• Published 14th Jun 2013
  • 3,147 Views, 593 Comments

Stories in Stone, Lost Empire - TDR

The teenage CMC go on an adventure to find the reason for Applebloom's nightmares. 3rd book in the SiS saga.

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Cosmic Love [42]

Stories in Stone
Lost Empire

Cosmic Love

[2 years after the defeat of Tirek, Asclipius Capitol of the Zebra Lands]

Kiongozi, ruler of the Zebra lands stormed through his palace. He liked to considerate his palace, just like he liked to consider himself a true king, rather than the King elect he really was. Sure he was descended from royalty, not the first Queen, or even the first King mind you, but one of the successors that had come up from the crossed family lines. He could trace his linage all the way back to the Warlord Zal'Torack's third son.

Granted that was neither here nor there. Right now he had a crisis. Two of them actually.

The first had been largely ignored for nearly seven hundred years, when the last one had been spotted. If he recalled his history, the last one to appear had been an adult and had called it self Sunshine before it was supposedly killed about three hundred years after the War of Night.

Now there was another one that had been sighted in Equestria. One that was one of the three foals of the First Queen before her death. There were some who had suggested he acquire the two first born foals and use their linage to increase his power base.

Kiongozi thought it better they stay in Equestria and out of his mane. By the time they were old enough to pursue their linage he would have retired and they would be some zebra elses problem.

The issue was the third child. If the ambassadors and other witnesses were to believed she had not only a red crystal horn, but the red stripes. Two of the signs that the Followers of the Old Ways looked for to know a god.

It had been thousands of years since the gods that ruled over the Zebra Lands had been ousted by the first Warlords, it had been a thousand since the Warlords were ousted by Zal'Torack, and it had been slightly less than that since the crowning of the First Queen and then the First King which brought about the current era of moderate peace.

There were conflicts of course. The occasional border skirmish with the diamond dogs tot he west and some rogue monsters or pirates, but nothing major.

In truth he himself didn't care one way or another about the foal. But then again he wasn't the one starting the crisis.

The Followers of the Old Ways, or FOW, was for lack of a better term a group of religious zealots who had far more pull in the political structure of the Zebra Lands than any one liked. They could trace their roots back to the Zebra Civil War, where they stood opposed to what the First Queen had stood for. They backed the King, Baelit as the true ruler, only to find out he was even more open minded than his aunt. Despite their cause being rendered all but moot the group remained intact vying for political power on the council, setting up deals and basicly not only hanging on to their position, but gaining ground.

Today it was little more than a group of politicians and the occasional rich fool who romanticized the way things used to be with out considering that the old ways were horrid. Untouchables, scattered tribes, honor killings, mares treated as property, and so on. While they were little more than yet another political party now, their words still held clout with the ignorant, easily swayed , and disenfranchised of the Zebra Lands.

One of their number had even been elected King a while back, though the Zebra Council had kept him from doing anything too drastic.

The issue with them now was the First Queen's foal. They wanted her dead, and their preaching was getting a lot of Zebra's up in arms about the whole thing.

That lead into the second crisis issue.

One of the 'churches' that they possessed had simply vanished over night. Of course something would happen like this while they were still dealing with the fallout of the Mummy-Ra thing that had taken over the city.

Well the FOW called it a church, it was really little more than a high class resort with some training areas to teach their 'true history' to new members. Non the less it was simply gone one night. Well not so much gone as possibly melted, the entire length of the property was little more molten glass when it was discovered, now it was just a great big mirror on the edge of the desert.

Every one who had lived there, or been staying there had been found alive and unharmed, way out in the desert, with no recollection of what had happened and suffering from nothing worse than some sand rash and a mild bit of dehydration..

With the exception of two.

Just under the surface in the dead center of the glass field were two bodies. One was an unknown young zebra male who was dressed in dark clothing and seemed to have some small weapons on him, the other was a rich, but fairly low level politician in the FOW group.

Both had looks of terror on their faces and judging by the state of their bodies they had been killed by being dropped into the molten glass field.

Kiongozi, didn't like to think about what could have done that, but the Zebra's were causing an uproar about it and the state of panic was high, he needed to do something. Perhaps he could send word to Equestria and get the group that had taken care of Mummy-Ra to deal with it.

He glanced to the Guards outside his office doors, they nodded in return, the pair had been with the squad he had sent to train with the 42nd in Equestria some time ago. Oddly the pair of them looked down right terrified at the moment, even their stripes seemed to have paled. That was something that almost gave him pause as he didn't think there was anything that could frighten Guards trained in Equestria, maybe he was imagining things or they were simply worried as well. They hadn't had a good time with the mind controlling undead either.

He managed a few steps into his office, before the door slammed shut behind him and a series of metal wires wrapped around his body and neck choking off any cry he could have made for help. He managed to turn his head a little to see a figure dressed in a face concealing red cloak and body suit with one black glove over their left hoof holding fast to the other end of the wires that held him.

[“Easy there Agent. When I said I wanted to talk to him, I meant I wanted to talk to him.”] A voice stated from in front of him in some what broken zebra.

[“Sorry sir, when you said talk, I thought you meant 'talk' “] The cloaked figure states, the voice sounding feminine, but gruff.

[“Easy to mistake given the situation I suppose.” the other voice states. “Let him loose. Kiongozi, don't bother calling for your Guards they won't answer you for the moment.”]

The wires pull loose rubbing over his skin, though not doing any damage, he rubs his neck as the cloaked figure tugs her hoof back , the wires vanishing from sight. He turned to his desk looking up at the high backed chair that was facing the large window that looked out over Asclipius and the plains beyond.

[“Who are you... What do you want?”] Kiongozi coughs.

[“Well that's what I came down here to talk about. Though I'm just going to speak Equestrian because I don't know all the words in Zebra I need to say.”] The chair swivels around, rather dramaticly, but that was why Kiongozi had a high backed swivel chair, so he could say something dramatic then turn about dramaticly. He had never had the effect used on him before and he was partially glad that it really was as intimidating as he thought it was.

Granted when he saw who was in his chair he really wished they would turn around in it again so he could feverently pray to anything that would listen that it was some one else sitting there.

[“Oh buck me!”]

The orange and gray Kirin smiled leaning on the desk as he looked over it at the King.

“I've got a little offer to make Kiongozi, one you really don't want to pass on.” Jer'rahd stated.

“Shouldn't you be addressing me by my full title?”

“If this was an official visit sure, but it's not as if many even know we're here. Better that way.”

“It was you... by the stars you destroyed that temple!”Kiongozi yelps the pieces falling into place. With some one as high profile as The Demon of Dullahan, it should have been impossible for him to be here without some word of his arrival in the country being heard, unless he didn't want to be noticed because he was going to do something.

“Me.. no, I beat the snot out of the assassin and the one who hired him and then Luna dropped them in the middle of the glass lake. Sparkle flattened the temple after moving the ones inside. And Celestia made the lake.... granted all she did was stand in one spot for a while. I was actually impressed that she only managed to melt the temple grounds. Seems she's a bit annoyed with Zebra's and how they treat their gods. You'd think some one she loved was nearly killed by those rules or something.”

“Why did you... assassin?”

“Indeed. Two days ago an attempt was made on the life of Rynthia. He didn't even make it into the castle before we knew of him and we moved the foals and put illusions in their place. We had hoped that he was after one of us, but with his being a zebra we feared the worst. And that was right on the money, he mugged one of the maids for information and slit her throat before moving on. Before you ask the maid is fine, it's interesting to know Changelings can fake their own deaths very well. But still he made his way into the nursery pulled out a star metal dagger of all things and stabbed the fool out of the illusion of Rynthia.”

Jer'rahd frowned and Kiongozi wished he could retire ten minutes ago just so he wouldn't be here.

“It was about that time that I think I dislocated every bone in his body. After I vented far less than I wanted we let the Black Hoof hold onto him for a bit, he probably wished I had continued...... We got the name and location of one who hired him, got more intel on the assassin and his organization and then well. You know the rest.”

“But... but attacking a governmental group in another country is.. it's an act of war.....” Kiongozi stammers. “ The Council of Gods won't stand for that.”

“Okay let me explain this... and calm down, if I was going to do anything to you I wouldn't be sitting here explaining things. I'm being the diplomatic one here....” Jer'rahd ponders.”Okay I take that back, do panic a little, because if I'm being the diplomatic one that means Luna, Celestia, and Twilight are more pissed off than I am, and that's never good.”

The robed pony in the corner snorts back a laugh at that comment though says nothing else.

“Alright first off sending an assassin after a member of royalty in another country is considered an act of war as well. The FOW are a valid political party in the Zebra Lands. Much like the Flame Party that started the Second Dragon War. So we are rather justified in our actions. Two, the council of races currently consists of the Ponies, who won't go to war with themselves...... again. The Griffons, who are not even at ten percent of their population, and the remaining leaders of whom often have us foal sit their son who is a Hyppogryph god, so don't expect anything from them either. There are the Harpies who are at an even smaller number than the Griffons. The River Ponies and Sea Ponies, both of whom have refused to do anything with the land dwellers for longer than even Celestia remembers. The Minotaur who are in the same boat as the harpies. The Diamond Dogs who are currently so friendly with us after our hunt that they'll fetch the paper and my slippers in the morning if I ask, long story don't ask, just know that you weren't the only ones with undead troubles. The Kirin, whom I represent. The Changelings, whom Luna represents. The Dragon's whose leader is the brother of Sparkle, and whose mate is my sister. And the Zebra, who let an assassin go after the daughter of two of those races rulers, the niece of the rulers of Ponies, the niece of the mate of the dragon's leader, and is the playmate of the child of the Griffon leaders. “ Jer'rahd lists. “Then let's take into account that she is a member of the Apple family, and the former Blue Blood family which if they got mad at you the trade rates of goods going into your country would triple if they didn't embargo completely. Now then if I have not dissuaded you from the talk of war yet, keep in mind that I trained your best soldiers, and they are currently trying not to wet themselves right now, if they haven't resigned their commission and fled for the hills already.”

Kiongozi was feeling faint himself, but he exhaled softly trying to recover enough to at least not be shaking.” Understood in that regards. Perhaps you should just tell me why you are here to save time then?”

“Because this 'won't' happen again. Luna and I are very protective of our family, but there are more of them than there are of us and we can't be every where. The next assassin might get lucky and actually manage to cause harm to some one I care about. I don't need to tell you how bad of an idea that is. I have a very large calender and I am counting down the days until I can get my hooves around the neck of the last thing that harmed my family, and that will neither be pretty, or brief. Though the stars help any one who even looks funny at Elusive. I do not envy that colt when he gets to dating age. Celestia and Sparkle take over protective to new levels.” Jer'rahd mutters. “Any way this has to stop, the Zebra nation needs to give up on the idea that all Zebra Gods are bad and going to take over and enslave them again. I know two other Zebra Gods personally who don't give two shits about the Zebra Lands. And if Rynthia ever does express interest, you have to expect that Luna and I will raise her well enough that she won't try and take over like in the past.”

“Forgive my disbelief at the last statement. But if I recall correctly, the last time you visited you brought your daughter Dawn.....” Kiongozi begins.

“Oh for crying out loud, you're never gonna let her live that down are you.. she's two!” Jer'rahd grumbles.”She hasn't been around long enough yet to be raised properly.”

“She ate most of the crown jewels of the First Queen.....” Kiongozi argues.

“Well why were they left out where a two year old could get them?”

“They were in a locked steel safe.... which she also took a bite out of......”

“Yeah I'm tempted to make a weapon or some armor out of her baby teeth when they fall out, that filly has bitten through way more than she should be able to. Any way I offered to pay for the jewel's and I can guarantee Velkorn only wore them once for about four seconds before she dropped them all in the trash can and put on scrubs.”

“I have heard the same argument from the leaders of the Queen's Cross.......”

“Aren't you married to one of the leaders of that group?”

“Yes, lovely mare. Though I think we are off track here. I will do what I can, but dissolving a political group with as much power as the FOW have will be next to impossible, particularly with this event being sited as proof that the Zebra God is out to get us.”

“Do you believe that?” Jer'rahd asks.

“Of course not. There's far too much else to worry about without the belief that a infant will doom our race again.”

A large stack of papers slapped down on the desk in front of Kiongozi making him jump. He looks up to see the smile of a cream colored muzzle under the hood of the red robed figure before it backs away.

“Good. This is a collection of embezzlement proof, spending cuts, black market dealings and dozens of other illegal practices that members of the FOW are preforming. There is also a list of those in there who could be swayed to another cause, or are starting to get annoyed with the hedonistic lifestyle the highest ranking members have. It's a start. The populace needs to realize how stupid the old beliefs are. Hold a press conference, tell them how mares were considered inferior to males, tell them about how old age was in their fifties, if they were lucky. Tell them that the mare who finally changed that had a daughter that was a god, play on sympathies, be dirty, run it like a political smear campaign. Do what you do best, make the other guys look so bad that no one believes anything they say.” explains the one Jer'rahd had called Agent.

“I hate politics, but I know you thrive in this sort of environment. If I had my way I'd just stay in Equestria and raise my family, be a normal freaking pony for once in my bucking life. “Jer'rahd sighed. “As you've seen, my life is no where near as simple as I would like it. Maybe one day, but that's not any time soon I expect.”

“So it would seem.” Kiongozi nods.

“If all else fails, tell them she is my daughter. While I'm rather enjoying the feeling of being thought as a hero in more than just Equestria, I won't hesitate to be hated and feared by every living soul on Equss. And the only ones who could stop me if I get going, would be rampaging right next to me.” Jer'rahd states.

The Zebra leader swallowed as Jer'rahd got to his hooves.

“At any rate Kiongozi, I actually like you, which is why I'm here talking to you instead of to some one else being a go between. If I'm around here next election and my gifted citizenship hasn't been revoked I'll be sure to drop in a vote for you.” Jer'rahd smirked, the effect far less threatening than his smile.” I'm sure you can deal with this so everything can be resolved peacefully.”

“Thank you for the confidence, although a letter would perhaps be better next time......” Kiongozi mentions.

“Letter... Oh right. Here.” Jer'rahd turned, a dark blue envelope floating out of his saddlebag wrapped in his green magic. The letter moves to the zebra stallion who takes it with a hoof.

“ What's this? More ideas on stopping political ambitions?”

“No not at all. It's a wedding invitation. Luna and I are finally getting … 'officially' married this fall on the date of our fourth anniversary. Bring your wife and a couple of guests. Bleu, Pinkie Pie and Discord are giving access to the royal account to plan the party. Likely to be something no one will ever forget.” Jer'rahd chuckled heading to the door as the cloaked pony opened it for him and the pair walk past the pale Guards. “At ease boys, you did good and your boss is still intact just like I said. So should we stop in town or at one of the border towns for food. I was thinking some of that curry stuff I had last time I was here... maybe see if there's any thing the girls might like.”

The Kirin continued on down the hall way, bouncing ideas for food and possible presents for his daughters off the silent cloaked mare.

Behind him the King of the Zebra's slumps down to the floor with a groan.


[ Seven months later, Early Fall, New Canterlot. New Ambassador wing, Eastern hall rooms. ]

“Think they'll ever let us back into the Sultry Mare?” Peach Blossom asked, checking himself out in the mirror. A few shifts of his wings got the midnight blue suit he was wearing adjusted properly over his shoulders.

“The bar? Pfft, I think we would be lucky if they let us back into Los Pegasus at all.” Breezy chuckled pulling on a midnight blue tux jacket muttering on how it bound his wings.

“Two of those buildings were condemned any way.” Jer'rahd pointed out, his own tux already on. Though he considered it far too snug, he didn't plan to keep it on any longer than he had to. He had to admit however the midnight blue suit with midnight black trim and a deep purple undershirt with a single white carnation on his chest did make him look rather impressive.

“Two were. We wrecked four.” Big Mac grumbled standing by the door. He wore a tux like the rest though he had a small basket on his back holding the gibbering form of a bright red pegasus foal with a rainbow colored mane and tail inside it.

“Three and half. The fourth only lost the top six floors.” Shining Armor smirked.

“Yeah well never let it be said that Discord can't throw a bachelor party.” Jer'rahd chuckled looking over at Shining by the door. “What are you doing in here, I though you were supposed to be security?”

“I let Rose take over. He seemed to enjoy the idea more.” Shining responded. “Don't worry, I've got a few things in place if he takes the job too seriously.”

“Asked Moskau to keep an eye on him then hmm?”Peach Blossom laughed, stepping away from the mirror and over to Jer'rahd looking him over and making a adjustment with a wing and brushing a stray petal from his jacket. “Not bad at all. You're almost presentable.”

“I didn't give you this much grief at your wedding.” Jer'rahd chuckles.

“That's cause you weren't my best stallion, same with LionHeart's.” Peach Blossom commented, his voice trailing off as the mood darkens a little.”Any way thanks for making me the Best Stallion here. Missed out on that with Breezy.”

“Dusty and I had a Griffon wedding. I had to fight off three other suitors, avoid a murder attempt, and stop a war from starting because I was a commoner and a pony marrying into Griffon nobility.” Breezy snorts.” After all that ,her mother just said she approved loud enough for half the country to hear it and them she demanded we go make her grand chicks.”

“I remember that, that was fun. Also don't mention it Peach Blossom. Though I must admit you were my third choice for my best man.” Jer'rahd commented looking a little dejected himself at this point.

“Yeah.. I understand that.” Peach Blossom nods as they both look over at the large paintings Brush did of Rhede and Lionheart that were sitting on a table near the door.


[ New Ambassador wing, Western hall rooms. ]

“GAH WHY COULDN'T I HAVE JUST STAYED ELOPED!!” Luna swore, yelping as Fluttershy accidentally jabbed her with a needle.

“sorry.” Fluttershy muttered.

“Stop yelling, If you had come in for a fitting before this we wouldn't be rushing everything now.” Celestia snaps. “You have no one to blame for this but yourself.”

“Oh no, I can always blame you for annulling my wedding so I would have to go through all this.” Luna snapped back. “And excuse me if I have been too busy relocating and settling in an entire race of ponies, most of whom were forcefully turned to what they think of as monsters by a former mad mare. At the very least we could have done a traditional Valkyrie wedding.”

“That isn't a wedding, that's a big rambunctious party.” Celestia sighed, her magic quickly pushing Pinkie Pie back out the door as the pink mare burst in at the mention of a party.

“On the plus side we'd have gotten to see her club Jer'rahd over the head and drag him off. Also if I have to wear this thing you have to wear that thing Luna.” Starfall chuckles. The pegasus mare was dressed in a light purple and blue bridle maid gown, though her attention was focused on a rather large basket before her and the twin filly and colt pegasus foals within it. Starlight and Orchid were surprisingly quiet, particularly with their 'big sister' Rainbow Dash leaning over the side of the basket making funny faces at them. “You sure you're gonna be okay to take care of these two during the ceremony Dash?”

“You know you could always wear your dress uniform Starfall.” Luna states blinking as the pegasus mare promptly yanked the dress off to show she already was wearing it underneath.

”Of course.” Celestia sighed.

“You act like I don't have a foal of my own.” Dash rolls her eyes at Starfall.

“Yah mean the little colt Big Mac mostly takes care of ?” Applejack chuckles.

“Shut up.....” Dash growled “Do you know how hard it is to get Zap away from Big Mac for three seconds with out him having a fit? It's like Dawn and Jer'rahd times ten.”

“We could always see if Princess Cadence could keep an eye on them if you're worried Starfall.” Dusty comments leaning over to look in a mirror to make sure the flowers on her head were straight. The Griffon leader was really only here due to her connection with Breezy, though Celestia was rather fond of her, as she now had some one to talk shit about Kaisur with.

“Yeah that'll go well. She's already watching Shin, Glimmer, Dawn, Rynthia, Elusive, and your foal Talon.” Bleu comments. Her scales flutter along the color spectrum as she sighs. “She's gonna have her hooves full even with Granny Smith watching Fox, Wolf and the disaster trio.”

“They're not that bad.” Fluttershy muttered as Applejack rolls her eyes.

“Tha CMC were a little less destructive. And less tree sappy.” Applejack admits.

“Speaking of which, why is Applebloom presiding over this rather than Sparkle butt, Spikey or even Celestia?” Bleu asks.

“Spike was a contender to preside, a dragon god presiding over a pony wedding would have caused just the proper ripples towards some sort of common ground. Applebloom was in the same boat as Spike when it came to political relations, although this time with the Elk rather than dragons. In the end we chose her because she's already family.” Luna explains.

“Hey I've been trying to make him family.” Bleu snorts.” Well make 'a' family....”

“Twilight doesn't yet have the status or experience necessary in her position. Cadence was considered but turned down in favor of the political fluff. And to quote my ex and future husband when Tia was brought up. 'Bucking no way in Tartarus or outside of it that, that is gonna happen, I'd rather be married by bucking sea ponies underwater.' end quote.

“Seems he still doesn't like Celestia huh?” Applejack smirks. “ Can't say I blame him with all tha crap you've hit him with this last year Princess.”

“The feeling is indeed mutual when it comes to him. How he managed to be both better and far worse than Blue Blood at the same time is infuriating.” Celestia snorts. “But I've long since given up hope Lulu will come to her senses. She clearly enjoys his antics given how she's agreed to turn the wedding into a stage show.”

“Oh please, with how you dote on Dawn, you can't hate him that much, she wouldn't be here without him.' Luna chuckled “As for the wedding, it's one song that we are going to sing instead of something traditional. Besides you said you wanted a big showy wedding....”

“A big showy proper wedding,like Cadence's not a three ring circus.” Celestia snorts

“Yeah I'm not entirely clear on what's happening here?” Applejack comments.”But I'd rather not have another wedding like Cadence's . One invasion was enough. No offense Luna.”

“None taken. The wedding is going to start normal with Rynthia and Dawn carrying the flowers down the aisle, Talon is going to follow with the ring. We were going to have Dawn do it but she ate the first three practice ones.” Luna sighs.

“So did Talon , but he nearly choked on it and didn't do it a second time. Your daughter's a bad influence on my son. “ Dusty clicks her beak in annoyance.

“Dawn's teething like a proper dragon.” Bleu smirks.

“Sweetiebelle and the Rarities are playing music now to keep the crowd entertained and when Jer'rahd comes out the pair of us will have the musical number before Applebloom starts the ceremony.” Luna continues.

“He can sing?” Rainbow Dash asks.

“Well enough. He's practiced this song a lot. At three am. Outside the training barreks. While ponies inside were trying to sleep. With the loudest speakers he could get.” Bleu monotones. “You don't wanna know what happened to the ones that complained.”

“We had the Platinum school hold a contest for it's students to write a love song. The winner would have their tuition paid as well as have the song played at the wedding. They would also be allowed to attended as a guest with their family.” Luna explains.

“That explains some of the names in the guest list.” Celestia ponders.

“I rather like it” Luna comments. “It has a more interesting and modern tone while also having parts for a male and female vocals. When the female vocals start is when I will enter to sing them. I do hope Jer'rahd can keep up after he sees me in this.” Luna chuckled looking down at the dress.

“Oh, you do like it then?” Fluttershy mutters adjusting the hem of the dress a little more.

“I never said I didn't, I may not like standing around to make sure it fits properly, but that is my sisters fault.” Luna smiles.

“See previous denial of fault and redirection to it really being your fault.” Celestia mutters, fighting with her flowery head dress.

'Oh that's good....” Fluttershy mutters. Luna blinks looking down at the butter yellow pegasus.

“Fluttershy are you alright? You're crying.... I didn't mean anything by that I was simply tormenting my sister.....” Luna tries to placate.

“Oh I know. It's not that.” Fluttershy sighs her striped wing shifting a little along her side.

“Then what is wrong?” Luna questions.

“It's just.... Rarity made this dress for you... and and...while I'm working on it.. I just.....” Fluttershy fights back a sniffle.

Luna glances up at the others her lips set tight, before she leans forward hugging the smaller mare with her wings.

“It's alright Fluttershy.. I know how important this dress is. I'm sure we can adjust it for Orange, Berry, Rynthia, and Dawn as well when the need arises......This may be something I will only wear once, but that doesn't mean it will not be worn again.”

'It's okay I just need to get through this.....” Fluttershy mutters. “It has to fit perfectly....”

“Hey I got a question?” Rainbow Dash.”You're a Changeling now right? Why not just change to how you were when Rarity fitted you the first time?”

“Because Jer'rahd was rather adamant that he would be marrying me as I am, not as I was. It's annoying but still rather sweet.”

“Yeah, but do you really think he'd notice if some of your measurements were off a little so that you could fit in the dress? I mean you don't have to look like you did before, but you could still be the same size right?” Dash continues.

The whole room looked over at Rainbow Dash, then back over at Luna who was doing her best not to swear for not having thought of that.


[ An hour prior]

The initial wedding plan had it taking place in the great hall, though once Discord, Bleu, and Pinkie Pie got together and were told what the couple wanted they realized quickly that the great hall would not be big enough.

The wedding was then moved to Canterlot Castle grounds. Work on several wings was halted as the bare dirt was sodded and set with flowers and decorative archways and made up to look all pretty and even that didn't seem to be large enough for the guest list. So the main hall was reserved for the reception part of the wedding and the parparits over looking the Castle grounds were also set up to host seating. Work on New Cloudsdale was stopped and a sizable number of cloud seats were made and moved to seat the pegasi. In truth the wedding was shaping up to be the biggest thing Equestria had seen in some time. The ideal that Ponies needed something big to happen that wasn't a disaster was easily seen with how many came together to work on this.

Discord and Pinkie Pie had done an admirable job, but Twilight still expected them to put a live hydra in the wedding cake or something....... or Gummy....

Twilight glanced down adding 'scan cake for alligators' to her already ridiculously long list. While the Bearer's of Laughter had planned the party, Twilight was going to make sure that everything went off without a hitch. It had been a busy year for her learning the ins and outs of dream walking and Princessing, though she had noticed things that Luna had not, or that the former Goddess of the Night had simply overlooked because it didn't seem important.

Though that was something that would come up later and Twilight was nearly dancing with excitement to reveal what she learned. Still she had a wedding to make sure went off without a hitch. She would be overseeing the ceremony itself in her royal station. Normally Celestia would be doing that, but seeing as she was giving away the bride, being the only family Luna had.... technically.... it made more sense this way.

Starfall, AppleJack, Dusty, Rainbow Dash, and Bleu were the bridle maids in this, Talon was going to be the ring bearer and both Dawn and Rynthia were going to be the flower fillies. Pip and Scootaloo were going to be there on either side of the little pair supposedly to make sure Dawn didn't eat anything she shouldn't, though it was also to make sure that any one who came after Rynthia wouldn't get far.

The pair of them had graduated this year from what was termed the most ridiculous 42nd training class since Celestia had participated eleven years ago. Briar Rose, Starfall, Rainbow Dash, Hospice Moskau, and Breezy Mist were the trainers. Twilight still wasn't sure how Breezy got roped into it, but his wife insisted.

The class itself had Pip, Scootaloo, a selection of various other races, including some Elk, three Linorm, and pair of Dragons.

Several guest trainers came in as well, including of course Jer'rahd and Bleu, to oversee the final survival event, which was set up and executed by Discord and Pinkie Pie.

Not only did the two of them pass, but they passed at the head of the class surpassing nearly any possible expectation of them.

Given that Jer'rahd nor Luna, had nothing to do with the grading scale at all, no one could say anything about favoritism.

They still did, but they shouldn't be able to.

“Hey Twilight...”

The purple alicorn perks her ears, snapping out of her train of thought, and looking to the speaker. She smiles fanning her wings a little reflexively looking to the yellow and red maned half elk striding over to her. The mare, or was it doe, was actually tall enough to look the new Princess in the eye.

“Oh hey Applebloom. I'm just checking over the last few things on the list.” Twilight smiles. “ What's up?”

“Well ah know ah agreed ta this... but what if ah mess up... look at all them Ponies, and Griffons and other things all over tha place... Ah didn't think there was gonna be this many here!”

Twilight smiled a little poking her wing feather to the half elk's nose.

“Relax. You'll do fine. Besides if you mess up, just play it off like a joke this whole thing is ridiculous any way.”

“But it's a wedding, one of mai family's weddings an ah'm presiding over it just cause I listened to a bunch of dumb Timber Wolves singing!”Applebloom was starting to hyperventilate as she danced in place. “ Ah ain't never done this, and ah ain't fit fer it ah'm just a pony... errr.... elk gahhh!”

“You've made more progress in opening the Elk up to the rest of the world in the last few years than thousands of years of Ambassadors have been able to do since Starswirl the Bearded knew them.” Twilight explains.

“Yeah but ah didn't have a script as thick as a dictionary tah read from!” Ah don't even know what half these words mean let alone how tah pronounce them!”

Twilight sighed, Spike had been right she should have used her abridged version on the ceremony. That was only a hundred pages.

“Feel free to skim it I guess, if you can't understand something just skip over to the next part you do get.” Twilight placates with a frown. “ Any way I want you to take a look at something .”

“What's that?”

Twilight lifts a hoof pointing to the stage where Sweetiebelle and Button were setting up for the show with five Changelings buzzing around the pair helping.

“See that stage?”


“That's also where you are going to be standing, reading the service. You will be on a stage, that moments before the bride and groom used for a duet and that your friend Sweetiebelle preformed on. Jer'rahd is currently head of a major house of nobles, leader of the Kirin, and one of the Guard Captains of the Royal Guard. Luna is Queen of the Changelings, former Princess of the Moon, and sister to the Princess of the Sun.......”

“You ain't helping mai nervousness with them titles......” Applebloom pales.

“They married each other 4 years ago in secret. Despite what Princess Celestia wants, those two are already married. Even if that was annulled the pair have been living together with foals for over ten years, Equestria common law states they are legally married.”

“If they're already married then what's all this hoopla?!?”

Twilight sighs. “ Exactly that , a bunch of hoopla. Princess Celestia wanted a big show of her sister getting married, something like Cadence's wedding. What she got was two annoyed and very devious minded ponies focusing on the words' Big' and 'Showy', over everything else she said. So that's really what this wedding is. A massive colorful show for everyone that didn't see them get married the first time.... and my BBBFF and sister in law who did.”


“Yup. If you screw up it just adds to everything already going on in this mad house. The most important bit is that the leader of the Kirin and Changelings are getting married, thus cementing their race's ties to each other. And since Luna's sister is the ruler of Ponies, and Jer'rahd's sister is mate to the ruler of dragons, who's my brother, that cements things together politically rather nicely.”

“Wait if Bleu is Jer'rahd's sister then that makes her a Blueblood, err Kaisur now, and thus related to Cadence, who married your brother. And Bleu is dating Spike who's yer younger brother.... That means yer related to him Twice, and if you and Princess Celestia git hitched then You'll be connected three ways to him cause yer wife's sister's married to him..... “ Applebloom rambles waving her hooves at the different points in her mind. “Ah crap a'hm making my self go cross eyed here.”

“He's was also adopted by the Pelts which became the Apples which will manage to relate me to you twice over as well.” Twilight comments. “Don't think to hard about it. Luna's part Pegasus and part Changeling and Jer'rahd's part Dragon, earth pony, and unicorn. In truth they are probably related in some way to every one on Equss.”

“That ain't helping.”

“Sorry I got off topic. This is just a showy event. Everyone is going to be focused on the bride and groom not on you, just read what you have and everything will be fine.”Twilight placates. “ We have less than an hour left ,so I need to get going and make sure everything's going smoothly and every one is seated properly, and the cake is reptile free. Sorry I can't help much more than that, but Sweetiebelle's show starts in fifteen , so there's still time to ask her about stage fright or the like.”

“Nah this was good ah guess. Ah'll figure somethin out. Gonna see if ah ken track down Pip and Scootaloo before things git started.” Applebloom nods. ”Or at least hide so ah don't get waylayed with more political crap.”

“Yeah..... If you manage that please let me know how.” Twilight mutters.


[ One hour and twenty two minutes later]

“....I can take over the world because your miiiiiiiiiinnnnneeeeeee........ Miiiiiiiineeeeee.....”

Sweetiebelle bellows out the last trailing lyric before going silent. The rush of guitars and drums come to an end a moment or two later with a few cheers and applause from the gathered crowd.

Sweetiebelle smirked as she finished the last song of her performance as the singer. The sky was rapidly darkening over head with streaks of orange and purple tinging the sunset. Everything here was absolutely gorgeous. The entire wedding was done up in deep blues and purples trimmed with a light amber and platinum blue rather than gold and silver.

Luna and Jer'rahd's colors.

The crowd was a mixed bunch, though massive. Representatives from every race Sweetiebelle could even think of were in attendance. Some of them she recognized, like Dusty's mother from the Griffons, Spike of course from the Dragon's. That Glacier guy from the Linorm to name a few. There were Zebras, Elk, and other Dragons. Griffons, Harpies, Diamond Dogs, and in the far back corner away from the stage were some Seaponies. Way off in the air on some of the clouds were some Windigo. The air above them was clear though cloud seats were spaced about for Pegasi, Griffons, and Harpies. There were Minotaur, Caribou, River Ponies, most if not all of the Apple Family, and Kaisur [formerly Blueblood] Family. Kirin, Hippogryph, Buffalo, Yaks, who were being closely watched so they didn't get 'offended'. Donkeys, some of those weird hopping creatures from the Dark Continent, Saddle Arabians, those weird cat things from Japony, and of course Changelings.

Guards of all races ringed the air and around the landscape holding positions where they could move quickly to any point if anything happened. All of the 42nd training division was there as well as the six sixty sixth.

The servants and caterers had come out of the main part of the castle where the reception was going to be to watch as well. It was standing room only in the back, though that only seemed to last a moment or two before Pinkie Pie and Discord showed up.

The pair quickly either found chairs, or in the case of Discord, simply popped them into existence. Granted with Discord being who he was, the recipients of those chairs likely would have preferred to stand.

A slightly chubby tan colored unicorn with light brown hair and a bit of fudge as a cutie mark found that out first hoof, as the chair that was made for him stretched up to the lower ring of cloud seating from the ground. The oddly taffy looking chair wobbled and shifted madly in the air every time the unicorn moved, luckily Discord had added a seat belt to it. Sweetie was sure the stallion, Sweet Treat if she recalled correctly, appreciated the seat belt with how he was hanging onto the chair for dear life.

Empress Cadence and Emperor Shining Armor were there along with Shin and Glimmer, Granny Smith with the twins and the Disaster Trio. Her parents were in attendance as well as all the Wonderbolts and a bunch of Ambassadors with their odd hoods red cloaks and one black hoof cover.

To be honest Sweetiebelle wondered if there was a part of Equss that either wasn't here or at least watching in a theater scattered across the world. Several Crystal devices were set up all over the place recording the sounds and sights of the wedding for those who hadn't managed to make it, or were not invited.

There didn't seem to be that many who were not invited.

Sweetiebelle exhaled glancing back at the Changelings behind her and nodding. All of them moved back as Button started a more traditional wedding march to get every ones attention to the aisle running through the middle of the crowd. Spot lights came on as the crowd went dead silent, aside from the occasional noise from a young one.

The first one heading down the aisle was Applebloom.

The tall mare had on a long flowing leafy looking dress and a crown of flowers on her head, mostly roses and other wild flowers. Flanking her were a pair of Elk bucks. One was pure black with a white mane and tail, he wore dark armor that seemed to be fashioned from some sort of subterranean insect and leather. A pair of dark goggles covered his eyes though Sweetiebelle had seen him without, and his eyes were pure crimson and glowed softly.

On the other side was another Elk wearing what looked like a Guiliee suit, though it had been cleaned up and decorated in the same flowers and vines that Applebloom wore. The buck underneath was all but hidden save for his blue eyes.

That had to be Drakast and Flowing Stream, Applebloom had mentioned a bit back that she was being courted by a pair of Elk and had no idea what to do about it. Sweetiebelle's suggestion of 'sit back and enjoy it' wasn't well received by the skittish mare.

As Applebloom came up onto the stage, her pair of escorts moved to either side of it to stand with the Guards in watching over her.

Behind them came Scootaloo and Pip. The pair of them were dressed in highly polished Guard armor and a Wonderbolts dress uniform respectively. Both were also armed and scanning the aisle way as they moved down it, looking back occasionally at the ones behind them.

Rynthia Pelt Kaisur, and Dawn Star Kaisur, toddled along behind Pip and Scootaloo. The pair of them were made up in pretty little dresses and flowery head wear that had more than a few of the crowd on either side of the aisle losing it, commenting on their adorableness, or simply awing over the pair.

They both were carrying baskets of flowers in their mouths, shaking them occasionally to scatter petals on the carpet, though Dawn paused occasionally grabbing a claw full of the petals from the basket and eating them, before either Scootaloo, Pip, or even Rynthia urged her onward.

Princess Cadence stood at the end of the aisle gathering the two of them up to sit by the stage as Dawn started chewing on the straw basket.

Following behind them was a tiny, smartly suited Hipogryph colt holding a small pillow between his wings that held the rings.

The rings themselves were rather unusual as they were not matching, and that they had been crafted by Luna and Jer'rahd.

Luna herself had some skill in smithing from her long life, though she mostly knew forging weapons and armor. The memories of the Changelings she could access however made her a near artisan.

She had taken time and and went to all the places gathering specific ores from the lands where Jer'rahd had fought and spilled blood for her and Equestria, melting them all into a composet mineral in the heart of a volcano before forging the ring. It was a simple band with no real decoration Save her own cutiemark and his side by side. She barely needed any enchantments on it as the metal mix wound up being far stronger than she could have imagined. Though she made sure that he wouldn't lose it if he changed to The Beast.

Jer'rahd didn't know anything really about smithing. He knew weapons and armor and could tell if the gear was good or not, but he had no clue how to make it. He had spent the better part of a year using every free moment trying to learn how to manage metal, before giving it up and tracking down a Tank instead.

The resulting scrimshaw bracelet was a pale ivory coloration etched with glyphs in ancient Dragon professing his love for her. Given the nature of the creature he had destroyed to make the ring, it was in no danger of breaking, and he likely had to have carved it with the Waning Moon itself. There was also the added bonus that there was one less monstrous threat to Equss

As Talon moved along another small figure moved along next to him nearly prancing along.

Adopting the picture perfect puny pony princess pose was Glimmer. She wasn't doing anything more than trotting along side of Talon, but she seemed quite happy to be seen and 'oooh'd' over, even by the Kirin.

The next pair were Orange Danish and Lieutenant Hunter. The green earth pony was in his dress uniform and Orange was in the same sort of dark blue dress and head piece that Dawn and Rynthia were in. It was a rather large surprise that her silver mane was cut short, showing off the burn scars on the side of her face that was usually hidden.

The orange cream furred mare appeared nervous as she walked down the aisle with Hunter, though the green stallion seemed to be talking with her to keep her slightly calmer about the exposure. Though clearly he pushed his luck as she blushed suddenly and smacked him on the shoulder with a glare. She turns her head away from him though she couldn't hide the small smirk on her face as the stallion beside her chuckled.

Sweetiebelle thought the next two were an odd pairing, but ehh she had seen worse combinations... Like Snails and Silverspoon.

Diamond Tiara was dressed surprisingly casual. She wore a nice dress that was a slight off lavender color, and was rather subdued with her jewelry, clearly in an attempt to not look as if she was trying to show up the bride.

Paint Brush Lily was walking along side of her in a rather sharp suit of his own with a small blue flower on his lapel. Brush seemed rather uncomfortable, but Diamond Tiara seemed quite content to bask in the attention until she noticed how uncomfortable Brush was. She whispered something to him and the pair moved faster down the aisle and out of the spotlight.

The next was Ice Berry Lily. She wasn't seeing any one so far as any one knew, so when she came down the aisle she was alone.... sort of.

It seemed the young mare had been busy, and judging by the screams of some of the more easily spooked ponies and groups gathered, her work had the desired effect.

The third youngest Kaisur daughter had came down the isle in a pretty blue dress with flowers adorning it, riding a giant black crystal spider, also covered with garlands of flowers. She laughed as she road the beast right up to the stage and onto it. The creature pausing and turning to wave two legs at the crowd before scrambling up the wall behind the stage to perch there giving Berry a perfect and unclaimed spot to watch the wedding.

Sweetiebelle could almost hear the simultaneous face hooves from her siblings, her parents, and Twilight. Though Discord, Pinkie Pie, and Bleu's laughter was also loudly heard.

The next pair were less of a surprise as the gathering started to move into the bridle maids and best stallions.

A orange furred and cream maned pegasus wearing a Royal Guard dress uniform and adorned with various medals and the rank of Guard Captain, steps out from the end of the aisle. Peach Blossom glanced back to Starfall Blossom as she emerged after him.

Next to him walked a much shorter gray pegasus mare with purple mane and tail with a gray blue stripe running through it. She too was wearing a dress uniform though it seemed to be a cross between a Wonderbolts one and one from Luna's personal Guard. Starfall had said at Rhede's wedding she was never wearing a dress to one of these again. This held true even for her own wedding, where she wore the tux and Peach Blossom was in the dress. The swap was met with mixed results and and pegasus stallion had hammed it up going to so far as to be the one that threw the bouquet.

Seamore had caught that one.

Sweetiebelle gave a small pause as she saw the pictures Starfall and Peach Blossom were carrying. A rather sizable picture of Rarity and Lion Heart rested between Peach Blossom's wings and a similarly sized portrait of Rhede and Velkorn was carried by Starfall. The white unicorn frowned a bit and the air turned a little more somber as the images were set in four seats at the front that had been reserved for them.

The next pair out were the Griffon leader, Dustina Devil and her husband Breezy Mist. The pair of them both wore matching outfits fitting the theme and quickly moved down the aisle to where their son was.

The next pair brought all manner of gasps and a few comments all around. An orange earth pony dressed in a very pretty and rather form fitting bridal maid dress walked along side a butter yellow pegasus in a matching dress. The Crystal ponies recognized her as the one from the battle in the Empire, others recognized her as the famous model that all but vanished years ago, though a few were just shocked at the zebra striped wing she bore.

Applejack smiled softly pressing a little against Fluttershy's side looking down at her briefly as the pair continued, along with a great deal of hooting and hollering from the Apple side of the family.

The following pair brought another round of face hooves from family and friends.

Big Mac Apple practically walked alone down the aisle in his well made if rather large suit. His wife, Rainbow Dash Apple, flew over head straining her dress as she flew, but also showing off her son Zap Apple and Starfall's filly and colt, Starlight and Orchid.

The tiny red pegasus colt seemed absolutely delighted to be bounced around by his mother. The twins remained in their basket though they seemed confused and curious about why they were being bounced about as well by their big sister.

Thank fully the group of them got to the end of the isle where Starfall all but tackled Rainbow Dash before the show off tried juggling the foals.

Sweetiebelle heard a gasp from beside her as the next one came down the aisle Glancing over at Twilight as she stared slack jawed at the sight, the Princess of the Sun.

Celestia's dress designer had likely used up more blue and silver lace than Canterlot had ever seen with her dress. It was body hugging in all the right places and seemed to dance along with her mane, the darker dress contrasting nicely with the exposed fur of her legs and flank that was bare enough to show her cutie mark. Sweetiebelle thought it a bit tacky in truth, but there wasn't any one willing to argue with Celestia over a dress.

Sitting on her back and rather detracting from the outfit as a whole, was a small blue dragon holding a large painting of four ponies and tiny colt. She also held a smaller portray of a platinum maned, black furred unicorn that had an autograph scrawled across it. Jer'rahd's parents, Grand parents, and Platinum Scale.
As the pair of them reached the end of the aisle, these pictures found a place in five empty seats stretched across the front of the crowd.

Sweetiebelle blinked noticing Celestia pulling a box from her dress and setting it in the seat next to her, five ornate necklaces and a crown rested in the box. One of them she recognized as having her sister's cutiemark in it. She wasn't sure what they were though.

A mutter from Twilight snapped her attention back to the crowd and a grin spread across her face as she moved quickly back to the Changelings glancing up at Button, who nods in response. The small group of singers lowered their mics down to near their knees, pointing at the floor.

Sweetiebelle grins mouthing a countdown as the Changelings around her took their positions.


The six musicians started to move, their fore hooves taping against the floor, the sound coming through the air as the clacking rhythm sounded out across the whole field. As the first words were sung, the synthesizers began with a tune Button had prepared ahead of time.

“Did you break your wings
When you fell from grace
When you came from the stars
To this darker place? “

Jer'rahd's clear tone sounded out across the gathered ponies as the lights around every one dim. The Kirin in question stepped out from the end of the aisle trotting down it, his head held high. His amber hair had been grown long enough to reach his shoulders and was currently pulled back behind his ears. The midnight blue suit he wore worked much the same as Celestia's dress. The contrast between his highly polished orange scales and and light gray fur with the deep blue was striking. The faint glimmer of orange around his horn caught the light shining on him seeming to make the area around him glow in a warmer light.

As his last line trails off he steps up onto the stage turning his head to look back at the curtain. The pause was brief, though to most of them it seemed like an eternity.

“Did you watch me fall
From the clouds on high
See the glimmer of tears
Streaming from my eye?“

Jer'rahd's jaw dropped as Luna stepped out at the end of the aisle

Her platinum blue hair shimmered in the light, the mass of it done up in a ornate bun that was pinned just at the back of her neck, with a few strategically loose strands draped around her ears to fall over her face. The dress was high collared and hid her neck keeping tight to her chest and her shoulders. Her cutie mark and body were hidden, though the dress was snug over her flank and sides. As it went down to her legs it all but exploded around her with flowers and ribbons and streaming fluffy lace. The front was slit open and her hooves flashed as she moved down the aisle, showing ornate silver hoof guards The light blue silver dress nearly matched her mane and hid her tail, though there seemed to be points of light within the material that made the whole thing sparkle as she moved down the aisle towards Jer'rahd.

Sweetiebelle likened it to a disco ball dress of awesome.

Jer'rahd did stammer a bit though a quick shake of his head fixed that as Luna began her second verse, the crystal amplifiers Button had found for this event floated near them and were vastly better than the standard tech made models.

“I surely bruised my soul
hiding in my shell
But if you're here to change me
Then it's just as well.”

Sweetiebelle frowned a little at this. It was a deviation from the pure song, but it worked out for the best. Jer'rahd began his next part, recovered enough as Luna joined him on the stage.

“Your scars run deep
But darling they will fade
You expect me to fear you
But I'm not afraid.”

The tempo of the music increased a little and the Rarities kept the time perfectly as the chorus began.

“Don't hold back
We're here right now
There's nothing left here to keep us out, oh
As different as
The day and night
I'm starting to feel like this is right and
You're the memory I can't erase
You're the part of me I can't replace
You're the goddess that loved me somehow
And you're the demon I can't live without .”

The pair of them simply stared at each other as they sang, clearly drifting off into their own world briefly before the chorus ended and Jer'rahd began his next lines.

“I'm the crossroads king
of many a land.
You found me a mess
But I'm better than then “

Sweetiebelle wasn't sure why ancient mythology would fit into this song, but she figured it was well... because both of them were old.

“I could see it hidden
Right from the start
'Neath your tattered form
Was a beating heart .”

Sweetiebelle was rather shocked that it had gotten as quiet as it was there was not so much as a foal's cry or even a nervous cough out in the gathered crowd. Granted with what every one knew about these two, Sweetie suspected singing was not considered one of their talents.

“And that heart is yours
Or what I have left
So take my secrets
Take them off my chest”

“That's why I'm here
I've been broken too
So maybe you can fix me
And I'll fix you “

The Changelings started humming along adding background tones to the words the pair were singing.

“Don't hold back
We're here right now
There's nothing left here to keep us out, oh
As different as
The day and night
I'm starting to feel like this is right and
You're the memory I can't erase
You're the part of me I can't replace
You're the goddess that loved me somehow
And you're the demon I can't live without .”

The music's tempo picked up further as the pair of them moved slowly around one another, Luna was still a little taller than Jer'rahd though with his horn he just edged her out in overall height as she didn't have one at the moment, clearly preferring to be a pegasus.

“Welcome to my universe
Touch me now and break my curse
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
Forget all those that think it perverse.
A love most basic, back through time
breaking beliefs, smashing through.
I don't need luck when I'm with you.”

Sweetiebelle sighed at the rewrite, at the very least it sounded okay. And she doubted any one but the one who entered the song in the contest knew of the changes. Here's hoping the kid wouldn't be too upset the pair were making it more about themselves. Granted that was kinda the point.

“Eternity can wait
You're my afterlife
For once in my existence
I see the light “

A simple piano cord started pinging , the sound was a little annoying but it was a simple method of keeping time. Sweetiebelle made a note about it. The pup who wrote this had talent, but he needed more training. Bleu would straighten him out.

“We've got it all, we've got it all
Right here
We've got it all, we've got it all
Right here “

“Don't hold back
We're here right now
There's nothing left here to keep us out, oh
As different as
The day and night
I'm starting to feel like this is right and
You're the memory I can't erase
You're the part of me I can't replace
You're the goddess that loved me somehow
And you're the demon I can't live without .”

The piano picked up again with a soft fade out from Luna as the music finally ends. The moment it faded completely there was a wild applause. Despite the roar of the crowd it took a few moments for Jer'rahd and Luna to even look any where but at each other. The pair finally seem to notice as Applebloom trotted over and dropped a large wooden podium onto the stage between them the resounding boom snapping both of them out of their trance to glare at the grinning half elk.

A bit much there was it not?” Luna muttered.

“Hey tha cheering didn't git to yah so ah needed something else.” Applebloom chuckled as Jer'rahd grins shaking his head. “Any way is this thing on?”

Applebloom taped the crystal getting a bit of feed back and a sudden sharp curse from the control room as Button yanks off his head phones rubbing his ears.

“Guess so.” Applebloom smirked sheepishly as Sweetiebelle glares at her from off stage for trying to deafen her colt friend.

Applebloom looked over the crowd then down to the notes on the podium her eyes widening at the mass of paper that Twilight had given her to read.

“Well here goes... Dearly beloved we are gathered here... What in tarnation!??!” Applebloom yelped as the podium is knocked over from in front of her.

Everyone's attention was drawn down to one very determined little orange and gray Kirin filly clawing her way across the stage, dragging a small zebra godling behind her.

Rynthia had a death grip on the end of Dawn's tail trying to pull her back towards their seats, her tiny hooves scraping across the stage as Dawn clawed her way towards Jer'rahd.

Luna and Jer'rahd look over at Cadence, who swiftly looks over to the seats where the pair were, only to see a stuffed teddy bear dressed in a wedding dress the same color as the one Dawn was wearing, and a painting of Rynthia that Brush had done weeks before.

Looking back at the pair of them Rynthia loses her grip on Dawn and falls over backwards. The now unencumbered Dawn darts forward clawing her way up onto Jer'rahd's back, clamping down on her favored position as if daring any one to remove her from her daddy's back.

Luna sighed picking Rynthia up in her wings as the zebra foal glares at the Kirin on Jer'rahd's back that got her into this mess.

There were more than a few chuckles from the audience and a few more D'awwws'.

Applebloom grumbles setting the podium back up and gathering the spilled notes. She blinked looking at the mess of them, now completely out of order. She shuffles them for a moment before flattening her ears with a snort and tossing the whole pile over her head to flutter to the stage behind her. Twilight gasps in horror at the disregard of her meticulous notes.

“Yah know what, fergit it. I was good with you two being married years ago. So we're gonna skip a head a whole bunch here.” Applebloom snorts.

Applebloom points at Luna.

“Do you?”

“Yes.” Luna states.

Applebloom points her green limb at Jer'rahd.

“Do you?”

“Yes.” Jer'rahd nods.

“Alright any suicidal objectors in tha crowd? There's less painful ways tah meet yer end yah know than trying tah protest this.” Applebloom rambles waving a hoof in the air. “Any one? Any one? Good fer you.”

Applebloom grins.

“Now by tha power vested in me from both tha country of Equestria, tha spirits of tha wild, and uncle Almata down at that court house, ah now pronounce yah Husband and Wife. Yah may now kiss......”

“Hold It!” Twilight yells suddenly gaining an evil glare from Luna and a some what angry one from Jer'rahd as well as round of mummers from everywhere.

“What? But why?” Applebloom yelps. “Hasn't this nonsense gone on long enough?”

“At least three books.” Pinkie Pie quips from some where.

“Shouldn't this be the point you are raising the moon Twilight? Not interrupting us?” Luna states with more than a bit of annoyance.

“Yes well if Applebloom hadn't skipped so much I wouldn't have had to interrupt....” Twilight grinned wide. “Also I'm not going to raise the moon tonight. Why would I want to spoil any ones view?”

The purple alicorn's horn flares brightly, a wave of magenta radiating out from her, dousing candles and lights across the entire event, casting everything into total darkness save for the spotlight still on Jer'rahd and Luna.

Above them lay nothing but the dark sky, lit up by countless stars of all shapes colors and sizes. There were many stars on their own and others that were grouped close together. A surprising number seemed to be in a neat orderly formation like a military unit. There were twinkling ones , solid colored ones and ones that changed hue.

Applebloom stared up at the sky her eyes wide, where the others simply saw stars, she saw far more than that.

“Twilight what is this? There are far more stars in the sky then there should be.”Luna questions.

“Applebloom put a hoof on Jer'rahd and Luna for a moment, that should allow them to see if my calculations are correct.” Twilight explained.

The half Elk mare blinked and sits up touching Luna and Jer'rahd's backs the two of them glance back at her then up at the sky again with loud gasps.

Almost everyone they had ever encountered during their entire lives was above them watching.

Jer'rahd's parents and grandparents, Luna's small family before she ascended, Nicker Fury, General Shower and her husband, General Three Bear, his son, and the Buffalo herd, Lion Heart the First, and his Grand Son and his wife Rarity, The entirety of the original 42nd and every Guard that had served under Luna since the Discordian war. Luna's original Element Bearers, Ma and the whole Pelt Family along with a number of Apple's that had died in recent years. Several nobles that had helped Luna and Jer'rahd in the past, Aqua, Andree, and oddly Forge Scale and Silver Claw. Bleu's mother and grandmother, Cyan Sparkle, his wife, and her aunt, Platinum.

And there in the middle of it all wearing a smug expression, was a tall earth pony with red fur and long black hair, and a smiling zebra mare with curly hair.

“Go ahead Applebloom” Twilight whispers.

“Wha... right..... Yah may now kiss tha bride.” Applebloom stammers.

And there, in the light of every one that they had encountered, those who had help shape their lives up to this point......

Jer'rahd and Luna kissed.

Stories in Stone.
Lost Empire


Author's Note:

Title is Cosmic Love [natch] by Florence and the machine

Song sung by Jer'rahd and Luna was Angels and Demons b the Aviators.

as suggested by Zibrony. His OC was added into the mix in the unenvious position of being tormented by Discord.


In truth this could be it. I am more satisfied with this ending than i have been with any other. I could call it the true end and leave well enough alone.

I'm not going to, but i could.

Capricorn's Curse will start before too long.

Now then I know i said i was going to do one more chapter here after this, but this is too perfect. It ends with this title and the chapter count at 42.

The extra chapter i figure i'll drop in Tales in Stone.

Now there was also the matter of the song i was originally going to use with the wedding. While i said i was going to put that in Tales in Stone i realized it would have just been a repeat with only one or two things changed. It's easier to just let you know the song and imagine it.

To be continued in Stories in Stone, Book Four

Capricorn's Curse.

Comments ( 29 )

That ending was brilliant. A great way to cap an amazing series. :twilightblush:

Book four? Wow, either no one is going to die (like one and two) or there will be no survivors.

It would be a good ending for the series. But I am happy that you are going to make it a better one. :pinkiehappy:

:fluttershyouch: that was so beautiful! :raritydespair:

Okay...I can't resist any longer!

Twilight sighed, Spike had been right she should have used her abridged version on the ceremony. That was only a hundred pages.
“Feel free to skim it I guess, if you can't understand something just skip over to the next part you do get.” Twilight placates with a frown. “ Any way I want you to take a look at something .”

Applebloom: "Uh--Mares, Gentlecolts...uh...dragons....um...and uh, things gathered here today,"
Applebloom: "uh"
Twilight: ":twilightoops:"
Twilight: ":twilightangry2:"
Applebloom: "You may kiss the bride!"
Twilight: ":facehoof:"

Applebloom grumbles setting the podium back up and gathering the spilled notes. She blinked looking at the mess of them, now completely out of order. She shuffles them for a moment before flattening her ears with a snort and tossing the whole pile over her head to flutter to the stage behind her. Twilight gasps in horror at the disregard of her meticulous notes.
“Yah know what, fergit it. I was good with you two being married years ago. So we're gonna skip a head a whole bunch here.” Applebloom snorts.

Holyshit...you all know I was just kidding about that last post, don't you??:rainbowderp:

Awesome finish!:rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy::twilightsmile::ajsmug::yay::raritystarry::trollestia:

What a perfect over-the-top ending to this story. Can't wait to see where the next one will take them.


7053853 Thank you.

7055575 And this is why you shouldn't post before you finish, hehehe.

7056053 Yeaaaaaah about that..... Last chapter of Lost Empire posted yesterday......... First chapter of Capricorn's curse posting today.....

My family likely hates me for hiding out and not helping....BUT IT WAS SO WORTH IT! Excellent endings, best one yet.


7137039 thank you though I hate to think I caused any family problems. Capricorns Curse has dropped as well. Three chapters already posted.

7138762 I noticed CC. Sneaking in a chapter between hauling loads of junk to the new house. And no actual family strife- they have learned if TDR has posted, Momma's gone for the duration. Thank you for all the fantastic words- they are more appreciated than you'll ever know.


7286444 it gets better

This thing deserves so many more thumbs up than it currently has.

Ahh, Mel Brooks, Monty Python and Douglas Adams collaberate on a wedding.

The only Committee that ever worked. Well, there has to be at least one exception to the rule.

Absolutely brutal, but given Canon Tirek, barely AU. At least you didnt go with the Agent Smith, Neo version of AB/Tirek lock down.

And so, another excellent story comes to an end.

Lest We Forget.:fluttercry:


7877849 Wove... twwoo wove.....

I wouldn't be too sad there . There's still Stories in Stone Capricorn's Curse.


8091017 thanks

8103873 I thought Cocacola made up the modern view of santa as a fat man in a suit?

8105760 yeah well keep in mind show for little girls and all that.

8106317 And there's the rage......... yeah i know a few Blue Blood as the hero stories as well that are really good. Stallions of Harmony is one of my favorites in that vein.


Yes, that's true. It was one of their first campaigns when the soda first came onto the scene.

However, the version I'm speaking of was tied into a poem that was wrote around the same time. You might have heard of it.

'A Night Before Christmas.'

Both Cole's and Coca Cola used that description of Santa Claus.

Yes I'm aware he wasn't being demeaning or anything, I was simply referring to the "clever pony" curse. Regardless of how it's used anypony who uses those words is taunting fate to screw with them


Ah. Well, I figured as much. As far as metals are concerned, iron is the most common.

It's also what 'kills' stars in the end; none of that red goo used in that Star Trek movie. For such a heavy science fiction show, that one certainly plays merry hell with physics.


It was the abrams verse trek. The only Sciency ones were TNG DS( and voyager really. TOS was mostly action and abrams verse follows that.

The Musical numbers are just...jaring...I can't relaly imagine the tunes and reading it just give me no context. plus it just soudn off when being read by computer.

Why can’t I upvote this more than once.... a wonderfull reread!!

Thank you again for this series

Amazing 🤩 story!!! I absolutely :heart:ed this addition to SiS. Your AU crafting is second only to your future self. If I had even 1% of 1% of your talent TDR I'd have 100 times the talent I currently have (at least).

“It's just.... Rarity made this dress for you... and and...while I'm working on it.. I just.....” Fluttershy fights back a sniffle.

Hole. Lee. Buck. I read this whole thing dry eyes and from my brain registering the first word to my eyes reaching the last, my eyes pooled up and my nose got slightly runny. It may have been the sense of drama and urgency, but for it to hit so hard so much later and in such a way.....

*Chefs kiss* Well done.

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