• Published 14th Jun 2013
  • 3,147 Views, 593 Comments

Stories in Stone, Lost Empire - TDR

The teenage CMC go on an adventure to find the reason for Applebloom's nightmares. 3rd book in the SiS saga.

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Bad Moon Rising [30 ]

Stories in Stone
Lost Empire

Bad Moon Rising

The monster laughed. The deep throaty chuckle echoing around the otherwise silent cloud stone halls. The sound carried quite a ways outside the capitol building and across the cloud city proper.

Countless bodies of gods and mortals lay at Tirek's hooves, either dead or comatose. Granted they would all be dead when he finally grew bored of the sight and tossed them off the cloud city. The mortals had started one last attack against him. One doomed to failure the moment they started it.

Tirek sat back in his throne in the city formerly known as Cloudsdale, now known as Tirek's castle...... he would need to work on the name, perhaps he should call it Scorpan after his brother. Even in death the only thing his idiot sibling would be good for would be to ferry him around in the air. Yes, Scorpan castle had a nice ring to it.

With the last resistance of pony kind destroyed the rest of Equss was rapidly falling . The great civilizations and cities of the world had been brought to ruin by his army of clones. Countless individuals had been claimed to feed his power. Near limitless abilities and skills were at his beck and call and he had brought the unmarked foals together in one less than ruined city. Letting them age until they gained their cutiemarks so he could harvest that power from them. None would be spared his appetites.

Not that the appetizers mattered. With the absorption of the Books of Orbsah and the Elements of Harmony his power was limitless. Once he drained Equss and it's moon of all the power he could he would venture into Tartarus and claim the multitude of worlds there as his own the same way he claimed this one. Even if there were not ponies a simple transformation spell developed by Twilight Sparkle could easily turn mark-less fools into something he could dine on. It was a trick he had used on several gods already, amplifying his power further. There was nothing he couldn't do.

“Nothing brother?” a deep hollow voice calls, echoing in the halls around him.

“Who dares?” Tirek snaps rising up from his throne, knocking aside the corpses of the former solar princess and her sister.

“If you can do anything brother, than save me....” the voice sounds again a wispy image flickering at the corners of the beasts vision vanishing when he turned his head to look.

Tirek takes a step coming up short as something starts grabbing at his limbs. Looking down, the black and red monsters eyes widen as the corpses that lay strewn around his throne room were writhing, shifting. The flesh and fur seeming to dissolve taking on gooey black shapes that once resembled ponies , though now resembled tar filled rotten corpses. The flash of deformed bone and eroded muscle broke the surface of the writhing mass of the tar like substance that the bodies had formed into. He had a brief flash of memory about some creature called the Smooze before he ripped himself free and bounced back to the riser his throne was on. The floor of the room around him rippled and shifted like a sea of black, the tendrils of the corpse feeding creature flicking up at him trying to grasp him over the edge of the raised dais he sought refuge on.

“What is this!?!?” Tirek screams gesturing at the corpses and mass of tar to blast them away only for no magic to burst for the from his hand. Masses start to rise from the puddled adopting pony like shapes, though all of them were as black as the tar, misshapen beasts of black armor and insect like features. A good dozen of them surrounded the throne mouths opening like a striking snake , baring fangs that dripped a green icor as they hissed at him.

Tirek steps back to the middle of the dais grabbing the throne and flinging it at one of the creatures who deftly side steps the flung object. He turns at the creak of a door opening behind him, one that lead to a rather posh set of private chambers for the former Governor of Cloudsdale. Tirek's teeth clench as his features pale as a figure moves through the door.

A monstrous form floated towards him, skeletal bat like wings emerging from it's back, a shriveled twisted body with patches of brown fur falling out and worms and maggots spilling from the rents and gouges in it's flesh decaying flesh. Two broken spear shafts jutted from it's chest and a severed snakelike tail whipped behind it spraying fountains of black tar lick blood across the floor and walls behind it. The creature had no head, just a jagged severed section of flesh where it's neck ended abruptly, the wound oozing more of the black icor that ran down it's form dripping to join the mass covering the chamber's floor. One of it's gaunt arms lifted, holding a partially skeletal head that looked like a cross between a lion and a crocodile.

“Save me brother....” the severed head wails as Tirek staggers back nearly into the black morass again.

“Scorpan.....wait.......” Tirek growls, his panic turning to anger in a instant. “This is a dream.......”

The image freezes as a soft feminine chuckling sounds out in the chamber like it was being bellowed. The volume was almost painful. Soon everything fades away as if melting leaving nothing but a mass of gray around him like he was in a fog bank and the form of a dark alicorn mare with a dark blue star filled mane striding towards him.

“Took you long enough to figure it out. Particularly with how heavy hoofed I was crafting this particular nightmare.”” You are either stupid or I did a perfect job even in a rush such as this.”

“And you must be Princess Luna.” Tirek snorts.

“My, my, you got it in one try, aren't you a clever pony.” Luna grins seeing Tirek flinch at the comment. Her grin however keeps getting wider and wider, distorting her muzzle and face as her grin seems to stretch back far enough to start trailing down her neck to her shoulders the air around her warping a little at the display of far more and far sharper teeth than a ponies head should allow. Her eyes flash green and catlike, her brilliant white teeth becoming shark like in the impossible smile.

“You've declared war on us monster. You have no idea what you have gotten yourself into. “Luna cackles.” I do hope you enjoyed the last peaceful bit of sleep you will ever have again.”

With that there was an explosion of light.


[Cloudsdale, Floating near the ruins of Phillydelphia]

Tirek jerks awake with a start, growling loudly as he sits up rubbing his head flinching as his fingers run over his broken horn. He shoves himself up off the mass of clouds the sudden ejection into wakefulness leaving him some what groggy and stumbling. He staggers away from the mass of clouds he had fallen asleep on the night before. He would say this much for pegasi they knew how to make comfortable beds. Though something would need to be done if he wished to use one of them again.

He stormed through the empty halls of the mansion he had claimed as his own. The mindless clones couldn't maintain the spell to cloud walk and kept falling through to splatter into puddles on the ground far below. He had about a score of the smarter clones in the clouds with him as guards and to run the machinery that kept Cloudsdale together instead of breaking apart in the winds like a normal cloud would.

The dumber clones had come from cloning his clones in the mirror pond. A rapidly made, loyal, but stupid army. While they were quite powerful and had all the skills and knowledge of the ponies he had absorbed before using the pond , none of them were intelligent enough to cast any spells nor do anything but follow basic commands. Still they were effective enough as shock and awe troops, despite trying to eat anything they could pick up and fit in their mouths. Still to see something with his visage try and eat a rock was embarrassing. He would enjoy destroying them when their usefulness was at an end. About three score of the clones he had made himself however. These clones had the same intelligence and the same skills as he did before his attack on Canterlot. They also had the same skill in magic as he had at that point.

They all also had both their horns.

None of them could feed on a ponies power though and despite their intelligence and drive they all knew if they tried to usurp him they would be destroyed, win or lose. Most took this impotent rage out on the ponies or the dumber clones. That was something he frowned upon as the mirror pool had dried up and making more troops for his army would be impossible. Still it was good to keep them aggressive.

Tirek shoved open the doors to the cloud factory, staggering a little at the blast of warm air that enveloped him from the Rainbow Factory and brought back the groggy feeling with a vengeance. He was looking for one of the smarter clones wearing a train engineers hat. He wasn't sure when or why the clone had started wearing it, but it made him easier to tell apart from the others. Which was why Tirek had put him in charge of this part of the operation.

“HAT, where are you!?” Tirek bellowed trying to shake off the sudden increase in his stupor. He should have found some coffee or tea first before coming here, but time was of the essence now that the Night Princess had made her play. Tirek knew quite a lot about her and he was worried about what she could do. She was not called the Goddess of War for nothing. The heat of the room was not making it any easier to stay awake. He was sorely tempted to make a bed of the clouds and hope that the annoying mare had given up for the night.

“WHAT!?” his own voice bellowed back, before another version of himself with both horns and a blue cap perched between them rested on his head. “ What de yah want now? Canna yah see ah'm busy?”

Oh, yes there was also the ridiculous accent. Even the smarter clones tended to adopt mannerisms of the memories they used the most. If Tirek recalled correctly the pony he first stole the train from spoke like this. Luckily the annoying ones who rhymed were all on the ground. Damn zebras.

“I need you to send us north.”Tirek growls wincing as a warm blast of steam erupts from a pipe nearby, bathing the pair of them forcing 'Hat' to pull off a pair of goggles and clean them dry before putting them back on. The flood of mist gave everything a wispy quality that Tirek found annoying.

“What about Manhatten?”

“It can wait. Right now we need to take care of the Princess before she gets any other ideas. Or attacks me in my dreams again. Where are the rest....”

The sound of an explosion rocked the building, sending cloud stone and piping raining down on the pair of them. The heavier than air building materials punched through the cloud floor around Tirek and Hat. Tirek bounds back away from the rents in the floor staring at the ground far far below them. The beast curses glancing over as Hat moves back away from the holes as well pressing against some of the machinery.

Tirek snaps his gaze up ward seeing the massive hole in the roof and countless black forms darting through the sky above him. The things seem to be similar to ponies and several other races, though they were covered in black chitinous plate and had bug like features and gossamer green wings.

“Changelings” Tirek grumbles, Twilight and others memories of the monsters flashing through his mind. Granted he knew of them from when they first challenged him countless mortal lifetimes ago.

Five of them glide down through the hole, as sounds of fighting start from outside. The five looked to have once been a pair of ponies, a Minotaur, a harpy, and griffon. They all hiss at Tirek and Hat, moving quickly between the two , forcing both Tirek and his clone further away from each other.

“This is ridiculous what are the bugs doing here? I have the memories several scholars that studied them since the war. They shouldn't be functioning in these numbers without their queen.” Tirek growls.

“What makes yah think they don't have one?” Hat's voice changes as he speaks, turning slowly more feminine. Tirek whirls with a growl watching the form of the hat wearing version of himself vanish in a puff of green flame. The figure that was left when the flame cleared was one he was quite familiar with. She and the other five tormented his mind as he was trapped in his prison for untold years.

The wavy green hair, the limbs full of holes, the curiously jagged horn, and chitinous covering over her black fur.

“Crystal.......” Tirek growls. “You should be dead!”

“So should you. Seems neither of stays dead for good. Though I do thank you. Because of all the panic you've caused with your nonsense the ponies had no where to turn but to me.“ Crystal chuckles. “My armies numbers have swollen far beyond what I ever thought possibly with so many races wanting to get away from you or stop themselves from being drained. A desire so strong they willingly let me alter them to part of the swarm. This leaves my friends and I poised to take over everything once you are dealt with.” Crystal chuckles.

“What? No!” Tirek's eyes widen as the five other changelings move closer to Crystal, all of them assuming the shapes of the creatures they once were. Two Half Dragons, a black wingless male and a reddish, winged and horned female, a dark Griffon with lightning crackling around his form, a eyesore of a colorful Harpy, and a lavender Minotaur, all of them with ornate bracers on their limbs.” That's impossible! They should be long dead, and I locked two of the Element's away!”

“Do you really think I would let my friends die?“ Crystal grins flashing fangs. ”Besides only Compassion and Loyalty are sealed, we didn't have access to them when we sealed you before either. They've been missing for far longer than you've existed and have only just returned. I'm sure the little purple mare in your head could tell you that much.”

Tirek snarls gritting his teeth as the bracers started to glow.

“NO!!! I WILL NOT GO BACK!!!” Tirek lashes out pouring a vast amount of power into a blast to destroy Crystal and her Bearer's once and for all. The energy beam washed over the changelings, ripping apart an even greater section of the clouds as it enveloped the six figures.

The monster pants hard, glaring at the spot the Changelings were. The steam from the evaporated clouds and shattered machinery slowly dissipating. Oddly the steam felt cold, and there was a strong wind whipping from some where and he felt like there wasn't anything under his hooves though looking down he was still on the cloud. Was he falling?

“Aww poor little monster can't tell the difference between reality and a day dream.” A voice whispers in his ear. Looking back Behind him there was a changeling standing on nothing staring at him. Her green eyes flashed between cat like and normal. Great wings filled with holes were flat to her side as she regards him. her grin stretching much wider than her face should allow, the maw full of teeth like a sharks. “Granted you were rather poor at telling a dream from reality earlier too. Luckily you were still so tired you drifted off again with only a little effort on my part once you were warm and thought you were safe.”

“Luna?” Tirek snaps gruffly. “I tire of your petty tricks.”

“Mmm, I am sure you do. But here's something for you to mull over. You know how most dreams of falling end with you waking just before you hit? Well this one has a small twist to it. Sooooo, WAKE UP!”


The mare's shout and cackling laughter snap Tirek out of his stupor. He whips his head clearing the fog from it noticing several things at once.

The first was that far above him, the cloud city of Cloudsdale was on fire with a massive hole running through the middle of it, the remains of the engines sparking and spitting steam and fire as debris and buildings tumble from the collapsing city.

Two was there was an awful loot of a 'woosh' sound around him.

Three was a small severely charred engineers hat falling next to him along with a pot of petunias.

Four, of course, was the fact he was indeed falling, and very fast towards the big round shape of the ground. A ground with a massive crater in it.

He doubted it wanted to be his friend.


[Crystal Empire, Guard barracks steam room, Monday 1600 hours. 5 days after the attack on Gallopagos ]

Luna woke up, chuckling softly to her self and fanning her wings to flick free some of the water that had collected on them from the warm mist around her. The fall was not going to kill Tirek, but with a little twisting of his sleep addled mind she managed to trick him into taking out his own mobile fortress. Cloudsdale was a loss, though it was better to wipe out an empty city out than allow Tirek to use it for his own ends.

“She's awake.... “ Starfall states loudly, not even an apple's length from Luna's face.

“GAH!!” Luna yelps falling backwards over herself.

“What happened?” Bleu demands looking down at the splayed out new Changeling Queen as she flounders on the slick tile floor trying to right herself.

“I tripped..” Luna lies.

>“You were sitting down.... but I think the whelp was asking why you fell asleep so suddenly.”< Troph growls from the other side of the steam room.

Luna sighs picking herself back up and fanning her wings, the smile returning to her face.

“Seeing Jer'rahd again gave me an idea..... well Troph in Jer'rahd's body.” Luna sighs. “I decided that Tirek shouldn't be allowed to sleep peacefully again. Though it worked out so much better than I had hoped. Unfortunately Cloudsdale was destroyed in the events that followed my toying with him.”

“The city was already destroyed. Better it be completely destroyed than serve as a mobile base for Tirek.” Starfall admits.

“Geez, he didn't even have the thing three days did he? Not getting a deposit back on that.” Bleu chuckles.”What'd you do give him a nightmare that made him freak out enough to start blasting like Boss used to do?”

“Something like that. A day dream actually. I woke him early with a nightmare, he then dozed off again while groggy after ordering Cloudsdale to attack the Empire. A daydream of a changeling attack and old enemies did the rest. Given how he has absorbed Jer'rahd, I also called him a clever pony.” Luna grins as Bleu and Starfall Flinch.

“Damn Luna....” Bleu whistles.

“Ruthless. I like it.” Starfall nods.

>“A well timed trick, but I doubt it will be usable a second time.”> Troph ponders his six eyes narrowing. >” That will slow him down when we simply need to speed up and destroy the monster so we can free Grace.”<

“It's not as simple as that. If we kill Tirek every pony who's in a coma will die as well. Including the only three who might know how to open the gate of Tartarus so do not get any ideas Troph.”Luna growls. “You needn't worry about speed either, with your power destroying Jer'rahd's body, I want you out of him as soon as possible.”

“Now that all the posing is out of the way and we know what we have to work with, how are we gonna do that? Tirek has an army of himself and we have a bunch of ponies that are what he eats?” Starfall growls. “ Not to mention he has the advantage of that we don't want to kill him outright.”

“We also have the Changelings, creatures created to fight Tirek and his brother and Slate Quake's armory.” Luna adds in.

“Most of the bugs.. errr, Changelings are still asleep. And what's the armory?” Starfall asks.

“I can wake them up, I simply gave Chrysalis time to explain herself to Cadence and the others before I do. An army of Changelings approaching the palace would not sit well without trusted ponies to keep things calm.” Luna explains. “As for the armory, well it's something Crystal hid before she met Aviana. But I know where it is.”

>” And what of the dragons? They would be useful. Even if most of them are like those two fools that attacked me.”< Troph growls.

“Politics.” Bleu snorts. “Spike and I can't get them to do shit half the time.”

>”Oh is that all?”< Troph grins, showing far more fangs then should be in able to fit in ponies head. >” I will simply do something about that bit of nonsense then.”<


[Crystal empire, Changeling warehouse.]

Cadence looks down at the seated Crystal with a mix of sadness and anger. The anger was left over from before, though after the story she felt a little bad for the Changeling. Not bad enough that she still didn't want to buck her back to Tartarus, but at least a little sorry.

Glancing around it was fairly clear the others were pondering what they had been told. Rose and Rainbow Dash were skeptical. Applejack had her head tilted a little regarding the Changeling before her. Shining was of course trying to hide that he was crying at the tale. He was always a sucker for sob stories, liquid pride indeed.

“So there you go. That's at least the start of my story. Does that explain why Luna did what she did? We were created to fight Tirek. ” Chrysalis/Locust growls.

“Yep explains it all perfectly, you have a thing for half dragons.” Pinkie states flatly, if a little loudly from behind the group sitting in a movie theater chair with a big bucket of popcorn and a pair of red and blue 3-D glasses.

“Slate Quake, Sombra, and even Kaisur there for a bit. Guess we know what gets the bug queen's motor purring.” Discord cackles stealing a bit of Pinkie's popcorn and adjusting his own red and blue glasses.

“THAT'S what you got from my story!?! That I like........ Wait where did you two come from?” Chrysalis demands.

“Well, when a mommy pony and a daddy pony love each other very much..” Pinkie begins.

“No no, Pinkie, that jokes been done several times now and is getting a bit stale.” Discord corrects as Pinkie pouts.

“AJ?” Rainbow Dash glances over at the orange farm pony expectantly.

Applejack nods lightly. “She ain't lying. Everything she said was on tha up and up. Dun make me feel any better about her still being around though. But that story explains a few things. Except why Luna knew about it so she could become a Changeling.”

“I gave her one of the books with my story from Soloman's private library. Nearly everything I told you was in that book including Starswirl's notes on our creation and the after effects of the conflict with Tirek.” Chrysalis mutters. “She decided to undergo the process so that even if she died, Tirek couldn't get his hands on the power of the sun and moon, or the power she has from the Books. Obviously she plans to fight him. She knows she can't kill him or all the ones that have fallen will die, but she is willing to sacrifice them to end his threat if no other way can be found. She's strong enough to do it now. Countless memories of skills, forgotten spells, combat techniques, the power of two gods, the power from the sun and moon, a nightmare's power, the boost from becoming a Queen, and the drive to protect her children and her remaining loved ones. There is nothing on Equss that is more dangerous than that mare right now. That she has remained as calm as she has with the vast amount of power under her control astounds me. Though once Tirek is destroyed I don't know what she'll do, she could rule everything unopposed.”

“That was a lie.” Applejack remarks. “That last lil bit any way.“

“Fine.” Chrysalis sighs. “Okay, so I do know what she plans, but she won't let me tell anyone.”

“Right like that's something that would stop you.” Rainbow Dash snorts.

“You still haven't seemed to have grasped the position I've put myself in to help her destroy Tirek.“ Chrysalis grumbles. “Not only have I exposed who I am to ponies who would happily destroy me for good, but I also now have the exact date and time of my final death. When Tirek is defeated I will have three days to get the last of my affairs in order before she purges me from this body to allow it's owner to have it back. If I go against her she will not even give me that long before removing me.”

“And we should expect you to be doing this out of the kindness of your heart or some sort of repentance for what you've done?” Rose demands.

“Buck no. I'm doing this to keep Shin safe. The rest of you can fry for all I care.” Chrysalis states grinning a little at the glares she was getting. “Calm down. At this point there is nothing that you can do to me that wouldn't be more painful to the proper owner of this body when she gets it back.”

“Except lock you away and keep you from Shin for the remaining time you have left.” Shining armor states flatly. Chrysalis flinches as if struck.”Cadence may have issues with keeping a mother from her child, but when that mother is you, I have no such reservations.”

“I am trying to be cooperative so that does not occur......” Chrysalis sighs.

“So what happened after that?” Applejack asks cutting off Shining's retort with a glare, one he returned for a moment, though he turned away first. “Just beating Tirek doesn't end yer story.”

“Quite a great deal happened. I trained with Starswirl in dream walking and the excess magic that I had access too as well as flight. I made the small village into a proper Crystal Empire. A fabled city where all three tribes could live in Harmony exactly, as Ginger wanted. My Changelings infiltrated every society, working to stop conflicts before they started, political assassinations, document altering, general information gathering and sharing. It didn't always work, mind you. Tribilisum was still the order of the day until the exodus. Starswirl and I gave the Windigo all the old lands for their help in forcing the ponies south. The initial plan was was to force all three tribes together, it almost didn't work. In fact if my agent at the time hadn't made friends with the other assistants that went along with the rulers it wouldn't have. The back up plan was to eliminate Chancellor Pudding Head, Princess Platinum, and General Hurricane if some agreement couldn't be made. They were almost killed in fact, it was Private Pansy, and Clover the Clever along with my infiltrator going by Smart Cookie that finally reached an agreement and a friendship. Because of that we called off the Windigo and the three leaders were forced to recognize that they had to work together to survive. And that's how Equestria was made.”

“No lies.” Applejack snorts. “Not sure ah like how much yer hoof played with mai history.”

“It wasn't history at the time. I lost nearly every one I cared about because the three tribes couldn't stop fighting even after being nearly wiped out. Slate and Ghost Dancer were both killed trying to settle a dispute between the two tribes. Hammer and Cloud Dust both died of old age though they never had children and I was forced to aid in the destruction of Storm Front when he went genocidal. Discord knows that story quite well.” Chrysalis comments.

“I would rather not think about that story thank you very much Chrissy.” Discord snaps. “I'm the only one left from that group now and you can see how I turned out.”

“So with all those powers and that crush on Slate, why'd you need him to go settle a dispute?” Rainbow Dash demands.

“Initially I was going with them to stop the fighting. I had no plans to send my first husband out alone, but I was incapacitated. Some one still had to go or more would be killed in the fighting so the pair of them went. Ghost seemed enough like a alicorn that her presence should have commanded some authority. Instead they were ambushed and murdered, their corpses paraded around as a show of victory by the warring groups, a warning for others to not get involved in their business of murder and fighting.”

“What held you up?” Cadence asks looking down at the Changeling.

Chrysalis smirks a little.” Surely you didn't think with as long as I've lived Shin has been my only child? Slate and I had three children. Two fillies and the youngest a colt. The colt we named Mobius after his grandfather, he had a few traces of his draconic heritage, but the fillies, Ginger and Saffron were normal unicorn foals.”

“I some how doubt the death of Slate sat well with you.” Rose comments.

“The two tribes lived for another three days before I went to get his body back and wiped out every earth pony and pegasus with the name of Hatfield or Mackoy. I continuously purged those names for about a hundred years, obliterating any one who had either as a family name across Equss. There is likely no one left who shares any relation to any of them. The elders who ordered the murder were kept alive in the empire's dungeon, well cared for, but also tormented nightly and any time they started to day dream by the faces of their dead families. Eventually they died of old age ending their lines for good.

“I doubt Starswirl the Bearded approved of that.” Shining commented.

“He helped me. He and Ghost had actually started to develop a relationship. She managed to get him out of his shell for a short time before she was killed. He moped for centuries until Clover came along.”

“That don't sit right with me.” Applejack grumbles.” But it's true too.”

“Ask yourself what you would do if your pink maned mare friend was killed for no reason while trying to help some pony. Ponder that for a bit and then consider what we did.” Chrysalis mutters. “I can already tell you have a strong desire to do something to Tirek because of the deaths of your family members. A lot has changed for me, but at one point I was little different than any of you. Full of anger with the power to do something about it.”

“What about Sunray, and the Elk, and did Ginger ever hatch.” Pinkie Pie asks excitedly changing the subject quickly before any one called Chrysalis on more of her past actions..

“And why was there a dragon fly named Greenwich following my family for as long as I remember?” Rose demands, cutting off Shining again before the angry white unicorn could do more than huff in annoyance.

“Sunray actually married three or four times. Starswirl taught her a shrinking and growing spell that she used to .. well you know. She had a large number of foals and outlived all but her last husband reaching a rather ripe age of six hundred and thirty one. Her children remained small and winged taking after her. Eventually they became their own race of creatures. Rather sad that such a headstrong flier is responsible for a pathetic race that can't even fly without perfectly calm air. Breezies..... I doubt Sunray would approve of her grand children.” Chrysalis sighs. “The Elk were left alone as they wanted to be, I formed a settlement in the cairn under the great tree for Changelings to keep watch on Tirek. The Elk and Changelings lived in peace for centuries until I went mad and brought my entire race with me thanks to Avianna. That blasted mare thought she was just getting rid of me with that poison and instead drove a whole race insane. A race that had infiltrated every society to keep the peace and was all connected by a hive mind. The Elk were one of the first to feel the wraith of the maddened Changelings. It's likely one of the reasons they despise outsiders even to this day. The ones who they let live on their land and that they had befriended for the longest time nearly wiped them out.”

Chrysalis looks up at the small group. Their expressions were not telling, but she could taste their emotions. There was a hint of pity among all of them, a great deal of anger as well, except for the pink mare, there was a lot of pity from her, as well as a number of tastes and flavors that even after all this time Chrysalis couldn't identify, much like Discord. She could swear the annoying thing invented new emotions to screw with her. Cadence still brimmed with fury, but it had cooled considerably since Chrysalis started talking. Shining had gone the other way getting angrier the more she talked.

“Ginger did not hatch. She died when she changed all the ponies to crystal to save them. The crystal covering the hospital grew massive and became nearly a mountain on it's own before it stopped growing. In time it was carved into a palace and it still stands were it grew.” Chrysalis smirks as the recognition that the crystal palace they were all living in was once a pony hit. “Though that isn't exactly the end to her story and to be honest I was quite pissed at Solomon for doing what he did, but upon reflection I doubt Ginger would have minded it as it was to help her chosen ponies and her friend. The Crystal Heart is from the core of the tower. Carved from the source of the tower's crystalline growth. That heart is in essence Ginger's love for her children and friends, carved from what once was her own flesh and blood......”

Again with the shock and a bit of regret from Cadence. Likely for having used it as a weapon to repel Sombra.

“As for Greenwich, I had him join Saffron's family when I distanced myself from them as they got older. As far as I know he stayed with the family line after I was sealed away. If he was with your family either something happened to Saffron's line or......”

“Shit.....” Rose grumbles.

“She ain't lying.” Applejack confirms.

“Just how many freaking ponies and things are you and Kaisur related to anyway!?!?” Dash yells at Rose.


“So what do you think?” Spike asks glancing back to the other side of the library where the Jade Scroll sat on a table covered in star metal chains and locks supplied by the Crystal Pony Guard.

“I think we should find a way to destroy the thing permanently. “ Nightlight mutters glaring past the large dragon at the book.” And I don't like saying that . Book burning is Sacrilege ,... but this thing....”

“It's not a book dear it's a dead griffon. It wouldn't be burning a book it would be cremating a body that had been left out far to long.” Twilight Velvet adds.

“Why am I in this conversation?” Spines questions half huddled and half sitting next to Spike.

“We all have issues with the book, be it my arm or because something it made has harmed our loved ones. That and if that story was any indication it has no regrets about creating them.”Spike grumbles

“Actually if that thing sealed away that Troph monster and his mate. Then that would be why Troph was free to kill my friends so I do have sort of an issue with him.” Spines comments.

“You're not mad at Troph?” Nightlight asks.

“If I was, what good would it do, logically he was in the right to defend himself, and it's not like I could do anything to him without getting ripped apart myself. If he's really the spirit of the first dragon trapped in the body of a pony who nearly wiped out the entire dragon race a thousand years ago what the shards am I supposed to do about it? “ Spines rambles getting odd looks from the three of them at his logic train. “I mean seriously I have never met anything scarier than that monster. Even Bleu Scale pales in comparison.”

“What I don't like is the fact that the Jade scroll made Tirek and Scorpan, and gave them the way to become powerful enough to destroy all the other books and the Element's of Harmony.” Twilight Velvet adds in. “It's like the book itself is suicidal. Which is an odd thing to say.”

“Not sure it's suicidal, more it just doesn't seem to care about it's own life so long as others are destroyed first. It seems to have a great deal of issue with the other Books of Orbsah. Is there a way we could use that?”Spike suggests.

“I doubt it. The limit of what it seems to be able to do right now is simply guide and empower. Since none of us wants it's sort of empowerment simply due to the fact it would try and take over our bodies the first chance it got, it's not very useful to us except as a source of information. And even that source of information is suspect.” Twilight Velvet considers.

“So what do we do?” Spines asks.

“We meet up with the others and discuss it, see if they might have an angle we don't.” Spike responds. “Unless you want to play catch with the book for a bit longer mom.”

Twilight Velvet grins a little at that. “Maybe later dear. Let's go find Cadence and Shiny they will likely want to know what we found out.”


[ White Tail Woods Cairn]

“Well now that was not something I expected. Starswirl made the Changelings and the Windigo?” Applebloom mutters.

“There were many hints and scraps of information that pointed to his creating the Windigo and the Draconequus. This book states otherwise, that he made the Windigo and Changelings in mimicry of some one else creating the Draquonuss. I've heard mention of this Cocotte before as well. She was also know as Queen Clopopartia. She ruled a small kingdom to the south near the Zebra Lands. Most information we have on her lists her as a pony god rather than just a pegicorn as the book mentions. Still this book is going to ruffle some feathers in the archaeology world.” Daring Doo grins. “Not the find of the century, but at least the find of the decade.”

“It explains the skull and what the city is doing down here. But ah still don't like the idea that Chrysalis used tah be a good guy. Not willing tah believe that, jus cause a book said so.” Pip growls lightly.

“Princess Luna did a number of horrid things during the Equestrian Civil war. Given she's your adoptive mother, you don't seem to have a issue with her.” Daring Do comments off hoof, getting glares from all four of the young ponies with her.”Ummmmm.”

“Ma didn't kill my dad in front of me. Nor did she set my house on fire after dropping it on my mom. Chrysalis and her Changelings did. I am aware that she is dead now and her race is lost without a leader, but that doesn't make my dislike of them any less potent.” Pip states flatly glaring at Daring Doo.

“Calm down Pip. Pretty sure she didn't know why the Princess adopted you.” Scootaloo adds poking the earth pony colt in the shoulder.

“I did know, but I didn't think about it before I said something. Sorry.” Doo comments . “Still most of the Changelings have no will of their own and were being controlled, the others didn't have a choice in what was going on. Sombra killed a number of them that tried to escape the battle.”

“You seem to know a lot about Changeling's and the war.....” Sweetiebelle speculates staring intently at Daring Doo. “ Quick to defend them too. You hiding something?”

“Just my actual age and weight like every other mare. I've been studying Changelings and their history with the Sparkles for the last two years. I think I've got an excuse to school you on something you don't seem to be aware of.” Doo mutters.” That and one of my uncles is currently laying in a warehouse in the Crystal Empire changed into one of them during the attack. So it's some what personal as well.”

Pip slowly pushed back up to his hooves.” Ah'm aware of that. Mai aunt and uncle are watching them all in the Empire and one of mai cousins is a Changeling god. While I'm not happy with the idea of Changelings, pretty much all my ire is focused on Chrysalis and Sombra. I'm a step up from auntie Tia who hates them all no matter what. It's just hearing Chrysalis, or Crystal, or whatever, being painted in a good light bugs me.”

“Ooh, OOOH, that was a pun! Nice one Pip.. 'Bugs me' hehehhehe. You know cause they look like bugs?” Sweetiebelle giggles falling back onto her haunches laughing as the other stare at her blankly.


[ Empire Hospital, Crystal Empire]

“ Alright sign here.” Orange is told, as she's offered the clipboard for her signature. Seven other Guards, not counting Hunter were standing around the lobby scanning everyone with an appraising eye as if expecting the wounded or family members in the waiting room to suddenly become a threat.

Orange was not happy with the situation but the wasn't much she could do about it. Far too many ponies came in and out of the hospital for it to be completely secure. Also given the situation she had better things to do herself than worry about a healthy foal. Particularly one that was being taken to the palace to be cared for along with the Royal families foals. She wasn't worried about what would happen to Rhynthia, she was more worried that this display of Guards would bring more attention to the newborn Zebra god than just a simple transfer would.

There were quite a few zebras who lived in New Canterlot or in Gallopagos who were now here. Despite the advances the Zebra lands had made over the centuries there were still a number of groups who kept an eye out for any Zebra gods that surfaced in order to remove them before they became a threat. She hadn't heard of a zebra god being born since before the Equestrian Civil War, but she hadn't exactly been much into history in school. While she wouldn't accuse any of the zebra's she knew personally of such a thing she knew even Velkorn had held on to this particular tradition. She hated to say it but perhaps it was best that Rhynthia's mother had died before she was born. She doubted the mare would have done anything to her own child, but there would be issues from it. How a pony was raised often stuck with them no matter what sort of life they lead, and it often came back to haunt them.
A prime example was how she was thinking like a tactician rather than a doctor in this case, much like her adoptive parents did.

Orange sighs glancing over to Hunter who was chatting with one of the Guards about something. The solider was still nursing a broken leg, but he also did his job as a Guard requesting assignment at the hospital so he could be treated and work at the same time. He was a stubborn sort, though at least he wasn't as flirtatious as she remembered he used to be. She didn't need that right now with all the crap with Blueblood. Damn it she was going to have to endure a 'told you so' from Jer'rahd when ever he showed up again for that too.

Several of the local nurses, and patients had been watching the compliment of Guards curiously as soon as they arrived. It was this sort of attention that she would have preferred to avoid. Ponies talked and with the influx of refugees there were a lot of ponies to talk to and to over hear things.

She signs, giving the Guard back the clip board who looked at it briefly before offering her a salute.

“Thank you miss, we will take it from here. I have been instructed to inform you that you have been granted permission to enter the palace to check on the situation provided you submit to the usual checks for entry.”

“That's fine. I need to go by to check on Luna and the bed ridden ones any way at some point.” Orange sighs.

“Of course miss. “ the white crystal guard tears off a bit of paper from the clipboard with a hoof giving it to her. ”I am aware you are related to most of the royal family and our escourtees, but some security measures cannot be bypassed at this time.”

“Related? Well I suppose by marriage and adoption...... wait.” Orange looks over the paper again before slapping her face with a hoof. She had read this wrong. Best Hunter didn't find out she made a mistake like this or she'd be in for a lecture about needing more sleep again. “Ugh I thought this was for... no this is fine. I'll have to let his little filly friend know if she shows up after they are moved. Also I want to do one last check on her before she's fully cleared. She's awake but her magic is still burned out.”

“Quite understandable miss. I was also to pass along the message from Princess Cadence herself that you and Sergeant Hunter were to bring the package by at your earliest convenience. I assume you know what the Princess means?”

Orange blinks, though she offers a small smile realizing they meant Rhynthia almost immediately. Seems some one with common sense was left. “Yes... yes I do....”

Several of the guards move down the hall of the building guided by Hunter to their destination.

Orange sighs. While it was good for her little brother and sister to be leaving the Hospital, particularly since they still needed the room, she was leery of letting them go. Supposedly they would be safer in the palace, but they were supposed to be safe in Canterlot Castle too and every pony knew how that had turned out.


[Crab Apple Farms, southern end of the Crystal Empire]

Fluttershy had no idea what she was supposed to do. Apple Blossom, Dandelion, Butterscotch, were all taking their nap, though the trio were almost of the age where they were no longer going to take their naps any more. The three foals she and Applejack had adopted had taken this whole situation as some sort of new adventure that might nab them their cutiemarks and were not the slightest bit worried about any of it.

Fluttershy was far less enthused.

They did have it a little better than many of the other refugees, not due to any royal connections which they both had refused, but due to Applejack having family here that they could stay with.

Thankfully Crab Apple and his wife Apple Dumpling had a fairly large farm that supplied food to the Crystal Empire. Also, thankfully despite seeming gruff Crab didn't live up to his name and had no issue with Fluttershy and Applejack being married unlike a few of the older members of the Apple family and he had moved all them with young foals into the main house, moving out to the barn himself. He had opened up a few of his storage sheds and barns for other family members who were refugees and allowed even non family members to set camps up in some parts of his fields.

Apple Jack was often at the palace helping out with what was going on there, along with Rainbow Dash, though they kept her informed of what was going on.

Of course none of it was good news.

Princess Celestia and Twilight were in some sort of coma. A lot of other ponies were in the same situation. Princess Luna was alive, though she was having issues controlling both the sun and the moon at once judging by how the day and night had been rather screwy over the last few days.

Jer'rahd supposedly was not Jer'rahd. Fluttershy had no idea what that meant and Rainbow Dash's elaboration was very confusing.

She was also worried about all the animals that she cared for that had been left behind in New Canterlot. She knew they could mostly take care of themselves but she still worried about them.

The worst thing though. The absolute worst thing ever, was that Lion Heart and Rarity were gone.....

The butter yellow mare's ears flatten to her head as she fights back a sniffle. She had been crying for days now about that. Her best friend ever was gone. They would never talk about fashion any more, they would never go to the spa again.....

Tears started trickling own her muzzle again as she fought back the sobs glancing down at the two bundles of black and white fluff nestled between her forelegs.

Wolf and Fox slumbered peacefully, not really old enough to understand what had happened to their parents. Fluttershy had been there when they uttered their first words. Wolf had called for his Momma, and Fox his daddy....

Two ponies that neither of them would ever see again. At least with Rarity and Lion Heart Fluttershy had known them for years. These two foals and Rhynthia would never know their birth parents. She couldn't cry for the time she had lost with her friends that would never happen, not when they had so many years together already. But she could cry for the time these foals would never have with their loved ones.


[The Crystal Palace, Nursery]

“Talia are you here?” the black scaled and white furred half dragon unicorn calls softly as she steps into the palace nursery pushing the door shut behind her with a soft click.

“Up here Elecktra. Stay off to the side. The little Crystal Princess is awake and she starts screaming if she sees one of us near her crib.” A red scaled and red furred half dragon drops down from the shadows above landing lightly near the door to the Royal bedroom at the side of the nursery.

“Did you build a loft up there?”

“There's a bit of a ledge all I did was expand it a bit and put a blanket some books and a couple of throw pillows up there.”

“Cozy. How are they all doing?” Electra states glancing at the row of five bassinets containing the foals of royalty and newborn gods. One was still empty, though Rhynthia would be in it before the day was out most likely.

“Well enough. Mrs. Sparkle came in earlier to feed them and put them down for a nap. I am a little wary that I have not seen the maid Locust at all today.” Talia mutters.” Nor Princess Luna.”

“You might not see Locust again. I just came from a meeting with Major Rose and Prince Armor. Seems 'Locust' is actually Chrysalis.” Elektra comments feeling the bristling of her companions form rather than see it, in the shadows.

“She's WHAT?!”

“Calm down...” Elektra placates.

“How the buck can I stay calm, we let her tend to Lady Rarity's foal... this is unacceptable!”

“It's fine. She didn't do anything and evidently Princess Cadence knew about it and was watching her. Shin is Chrysalis's son and the Princess was using that to keep her in check. Also she's evidently dying or something. Rose wasn't exactly clear on the details, you know how that old warhorse is. For now we are not to interfere if she shows up again unless she tries to run off with the foal or something.”

“She's a queen of lies and deception. There's no way we can trust anything she says.”

“Normally no, but she's not the queen any more. Which brings me to the second part of this conversation.” Elektra explains.

“There's more?” Talia mutters.”Do I want to know?”

“Yes, because there's been a bit of a change with Dawn's mother....”

“Princess Luna? What happened? I know she was out of sorts yesterday, but...” Talia responds.

“You might want to sit down for this....” Elecktra sighs.

“Oh crap.”


[Iceview Hotel, North side of the Crystal Empire]


Soarin ducks slightly as a orange and yellow shape buzzes over his head. The blue stallion calmly turns a page in the paper he was looking through before ducking his head slightly as the blur whips over his head again.

The paper was not all that interesting. Mostly news of where the refugees could find some shelter and who to contact to find out about missing loved ones. Local news was pushed aside to some of the back pages and the ads were all pulled out to make more room for the throng of obituaries and names of ponies that had succumbed to Tirek's power. Soarin dips his ears as hie wife whirls past again, her hooves ruffling his mane.

They had only just managed to get ready for their little vacation when all this madness had started. He had not even seen his wife in the bikini she had purchased. Possibly the most pathetic thing to be annoyed over given the situation, but it was something that bugged him. Perhaps it was better to dwell on the smaller things that were wrong that you had no control over, rather than let the large things you had no control over drive you mad.

Soarin ducks his head again as the blur whirls past.

Much like his wife was doing.

Spitfire was highly worried about their daughter Scootaloo, who was out there some where in Equss. To listen to Spitfire rant the young mare was lost, hurt, in danger, and dead all at once. Soarin had simply accepted the Princess's word that the CMC and Pip were alright. At the time it seemed that Spitfire had accepted it too.

It was not that he wasn't worried about his daughter, it's just that he tended to be the calmer one of the pair. This did have the unfortunate side effect of making ponies think he was dumb or didn't understand the situation. But those who knew him knew it was just hard to ruffle his feathers.

When looking at the Wonderbolts as a team, Spitfire always seemed cold, aloof, and in complete control of everything. She always had her game face on. Soarin always seemed to be the comic relief by comparison. Even his flying skill was some what of a joke compared to the others. He didn't have the maneuverability of the others, but he had the stamina of a earth pony and would still be good to fly when most pegasi would be hurting from strain or collapsed to sleep in a cloud. Several stunts were built on just how durable and strong he was. While those outside the team might question some one as slow as he was as part of the team, those in the team knew better.

His feelings were a little more complex than grin and bear it, but not by much. It just took an awful lot to ruffle his feathers.

By contrast nearly anything could set his wife off, she just hid away it until she was alone or with someone she trusted.

Right now Spitfire was flying circles in the hotel room they had in the Crystal Empire, ranting and panicking and flailing as she flew. While they didn't have any bits with them when they were yanked away from New Canterlot, the hotel owner had recognized them and offered the room provided they pay back their tab later.

Of course with his wife's antics they might have a bit higher of a bill, particularly if she managed to make any more dust devils like she had done earlier. Not the first time the Wonderbolts had trashed a hotel room, but possibly the least fun way to do so.

Several glasses of water sat on the table before him. Occasionally he would have to take one and splash it over a small fire his wife's sparking mane and tail had started as she fretted about their daughter.

To be honest this was getting old, but he wasn't about to try and calm her down until it was time to actually do something. Better to let his wife get all the panic and worry out of her system before they needed to fight.

Soarin knew that was coming. A battle was inevitable, too many had been hurt or killed to not bring the monster to justice. There was a burning anger in him that he was fighting to keep down because it had no direction for the moment, which made it pointless. He had family and friends in Cloudsdale. A LOT of family and friends. Far too many for him to maintain any illusion that they might have all gotten out before Tirek claimed it.

If they lived through this and destroyed the monster, it would be a long time before the sorrow Tirek had caused would fade.


Tirek growls shoving himself up out of the Tirek shaped impression that he had left in the ground. All around him lay bits and pieces of the formerly floating sky city.

Pulling himself out of the hole he cursed Luna's name as he shook off the dirt and debris from his fur. This little incident would set him back several weeks if not longer. At the very least it would make getting over the mountains to attack the Crystal Empire take much longer than he wanted. Also the mare had made a complete fool of him and that did not sit well with the monster at all.

He still had an army of himself, and quite a number of smarter versions of the witless clones to act as generals.

Perhaps it was time to utilize something other than the simple magic he had gathered from the ponies he fed on. Military training and tactics from a pony who gained his cutie mark in such. He was dealing with Luna so dredging up the skills and memories of the one closest to her would be fitting.

The empire was in a large basin between mountains. Despite it's location far to the north the seasons were the same as in a more temperate region, though during winter most of the passes into the basin became impassible. Even during the summer some of the higher passes could be blocked off. Even if they were not a well timed avalanche from some skilled demolitions work could send half the mountain down on any one looking to move a large force through them. There were two ways in that could avoid that tactic. One was a section between mountains far to the north that lead into the lands held by the Windigo and Caribou. He would need to visit there at some point, but not with Luna still on the loose, plus he would have to pass though the dragon lands along the east side of the mountain range and that would be even worse particularly with the gathering of dragons around the new Cindervale. He wasn't yet ready to deal with the dragons. While he could beat them he would be weakened to the point that another group might be able to finish him off. Also it would take months and he was not sure what water based clones would do in freezing weather.

That left one option.

Tirek grins as he turns looking back in the direction of New Canterlot. It was quite a distance away , but it was much closer than the other route to the Crystal Empire. The massive train tunnel that connected the Crystal Empire and New Canterlot was the way to go. A tunnel that cut the travel time of the trains running though it from three days to a few hours. A masterpiece of magical engineering crafted by Twilight Sparkle herself with the aid of Princess Celestia and the Guard Corp of Engineers. If that still functioned he could begin an attack on the Crystal Empire by tomorrow as opposed to the several months it would take him to force march his army north through passes that would be frozen over by the time he got to them.

It was one of the greatest strategic faux pas after all, to try attack the Crystal Empire or the Griffon lands in the Winter.

Tirek strides off shaking free the last of the dust and dirt from his fall. He lets out out a bellow that drew the attention of his army that stalled in the distance after witnessing the fall of Cloudsdale.

The army started moving again following the call turning around back towards New Canterlot and the rail tunnel that would lead him to his revenge against both Luna and the destruction of the place that accursed Crystal held so dear.


[ New Canterlot ]

The small white rabbit woke with a start at the sound of an owl wooing near by. Angel bunny glares at Owlowiscious though remains silent as the creature gives his report.

The monster had fallen from the sky, but was still moving and he was heading back towards New Canterlot.

Angel Bunny sighs. They still didn't have the power to fight him off. And now that they had close to a hundred bird pony young and numerous comatose adult bird ponies to take care of, they couldn't afford a battle.

Philomena had returned with the Caregiver's blessing to do anything that needed to be done to protect the foals. None of them would refuse her orders in this matter.

Gathering his Generals and informing them of the situation lead to a discussion that was over quickly. New Canterlot was no longer safe and they only had a day at best before the army would be back here.

They needed to move every pony to another location that would be safe.. And the thought of moving this many young bird ponies to the only place available did not sit well with any of them. They had to hope the Caregiver's influence extended that far in. There was only one place they could think of that Tirek would not look.

The Everfree forest.


[ Crystal Empire, Guard Mess Hall]

“I'm still not talking to you.”

“You're talking to me now... you asked me out to dinner in fact.”

“That doesn't mean I'm talking to you.”

“But you are talking to me....”

The other Guards in the chow hall shifted nervously as the circle logic argument between the armored mare and the one wearing ambassadorial robes that rattled when she shifted. Both were quite pretty, though both were clearly nuts.

Some of the older Guards recognized the lime green unicorn mare as Lyra Heartstrings, a former member of the six sixty sixth monster hunter division who was then promoted to Princess Cadence's personal body Guard after ten years beating back the worst the Everfree could throw at her. Supposedly she retired from the Guard after the Royal Wedding eleven years ago to pursue her musical talents. But now she was back in armor and the way she moved in it was like she had never spent any time outside it.

Very few of the Guards who came into the mess hall recognized the other mare, and the ones that did took their food and left to go eat somewhere else.

The cream colored earth pony mare didn't seem like much with her purple and pink curly hair, though her eyes were more telling. Her green eyes were unnerving to meet for very long. Special Agent Sweetie Drops was a legend in certain circles, a rather high ranking member of Ambassador Pelt's group. It was her information gathering that gave Canterlot the brief warning before the Changeling attack. She had been captured sending that information back, but she had escaped and taken down the entire hive on her own with a hoof full of other prisoners to do so. While she was not in time enough to finish her report for it to be relevant, the removal of the hive of Changelings lead to the discovery of the one Chrysalis was hiding in with the captive Jer'rahd Kaisur and the joint raid on it.

Then there was the incident with the Bugbear. That wasn't pretty no matter who you asked.

It was also rumored she had a hoof in the Noodle Incident, but no one knew for sure given how chaotic that situation was.

“So are you making it to dinner?” Lyra asks.

“Maybe, I've got a number of reports to rifle through for the Princess. I'll try to be back at the bunks before it gets too late at the very least, but the Princesses don't seem to sleep.” Bon Bon admits.

“Well it is Princess Luna and her team. It's a small wonder they are all active at night.”

The semi normal conversation went on for a few more sentences before Lyra remembered she wasn't supposed to be talking to Bon Bon and the not having conversation loop circled around again.


[ Crystal Empire, Main Balcony

“Are you still pouting?”

Brier Rose glances up and back to see the faintly graying muzzle of the the black and white striped mare he had recently taken a interest in. Moskau had been quite busy getting the six sixty sixth set to deal with Tirek. She was also taking over the duties of Nicker Fury after his death and doing everything to coordinate the Royal Guard with the Crystal Guard to ensure everything went smoothly between the two branches. Rose was rather surprised she had come out to the balcony to see him. Likely she had already heard the explanation of what was going on. Shining and the others had gotten some Guards to go look for Bleu, Starfall, and Luna. Rose had simply wandered off to mull over everything.

“It ain't pouting. Just thinking on some things. Not real happy tah find out ah might be related tah tha monster that destroyed so many lives.”

“I suspect you now know how your great grand foal feels.”

“What Kaisur... Pfft. Colt did a lot of that to himself.”

“Still gifen how long it haz been. I am quite sure your blood hass been diluted enough dhat her taint is minor if it was evfen dhere. Dhat connection is also from a time before her corruption.” Moskau smirks moving up to lean against Rose's side.

Rose tenses a little before relaxing. They had been seeing each other long enough that they were a bit past the awkward make out sessions in the broom closets. Although that tended to be fun, even more fun if they were caught by a Guard, because no pony would ever believe what he had seen. And it was implied the Guard would not have a very nice life if he did say anything. Still given his state of mind he was reluctant to let her touch him, even though he knew she was far from some pure snowflake herself.

“You are being ridiculous you know. Who you are related to in dhe distant past means nothing of vhat you have done and who you are. Being related to a monster does not make you vun.”

“Are you taking lessons from that fat flanked white git about reading daydreams? Cause that was pretty much word fer word mai own thoughts.”

“No I am just gitting goot at reading you.” Moskau chuckles. “Ve vill have quite a bit of trouble coming our vay very soon. You vill need your focus.”

“Yeah , ah know. S'why ah'm getting the moping outta mai system now.”

“Vell now dhat dhat is settled ah am going to bed.”

“What? It's barely midday.” Rose glances back as she pulls away, his eyes drawn to her short swishing tail over that far too firm flank of hers.

“Ah am aware of dhat, but dhere is time to kill and I dhink a bit of down time is needed by us both.” Moskau grins glaring back, her tone changing to the pitch she used to bark orders. “ You ''VILL' be joining me won't you.”

Rose grins at the 'not a question' before turning to follow her inside.

“Yes ma'am”


[ Crystal Empire war room]

Cadence steps into the large room looking over at the massive circular table that Shining and several Guards stood around. Shining was pointing out a few places to check for some Guards before they saluted and ran off to hunt for Princess Luna.

“They were last seen near the gym. Go there first!” Shining calls after them before turning to Cadence his frown deepening. He meet her gaze for a moment before turning and heading for the exit of the room after the Guards.

“Shining wait.” Cadence calls.”

The stallion pauses a moment but he doesn't look back to his wife.

“Look you heard what she said.....”

“And I heard what you said. I will admit I missed it. I was too busy training and making sure the rest of the Changelings were not being hunted down and killed. I followed Princess Celestia and your suggestions in that. That I missed one changeling that you yourself agreed to allow in the palace despite my protests at the time was a mistake on my part. I will admit that particularly since you saw fit to to throw it in my face. “ Shinning snaps. “ I should have gone with my gut feeling and destroyed all of them that were not in comas. Pity I was too dense to follow that feeling hmm?”

“She wasn't always like she is...”

“Neither were Kaisur and Luna and we both know that every eye on Equss has been locked on them since they returned. One slip up or one return to form from either of them and they would have been destroyed. It was only after the War of Gods that the scrutiny eased a little, but they are still being watched. Also unlike Chrysalis both of them spent a thousand years locked away for their crimes.”

“She spent longer than that in Tartarus.”

“And unlike them, she came out worse than when she went in. She trapped you in a cavern and left you to die and was using me like a puppet to fuel her invasion. She had plans to drain me to death or turn me into one of her bugs. Sorry if I am having a great deal of issue with the fact you let her watch our daughter.” Shining snaps.

“She has her own foal. She isn't a bad mother......”

“Neither is a maticore. That doesn't mean I want one in the same room as Glimmer. I agreed to take care of Shin because his parents were both dead and I was one of the ones who ended his fathers life.”

“You also swore to protect the Changelings to Sombra.”

“Which is why I didn't finish what you started. Given how you reacted to her when Luna stepped out of that pod you are being rather hypocritical of my ire where she is concerned.”


“Enough. I don't want to talk about this any more. We are going to have a long talk about why my wife withheld something this vital from me at some point. Until then I have far too much to do to dwell on it. Tirek is still coming here and I want to know what Luna knows, and what her plans are. Equss already has too many monsters in it. I want to know why she thought becoming another one was a good idea.”

Shining turns back not sparing another glance to his wife before pulling on his Guard helmet and striding out the door to join in the hunt for Luna leaving Cadence alone.


[ Crab Apple Farms ]

“This is seriously messed up.” Dash mutters, draped over the back of Big Mac as he drags a plow behind him, helping ready his cousin ready the field for the late harvest planting.

Applejack was working with the others in the orchard. Crab Apple had more than enough help with the current crop, but he had decided to plant a late harvest as well to try and help out with the possible food shortages that might occur if this Tirek mess was not dealt with soon. Mac found it hard to believe that summer was just starting. The weather this far north felt much closer to fall than the dog days they would be having further south. He was a little worried about the trees back in Sweet Apple Acres, though he expected they could handle a few weeks without supervision during the growing period. The green house would be a mess however. He hadn't set up a sprinkler system yet so everything inside would dry out if he didn't water it personally.

“Eeyup.” Mac agrees with Dash. She was a comfortable weight on his back, though he could tell she had put on a few pounds, he was immensely proud of the reason for that extra weight.

“I have no idea how you can remain so calm. We're all forced out of our home, there's a cutie mark eating monster hunting us and our remaining Princess has gone off the deep end.” Rainbow Dash rambles.


“So how do you do it. Applebloom's missing, everything's all messed up and you're just calmly plowing a field. Even Applejack is frazzled. She knocked over that one tree trying to buck it. “

Big Mac mused a moment, remaining silent save for the rasp of the plow through the soil. Dash used to get annoyed by his pauses when she asked a question, though over time she had learned that he was mulling over his words carefully. Something she generally didn't do. Oddly this meant she often went quiet when he did so as not to interrupt his thoughts. Something he had taken advantage of once or twice in the past when she was particularly noisy. He loved her dearly, but she had a mouth on her that didn't stop sometimes.

“Ah ain't calm. Ah'm focused. Ah can't do nothing about tha situation so ah tune it out tah not fret over it. Then ah focus on what ah can do and ah do it. Right now ah'm plowing this field.”

“Not as profound or useful to me as I would like, but it suits you.” Dash mutters sliding her fore hooves around his neck hugging him as she lay on his back.

Big Mac nearly stumbled at that. While his wife was very affectionate in private, she wasn't at all while in public and on the occasions she was affectionate in public she went over board with it, nothing ever as simple as this tight hug she was giving him now.

“I'm glad you have focus cause all I can see right now are ways everything can go wrong. One of my best friends is dead and the one I usual go to for answers won't wake up. “ Dash mutters in his mane. “It wasn't this bad during the war. I've got no idea what I'm supposed to do. I don't even have a place to start. I just wish some one would tell me who to kick or where to fly. Just so I have something to do.”

Mac does stop at that. Even rarer than an affectionate Dash was a worried one. He turns his head looking back at her the best he can dipping his head to nuzzle lightly against her foreleg.

“It'll be okay. We ain't beat yet and one ah tha smart ponies 'll have a plan soon.”

“I hope you're right.”


[ Guard ready room]

“Huh. Rather upset I missed that story. It explains a few things.” Peach Blossom comments.

“No kidding. Luna finally explained what happened and what Chrysalis was telling the others after that dream walk of hers.” Starfall grins a little at that. “ That sort of trick still sounds like something Jer'rahd or Rhede would suggest.

“ Well Luna is a master strategist as well. How's Kaisur's body holding up any way?” Peach Blossom comments as he looks down at the map on the war table looking over the possible route Tirek could take to the Empire. There was a very large circle around Twilight's train tunnel. It was a very easily defensible position on this side, but if Tirek was utilizing Major Kaisur's talents he would know about it and have a way to push past any defenses. The trick would be to find a counter for anything Tirek could come up with.

“Not too well. It's particularly creepy because it looks like a small dragon is wearing a Jer'rahd suit and trying to act like a pony. The joints don't shift right and I think he's elongating. Also to hear Troph's booming voice come out of Jer'rahd's body again is creepy as buck. Only a bit creepier than Luna is now.”

“Well that's a disturbing mental image. Where are they now? Shining Armor was looking for them.

“Still in the sauna. I already let a Guard know and I expect Shining will find his way there. Bleu went to find Spike, Troph wants to have a word with the dragons.” Starfall sighs.

“I would love to see that. Pity that Shining wants any Guard with a cutie mark on defense not offense. He's planning to let the Princess do her thing whatever that is. He's putting a lot of trust in her. Some what a surprise given the situation.”

“You mean that she's the new bug queen?”


“It is a bit drastic, but she's done wild things before in pursuit of what she thought was right. We all have. I just hope this time it doesn't backfire like last time.” Starfall mutters.


[Crystal Empire Music hall]

The music bursts to life with a steady drum and symbol beat before the synthesizer kicks in. It continues a few more beats before a quick drum tempo announces the bass and guitar cutting in with a flourish. Another few beats pass and a chorus begins a low wordless accompaniment to the temp.

“Raise the drums up just a bit .”

The music increases a little in the small theater, a number of young ponies were bowed over their instruments, adding to the music. The piece was only meant to be played by a small band , but the small orchestra was doing a decent job with it. At this point was normally when a singer was added, but for the moment the bigger chore was getting everyone to maintain an even tempo and get the instruments to compliment each other.

There were a good twenty or thirty young musicians from the Platinum school and a few from the Empire's music program here at the moment to practice. Many were from Bleu Scale's planned performance for the end of the school year so it made picking the songs to practice that much easier. Behind her a wild blue maned white unicorn hopped around a sound board moving dials and gesturing to a brown earth pony to hit certain adjustments out of her reach.

Button Mash was practically a natural on the sound board and Vinyl barely had to tell him anything. As the music continued he had even raised the singers mic on reflex at the correct point, though he had left it muted in this case. Still she could see him mouthing the words to the song, likely hearing Sweetiebelle sing it in his head. He was hiding how worried about her he really was. The crush was adorable and she wondered if others said the same about her own relation ship with Jacob. Likely not with that goddess awful Blood Moon stage persona of his, but the foals seemed to like the costume. She preferred the shy pegasus he was normally as opposed to the loud mouth fake alicorn he presented to the world as the lead of Pontera. She wished she had some word back from him, but communication was rather rough with any place outside the Empire, even to a major city like Phillydelphia.

Octavia was doing her best to stay focused on the students before her. Most of them had been quite shocked to learn that despite of everything going on, classes would still be held. It was something that she had discussed with Bleu Scale. In trying times such as this routine was often the best thing to calm everyone down. Octavia had given the students a bit of a speech about that very thing, suggesting that if they were able, playing for the refugees in a small impromptu concert might soothe some frayed nerves, though first they needed to practice what they had planned to play for graduation. With the groups lead singer missing it would be hard, though there was a back up singer, she had been one of the ones too busy to make it to practice. Still even soly instrumental would do, also Button claimed to have some recordings of Sweetiebelle he could splice in if need be.

The hall they practiced in was being used as a shelter for refugees, though none of them seemed to mind the intrusion into their make shift home for the practice. Many were still there, clustered around the edges of the room listening to the students play. It was their presence that made the students try their best. Others watching them, even if they had no judge of what was being played, often spurred a team to give it their all to be the best they could. Particularly if the audience was nothing but strangers.

“Posh, your drum beats are a fraction out of sync. Pause for a beat or two and match back up with Gardiana's.“ Octavia calls out, the pegasus in question having already corrected herself by the time Octavia was done speaking.

Vinyl rather enjoyed poking fun of Octavia. Where Bleu was all loud and argumentative and quite scary when she wanted something done a particular way, Vinyl swore that Octavia's tone was more like a disappointed maternal figure. While some students intentionally would mess something up just to see Bleu lose it, no one wanted to disappoint Octavia.

In all honesty the gray earth pony was not certain she liked the idea of being thought of as old enough to be motherly feeling to the students, which Vinyl claimed made it even funnier.


[ Empire Hospital ]

Diamond Tiara sighed softly as she walked into the Hospital again.

It had been a busy few days. She had found her father and spoken with him. He was thrilled she was alright, particularly after finding out she had been at the castle when it was attacked. Still he could only fawn over her for so long before he was called else where.

A number of the business ponies and some nobles were pooling resources to do something about keeping the supply of food and materials coming to help the refugees. Most of them ignoring the fact they were refugees themselves. There were trade deals being struck and product reimbursement being discussed in meetings of merchants all over the Empire. The goal was to make sure that once the danger was over the Crystal Empire would be paid back for all the aid it was giving. The idea was this might make some of the local business ponies refrain from holding any of their stock back and donate it. There was also a meeting with the Princess being discussed to attempt to work out a tax break for those that helped the most over a certain percentage. The idea was to make it an attractive enough offer that would also turn a profit for the merchants.

Most of the dealings had her father right in the middle of them. Every pony knew the name Filthy Rich and he was making sure that counted for something. He had wanted her to stay at the apartment over the local branch of his store chain, but she had left and returned to the hospital the moment he was other wise occupied.

She had first made sure that Silver Spoon and her family were alright. She didn't hang around with her old friend as often as she used to, but it didn't mean she didn't care. Spoon and her family had avoided any sort of injury or even an encounter with the monster. After talking with her a few hours Tiara left quietly as Silver Spoon was going to check on some of her other friends. Ones that were not exactly happy with Diamond Tiara even after all this time.

Still, she knew rather deserved to be ostracized with how much damage she had caused when she was younger. Granted she was still standoffish and aloof, though mostly she just wanted to be done with school and to head to a college somewhere outside of New Canterlot where no pony knew her so she could start over. The Crystal Empire had a interesting business college, as did Baltimare.

While she no longer bullied any one directly, at the very least most thought her as stuck up and aloof. She wasn't trying to make friends , she just wanted to be done with the nonsense and drama that was high school. She had realized she wasn't a perfect filly by any standard, but she was trying. She just didn't know of any other way to deal with ponies except to be condescending. That still some times came out when she talked to Brush and others but she tried to subdue it. She had spent every moment she could out here with Brush and his sister, he hadn't left his sisters side since they got there.

She had become a familiar enough sight at the hospital that the Guards posted there only gave her a cursory check over now, rather than the full magical scan that most got. Still given she was going to see the foals of the Princess security needed to be tight, even more so than it had been at the castle.

Still the sight of the two Guards posted out side the room gave her a brief pause. She wasn't stopped as she went to knock on the door, though she could feel the soldiers eyes on her as if she was a possible threat. It was infuriating given how often she came here, but then again she didn't recognize either of them either so perhaps they were new.

“Come in” A strangely pitched voice sounded, as if the speaker was unfamiliar with talking.

Diamond Tiara sighs pushing open the door. Ice Berry was the only one in the room. The filly was sitting in a wheel chair clearly annoyed that she was supposed to just sit and regain her energy. Something that didn't sit well with the fairly active unicorn at all.

“Oh it's you. Brush stepped out with Orange to get a once over before she cleared us to be moved to the palace.” Berry shrugs waving a hoof for the pink mare to close the door behind her. “He should be back shortly if you want to wait.”

“Oh..thank you.” Tiara mutters pushing the door shut.

“You're welcome. I'm sure Brush would enjoy you walking with us. I figure it would show the Guards at the Palace you were welcome there as well.” Ice Berry smiles.

Diamond Tiara nods. For a filly who never said anything for years, the fourteen year old Ice Berry was talkative as a bored parrot now. There was a brief pause as she caught her breath, still not used to talking.

Diamond Tiara enjoyed the brief moment of silence. She was still leery of the little unicorn. She knew she needed to apologize at some point for the past torment she had inflicted on the former mute, though because she teased Berry was why she was nearly killed by Applebloom. She wasn't sure how to broach the subject.

“He likes you, you know. He doesn't talk about how he feels most of the time. Tries to suppress his emotions. His way of coping, I can tell though. He might get over that block at some point but he'll need help. You might be able to do that for him.”

Tiara looks up at Berry blinking, the little mare smiles a bit wider as she regards the pink earth pony.

“Really?” Diamond Tiara stammers. She had a idea he might, but Brush was withdrawn enough it was hard to tell. She could feel her cheeks getting hot and she shifted her head a little to let her purple and white mane fall over her face a little to hide it.

“Yep.” Berry agrees before her tone darkens noticeably. “I, however, don't like you at all.”

“Yes..... well I can understand that......” Tiara mutters, turning her gaze from the filly in the wheel chair.

“Good. Because I don't like you, I have no issue saying this. It's not mom you need to watch out for if you hurt him.” Berry continues.”I will have no issues picking you apart like I did that monster in the castle. I also have no political limitations like my mom and my dad do. I will make you wish Applebloom had finished you off. Are we clear?”

“Crystal..” Diamond Tiara stammers trying to quell her fear and the desire to try to argue that the filly was wrong about her. In this instance she could almost swear Ice Berry really was blood related to the one known as the Demon of Dullahan and the Goddess of War. Diamond Tiara wouldn't intentionally hurt Brush, she just had to prove that she wouldn't. Diamond Tiara remained silent opting not to argue. Simply doing her best not to hurt Brush would prove her point to, and Brush wouldn't suddenly return to see her arguing with his little sister about him

As if summoned by thinking his name, the door opens behind Diamond allowing Brush to enter. A orangish cream colored unicorn mare with a silver mane in a doctor's uniform, that Diamond recognized as Orange Danish, and a green furred Guard with a broken fore leg wrapped in a cast moved in behind him, though the Guard stayed at the door. The mood of the room changed drastically to one of untold menace to one of cheerful joy in a eye blink.

“Oh Diamond. I didn't realize you would be here. They're moving us to the palace today. “ Brush says flatly. “That should be nice. We haven't had much a chance to see Dawn since we got here or speak with mother or father. You're welcome to join us though.”

“Oh..umm thank you.” Diamond comments softly.

Brush nods moving over to help his sister steady herself in the wheel chair before checking over everything and pushing her out the door to where more Guards waited. Diamond Tiara was about to follow when a hoof blocked her path.

The pink mare looks up to the half scared face of the eldest of the Princesses adopted foals.

“I've noticed that you and Brush are hitting it off fairly well. Since Berry started talking she's mentioned it to me a few times. I've got no real issue with it, I think it's rather cute, but he's not had a easy life. So if this turns out to be a ploy to elevate your social standing, or some sort of game to you and he's hurt by it, well..... As a doctor I can assure you your organs at least wouldn't go to waste. Plenty of ponies who need a transplant and no one ever looks too closely at who the previous owner of them was.” Orange says in a tone that she usually reserved for problem patients... or Jer'rahd, same thing there really.

The tall mare heads out the door as well leaving the pink earth pony staring after her in disbelief.

“Is every member of this family going to threaten me with bodily harm for doing something I wouldn't do anyway?!?!” Diamond Tiara hisses to herself.

“Welcome to the joys of trying to date some one in the royal family. Over protective doesn't even begin to describe their parents.” Hunter comments overhearing the young mare's growling. “Look on the bright side at least you haven't been thrown through a wall by one of them yet.”

“No I haven't, the wall was too thick for me to go all the way through when the desk hit me.” Diamond Tiara deadpans.

“Owch.” Hunter flinches following after the pink filly as she heads out after Brush.


[Jasper Square park, Crystal Empire]

“Thank you thank you. The next show is tomorrow if we're able. Next up, the Great and Powerful Trixie!! along with her almost as powerful, but twice as great colt, Magical Trevor! Cause everyone loves magical Trevor, the Tricks that he does are ever so clever!“ Pinkie Pie yells from the top of a group of crates piled up to mimic a stage. A number of hooves clack and there were some cheers from the foals and the parents in the audience. Pinkie Pie grinned taking another bow before bounding off stage and ducking behind some curtains that were strung between a few trees making a sort of temporary dressing room for the performers.

“Another lovely show as always Pinkie.” Discord chuckles tossing a white Rhinestone cloak over Pinkie's shoulders as she enters the room.

“It's just some stand up. Ribald jokes and fart noises with puns and some short stories to keep ponies distracted from what's going on. Trixie and the Platinum School are doing a lot more than me. Why don't you get up there? I'm sure you'd have them in stitches.”

“Now now Pinkie, you know I swore off stand up after your sister burned me down.” Discord sighs flopping down into a chair.

“Awwww did my big sister hurt your feelings. Don't worry Dissy, you'll always be my most basic of jokes.” Pinkie laughs as she hugs the Draconequus. “Not helping. “ Discord pouts though the mares smile was clearly infectious.

“Aww. Whats wrong?” Pinkie asks. “Usually you have some kind of comeback for that.”

“I'm getting bothered by ponies again.”

“Huh. Oh about just snapping your fingers and fixing everything? I get the same thing from a few of them about my Pinkie sense and why I didn't warn any one about Tirek. I don't think I have a Pinkie sense about evil god eaters from the past. Not like any of it's been working right for a while any way.”

“Yes that's it exactly. No one seems to listen when I tell them I can't.” Discord sighs falling his arms until Pinkie hops up into his lap. “Some of them even got it into their heads that I couldn't save every one because it isn't funny. So they have been coming up with ridiculous stories of how I could save everything that would still be funny. They don't seem to get I barely have a fraction of the powers I used to.”

“Why don't you just tell them?” Pinkie asks, laying against Discord's chest the white cape draped over them both in the chair. “I said you could.”

“Because I don't want any pony to think I've got some sort of spell placed over you. They might try to break it and we both know what will happen then.” Discord pouts.

“Yeah I know. Though you do kinda have a spell on me... though it's not really castable.... Well maybe it is. I'll have to ask Twilight.”

“Hmmm? What's that?” Discord asks his eyes widening as the pink mare leans up and kisses him softly nuzzling against him. “Oh..., well....., I'll take the blame for that.”


[Jasper Park, eastern side far away from the stage.]

“So the Jade Scroll gave you the same story Chryssy told us.” Bleu ponders.

“More or less. It's story was more along the lines of how easy it was to destroy idiot ponies and creatures with some monsters he slapped together with a body he stole. They destroyed the body so he had to find another one, but still he thought it a success.” Spike sighs. “After all that I just decided to see if there was a book about Queen Crystal and I got this thing. It was written by Starswirl the Bearded or carved or whatever.”

Spike holds up a book that seemed to be carved entirely out of pink and blue crystal. He pulls it away before Bleu decides to try and eat it, but the blue dragon seemed strangely subdued and didn't even make a grab for it. The pair of them were sitting at the base of the Crystal palace near the small landing field at the edge of the park. A few Guards were milling around and most of the field had been taken up by tents and small structures to house the refugees from New Canterlot and Gallopagos. Despite the mass of ponies about they all gave the two dragons a wide berth.

“So it's taken bodies before. Other gods with your power I assume?” Bleu questions.

“I asked about that. Seems not all of them were gods the first ones were users of a spell that mimicked the ability I have. I wonder if that means that a powerful enough spell might one day become the power a god has at his disposal. That is rather terrifying when one thinks on it. Calling a book uses about as much energy as a simple glow spell. If there was a creature out there with something destructive they likely could destroy great swaths of Equss without breaking a sweat.”

“There have been in the past. Forgescale had immense amounts of power and control over fire. If he had been in his right mind when he woke up Boss would have gotten destroyed along with the rest of Equestria.” Bleu sighs. “Onyx Scale had some sort of mental control over a large portion of his soldiers and he had managed to enthrall a number of pony mares as well. Thankfully that didn't work on Luna, but it was a nasty power. Then there was that Diamond Dog pup Boss killed who could call the stars from the sky. We've been watching to that one to pop up again.”

“Even the lesser ones make one consider. Jef'ray had a power over plants. One he weaponized by keeping his fur moldy...”

“No he didn't keep his fur moldy for that. Orcs just had no concept of hygiene, and all of them were disgusting. Something their little piggy ancestors seemed to have kept up.” Bleu snorts.

“That was forced evolution however. Equestria continuously destroyed the warlike ones utterly every time they popped up after the War of Night and eventually the pink more peaceable ones became dominate. Granted Luna and you Beasts didn't leave many Orcs left to watch for.”

“There were still a few wild tribes out there. I think the only full genocide we did was against the Shadow Walkers.” Bleu admits.

“No there are still some of them out there. They are rare and they call them selves the Gi'Raf now. A few studies of them have shown they are not far off from how the zebra were a thousand years ago in terms of societal advancement. Seems the ones calling themselves Shadow Walkers were the dominate members of the race and kept all the others isolated and secluded from the world. After Velkorn destroyed that enclave of them there were not enough of the casters left to hold dominion over the others and a quick bloody coup ended the Shadow Walkers reign fully. They remained hidden for a long while and no one is sure where exactly the originated from but over the past few hundred years they have been moving out onto the zebra plains for trade and negotiations of territory. They clearly accept other races as there are quiet a few that have mated with the zebra and produced another half race calling itself the Okapi.”

“Advanced like the zebra's were a thousand years ago? Living fossils it seems. Kinda like the rest of us ...” Bleu sighs.

“You're adapting better than the others to the new age.” Spike smirks

“Yeah well I still catch myself from time to time on stuff. Enough about history. What are we gonna do?” Bleu shakes her head.


“What do you mean about? You know as well as I do that if the dragons don't help there's going to be a lot of ponies who die here. Tirek is on his way. And once he's done with us the dragons are next. No one can stand alone on this.”

“Didn't Troph say he had an idea?”

“It was more of a dismissal that the dragons were even refusing at all. I'm not sure he has a plan or he just doesn't care. It's not just the fact that he's screwing with Boss's body that unnerves me about that guy.”

“Odd. “


“I'm not unnerved by him, just a little leery. Like he's a disproving father figure who knows you can do better.”

“Like I said. Unnerving. “ Bleu grumbles.


[ Crystal Guard Gymnasium, Steam Room]

>“So that is the plan?”<

“You do not think it will work?”

>”It is hard to say if it will work or not. You are putting far more weight on your self and that of your new race than you should be.”< Troph grumbles laying down in the steam room partially curled around himself, the long serpentine tail that had replaced Jer'rahd's short amber colored tail was draped around him. Luna was rather leery as a ponies body was not supposed to move the way Troph was moving Jer'rahd's.

“The Changelings need to prove that they are not monsters. I don't plan to use the ones who are awake. The ones in the coma's are already considered dead by most of Equss. Who they were doesn't matter at this point. I need them to be soldiers. Tirek cannot take their power and even if he simply kills them that is using energy that he can no longer use to kill some one else.” Luna explains.

>“I do not agree with the use of fodder.”<

“They are not fodder. They will be going into battle with every bit of knowledge about war and fighting that I have and that the hive mind has collected. They are going to be the most highly knowledgeable soldiers that ever existed.”

>”Mentally. Not physically. There is no way any could match your spell casting, or your skill and durability if they have not trained for it.”<

“Physicality is fluid for a changeling. As for power they have all been soaking up the energy of the Crystal Heart for nearly ten years now in some cases while barely stirring or moving anything. Their energy reserves are likely to be painfully swollen when they rise. There is also the Armory of Slate Quake to consider. Hammer maintained it. Crystal and Solomon added to it. The Changelings might not be able to use all of it themselves, but everyone else will. The Crystal Empire will be very well protected.”

>”You sound as if you are trying to convince yourself as well.”<

“Tirek was beaten last time by the Element's of Harmony. Not force. If I attack we will kill him and we will lose every one that he has claimed for good.”

>”The Element's will function without a direct connection to me or Grace. They have before.”<

“That is not the issue. The issue is that we do not have a complete set of Element Bearer's. We have three Laughters, One Loyalty, One Magic, Two Honestys, One Compassion and, no Generositys.”

>” Time to find a new group then. It is an hour of need sort of thing that generally draws the Bearer's together.”<

“That is another issue. Tia claimed before she could sense other bearers. It was something Avianna taught her. I do not have that ability Tirek does. He may have already gone after the new Bearers and removed them.”

>“It is possible. I only feel two of them connected to me. The brash pegasus and likely the body I inhabit given that the second one is so vague. I cannot tell about the other Element's though you should be able to ask them yourself.”<

“Why don't you go to her body for a while. Rainbow Dash is still herself so you won't warp her form if you inhabit it.”

>” Do you really think she would go through the ritual with the books that you went through. Better still why would you allow her too? You know as well as I do that my host would find the idea reprehensible. Besides without her Bearer of Magic if she lost control you would need to kill her to stop her.”<

“Fine... it was not something I had thought much on. I just want Jer'rahd back.” Luna sighs.

>”And I wish my Grace returned. We both have our desires, but we both also have our duty. It is hard to say which will win out in the end.”<

“That is always the way of it.” Luna sighs. “ If I need to let Jer'rahd go finally to ensure that Dawn and the rest of our foals have a future I shall, but I doubt I will stay with this world long after that.”

Author's Note:

Title is Bad Moon Rising, by CCR initially but i like the Mourning Rituals version better.