• Published 14th Jun 2013
  • 3,147 Views, 593 Comments

Stories in Stone, Lost Empire - TDR

The teenage CMC go on an adventure to find the reason for Applebloom's nightmares. 3rd book in the SiS saga.

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Scaretale [36]

Stories in Stone
Lost Empire


[Whitetail Woods 1500 hours Wednesday.]

“Hurry up Sweetiebelle they can't be that far behind us.” Pip shouts to the lagging unicorn as the group darts through the underbrush. Daring Doo and Scootaloo were on either side of him with Applebloom in the lead and Sweetiebelle behind. The orange pegasus had decided to stay on the ground so her bright wings wouldn't attract attention. Of course Sweetiebelle's whining would likely draw more attention that her friends flaming wings.

“I'm a singer not a runner....” Sweetiebelle pants. “ Gah all this physical exertion is gonna really screw up my mane.... I don't even have a mane band.”

“And falling into an underground lake, playing with explosives. Running for our lives, and running out of a burning building or three didn't do that already?” Applebloom snorts her ears flattening to her head.

“Of course it did, but I had time to fix it after all that.” Sweetiebelle comments.

“When?!” Pip asks rather confused now. He glanced back at the mare and notes that despite the dust and soot on the rest of her, her mane and tail were nearly as perfectly curly and clean as they always were when they were in civilization.

“When we stopped to make sure that odd smoke in the hut didn't do anything to Applebloom.” Sweetiebelle states matter of factly.

“We stopped for twenty seconds tops, how the heck did you fix your mane in that amount of time?” Daring Doo demands in disbelief of the demure dames deed.

“It was plenty of time.” Sweetie says. “I mean I didn't get the second conditioning I wanted, but I can't ask for everything.”

“This crap is so going in my next book.” Daring Doo mutters.

“I told all of you before, don't question how Sweetiebelle does things. She's like Pinkie Pie sometimes in 'it's better to just smile and nod'.” Scootaloo grumbles. “She's only gotten worse as she's gotten older. The stories I could tell from high school.”

Pip looks over at Scootaloo who's short mane and tail also seemed freshly cleaned.

“Your hair......” Pip stammers nearly tripping over a root as he stares at Scootaloo who tries to hide a blush at the look.

“It's why I didn't have time for a second conditioning. Scootaloo is never going to attract any cute colts if she looks like she just crawled out of a cave.” Sweetiebelle states.

“I told you to shut up about that Belle!” Scootaloo curses turning even more red.

“Oh that's right , you probably like mares.” Sweetiebelle corrects.

“Seriously can we leave her behind as a distraction for the Elk?” Scootaloo curses.


[ Crystal Empire 1500 hours.]


The yellow pegasus turns as an odd sort of half dragon creature rushed towards her. Fluttershy knew who it was, and Grace could feel his approach.

>”Troph.”< The skull under the pink mane smirked.

The half dragon rushed up attempting to kiss the mare only for a yellow hoof to press against his face instead.

“Umm I'm sorry, you're very nice and all, and while I do like you and all, I'm already married... And I think you are too... or maybe that was annulled, but you were going to get married.” Fluttershy stammers.

>“What?”<Troph stammers around the hoof.

>” The Bearer of Kindness is acting as a temporary conduit for my presence. Though I am not in any sort of control unless she allows.”< Grace states.

>”But you are still alive.....?”< Troph asks.

>”No... not really. Unlike you I do not have a body any more outside of my Element. Though in truth you do not either save for what inhabits that stallion, and that is not you, just a connection to what you were. There is no longer a form of the Ferrymare to take, nor of the cobalt colored dragon you were. It was destroyed along with the path to Tartarus from this world. Again I am little more than a faded presence in my Element again.”<

>” Grace......”< Troph growls lightly.

>”Don't give me that you lump. We have had far more time together than we should have and it is not as if we are gone. “< Flutter- Grace smiles. >” I can feel the presence of the others, for the first time since we were parted from them so long ago. This is no longer our world love. It was long past time we returned to our friends.”<

>”But......”< Troph sighs lowering his head a little. >“How...... I am still bound to this one...”<

> No you are not. You are inhabiting that one because of your former connection and what you left inside him. If he wears his Element again, you can leave through that to join us as you did in Tartarus.”<

>” We will be dead again......”<

>” We have been dead a long time love. But that has not stopped us in the slightest has it?”< Grace smirks resting a hoof on Troph's cheek watching the half draconic creature turn a bit red.

“Um could you please not do that, or think such things, you're embarrassing me.” Fluttershy adds.

Grace sighs looking up at the storm she had created over head and the gorgeing dragonflies soaring through it. She exhales softly the rain plastering the pink hair over the skill like visage.

>” I will be here for some time yet, you however need to go.”< Grace states.

>” Go? Go where?”<

>” Take the dragon you rode in on and go to the beasts prison. You will need to be there when this is all over. I can see what is going to happen and you cannot be here. Ask the brash rainbow hued one for Element before you leave. It will be needed.”<

>” But.....”<

>“ We will meet again soon love. After nothing can keep us apart, and everything that has tried has met with a terrible fate hasn't it?”< Grace smirks >” I shall endeavor to make the wait very worth it.”<

“Umm That's a bit too much information for me again. Please think of bunnys and little chickens.... or something else.....” Fluttershy squeaks.


[Crystal Empire, Bridge of the Storm Cloud, 1500 hours. ]

“Everything's reading green Sir, steams at full power, and the engines are hot.” a changeling calls back up to Breezy as the pegasus moves behind the wheel of the ship.

Like nautical ships the Griffon made aircraft seemed like little more than slightly longer and thinner ships suspended under a large bag full of lighter than air clouds and specialized gases. Cannon ports covered each side and the rear, the deck itself deck was prepped with catapults and balista with a large area on either side for Griffons and other flying creatures to take off and land. Another set of balista were on top of the balloon by the crows nests on either end of the gas bag. The balloon itself was triple layered and if all three layers were removed the ship could still be glided down to the ground with an emergency sail that could be deployed.

The front of the ship was a reinforced steel structure, much like one would find on the front of a train, or an icebreaker ship. While the bridge was in the middle of the ship and highly protected several crystals were enchanted to show the view from all sides of the ship along the walls of the bridge., and viewing ports to the outside like periscopes could be used if the magic was blocked or dulled, though the visibility was much poorer.

Four helm stations were along the walls and two more in the rear of the bridge on either side of the heavy doors . The rear stations were for weapons monitoring and communication. The captains chair was in the middle of the bridge, right behind the massive console with the ships wheel that controlled the craft. The one in the Storm Cloud had been modified to allow for a pegasus Captain rather than the usual Griffon made controls.

The engines themselves were more Griffon masterwork, making use of super heated boilers to power the turbines. Cloudstuff and precipitation were collected along the sides of the ship and near where the turbines were mounted on the back of the flight deck. The system condensed water vapor from the air to power the engine turbines.

The Storm Cloud was the smaller ship, but it had four smaller turbines at the back of the ship compared to the Demons, massive twin monsters. The vessel was smaller, and less armed , though it was heavier with the added weight of the engines and the reinforced armored plates. In truth despite it's size it was far more durable than the Flagship of the remaining Griffon nation behind it.

“Water pressure is good, we are clear from the earth and falling free. Sir” a red furred Griffon male comments looking over his display of gauges and levers.

“Open a com to the Demon Mark II.” Breezy states. “And take us up higher, I want my wife sucking our smoke this time.”

“Channel open sir.” Another griffon responds.

“ Dusty, what's your status?”

“Annoyed and debating throwing Luna off my ship. She won't shut up about us needing to hurry....... I FREAKING KNOW ALREADY, PUT A SOCK IN IT MARE..... umm I mean if you wouldn't mind Princess.” Dusty screams over the com. “We need to get going here soon or she's gonna flip. Our target is after her kid and his friends now directly.”

“Excellence cannot be rushed, but we'll try any way.... did your crew get the measurements I wanted?” Breezy questions looking to his left and watching the image of the Demon rise past them as both ships climb into the sky. The city was still a war zone below, dragons and Guard fought against the Tirek clones. With the aid of the Dragons and the odd storm the Empire was winning, but the loss of life would still be rather high among the defenders

“ Four apple's to spare on all sides of the Demon, twice that for the Storm Cloud. Twilight Sparkle took some rather exacting notes.” Dusty whistles.

“Think you can thread that?”

“ Please, I taught you how to fly.”

“Oooh a bit more catty to day than birdy hmm.”

“Stuff it you over sized feather duster.”

“Oh I'd love too, those bandages are just so tight on you mmmm mm mm, but alas, we've got a evil god thing to fight, later perhaps?” Breezy flirts.

“Promises promises.” Dusty chuckles.

“Alright, well you keep the Princess calm and lets do this. We'll take point.” Breezy kills the com and yells out.” Raise the gondola.”

A dull roar filled the ship as the chains tying the ship to the underside of the balloon began winding up, lifting the ships deck up to the underside of the balloon and locking it in place with a resounding clang of metal and the creak of wood. Both air ships, now locked in place turned in the air facing south before pausing as every one ran over the last moment checks.

“Alright give us full power and have some of our casting passengers layer a few shields on the front and lower side of the hull. I trust the Cloud to take whatever abuse we give her , but no sense doing more harm then necessary, and open the ship's com.” Breezy orders.

“Done sir.” A changeling chimes.

“This is your captain speaking, we are about to get under way so stow anything you have hanging about loose. Make sure all tray tables are up and your seats, if you're in one' are in the full up right locked position. Things are about to get a bit rough here in... , three, two , one......” Breezy shoves the wheel suddenly pitching it forward. “WHOOHAAAAAA!”

The Storm Cloud dips suddenly in the air, the nose pitching downward as steam billows from behind it, the turbines along the rear of the balloon roaring to life and shoving the ship forward into a decent nose first straight back down towards the Crystal Empire.

The Demon Mk II does the same, moving into a position perhaps four or five ship lengths behind the Storm Cloud.

Breezy grins fanning his wings to keep from being pitched forward as a number of multicolored shields form around the front of the craft.

“All cannon ports open and prepare to fire a full barrage on my mark.” Breezy calls as the ship roars out of the sky barely leveling off to roar over the city itself. Debris and bits of crystal pulled from the buildings carried along in the crafts passage as the ship tears along at near terminal velocity towards the base of the mountain. Numerous Crystal dragon flies release from where they were hanging onto the balloon, falling back to glide along in the crafts slips stream devouring any Parasprites swept up in the air currents before they fall out of the wake of the Storm Cloud.

Breezy lines the ship up , the shields underneath them sparking over the metal rails of the train tracks beneath them the ship barely an apple or two's height from the ground.

“More power to engines. I want ludicrous speed.” Breezy shouts as, the ships engines start to howl as more steam roared through the brass and iron fixtures. “Aim all cannons twenty degrees aft and forty five degrees down exactly!”

The roaring ship zoomed up with insight of the tunnel in seconds and into the area the Tirek clones had fortified with the remains of the ponies barricades. The massive ship screams towards the train tunnel skipping along the rails as the shields and armored prow smash into the first of the makeshift barricades around the tunnel, and straight through them.

Breezy started yelling as his grin widened, the rest of the crew and passengers screaming as well though they were more likely doing so out of fear as the ship was rocked by impacts. The Storm Cloud plowed through the clones forces at an alarming rate, barely loosing any speed, smashing aside bits of train car and stones moved to provide cover before it zips into the tunnel, the Demon of Dullahan MK II right on it's tail.


[ West of New Canterlot. 1510 hours]

A number of the smarter clones that were left, looked up at the lights on the train tunnel's archway, rather curious as to what was coming back through. Tirek and the clones he had made leaders of the rest of the clones had all vanished and scarcely any of the ones left knew why. The stupid ones simply remained gathered around the tunnel rushing through in groups as the smarter clones ordered them. They had no other orders so they would continue to siege the Crystal Empire though the bottleneck hoping to overwhelm them with numbers if nothing else. There were still thousands of clones.

Still there shouldn't be any lights on this side if the clones were pushing through towards the Crystal Empire. What was going on?

The answer was quickly made apparent as a massive airship screams out of the tunnel smashing clones and siege weapons before it like a plow parting the soil of a new field. The craft roared down the tracks, engines crying like banshees as a second larger craft burst through behind it, pulling up as soon as it was clear of the tunnel and climbing into the sky as the first continues through the gathered army along the ground.

“Demon's Clear sir.” a Griffon yells on the bridge.

“FIRE ALL WEAPONS!” Breezy bellows.

Cannons from the first craft boom like thunder, the sound echoing off the mountains as the air was filled with the scent of gunpowder, ozone, oil and steam. The explosions tore apart the gathered forces as the ship scrapes across the ground for another few ship lengths as it's weapons were unloaded, before pulling up sharply with another few volleys falling onto the shocked clones.

The few smarter ones that were left started shouting orders to retaliate at the ship before it rose out of range of spells when the first volleys from the Demon landed among them, destroying what little command structure was left and sending waves of water flying every where as explosions ripped apart the ground and the tracks covering the climb of the first ship as it got out of spell range. The two craft remained floating over the area raining death onto the clones of Tirek below before the gondolas lowered again and the crafts set off heading south west.

“Report!” breezy demands.

“One of the Changeling casters fainted and three others have headaches, but no major injuries. Minor damage to the hull from close range explosions and the bull rush. You chipped the paint sir.” A griffon chuckles.

“Damn my dad's gonna be mad I scratched his ride. Heh. Open the com to the Demon.” Breezy orders. “Dusty you good?”

“Princess Luna's looking a little green around the face, but I think she's impressed. Or she needs a airsick bag. Not sure which.” Dusty chuckles. “Nothing here save a bit of chipped paint to report hows the Storm Cloud holding up?”

“ All green. We shaved at least eight hours off our flight time, she better be damned impressed. We'll be over Whitetail Woods in little under an hour at this rate.” Breezy states. “All ahead full!”

The ships roared away as the cannon fire died off leaving the area before the tunnel as little more than a wasteland of mud and smoldering holes. A fair sized number of the clones had managed to avoid their death , though as they were regrouping, one of them noticed the tunnels arch way light up again.

Only this time it was a horde of Dragons and Guards that rushed out.


[Crystal Empire. Royal Library, 1520 hours ]

The Jade Scroll cursed it's fate. Here it was, creator of the destroyer of ponies, locked in a safe, in a pocket dimension, inside a dead mad kings castle with only real books and dust to keep him company.

The palace had evidently been evacuated as there hadn't been a sound in hours. Pity too because he could feel the power of certain residents of the palace. Young minds, easy to play with if he could get a hold of them. The damage he could cause with foals sporting that much power would far out strip anything he did with Tirek and his brother.... whatever his name was, the failure, that was it.

The clack of hooves on stone and the squeak of metal drew the book out of his plotting. He could feel the energy of the figure outside the safe as it entered the pocket dimension of the library, the fuzziness of it was likely do to the shielding the Sparkles had put around this boring iron tomb. Still he could tell it was an earth pony, and a mare, though nothing much past that. It wasn't the Sparkles or either of those damned dragons judging by the aura.

He wasn't sure who it was with the fuzziness. Still she might be his ticket out of here.

“Ahh, is that some one seeking power?” the Jade Scroll states, it's voice echoing out of the safe.” Perhaps Tirek harmed some one you care about and you want revenge?”

There was no response aside from the squeaking stopped for a moment, but it started again and stopped right outside the safe.

“I can help you with that you know. Vengeance is a specialty of mine shall we talk over what it is you want? Do you wish to be a god? I can offer that.”

If it had a mouth any more the Jade Scroll would have smiled as it heard the tumblers of the safe whirling and the faint click of the combination being met. He could already feel the dampening spell on the safe weakening though it still seemed to be screwing with his senses as the mare seemed to be in two places at once for a moment, flickering back and forth, perhaps it was a Changeling? It had been a while since he had gotten to toy with one of those.

The safe unlocks and the pony sized door swings open with a loud creak.

“That's it … come over here, immortality could be yours.......” The Jade Scroll croons, his offer falling flat at the sight of the pink mare before him. Her face was a mask of anger and annoyance. Her darker pink hair hung straight down over her head framing her face and her eyes seemed to scream inevitable grisly murder.

“Who waaaaants to liiiive forever!!!” another voice sings out badly off key and a mismatched equine face with a Elk antler and a crooked goat horn, different sized yellow and red eyes, and a snaggle tooth over a white scruffy beard leans over the top of the safe looking in at the book from his upside down perch atop the metal.

“Who dares to dream forevvvvaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!” the mare sings out with a giggle, her hair poofing up to a massive cloud around her on her head that framed her face in the cotton candy shaped mess. “Thanks Dissy I was starting to get a bit angry there.”

“Oh I know Pinks, but I can understand it. This little propaganda filled text book has caused all sort of problems now hasn't it?”

“Mmmhmmm.” Pinkie Pie nods, a gold chain around her neck that had been hidden by her long hair jingled. The fancy looking necklace was crowned with a light blue gem in the center shaped like a balloon.

“You two?!” The Jade Scroll snarls. “What the shard do you want!?”

“ A cabbit, a bicycle, whirled peas.....”

“You mean world peace, dissy.”

“Really? What did I say?”

“Whirled Peas.”

“Ooh I do like peas... so much better than alfalfa. Maybe we could try a frosting with whirled peas.”

“That might be interesting on the pickle barrel and kumquat flavored cupcake.” Pinkie ponders pulling a note book out of her hair and writing it down.

“GAHHH I mean what the heck are you doing here !?”

“Writing a list of toppings for my cupcakes.” Pinkie Pie responds

“Helping her with that list.....” Discord adds.

“YOU CAN DO THAT ANY WHERE!!” The book screams out,

“Shhhhh, this is a library.” Pinkie Pie shushes.

“Why have you come to bother me you two mad delinquents. And why the heck are you wearing that damned Element!?” the Jade Scroll growls.

“It looks good on her.” Discord admits, getting an aww and a strangulation hug from Pinkie at the compliment.

“That's not..... never mind...” The Jade Scroll groans, if the book could face hoof it would have several times. “ Just close the damn door and go away.”

Ahh see that we can't do.” Discord adds, his serpentine form curling around Pinkie Pie until his chin rested on top of her Fluffy mane, the mare giggling at the ticklish nature of the Draconequus.

“Yup some one really want's to meet you.” Pinkie giggles. The book couldn't help to notice the manic gleam in her eyes.

Discord uncurls from Pinkie and steps away to the left, as the earth pony bounds away to the right. Behind them was a massive four tiered pink frosted cake, decorated with sprinkles, gumdrops, and other assorted candies.

The Jade Scroll regards the cake for a moment, not able to help feeling a bit impressed by the thing, though he saw no reason to point this out.

“So is a stripper gonna pop out of it?” the Jade Scroll dead pans.

“Of course not it's full of ice cream.” Pinkie states. “ A stripper would freeze in there.”

“The why is it here?” The book snarls.

“Oh .. for this.” Discord grins, snapping his fingers and launching the cake high into the air.

The Jade Scroll stared up at the flying cake wondering what the buck these idiots were up too. The cake reached it's apex, not losing so much as a sprinkle before it started to fall.

Half way down in it's plummet towards splattering on the floor, a massive beak suddenly snaps shut around the entire cake devouring the giant confection in one bite.

Brilliant purple eyes danced over the large beak framed by a pure white furred face festooned with golden feathers. The giant avian licks its beak and dips it's head, one purple eye staring at the book still inside the open safe.

“What the buck?!?!” The Jade scroll stammers.

A large eagle claw reaches in picking up the book between a pair of talons each as big as a ponies leg.

The Jade Scroll screams out in pain at the contact of the claws, the touch of them burning as badly if not more than the green dragons fire he had been subjected to.

The massive Griffon lifts the book into the air turning it this way and that, looking it over it before dropping it to land with a thud on the top of the safe and looming over it like it was prey.

>”Hello Star Charmer.”< The Griffoness states in a rumbling voice devoid of any malice or any emotion. The females eyes spoke the same, no anger, just sadness.

“What the buck are you!! How do you know that name?!”

>”It is your name isn't it? Inside that cold little leather bound exterior is a little griffon chick wondering what went went wrong with his life. At least that is what I hope is in there.”< The griffoness sighs. >” But I suppose I shouldn't delude myself. My name is Mirth, I am the first God of the Griffons, and the Element of Laughter.”<

“You ain't laughing.”

>” Because you are not funny.”<

The Jade Scroll stares up at the bird, his gaze shifting over the room noting the utter lack of either Discord or Pinkie Pie.

“What .. what do you want?!”

>” To be honest I don't know yet. Often laughter is the last refuge of the hopeless, of the down trodden. Those often thought mad by others for trying to find the faintest spark of joy in what has been left to them. It is a fine line we walk. Madness is enticing, as it removes all worries and cares swirling them into delusion and a mental blindness of sorts. Once you've dwelt there long enough however, it is far to hard to come back from it.”< Mirth smiles. >” It can happen, mind you, finding your way back, but it takes a good deal of work and love....”<

“That's not an answer!”

>”I am not trying to answer you. I am trying to explain. You have simply gone so far that you can no longer understand. Regrettable, but expected. I've always been close to the others. When Grace and Troph were ripped from us I felt it far worse than anyone else, even Bonnie, but I kept my pain to myself. I had too. The others needed me to show them the bright side. The saddest among us always try their hardest to make others happy, because they know what it is like to feel absolutely worthless and they don't want any one else to feel like that. That is the core of Laughter and those who bear it. It is our shield and sword. Our gift to others. We suffer to protect them from the same.”<


>” And to put it simply, my impatient little chick, you were the one who ripped them from us, you were the one who made Laughter a rare commodity, your actions brought about the end of lives before they had a chance to even live!“< Mirth practicality roars at the book.

>”But that's okay. It's all going to be okay now little chick. This city is built on love, this palace carries the spirit of one who was my greatest Bearer never to wield me. Her laughter and pain and love brought about a whole race of ponies who thrive on celebrations and love and joy.”< Mirth chuckles. >” I count the Crystal ponies as mine, as I do with the Draquonus and the Griffons of course. No matter how you mask yourself little chick, you are still mine. And here in this place I can take back what I have given you. The freedom to choose your fate, your laughter, and what passes as the sad life you lead now.”<

“ IS that a threat! Inconceivable!! THE Elements can't destroy the Books of Orbsah!!”

>” I do not think that word mans what you think it means. Also not true... we can't destroy Bonnie's brother....but that is personal choice because he was a friend. We might have had a bit of an issue with removing the others, but the problem has always been finding them. It's hard to search when you are little more than a shiny necklace most of the time, or stuck in the astral. But you? You did this to yourself. You never were a book of Orbsah little chick, you were just a lost soul grabbing at a power you didn't understand, for a revenge that was all in your head.”<

The massive griffon looks down a moment, the feathers around her head ruffling a little. She lifts her front claw up setting it atop the green leather clad book. Mirth flinches a little at the contact, though the book itself begins screaming, the tome starting to twist and writhe under her claw. After a moment she closes her fist, the book crumbling to ash between her fingers as she pulls her arm back leaving a pile of green dust atop the safe.

She regards her fist a moment before turning her hand over and opening it. Floating over her palm was a sickly greenish brown glowing object that didn't seem to know if it was a ball or a shapeless glob.

Mirth lifts it up before her eyes turning it this way and that as she stares at the fetid thing in her palm.

>”I was right. There is no part of you left that is untainted. You poor little lost chick..... there's not even enough purity in you to reincarnate from. You'd come back just as evil like this, perhaps even more so after traversing among the stars.”< Mirth sits down, her tail tip flicking behind her, the massive griffon staring down at the soul in her palm sadly.

>” Bonnie would let you past. She would claim to see a little bit of light left in you. That is not her being nice, or being delusional. It is all she has to hold onto now. After all that he has done, after all that Zacherle has destroyed and tainted, she still cares for her brother. She still holds the hope that he can be saved. She holds onto this belief so strongly that she cannot see when some souls cannot be allowed to progress. That some need to be clenched before they are allowed to live again. If she were to find a soul that is so tainted that even she has to admit it is irredeemable, it would crush her. Despite her power and strength, she's the most fragile of us. If she finds even a single soul that is beyond redemption she will lose what hope she clings to.”<

The Griffoness shifts her hand letting the soul dance over her fingers like a jester playing with a ball.

>” We couldn't allow that. Grace and I. We couldn't let our friend lose her hope. So we watched and we waited. We stole away from her sight those who were too evil to be reborn and we hid them away. We had a plan, but Grace was taken before we could implement it. Pulled away with her love by your actions little chick.”<

Mirth sighs glancing at the wall as an explosion happened outside, though her attention quickly returned to the ball.

>”That was a bad time, some of the souls escaped and were reborn to cause strife and chaos and evil. But their time ended and when it came, I stole them away before Bonnie noticed. I found a way to purify them without Grace's aid. It is not a pleasent way. Nor is it short. Millions of stars in the sky will have lived and died by the time even a fraction of your soul is cleansed. You will be alone, you will be in pain the likes of which you have never felt before and cannot possibly imagine yet. You will be denied madness, sleep, numbness, and any mercy you might beg for. Bonnie could never do this. I doubt even Grace would be able to do what I have done. I will make sure she has no need to. She and Troph can rest as they deserve. Munificence and Forthe will never need to sully their claws or fins with even the thought of this knowledge. And Bonnie can hold onto her hope..... because there is always hope.”<

The Griffoness reaches up with her free claw, her talons clutching at the air and ripping a hole that lead to nothing, yet the cold and fire that flickered around the edges singed the griffon's claws and blackened patches of her fur and feathers as it lapped along her arm. Mirth paid the damage little mind as she lifted the soul up before the sucking wound into nothing. The rest of the room becoming deathly quiet as everything around them seemed to freeze save the flickering of the soul and the brilliant darkness of the tear.

>”I will be waiting for you little chick. We shall meet again when you return, your soul cast anew, clean from the taint as if it was newly crafted by the Spirits. We can have a party to celebrate.....”<

Mirth smiles sadly, releasing the putrid soul of the Jade Scroll into the rent of everything, letting the tear snap shut just as the screaming started.

The massive Griffon sits there a moment as her arm heals, her gaze scanning the library before shaking her head and licking her beak again. She tilts her head to the side as if listening to some one talk to her.

>” Thank you for the cake Pinkie. It was delightful and a perfect reminder of the good still in the world. I am sorry that this is so exhausting for you to allow me this form. I would like you to forget what you saw and I can aid in that if you......... yes..... alright. I accept your Pinkie promise not to tell. The Jade Scroll will no longer trouble any of you. That you can pass on.”<

Mirth tilts her head the other way as if listening to another voice in her head.

>” Yes, thank you as well Discord. And no. I had no need to do anything to any of your friends. Despite their actions Forgescale, Aqua, and Andree had more than enough of their souls pure for them to not even be within my notice, I cannot say the same for Avianna, but I have yet to acquire her. The last soul I needed to cleanse has already returned to the world pure. Time has no meaning I could pull the poor little chick's soul back right now and for him he would have spent eternity having his darkness stripped from him.”<

Mirth blinks and smiles.

>” Who you ask?..... Well.... let's just say they really are her parents this time instead of simply blood donners. I do have to ask what was with that machine, it was a interesting device.”<

Mirth listens to the silence and the voices in her head.

>”An attempt to clone yourself body to inhabit that was free of the books taint.....?”< Mirth considers. >” I do not think it would have worked, but that was a novel attempt any way. At any rate... I shall let you two slumber. I need to go back and start planning a party for grace and Troph when they return to us fully.”<

Mirth turned glancing back at the door as she flicks it shut with her tail and drops the safe in front of it. She flaps her wings, spilling tons of pillows from under them like some sort of odd magic trick, the library filling with the plush mounds like a giant ball pit.

>” There we are, stay safe now. I've got a party to plan.”<

The large griffon hops into the air and dives into the pillows sending an explosion of feathers and glitter every where. When it all settles Discord lay curled up in the pillows asleep. His form wrapped protectively around a sleeping Pinkie Pie, who was using him like a giant stuffed teddy bear.


[Whitetail Woods 1525 hours.]

Pip looks back at the woods behind them as the group thunders towards the crater.

“Did we lose them?” Scootaloo asks.

“For the moment I expect. They seemed to have stopped following us.” Daring Doo sighs panting heavily.” I'm getting to old for this shit.”

Applebloom looks around as the group slows, the area they were in was blackened as if a fire had just burned through the forest, though there was no smell burning, and it was black soil under hoof rather than ash.

“Where are we? It looks like Scootaloo had a dream about flying around here.” Sweetiebelle asks poking her hoof at the ground.

“Hey, that doesn't happen anymore..... much....” Scootaloo protests.

“This is the cursed ground.” Applebloom states, the words not really her own, and not sounding like herself.

“What was that Bloom?” Pip asks though the mare was moving away from them towards a large dead tree in the center of the blackened area. The others pause taking a moment to catch their breath though Pip follows his cousin.

The yellow pony stares up at the tree as Pip moves up along side her looking up at it as well.

“This is where he died, even the animals would not partake in his flesh, despite the fact they were starving as he was warned. He was left to rot here.” Applebloom mutters

Pip looks up at the tree noting several heavily rusted metal spikes jammed into the tree, the area around the metal was soaked in rust that had run down the blackened bark, looking more like blood that oxidized metal. The shape of the spikes was odd too, one of them had bits of wood around the base of it , like it had once been some sort of dagger.

“Who did Bloom? Who died here?” Pip asks.

“What?” Applebloom blinks looking at Pip.

“What do you mean 'what?' You said some one died here and the animals wouldn't eat him, who died here?” Pip demands.

Applebloom looks at the tree her eyes narrowing as if she was watching something that Pip couldn't see.

“This is all new to me, but some one very bad was killed here by our uncle Rhede. We can't stay.”

“Is it a threat?”

“No but he's annoying with all his caterwauling.”


“He's in pain. Has been for over a thousand years. He's watched everything he built up die, and was abandoned by those he claimed to serve. He's seen his linage die out, the demon emerge, and the passage of time has driven his spirit mad with rage and grief.” Applebloom shakes her head her ears flattening to her head. “ He blames me, and he's had a long time tah get creative with his insults.”

“Bloom I don't see or hear anything.” Pip admits.

“Nah spect yah wouldn't, still ain't sure why ah can, but a lots happening an now that ah got some answers, a few things are a bit clearer, but there's toons that ain't” Applebloom sighs. “It'd take to long to explain fully right now and we gotta keep moving. I'll tell yah all later.”

“I'll hold you to that.” Pip nods.

“INCOMING!!!” Doo shouts as a blast of energy descends from above slamming into the ground between the group, flinging blackened soil sky ward as the ponies scramble for cover.

As the dirt and rock rain down a lone figure steps out of the treeline between them and the crater. A massive black and red furred shape, with the body of a pony and the upper body of a minotaur where the ponies head should have been. The creature had two large spiraling horns rising from his forehead, and a wicked grin on his face.

“You roaches are rather quick, I suppose I will just need to try to stomp you again. “The creature chuckles.”Good thing too, it would have been boring if you all died from my first attack.”

“Tirek!” Pip growls.


[ Crystal Empire,1510]

“You want me to what?” Bleu asks in annoyance. Standing in the middle of a street looking down at a weird dragon like pony thing.

>“Fly after the ships. I need to get to Whitetail Woods.”<. Troph explains.

“Why the buck would I do that there's still plenty here to deal with and so long as you're still here that means Boss's body is safe.”

>“The Astral Queen is there, are you not worried for her?”<

“Nice try, but at this point I'm pretty sure I'd just slow Luna down. That mare is crazy powerful, what she is now makes that whole Nightmare Moon thing look like a pointy stick versus a cannon. Maybe not even a pointy stick... a dull pointy stick even.” Bleu rambles.” Why the heck do you want to go now, isn't Grace here?”

Troph sighs. >” She told me I need to go. ”<

Bleu looks up behind the mutant pony further down the street to see Fluttershy staring off at something before glancing back to her. Bleu's eyes widen as she briefly sees the mares face as a skull. Bleu blinks and rubs her eyes looking again to see Fluttershy still looking back at her. The yellow mare lifts a hoof to wave to Bleu before looking back at whatever she was staring at before.

“Well least she's not afraid of dragons any more. Any way kinda rough for you that your mare friend kicked you to the curb, but no dice. I'm staying here and helping to finish everything. You should have gotten on the ship before it left if you wanted to go so bad.”


“Wha....?” Bleu freezes in place her head slowly turning back around to stare at the creature below her. “ What did you say?”

>”Would you 'please' take me after them. Grace says I need to be there soon and blue dragons are the fastest.”<

“Did you just ask me nicely.........?” Bleu stares down at him.

>”............................................ yes?”< Troph mutters.

“By the stars, it has got to be serious then...” Bleu turns her head looking to the sky. “ SPIKE!”

The purple drake looks her way before zipping down to land near Bleu, the Linorm God Glacier and six other Linorm all landed next to the purple and green drake like an horrific honor guard.

“Spike I need to borrow your Guards and Glacier for a bit.” Bleu demands getting a confused look from the Linorm.

“Huh what's going on?” Spike asks looking at Troph.

“I'm playing taxi again.” Bleu sighs.


[Whitetail Woods 1530]

“SCATTER!” Pip yells as another blast of magic tears through the ground ripping a line between the laughing monster and the group.

The five of them had taken off running again only for the creature following them to teleport in front of or near them and fire off another spell or two. It was toying with them, that much was certain.

“Damnit ! This isn't getting us any where. Scootaloo snarls, flipping up into the air, her wings igniting.

“Is this the thing that killed my sister?” Sweetiebelle asks in a tone that that made Pip shudder a little.

“Nah it's one of the clones. He's got his horn. Ma said the real one was missing one of his from where Uncle Rhede blasted it.” Pip adds.

“It's rude to talk to talk about some one when they are right here.” The clone grins flinging a ball of fire at the group.

Scootaloo whirls in the air darting between the group and the attacking creature, her hooves covering her face as the fire ball slammed into her, exploding and showering the area under the impact point with fire and smoke.

“SCOOTS!” Applebloom screams.

“What?” Scootaloo asks, looking back without so much as a singe on her as she flicks the wipes the flame licking against her fur off to the ground.

“Oh right... it's only fire... carry on.” Applebloom sighs.

“So how do we beat this thing?” Daring Doo asks “I don't think any of us are in top form here, nor are we equipped to take on something that hunts gods.

“It's worse than that. The thing takes tha power... LEFT!” Pip yells. The group dodges to the left as a lance of lighting rips apart a tree that had run past. “.. of all the ponies it ate including the knowledge. It supposedly ate Da and Aunt Celestia and Twilight so we are looking at a master tactician fused with a insane amount of power and spells with the memories and knowledge of some one who's been alive longer than any one else on Equss. And that's not even counting what else he might know from the others he claimed.”

“You are not making me feel good about our chances here Pip....” Scootaloo snaps.

“If he's got that much brain power we need tah do something completely unexpected to beat him.” Applebloom shouts galloping back towards the others after rounding a tree that was turned to ice.

Pip grumbles lightly to himself before getting a rather large grin on his face.

“Oh this is either going to be good or end horrible. Highest average of both at once.” Pip chuckles dropping to the ground suddenly as an arcane blot lashes over his head nicking his ear and making the pony wince.

“Talk fast kid.” Doo snaps. “I don't have very many tail hairs left to escape by.”

“ Doo and I will keep him busy for a moment. Scootaloo, AppleBloom, Sweetiebelle.......” Pip yells skidding to a halt and whirling around and drawing his sword as the creature pops into being right behind him.

“What?!” the three chorus.

“ Do Crusader stuff at him.” Pip smirks around the blade, grabbing Daring Doo suddenly and running off with her to the treeline as the monster blinks in surprise at the action, watching the pair haul flank with the older pegasus flung over the earth ponies back screaming bloody murder at him.

The clone blinks again turning to look back at the three filly's before him, his eyes widening as the trio all have rather evil grins on their faces. Something in the back of his mind was telling him 'he dun goofed'.

“You thinking what I'm thinking girls?” Scootaloo asks.

“Ah can't help notice he don't have his cutie mark yet.” Applebloom comments.

“Let's help with that shall we?” Sweetiebelle chimes in.

“CUTIEMARK CRUSADERS , YAY!!” the trio cry out at once.

[ Now, In your screen, whatever time it is right now ]

Discord pops up on the screen dressed in a neon blue business casual suit with a pair of bright pink fake glasses on his nose, each lens larger than his whole head.

“Your attention please. Due to the graphic nature of what transpires in this scene we are pausing the fan fic here in order to show you Pinkie Pie rolling around in the grass for a few minutes.


A large sunshine filled tranquil green field some where in the world, filled with flowers and bird song. Chipper happy music starts to play as a lightish red pony appears and dives into the flowers with a squee, rolling back and forth in them, daisys and butterflies being tossed into the air from her antics.

This continues for a few moments more before the scene fades out again.


Discord reappears. Dressed the same though his outfit is now pink and the glasses neon blue. He is also wearing a dark gray rabbit on his head like a topee, the rabbit is clearly annoyed.

“We now return you to your regularly scheduled fanfic, already in progress.”


[White Tail Woods 1620 hours]

“I am never looking at rhubarb or candy canes the same way again.” Daring Doo mutters looking ill.

“Where did you even find a platypus and four hundred apples worth of garden hose?” Pip asks his ear twitching as he looks at the remains of the clearing that everyone had wound up in after the chase and the trio's antics. He was trying hard to ignore the flock of Canada Geese flying away with a wicker basket full of cheeses.

“What did I say about Sweetiebelle...” Scootaloo demands in a huff.

“Guess Applebloom and Tirek aren't cut out to be Oshiya.” Sweetiebelle sighs hugging the squirming Platypus again before letting it down to go run off into the bushes.

“We shouldn't be that far from the crater now.” Daring Doo comments, the mare suddenly screaming out as a arrow with blue fletching seems to sprout from her side.

“Shit, The Elk found us.” Scootaloo curses as a large number of the deer creatures move from the treeline to the south, arrows knocked and blades drawn.

A rumbling crash from the west snaps everyone's attention that way as a small horde of giant black and red furred creatures lumber out of the woodline into the clearing. One of them the pony minotaur like creatures had a pair of broken horns atop his head, as he surveys the field, his eyes focusing on Applebloom and her necklace with a snarl.

“Aww crap.... that's gotta be tha real Tirek.” Applebloom whines.

A loud howl from the east is accompanied by the crash of trees and the clack of wooden limbs and gnashing of oaken teeth. Wolven forms made of dead wood, green tree branches and limbs stalk out of the edges of the woodline snapping and snarling as a pack of Timberwolves, including several gargantuan alpha's, skulk from the wood line.

“The buck? Timber wolves too? I know they are attracted by blood, but I haven't been shot that long.” Daring Doo snaps.” Did the Elk call them?”

The trees to the north are filled with snarls and hooting as disjointed figures with mottled fur and oddly shaped limbs and shaggy coats skulk from the treeline snarling and snapping at each other as they survey the field. No two of the creatures looked the same, some were large, others small, some with six or four limbs others with many more. The only things they had in common were the sickly blank looks in what ever eyes they had, and the vomit inducing scent that filled the air around them with.

“Trolls.” Sweetiebelle spits the name like it was a curse.” It had to be trolls.”

The scream of something in the air made every one look up as two massive Griffon warships rocketed out of the sky above them. The sky above them goes dark as the moon moves before the light of the sun casting the land in shadow, though there was no mistaking the regal figure standing on the bow of the larger air ship. Her mane whipped behind her glowing with a inner light that faded as the eclipse came only to be ignited again with a myriad of brilliant points of light as the stars filled the darkened sky and her mane a brilliant corona flickering along the edges of her mane and tail.

The green eyed mare flared her wings out, snapping them loudly, her carapace armored form glimmering in the starlight caused by her billowing mane and tail. At the gesture swarms of changelings, half dragons, and Griffons, all armed for war, poured off the decks of the ship descending towards the gathered forces like a tidal wave of steel and violence.

“Shards.......... Ma's here.” Pip states flatly.

Author's Note:

Title is Scaretale, by Nightwish

2 chapters to go in the core story. the epilogues.