• Published 9th Nov 2014
  • 6,529 Views, 507 Comments

The Draconequus of Notre Mare - Inkquill

Deformed, beaten and hidden from the world. Locked away within hallowed halls and sacred bells, the world beyond nothing but a dream, this is all he has known... that is, until she came.

  • ...

Chapter Four: Among Hallowed Halls and Sacred Bells.

Chapter Four: Among Hallowed Halls and Sacred Bells.

A candle flickered in the darkness of the small stone room. A lone unicorn mare, her mane the likeness of an ever flowing river of liquid violet that would glisten in early light of the dawn, dressed in sullen, ash grey robes sat at a wooden desk, her focus deep in the scripture before her.

Taking a spare quill in her hoof, she dabbed into a small flask of ink set beside her. Brushing off the excess, she annotated a section of the worn parchment. "Vhenîn hîm na vianîn emma ir nhet drah tegonor, ir embonor lath aeronor. Hahren lin Ilúvhenan isala hahmîn..." She whispered.

As she continued to read, the small wooden door behind her slowly began to turn on its hinges. A rather stout figure appeared in the doorway, dressed in the clothes of a friar, carrying an assortment of scrolls in his claws. "Here we are." He said, "I got those parchments you wanted, Twilight."

He entered the room but was taken by surprise as his foot became caught on the length of his robes. He fell, causing the parchments to fly across the small room, accompanied by a large ruckus as an assortment of objects fell to the stone floor.

The evening shaded mare became startled by the sudden commotion. Whirling her head back to find the source, her eyes fell upon the petite form of her assistant and steward lying amongst a disorderly assortment of scattered scrolls and books. "Are you alright Spike?" She asked. "Are you hurt?"

Spike let out a faint groan in response. "I'm fine," he answered, "just my pride's a little bruised."

Removing herself from her stool, Twilight lent out a hoof and help Spike up. He was a young, lilac pigmented individual of the race of Dracona. He stood roughly a meter in height, coming about the height of the mares shoulder. His eyes were a fine clover green, matching the spines that ran up and down his back.

"We really must see the local tailor," she said, "you could hurt yourself next time." They both nodded in agreement. "So, what are you reading there?" He asked.

"It's a section from the 'Can’t icle of Coltenides', it relates the story of how the mother, Faust bore her first children unto this world."

Twilight had always been an adamant student. It was an unsociable thirst to progress and learn. She come to the cathedral as a filly; she hadn't a home, a hearth or even a decent wear of clothing at the time. She had lived her life in the streets for most of her young life, forced to steal her daily bread and drink. She had always told herself that she would repay them, but it was not to be.

It had been a dreadful winter of twenty years past when she had come to Notre Mare. She had snuck her way inside seeking warmth and shelter from the storm. However, she was soon discovered by one of the priests as she hid behind one of the many statuettes. But it was not just any priest, it was the Archdeacon herself, Madame Luna.

She had initially been frightened, but soon realized that the darkly colored mare did not bear any ill will towards her for her intrusion. She warmly asked her name and she answered 'Twilight Sparkle'. Luna had asked where she had come from, and as soon as the small filly had related her story, Luna immediately offered her a place to sleep for the night. At the time, Twilight had not known how long her stay would last.

Luna lead her up to a small room on the cathedrals seconded floor. It wasn't a bedroom, but it was warm and dry. Luna had brought her some fabrics for her to sleep in during her stay. Twilight thanked her for her generosity as they both suddenly heard a thunderous knocking from the main hall. Luna went to investigate. Someone was at the main door. Twilight, in the meanwhile, made a makeshift bed from the blankets.

It had only been until the next morning when she learned what had transpired on the cathedral steps. Luna had spared her of the more grisly details, but having living most of her young life in the Marisian back alleyways, she could make an educated quest of what had happened. Especially when she found out that the queen herself had been involved.

Ever since that fateful night, Twilight had found a home within the cathedral. Luna had grown fond of her as time passed, and at this point, Twilight was almost like the daughter Faust had never granted her. Twilight was now a full time student of the church; a nun in training. Several years prior Friar Spike had been appointed by the Archdeacon as her personal steward, of which they soon became close friends.

Having decided that she had spent enough time in her scrolls, she and Spike proceeded to clear out the dark reading room. As they walked out, quietly shutting the door behind them, Spike struck up a conversation. "You know, the Feast of Fools is tomorrow," he said, "I don't suppose you'd like to attend? You know, get some fresh air?" A kind smile decorated his face.

Twilight looked at him with a hesitant expression. "I don't know Spike... I mean what if something happens back at the cathedral and I'm not there to help?"

Spike looked up at her, a brow raising. “Twilight don't be silly; you need to get out and enjoy yourself. Besides, the festival's being held right in front of Notre Mare! If something comes up I'm sure we can get back in time."

Spike had a valid point, but Twilight was still hesitant. She had always been a bit reclusive, preferring the warm confines of her study to the crowded masses of the city outside.

Twilight shook off her discomfort, quickly changing the subject. "We'll discuss it later, for now we have to get some extra incense for the evening mass."

Suddenly, a large clatter rose up through the halls. Through the mid entrance of the cathedral, a tall, slender figure entered the holy house of Faust.

Twilight and Spike were at the far end of the hall, near towards the altar, but they could still distinguish the newcomer.

The figure was a mare with a coat as white as snow. Her long, beryl mane cascaded down her elegant, regal neck; her clouded, emerald eyes casting an imposing, sullen glare towards the distant altar.

The very air seemed to be stripped of its warmth at the arrival of the pear-colored mare. A sense of baleful discontent and emotional detachment.

She held a small, woven basket in her right hoof, covered by a lilac cloth. As was the common tradition for her annual visits to Notre Mare. After taking a calm breath, she began to quietly stride towards the western spiral staircase.

Spike and Twilight were motionless the entirety of her time spent in the main hall, as if one false breath could inspire an unpleasant scene.

"Come on Spike," Twilight finally spoke out after the slender figure had disappeared up the stone steps.

"Let's go get those incense."

Queen Chrysalis had made it a common practice to visit the cathedral regularly. Twilight had been well aware of this since she was young. Not long after coming to live at Notre Mare, she had had the misfortune of accidentally crossing the queens path during the Hearth Warming gathering of twenty years prior.

Twilight would never forget those cold, dagger like eyes, staring down at her in a fashion that caused her to tremble, and much to her embarrassment and horror, wet herself. Of course, she was a mere filly then, and having grown up on the street seeing first hoof the atrocities the queen had inflicted on her "lower" subjects, then coming face to face with her, certainly that would have caused some fright.

Twilight had once asked Luna why the queen would make a regular pilgrimage up to the lofty bell towers. Luna explained that they were in the care of her "child", and Chrysalis was coming to see him.

Twilight's first reaction to this was one of disbelief. The queen had a child?

She simply couldn't believe that such a cold mare could have mothered anything, and why was he being kept in the bell tower?

These questions plagued Twilight for years. She learned after some time that Chrysalis’ "child" had taken up the role of the cathedral's bell ringer, but in all that time, she had never seen him.

Who was this mysterious character? Who was the colt, or perhaps stallion, who called the Queen of Maris mother?

Twilight turned her eyes towards the soaring arched roof, as if to peer through the stone to catch a glimpse of the cathedral bell ringer. "Twilight, you coming?" Spike called.

With a sigh, Twilight quickened her step to catch up to the small dragon.

The high, dimly light bell tower was silent. The massive, iron instruments hung motionless as streams of light from the noon day sun poured through the open air windows, revealing a spectacle of falling dust that seemed to dance as it passed through the light.

The sound of pigeons roosting was the only thing to break the silence. The occasional flapping of wings echoing throughout the tower.

But through this realm of shadows, a soul being, dressed in darkness dwelled. Quietly moving about the rafters and ropes, he snaked his way down to the wooden floor.

He landed just before an open door that led out the cathedrals upper balcony. The sudden shift in sunlight hurt his golden eye's, but for only a moment, as his long, miss-matched body was bathed in sunlight.

His head was that of a stallion, but he sported a pair of cranial coronations. One the likeness of a goat, the other of a deer.

Fallowing down the length of his serpentine form, his torso was adorned in brown, downy fur, his right arm that of a lion, the other an eagles claw.

The talons ending in a fine point. He sported the right wing of a Thestral and the left of a Pegasus.

He supported himself on two digitigrade legs, one a lizards, the other a rams. The rest of his body fallowed into a long serpents tail ending in a white tuff of fur.

Everything about him was a "this" or "other" as it seemed. An unorganized ensemble of various animals comprised into one being. A chimera in all definition of the word.

Standing among the gargoyles, from a distance, one could mistake him for part of the cathedrals gothic architecture. But he certainly was no cavern slab of rock.

As he stood there leaning against the stone parapets, his attention was drawn to a gargoyle perched upon the far right corner. It was a carving of a Pegasus, its wings out splayed behind it. It was reared up with its two forelegs parallel to one another, upon which a nest resided.

A single pigeon chick steered in the woven basket of twigs and feathers. The chimera leaned in near to the bird, "Good morning," the fledgling raised his head in surprise, "Oh! My pardons, did I wake you?"

With wide eyes, the now awake fledgling's eyes met with the odd being above her. Two golden orbs with crimson pupils started back and a smile decorated the creatures face, a single fang jutting from his lips.

Springing to her feet, the small grey pigeon excitedly stood at the edge of her nest. "So what do you think?" He inquired, "Will today be the day? Are you ready to fly"

The fledgling nervously cowered at the question. "No?" He asked, scooping up the cowering chick in his claw and cradled it with his paw, "You're sure? Why, if I had to choose a day to fly, this would definitely be it."

He gestured to the Grand Plaza far below. "See that? It's the Festival of Fools. All the little pony folk down there, they're all going to be there, there's going to be dancing and music and jugglers and food." His smile slightly dimmed.

A large flock of pigeons suddenly appeared from the high bell tower, their wings almost all most close enough to reach out and touch as the flew passed. The chick in his miss-matched hands became excited at their flight. Standing straight, she fluttered her virgin wings happily.

In her excitement, she did not feel the removal of his palms from beneath her feet. Suddenly, looking down, she realized that her wings alone where what was keeping her aloft.

She looked back to find the chimera leaning against the stone railing by his elbows, his head resting upon the tops of his fingers with a mischievous smile, his eyes half lidded. He chuckled at her surprise.

"Go on," he encouraged. "Fly. It's already autumn anyway, you best fly south before the frosts come... besides, nopony wants to be stuck up here forever."

With that, the little grey pigeon happily fluttered off into the distance, following her kin, but not before stealing one last glance at the creature that had nurtured her. He sighed as she faded into the distance.

"You ok, Discord?" A voiced asked. The Pegasus gargoyle was now looking at him, the nest having fallen from her animated stone hooves. "I'm fine Rainbow Dash," he answered, "I'm fine."

Cocking her head, the stone Pegasus looked down at the open square. "So what's going on down there?" She inquired. "A fight? A flogging?"

"It's the Festival, Rainbow," a third voice piped up. "Honestly, I would think that you would have guessed that."

The new presence was the likeness of a unicorn mare, her flowing locks wrapping around and highlighting her ornate face.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow, crossing her hooves, "Geez Rarity, I was just asking." Turning back to Discord, she reached out to nudge at his shoulder. "So, it's that time of year again, huh? The Feast of Fools? I guess it's time to break out the wine and cheese?" She grinned an almost mischievous smile.

"I suppose so..." He trailed off.

Rainbow Dash gave him a perplexed look, "What's the matter Dissy? Tomorrow's the festival, I thought you loved the festival?"

"It is quite a treat to watch the colorful activities of the simple pony-folk. I most certainly enjoy it." Rarity added.

Discord let a slight grin cross his lips. "Hhm, I remember last year. They brought in an elephant for rides, but it only ended up crushing the watermelon stand!" He let out a laugh at the memory. He had seen it from above of course, and all the ponies beneath him looked like confused ants as the mammoth creature broke free of its holdings.

"I remember that," Rainbow replied with a laugh, "it was hysterical! I tell you, there’s nothing better than a front row seat for watching the old 'FOF'."

Discord's smile once again dissipated. "Yeah... watching..." a deep exhale of air escaped his nostrils.

"Well would you look at that," he held up his wrist, "time for me to polish the triplets."

Rainbow Dash and Rarity both looked at him questioningly as he retreated into the confines of the bell tower.

"What's up with him?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"I'm not sure, oh I do hope he isn't coming down with something."


The pair looked farther across the wide causeway bridge that connected the two towers. A third animated statuette was now coming towards the group. She was an Earth pony, crowned by a simple wide brimmed hat.

"If twenty years of listen' to ya'lls constant banter ain’t enough to put him under the weather, nothin' is."

"But watching the Feast of Fools has always been the highlight of the year for Discord."

"Yeah, Dissy loves the festival. I don't know what gives?"

She rolled her eyes. "Do ya'll know nothin' about ponies? I mean, what's the point of watchin' somethin' if ya'll never get to be a part of it?"

Rainbow Dash and Rarity looked at each other as if they could find the answer from the other. "Ya'll just don't get it, do ya?" She turned in the direction of the bell tower, heading towards the direction of Discord's retreat. "He's not made of stone like us."

High up in the rafters, Discord perched himself upon a thick, wooden beam, a rag in claw and bucket of soapy water in the other. It wasn't the most stable looking positions, but he seemed to have no trouble balancing as he finished polishing the third bell in the trio he called "The Triplets".

Discord was very thorough in his task. Each bell the likeness of a bronze mirror. He put the final touches on the last of the siblings, causing it to glisten and shine. He knew he had done a good job as he looked back at his smiling reflection.

However, as his eyes lingered, his smile slowly faded, replaced by a mask of depression.

"Oh come on Dissy... you want to tell your ol' pale Applejack all about it?"

The Earth pony was sitting right beside him on her haunches, her hoof caressing and padding his back.

"Mmh... I don't know..."

Applejack's gave him a sympathetic look, "Ya sure sugar cube? It'll make ya feel better." She insisted.

"Hhm... I don't know Applejack, I just... I just don't feel up to it right now."

Applejack moved herself closer to him. "You know ya can tell me anythin'? You know that?" Her voice was kind and full of warmth.

With a sigh, Discord relinquished his thoughts, "It's the festival..." His fingers began to rub his forehead, "I'm just not feeling all that festive, that's all."

"Well... have you ever thought of goin' there instead?"

"Sure!.. but I would never fit in out there," his eye's returned to his reflection in the bell, "I'm not... like other ponies."

"You're absolutely right!" Discord looked at her in surprise, "It's 'cus you're you, and nopony's like you but you."

"Yeah Dissy!" Rainbow chimed in while flying just above them, "I mean what we got to do? Paint you a mural?"

"Darling, we can't bear to see you like this," said rarity. "As your friends we must insist you attend the festival."

Discord didn't know exactly how to react. He ran his talons through his dark mane as he looked at his friends. Dropping from the beam, he swung his way down to the floor below.

"I don't know guy's."

"Oh come on Discord!" Rainbow insisted, "I mean the festivals tomorrow, I think you have enough time to prepare."

"Yes! But you're all forgetting one very crucial, itty bitty, kind of important factor!"

"What?" They all asked in unison.

"My Mistress, Chrysalis."

The trio's enthusiasm seemed to dissipate. "Oh, right." They said.

"She'd be furious if I asked her if I could go!" He shuddered at the thought. He remembered the last time he had asked her to go. He had been only four at the time, but he still remembered the event quite clearly. To say the least, Chrysalis didn't take the request quite too well.

"I remember that." Said Rarity, "I had no idea one could throw a chair that hard."

Rainbow Dash pondered at this problem, scratching her hoof against her chin. "I got it!" She exclaimed. "You could sneak out!"

Discord pulled back from this idea; his eyes wide in surprise. "Are you crazy? I couldn't!"

Applejack placed her hoof on his shoulder. "It's just one afternoon sugar cube."

"But she'd see me!"

"You could wear a disguise."

"She'll never know ya was gone."

"And if I got caught!" His face lit up with fright.

"Better to beg forgiveness than ask permission." Rarity added.

"Sugar, take this from an old spectator." Applejack's voice was warm and affectionate, almost nurturing. "Life ain't a spectator's sport. If watchin' life pass by is all ya goin' to do, then you're goin' to watch your life go by without ya. We all love ya Dissy, and we can't stand to see that happen to ya. Besides, nopony wants to be stuck up here forever."

"Your right!" He exclaimed happily. "I'll go! I'll get cleaned up. Maybe comb my mane? Get my goatee trimmed? I'll get everything settled. Marched straight down those stairs! Out through the door and..."

His heart dropped as his suddenly connected to two large, emerald orbs. There before him stood the Marisan Queen, Chrysalis. He could quite easily have loomed over her, but wisely kept his head low in respect. His friends then meanwhile seemed to vanish at her arrival.

"Good morning, Discord," her words like the cold edge of steel. Discord looked up at her in question.

Leaning in she emphasized her lip movements, "Good, Morning, Discord." She repeated.

"G-Good morning, Mistress..." His eyes fell to the floor.

He felt her hoof lightly fall upon his brow, then snake down the length of his jaw and brought his eye's once more in contact with hers. "Who were you talking to?" She asked, putting extra emphasis on her lip movements.

Years of being subjected to the undiluted, thunderous ringing of the massive, iron bells had long ago robbed Discord of his hearing. All he could make out now was a muffled blur of what could only vaguely be described as echoing fog. Before the loss of his ears, Chrysalis had taught him well how to speak properly, but once he could no longer hear, she resorted to using signs. Over the years, Discord had become a master of lip reading.

Discord's breath was shallow and nervous, "My... friends..." he answered.

"I see. You know it's quite unseemly for one to talk to oneself," she coldly explained. "Somepony may think you mad."

Discord was following her lip movements with great focus, "I-I understand Mistress."

A slight smile traced across the queens muzzle, "Good boy." She raised her hoof, gesturing a command.

Discord immediately responded, scrambling to his storage space and retrieving a set of dishware.

He quickly prepared a small wooden table, thoroughly dusting it off, placing the plates and goblets down. Chrysalis' ware were of polished silver, well kept by be obedient servant, while Discord's was a simple carved slab of wood with an old tankard as his cup.

Chrysalis then held up the basket she had brought and removed the violet cloth covering. Inside was a generous ensemble of freshly baked rolls, a large wedge of Brie and a bottle of wine. After Discord had finished setting the table, she served each of them a single role while placing the cheese on a separate dish and opened the wine. The thick aroma of grapes permeated in the air.

They both sat down facing each other. Discord reached out to take the bread, but Chrysalis held up her hoof, "Uh uh. What do we do before we eat?" She asked.

"We give thanks?"

Chrysalis nodded and gestured towards him. He understood. Bowing his head, Discord recited the customary prayer.

"By her hooves we are all fed, give us Mother our daily bread. Please know we are truly grateful, for every cup and ever plateful."

Chrysalis smiled, "Amen. Very good Discord. Shall we review your alphabet today?" She asked while pouring the wine.

Discord once again looked up at her in question. Seeing this, Chrysalis held up her hooves and signed to him. Discord saw this and immediately realized her question. "Oh, yes Mistress, I would like that very much." He answered.

"Very well." She revealed a book from the basket. "Let us begin."

Placing the book on the table, she moved her hooves in unison, make slight gestures and signs.

"A." Discord identified, "A-Abomination."

She signed again. "B. Blasphemy."

And again, "C!" He paused, what was C again? "Contrition?"

And again, "D. Damnation."

Once more, "E. Eternal damnation!"

"Good," said Chrysalis.

Then came F. "Festival..." He realized his mistake too late. "No! F-f-forgiveness..."

He was cut off by the sudden painful sting of Chrysalis' hoof upon his cheek.

He flew back from his seat and landing on the floor. With his claw pressed against his red cheek, he looked up at Chrysalis in fear.

"You said, Festival!" She yelled. Of course Discord couldn't hear it. "You're thinking of going to the festival again." Her voice dripped with venom.

"I-I'm sorry Mistress," he stammered while trying to scramble to his feet. Chrysalis glared at him and turned away. "I-It's just you go to the festival every year and..."

"I am a public official, Discord!" She snapped. "I have to attend, but I don't enjoy a moment of it! Thieves, harlots, the dregs of equinity all mixed together in a revolting, shallow, drunken stupor."

"I didn't mean to upset you Mistress..."

"Discord, can't you understand? When you're heartless mother abandoned you as a child, anypony else would have drowned you! And this is the thanks I get for taking you in and raising you as my son?"

"I'm sorry Mistress. I'm sorry..." Discord pleaded.

"The world is a very cruel place Discord. The prowling grounds for the wicked and sinful. You are too innocent and naïve to understand." She paused. "But I do. Oh, I do."

With his head low, Discord walked up next to his Mistress. He felt a hoof on his shoulder. He looked up at her with wide eyes, "I am your only friend here Discord." She said.

"I who keep you, feed you, groom you... I who look upon you without fear." She caressed his jaw. "Oh, my dear, dear boy. How can I protect you unless you always stay in here?"

"I'm sorry Mistress... Forgive me."

"You are forgiven." Before departing, Chrysalis turned her faded emerald eyes one last time towards the Draconequus. "But remember Discord, this is your only sanctuary..." With that, the slender, pear-white figure of the Marisian queen disappeared down the steps, leaving Discord once again alone.

"My sanctuary," he repeated. "My sanctuary..."

Discord remained there for a long while after Chrysalis' departure, contemplating her words. His heart was heavy, his muscles felt like lead weights, and the faintest glimmer of a tear traced along his eyelid.

Suddenly, he felt a familiar presence with him. He opens his eyes and much to his surprise, there before him stood the little pigeon he had nurtured; she had come back.

A slight smile graced his face as he offered out his paw to her. She accepted and he brought to his face. She nuzzled him and chirped happily. Although he couldn't hear her soft melody, he still could feel the joy the notes resonated.

He felt something build inside him. A gentle warmth that crept up through his lungs into his throat. A sense of happiness.

Author's Note:

Please comment and share your thoughts, I am open to constructive criticism.

Thank you.