• Published 9th Nov 2014
  • 6,529 Views, 507 Comments

The Draconequus of Notre Mare - Inkquill

Deformed, beaten and hidden from the world. Locked away within hallowed halls and sacred bells, the world beyond nothing but a dream, this is all he has known... that is, until she came.

  • ...

Chapter Fourteen: Friends in High and Low Places.

The Draconequus of Notre Mare.

By Inkquill.

Chapter Fourteen: Friends in High and Low Places.

Twilight made her way down the dimly lit cobblestone and rather narrow streets. She kept her head down, trying not to stand out as much as a great ruckus arose from every which direction. As she looked about, her heart was filled with great unease and worry at all the destruction that was being done to the fair city… it was enough to make her nearly sick. She and a few other members of the church had set out several hours prior to help aid any and all ponies that had unfortunately gotten caught up in the city guard’s wild “witch hunt”, and she was beginning to wonder if she had enough medicine on her… at least… based on the multiple ponies she had already treated.

Spike had stayed behind at the cathedral to help Archdeacon Luna with the evening mass, and from what Twilight could tell, her holiness was as equally troubled as her. Twilight had tried to ask her what she was thinking, but she only told her that which she already knew. Grave times had befallen the city. Was there really anything more to say about it?

Taking a calming breath, the little Unicorn "Nun-to-be" proceeded down towards her destination: the Royal Barracks. And her old childhood companion...

“Oh Celestia, please let Flash have a moment to speak…” She prayed quietly to herself.

Coming up to the barracks gates, she was greeted by two guards who asked her name and purpose for being here. After replying accordingly, they nodded and gave her passage into the city guard’s central headquarters. Inside, the barracks were in an uproar of activity. The air itself was a bustle; as hardy laughs mixed with mournful howls danced together, creating a chaotic chorus of ghastly noise. She could barely hear herself think with all the commotion.

“Come on now, you gypsy dog! Or I swear I’ll smack you across the head till you see stars!”

Said a gruff, unpleasant voice. Twilight looked up to see one of the guards with a leash and collar wrapped around the throat of a light, tan-orange stallion with a chestnut brown mane and tirade of horseshoes for a cutie mark.

“Caramel?” She gasped.

Caramel was a local carriage stallion from the north end of the city. Always well behaved a kind mannered, but now he was practically chained like some stray dog. Twilight could see several prominent bruises on his side and his face. He also seemed to have trouble standing, and the guard who had him leashed was practically pulling him up by his throat.

“Stop this!” Twilight exclaimed, rushing over to the two. “What are you doing?! You’re hurting him!”

The stallion guard grunted and flashed her with an angry glare. “Get away, wench, this gypsy dog is just getting what he deserves!”

Twilight stared at him aghast, “What!? A gypsy? Caramel’s no gypsy, look at him! He’s an Earth Pony, how could he do magic?”

“Oh, don’t give me that! He’s a gypsy alright! A witch even!”

“Please! I swear I haven’t done anything!” Caramel pleaded as tears swelled in his eyes.

“Shut up!” Replied the guard, kicking the injured stallion in the ribs.

“Caramel!” Twilight shouted trying to lean down to his aid, only to have a large hoof shove her back and topple to the floor.

“Don’t you be helping this filth! Otherwise I’ll have you on a leash to!” A snide grin then appeared across the stallion’s lips. “Then again… I just might as well put a leash on you anyway… pretty thing like you~”

“LIEUTENANT! Come to order if you please!” Another voice exclaimed. “What in Faust’s name is going on here!?”

Twilight looked up and to her great relief, she could see the figure of Flash standing at the entrance way of the barracks. The entire assembly seemed to stop dead in their tracks at the anger and tone of the captains voice, as all the noises seemed to die away.

“Well?” Flash shouted again.

“Ca-captain~” The gruff stallion tried to reply, but was quickly cut off by his commander as he marched down the stone steps.

“Because it would appear to me that one of my officers has just committed an act of an abuse of power, not only horribly assaulting a law abiding citizen, but also in the meantime has just now assaulted a mare of the church as well!”

“Bu-but captain?~”

“I don’t want to hear whatever excuses or claims you have formulating in that thick skull of your lieutenant, and I honestly don’t want to draw out this unpleasant scene any longer than it needs to be, so I’ll make this quick and simple. After you help this poor stallion to the proper medical care and get him some decent food and drink, you will report to the training grounds and remove your upper garments where you will receive five lashes for your inexcusable behavior today, and if you do not, I swear I will have you court-martialed for insubordination, do I make myself clear, lieutenant?”

A thick sweat trickled down the soldier's forehead as he stood there motionless. “Y-yes… captain.” He said shakily.

“That will be all lieutenant.” Flash retorted, turning to help Twilight off the ground. “Are you alright?”

Regaining her footing, Twilight looked up at Flash and dusted herself off. “Y-yes… I’m fine.” She replied hesitantly.

Flash let a small smile cross his lips and he breathed a sigh of relief that she was uninjured. “I’m glad. But I have to apologize for my soldier’s behavior. I assure you he will be reprimanded accordingly.”

Twilight smiled and failed to hide her blush, “Flash, come on, it's me, we don’t need to be professional here.”

Flash chuckled at her remark and also failed to hide his blush. “Oh! Yeah, I suppose so…” A long pause was held between them, making the once rather tense atmosphere grow increasingly awkward. “Soo… what brings you here?” Flash finally said, breaking the silence.

“Oh! Yes, well um… Flash, I needed to speak to you.”

“Oh? You needed to… alright then, let's talk in my office.”

A few moments later and the pair were safely in Flash’s personal quarters, away from his fellow guard and the ruckus they were causing. Flash lit a candle to give them some extra light. “So, what did you want to talk about, Twi~”

“Flash, this needs to stop.” Twilight said, cutting him off. “This witch hunt is crazy, innocent ponies are getting hurt, Marisian citizens are getting caught in the cross fire. This needs to stop.”

Flash did not respond. For several long minutes, the two old friends stared at each other in a tense silence. Flash hung his head, “I know, Twilight.” He said finally. “I know what you mean. I know you see what’s happening to Maris… I see it too.”

“Then why can’t you stop it from happening?” Twilight pleaded, taking a step closer to him. “Innocent ponies are being hurt! Marisians are turning on Marisians. This ‘crusade’ to cleanse the city of villainy has only resulted in anarchy! Notre Mare and us there are being swamped with the desperate. We can do only so much to help; I mean we’re only ponies!”

Flash shook his head and sighed, feeling frustration building inside him. “Aw come on now, Twilight, you know exactly why I can’t. What’s happening isn’t just some disturbance of the peace… this is a full blown pandemonium of fear and ignorance! You and I might see it, but you know exactly who doesn’t…”

“Chrysalis…” Twilight replied quietly.

“Yes… she’s the only pony that has the power to call this off… and I doubt she will ever do that soon.”

The silence returned again, but with the two now facing away from each other, and the air heavy with unrest.

“Then what can we do?” Twilight said finally.

Flash, though for a moment, keeping his head low. He honestly had no clue. He couldn’t disobey his orders, that would mean treason… and the penance for that would not only result in no resolution to the city’s quarrel, but also the end of his life… ‘stuck between a rock and a hard place’ was never truer than right then. “Twilight… go back to the cathedral… I don’t know how to help. Believe me… if there was a way… a way to make things better… I would take it blindly…”

Flash’s words fell heavy on Twilight’s ears. She could hear the pain and distress in her old friend’s voice, and she felt how it plucked at her heart. Feeling defeated, Twilight silently turned and made for the door, but before she exited, she stole one last glance of him. “You are strong Flash… you can make the right decision…” Were her last words before departing for Notre Mare, leaving Flash, once again, alone.

A lone lieutenant stood guard along the north wall of the city barracks, crossbow in hoof. In the distance, the flickering, auburn glow of fires rose above the city roofs giving the cold night sky an ominous red glow. His nostrils flared and the almost rudely intense stench of smoke ignited his senses. His lips coiled and his breath thickened, betraying his troubled mind. Half the city was practically on fire, by the Queen’s orders no less! And for what? Some rutty foreigner? He sighed.

Suddenly, the whizzing thrum of a flying stone rushed through the air, catching the sentry off guard as it struck him dead center in the forehead. He grunted in shock as the light of the distant fires went out and his body collapsed onto the floor.

“Yes!” Pipsqueak cheered quietly, finding his projectile find its mark before stashing away his trusty slingshot. “Got the bloke.”

“Oh goodness, was that really necessary?” Fluttershy asked.

“Only if we want to get inside, silly.” Pinkie replied. The pink coated mare, along with the rest of the lot had fitted themselves in nearly skin tight, ebony black suits to help them infiltrate the enemy headquarters. When they asked where she had gotten such clothes, Pinkie replied that a merchant from the far east had sold it to her. She called it, “Ninja-wear”.

Quickly, the group darted across the alley way and over to the barrack’s wall, keeping an eye out for any more guards if they came this way. “Okay, we get it, we break them out and run like mad mares into the catacombs.” Said Pinkie, taking on a very authoritative tone. “No pony gets left behind.”

The others nodded silently in agreement. Pinkie then reached into the saddle back she was carrying and pulled out a long rope with an iron grapple attached to it and with almost pin point accuracy and speed, hurled it upwards to hook along the lofty bastions of the rising stone wall.

“Okay, who wants to go first?” asked Pinkie.

Fluttershy stepped forward, “I’ll go.”

“Are you sure, Flutters?” Pip interjected, “That’s a pretty steep climb. Maybe somepony else should go first?

“No, our friends are trapped in there because of me… I have to go first…”

Pipsqueak nodded in understanding and watched as his friend took hold of the rope in her hooves. Looking up at the dizzying height, Fluttershy did have to swallow her fear as she began to steadily climb up the defensive barrier. “One step at a time, Fluttershy, just one step at a time.” She mentally reassured herself. The others quickly followed after her, ascending the rope while routinely keeping an eye out to make sure they weren’t spotted.

Finally, they reached the summit, quietly hopping over the stone bastions onto the walkway. Staying to the shadows, they silently crept their way down into the barracks courtyard, continuing on to sneak over to one of the main keep’s back entrances. To their surprise, they noted how the courtyard was seemingly deserted. The only real guards being the ones stationed on the north and west walls, but other then that, the place seemed abandoned.

Coming up to a large window, Fluttershy’s ears perked up. Inside, she could hear a raucous commotion. The sounds of hearty laughter and bashing steel rose and fell in relatively even intervals.

“Sounds like a party is going on.” Trixie commented.

Pinkie rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Nah, those oafs wouldn’t know a party if it bit them in the a-” Suddenly, Pinkie fell silent and ducked low behind a nearby hay bale, ushering the others to quickly to join her.

As they all darted behind the hay bale as the back entrance swung open and three Marisian soldiers marched out in full armor, and armed with crossbows. Auburn light poured out from the entrance way as they marched on, seemingly leaving it wide open.

Seizing their chance, the small party dashed into the opened doorway. Checking their baring, they found themselves to be somewhere in a back storage area. Bales of hay, bags of grain, flower, potatoes and other food stuffs filled the room from top to bottom.

“Looks like somepony's been stock piling.” Said Pip.

“Doesn't surprise me.” Pinkie replied. Making their way through the giant pantry, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Pip and Trixie quietly navigated into the long, candle-lit corridors of the inner barrack keep. Fluttershy concluded that most of the guards must have got to the dining hall for their supper and ale, explaining why the back hallways were so seemingly deserted.

“We got to find our way to the cells downstairs.” Whispered Pinkie. “They're probably keeping them all down there.”

“Do you know the way to get there?” Fluttershy interjected.

“Nope.” Pinkie replied with an almost unsettling peppiness. “But if their downstairs, then all we have to do is find a staircase, piece of cake.”

A few hours later...

“Okay, maybe not a piece of cake... or pie even.” Pinkie sighed. They had been wandering around the corridors for what seemed like ages now, occasionally having to find quiet cover from passing guards to avoid being seen.

“This is getting ridiculous!” Trixie retorted. “I mean, how long until our luck runs out and we get caught, huh? What happens then?”

“Okay okay, let’s just all calm down.” Fluttershy said, holding up her hooves to signal for everypony's attention. “We just need to figure out something else.”

Pipsqueak rubbed his chin for a moment in thought before jumping to his hooves in excitement. “Oh! I think I gotta' idea.”

“Well... what is it?” Asked Trixie.

“I say we catch one of those steel cladded blokes and force him to tell us where they are.”

“Uuhhh... I'm not sure if that's the best idea.” Said Trixie, “I mean, if we even were to somehow single one out, then capture him without being seen, and then get him to truthfully lead us to the caravan... that maybe a bit of a stretch...”

“Um, guys?” Fluttershy quietly said.

“Well, what else do we have on the table? Our options aren't exactly plentiful here.”


“Oh yeah, well, why not? Oh, excuse me Mr. Guard, would you be so kind as to show us the way to the gypsies?”

“Guys!” Fluttershy finally shouted, making all eyes turn to her.

“Yes, what is it, Flutters?” Pipsqueak asked softly, looking somewhat befuddled by the Pegasus mare's sudden rise in tone.

Feeling a little nervous with everyone's eyes on her, Fluttershy took a deep breath and collected herself. “I know somepony we could ask...”

It had been about an hour since Twilight had departed back for Notre Mare, but Flash Sentry still remained in his office. He sat there at his desk in silence with a single candle flickering to keep him company. His wind however was anything but silent. A practical war of thought and morality assaulted his mind. He was a high ranking member of her majesty's royal guard! He couldn't disobey her, that would be treason! But... so many ponies were getting hurt in the queen's name... ponies he and his other guards were supposed to protect.

“I need some air...” He said quietly to himself, shaking his head in distress.

Trotting over to the door, he casually opened it and stepped out into the hallway. Suddenly, his ears perked up, something wasn't quite right...

Then came the click. Suddenly and without warning, he heard the sounds of rushing rope fill the hall followed by something tightly constrict around the ankle of his right foreleg and pulled him off his footing. He didn't scream though, as the shock of it made his voice become caught in his throat as he was hoisted high into the air.

“Got 'em!” Came a small, triumphant voice.

“Pip, I'll never understand how you do the things that you do.” Said Trixie as the group came trotting out of the darkness.

“Oh my goodness, Flash, are you alright?” Fluttershy asked with sincere concern. “Guys, I told you this wouldn't be necessary.”

“Just a percussion, Flutters.” Pip replied.

Flash hung there dazed and confused, staring down at the upside down figures beneath him. “Fluttershy? The gypsy mare? Wha... what?”

“I'm so sorry. Flash, we'll have you down in a moment. Pinkie, lower him down please.”

“Okey dokey lokey.” Pinkie chirped as she untied the rope holding up the confused captain. Soon enough, Flash was once again on solid ground with Fluttershy helping him back up to his footing. He stared at her with disbelief. Here was the mare that the whole of Maris was in anarchy over... standing right there in front of him... in the barracks no less!

“Are you okay?” She asked softly.

“Y-yes... I'm-I'm fine...” He began, “B-but... what are you doing here?”

“You know bloody well why we're here!” Pip interjected.

Flash fell silent again. He did indeed know. “The caravan...”

“Oo! Give the bloke a prize.”

“Pip, please...” Fluttershy said sullenly, “Yes... we came for them.”

“Do you know how much danger your in?” Flash said flabbergasted. “You've practically right into the manticore's den!”

“Trust me, bud, she's dealt with Manticores before and she's had no trouble with them.” Trixie commented.

“Flash... we need your help...”

Flash looked at the cream coated Pegasus in confusion. “My help?”

“Yes... we don't know how to get to them. We need to get them out of here Flash... we need to take them to the Court of Miracles.”

Flash couldn't believe his ears. Faust's sake how was he supposed to respond to this? “Fluttershy... I-I can't... that would mean treason!”

“Please, Flash!” Fluttershy begged. “Your our only hope.”

“I... I...”

“Flash. if you don't help us, everyone down there will die!” Fluttershy finally blurted. Flash could see the moisture welling up in her eyes, and her words rung deep in his ears, but he kept silent.

“Ah! He's not going to help us,” Pip interjected. “He's too loyal to his precious Queen. Tell .me captain, how does it feel to be such a loyal dog? Does she give you treats if you do extra good?”

“Pip please!”

“Face it, Fluttershy, he's a lame duck. Nothing but a hoof licking hound.”

“I'll help...”

“Nothing but the Queen's lacky... wait... say what?”

Taking a long, cleansing breath Flash stood erect, his sureness having fast left him, “I said I'd help... I was assigned to protect the people... not murder the innocent. I'll take you to them, but then you must leave this place... all of you. Every last gypsy in the Court of Miracles. For as long as Chrysalis reigns... it will never be safe here for your people...”

A short silence was held among them as they quietly accepted their situation.

“Well alrighty then,” Pinkie mused happily. “Lead the way, mon capitaine!”

As Flash had promised, he swiftly led them through the winding maze of corridors down to the lower cells. Silently, they made their way down the dimly lit steps into the blackness of the lower dungeons. Flash lit a lantern to help them through the darkness as they went further, with Fluttershy greatly appreciated.

“They’re in the western block,” Flash whispered. “There's a ladder to the surface down that hallway there. Once we get them out, you'll use that to make your escape.”

“You’re not coming with us?” Asked Fluttershy.

Flash shook his head, “No. I have to stay here and bide you guys time, otherwise you'll never make it.”

“I don't know,” Trixie replied. “Your soldiers seemed pretty oblivious to me.”

Suddenly, Flash raised his hoof to signal to the others. “We're almost there, they'll be behind that door.”

At the far end of the hallway was a large wooden door with iron bar reinforcement and a large padlock securely fashion on the door handle. Flash reached into his saddle bag and pulled out a large key chain and sifted through the assortment trying to find the right one.

“Come on come on,” Trixie hurried.

“Hah! Found it!” He exclaimed with great relish. Inserting the key into the lock, the armor cladded stallion quickly removed the iron restraint and opened the door, letting the light of his lamp fill the room.

Peering inside, Fluttershy, Trixie and Pip eyes went wide as inside, they see row after row of iron cells, filled with members of their caravan, all chained and sullen.

“Guys!” Fluttershy exclaimed, rushing over to the nearest cell. The ponies inside looked up and somewhat hid their eyes from the light of Flash's lantern, but upon realizing who was standing there, their sullenness quickly melted away. Their faces exploding into a great relief of happiness.

“Fluttershy! Trixie! Pip!” They exclaimed with great surprise and excitement. “You’re alright!”

“Shhh! We need to stay quiet,” Fluttershy hushed as Flash began unlocking one cell after another. “We're all getting out of here, but we need to stay low.”

Not long after, Flash and the others had successfully unlocked and freed the whole of the caravan, along with several other ponies that had been accused as gypsies.

“What do we do now, Fluttershy?” Several of them asked.

“Tell them, Flash.”

“Okay everypony, we're going to have to make this quick and quiet,” said Flash, addressing the large crowd. They gave him questioning looks but decided that if Fluttershy trusted him, then they'd give him a chance. “Theres a ladder down the hall and to the right. It will lead us to the back courtyard and Pinkie will take it from there. Everypony understand?”

They nodded to him in agreement and they were off. They moved swiftly and quietly, well, at least as much as their hooves beating on the stone floor would allow them to. Luckily, they reached the ladder without any hiccups and quickly made work of helping everypony up. Pinkie went first to scout the area and made sure no guards were about.

With the coast clear, they began helping the ponies one by one up the escape route. Mares and foals first followed by the stallions. Before long, everypony had been successfully led up the ladder and into the courtyard.

“Okay, up you go.” Fluttershy said as the last stallion made his way up topside. She followed soon after, seconded only by Flash.

“Okay, that's everyone.” Said Flash. “I'll see you to Pinkie's escape route, then we'll part ways.”

Fluttershy smiled at him and placed a hoof on his shoulder. “Thank you, Flash, you've saved us...”

“Well, don't thank me yet... we're not out of the woods yet.”

It was then Pinkie called out from the front to them. “Um... guys? I think we may have a little teeny weensy problem.”

The two of them then trotted up to join their pink coat companion as she peered around the corner of the stone wall. To their absolute horror and distress, there, out of all the ponies that could be there was the Queen herself, exiting her carriage.

“Oh horse apples!” Flash swore.

Fluttershy felt fear grip her heart seeing the Queen standing there.

“Okay, I have a plan. I'll go distract her while you guys make a break for it.”

“No Flash don't! Come with us.”

“No Fluttershy, you need to go, now!”

“What do you mean the captain isn't here?!” Chrysalis' voice rang out.

“No time to argue!” Pinkie interjected, taking Fluttershy . “Let’s go!”

“Get them to safety, I'll deal with the Queen!” Flash said as he made his way out into the open. "Your majesty!" He called.

Chrysalis looked up as the captain of the guard came rushing into the light. “Oh captain, there you are.” She said with a smile. “I was wondering where you were. Your underling said you weren’t in your office.”

“Oh yes, well I was uh... just out to get some air!” He replied, returning the smile. “But... what are you doing here so late your highness?”

“Oh, I just came to check on your progress captain.” Chrysalis replied. “Tell me how goes the search?”

As the two talked, Pinkie and Fluttershy hastily made their way to the exit, keeping to the shadows to avoid detection. However, in their haste, they had failed to notice the one guard station above on the lofty wall. “Hey! Who goes there?” Cried the guard as he tossed a lantern down to illuminate the group. Upon impact, the lantern was smashed apart, sending burning oil everywhere, and bathing the gypsy caravan in auburn light.

Chrysalis and Flash looked up to where the commotion was coming from. Flash's eyes went wide and his heart fell as their stood Fluttershy and the gypsies, now in full view of the Queen herself!

Chrysalis stood there with a look of both shock and furious rage. There she was. The Pegasus Maris was burning over. Looking straight at her, with the whole of her caravan with her no less. “It’s her! The witch!” Chrysalis cried. “She's escaping with the lot of them!”

It was then that Pinkie cried out, “Run for it!” And with that, the caravan exploded into a heat of excitement. A practical stampede of thundering hooves, all dashing for the arching exit of the barrack wall.

“Their escaping! Stop them, captain, stop them!” Chrysalis roared.

Flash then sprang into action, dashing towards the gate as his Queen had commanded, as guards began to flood out of the main keep in hot pursuit. Dashing up the stairs that led to the portcullis, burst into the room as one of his underlings was about to pull the lever to drop the heavy doorway and trap the gypsies. However, before he could get the chance, Flash bolted over to him and struck in square in the jaw, causing him to stagger back and quickly fall after, allowing the gypsies to dash out the front gate, and into the Marisian alleyways.

Flash watched as they disappeared to safety in the labyrinth of the city. However, his joy was cut short as he was tackled from behind, with several strong hooves grabbing at his limbs and forcing him out of the tower. With a great shove, they pushed him down the stone steps, allowing him to tumble down to the courtyard bellow.

Bruised and beaten, Flash staggered to his hooves. He flinched when he felt a hoof fall under his chin. “That was a very stupid thing to do, captain.” Chrysalis spoke. Her tone was calm, but Flash could feel the heat of her anger on her words. “Guards, seize him.”

Flash winced as he felt the hooves once again grab hold of him, pushing him down to kneel. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the glint of steel. A large stallion carrying an ax.

“The punishment for insubordination is death, captain.” Chrysalis hissed.

Raising his head upwards, Flash met the Queen's gaze. “It's been my highest honor, ma'am.”

Unbeknownst to them, Fluttershy hadn't fully retreated into the alleyways. She watched from the shadows as he was brought to the queen and forced to kneel. Her eyes widened with horror as she saw the large stallion approach him with an ax. “They're going to kill him!”

“Fluttershy, we have to go!” Pip protested. Before he could protest any more, Fluttershy reached over to him and snatched up his slingshot. Scooping up a nearby stone, she loaded it and took aim.

Swift and sure, the stone flew, striking the ax barrier square in the brow. The other guards looked up in surprise as their comrade staggered back. Seizing his chance, Flash forced himself up, taking his hoof to the underside of one of the soldiers while bucking back with his hind-legs to discard the others.

With his captures compromised, Flash Sentry took off running, dashing out the barrack gates and into the Marisian streets.

“Get him!” Chrysalis barked. Archers on the walls took their aim and quickly launched their projectiles. Fluttershy and Pip watched in horror as arrows rained down on the stallion as he ran across the nearby bridge that led towards the cathedral. Dodging and weaving, Flash expertly avoided the arrows as he dash across the bridge. But his efforts were for not, as a lucky arrow whizzed through the air and found its mark, embedding itself deep in the captain's shoulder.

Flash cried out in pain as his footing faulted, sending him into a wild tumble, flying off the railing of the bridge and into the murky water bellow, followed suit by another storm of arrows.

“Don't waste your arrows!” Chrysalis commanded. “Let the traitor rot in his watery grave!”

Seeing Flash tumble off the bridge and into the water, Fluttershy dashed over to the river shore and took refuge underneath it with Pip following suit. “Find the mare!” Chrysalis growled, “if you have to burn the city to the ground, so be it!”

And with that, Chrysalis and her soldiers marched on into the city, with the Queen now personally leading the charge.

Fluttershy felt her heart racing as the Queen disappeared out of sight. But her fear was short lived as her attention was drawn to the river. Racing to the shore, she took a deep breath before diving straight in. Pip watched in fear as Fluttershy disappeared beneath the rushing waters. A few minutes later and Fluttershy rose out of the river, with the limp figure of Flash cradled in her hooves. “Pip, help me!” She cried. The little colt obeyed and jumped into the river to help. Together, they removed the armor that was weighing the captain down and pulled him out of the water and onto the river bank.

Fluttershy place her ear to his chest. “Oh thank goodness, I can hear his heart!”

“He's pretty ruffed up, Flutters,” Pip said sullenly. “That arrow got him good, it did.”

“We have to get him help, Pip...”

“I know, but where can we go?!”

It was then that the air was filled with the old familiar sounds that Fluttershy had come to know well. Perking up her ears, she breathed steadily as she looked upwards towards where she knew there'd be help.

“Notre Mare.” She spoke softly.

Author's Note:

Well here we are guys. Chapter 14! :twilightsmile: Almost there. I think that at this pace I'll be able to finish up the story in the next two. :pinkiehappy:

It's been a long journey guys... it think I've been working on this story for about two years now I think, or least one and a half... but now I can see the end in sight and I won't lie... I'm kind of sad to be so close to finishing... :pinkiesad2:

You have all been so supportive and helpful throughout this whole en-devour, and I just want to thank you for all your support. :heart:

But anyway, please comment and share your thoughts, I am open to constructive criticism.
Thank you.:twilightsmile: