• Published 9th Nov 2014
  • 6,528 Views, 507 Comments

The Draconequus of Notre Mare - Inkquill

Deformed, beaten and hidden from the world. Locked away within hallowed halls and sacred bells, the world beyond nothing but a dream, this is all he has known... that is, until she came.

  • ...

Chapter Three: The City of Maris. -Revised-

The Draconequus of Notre Mare.

By Inkquill.

Chapter Three: The City of Maris.

A lone Pegasus lieutenant stood on the east wall, just to the left of the massive iron gate. Leaning against the stone parapets of the walls impressive defenses, pole-axe in hoof he gazed out at the vastness of the sky, letting out a disinterested sigh.

“Shield Lance, we have movement on the east front,” called Flitterwing from the nearby watchtower.

“Looks like a caravan is coming up the eastern road!”

“Sound the alarm,” Shield Lance called back.

From atop the tower, Flitterwing blew hard upon his horn, it's deep resounding note joined shortly thereafter by the sound of hoof beats and clamoring armor as the Marisian city guard took up their positions. The militiamen hastened to reinforce the guards, arming crossbows as they took up positions on the wall.

With striking contrast, the exotically colored band of ponies made their way towards the Marisian gates. Trixie was bountiful with excitement and glee, but managed to hold a quasi-form of regality. First impressions are everything you know.

“Halt!” Called on of the city guards perched upon the lofty walls. With a confused jolt, the caravan obeyed his command, coming to a full stop as they looked up at the Marisian native. “Good morrow my good stallion,” the lead gypsy called out with a friendly disposition.

“Why do you stop us?”

The Marisian soldier glared down at them through the visor of his iron helmet, lightly shaking his head at their ignorance. “No gypsy can entire Maris without permit or by the queen's consent,” he stated. “It is the law.”

The lead stallion looked at the soldier with a vexed confusion. “But why are the others allowed passage?” He was referring to the flocks of ponies he had seen enter the city from afar, just before they had come unto the gates.

“They are Marisians,” he scoffed coldly. “You are gypsies, foreigners!”

“Foreigners?” He smiled softly with discontent and exhaustion. “You came yesterday, we come today. What difference does it make?”

“No gypsy is permitted within these walls without permit. Yours is an evil race, you foul the very soil you tread on, and the queen will not allow your heathen ways to poison the souls of her subjects!”

As the two stallions continued to converse and argue, Trixie and Fluttershy were trying to figure out why the caravan had stopped. They were not in ear range and could not hear the argument at the head of the wagon train. “What's going on up there?” Trixie asked. Fluttershy tried to peer ahead of them to get a better view, “I don't know... can't get a good view.” In the back of the wagon, Angel the rabbit rummaged through the food stores with boredom and discontent. Nothing appealed to him it seemed.

Agitated and annoyed, he knelt down on an empty wine bottle, propping his head up with his right paw. His long lagomorphic ears laid limp, one coming to rest in front of his face. He blew at it gently, causing it to sway back and forth. A disinterested playfulness. His stomach ached from lack of food, but he was far too stubborn to settle for anything lesser than what his current whim ordained.

He yawned and laid his head down upon the wine bottle. Nestling his plush cheeks upon his forearms. Suddenly, one of his ears twitched; raising up involuntarily. The sound of wooden wheels clattering upon the cobblestone arose his curiosity. Hopping up to peer through the gypsy wagon's back window.

An elderly farms pony was traveling up the road, the wooden cart he pulled shook and clattered as the wheels rolled over the uneven road. There was a large bag of flour, accompanied by a few stacks of hay and a single sack of potatoes.

Angel focused his gaze as he noticed something amongst the assortment; a faint glimpse of orange. As the farm pony drew near, Angel got a better view of the cart's contents. His eyes widened as he saw a collection of fresh carrots wedged between the flour and the potatoes. His mouth watered as the sun glistened off their marigold skin.

“Ugh! What is taking so long?” Trixie exclaimed anxiously. Angel looked back at the two mares then back towards the moving cart.

It had passed by and was making its way towards the Marisian gates. He took one more glance back at the two mares towards the front of the wagon then proceeded to pull himself over the windowsill. He let his legs dangle down before letting his grip on the wooden ledge fall limp and hopped down to the road. Eyeing the cart, he began to steadily hop in its direction.

Fluttershy had been resting against the wagon's coachman's seat as Trixie continued to inquire of the transpiring at the front of the caravan, but for some reason, she began to feel a strange sensation in the back of her mind. Something wasn't quite right.

Trixie perched her head on one of her hind legs and let out an exhausted sigh. She was out of breath and tired of her fruitless questioning. Fluttershy's expression turned to one of concern and curiosity.

Something was missing. She looked about the wagon, everything seemed normal, the fabrics were all in place, the spices all untouched, the food stocks mostly unaltered by Angel's rummaging... “Wait, where's Angel?” She asked.

Trixie looked up at Fluttershy's question, then back at the food stores. “I don't know,” she replied. “He probably just scampered off? You know, do whatever rabbits do?”

Fluttershy couldn't help but feel concerned. "I'm going to go look for him, be right back."

She jumped down from the wagon a started to search for the white lagomorph. “Angel!” She called,

“Angel, where are you?” Where had that little troublemaker gone?

In her search, she had been wandering further up the caravan, towards the city gates. A group of villagers were entering the city through two small side gates that flanked the primary entrance. Public gates perhaps? As she drew nearer to the head of the caravan she began to hear Playing Cards, the lead stallion, arguing with somepony.

Suddenly, she glanced a flash of white amongst the crowd. She saw in the distance an elderly stallion pulling a wooden cart filled with farm goods, and trailing behind, a small pearl-white form in pursuit. “Angel, come back!” She called.

It was fruitless. A single guard stood at the public entrance, pole-axe in hoof, stopping everypony who approached before allowing them passage. He stopped the farms pony, but quickly recoiled his weapon and the stallion passed by, unbeknownst to the white rabbit in tow.

Hesitantly, she made her way towards the small city entrance.

As she walked, a family of millers crossed her path and unintentionally absorbed her into their group. The family was composed of Unicorns, but there was something strange she noticed about them. On each of the horns there was a piece of iron that had been fashioned to cover the magical appendage. Even the fillies had it, and she found this somewhat peculiar.

She and the small group reached the guarded portal as she saw Angel disappear around the corner at the opposite end of the entrance.

They were momentarily stopped by the guard, but he soon granted them passage, having not noticed the gypsy-mare amongst them.

Fluttershy and the family passed onward through the darkly illuminated tunnel that led into the city. Meanwhile, Playing Cards and the soldier were still arguing.

“You will take your heathen filth elsewhere!" He insulted, "You're not welcome here!”

“But we bring fine trade goods and exotic spices, surely you would not turn such things down?”

“You will not set hoof in this city, and that is final!”

Pipsqueak had been listening to the entire length of the argument, concealed beneath the front wagon's coach's seat. Having heard enough, he jumped down and began heading towards Fluttershy and Trixie's wagon.

“You won't believe what those Marisian said about us gypsies!” Pipsqueak said disgustedly.

He hesitated for a moment as he saw Trixie looking around as if in search of something. “What you looking for?” He asked.

“Have you seen Fluttershy? She went to look for Angel and she's been gone for a little while.”

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was in the midst of the all bustling crowd. The streets were narrow, and the buildings were of several stories’ height, giving an almost canyon-esch effect. Very little sunlight reached the cobblestone streets, causing everything to be dressed in a perpetual shadow. Everypony was shouting and pushing their way around the street. She called out for Angel. No response.

Finally, she managed to break free of the chaotic mass and into a far less populated area of the street.

She looked around. No sight of him. But what she did see surprised her; all the unicorns had metal plating around their horn. This puzzled her for some reason, it actually made her feel uneasy, but she could not understand why.

Suddenly, she spotted a glimpse of white. She could see Angel in the distance, hopping towards some unknown location. “Angel, wait!” She called out as she began her pursuit.

Maneuvering through the narrow causeways, she tried to catch up to her beloved pet. But after a few moments, she lost sight of him. Everything seemed so gray here, as if the color of the world had been bled away.

Finally, Fluttershy was greeted by the warmth of the sun. It's golden light washing over her skin as she entered a vast, open plaza.

There she spotted Angel trying to reach the dangling carrot from the wooden cart.

“Angel!” She exclaimed happily as she picked him up in her hooves, “Why did you run off? You had me worried…” She paused.

Her head began to rise, her gaze diverting upward. That's when she saw it. The Great Cathedral of Notre Mare.

She gazed up at the towering architectural masterpiece, her breath alluding her as the grotesque, baleful stone gargoyles loomed ominously above her. She was captivated with fascination as she stared at the large rose window, watching as the sun reflected off the glass, causing an aurora of colors to illuminate the cobblestone below. Fluttershy was lost in its wonder, but also she felt a strange shiver run up and down her spine. Was it possible for stone to have eyes? She knew it was a foalish notion, but still... it seemed almost as if the cathedral itself was staring back at her, searching through her very soul.

She jumped as she felt a hoof grab at her shoulder and spin her around. “Aye, you!” There were two rather large Marisian city guards standing behind her. One was a well-built Earth pony, the other was a slender, and to all honest, lanky Unicorn. His horn also encased in a tightly bound cast iron casing.

“Alright gypsy, where's your permit?!” The Unicorn demanded.

Fluttershy retreated back from the imposing stallion. “Um... I'm sorry?” She asked in confusion, clutching Angel close to her.

“Your permit wench! Are you deaf? No gypsy is allowed into Maris without a permit or by the queen's consent.”

Fluttershy noticed the large barbed lash strapped to the stallion’s side, each of its ghastly metal thorns dangling at each lash end forebodingly. Her eyes widened as she saw the other guard place his hoof on his own lash in preparation.

The Earth pony looked down at her and noticed the small gold locket that was dangling from her neck.

“Alright, where'd you get that locket gypsy?!”

Her free hoof went to her neck. “It's mine, please leave it be.” A smirk came across the guards face. “You hear that? She says it's hers.” The Unicorn laughed slightly.

“But you know what I think? I think you stole it.”

Fluttershy's eyes widened in disgust at the accusation. “For your information, it was given to me by my father!”

The two stallions looked at one another and chuckled, “Ya father eh?” Said the Earth pony, “Well where is ya father sweat filly?”

Fluttershy couldn't help but wince at his question, which the guard took clear note of, “My father is… no longer on this earth.” She said calmly in a heavy tone. The stallions however had a much different reaction.

“Aww, did you hear that mate? Looks like we have a little orphan on our hooves. Well don't worry sweet filly, ol’ Aspall and Ale here will keep ya safe. Now how about we head to a little inn I know and we show you a good time and we forget this business here eh?”

Fluttershy’s eyes went wide in shock at that moment and she began to back away, “Uh.. no, no thank you.” She tried to make out.

“Oh come on lass, we’ll all have a great ol’ time. Right Ale?”

“You bet Aspall,” Ale chuckled, “a great ol’ time.”

“Gentlecolts, please I must decline—” She was cut off as Aspall reached out with a strong hoof and grabbed at her foreleg. She felt him jerk her towards him. She tried to scream, but found her voice caught in her throat. In the split second, something happened that shocked both her and the two guards; she raised her hoof and brought it across the Earth pony’s face, forcing him to let her go.

Aspall felt the sting of her hoof burn on his half shaven cheek. The stallion narrowed his eyes. “Trouble maker eh?” The second guard grabbed at her, “Maybe some time in the stockade would be best! Least I could take a peek at that sweat plot of yours huh?”

At that moment, Angel leaped out of Fluttershy's forelegs, planting his large feet square upon the guards brow. This caught the stallion by surprise and caused him to stumble back.

The second guard reached out for the white hare, pulling out his lash to strike. “Why you little.. ugh!” He was cut off as the cream mare shoved him to protect her beloved pet. He fell face first into the cobblestone just short of the pearl-white lagomorph.

“Don't you ever touch him!” she exclaimed. She really did hate violence, but when it came to the ones she loved, she would defend them at all costs. Picking up Angel in her hooves, she darted towards the narrow streets as the two guards fumbled to pick themselves up. “Come back here you little gypsy-wench!” They screamed at her.

After finally regaining their footing, the two Marisian guards spread out in search of the rosé haired mare and her pet rabbit. They were both hiding behind a stack of barrels, keeping as still and as quiet as possible.

“You find anything?!” Aspall called out. “Nothing yet!” Ale replied.

Fluttershy peered out to see where they were and gain her bearings, but unbeknownst to her, she was not alone among barrels. Suddenly, a hoof wrapped around her mouth, pulling her back.

She tried to scream, but the hoof upon her mouth was firm. Her eyes met with two light blue orbs, a single curled lock of dark pink hair dangling between them.

“Shhhh, no time to explain,” a high pitched feminine voice whispered. “We got to get out of here.”

Pushing her hoof aside, she looked up at the unknown mare. She was an Earth pony, completely pink and dressed in exotic violet fabrics. “Who are you?” She asked. “Who me? Oh! Where are my manners? I am La Madame Pinkamena Dian Pie, but you can call Pinkie, but there's no time for that, we got to split!” With that, she grabbed Fluttershy by her wrist and hurriedly led her away.

As they exited the scene, a large iron stagecoach flanked by guards pulled up towards the cathedral steps; the royal seal engraved into its side.

Author's Note:

Please comment and share your thoughts, I am open to constructive criticism.

Thank you.