimson asks scratching his chin with a claw.

“It's none of your damn business.” Ice snaps.

“I beg to differ. You've claimed an entire range of mountains denied any others to settle even near the base of it nor mine for gems. Your refusal to help and continue to demand troops and supplies during the war cost us the battle.” Grim Jaw snarls.” This is VERY much my business. You took territory I had, claiming it for your war effort. “

“Actually the fact you went after ponies is what cost you the war effort.” Spike mutters.

“There are plenty of Linorm out there still Grim Jaw. And you were the one who convinced the former council to deny any more troops being sent north so you could fill your own horde with war spoils against the ponies. I needed soldiers, so I found my own way to recruit. Some of the Linorm were at war with the others, old tribal conflicts. I simply recruited the side that was most willing to follow my lead and my rules.”

“And then you did the unexpected.” Spike comments.” You fell for one of your new soldiers.”

Ice snarls glaring back at Spike who simply returns the stare impassively before shaking his head.

“Seems he is correct. It would explain why the scent is odd on them. You tried to mask it.” Copper comments.”This would be a very interesting fairy tail, but it's what really happened isn't it?”

Ice snorts.”And what if it is? What if all your damn theories are correct? What then?”

“Then? Nothing. I made the offer and that still stands. We will need to readjust the northern range now, as this means your territory will be reduced, but without a tribe to feed I doubt that will be an issue. But no other change of standing should be necessary.” Spike sighs. ”You can't control who you fall for sometimes. Even if it's some one you shouldn't have feelings for, who only seems to use you and not return any of your feelings.......”

“What?” Crimson asks.

“Nothing.” Spike shakes his head clearing it of the image of a white mare. “Is this acceptable to the Dragon council? Finding the Linorm a place in the south?”

“Fine, with me.” Copper states.

“I've not agreed with the fighting against this Tirek guy, but getting rid of some Linorm sounds like a good idea to me.” Crimson states. “Particularly cause they and Ice would then owe us a favor.”

“I will not stand for this!” Grim Jaw snarls.” These are our enemies and you have been aiding them for who knows how long. Not only that, you seek to offer our old enemies new allies to rise against us again. The ponies nearly destroyed us once before as did the Linorm and now you lot are simply caving to the demands of a pair of traitors to our kind? I will NOT ACCEPT THIS!”

“We don't need a full agreement from all of us. Just the majority. Same as it's always been. It's four to one Grim Jaw.” Spike comments. “ Same rules you've used against me before when i wanted to start trade agreements.”

“No,not this time. I do not deal with traitors , I destroy them.”

“Grim shut up. It's the middle of the night and your powers are about as useless in the dark as Copper's are on land.” Ice growls.

“Yes, thank you for that comparison Ice.” Copper grumbles her fins flattening to her head. “Can I change my vote just to spite her now or is it too late?”

“Do you honestly think I've never thought of work arounds for my powers?” Grim Jaw snaps, whistling sharply.

The a number of the dragons clinging to the mountain side perk up at the noise and a a great deal of quick casting and rummaging is heard before a series of lights shoot into the air from various points of the plateau, from both magical, draconic, and some griffon and pony made sources. The trailing lights grow brighter before they burst open at their peak shining as bright as the sun as they flutter and circle slowly overhead. The entire Plateau was lit up like it was suddenly noon.

Spike squints up at the lights noting the magic being used.

“Flares?” Spike comments looking back down at Grim Jaw who was bathed in the light, his armor glowing bright enough to nearly blind the purple dragon.

“I will destroy you all, then take over my proper place as the only dragon god worthy of rule.” Grim Jaw growls.

“Seriously?” Spike bemoans. “Is every one a closet tyrant?”


[Crystal Empire 800 hours. Wednesday.]

Applejack stops at the window looking out over the fields to the south of the palace. The view from the room where Twilight and Princess Celestia were being tended too had quite a good view of the Griffon airships that had landed just on the edge of Crab Apple Farm. Princess Luna was having the flag ship and the second battleship reloaded, rearmed and staffed. A large number of the changelings couldn't fly so Luna needed a way to transport them all to where Tirek was quickly without wasting magic.

The plan as it had been laid out yesterday before the armory was opened, was that Luna and the Changelings would lead Tirek away from the Empire and try and trap him, or failing that destroy him to end the reign of terror. No one had wanted to do that because of the loss of life that would come about because of it. Still no one could doubt the Princesses word that she would try everything else first before killing the monster. She had a fiancee and a sister that would be gone for good if Tirek was killed.

The morning however had brought another hasty meeting and a change of plans. Luna had evidently spoken with Pipsqueak the previous night and some new information came to light. That fool quest Zecora sent Applebloom on with the seed seemed to be the heart of it. The thing about her sisters blood freaked Applejack out a bit, though looking back she could never recall a time when Applebloom had cut herself or lost any blood outdoors. Even the crashes from Scootaloo's driving and the weird Crusader ideas never really wound up hurting her. They always seemed to land safely in some brush or, more often than not, in an excessive amount of cushy tree sap. Applejack always found that odd, but after a time she learned to accept it as some sort of Crusader thing.

Of course given the situation it really didn't surprise her that her sister and her friends were in the middle of everything. Particularly after the Noodle incident, nothing they did surprised her any more. Took her three years before she could even look at a tomato without freaking out. Far as she knew Rainbow Dash still had a fear of string cheese too.

That Luna was going to Whitetail Woods to oversee what was going to happen made Applejack feel better, though she received a few odd looks from some of the others when she refused the offer to accompany Luna. Applejack didn't give a reason why, but she told everyone that the Guard needed to be ready to defend the Empire, cause Tirek 'was' coming. She was pressed for details, but she didn't answer any of them aside to tell them it was the truth. It was bad enough that her brother knew, she hadn't expected that, but it was part of the deal.

Which is why they were here now in this room with the comatose ponies and Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle.

AJ walked away from the others sitting down next to Twilight looking at her friend. If she had been asked ten years ago that she would be dropped into this situation she would have thought the six of them would have made it out all okay. Now, not so much? They had tough scrapes and close calls before, but this was a whole new ballgame here. Ever since she heard of the Five Beasts, things seemed to simply take a grim turn. It wasn't like Applejack wasn't used to hardships, and death...... but everything seemed to happen more often lately. Everything before then seemed like a foals tale. The biggest worry then was Pinkie's parties and going to the gala, maybe a bit of issue with parasprites or a dragon, but never did it feel like any one was in any real danger. But now? Pinkie had died and come back, Rarity was dead, Twilight was in this state. Heck even the Princess that Applejack had grown up thinking was the only goddess there was on Equss, was laid out. She didn't blame the five of them that had been freed. If not for them, things would have been much much worse.

The biggest hope for a happily ever after right now were the CMC and a mare who was known as the Goddess of War. A couple of young ponies, and a Goddess that was corrupted by darkness to the point that Applejack and her friends had to save her.

Applejack wasn't sure if having to rely on them made things better or worse.

“Is this it?” Nightlight asks.

“Eeeyup.” Big Mac comments looking down at the iron bound chest the elder unicorn had brought out of the closet.

“I remember this. Twilight spent a whole hour discussing it. From what she said there's enough power in it for it to be considered an artifact. Empowered by both Princesses and touched by the god of Chaos himself. This thing is almost as dangerous as those swords Princess Luna has. Perhaps more so. It doesn't help matters she tinkered with it as well so it's got some of my daughter's magic in it too.” Twilight Velvet explained.

“I remember that lecture. She made up new words to describe parts of it. I think that bracelet there controls it now? She's used it a few times and we had a devil of a time getting it off her to check her over when she got here. I'm not sure if all the parts are here, but supposedly it will regenerate itself if it needs to.” Nightlight smirks. “ So what do you think Big Mac?”

“Ah dun like tha smell.” Big Mac comments.

“Well given your profession, I can understand that.” Nightlight chuckles.

“AppleJack are you alright dear?” Velvet asks.

“Been better. But that ken be fixed. Applejack rises tipping her hat a little to the parents of her friend. “ Thanks fer tha help with this.”

“Your welcome. Was there anything else?” Nightlight asks.

“Nah, jus make sure you stay in that palace fer tha rest of tha day. Keep all these sleeping ponies safe.”

“We will.” Velvet nods.

Applejack pulls off her hat as Big Mac sets the chest on his back, putting the stetson next to Twilight's pillow.

“Ah'll be back fer that. Jus sit tight Twi, Ah'll get cha back, or at least make 'em pay fer taking Rarity and mai family.” Applejack grumbles. “Lets go Mac “



[ 2200 hours, Tuesday, West of Cindervale]

Grim Jaw wasted no time in lashing out with his powers. The beams of light flashing forward faster than a dragon could blink, striking and lancing through the four other gods gathered with a loud hiss. The air around the beams sparking with fire as the dust and steam from the impacted bodies sizzled in the air. The heat from the beams seeming to ignite the very air as the light show danced wildly setting fire to the ground and a number of shrubs in the field of attack. The super heated lasers hitting the other gods with such force that their bodies seemed to turn to steam before him.

Grim Jaw cackles as the thick oily mist hangs in the air around the charred corpses of the other gods. He had done it. He was the sole dragon god left. He ruled all of them now. All that was left was to destroy that blue traitor, the Linorm, and the pony and he could rebuild the Dragon Empire in his image.

“Are you done?” Spike asks.

“WHAT?!” Grim Jaw whips his head back around glaring at the purple dragon stepping out of the smoke, brushing soot off his chest scales. Another series of blasts of light lash out at the smaller drake striking him repeatedly as the smoke and steam again reemerges obscuring the dragon. The purple dragon sighs in the cloud, clearly still undestroyed.


“We're not dead either Grim.” Copper snarls, clearly pissed.

“This was a rather sudden attempt at a coup. I will give you that.” Crimson comments.

“It's rather simple Grim Jaw. Your main attacks are light based. Light photons powered by magic to be exact. Even with the magic sheathing the beams, they are still light, smoke, water, and even the air itself defuses light particles and weakens them. So when you attacked, it was rather simple to cast a small smoke screen of water vapor around us that screwed with your attack enough that it wouldn't even singe our scales. You've been so focused on attacking us that you didn't even notice your flares were dimmed as well. I had initially thought that I would have to use something like this to tone down the sun, so flares were nothing.” Spike rambles.

“What?” Grim Jaw growls.”There is no way you could have cast faster than my attacks!”

“Hmm? Oh, no, I didn't cast anything now. I set up that spell back when I first learned of your powers and started trying to rebuild Cindervale, years ago. I had it set to encompass all the others as well in case you tried to kill one of them. Casting it without you noticing that something was being laid on you was the hard part. Especially when I had to reset it every year.”

“You knew he was going to betray us when you met him seven years ago?” Ice asks surprised.

“Hmm? Not at all. I simply set up a fail safe on all of you if you tried to kill one another. I've rigged back up plans to prevent any of you from using your powers to harm one another, or myself and Bleu. I had, well have, plans in place to stop all of you if you get out of claw.” Spike states calmly looking back at the others, his tone was cold and calculating, and there was an air of menace about the purple drake that the group of gods had never seen before. “My time with Silver Claw showed me that I needed to be careful who I trusted, and be prepared for anything. I'm just not as brutal as he was. I've been trying to convince you with my words first because that was how I was raised, but I've been shown that if words fail I need to be ready to destroy my opponent utterly. Though simply dealing with you all is much simpler than killing you and finding your replacements as they are born. But that was plan D.”

“You could have done this any time.....”Grim mutters firing a few more lasers at the purple dragon with the same lack of effect and more flashes of smoke. Grim's eyes narrow as he realizes the smoke is coming from him as he used his powers, though he couldn't detect where the spell was laid on him.

“As I said. I made plans to destroy anyone and anything that got in the way of my goals. Arguing and stalling as you have been doing? That's not fighting, that's simply your attempts to delay the inevitable, I can deal with that, I've all the time in the world. This however, Grim Jaw. This is exactly what I was waiting for. For all his faults, Silver Claw understood patience and subtlety better than nearly any other dragon out there and I picked up on that in the short time I was with him.”

“You talk to much whelp.” Grim jaw snarls. “ If I can't kill you then..”

The black dragon whirls. A massive beam of light blasting at the Linorm and the pony that was between him and the creatures.

Spike form the most part still seemed unphased as the blast melts the earth between the group of Linorm and the black dragon. Ice screams out launching herself to try and stop the blast of light, but she was far too late to do so as the blast struck the group...... and did absolutely nothing.

“WHAT?!” Ice and Grim shout.

“Ahh yes, one other thing. I picked this up from Rhede Pelt, a pony, rather than Silver Claw. Most dragons rarely seem to pay attention to their surroundings and they miss small clues and details. I don't have that issue. It's how I knew that the Linorm were related to Ice. Though the important thing in this particular case isn't their relation to Ice here, but that Troph seemed rather fond of the Linorm. I'm sure he's going to have words with you about attacking them. Good luck with that, never the best idea to make one of the First Gods angry.”

As Spike finished a massive shadowy form rose behind him. The form seemed to be made of whirling wisps of smoke and shadow it's very presence dimming the magical flares drawing the light from them until they expired as the figure grew. The vaguely draconian shape forming in the whirling mass swelled further towering over the top of the plateau. It's sheer size forcing the stone and rocks to crumble as it rose into the night sky, the massive form blotting out the light of the moon far above leaving the silver glow of the stellar object reflecting off the gray and blue scales as the form solidified. A pair of wings snap open from it's back stretching out to cover the entire mountain and all the dragons gathered on it. It's tail forms of the shadow, forcing dragons to scatter from their perches as the colossal length falls down the side of the mountain nearly to the valley bellow. Rear claws three times the size of the largest dragon there dig into the top of the plateau on either side of the Linorm, the smaller creatures closing their circle tighter around the pregnant members of their group although they were too shocked to even hiss at the massive dragon that had formed over them.

The head of the shadowy monster finally forms fully, the scales glittering in the light seeming to be every color and none as they solidified. The titanic dragon lowers his head, six eyes opening with a flare of red and one green, all of them focused on the black dragon god far below him.

None of the gathered dragons even saw the massive form move, but it's titanic claw had snatched GrimJaw up along with several tons of earth and rock lifting the petrified dragon god up to meet the creature's eye level.

>”Pathetic. Simply Pathetic.”< Troph's voice rumbles.

The menace and anger in the great creatures voice caused most if not all the dragons gathered on the sides of the Plateau to quiver with fear, their terror rooting them in place rather than causing them to flee. Even Spike felt the tone and repressed a shudder. Only Bleu seemed unaffected, she was sitting in her smaller form upon a large pile of badly beaten Grim's followers, eating popcorn as she watched.

>” You say you are stronger than others, that it is your right to rule because of the power you have as dragons? Feh. You are nothing. The Gryphon are masters of the air, far out stripping anything any of you can do. The Hounds are masters of the earth far beyond the skill your best burrowers and diggers possess. The Mer have dominion over the water, something they have shown time and time again with their dragon hunts. The Ponies have mastered the aether better than any of you could even hope to dream, they have mastered the magic of moving the very heavens themselves. And the Zebra? The are masters of life and magics and the wilds that not even you could tame with your brute strength.”< Troph snarls down at the god in his grip.

>”Even the crossbreeds show more promise than you lot. The pony half dragons and these Linorm, both have shown that they are better than you that their lives are worth more. And I agree. With the exception of the purple drake, you are all useless, none of you know what your purpose is. What you were created for. The next closest past him are perhaps the mother of the Linorm, and I reluctantly admit the blue whelp....”<

“SUCK IT BITCHES!” Bleu shouts.

>” Dragons were not created to rule, to dominate due to their imagined strength. We were made to protect and aid the other races, it is why we are to eat gemstones and ore rather than flesh and plants. The Spirits gave the others dominion over there areas and gave us dominion over them. We are the guardians, the protectors of Equss. Our magic is weaker yet we have more of it than most unicorns. Our flying is weaker as we are supposed to shield the Gryphons against the storms. We move the earth slower and with less skill than the Hounds but we can move through areas they cannot. The Mer....... to be honest I am not sure what we were to them, Munificence was rather the shady sort. But again I digress. Do not get me started on the Zebra and what we were to them, let us just say we would tear this world asunder for them if they so much as asked. Suffice to say this race has lost it's way, and you refuse any attempt to steer you back onto your path.”

Troph squeezed his fist getting a scream from Grim Jaw who was still caught in the middle, the black dragon getting crushed in the massive claw, only his shoulders and head exposed.

>”I am Troph. The first god of Dragon kind it was by my sacrifice, and that of my friends that you even still exist at all. “<

The great dragon narrows his six eyes scanning the mountainside staring at all of gathered dragons.

>” I should wipe you all of the face of the world and start again. It would be the easiest thing to do.”<

“No.” Spike manages, his voice carrying enough that the large beast towering over him heard and offers a small glance down at the purple dragon below him. Troph snorts his annoyance, the action blowing the majority of the exposed scales off the dragon god clasped in his hand.

>So only one of you thinks to speak out to protect the others. Pathetic.”< Troph glances down at his leg noting that the Linorm Glacier was growling up at him and shakily trying to push the others of his tribe away, though they were still frozen in fear.

Troph grins, his maw splitting open to show countless fangs, larger than even the most massive dragon.

>”So two.”<

“Don't look at me, I'm good if he eats all of you idiots so long as he doesn't touch my Spikey there.” Bleu shouts eating another clawful of popcorn.

Most every one ignores her though Spike turns a bit deeper purple around his cheeks.

>”Fine then. Perhaps this was all you needed. A proper show of what you are worth. Which is nothing without the other races. Perhaps you can fix yourselves. Time will tell of course. And I have plenty of that.”< Troph grins again causing a few of the dragons to finally faint.

He raises his other claw to the dragon caught in his grip tapping the tattered dragon gods forehead with a claw and pulling back with a brightly glowing ball of light on the end of his claw. He regards the light briefly dropping the fist full of earth and black dragon back into the hole his claw had made picking Grim Jaw up. The black dragon screams as he falls, his wings crushed. He hits the ground with a sickening thud and lays there groaning. Troph ignores him focusing instead on the little ball of light. He exhales slowly, a bit of white flame dancing around the ball gathering to it and growing until the glowing ball flickers with the flame and it's own light.

>” You are no longer my chosen. Until you are able prove you are what you were created to be I am revoking my favor from you. The purple drake has the best idea how to regain it, though I am charging him with another task first.”< The ball of light leaves Troph's claw flickering and dancing down in the air towards the ground. It drifts and turns before darting forward suddenly and striking the Linorm known as Glacier in the chest toppling the creature over onto his back.

>” Spike. You are to take the new Linorm god, Glacier under your wing. You will show him how he is supposed to act as one of my chosen even as you try to redeem the Dragons in my eyes. Glacier you are to listen to Spike, consider what he advises, but he does not control you. I do expect that if you move your tribe south that you will remain following my word. Your are to aid the other races of this world. Not hunt them, or fight them or try and rule them. This includes the dragons themselves, despite falling from my favor they are not to be made into meals. There are plenty of creatures in the world with no sentience that you may eat, though in time you will likely find gems to be more your taste.”<

Troph lifts his head up from the staggered and flailing Linorm looking out over the dragons again. >“The other races of Equss are in need of aid.”< Troph Snarls. >” React to that as you see fit.”<

The towering shape of the first dragon flickers and swirls breaking up into bits and fading away into shadow and smoke, swirling away all the way back to the ground, fading fully to show a mutilated half pony thing panting heavily before it falls over.

Bleu was over the creature like a shot flinging both Crimson and Copper out of the way as the pair of them remain frozen in terror from the first dragon's presence.

“How is he?” Spike manages looking over at Bleu.

“Unconscious. He doesn't seem to have screwed up Boss's body any more than it was, but how did he do that?” Bleu mutters.

“The Beast was granted by Troph, but Jer'rahd still had access to the monster even after being rid of Troph. I expect Troph just tapped into that. “Spike sighs starting to relax a little. “Not sure what sort of problems that's gonna cause though. Still this was helpful.”

Spike turns looking at the Linorm Glacier as he moves up cautiously nearing the purple dragon. The Linorm was clearly bigger now and while one of his eyes remained red, the other was now green. He had also grown another set of red eyes above the first and his scales seemed to glow with light that flickered around his white skin. If anything it made him appear even more threatening, though Spike was far from worried. After that display it was unlikely the Linorm was going to cause him any issue and having another ally that every dragon feared would be useful, even if he never asked Glacier to do anything.

The purple drake moves over to the crumpled form of Grim Jaw, looking down at him as the black dragon twitched a little trying to push himself up to growl at the smaller dragon and the Linorm.

“Glacier, the first lesson is this, 'Always be willing to forgive transgressions against you. But never forget them'.” Spike states.

Grim lifts a claw pointing it at Spike clearly trying to summon his magic to blast the purple dragon, though having his god powers stripped of him simply made the feeble gesture look sad. That his scales had been ripped away from his head and upper torso make the formerly great wyrm look like a wounded gecko.

“That said.” Spike continues. “There is only so far you should be willing to forgive any one who keeps doing the same thing over and over to harm you.”

Spike inhales deeply. Green flames lap along his teeth before he breathes a gout of emerald flame that envelopes the head of the black dragon. Grim Jaw barely has time to scream as the flame consumes his head and neck before the magic takes hold burning it away and leaving the headless twitching body behind to finally die.

“Now then.” Spike looks back at the other dragon gods. “We should get ourselves organized as quickly as possible to deal with the threat of Tirek. We will discuss what happens afterward once that is done.”


[ Crystal Empire 900 Hours. Wednesday]

Preparations were almost complete. The Demon of Dullahan mk II and the Storm Cloud were both being loaded with supplies and armaments. Try as she might Luna couldn't force the Griffon crew to leave the ships in the hooves of the Changelings. Every one of them, including Dusty and Breezy, refused to let her take the ships without them. Thankfully Cadence was willing to allow Talon and his grandmother to stay in the Palace with the other foals.

Luna was not thrilled with any of it, but she did not have time to argue. At least the others all agreed to stay here, including Starfall, Spitfire, and Rainbow Dash. She thought she would have a issue with the Wonderbolts Captain, but Starfall and Dash convinced her to let her daughter be. Shining was less than thrilled, but she would be leaving a few of of the swarm here to relay messages. She also had a sizable number of half dragons that had started loading the ships with their gear and refused to listen to her when she said they couldn't go.

Still it meant that her force would be larger than she first thought and given the Griffons reports on the size of Tirek's mirror clone army, the more the better. The main plan was to get to Whitetail Woods and help out Pip and the CMC, hopefully drawing Tirek away from the empire in the process. The ships were for the Changeling troops that couldn't fly. There were a surprising number of them in truth, either damage or having to great a bulk to support wings. Even the flying ones would be on the ship given the distance they would need to travel, it was better that they conserved their energy rather than trying to fly the whole way.

“Excuse me Princess.”

Luna's ears perk as she looks back at a blue tinged Crystal Guards pony trying to get her attention. “ Yes?”

“What are we supposed to do with that severed dragon head that showed up this morning in your chambers? The Palace staff is claiming it is starting to smell.”

Luna blinks. She had forgotten about that. Spike's messaging spell had deposited the head of one of the dragon gods Grim Jaw in her lap this morning. A rather disruptive event, though it did mean that the drake was making some sort of progress. She would have to send a note back when she was done overseeing everything.

“ Mount it as the figure head for the Storm Cloud. Let the poor dead bastard lead us into a victory he didn't want.” Luna decides.

“Yes Princess.”


[White Tail Woods. 1100 hours Wednesday ]

A faint rustling of some low hanging fern fronds was the only sign of anything happening as Pip pokes his head out of the small tunnel exiting the cavern. He spares a quick glance around , the greenery of the area showing that they had some how made it back to surface and outside the crater. The trip there had taken a lot of climbing and far more stairs than any of them liked, but at least it gave everyone time to calm down.

“Is it safe?” Sweetiebelle questions.

“What?” Pip asks looking back.

“Is it safe?”

“Sure very safe.” Pip mutters.

“That's not how the bit goes.” Sweetiebelle grumbles as Pip ignores her.

“Okay it looks clear. I don't see any sign of Elk or your ex Miss Doo.” Pip points out.

“He is not my ex.” Daring Doo snaps back.

“Oh so you two are still a thing?” Scootaloo chuckles getting a glare from the older pegasus.

“You know what forget it. I'm just gonna write you as comically inept in my next book.” Doo grumbles.

“Oh, so true to life then?” Sweetiebelle adds getting a snort of amusement from Doo and one of annoyance from Scootaloo.

“Shh all of ya. We need tah be quiet.” Applebloom whispers back looking up at Pip as he looks out of the caverns exit nestled between the roots of a tree.

“Pip?” Scootaloo asks.

“Bugger all.” Pip mutters to himself as a very sizable group of Elk step out of the forest around him some with bows drawn taught between their horns, others with spears all looking down at the pony half out of the hole.

Pip lifts his head a little noticing the bright glowing magic sign mounted on the tree above the hole reading ' Invaders here', and in smaller print underneath, ' This is for kicking Fluffykins Doo.'

“Dammit.” Pip growls.


[Crystal Empire, southern passage. Enchanted train tunnel. 1200 hours Wednesday ]

Fleetfoot glanced over the barricade and the score of Crystal Guard, Guard, and Royal Guard gathered at the tunnel entrance. To be honest she doubted the simple barricade would be enough to halt the monster that destroyed Gallopagos, but the fire power of the gathered unicorns should be enough to do some serious damage. Perhaps even stop him with the amount of power that would be directed down the train tunnel at the first signs of a threat.

Fleetfoot had recommended the tunnel be destroyed. It was the most likely direction Tirek would come from now that his air superiority was gone. Spitfire had told her that they couldn't do that if they could help it. The logistics of why were lost on her but it had something to do with the supply lines and escape routes. Still if the worst happened they could still blow it.

The Shadowbolt pegasus wasn't in charge of any ponies here but the Wonderbolts unit. And they were only the messengers in this case. Still the twelve member team was ready to fly at a moments notice should anything happen here. There was a com relay and a series of flares setup around the check point, though with the ore packed mountains so close magic transmission was sometimes sketchy, and weather could affect the flares.

Twilight Sparkle had established this tunnel a good distance away from the Empire proper just in case something went wrong with the initial spell. Nothing did, and this was the most widely used route to get to the Crystal Empire.

Fleetfoot didn't know the specifics of it, and she didn't really care. It was safe and it was convenient, particularly during the Empire's heavy winters that froze all other passes into the Empire. The normal route still existed that went past the North Western most Guard post, though the summer melts had put most of that area under water and it was swarming with Crystal Dragonflies who would relay back in the off chance Tirek came from that direction.

A series of shouts from the tunnel snapped Fleetfoot out of her thoughts. The runes etched into the stone work surrounding the tunnel opening were starting to light up. The tunnel was activating.

“BATTLE STATIONS!” the Colonel in charge of the barricade shouted , the Earth Pony's bellow sending the rest of the Guard scattering to take positions. Most of the unicorns quickly rushed to their small teams forming up to increase their power in that odd trifecta thing they did. Pegasi Guards moved over the tunnel ready to drop down on any attackers as earth ponies readied the balista and cannons mounted to target down the tunnel. Fleet foot made a gesture that sent two of her team off to relay the tunnels activation to the empire. This was perhaps the fifth or sixth time the tunnel had activated since the barricade had been set up. Most of those times had been for some refugees who had thought New Canterlot might be safe and had run down the tunnel when they found it in shambles. Still better safe.

Everything was eerily quiet for a moment as the last of the runes running up the sides of the tunnel lit up finally joining to the large rune at the top of the arch.

There was a horrendous wail of steel, a shrill whistle, and what sounded like polka music filling the air as something massive launched itself out of the tunnel at high speed, smashing into the first few barricades and through them before coming to rest with a crash and falling onto it's side, wheels still chugging. The last few notes of the music dying as the device playing had been destroyed along with the train car.

Fleetfoot looks down at the train engine. It was one of the larger magic powered ones that frequently made runs to the empire. Another creation of Twilight Sparkle and the few others who were part of Celestia's School. The music box seemed to have been strapped to the front of it. A train ramming through the tunnel was one of the expected attacks, so the barricades had been set up to stop something like that. Still this one made it through four of the ten blockades. It would take time to fix.

Still it wasn't the train that drew every ones attention, it was the three cage cars that were attached to the formerly speeding train. Cage cars that had broken open on impact and released their cargo.

A cargo that consisted of nothing but voracious, starving, and no longer musically enthralled, Parasprites.

Fleetfoot winced as the swarm fell on the engine and the guards, eating barricades, steel tracks, Guard armor and anything else they could get their cute little mouths around.

The Shadowbolt sent two more of the Wonderbolts off to relay the situation as she noticed the com tower being devoured. Most of the cannons and at least half of the defenses were already down the flying stomachs throats by the time her fliers got out of sight.

This was just a warm up.

As if on cue the gate's runes began lighting up again while the Guard were still dealing with the parasprites. The Colonel shouted again gaining some semblance of order again, though many ponies had been disarmed and dearmored.

The second train was going slower, but it was bigger and didn't have parasprites.

“Feed?!” came a chorus of voices.

Author's Note:

Title is Legion of Monsters, by Disturbed

We are nearing the end of SiS LE only a few more chapters to go.

The next two chapters have been planed since I started writing Lost Empire. So I've been waiting to put them out.

The Linorm were sort of an add in on something I only mentioned in older chapters. Never gave any real details on them until now.

This was the basis for a Linorm. The claws and lack of hair are the variations I put in.

This also isn't far from what Jer'rahd's body looks like at the moment.