• Published 9th Nov 2014
  • 6,529 Views, 507 Comments

The Draconequus of Notre Mare - Inkquill

Deformed, beaten and hidden from the world. Locked away within hallowed halls and sacred bells, the world beyond nothing but a dream, this is all he has known... that is, until she came.

  • ...

Chapter Seven: Hail to the King!

Chapter Seven: Hail to the King!

"Well, that was a disaster!" Exclaimed Pinkie as they strode into subterranean 'Court'.

After the Festival had gone awry with the sudden magical outburst and the hostile arrest of, apply named King of Fools, Fluttershy and Pinkie had made a hasty retreat back to the sanctuary of the Court of Miracles.

"You think we were followed?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

"Not a chance," Pinkie replied with a scoff, "with the mayhem our ‘Bell Ringing Friend’ stirred up, everypony will be fumbling around like frightened chickens for hours."

Fluttershy laughed at the image, but her laughter was short as the reality of their situation set in. Their escape attempt had been thwarted. Sure they could have tried to escape during the chaos, but the royal guards would be on high alert now, leaving no chance for them to sneak out unseen.

"What are we going to do now?" Fluttershy asked meekly.

"I don't have a single clue." Replied Pinkie as she shrugged her shoulders, "Give me a second to think..."

Fluttershy sank back, letting a mournful sigh escape her lips. How would she ever get home? Angel saw her distress and lent a comforting paw as he caressed her foreleg. She looked at him as moisture began to develop in her eyes. He smiled at her, giving a very affectionate look; gentle and comforting. She smiled back at him and sniffled a bit. "Thanks Angel," she said, picking him up in her hooves and placing him above her head, "You know just what to say to make me feel better."

Angel responded by warmly hugging her silky, rosé colored mane.

As Pinkie pondered over their predicament, she just so happened to glance over at Fluttershy to find her with the white lagomorph atop her head. She stopped and stared for a moment, inquisitively looking at how the rabbit’s ears draped down over her head.

"I got it!" She exclaimed happily.

Fluttershy looked up at her with confusion. She watched as the pink colored mare quickly scrambled to a nearby trunk and rummaged around a bit.

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie pulled out an old, ash-gray cloak and worn wooden pipe. She quickly dashed the cloak over Fluttershy and Angel before they could react and popped the pipe in her muzzle. Fluttershy sat there befuddled as Pinkie stood back to survey her work.

Pinkie smiled as she took in the results of her little experiment. With that cloak and pipe, in addition with Angel's long droopy ears, Fluttershy looked like a regular old beggar-mule.

"It’s the perfect disguise!" She proclaimed happily.

Fluttershy looked at her through the cloaks hood and Angels ears, which were in her face. "What is?" She asked curiously.

"With that cloak and pipe, you'll blend in perfectly into the back ground." She said, "Plus with your bunny on your head, his ears make you look like an old mule at first glance. It's perfect, the guards won’t suspect a thing!"

Fluttershy thought about it for a moment. Would this really work? "So, what's the plan now?" She asked.

"We're going to get you home." Pinkie replied, "You just follow my lead and we'll get you back to your caravan in not time."

Fluttershy paused for a moment, looking at Pinkie with an expression of what could only be described as a mixture of worry and appreciation, "Pinkie..." she said meekly.

"Yes, Flutters?" She replied.

"Why are you doing this?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you even helping me?" Fluttershy asked, "I mean... before yesterday, you didn't even know me... yet you’re going through all this trouble to help me out... why?"

Pinkie's expression saddened a little at Fluttershy's question, "Because Fluttershy..." She sighed a bit, "Because since I was a filly, I've seen so much bad in the world... things that no filly should have to see. Why am I helping you? It's because I care... And it breaks my heart whenever there's somepony in need but no pony will help them, I want to bring smiles to fellow ponies. It's what makes my whole life worth wild, and if there's anypony I can help, you bet I'll be there."

Fluttershy felt a warm smile trace across her muzzle. "Pinkie... I just don't know what to make of you. But you’re one of the kindest ponies I've met."

"Yeah, I know." Pinkie said nonchalantly, polishing her hoof against her wear and smiling as if it was nothing.

"Um... Pinkie?"

"Yes, Flutters?"

Fluttershy paused for a moment, "I just wanted to say... thank you. Thank you for all that you’re doing... y-you’re... You’re a good friend."

Pinkie's expression turned to one of happiness and affection. "You’re welcome Fluttershy..." she said.

"Now, how about we get you something to eat huh? Derpy’s making dinner tonight and she's really good with pastries."

Fluttershy smiled and began to follow the pink mare, "That would be lovely." She said with a smile.

The air was cold and still. The night had cast its veil upon the earth, and the city had fallen into its slumber. Nothing stirred. No sound of any notice, except for the slight sound of falling water droplets as they trickled from the roof of Discord's stone cell. The Draconequus was huddled in the far corner of his prison, after the incident at the festival, the guards had bound him in chains and dragged him off to, the applied named "Palace of Justice". An almost ghastly, stone prison located at the far end of the city.

Discord had often seen the Palace's towering spires from his lofty bell tower. To him, they almost looked like the claws or fangs of some great indolent cat. Now he was a prisoner there.

There was hardly any light, the only source originating from down the halls were Discord supposed the guards who had brought him here had retired too.

What had happened? What had happened at the festival? Was he the cause of that chaos? Discord pondered these questions as he sat there in his corner.

He knew of magic, his Mistress, Chrysalis had taught him about it. She had said that it was an evil practice... something that existed beyond the natural world of order and discipline. He had never seen magic for himself, but... what happened when he was on the stage... that was something he couldn't understand. Was he capable of magic?

Did that mean he was... evil?

He didn't know what to think. Everything was going so wonderfully. For the first time in his life, he had been amongst the ponies that he had for so long gazed down upon from his bell tower on high. He had danced with them, laughed with them, marry-made with them. They even gave him the crown of the fair. Making him King of Fools... Discord looked down at the comical crown in his mismatched hands. He managed to keep hold of it despite his imprisonment.

He toyed with the little bells that dangled from each of the crowns five triangular points. The gentle sound of the bells echoed through the stone cell, but Discord of course heard them not. His expression turned to one of frustration and anger as he held up the colorful crown. With great anger and sadness, the lonely Draconequus threw the crown against the far wall of the prison cell, letting out a cry of distress.

The crown struck the stone and fell to the floor, which was haphazardly lined with straw. His breath evened out as Discord stared at it once again. It looked so pitiful... half beaten and worn. He reach over and retrieved it. He then once again placed it upon his brow.

"King of the Fools, King of the Fools," he sang to himself, "all hail Discord, King of the... fools..." He then burrowed his face into his arms and began to weep.

Suddenly, Discord looked up as he felt a tender hoof fall upon his back. His tear stained eyes came to meet with those of one of his good companions; her expression was one of sympathy and sadness. "I'm sorry, sugar cube..." Applejack said, "This is all our fault."

"Yeah, Dissy," Rainbow Dash added in, "If we hadn't pushed you so hard to go to the festival, none of this would have happened."

Using a handkerchief, Rarity tried to wipe the tears from his stained cheeks, "Oh dear. Darling, we can't bear to see you like this..."

"Please don't cry sugar... we're here for ya, everythin' will be alright. You'll see."

Discord breathed as he looked up at his three companions, "It's... it's not your fault." He said, "It... it's no pony’s fault."

The trio was taken aback by their friend's words. They glanced at each other, not saying a word. Rainbow Dash then flew over to the huddled chimera. She hesitated for a moment, but then she gently wrapped her forelegs around his slender neck, pulling him into a warm, comforting hug.

The other two quickly followed the Pegasus’ example and tenderly wrapped him in their embrace. Discord graciously accepted their warmth and reciprocated their gesture. He felt his tears begin to dry as they held each other in their silence.

Suddenly, a loud clatter rose up and Discord looked up. Four armed guards were at the prison cell door, beckoning him forth. He looked around for his friends, but they had seemingly vanished with the guards’ arrival.

Sighing heavily, Discord rose to his feet and followed the soldiers. They bound him in shackles and proceeded to escort him down the long corridor.

With the four armed guards at his side, Discord reluctantly followed as they led him into a large room with a high ceiling. There were tapestries and lanterns hung about. Several other guards stood stationary against the four walls, crossbows at the ready.

At the far end of the room, there was a tall wooden podium of carven oak. However, it was clear that the wood had been weathered. Scrolls and other documents laid spread across its surface, and a rather elderly looking unicorn stallion sat there as Discord was brought forth.

There were a few other ponies present who were chattering about the strangeness of the draconequus's appearance, but were hushed as the elder stallion spoke up.

"Q-quiet! Quiet!" The wrinkled equine groaned.

Another stallion sat next to him, a quill and parchment at the ready, "Speak up prisoner, the judge is deaf." He said to Discord.

The draconequus, of course, did not hear the scribe’s commands, nor did he catch what his lips had mouthed, so he remained silent as the judge continued.

Looking at his list, the old judge began his questioning.

"Your name?" He began.

Discord was silent.

"Y-your age?"

No response. The scribe look about in confusion. Why wasn't the prisoner answering?

"Your profession?"

Still silence. It was at this time that some of the other ponies present giggle at the judge’s obliviousness to the draconequus's lack of answers.

The judge then turned to his scribe, "Do you have all the prisoner’s answers down?"

At that, the assembly in the room seemed to simultaneously burst into laughter. Even a few of the guards seem to chuckle, which Discord found rather surprising.

He looked about and saw everyponys’ giggling faces and couldn't help but laugh with them. But after a moment, the laughter ceased, and the judge made eye contact with Discord.

"You..." he began as he looked through his papers, "are accused of disturbing the peace, of using magic, and resisting the Queen's Guard. What is your defense? Quick, and to the point."

"Discord!" The draconequus suddenly burst out.

The judge eyed him, "So, you plead guilty?"

"25, next month!"

"For that, you shall be whipped." Stated the judge.

"Bell ringer at Notre Mare!"

The scribe, having realized the situation, stood up and went over to the judge, "Your honor, the prisoner is deaf." The scribe said directly into the judge’s weary ears, "He hears nothing."

The elder stallion looked Discord over once more, "For that incidence, you shall spend another hour on the pillory. "

With that, the court was adjourned, and Discord was escorted back to his cold prison cell.

The plaza was abuzz with activity. The following day had come from Discord's condemning sentencing, and a large crowd had gathered around the pillory. Bound by rope and shackle, Discord was led through the crowd towards the wooden steps; all the way the simple pony folk laughed and shouted at him. He saw their faces and hung his head low.

Chrysalis had made it her top priority to be present during the punishment, having a canopied podium erected for her so that she could observe in comfort. She watched as the lowly chimera was shuffled through the assembly of commoner ponies and brought before the scaffold.

"More wine, your radiance?" Her servant asked, holding out a semi-translucent green bottle.

"No more for now. We can't let ourselves be gluttonous ,can we? Don't you agree, Captain Flash?" She inquired of the regal captain of the guards standing attentive nearby. The young stallion turned his head to face his queen, "Yes, quite, your majesty." He replied.

Chrysalis' emerald eyes lingered on the young stallion for a while. She looked him over with an inquisitive eye, noting his well-toned form. However, her attention was cut short as the sound of trumpets blared out to signal the beginning of the day’s event. She turned her head and breathed in a heavy breath. "On second thought.... I do believe a small bit more wouldn't hurt." She said to the servant with a huff.

With blade at his back, the Draconequus ascended the steps to his shameful pedestal and was forced to kneel. A Pegasus stallion, dressed in the official wear of the justice system then held up his hoof and the crowd was silenced. Removing a scroll from his satchel, he loudly read out the proclamation.

"We here by announce, that Discord, the Bell Ringer of Notre Mare, is too receive 50 strokes with a Cat o' nine tails, having committed the crime of sorcery, there after, he will be exposed for one hour for public disgrace." He said as Discord was bound to the pedestal.

A loud ruckus rose up from the crowd. Scornful boos and insults so foul, that they would burn the heart of any soul. Discord only knelt there in his fixed point in silence as his captures checked to make sure his bounds were secure; All the while, unbeknownst the masses or authorities, two other notable equines had decided to attend the spectacle.

An old beggar mule sat there on the cathedral's stone steps, accompanied by a vibrant, rosé colored mare. "And to think... just only yesterday on the same spot they crowned him their king." Pinkie noted.

Hidden beneath the clever ruse, Fluttershy watched as the strange bell ringer was put on display. Angel held firm to her silky hair, trying to keep balance so he would not fall off. She felt sadness build inside her as the hurtful cries from the crowd range out through the air. She could tell that they were not out of true hatred, but more so of simple arrogance. One would do it and the rest would follow blindly.

"Oh look! Here comes Maximus!" Called out one elderly mare. A large, well defined and muscular stallion then stood up on the scaffold. He was dressed in gray and black garments with the royal insignia in crested upon them. The crowd cheered as he stood above them and turned to retrieve his tool from a nearby chest. Opening it, he revealed a rack of many different kinds of whips, some more ghastly then others, having been embroidered with barbs and bits of metal.

He reached in and pulled out one of the more modest whips. A long cluster of nine rawhide laces, each finely made and polished - the Cat o' nine tails. Maximus spit into his hoof for added grip, and laced his wrist through the noose before taking his position behind the Draconequus.

He raised his whip, and in one swift motion, brought it down upon Discord's bare flesh. He gasped in shock and pain as the lash lapped at his skin, but he did not scream, for he had lost his breath.


The crowd apparently found his pain amusing, and so laughed as he attempted to move away from the assault, only to fail. The whip came down again. Sending another wave of laughter through the audience.


And again.


And again.


The crowd then began to count.


"Stop!" Exclaimed the Queen.

The grimly dressed stallion immediately ceased his assault on the bound Draconequus and attentively faced his monarch. "Yes, your majesty?" He asked.

"Wait between lashes," she said, her tongue like cold silver, "Otherwise the old sting will doubt him to the new."

Her words stung Discord's ears, even worse than the lash that lapped at his bare flesh. The tears that had welled up in his gleaming eyes flowed no more, as her words had robbed them of any meaning. His breath ragged, he stared emotionless at his Mistress, as she sat there upon her pedestal, watching with discontent as her loyal servant suffered by her law.

He had not ever used his powers until then, and furthermore, the sudden outburst of magic from his had been unintentional. This wasn't his fault... was it?

Fluttershy watched in horror as the strange bell ringer was mercilessly flogged, wincing each time the lash lapped at his skin. "Oh, Pinkie Pie, I can’t stand this!"

Pinkie Pie then turned to the shuttering Pegasus, "I think it’s safe to say you've never been whipped once?"

Fluttershy looked up at Pinkie, "Have you?"

"Twice... now I buy protection."

"From who?"

Pinkie smiled mischievously, "Nobility..."

Fluttershy couldn't help but laugh at this, "The guardians of the ‘old and holy’ tradition..."

"The very same." Pinkie replied, "They buy it from Ol' Queen Chryssi over there and sell it to those beneath... not a bad trade. You see... after the war, which mind you lasted a hundred years, thousands of us, me included, went from door to door asking for honest work, and we were whipped for begging! The nobles didn't say ‘work or starve,’ they said, ‘starve for thou shall not work’."

Fluttershy was left speechless.

"And I starved..."

"Thousands did... leaving quite a many an orphan. Til' I organized the Court of Miracles. True, we're not great thieves like the nobles, our quarry is petty compared to the wholesale plunder of the land. Yes... and one day, I will tell the world the truth of the art of beggary."

Fluttershy then turned again to look at the Draconequus. Discord had closed his eyes and calmly took each of his lashes, having lost sensation all together, even though his back was now bleeding.

"Yes, Pinkie... but we must do something to stop the whipping of that poor pony..."

Pinkie laughed, "No pony is he... but you are right. If only we could... I'm sorry, but I can do nothing here."

"29, 30, 31..." The official called out.

Maximus had begun to sweat now, his foreleg growing tired from wielding the lash. He wiped his forehead with his spare hoof before returning to his task.


"Ah, that's no whipping," called out one bystander, "He hasn't shed a tear!"

"Those that close to the devil never do." Replied one mare.

"It's the whipper's fault!" Called out an earth pony stallion.

Some of his fellow bystanders turned to him in surprise, "What do you mean?!"

"Our whipper would make him cry!" He proclaimed.

"You mean you have a better whipper in Mareseille then we have in Maris?!"

The stallion grinned, "Yeah! That's right..."

In that instance, the crowd then started grabbing at him in anger as the stallion tried to move away for his insult. All the while the flogging continued. Eventually, the whip had to be exchanged for a new one, as the old was now covered in the bell ringer's blood. Maximus turned it over and took up a new one, as a by standing squire wiped off the old one. He then continued to the flogging.

Twilight looked on through the window. Far below her, she could see the masses that had congregated in the Grand Plaza. Her head hung low; she watched in dismay as the mysterious bell ringer she had heard so often about was continuously beaten. She jumped when she felt a hoof fall upon her shoulder, and she turned to face her visitor. "Mother Luna!" she said.

The tall Alicorn looked down on the violet unicorn with comforting, yet concerned eyes, "Are you alright, my dear?" She asked softly.

Twilight once again turned to look out the window, "I do not understand..." She said.

"You do not understand what?"

"How can her majesty do this? Allowing her own... ‘child’... to be beaten like this?"

Luna collected herself and looked out at the Grand Plaza, "Her majesty is a symbol of authority. It is she who keeps the law, and must uphold it. No matter who it is...."

Twilight looked up at Luna, "But he belongs to the world of the church!? Is there nothing we can do?"

"He does, but if he is to venture beyond these hallowed walls and into the outside world, he must answerer to its laws. But know this my child, if Discord's punishment seems unjust, there is a higher power that watches... and avenges."

"49, 50!" The official then ordered for Maximus to hold his lash, "The Prisoner is to remain one full hour on the Pillory..."

Discord remained silent as the sting of the whip began to subside. He could feel the air brush against the open wounds, causing them to burn. A pony then covered his back with what appeared to be a damp cloak, which fitted around his neck. Another pony underneath the pillory then began to crank a large wheel which in turn caused the pillory to rotate.

Discord was caught off guard as a half-eaten apple struck him across the cheek bone, followed by an onion, then a cabbage, each one being either rotten or half eaten. A great bombardment of fouled food then fell upon the Draconequus. Covering him in filth and leaving deep bruises, he cried out in a mixture of pain and anger. From the on-lookers point of view, Discord almost resembled a chained dog foals would torment for amusement as it tried to lash out, biting and snarling at the air.

"Hail to the King!" They bellowed. "Hail to the bloody King of Fools!"

Time passed. The sands of the hourglass fell slowly. Discord was silent as he watched each granule fall with eager anticipation for his release. The sun had risen to its noonday throne upon the sky and beat heavily down upon his brow. The crowd had stopped assaulting him with rotten food and had resided to simply watch him marooned on the pillory.

Beneath her canopy, Chrysalis enjoyed a light snack of cheese and grape, keeping a vigilant eye on Discord should any other "mishaps" occur. But that was less than likely.

She sighed as she gazed upon her beaten steward, "Oh, my dear boy," she whispered, "Why didn't you simply listen to me?"

Discord felt an overwhelming pain in his throat; an arid fire that burned his lips and scratched at his tongue. His breath heaved and cracked in the hot, dry wind.

"Water!" He cried. "Water!"

A roar of laughter then rose up from the crowd. "Water! W-water!" Discord forced out through his dried throat. The crowd only continued to laugh and mock him as he pleaded for liquid relief.

"Water! Water! Please... water…"

At this point, the crowd had begun to call back at the pleading Draconequus,

"Water! Water!" They mocked. Fluttershy all the while looked on in horror. How could these ponies be so cruel?




A raggedy cladded stallion who had hidden beneath the pillory then picked up a discarded piece of cloth. Draping it through a puddle of unknown fluid nearby, he then hoped up and flung it at Discords face. "There's your water!" He laughed. The foul smelling, wet cloth became snagged on Discords antlers, preventing him from shaking it completely off.

Flash sentry turned to his Queen, "Your radiance, permission to stop this cruelty?" He asked.

"No, my dear captain," She replied, "A lesion needs to be learned here. Our friend here brought this upon himself..."

Suddenly, the hideous laughter and mockery of the masses died off: a ghostly silence loomed over the Grand Plaza. Chrysalis and Flash both looked outward to see what was transpiring.

Discord held his head low, the filth and grim thrown at him irritated his skin, and his sweat dripped down his brow. Suddenly, he opened is bright yellow eyes, having sensed a change in his surroundings. He saw the crowd, which had once been in an uproar, was now still and quite. He felt a new presence beside him...

Slowly, the bound draconequus looked up, the sun glared in his eyes as a silhouette appeared. He breathed softly as the figure drew closer; his sight meeting with two orbs of azure...

He could tell she was a Pegasus mare with a light cream coat and rosé hair. She slowly approached him, her rich cyan eyes holding him spellbound. She wore a cloak that kept her flowing mane mostly concealed. He noticed that she had a small, white rabbit stored away in the hood. "That is rather peculiar", he thought to himself.

She lifted her hoof and slowly reached out to him, but he drew away, his eyes filled with confusion and fear.

"I-Its ok..." she whispered, "I won’t hurt you..." She then looked up at the filthy rag caught on his antler. Discord had watched her lips, and even though he could not hear her voice, he could feel her gentle words caress him, and he relaxed. Fluttershy then reached up and removed the dirty cloth from his antler, tossing it aside. "I'm sorry..." She soothed.

Discords breath was calm and steady.

Fluttershy then lifted up a small flask and showed it to Discord. The Draconequus eyed the vessel eagerly, desperately in need of its replenishing liquid sustenance.

She popped open the flask and brought it to his parched lips, and Discord gratefully suckled down the cool drink.

Fluttershy could see the relief in his eyes as he drank down the flask. She smiled tenderly as their eyes met once more.

"Thank you", is all he said.

Suddenly, their exchange was interrupted by a loud thundering voice. "You there! Beggar mule! Get down from there at once!"

Fluttershy quickly straightened out her disguise and turned to face the Marisian queen.

"Oh, um, Ugh-hem! Uh, yes your majesty." Fluttershy said in a gruff voice, as to hide her femininity. "Just as soon as this poor creature finishes drinking."

"You will descend the pillory at once!" Chrysalis shouted.

Suddenly, Fluttershy felt a hoof pull at her cloak, "Aye! You heard the Queen, get off the blooming thing!" Called on gruff guard.

Fluttershy tugged back at him in a brief struggle, with each pulling back and forth with increasing force. Then, the guard gave one last powerful tug at the cloak, causing Fluttershy to fall over onto the wooden platform and send the guard flying back as the cloth was pulled off the Pegasus mare's body.

Chrysalis's eyes shot open as she beheld the newly revealed Pegasus and the crowd gasped. "A gypsy...." Chrysalis hissed, her eyes glaring at Fluttershy like daggers. "Gypsy-Mare! You will remove yourself from that platform immediately, or you will be removed forcefully!"

Staggering to her hooves, Fluttershy looked directly at Chrysalis, matching her glare. "With all due respect, your Majesty, I must refuse. I cannot idly stand by as such cruelty is displayed."

"Cruelty?! This is justice, wench! My word is the law, and the law must be enforced! Something that your fowl, pagan kind wouldn’t know! Now, step down!"

"You mistreat this creature the same way you mistreat these ponies! You speak of justice, yet you are cruel to those who truly need your help!" Fluttershy shouted. All the while, Discord watched in astonishment as the young mare held herself against Chrysalis.

"Silence!" Chrysalis declared.

"JUSTICE!" Responded Fluttershy.

The young pegasus then proceeded to snatch up a nearby guard’s pole-axe and cut the Draconequus's bounds, accidentally causing him to lurch forward as his body fell limp. Fluttershy saw this and bit her lips, "Oh dear, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to--"

"How DARE you defy me!" Chrysalis bellowed. "Guards, seize her!"

Captain Flash then motioned to his guards to move into action.

The reality of the situation then came down on Fluttershy with great force, as she was surrounded by a multitude of armed ponies.

"Oh dear..."

Pinkie Pie felt fear grip her heart as the young Pegasus was surrounded. She had watched dumbfounded as Fluttershy had stood her ground against the queen, but that had now faded, and she bit her hoof. "Faust, damn it, Fluttershy!" Pinkie thought to herself, unable to help her friend.

"Mark my words, Pegasus! You will pay for your insolence!"

Fluttershy felt herself shrink as the soldiers drew nearer, baring their pole-axes and swords. The fire that had once spurred her heart in defiance was now quenched with fear.

They were almost upon her when she felt a strange tingling sensation spread through her body. It felt almost like a menagerie of quills dancing on her skin, and in one single instant, a bright light enveloped her.

The soldiers had to cover their eyes as the bright flash enveloped the cream colored Pegasus.

After the light had subsided, a great gasp arose from the spectators. The guards looked to find that the gypsy-mare had vanished into thin air. Chrysalis' eyes widened at this, "Witch craft...."

"CAPTAIN!" She called.

"Yes, your majesty?"

"I want that gypsy found, immediately!"

Flash saluted his queen, "Yes, your majesty, at once."

Chrysalis then turned her gaze to the draconequus who was standing there motionless upon the pillory. Discord could see the anger and fire in her eyes and it burned him to his core. He shrank back in fear.

Hesitantly, he descended the pillory and into the crowd. His back ached and screamed at him as he made the effort to move, blood still trickling from the wounds. The commoner ponies shrank back from him as he shuffled towards the great cathedral and covered his face in shame.

Eventually, he had made his way to the great doors and pried them open, the iron hinges groaning in protest. Discord's breath was heavy as he turned his head to catch one more glimpse of the Grand Plaza. The sky had begun to fill with clouds and a light rain had begun to fall, forcing the crowd to disperse. With that, Discord pushed against the great iron door and shut it.

"Now behold, my little pony folk. Marvel at the Great and Powerful Trixie, as she performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!" Exclaimed the pale blue Unicorn.

"Eh shut up!" Called out one farmer.

Trixie's performance hadn't gone at all well with the locals. After they were refused by the Marisian officials to enter the city, the gypsy caravan had decided to make camp near the gates.

"Business sure is booming..." A meek but assertive voice piped up sarcastically.

"Oh Pip, must you rub more salt in the wound?" Trixie protested.

Pipsqueak let out a sigh and picked up the small hat they had set aside to gather coins in. But all they had received were two coppers and buttons. "Sorry love... I'm just not in the best of moods at the moment."

"With the lack of money or the fact that Fluttershy has just simply vanished?"

Pipsqueak cocked an eyebrow, "What do you think?"

Trixie removed her sorcerer’s hat and set it aside. "I know, Pip... I miss her too... but just where in the hay could that mare have gone?"

Suddenly, a new voice chimed in, "The Courte of Miracles."

The two then turned to find a gray Pegasus mare with a golden mane standing before them. She wore a simple dress and carried a wicker basket in her hooves, they smelled the scent of freshly baked muffins emanating from the basket. But the main thing that stood out about her was her eyes. They seemed to be staring in different directions?

"What did you say?" Trixie inquired.

"Your friend, Fluttershy. She's at the Courte of Miracles." The Pegasus mare replied. "It's a little hide away inside the city, but don't tell anypony about it... it's a secret."

Pipsqueak and Trixie looked at each other in confusion, "You've seen Fluttershy? Is she alright?" They both inquired.

"Haven't seen her since this morning," she answered, "but I think they she should be back by now?"

"Can you take us to her?!" They exclaimed.

"Well, of course, but we need to be sneaky about it, the guards don't like outsiders."

"As we've noticed." Said Pip.

The walled eyed Pegasus then turned and gestured them to follow. "Ok then, follow me."

Author's Note:

Ok, finally! After many strenuous weeks it's finally out. Chapter 7. I know it's taken quite a while for this one to come out but I've just been inundated with distractions and other priorities as of late. I hope I can get chapter 8 out quicker, but I kind of doubt it. Anyway, I hope you all are still enjoying the story, and as always -

Please comment and share your thoughts, I am open to constructive criticism.

Thank you.