• Published 14th Jun 2013
  • 3,141 Views, 593 Comments

Stories in Stone, Lost Empire - TDR

The teenage CMC go on an adventure to find the reason for Applebloom's nightmares. 3rd book in the SiS saga.

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Fuel [16]

Stories in Stone
Lost Empire


[ Current Day, Canterlot, 8 hours after Jer'rahd Kaisur's death, 400 hours, Wendsday]

Celestia rubbed her temples with a hoof looking down at the map on the table before her. Guard Captain Nicker Fury, a couple of nobles she trusted, a tired looking pegasus courier, and one of the head doctors from Canterlot Hospital, a Dr. Red Heart, stood on the other side of the table from her. This was not how she wanted to spend her first morning doing double duty as a Princess. But this was a bit of a emergency and all these other ponies got up this early due to it, she supposed she could do the same.

The map was of Equestria and showed a few differing cities. There were a number of pins places around various cities and what she assumed were farms, that were dotted across the map. In her eyes it looked like a trail. One that led from a few isolated settlements around White Tail Woods along the rail ways south of New Canterlot and up to the mining town of Hossenfeffor. The little colored dots of the pins had been pushed in all over these place. And there were a lot of pins.

“ How many?” asks Celestia coolly.

“At the moment about a hundred and thirty.” Doctor Red Heart states lifting a white hoof up to point to an area marked as Sugar's pear farm, near White Tail Woods. ”We thought it was a few isolated cases at first. Mostly in outlying areas, maybe some new virus from the forests, we sometimes get those this early in the spring. Then we noticed a few more, and a few more and eventually traveling back along this route we reached the number we have now.”

“How many dead?” Celestia asks swallowing hard.

“Surprisingly few only about eight confirmed deaths, none of them from what ever this is. Most of the ones who died were alone and had collapsed outside and died of exposure or dehydration. We think an animal of some kind got a hold of one, but what ever this is, it isn't killing any one directly.” Red Heart explains.

“Is it some sort of disease? What are the symptoms?” one of the nobles asks.

“We don't know. We do know that it isn't spreading like any normal disease. It doesn't seem to be airborne or contact based as none of those who have helped move the sick have come down with anything. It is not life threatening aside from the fact it renders the victims into a coma of some kind. You can imagine what sort of trouble that would cause with out care though. That's pretty much all my good news however.” Red Heart sighs. “We can't detect it, not with magic or science, there is no trace of anything wrong with the victims at all. Though there is something else that is very odd.”

“What is that?” Celestia questions.

“It seems to erase the cutie mark of who ever it infects. We also have very few young foals as victims. This is completely contrary to anything I have ever heard of. Foals are usually the first to be infected with anything new. But there are a few foals who have been in contact with those who are affected and they show no signs of anything.”

“If I may interject Miss Red Heart. There is something else of note.” Nicker interrupts.

“Mister Nicker you surely are not talking about that tall tale that one foal is telling?” Red Heart sighs.

“Doctor I have seen a great many strange things in recent years. Gods appearing from no where , giant monsters fighting in our city, solar flares on the moon and an entire castle and mountain top lifted into the air. I am not discounting anything, no matter how far fetched.” Nicker snorts.

“Nicker get on with it.” Celestial growls.

“Yes Princess. One of the foals we spoke of claimed that there had been some sort of strange pony passing by his families farm the night his family fell victim to the sickness. He wore a long cloak over his head and shoulders and his head seemed misshapen longer than it should be. The colt claimed he was curious and hid in the bushes sneaking closer for a better look. He claims the pony cornered and 'ate' his father, like he was pulling magic from him that he 'slurped up like cotton candy from a fair'. He said that he caught a glimpse under it's robes as it did the same to his mother and sister and that it looked like a minotaur glued on top of a ponies body, all black, red, and gray.” Nicker explains.

“As I said Princess it sounds more like a boogie pony conjured up by a young colt scared out of his mind by his family collapsing around him.” Red Heart sighs.

“That scared colt young took care of three of his family members for a week before we found them Doctor. I am not discounting this tale as fancy just yet.” Nicker states.

“Fine, Doctor Red Heart, Dodge city has a fine hospital and a fairly sizable ward situated outside of the city proper. I am sending Lady Jewel with you to take control of this hospital. I believe her family has ties to it.” Celestia orders pointing to the female noble. “Relocate all of the patients there and place it under quarantine. Nicker do what you need to investigate these rumors of yours, but I want a detachments sent out to the Gates of Tartarus and Darwhinny Keep as well. Sunshine was headed to the Gates last I knew and we could use her aid. Contact Lord Lion Heart in Darwhinny and ask him to send Velkorn and Twilight Sparkle back as soon as they are sure his son is healthy. Duke Jewel I want you to make sure that the trains stop for all but required travel any where. We do not know how this spreads yet but we should not rule out anything since this seems to be along a rail line.”

“Yes Princess.” the group chorus.

“If this is some new sickness dredged up from the wilds, no offense to your teams Doctor, but Velkorn, Sunshine, and Twilight will surely find the cure.” Celestia states, then looks to Nicker. “ And if this is something else Guard Captain. I want it destroyed before any pony else is hurt.”


[Current Day, Crystal Empire.1900 hours Wednesday ]

“I can't believe we missed it!!” Sweetiebelle whines.” By not even a day! I missed my sister having a little colt, by a DAY and we missed it and everything! Stupid dragons, stupid train!”

“Personally I’m glad we got out of there when we did. There's enough foal nonsense in New Canterlot that I’d like to avoid more. I can't even think about what is happening with Ma and Dawn.” Pip grumbles pulling his bag onto the floor and digging into it. “Besides you got to eat dinner with Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor, by their invite at that. That should be important enough for you.”

“Yeah but my sister had her foal and I didn't get to see it!” Sweetiebelle whines.

“If you're gonna whine like this all night you can sleep in the hall.” grumbles Scootaloo.” Could she have gotten my name right at least once over the course of dinner?”

“Ah'm pretty sure she was having fun with ya Scoots. Ah don't think she's really that air headed.” Applebloom chuckles.

“Yeah well I wasn't amused.” Scootaloo grumbles pulling open her bag and rummaging around in it for her tooth brush.

“Ah'm wondering something, why are we only in one room tonight, Ah thought we got two?” Pip asks looking over at Applebloom and missing the glance Scootaloo and Sweetiebelle shared as well as their grins.

“Ah dunno. Ah thought you did it tah save bits or something.” Applebloom shrugs.

“Ah've not even dented my allowance yet, why would I be worried about bits?” Pip questions turning to see the other two staring at him, dark grins on their faces.

“Uhh... what....?” Pip stammers.

“It's time we got some answers” Sweetiebelle grins. “ Bloom lock the door, it's time Pippy here started talking.”

“What?” Pip questions hearing the door lock behind him as the other two fillies leap on him.”Oh bugger.”


[Redacted ]

“.....but he did that?”

“I know, we can't do anything.”


“No, I don't say that often to you, but no. Not this time.”


“He doesn't know and we are better for it. We will have to do something soon, but not now.”

“But the notes, we left the notes for others why not here for him?”

“It won't help, you saw that, there is nothing a note could tell any pony here. We can't do anything if he finds out. If he gets us it's over.”

“But Luna.....”

“I know. This won't end well. But it will end worse if we do something now.”

“I don't like it.”

“I know, I'm sorry, but you know what will happen.”


“There's always hope.”

“Hehe, that is true. There's always hope.”


[Current Day, Crystal Empire. 2000 hours]

“I hate you all.” Pip deadpans as he slowly swings in a circle in the middle of the room, hanging upside down from the rooms ceiling fan bound up in enough rope to look like a caterpillar cocoon. “ Can you at least turn the fan off?”

Sweetiebelle giggles some how having acquired a top hat, fake twirly mustache, and a monocle from somewhere. Scootaloo was trying to figure out when Sweetiebelle had gotten a red t-shirt in her size and why it said ' Goon #1'. Applebloom was wondering the same though she wasn't sure why her's said 'Goon #2'.

“Now we have you right where we want you Mister Pippy.” Sweetiebelle grins.

“Do you expect me to talk?” Pip grumbles.

“No Mister Pippy I expect you to d....... yeah actually I do want you to talk.....” Sweetiebelle shrugs.

“You think I haven’t already studied and put into practice anti torture techniques?” Pip asks still deadpanned as he swung slowly around in a circle on the ceiling fan.

“Umm..... huh..... “ Sweetiebelle explains. “Even the one with the badgers, the clothespin, and a banana?”

“Yes even that one, and I will have you know that method of torture is banned across Equss for being too horrific. That you know it and are not a member of the Guard puts you on a watch list.” Pip states.

“I'm not sure where we would git a badger this time a night any way.” Applebloom states before slapping her face with a hoof.” What are we even doing?”

“Getting to the truth of the matter about Pip's relationship with Diamond Tiara!!” Sweetiebelle shouts point a hoof at Pip.

“Oh joy... this again.” Pip comments with out any feeling as he spins around in the air.

“Welp mai interest is gone.” Applebloom grumbles pulling off the shirt and throwing it at Sweetiebelle.

“Oh come on!?” Sweetiebelle fusses getting hit with Scootaloo's shirt as well the disguise being knocked off to the floor along with her hat.“Don't you want to know what they are up to? How long they've been dating?”

“I'm not dating Diamond Tiara.” Pip deadpans as he slowly spins around in the air.

“I don't care who he's seeing.” Applebloom shouts.

“Your anger betrays your true feelings Bloom. You know you wanna know.” Sweetiebelle coaxes.

“Stop that.” mutters Pip as Scootaloo gets bored and bats at his swinging form like a tether ball.

“Come on we can find out everything about the two of them and maybe even have something to hold over her head” Sweetiebelle chuckles evilly.

“Ah think that mustache has gone to yer head. Ah know all ah need tah know about her. How you planning tah git Pip to say anything any way He's as stubborn as mai sister?”

“Not sure if that was praise or a insult.” Pip questions.

“Insult.” answers Scootaloo, still swatting at him to send him swinging.

“Ahh.” Pip accepts.” Didn't I say stop that?”

“I dunno maybe we just leave him up there til he talks. If we go to bed now he should be ready to talk in the morning.” Sweetiebelle suggests.

“I will chew mai way out of these ropes and beat you with your own cutiemark if you do that Sweetiebelle Bunny Reignolds.” Pip states as if it was going to happen any way.

“How do you even know my full name?” Sweetiebelle asks.

“Aunt Bleu told me.”

“Okay now I’m in favor of leaving him up there, I wanna see if he can really do that.” Scootaloo smirks.


[ Current Day, Deep in a cavern some where on Equss, 1500 hours ]

“What do you mean gone?” The Gray Grimiore snaps.

“I mean they are gone. I don't feel either of them any more, just him.” The Jade Scroll grumbles.

“Is that even possible? Loyalty and Compassion are simply gone?” The Silver Script asks.

“zzzzzzzzzzzzz” snores the Teal Text.

“Good , maybe something killed them.” snaps the Red Tome.

“You seem to be missing the point. If something can kill them, it can kill us.” The Gray Grimiore mutters. “Can this thing be destroyed?”

“I made two at first. They destroyed one then sealed the other.” the Jade Scroll sighs.

“What made you think you should make anything that can destroy everything even yourself?” The Silver Script practically screams.

“Okay I was at a very bad time in my unlife, you jackasses tried to destroy me, everything hated me and I was locked in a tower for a couple thousand years. My first attempts at making something to destroy all of you failed with the dragon and the maiden so I made the brothers. “Jade scroll mutters. “ They were a little TOO effective.”

“I do not have anything on any of this. I greatly want to know everything you know on this subject Jade.” The Purple Pamphlet states.”I will know it one way or another.”

“Don't threaten me lizard.” the Jade Scroll growls.

“EVERY ONE SHUT UP!” The Gray Grimiore bellows. “ We need options, not complaints. If this thing took out two of the Elements of Harmony then it can easily take us out if it finds us.”

“You said one was destroyed. Who destroyed it? Who sealed the other one?” The Purple Pamphlet asks.

“The Love Cursed Queen... well before she was a queen of course, or even love cursed. She used the Elements of Harmony.” The Jade Scroll admits.

“The Love Cursed Queen? Princess Crystal The one known now as Chrysalis, the dead one?”The Gray Griomoir asks.

“Yes.” The Jade scroll agrees.

“Used the Elements of Harmony? Two of which are gone?” The silver script stammers.

“Yup.” The Jade Scroll confirms.

“By the stars we are screwed.” growls the Red Tome.


[Current Day, Crystal Empire, 2200 hours.]

“So? “ Sweetiebelle glares.

“You didn't believe me the first dozen times why would you believe me now?”Pip asks, still slowly spinning in a circle hanging from the ceiling fan. “ Look ah'm libel to black out if ah hang up here for too much longer. So if you don't git me down ah'm gonna git myself down with maximum prejudice.”

“How is that a threat?” Sweetiebelle asks.

“The rooms in your name, as will be all the damages I’m gonna cause.”

“Pfft I’m not that dumb, it's in Scootaloo's name.” Sweetiebelle grins.

“Aww heck naw!!” Scootaloo shoves Sweetiebelle to the side starting to untie Pip. “I'm not paying for any of this crap, I'll sleep on a cloud you three can deal with getting another room.”

“Well so much for that plan.” Applebloom chuckles.

“It would have worked.” Sweetiebelle grumbles before getting a mass of rope dropped on her head by an annoyed and untied Pip.

“Look you three want to know the deal with Diamond Tiara and me, fine here's the deal if it will get you to stop asking. There is NO deal. We are not a thing, we are not dating, hinting at dating, or moved on past dating to planning a wedding... so shut up Sweetie ah know you were thinking it don't even try to lie!!” Pip rants.

“So what was the deal with you and here in the ally then?” Scootaloo asks.

“She wanted me to deliver a message and I did.” Pip snorts.

“Ta who?” Applebloom asks.


[New Canterlot Royal Palace, three days ago.]

The young mare swallows hard, looking up at the castle gates before her. More importantly the rather sizable pair of Guards on either side of the doors guarding said gate. She shouldn't be worried about them, but she still was. The pink coated filly steels herself walking along with a number of others past the gate, the first time in a long time she had visited the Royal palace. She glanced up at the Guards , a pair of rather imposing stallions, as she passed, noting their eyes on her as she nervously passed.

Diamond Tiara shuddered as she paused and glanced back before she trotted into the courtyard. She wasn't exactly sure where she was going, but Pip had given her instructions before he left with the others, so she knew where to go. She glanced back at the small designer saddle bag on her side and more importantly to the letter within. An invite,written in his hoof. She wanted to hug the runt or buy him something for setting this up for her, but she doubted he would care for the former, and she didn't think there was anything she could buy him he couldn't get twelve of just by asking.

She would think of something later. At the very least she would offer her thanks to the colt whether this worked out or not, something that would have seemed odd for her years ago. She moved forward following the instructions, her manicured hooves clicking lightly on the stone tile floor of the palace, trying her best not to mess up her hair as she moved. She had it styled for this and while the look was simple she rather liked the curliness and fluff the style gave to her mane and tail.

She trotted deeper into the castle noting a fair number of Guards situated around or patrolling as she followed the directions. She finally came before a door some where in the heart of the castle. The pair of guards at this door were dressed in black, gray, and purple, the armor sweeping and spiked making the ponies wearing it look more like bat monsters than a pegasus and a unicorn half dragon. The double door itself was a massive red oak wooden thing, stained dark enough that it was black unless the light caught it just right to show a rich red. A silver crescent moon was set into both doors, likely made out of real silver.

“Halt. State your name and business here.” one of the Guards barked forcing the pink mare to jump.

“Um I'm Diamond Tiara … Pipsqueak told me to come here today to see....”

“Prince Pip is not present at the moment in New Canterlot.” the other barks causing her to jump again.

“I didn't come to see Pip I came to see.....” Diamond Tiara tries to explain, her words cut off as one half of the great door pulls open and a gray unicorn with a rather unkempt amber colored mane pokes his head out.

Diamond Tiara tenses looking up in to the fiery red and green eyes of Princess Luna's consort and possibly one of the most dangerous ponies she had ever even heard of, Major, or General depending on who you asked, Jer'rahd Kaisur.

“Eep.” the Pink filly manages.

“Diamond Tiara hmm?” Jer'rahd states as if mulling over the name His eyes not leaving hers and making her feel like she was caught in the gaze of a Cockatrice. “It's alright, she's been expected.”

He turns heading back through the doors, leaving it open for her. “Well come on in then, Luna's stupid rat is libel to get out if the doors open long and I don't want to do another hunt for the damn thing.”

Diamond Tiara looks at the Guards noting the hint of a smirk on one of their faces, then slowly heads into the room.

The waiting room of Luna's quarters was a rather homely affair, based on a mud room that she had seen in a number of the larger houses she had seen in Ponyville when her father was looking for a new place to live after the mountain fell. It was mostly dark wood paneling with massive wardrobes on either side of the small room that were likely filled with winter clothing and snow boots. All of the wood in the room matched the dark coloration of the door. The floor was the same sort of gray tile as the outer corridors. A large archway across from the double doors offered a single step up onto a lighter colored wood panel floor and into a room with a large dining table and a series of chairs. Along one wall was a open cabinet, a number of paints, what looked to be blank canvases, and a spare easel were tucked into one side and the other seemed to have a box of crystals. The walls were decorated with a number of shelves and numerous paintings. The shelves were covered with little decorative crystal figures and the paintings were either of landscapes or very detailed portraits of various ponies. The ones in the dining room seemed to be of the Princesses and several family members. Diamond Tiara flinched at the sight of one at the far end of the room of AppleBloom.

Jer'rahd moved up to the table ignoring her evident shock or awe at the room,he pulled out a chair at the end of the table and sat down before a small pile of paper work. He gestured her closer as he sits down. Her eyes were drawn away from him and to a sizable double bladed sword with a slight curve to it sitting on the table next to him unsheathed.

“Do me a favor and touch that would you.... just the side and mind the edge. I don't want to spend any time cleaning more blood off it, too much work to do still.” Jer'rahd stated. His tone and focused gaze giving her the impression this was not a request.

Diamond Tiara swallows a bit reaching up gingerly and touched the side of the weapon as if she expected it to jump out and bite her. Jer'rahd tilts his head a little as her hoof clicks lightly on the metal of the blade.

“Hmm so you are who you say you are. Interesting. “ Jer'rahd sat back a little and glanced down to her. “ Do your parents know you are here?”

“I'm a little old to be telling them every where I go. Besides I am sure fathers busy with that new model hes dating and mother is still living in Manehatten with that ex Wonderbolt last I heard.” Diamond Tiara snarks then suddenly realizes who she's talking to. “ umm .. Sir...”

“Only the Guards call me sir. Relax, I’m not going to bite your head off and I have a fairly good idea why you are here.” Jer'rahd smiles, some how managing to look even scarier to her without trying. “Given the history you have with some of my family I’m trying to figure out if you are brave or crazy.”

Diamond Tiara swallows a bit trying to figure an answer though Jer'rahd doesn't seem to expect one.

“Like I said relax. It's not me you need to worry about any way. After Orange we decided to do the overprotective parent bit in shifts. I get to torment my daughters colt friends She gets our son's mare friends.” Jer'rahd watches the young mare turn several shades a lighter pink as she realizes that Princess Luna might have issue. He waits a few moments before smiling again that she didn't run screaming, a good sign. “ Watch your tail.”

Diamond Tiara was confused at that until she felt something tugging on her tail. Looking back she saw what she could only consider as the largest rat she had ever seen. The thing was sitting up on it's back legs one paw reaching up and pulling on a few strands of her tail looking at the curly hair curiously. She barely managed to resist the urge to shriek and kick it before a green glow enveloped it and the creature was lifted into the air away from her to hover in front of Jer'rahd. The rat creature hisses and growled at the green unicorn as he floats there.

“Oh shut up you. Diamond Tiara, meet Tiberius.... or as Luna calls him Tibbles. He's an opossum Luna found a few years ago in one of Fluttershy's animal adoption events. I wanted a dog, or a chinchilla, but no, Luna had to latch onto the ugliest thing there claiming it was adorable. I'd wonder about her taste sometimes, but that leads things uncomfortably back to me.”

Diamond Tiara chuckles a little at that noting the creature was rather well groomed, though it currently seemed to be reaching out towards Jer'rahd as if to claw out his eyes. “Is he alright?”

“Yes He just hates me. Most animals tend to be afraid of me, but Tiberius here just wants to kill me. Any way I'm keeping you a little long. He's in the courtyard, just head through the kitchen there and out the door on the far wall.” Jer'rahd points back to an open arch way behind him.

“Umm not to ask , but has he … has he said anything about me?”

“No, but then again he talk about anything with any real emotion.“ He notes her deflate a little. “He was willing to see you so that's a point in your favor anyway. Just keep in mind you might have to make the first move with Brush. It's not that he lacks initiative, but he doesn't show his emotions much if at all. If you are interested and none of this has scared you off yet, you still have your work cut out for you getting him to open up.”

Diamond Tiara nods letting out a sigh as she moves away from the table glancing back as Jer'rahd curses when Tiberius finally gets a hold of his nose and latches onto his face with a hiss. She knew Brush had some issues after the war, nearly every pony did, but for the longest time he was the only one who would even talk to her. She wasn't exactly sure when she actually developed something for him, but it had taken her the entire school year to build up the courage to do this... along with a lot of goading from Pip.

Stepping into the kitchen she froze in place looking down at a small dark blue unicorn with a short cut red mane that fell over her gold eyes though almost seemed a match other wise for Jer'rahd's. Berry sat there in the middle of the kitchen floor between Diamond Tiara and the door staring up at the larger pink earth pony. The unicorn's glare coupled with what looked to be a large red and blue crystalline squid sitting on her head made Diamond Tiara take an involuntary step backwards.

Ice Berry stared daggers at Diamond Tiara before she slowly rose lifting one hoof to point at her eyes then point at the pink pony, with the squid mimicking the gesture rather fluidly, as if it was a real creature. The pink earth pony swallowed at that as the smaller filly left the room, her 'I'm watching you' message delivered.

Diamond Tiara shivered finally reaching the door and stepping out into the courtyard. With a glance back to see if anything else was going to jump out.

The courtyard was much larger than she expected, and much brighter. It was almost as big as the old school yard. Stone walls surrounded the grassy field on all sides, stretching up another story to a large glass canopy covered the top of it, though several glass panels were slid to the side allowing fresh air in. A few Guards milled about on the roof, the tops of their helm's barely visible from this angle. A pair of large apple trees sat in the center of the field and a well tended garden of vegetables and flowers took up the far side of the courtyard. The other side of the court yard had a number of toys piled along the wall near a sandbox of sorts,though what looked like a workbench covered in crystals sat next to it.

In the middle a easel sat before a pegasus with a paint brush clutched between his wing feathers painted something on the canvas before him. The colts bright red hair was long, likely falling to his chest if it was loose. Tied back like it was, the long pony tail still draped over his back settling between his wings. He turned his head slightly, red eyes resting on her a moment before he looked back to the canvas for a few more strokes before he dropped his brush into a cup of water.

“Hello Diamond Tiara, what brings you here?” Paintbrush Lily asks.

She finds herself blushing a bit just from hearing him say her name and she struggles a moment trying to compose herself before she speaks.

“Are you alright?”

“No, I mean yes... I mean.. Right .. well. I mean I only stopped by for a moment but I mean. The end of the year dance is coming up and I want you to go with me....... I mean if you want to I’m not trying to force you or anything I’m asking is all..... it's.... never mind......” Diamond Tiara finishes with a rush of breath noticing he hadn't changed his expression or stopped looking at her.

“This was stupid I shouldn't have asked....” she mutters lowering her head a little flattening her ears to her head.

“Alright.” Brush states flatly.


“I'll go with you. I did not have a reason to go before. Though it looks like it might be interesting.” Brush explained.

“You will ?”

“Yes. Was that all you came out here for?”

“Oh Yes, umm alright okay.,. Err I’ll … umm I guess I’ll talk to you more in school later when the breaks over?”

“Come by again Friday, we can work out everything else then. Dinner or whatever else I suppose we need to decide on.” Brush states as coolly as ever, though Diamond Tiara could swear she saw the hint of a smile.

“Um alright yes.. see you then.....”

She moved back though the door, a wide grin on her face, her legs feeling weak though she feels like she's floating. She heads back into the kitchen and through the dining room hearing Jer'rahd evidently in a loosing fight with Tiberius down the hall

Brush agreed to go with her to the dance and even suggested dinner. And he wanted to see her again. This was the best thing that had happened to her, nothing could go wrong now.

“Jer'rahd stop tormenting Tibbers”

“He is trying to eat my face again!”

“That just means he likes you. Now then.....”

Diamond Tiara freezes at the entrance to the dining room, the door in sight, though the room was much darker and more shadowed than before, she couldn't even see the door though the small mud room now. Sitting on the other side of the table across from where Jer'rahd had been was none other than the Goddess of the Moon herself. Next to her Berry grins lightly before trotting off down the hall, leaving Diamond Tiara alone with Princess Luna.

She seemed to be calmly sitting there looking at Diamond Tiara, though as the shadows of the room deepened the earth pony could swear the Moon Goddess was slowly taking on the form she was known for during Nightmare Night. Even as gravid as she was,her large belly only made her seem worse.

“Please have a seat... I would like to know the filly interested in my son......” Luna grins displaying very prominent fangs.

Diamond Tiara had never known what ponies meant by screaming internally until that moment.


[Current Day, Crystal Empire, 2300 hours.]

“You have got to be shitting me.” Scootaloo demands.

“Nope, she only wanted me tah pass on a message tah Brush. Ah thought he'd blow it off , but he actually sent her a message before we left. She was supposed tah come by for a bit tha day after we left. Sorta a guarantee that she wouldn't accidentally run intah you.” Pip explains pointing to Applebloom.

“An exactly when was tha last time ah visited tha palace?” Applebloom mutters.

“Wasn't it when Spike sent us?” Sweetiebelle ponders.

“No, it was when we got brought before tha Princesses because of tha noodles!!”Applebloom whines.

“That wasn't our fault” Pip, Sweetie, and Scootaloo monotone in synch.

“I KNOW!”Applebloom fusses.

“So Brush and Diamond Tiara are a thing.....” Sweetiebelle mutters ignoring Applebloom's rant.

“Maybe, I know she wanted to bring him to the dance and she doesn't shut up about him most times.” Pip sighs “ She has it pretty bad.”

“And Orange is dating Blue Blood.” Sweetie continues.

“Yup. Da will rant for hours about that fact.” Pip nods.

“Berry had a thing for Rhede at one point didn't she?” Applebloom asks.

“A crush yeah, only lasted for a little while when she was younger. She got over it. Ah spect half tha girls ah know had a crush on him. Some colts too.” Pip mutters.

“He's mai uncle. So no.” Applebloom comments.
“Yup.” Sweetie grins.
“Not my type.” Scootaloo mutters.” Too much a pretty boy.”

“So any way that seems to me that your family has horrible taste in colt and mare friends. Makes me a little worried about you Pippy. Particularly with Babs's hint that you are crushing on some one.” Sweetiebelle smirks. “ Who do we know that's absolutely horrible for him?”

“You don't want to go there...”Pip grumbles.

“Too late.”Sweetiebelle grins.

“Ice Berry?” Scootaloo ponders. He is rather protective of her.”

“She's his sister.....” Applebloom snorts.

“Not really, well not by blood any way, of course that could put you on the table as well.”Sweetiebelle points out.

“What are you saying ah'd be a bad mare friend?” Applebloom growls.

“Well if you go by the context that both of you think you are related yeah sorta.” Scootaloo comments.

“Oh.” Applebloom admits.

“Oooh maybe it's one o the palace maids, it would be a low class high class thing.”Scootaloo suggests.

“I bet those little Prench maid outfits they wear did him in.” Sweetiebelle chuckles.

“They don't wear that sort of outfit any more. And really do yah think status would matter tah him, with as much as he avoids it?”Applebloom points out.

“Maybe it's Princess Celestia” Sweetiebelle suggests.

“Isn't she dating Twilight? And his Aunt?” Scootaloo sighs.

“Yeah but that's a perfectly horrible choice in terms of mares. Maybe he's simply waiting for her to get bored of Twilight to swoop in and take the ageless Princess off her hooves.” Sweetiebelle plots.

“Oh for the love of... you know what? Forget it. I'm going to bed. Scootaloo make sure she doesn't do anything dumb cause ah won't help with the damages. Good Night!” Pip grumbles trotting over and grabbing a pillow and a blanket from the bed. He then heads over to the walk in closet the room had, throwing it open and tossing his bed roll, the blanket and the pillow inside before grabbing his bag and closing the closet door after himself.

“Hey does this mean you're gay?” Sweetiebelle shouts.

“What?!” Pip asks opening the door again.

“Does this mean you're gay?” Sweetiebelle asks innocently.

“Does what mean I’m gay?”

“That you came out of the closet.” Sweetiebelle smirks and the others two giggle a moment.

“What is your obsession with gay stallions?” Pip snaps.

“I wanna see them make out like in the Japony books I have.” Sweetiebelle grins as Pip stares at her blankly.

“Okay Roight. I will admit have never met a crazier or braver colt than Button Mash. He has to be one or the other to have you as a mare friend and I am leaning heavily towards the former.” Pip snorts in annoyance. “And no, I am NOT gay! Nor will I make out with Button Mash as a favor or anything else for your amusement!”

“Aww, that was my next question. Think Rhede would?” Sweetiebelle smiles innocently as Pip slams the door shut in her face.

“Damn Sweetie, you're as bad as Bleu in getting him flustered.” Scootaloo chuckles.

“Dun push it too far though. Keep in mind he's tha only reason we were allowed ta come out here.”Applebloom states.” make him mad enough he'll prolly call tha whole trip and march us back home.”

“”Please we only have three more days left, it would be pointless to end it now.” Besides I really want to know! Babs said he had a crush on some pony and I heard Bleu going on about it to Spike as they left too and I wanna know too!” Sweetiebelle whines.


[Canterlot, 2200 hours. Wednesday]

Celestia was tired, by the stars was she tired. Her own court, Luna's court and all the incoming information about this new plague. This had been a very long day, she had even skipped a meal here and there taking the time to catch a quick nap instead before something else was brought up to her attention.

Luna had not helped the situation, although she was released from the Hospital earlier in the day Celestia made sure she was confined to her Quarters with Dawn and made sure that Starfall was there to keep her in place. Not that her sister had not sent messengers out constantly to bug her asking if she had heard anything about Jer'rahd. Celestia expected that Jer'rahd would come back when his troops got to the Red Hoof encampment to cleanup the mess. The unicorn was never one to leave something half finished, though she likely needed to have a word with Nicker about sending him out at all. Luna just had his foal for the stars sakes. At the very least if he was still here Luna could drive him crazy instead of her.

At the moment though everything was done, she had just raised the moon and had at least six hours she could sleep before she had to start all this again. She was half tempted to let Lulu resume her duties early. She had been cleared already by the hospital, child birth was something gods easily recovered from, she knew that from experience. But back then it was not like she had a choice on how quickly she needed to recover, she had no one to help her but Baelit. Even as king there were not many nobles who recognized him as anything other than her plaything. Even now that still annoyed her, as much as she didn't like Jer'rahd she still squashed any information that painted him in that light. She doubted the stallion would care what ponies said about him, but it annoyed Celestia.

Her door was in sight, the massive golden sunburst on white pine or oak or maple... she really wasn't sure, though she had to agree with Rhede that announcing which room was hers with the giant sunburst and Guards was perhaps not the best idea. Still it was a glorious sight to her after this sort of day.

“Princess!” shouts a voice down the corridor.

Celestia screams in her head at the sound of galloping hooves, she was so tired why couldn't she be left alone. So help her if this was some stupid nobles question...

She turns her head noting that it was not a noble, but Guard Captain Nicker Fury and a panting half dragon pegasus messenger. That the Guard Captain would run at his age was worrying.

“What's wrong?” Celestia asks, not liking what this might herald.

“Found 'huff' Sunshine. Was 'gasp' Tartarus were supposed to be....” Nicker pants..... “Tell her Corporal....”

The half dragonness takes over her leathery wings rustling as she snaps into a salute to Celestia who was now no longer tired at the mention of her daughter.

“At twelve hundred hours my wing and I landed at the last known location of Princess Sunshine, the Gate's of Tartarus. Upon our arrival we discovered the body of a zebra mare with a red crystal horn that was identified as Sunshine. She was merely unconscious though our efforts to rouse her proved futile, and her cutiemark was gone. The rest of my squad remained to transport her to a secure location as I came back to make the report to Canterlot. “

“By the stars...... this is disease is affecting gods as well?” Celestia shudders already planning to make her way to see her daughter despite the risk.

“Tell her the rest.” gasps Nicker.

“Sir! We also discovered that the gates of Tartarus were gone. There was no trace of any gate ever having been in the rock wall aside from a number of hoof prints and large dragon prints that lead to a rock wall in the cliff. There was a small camp set up by Sunshine nearby along with a small book of notes, she had evidently gotten there Tuesday after she left the hospitol and had been trying to figure out why the gate was closed when she fell unconscious. The notes did not indicate that she had found out why the door was closed, though there was the making of an idea on how to open them again.”

“Are they connected? Did this virus come from Tartrus?” Celestia asks worried.

“No, its not!” gasps Nicker finally manages as he catches his breath finally.

“What?” Celestia asks.

“It's not a virus, the colt was right. At eleven hundred hours we received a report of a train finding a set of abandoned cares along the tracks near Hossenfeffor. There was no engine and the cars were filled with ponies who has succumbed to the what ever this is. The conductor and a number of others were on the ground around where the lead car should have been and there were signs that a tree had been dropped over the tracks. The lead conductors log and several foals and a donkey that had been on the train confirmed this. They also described the same sort of creature that the initial foal had reported , only much much larger. They claimed it some how drained the cutie marks from all the others killed a pair of griffons and a half dragon that was on the train before it disconnected the cars and took off on the main engine. It didn't bother the donkey, it focused on the fliers, though the half dragon was a unicorn variety. At fifteen hundred hours we received a report of a train that had come into station with no one driving it and no cars being pulled. It slammed into the barricade at the end of the line in Fillydelphia. Thankfully due to an anonymous tip, no pony was hurt but the engine was destroyed. “ Nicker took a breath of air before rapidly continuing. ”At twenty hundred hours we received word of an attack on a small seapony fishing village at the edge of the Great Hooper Sea. My scouts arrived there and reported that all the inhabitants including the seaponies were unconscious and missing their cutie marks. We were informed of this attack hours after it happened as the remaining foals in the village didn't know how to contact any one. A trio of adults who had been late getting back from fishing finally contacted us. Aside from the ones who were affected, all of the half dragons in the village had been killed as well as two individuals thought to be earth ponies but revealed as changelings when the creature killed them. The young ones claimed it stole a ship and set out into the sea at around seventeen hundred hours.”

“Seventeen hundred...How long does it take to reach Gallopagos by ship?” Celestia asks.

“About two to three hours.” Nicker answer. “ We already tried to contact them. They are not answering any crystal we try. We have had no word from them since we initially requested the return of Velkorn and Twilight this morning.”

“Send out the Guards send them all out I want this creature found and I want it stopped before ...”

“PRINCESS!!! GUARD CAPTAIN!!!” A unicorn Guard shouts charging down the hall towards the small group. He skids to a stop panting a rather fearful look in his eyes.

“What is it!?”

“We received word from a settlement at the Northern Edge of the Great Hooper sea. There's a massive fire burning that they can see over the water.”the Guard pants. “ Gallopagos isle is burning!”

Author's Note:

Title is Fuel by Metallica

I just keep adding to the fire..... or to the Solar Flare in this case......

Also let the speculation begin again regarding who Pip is sweet on. Now that DT is removed as an option.

I did enjoy writing that part by the way.. mostly cause TIBBERS!!