• Published 9th Nov 2014
  • 6,529 Views, 507 Comments

The Draconequus of Notre Mare - Inkquill

Deformed, beaten and hidden from the world. Locked away within hallowed halls and sacred bells, the world beyond nothing but a dream, this is all he has known... that is, until she came.

  • ...

Chapter Sixteen: Twisted Knots and Woven-Bands.

The Draconequus of Notre Mare.

By Inkquill.

Chapter Sixteen: Twisted Knots and Woven-Bands.

The Marisian Streets

Chrysalis rode through the city in her armored carriage, pulled slowly by her loyal soldiers. Through the carriage windows, she could see the chaos that ran rampant through the streets, burning rubbish and scurrying Marisian citizens who made it their manifesto to keep well clear of their monarch’s wake. It was then that a lone guard came rushing up to the carriage as it was about to turn a corner and called out, “My Queen?”

Peering her head out of her moving foremen, she calmly addressed him, “Yes? What news?”

“We’ve looked everywhere.” He continued. “There’s no sign of the gypsy or her kind.”

He nearly jumped at what the Queen did next. “Damn it all.” She muttered to herself as she angrily shut the carriage curtain. She took several deep breaths, trying to collect herself, she knew she couldn’t think straight when she was this angry. “I had the entire cathedral surrounded. Guards at every door, how in Faust’s name could she have escaped?”

Her ears twitched. Throughout the city streets came the all too familiar chime of clashing iron. She looked towards the cathedral as the bells played on, her eyes flashing with revelation. “Unless…”

The Bell Tower

“Aaaarrrrgggghhhh~!!!” Screamed Rainbow, followed shortly by a crash of rubble as her hoof smashed against a discarded statue. “Rraaaagh~! How could she do that!”

Whilst the rainbow-colored Pegasus proceeded on her infuriated rampage, from down below her came the dampened whimpers of despair. Woeful sobs of tragic sadness that intermingled with the furious bellowing in an almost rhythmic fashion. “It’s just not fair!” Rarity wept, soaking the wood flooring beneath her in moisture.

“I mean! How could she do that to Dissy!?” Rainbow roared. “That’s just-just, just no! JUST NO!”

“H-he, he, he loves h-her, her!” Rarity followed with as black streaks of mascara streamed down her stone cheek. “C-can’t she see that?!”

“Why I atta, why I atta~!....” Rainbow sank to the floor, her face buried right into her hooves. She clenched her teeth. She could feel the anger inside her surging, as well as the tears that she was trying to hold back. “Shh… no…. Just, just no….” She muttered.

“There ain’t nothin’ we can do…” Came a quiet, sullen voice.

Rainbow and Rarity looked up and towards the owner of the voice. Rarity wiped her eyes clear of tears and mascara as they stared over at their Earth Pony companion. She sat completely still, secluded beneath a low canopy beneath the flight of wooden stairs that led up to Discord’s studio. Her back was to them, but they could see that her head was hung low.

“There ain’t nothin’ we can do…” She said again. From the tone of her voice, Rainbow and Rarity could tell that something was desperately wrong. A sense of surrender hung heavy around the mare, something that was frighteningly uncharacteristic of Applejack. “It’s just how it is. And how it is that there ain’t nothin’ we can do…”

“What?” Rainbow inquired. “What do you mean there’s nothing we can do? What? You just want us to stand around while Discord’s in pain?!”

“Yes, Applejack,” Rarity interjected. “There hast to be something we can do.”

Applejack looked up at Rainbow with a thick scowl on her face. “No! We can’t do a damn thing here!”

“Why not!? Why not AJ?! Why can’t we help Discord with this?”

“We just can’t!” Applejack retorted.

“But why?!”

“Ah just said! ‘Cus we can’t?!”

“Why not!” Rainbow screamed.


The room was deathly slightly. Nopony moved or spoke. Rarity and Rainbow simply stood there in disbelief, staring at their good friend, who was practically shaking, trying to hold back the emotions that swirled inside her. They could see beads of tears forming in her eyes as her mouth hung open with lips curled and teeth bared; her chest heaving and trembling violently.

Finally, she spoke. “... There’s nothing we can do ‘cus we’re not real… we are all products of Discord’s imagination. We’ve helped him so much. We’ve helped him cope with everything his life has thrown at him since he was a youngin'… but this? There’s nothin’ we can do here… we can love him. We can cry with him. And we can comfort him. But we can’t control the choices of others… and if this if Fluttershy’s choice. Then... “

“Discord?” Came a meek voice followed by a hoof. “What are you doing under the stairs?”

The draconequus jumped a little as he felt the hoof on his shoulder. He looked up and around from his place beneath the wooden stairs, his eyes falling on the cream Pegasus. “Oh! Fluttershy. Wha-is something the matter?” He asked.

She looked up at him as he stepped back into the candle light. She nodded, “What are you doing under the stairs?” She repeated, making sure he could see her lip movement clearly.

“Oh! Um, nothing,” He stuttered. “I was just… thinking.”

Fluttershy tilted her head, still looking up at her friend, she looked at him with concern. She could hear by the tone of his voice that something wasn’t quite right. “Discord? Are you okay?”

He nodded with a partial smile. “Who me? Yeah, never better.” He said, trying to keep his composure, but Fluttershy wasn’t buying it.

“Discord, if there’s something bothering you, you need to tell me?”

Discord paused for a moment. His hesitation only increasing Fluttershy’s worry. Steadying his breath, he mustered up his courage and looked her in the eye. “Fluttershy... “

“Yes, Discord?”

“Fluttershy, I~”

“Guys! We got trouble!” Twilight called out.

Running over to the window, they looked down onto the Grand Plaza. They all seemed to simultaneously gasp as they looked down in horror at the armored carriage below. “Chrysalis is coming!” Discord exclaimed as he dashed back away from the window, beckoning them to follow. “You must go, quickly. Follow me!”

Dashing down a small flight of wooden stairs, he led them to one of the outer doors that led onto the catwalk railing. “Go down the south tower steps. It should be safest route.” Following his guidance, Twilight, Fluttershy and Angel quickly made their way through the doorway. However, before she stepped through, Fluttershy halted mid-gallop to take Discord’s mismatched hands in her hooves.

“Please be safe, Discord.” She said, “And please, take care of Flash.”

Discord nodded as he looked into her bright cyan eyes. “I promise, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy smiled sweetly at him, though the sadness in her eyes was clear. “Thank you.” And with that, once again, she disappeared into the shadows. Following her friends to safety.

“At least she’s safe.” Discord thought to himself.

“Uh, Discord?” Rarity called to him. “She’s coming!”

“Come on! We gotta hide the bloke!” Rainbow stated.

Wasting no time, Discord set to work. Taking the unconscious stallion in his hands, Discord quickly pulled him over away from the little makeshift bed he had been laid in. He tried not to hurt him with all his jerking motions, but still, he found it difficult to keep Flash from flopping about. He could hear Chrysalis’ hoof steps as she ascended the stone stairwell up into the bell tower, and he knew he was running short on time. In panic, the flustered chimera darted over to his studio table and flung the rag-doll-like stallion underneath it, covering him up with the table cloth.

And just in time too, as Chrysalis, in all her regal glory and dominance, appeared in the stairwell. “Oh! Mistress! I-I-I-I didn’t think you’d be coming?” Discord stammered.

Chrysalis wore a gentle grin across her lips. In her hoof she carried the traditional wicker basket that she always brought on her visits to the bell tower. “Oh nonsense, my dear boy.” She said softly, “I’m never too busy to share a meal with you. And, I’ve brought a little… treat.

She hesitated for a moment, never letting her eyes leave Discord’s and all the while holding her soft grin. “Platter and silverware, Discord, if you please?”

“Oh! Yes! Yes of course, right away ma’am!” Discord said as he darted over to where he kept his and her respected tableware.

A loud clamor shortly followed, along with the breaking of a few plates that tumbled off their shelving, much to Discord’s dismay. Chrysalis however kept her collected calm, patiently waiting her stewards return to the table.

“Is there something troubling you Discord?” Chrysalis inquired as he quickly set the table. Reaching into her basket, she removed a large bushel of red grapes and gently set them on his platter.

“Oh, no! No mistress.” Discord replied hastily.

Chrysalis meanwhile shook her head and puckered her lips like a mother does her child who had just toppled over his bowl of porridge, while she herself plucked a single grape from the vine. “Oh but my dear, there is.” She coddled, letting a much more toothy grin spread over her lips before putting the plucked grape in her mouth to eat it. “I know there is… I think you’re hiding something, Discord.”

“Oh no, Mistress! I’m, I’m not hiding anything from you.”

“You’re not eating, my child.” Said Chrysalis.

At that, the now thoroughly nervous draconequus hastily shoved several of the ruby-red grapes into his maw, packing them away into his cheeks. “Mpgh~! It’s very good. Thank you.” He muffled.

She smiled at him, “What's… different in here?”

He looked around nervously, his crimson eyes darting back and forth. “N-nothing… ma’am”

He watched as her hoof drifted down to the table. Her eyes, like those of an eagle sculling over her prey, drifted between each of the small wooden figurines that littered the table, eventually falling on one in particular. “This one looks knew.”

Discord followed the line of her foreleg to the figure she had specified. His eyes lit up with fear as he looked down at the familiar wooden figure. He whittled it not too long ago; paint had just dried as he remembered. In her hoof was the small figure of a buttercream-colored Pegasus with cyan blue eyes and rose-locks of hair, dressed in a white dress with green trimming.

“It’s awfully good. Looks a great deal like the… gypsy-mare….I know you helped her ESCAPE!!!” Chrysalis roared, slamming the figure into the table and causing Discord to fly out of his seat with fear. He tumbled over as the Queen bared down at him, her brow scowled and her lips curled into a vicious snarl. “And now all Maris is burning because of you!”

“She… she was kind to me, Mistress.” Discord said in his defense.

“You imbecile!” Chrysalis roared again, snaking around the table to loom over Discord, grabbing his jaw in her hooves. “That wasn’t kindness, it was cunning! She’s a gypsy! Gypsies are not capable of real love! Think boy, think of your mother!”

An uneasy silence was held between them, with Discord lying beneath the venting Queen. Eventually, her heated glaring subsided, and she spoke. “Oh, but what chance would a poor mismatched creature like you have against her heathen tricks…” She said as she returned to her hooves. Reaching once again into the basket, she removed the cutting knife she had brought for their bread and brought it to bare.

“Well… there is no need to worry, Discord.” She said calmly as she stabbed the figuring in the side, impaling it on the cold steel. She then brought it to the candle that flickered gently in the evening air of the bell tower, holding it over the dancing flame until it itself began to catch fire. “She’ll be out of our lives soon enough. Along with all the rest of her kind within these city walls. I will free you from her evil spell.”

Discord watched in horror as the small wooden figurine was engulfed in flame, “She will torment you no longer.” Chrysalis spoke.

“What do you mean, ma’am?” Discord asked.

Collecting her things together, Chrysalis strode passed her shaken pupil, heading towards the flight of stairs that led to the primary level and onward to the stone stairwell. “I know where she’s hiding.” She said calmly. “And tomorrow at dawn, I attack… With a thousand stallions.” And with that, she silently disappeared down the wooden steps.

Discord sat there for a moment, letting himself recover from what had just transpired. However, out of the corner of his eye, he managed to see a flash of movement. Turning his gaze over towards the table, he saw Flash staggering to his hooves, using the table to prop himself up.

“We have to warn them.” Discord could make out from the ex-soldiers lip movements. “We have to find the Court of Miracles before sun break and warn them. Are you coming?”

Discord hesitated before speaking, but eventually let his head fall, “I can’t.” He said sullenly.

“What do you mean you can’t?” Flash retorted.

“I’ve already disobeyed my Mistress too much. I can’t do it again…”

“She stuck up for you! And now you’re just going to leave her to the wolves? You know you have a funny way of showing gratitude.”

Discord said nothing. He simply stood there in silence as Flash stared at him with frustration. He shook his head. “Fine. You do what you think is right. But I’m not going to stand idly by while Chrysalis massacres the innocent.”

Again, Discord said nothing. In his heart, he knew what was right, and he could feel the words on his tongue, silent as they may be, trying to escape his lips, but what could he say? What could he do? He kept silent. Flash, sensing that nothing was to come from arguing with the draconequus, let out a sigh, turning towards the stairwell and with as much haste has he could muster in his current state, left Discord to his own devices.

Once again, Discord was left alone. Surrounded by silence, he contemplated what Flash had said. He knew he was right, but what could he do?! Chrysalis was his guardian, his mistress and ward. He had disobeyed her far too much as it is… but…


He looked up, his eyes falling on his three loyal friends, who were all glaring at him with raised eyebrows.

“What?” He exclaimed. “What do you want me to do? What am I supposed to do?! Go, gallivanting into battle and save the girl from, from the jaws of death and the whole town will cheer like I’m some kind of a hero!? Fluttershy already has her knight in shining armor, and it’s not me!”

He sighed, “Chrysalis was right… Chrysalis was right about everything. And I’m tired of trying to be something I’m not…”

Shaking his head, the despaired chimera shambled over to the wrecked table and promptly sat himself down at his stool. He buried his face into his hands as the candlelight flickered off his features, casting strange shadows about the room. Finally, he removed his hands from his face and looked at them closely. He remembered how she had held them… the kindness of her eyes. Taking a breath, he placed his eagle's claw on the small woven pendant she had given him. He examined its fine workings and bright colors to the smallest detail. “When you wear this woven band… you hold the city in your hoof…” He muttered to himself. Suddenly, his eyes lit up with inspiration, as those words rang aloud in his mind.

He then felt a hoof tap at his shoulder. Turning, he found Applejack standing behind him with a warm, tender smile, holding a cloak in his hooves.

Slowly, he reached out and felt the fabric in between his digits as he sighed in surrender. “I must be out of my mind.”

Making his way down the stone stairs, Flash Sentry arrived at the landing and entered into the main hall of the cathedral. He paused for a moment as he noted the calm silence that persisted there. So peaceful, so quiet… he shook his head.

Picking up his hooves, he trotted across the vaulted room and over to one of the far right doorways that led out into the streets. It was well past midnight and he knew that most of the city, even the guards would have gone to bed by now, so he didn’t worry too much about that. However, when he opened the door, he was surprised as his eyes were met with a flash of red and yellow.

“Flash!” Came a voice. Flash, thoroughly surprised, jumped off his footing and fell back onto the marble floor with a gasp. Looking back up, he found two large yellow eyes with red pupils staring back at him, attached to the long serpentine neck and head of the draconequus he had just scolded. “I’m coming with you.”

“Glad you changed your mind.” Flash said, returning to his hooves.

Discord, who had been hanging upside down from the archway, swung himself down practically without a noise. “I’m not doing it for you,” he said. “I’m doing it for her.”

Flash nodded, “You know where she is?”

“I think so,” Discord replied, taking off the pendant from around his neck. “She said this will help us find her… I think it’s a map.”

Flash looked the woven band over, finding it rather unremarkable. “How is this a map?” He asked.

“Look, this sun here, and there’s the cathedral. The blue thread is the river, this is a miniature map of the city.”

“Alright, you say it’s a map? Fine, it’s a map. But if we’re going to find the Court of Miracles. we’re going to work together. Alright?”

Discord nodded, “Yes. Now let’s go. Do you have everything?”

“I think so.” Flash replied.

“Alright, let’s go, and close the door.” Discord said as he started down the street. However, as Flash turned to close the door behind him, from the dim light of candles that flickered on and off from the cathedral hall, out of the corner of his eye, he could see the silhouette of a figure. Turning his head towards the pony, he could see the outline of a unicorn mare dressed in robes, with two vast violet eyes staring back at him in silence. In them, he could see fear, sadness and several other surging emotions. Their eyes lingered together for what seemed like an eternity, with not a word or sound being uttered.

“Flash! Come on.” Discord called, snapping Flash out of the mare’s violet trance. He took a long, shaky breath and closed the door, but not before stealing another glance at those vast opals. The door finally shut though, with a middle clamor as the wood and iron rubbed against its hinges.

“Goodbye, Flash…” Twilight whispered.

The Cemetery

Following Discord’s knowledge of the city layout, having observed it in detail for most of his life from his lofty stone canopy, they traveled east in accordance to the map and eventually found themselves at the gates of the old cemetery. Flash had lit a torch to guide their way and shortly after entering the hallowed grounds, they came upon a large crypt. On it was embroidered the sigil of the sun. Just like the map showed.

“I think this is it.” Flash said as he took a closer look at the inscriptions. “Hmm… give me a second. Let me translate this.”

As Flash went to work looking over the faded lines of text, Discord set to work inspecting the rest of the structure. Running his fingers across the Gothic craftsmanship, he felt his way around the large stone sarcophagus that lay in front of the main crypt, until finally, he felt what he had expected.

“Hmm… sorry this is taking a little long, my Latin is a little rusty~” However Flash was cut off as the stone slab was wrenched upwards off its resting place and heaved aside. When the dust cleared, the light of their torch revealed a long stairwell leading into the depths of the earth.

“Ah, well yes, or we could just go down those stairs.” Said Flash.

Wasting no time, they quickly descended the steps, closing the sarcophagus lid back over them as they did. The steps were moist, with light groves of moss growing at the seams. Discord counted roughly thirty-five in total before they reached the landing at the bottom and their torch light illuminated the opening cavern. They gasped at what they saw.

All about the place were the skulls and skeletal remains of ponies, stacked one on top of the other and lining the walls. The floor was flooded with sour water and the whole place reeked of decay.

“Is this the Court of Miracles?” Flash asked facing Discord.

“Looks to me the Court of Knee-Deep Sewage.” Discord replied, taking the torch in his talons. “Looks like the old catacombs.

Proceeding on their way, they waded through the stale water keeping close together. Besides the sounds of dripping water and scurrying rats, the seemingly endless concession of chambers were deathly silent. No pun intended. “Cheerful place, isn’t it.” Flash jested. “Sure makes you wish you got out more, am I right.”

Discord rolled his eyes at the ex-soldiers comment. “Yeah sure, sure. I just want to warn Fluttershy before it’s too late. I couldn’t stand it if anything happened to her…” He paused for a moment. “Sorry.”

“Sorry for what?” Flash inquired.

“I um… I didn’t mean to sound intrusive.”

“Intrusive? What are you talking about?”

“I um… I know you two are uh… you know?”

Flash looked at him in confusion, “That we’re what?”

Discord mentally kicked himself for bringing it up. “I… I saw you too kiss.” He said finally. “I know you two have feelings for each other, and I didn’t want to sound like~”

He was cut off when he felt Flash’s hoof on his shoulder. “Discord… Fluttershy and I don’t have feelings for each other.”

Discord practically felt his heart stop mid beat as he watched the words form on the Pegasus’s lips. “What? But you two were-” He stammered.

“That kiss was just in the heat of the moment.” Flash replied. “She and I talked about it afterwards. It was a thank you. I certainly respect her, and I do care for her. But in terms of romantic interests? I don’t have any ambitions.”

If Discord could have heard those words aloud, he would have sworn himself blessed. But reading them on Flash’s lips was the next best thing. His heart surged with rampant emotions, but his mind was at an impasse. It seemed to have ceased to function. “So, you don’t have romantic interests with her?” He stuttered.

Flash nodded knowingly. “No, I don’t… my heart already belongs to somepony else.”

“Who then?” Asked Discord.

Flash hesitated for a moment before answering. “A good friend of mine from my childhood… known her for a long time, but… I’ve been away. And while I was away, I’m afraid… she’s gone down a path I can’t follow.”

Discord was silent. “I’m sorry, Flash.”

“It’s okay. She has a good home…”

Discord nodded. “Let’s just warn Fluttershy before we both get into any more trouble.”

“Trouble,” Flash repeated. “Trouble. Huh…”

“What is it?”

“Speaking of trouble, don’t you think we should have run into some by now?”

Discord cocked his head, “What do you mean?”

“You know like a guard, or a booby-trap?” It was almost instantaneously that as soon as he said ‘booby-trap’, that a strong, alien gust a wind blew through the catacombs, extinguishing their torch like a match. “Or an ambush.”

Suddenly, they felt their bodies being grabbed at by ghostly hooves. Multiple ponies coming from every direction and bearing down on them, forcing them to their knees and tying their limbs together behind their backs with almost unbelievable speed.

“Well, what do we have here ‘gents?” Flash heard from the darkness while Discord struggled against his bonds furiously.

“Trespassers!” Called a gruff voice.

“Spies!” Came another. “What do we do?”

“Let's take them to the square,” said a distinctly feminine voice. “Let’s see what fun we can have with them?”

“Good idea, Derpy!”

And with that, Flash and Discord felt themselves being lifted off their hooves and carried off into the darkness. ‘Oh boy…’ Discord thought to himself.

Author's Note:

Okay this hast to be the quest I've updated thus far. XD

We're almost there guys! I think the next chapter is going to be the last... :pinkiesad2:

I'm excited... but sad at the same time. :pinkiehappy::pinkiesad2: