• Published 9th Nov 2014
  • 6,528 Views, 507 Comments

The Draconequus of Notre Mare - Inkquill

Deformed, beaten and hidden from the world. Locked away within hallowed halls and sacred bells, the world beyond nothing but a dream, this is all he has known... that is, until she came.

  • ...

Chapter Eleven: Hellfire.

The Draconequus of Notre Mare.

By Inkquill.

Chapter Eleven: Hellfire.

Flash Sentry trotted down the dimly lit streets of Maris. Most of the streets were quiet with the day drawing to a close, with shops and homes setting up for the night. In the distance, he could hear the bells ringing from Notre Mare, summoning the populace to the evening service. A few commoners gave him a polite nod as they passed by on their way to mass, and he did the same.

The sun was beginning to disappear behind the mountains and the sky above was quickly becoming a beautiful plethora of vibrant orange and violet hues. When he was a colt working in his father's bakery, his father would tell him that sunsets where Faust's heavenly paintings. He used to love to watch the sun set with his father, and he couldn't help but smile fondly at the memory.

Turning the corner, he could see the city barracks in the distance. Having just finished up his evening rounds patrolling the city and was looking forward to the warm hearth and full belly the barracks offered. The building was a modestly fortified structure that could serve as a make shift fort if need be. It held the cities armory and served as the primary headquarters for the city guards, fit with bunks and food rations. One guards pony, a Pegasus lieutenant, stood by the door attentive, holding a spear in his hooves.

“Evening Shield Lance.” Flash greeted with a smile. Shield Lance looked up at him and smiled back.

“Evening Captain.” He replied, “Back from your rounds?”

“Sure am. Looking forward to nice relaxing night. How's things in the kitchen? Have you eaten yet?”

Shield Lance nodded in response, “Yeah, I got a bite earlier. Lumpy made a large pot of porridge. Tasty... course, he was also using it as shaving cream for another guard. Sooo... yeah. Eat at your own risk.” He chuckled.

Flash chuckled a little as swell. Maybe more out of hesitance than anything, but decided to brush it off. “Well... maybe it will have a little more protein then.” He mused, passing by Shield Lance. “Okay lieutenant, you have a good night then.”

“You too sir.” Shield Lance called back as Flash entered through the barrack doors.

Inside, the barracks were a bedlam. The raucous sound of merriment thundered to the low smoke-stained ceiling. Most of his fellow guards ponies had retired for the night, but many were still awake and making quite a fuss. Around the room, open mugs of ale and cider frothed in their containers as half drunken lieutenants failed to remain standing for more than a few moments. At one table, a boisterous Earth pony was standing above the rest and relating to them some accounts.

“So, my buddy Ale and I were trying to be good kindly folk and help that little orphan, and she set that little white rat of hers on us. Told it to bite out our jugulars she did. Fast little bugga' too. Not only that, she stole from us while were distracted.”

“That's right!” Ale spoke up, “And to think, we were just trying to be good Samaritans.”

Going over to the table, Flash interrupted their conversation, “Well, lieutenants, mind sharing a little more of this?” He asked in a bemused tone. At the moment, they noticed the captain of the guards sit at their table, the guards ponies all stood attentive and saluted.

“Oh! Captain! Sorry sir, we didn't see you come in.” Aspall stammered nervously.

“At ease lieutenant.” Flash sighed, “Now what about this orphaned girl that supposedly attacked you?”

“That's right! Well... My friend and I were trying to help a gypsy orphan and she out right attacked us.” Aspall stated firmly.


“Yes, that cream coated lass with the pink locks that gave that freakish thing water during the Feast of Fools.” Ale piped up. “Course, doesn't matter now. She's gotten her own punishment already taken care of.” He chuckled.

“Punishment?” Flash inquired.

“That's right! She claimed sanctuary in the cathedral. Really a stupid thing to be honest. Everypony knows gypsies don't do well in stone walls.”

Hearing this, Flash suddenly felt a string of guilt pluck at his heart. He had been there when she had claimed sanctuary. Hell! He had been the one who had said it on her behalf. Now he realized that even though he had spared her the laws wrath, he had confined her to solitary confinement. He shook his head before looking back at the two other guards.

“And she attacked you with a white ferret?” He asked.

“Bet right she did! Almost tore out my throat.” Apsall stated

“I thought you said before it was a white rat?” Flash remarked. This caught the two off-guard and they stood a little stiff. And with that, Flash stood up from his seat and began to trot away. “Well, gentlecolts, I must say goodnight. I have some business to take care of.” He called, leaving the two lieutenants alone to try and explain themselves.

Exiting the barracks, he gave a nod to Shield Lance still at his post and trotted off down the street, towards the cathedral.

The evening service was drawing to a close. The choir ponies were working through the last hymns of the night and a few church goers were beginning to collect their things for the walk back home. Fluttershy had watched from the side with Twilight as Archdeacon Luna had led the service. She enjoyed the choirs singing. She couldn't help but feel so uplifted with every note they sung, even though the language it was sung in was a mystery to her.

After everything had been wrapped up and the church goers had begun to depart, she and Twilight began to make their way back towards the bell tower, making small talk the whole way there.

“So you grew up here in the cathedral?” Asked Fluttershy.

“Oh yes. For most of my child hood, I wondered the streets, until that winters night, I came here and Mother Luna took me in.”

“She sounds like a very nice mare.”

“Oh yes. She taught me everything I know. One day, I want to try and follow in her hoof prints.”

“Really?” Fluttershy puzzled, “But, won’t that mean you won’t be able to do other things?”

Twilight looked at her curiously, “What do you mean?”

“Well... what about see the world a little? Maybe... find somepony?” Fluttershy blushed. “I sorry, it’s just... This is a beautiful place, but... you've never seemed to have known anything else. Please don't think I’m rude, but... wouldn't you like to see what else is out there?”

Twilight thought for a moment. Fluttershy was right, she had been confined to Notre Mare and the city her whole life. “Well... there was one pony I knew once... but... we took different paths. Plus, as a nun, I am bound to a vow of celibacy.”

“But... I thought you were just a nun in training?”

Twilight looked up a little at this, “Yeah... but still... well, technically I'm not bound to the vow yet, but... oh! I don't know. What about you? You ever think about finding somepony?”

Fluttershy couldn't help but blush a little. She had been asked by a few stallions here and there, but she had turned them all down. None of them really seemed to be the one. “Well... there was this colt I knew when I was little. We met when the caravan and I were resting in a town in Germaneigh. But... he turned out to just be pulling my threads...”

“Oh... I'm sorry.” Twilight said trying to comfort her companion.

“It's okay. I had my father and friends... that's why I'm so desperate to get back to them. Their my family.”

Twilight nodded in understanding. They had reached the top of the stairwell now and were now standing in the entrance way of the bell tower.

“Well... I'll talk to you later, Fluttershy.” said Twilight as she rested a hoof on the cream mare's shoulder. To which Fluttershy smiled in return.

“Goodnight Twilight... and thank you.”

Twilight smiled back and nodded before turning to head back down the stairwell, leaving Fluttershy alone once again. The bell tower was dimly lit, a single candle burning on a wooden table near Discord's bed. The bells had long since stopped ringing and were only slightly swaying to and fro.

Suddenly, she felt something swoop down onto her and grab her by her sides. She let out a light yelp as she felt herself pulled upward and flipped over in an almost summersault fashion before being pulled tightly against a plush, warm body. She looked to see Discord smiling giddily, hanging from the rafters by his long serpentine tail, holding her in his arms. “Surprise!” He chuckled.

“Discord! You startled me.”

“Oh, I was just having some fun.” He replied. “I'm just excited your back.”

Fluttershy couldn't help but smile a little, “Well... that's fine then. How are you feeling?”

“Much better now.” He smiled, “I got us some bread and some salad for dinner. Fresh tomatoes too.”

“Oh, that sounds lovely.” Said Fluttershy. In no time flat, they were on the ground and the table was set. After saying his prayer and cutting the bread, he and Flutter dug into their meal. Fluttershy noted the fresh, crisp taste of the salad and buttery flavor of the bread. Quite nice indeed. However... her mind was somewhat absent. She was thinking about her conversation with Twilight earlier. She thought about Trixie and Pip, about the caravan and her father.

“How's your salad, Fluttershy?” Discord asked with a smile.

Fluttershy had been fiddling with one of her tomatoes when he had asked, and she looked up a little surprised. “Oh! Its... it’s good. Thank you.” She said with a sweet smile, but Discord could tell something was up.

“You okay?”

“Yes... I'm sorry I just...”

“The caravan?” He asked. She nodded in response. He sat there in silence for a moment trying to think of what to say. He hated seeing her like this, but what could he do to cheer her up? “Well... is there anything I could do to make you feel better?”

Fluttershy stared at her tomato for a moment before looking up at him. She could see the concern in his yellow eyes. She looked around a bit before she noticed the stack of books near the bed. “Um... How about after dinner you could read to me your favorite book?” She said, flashing him with another sweet smile. Discord in turn nodded in excitement and quickened his pace working through his salad.

After the meal had been squared away, Discord rushed over to his bed. Fluttershy caught up and made herself comfortable on the mattress. She couldn't help but get caught up in Discord's excitement and enthusiasm. Rummaging through the books and papers, the lengthy chimera eventually found what he was looking for and exclaimed in triumph, “Yes! Here it is! This I've simply dying to share with somepony.”

He sat next to Fluttershy and showed her the small faded cover. It had no title, simply a drawing of what appeared to be a dragon sleeping on a pink cloud. Fluttershy observed it a bit before asking, “What book is this?” She asked sweetly.

“This is my book.” Replied Discord, still wearing that excited grin of his, “I wrote this myself. It's the story of a dragon who lives in an abandoned tower, but has the ability to make whatever he wants appear.”

Fluttershy looked at him in surprise, “You wrote this?” She asked, taking the book in her hooves and opening to the first page, which contained another drawing, showing the afore mentioned tower in the middle of a valley.

“Yeah... I've had a lot of time to work on it. Whenever I have a dream or a fun thought, I put it in this book.” He chuckled. “Though... I've always wanted to get somepony’s opinion on it. I've tried asking Chrysalis to, but she says that I shouldn't be fooling with things like that. Do you think I could read it to you and you could give me your opinion?”

“Oh. Discord, of course I will! I'd really love that.” She replied. Adjusting herself on the bed, she moved closer to Discord as he held the book out in front of them. Discord did the same, trying to make himself comfortable and accommodate for Fluttershy. He felt her lean against his shoulder which caused his voice to become caught in his throat momentarily. “So... how does it all begin?” Fluttershy asked, looking up at him with a smile.

He shook his head and recomposed himself. “Oh! Yes, right here.” He said, flipping to the next page. “Alright, let us begin. Once upon a time~.”

Several hours had passed and it was now well into the night. Most of the streetlights had been extinguished and most of the houses had gone dark. Inside the bell tower, the candles had been reduced to near complete wicks, as hot and solidifying wax dribbled off the table and onto the floor. Fluttershy and Discord were still in their place on the soft mattress, with the book set aside on the wooden floor. Discord's eye's fluttered open and he let out a small yawn before looking down at the cream colored Pegasus. She lay there at his side, her eyes closed in a warm, tender sleep. His tail was coiled around her, holding her in a gentle embrace, keeping her warm despite the cool nip in the air.

Gently, he reached down and brushed away a stray lock of her mane that had fallen out of place. The moon light streamed into the bell tower and almost seemed to dance off her long, flowing locks of rosy hair. In her sleep, he saw her smile and sigh, shifting slightly closer to his body. He smiled softly in turn. “How is it that an angel such as you has come to a creature like me?” He thought to himself.

A small sigh was heard from the Pegasus mare sleeping at his side. Fluttershy's eyes fluttered open and she sat up to her haunches. Rubbing her eyes, she let out a yawn before looking over to the draconequus. She then noticed how his tail was gently coiled about her mid-section, acting as a warm covering from the cold night air. She felt her cheeks begin to flush slightly. “Oh... Discord. uh, looks like we dozed off a little.” She chuckled slightly.

Discord chuckled in response and sat up. He reached over and picked up the book they had been reading. Closing it in his mismatched hands, he set it on the nearby bed side table. “Oh, yes. Um... must have dozed off.” He said softly. “How are you feeling?”

“Hmm. I'm okay.” She sighed, leaning against Discord's comforting tail. “I don't know why, I just... I just feel... so at peace right now.”

Discord smiled, “Hah. Yeah, I... I think I know what you mean. I... I think I feel the same way.”

“Hmm. You know, Discord... despite everything that's happened... I don't regret any of it.”

He looked at her questioningly, “What do you mean? You don't regret any of it?”

“I mean... despite all that's happened to me these past few days... everypony for the most part that I've met has been so nice and caring. Putting themselves in danger to try and help me get home. And you... you've been so kind to me. Doing your best to cheer me up when I'm down. I don't think I've ever met somepony like you. It's like what my father used to tell me. All we need is to be kind and have faith.”

“Your father must have been a great stallion. You must have loved him dearly.”

“Yes... I still do.” She said, holding her locket in her hooves. She looked up at him, “You’re a good creature, Discord. Remember that. And don't let anypony tell you otherwise. Promise me, Discord. Promise me.”

Discord felt as if his lungs were growing heavy. Staring at her. Those large, soft cyan eyes filled with moonlight. “I... I, I promise, Fluttershy. I promise.”

A tender smile traced across her face. She breathed in deeply through her nostrils before resting her head against his side. “Thank you, Discord.”



“I... I think I need to tell you something.”


Discord felt as if his voice had caught in his throat. His heart beat heavily in his chest as he tried to form the words on his tongue. “I... I think I~.”


The sudden sound of metal latching on stone run out throughout the bell tower, causing a great ruckus. Fluttershy sprung from her place in surprise, and in turn causing the draconequus to jump, slightly falling off the bed. “Fluttershy, what is it? What's wrong?” He asked with great alarm. “Did something happen?”

“I heard something loud outside.” She said. “It sounded like something outside landed on the railing.”

Jumping to his feet, Discord started towards the door that led outside to the terrace railing. “Stay here,” he said, raising his claw to make her stay. Slowly, he made his way out onto the stone walk way that spaded the two towers. He looked about, searching for the source of the disturbance, before his eyes spotted what appeared to be a three pronged metal hook latched onto the stone railing. A rope was attached to it, and he could see it moving slightly as if it was baring weight.

Slowly, he approached the railings edge. His body tensing up for anything that might happen next. With caution, he peered over. Yellow eyes met teal and he jumped back in surprise. A yelp sounded and Fluttershy came rushing out to see what the matter was. “Discord, what happened~?” She was cut off as a darkly cladded figure leaped over the railing to land in front of her.

“Hey Fluttershy!” A familiar, energetic voice said.

“Pinkie?!” She said in surprise.

The pink colored mare reached up and through off the hood of her cloak, allowing her large poofy mane to burst free. “The one and only.” She said happily, “But I'm not alone.” A muffled grunt came up from over the railing as two more figures hauled themselves over with slightly less grace then Pinkie. Fluttershy's eyes lit up and she swore that she felt her heart stop dead in its tracks.

“Trixie!? Pipsqueak!?” She exclaimed, her eyes quickly filling with tears of joy. She rushed over to them and embraced them in her hooves. She kissed their cheeks despite their protests. Discord, meanwhile, managed to return to his feet and watched, unsure of how to react.

“Oh, my goodness, it’s so good to see you two.” Said Fluttershy as she wiped the moisture from her eyes, “But, what are you two doing here? How did you find me?”

“It's a long story,” said Pip. “We met this really nice cross eyed mare that said she'd seen you around. And well, when you disappeared, we got so worried, we did. So we followed her and she got us inside.”

“Yes. But once we got to where she said you'd be, we met Miss Pie here, and she told us that you'd been locked up in the bell tower.” Trixie added. “So together, Pip, Pinkie and I launched a rescue mission to come get you and take you back home.”

“And so here we are!” Pinkie exclaimed in excitement.

Fluttershy felt her heart begin to soar. She was going home. Finally, she was going home. Back to her warm bed with her friends and loved ones. She couldn't help to contain her excitement and leaped into the air as she let out a cheer of joy. She hugged Trixie and Pipsqueak once again.


Fluttershy's ears perked up at hearing the sound of Discord's voice. She turned to look at him and her eyes met his. She felt her excitement waver as she stared at the draconequus as he stood there in the bell tower doorway. Slowly, she stepped away from her friends and made her way to him, taking his hands in her hooves.

“Discord, these are my friends. Trixie, Pipsqueak and Pinkie.”

He looked over to the three ponies. “They've come to help me get home.” Fluttershy continued.

“Your leaving?” He asked her. Despite his best efforts, Fluttershy could easily hear the sadness in his voice.

“Discord... come with us.”


“Come with us! Back to the Court of Miracles. To the caravan, leave this place!” Fluttershy said, looking into his eyes.

Discord thought about that for a moment. Could he leave? Could he actually go with her and her friends. Leave Notre Mare and Maris behind. The idea did sound promising. He could travel the country. Yeah! He could see all the wonderful things Fluttershy had told him about. The forests and meadows in spring, the clean mountain rivers, the fertile farmlands, and all the while Fluttershy could be with him. And he with her. But... than the memories of what had happened at the Feast of Fools. How the ponies had stared and gawked at him with horror. He could feel the sting of the whip on his back. “Oh no... I'm not back out there again.” He said with a sigh, “You saw what happened last time. No... this is where I belong....”

This whole time she had been longing to get back home and now she had the opportunity. But now, she felt a string of sadness pluck at her heart as she looked into Discord's eyes. She held his mismatched hands in her hooves tightly, bringing them together. Then, an idea came to her. Reaching down to her back pocket, she retrieved the small woven band that Pinkie had given her on the day of the festival.

“Discord... I want you to have this.” She said placing it in his paw.

“What is it?” He asked.

“Discord, listen to me. If you ever need sanctuary, this will show you the way.”

He looked at it in his paw, studying its design, “But how?”

“Just remember,” she said, “When you wear this woven band, you the hold the city in your hoof.”

“You know that really didn't rhyme?”

Fluttershy and Pinkie shared a laugh at Discord’s comment and she shrugged.

“Come on, Fluttershy!” Trixie called as she and Pip began to descend down the rope. “We got to go!”

She looked to Discord one more time. “I'll never forget you, Discord.” She said, embracing him.

Discord returned the gesture and held her tight against his body. “You must hurry now.”

Fluttershy nodded and kissed his cheek for the second time before joining her companions, along with Angel who jumped into her forelegs. Hopping over the railing, she made her way down the rope as Discord looked on from above. She waved farewell to him as she descended and Discord did the same. Before long, the small party was at ground level and quickly darted into the nearest alley way. Discord watched them until they were out of sight, and he felt his heart grow heavy as Fluttershy disappeared into the darkness. He remained there for some time after, looking out across the city as it slept. To his right, a stone gargoyle was parched on the railing. “Why was I not made of stone like thee?” He said to it.

With a heavy heart, the lone draconequus made his way back inside the sanctity of the bell tower. The candle on his bedside table had now completely burnt itself out, leaving the room filled with darkness. Discord looked around at the vastness of the moon-cast shadows that filled the now seemingly barren and empty bell tower. He returned to his bed and rested his haunches on it. Reaching over, he picked up the book he and Fluttershy had read together and began to flip through its pages. Inside were a multitude of drawings that he had done over the years. One was of the main character resting on a cloud of cotton candy floating over a field of popcorn. Looking at it made him chuckle slightly. He thought about all that had transpired since that fateful day during the Festival of Fools. He thought of how Fluttershy had stepped up to give him water and defend him... “Fluttershy.” He said to himself. So deep in thought was he, that he failed to realize that he was not alone.

He felt a hoof fall on his shoulder and he turned his head in surprise, “Flutter~.”

“Hi there. I'm looking for a miss Fluttershy.” Standing there was the captain of the city guards, Flash Sentry, dressed in his full attire. Discord felt a surge of anger spike in him at seeing the soldier, and he jumped to his feet, whirling around growling.

“RRAAGH!.” He growled, almost leaping onto Flash. The captain of the guards stumbled back as the looming draconequus lurched at him, baring his single fang. “No soldiers! Sanctuary! Leave! Now!”

“No no! I mean no harm,” Flash said, holding up his hooves as he slowly backed away. “I just need to speak to Fluttershy.”

Discord did not relent and began to force the captain back towards the stairwell, angrily waving his arms before snatching a torch from the wall. “I said GO! No soldiers! SANCTUARY!” He roared, swiping at Flash with his torch, the both of them now working their way down the stairwell.

“I don't mean her any harm! I just need a word!.” Flash protested, only managing to further anger the draconequus.

“RRRAAAHH! I SAID GO!” Discord screamed, raising his torch as if to strike the captain. In self-defense, Flash unsheathed his sword and brought it upwards. The blade striking the torches handle just below the flame and pinning it against the wall, but that didn't stop Discord from reaching out and grabbing Flash by the collar of his cape. With strength that surprised the Pegasus captain, Discord retched him forward, bringing them face to face.

Catching his breath, Flash looked into Discord's yellow eyes, “I just wanted to tell her.” He began, “I didn't mean to trap her here, it was the only way to save her life.”

Discord, meanwhile, was paying close attention to his lips as he spoke, but this caught him off-guard. Save her life? He felt his anger start to waver.

“Please,” he continued. “Tell her that I didn't mean to trap her. Please, will you tell her that?”

Discord was in a bit of shock. This soldier, the captain of the guards no less was concerned for Fluttershy? He wasn't sure how to react. “I... I'll tell her.” He said, “But only if you go!”

Flash nodded in agreement. “But... um could you maybe put me down first?”

Discord then realize that he had lifted Flash off his hooves. Slowly, he set him down and composed himself. Flash turned and began to make his way down the steps. But before he could disappear down the stairwell, he looked back to Discord, “Oh! And tell her, she's very very lucky.”


“To have a friend like you.” Replied Flash. Discord was taken back by this and looked at him in silence. Flash then turned and disappeared down the stairwell, leaving Discord once again to himself. Alone.

Chrysalis stood in her chambers in silence. She looked outward through the large bay window out onto the sleeping city in deep contemplation. The imposing silhouette of the cathedral looming in the distance. The large fireplace roared with activity, pouring out varying shades hues of light; casting ominous dancing shadows across the room.

She listened to the sound of the wood crackling in the heat of the fire. She could feel it as it bathed out of the fire place to gently beat against her bare face. She sighed heavily at the sensation. Mounted over the fire place was the emblem of the sun. The holy symbol of the faith. Her eyes studied it closely, as if searching for something hidden in its craftsmanship.

She bit her lip, feeling as if her lungs were slowly starting to turn to lead. She simply felt as if a great weight was beginning to dare down on her. Pulling down at her being.

So many thoughts filled and plagued her mind through her mind. But among them all, there was one that ailed her the most. She could see her there. The gypsy mare dancing in the street. That rosy maned gypsy, standing there atop the scaffold, looking at her in defiance. Her kneeling there beneath the statue of Celestia in Notre Mare as the light streamed in from above. The images would simply not leave her mind at peace, despite her best efforts to forget, and much to her dismay. She felt as if there was a fire insider her. Burning. Burning in the back of her mind, and spreading through the fibers of her being!

She felt so confused, so lost. So empty inside. What was wrong with her?! Why did she feel this way? Why did the image of the gypsy mare plague her mind so!? It was then that it donned on her. A realization that made her limbs tremble and her breath grow sharp. She breathed in heavily, trying to collect herself. Trying to process her realization.

She began to pray.

“Beata Celestia, you know I am a righteous mare

Of my virtue I am justly proud.”

“Beata Celestia, you know I'm so much purer than

The common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd.”

“Then tell me, Celestia!

Why I see her dancing there?

Why her cyan eyes still scorch my soul?”

“I feel her, I see her!

The sun caught in rosé mane,

Is blazing in me out of all control!”

“Like fire! Hellfire!

This fire in my skin,

This burning,


Is turning me to sin!”

She felt her limbs give way, causing her to collapse onto the stone floor, kneeling. She felt as if the room around her was beginning to dissolve, becoming distorted. She looked up and, to her horror, was met with the image of a grand jury of thousands of hooded figures. Their faces veiled in shadow. All looming ominously above her, and casting their judging gazes towards her.

“It's not my fault, I'm not to blame.

It is the gypsy mare,

The witch who sent this flame!”

“It's not my fault, If in Faust's plan,

She made the devil so much

Stronger than a mare!”

“Protect me, Celestia.

Don't let this siren cast her spell,

Don't let her fire sear my flesh and bone!”

“Destroy Fluttershy,

And let her taste the fires of hell.

Or else let her be mine and mine alone.”

Suddenly, there was a knock at the bedroom door, which caused Chrysalis to look back in fear. In the doorway was a silhouette of a Marisian soldier.

“Your majesty?“ the soldier spoke up from the bedroom door, “The gypsy... she's escaped...“

These words fell like anvils on the Queen's ears. “What?“

“She's nowhere in the cathedral. Reports say that she escaped with three others. She's... gone.“

“But, how?! I~. Never mind. Get out you idiot!“ Chrysalis exclaimed as she returned her gaze to the fireplace, and the soldier closed the door and left her alone. “I'll find her. I'll find her if I have to burn down all of Maris!“

“Hellfire, dark fire!

Now gypsy, it's your turn,

Choose me or,

Your pyre!

Be mine or you will burn!”

“Faust have mercy on her,

Faust have mercy on me,

But she will be mine!

Or she will burn!”

Author's Note:

Please comment and share your thoughts, I am open to constructive criticism.

Thank you.