• Published 9th Nov 2014
  • 6,529 Views, 507 Comments

The Draconequus of Notre Mare - Inkquill

Deformed, beaten and hidden from the world. Locked away within hallowed halls and sacred bells, the world beyond nothing but a dream, this is all he has known... that is, until she came.

  • ...

Chapter Eight: The Halls of Faust.

The Draconequus of Notre Mare.

By Inkquill.

Chapter Eight: The Halls of Faust.

Fluttershy opened her eyes after the light had dissipated. Her body felt numb, with an almost tickling sensation coursing through her skin. She looked about to find that she was no longer up top on the pillory, but was now in a vast, almost cavernous, and dimly lit hall. A great pillar of carven stone stood to her left; one of a many lined up in a row in order to hold up a lofty vaulted roof.

Through the shadow's, Fluttershy could see tapestries and ornate carvings. The smell of incense permeated the air and the low, almost haunting sound of distant singing echoed throughout the halls.

Angel rubbed his temple lobe as the cream colored Pegasus rose to her hooves and slowly ventured forth. Wide cyan eyes drifted upward and gawked at the sheer height of the roof. At the far end of the great hall was an enormous circular stain glass window, embroidered with the emblem of the sun.

Candles flickered along the way towards the altar, giving an ominous yet peaceful aura. Slowly, she advanced towards the altar, her eyes star-filled in its splendor. In her aw struck state, she did not notice the light sound of hooves approaching from behind her.

"Um.. excuse me, miss?" A voice spoke out, to which Fluttershy immediately tensed up and let out a surprised squeal. She was met by two rich violet eyes that seemed to be in as much surprise as she was. It was a unicorn mare dressed in a grey cloak, and satchel of books upon her back. Flustered and confused, Fluttershy backed away stammering.

"Oh! Oh my goodness. Um.. uh, hello. I'm sorry, am I intruding?"

"Whoa, whoa, it’s ok," Twilight interrupted, trying to calm the cream colored Pegasus down. "You’re not intruding, Everything's fine. My name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm a nun here at Notre Mare, well at least, I'm studying to be."

Fluttershy found herself caught off guard by the last statement, "Excuse me, but did you say 'Notre Mare'?"

"Y-yes?" Twilight answered, cocking her head to the side.

The daunting realization dawn on Fluttershy with those words. She must be in the Marisian cathedral. But… how? All she could remember was that white flash of light... magic! Somepony must have teleported her here. But… who?

"And what is your name? If I may ask?" Twilight said with a smile.

"I'm.. Fluttershy."

Twilight smiled softly, "Well, miss Fluttershy, welcome to Notre Mare. Have you come seeking peace? Or Guidance? Or refuge?"

"Refuge!" Fluttershy suddenly blurted out before her hooves could seal her mouth shut.

Twilight blinked slightly at the sudden frightened outburst from her company, but smiled and nodded her head, "Oh. Well, in that case, I shall go get the archdeacon. She'll know what to do. I'll run fetch her, and you stay here and relax. You seem a bit on edge at the moment," Twilight said as she began towards the far end of the cathedral. "One moment please."

Fluttershy watched in silence as the grey-cloaked unicorn trotted off to her destination and disappeared out of sight. She took in a deep breath and collected herself. First to get her baring's. She was in the Marisian cathedral, somepony had teleported her, and now the cathedrals archdeacon was coming to.. do whatever, but the thing that still bothered her was what had gone on prior; the guards, the pillory, and that poor creature... she remembered the sadness she had scene in his eyes. Those pleading eyes...

She was cut off guard when she felt a hoof fall upon her shoulder; something then snapped in her brain, a mod of self-defense, and to both her and her new company, what came next was a great surprise. In self-defense, Fluttershy suddenly grabbed at the foreign hoof and pulled it forward. Bending her head down, she brought the figure off his hooves and over her head to go hurtling in front of her to land against a nearby pillar as she quickly grabbed a candle holder and brought it to arms like a spear towards her assailant.

Flash Sentry placed a hoof to his forehead after the rough rattle he had gotten by the spooked Pegasus. Rubbing his temple, he looked up to find three burning candles pointed directly at him, wielded by said Pegasus, and a white rabbit at her side holding up his front paws like fists.

"Well then," he began. "Nicely done mademoiselle. Few have gotten the drop on me."

Fluttershy kept her guard up and breathed in steadily.

"Now, take it easy," Flash said as he tried to stand. "Listen-"

"No, you listen!" Fluttershy blurted, "I've been tossed around in every which direction these past few days and I'm a bit tense, so if you're here to arrest me you've got another thing coming, buster!"

"Woah, woah, easy. Fluttershy was it?" Flash said trying to calm the over excited mare. "You’re okay. I'm not here to arrest you."

"Excuse me?" Fluttershy ask in confusion. "You're not going to arrest me?"

"Not as long as you're in here," Flash replied as he got to his hooves. "I can't."

Fluttershy lowered her makeshift trident. "Well, if you're not going to arrest me... then what do you want?"

"Perhaps I just want to talk."

"Talk?" Replied Fluttershy.

"Yes... You know that was a very brave thing you did back there. Giving that creature water."

"You saw what they were doing to him," Fluttershy said, throwing her hooves in the air in frustration, but Flash managed to pick up a hint of sadness to her words. "I couldn't just stand there and let him suffer."

"Your right. You couldn't." Flash agreed. "I'll admit.. I don't agree with the harshness of the law, but it is my duty to enforce it... regretfully."

"You're not like the other guards."

"Why thank you." He replied.

They shared a slight chuckle and the tension in the air subsided. However, it was short lived when a sudden loud clatter rose up in the hall; the sound of the clashing iron of the great cathedral doors that disrupted the peaceful silence.

"Good work, captain," Chrysalis said in her imposing regal tone. "Now, arrest her."

Flash turned to Fluttershy and looked her straight in her eyes, "Claim sanctuary." He whispered.


"Say it!"

"Captain?" Chrysalis urged.

"I'm sorry, your majesty, she claimed sanctuary. There's nothing I can do."

"Then drag her out and th-" She was suddenly interrupted by an all too familiar voice. One that burned her ears and made her bite her tongue.

"Chrysalis! You shall not touch her!"

They all turned to see the tall, slender form of the archdeacon herself approaching the congregation. She strode with large steps, keeping her head high and her presence imposing as she stared down the Marisian queen, accompanied by Twilight, who stood at her side.

“Madam Luna..." Chrysalis replied in an almost viperous tone while at the same time retaining her regal disposition. "Do not try to interfere, this pegasus is under arrest for the crime of sorcery."

"The power of the law ends at that threshold." She said, pointing to the great iron doors. She then turned to the young Pegasus and with tender eyes and tongue said, "Don't worry, my child, her Majesty learned long ago to respect the sanctity of the church."

Chrysalis only stared at Luna with spurning eyes, as if she were suddenly pounce upon her like a furious jungle-cat, but Luna held her ground.

As the two stared each other down, Twilight has trying to maintain as low a presence as possible. When she had saw that Flash was present, she had thought to perhaps stay behind, but that would be unprofessional. She stood there in her grey garments as her superior conversed with Chrysalis, casually glancing over to Flash every now and then.

Flash wasn't sure what to do at the moment. The very air seemed to feel as if one false move would cause a disastrous episode that nopony wanted to be present for, so he kept quiet as his Queen and the archdeacon squared off. However, something caught his eye that intrigued him; a lock of violet and pink hair. Next to Luna was a sister of the Church, dressed in the grey attire of a fryer. She had her hood up, but that wasn't enough to hide her flowing mane.

"Good marrow, Sister." Flash greeted, causing Twilight to flash her rich violet eyes at him.

"Oh.. eh, hello, Flash." Twilight awkwardly replied with a nervous smile.

"I see you've managed yourself quite nicely," Twilight smiled. "A nun I presume?"

Twilight blushed. "Oh no... not yet. Just... still in training."

"Well, I still must congratulate you." An awkward silence was then held between the two, each unsure of what to say until Flash spoke up, "You know, you still own me those two bits for the bread." He said with a smile.

"Oh! Oh, yes. Yes I remember," Twilight said as she started to pat herself down, "let me see if I have it on me-"

"No, no that's alright," Flash interrupted with a tender smile. "Pay when you’re ready, that was the deal..."

"Oh.. yes. Of.. of course."

"I missed you, Twilight." Said Flash.

Twilight nodded in response. "I did too, Flash."

For a while, they simply looked at each other with varying emotions, each of their cheeks burning bright red. But the awkwardness was cut short as the Queen's voice rose up.

"Very well." She said before turning back towards the great cathedral doors.

Flash turned to Fluttershy, who was holding Angel in her hooves protectively and bowed his head, "I must take my leave now." He said softly. He then turned to Twilight and gave her a soft smile. "I hope to see you again."

Twilight blushed, "Yes… yes, me too."

Luna then took him by the shoulder and pulled him away, leading him towards the door along with his fellow guards ponies.

As the soldiers departed the great halls, Chrysalis managed to slip away from Luna's sight, concealing herself behind a nearby pillar that hence forth dressed her in shadow.

After she escorted the Captain of the Guard to the exit, Luna returned her attention to the cream colored Pegasus. Slowly, the Archdeacon approached her wide-eyed guest. Fluttershy backed away slightly as Luna approached, still holding Angel in her hooves. "Don't be afraid... you are safe here." She said. Fluttershy only could make brief glances at the holy mare. "What have you done? Why are they after you?"

"I... I-I'm a gypsy..." Fluttershy managed to say.

Luna smiled with tender, soothing eyes. "That's not your fault, it was the will of Faust." Fluttershy in response looked up at her as if to speak, but no words formed on her lips. "There is no need to have fear here. You are safe. Come, Sister Twilight will attend to you."

With that, Twilight gestured for Fluttershy to follow her and the two departed from the archdeacons company.

With Angel directly behind them, Fluttershy and Twilight proceeded down the long corridor of the cathedral. Fluttershy noted in silence the detailed carvings and statues that dotted the architecture, until one in particular caught her eye.

"Who's that?" Fluttershy inquire, pointing to a nearby statuette.

"The Virgin Celestia, First born of the mother, Faust." Twilight replied softly.

Twilight smiled. "If we open our hearts to her with faith, she comforts us."

"How can I speak to her?" Fluttershy asked; her eyes wide and star-filled.

"Kneel down and pray," answered Twilight. "As the others are doing."

Twilight gestured to the assembly that was present near the altar. Mares, gentlecolts and fillies were all knelt down in silent prayer before the great altar of Faust.

"I leave you too your own then," Twilight said. "But if you need anything, search me out."

Fluttershy nodded and Twilight turned to depart, her head lowered in silence. Fluttershy then approached the statue of Celestia and knelt down respectively beneath it. Her hooves in her lap, she whispered her prayer.

"I have never prayed before, but Sister Twilight told me you help all those who are in need... I don't know if you can hear me, or if You're even there. I don't know if you would listen to a gypsy’s prayer. Yes, I know I'm just an outcast, I shouldn't speak to you. Still I see your face and wonder... Were you once an outcast too?"

Fluttershy paused for a moment.

"Take all that I have, but please help my people... they need you... Faust help the outcasts; hungry from birth. Show them the mercy, they don't find on earth. Faust help my people; we look to You still. Faust help the outcasts... or nopony will..."

Fluttershy was cut off when she felt a looming presence approach from behind her. She turned her head to her terror to be met with the faded emerald eyes of the Marisian monarch.

Chrysalis stared at the cream colored Pegasus with an expression of both confusion and resentment.

"What are you doing?" She asked in an emotionless, deadpan tone.

Fluttershy stared back at her, unsure of what to do.

"I.. I'm praying." She replied.

"You cannot pray here; you are a heathen."

"You’re not a priest, and you do not rule me." Fluttershy held her ground.

"I am what I wish to be," Chrysalis replied once again in her deadpan tone. "Get up. You desecrate the very stones upon which you kneel."

"I will not."

"Get up!" Chrysalis commanded, reaching out with her hoof to grab Fluttershy's foreleg.

"No! You bare the mark of Tartarus on your hooves," she turned back towards the statue of Celestia. "Daughter of Faust, please don't let her hang me. Protect me! Protect me!"

"Praying won’t help you. You come from an evil race."

Fluttershy turned to face Chrysalis, now baring anger in her eyes. "You know nothing of my people."

"Only that you are bound by witchcraft and magic."

To this, Fluttershy stood, although she was still dwarfed by the pearl-white alicorn. "If we really are so fiendish with our magic, do you think we would allow ourselves to live as outcasts? Surely we'd use it to our aid."

"You gypsies should be destroyed by fire and sword." Chrysalis' tone was now becoming more noticeably venomous.

"You should not speak such things. The first born of Faust is listening." Fluttershy said facing down the Marisian Queen. "I'm a gypsy and never in all my life could I have an evil thought. Never speak... just be here."

She turned to one of the loft stain glass windows, "Look, that window up there glowing red and blue, with the sunset break through; and how all the light floats around. There like the high pines in the forest. So quiet and peaceful here... almost quieter than the woods, and the birds chatter and sing when I call. You know the birds and deer eat out of my hoof. They're not shy at all when you're kind to them."

Chrysalis was speechless for a moment; her breath steady in her breast. "I know..."

Fluttershy's eyes widened at this, "You like animals?"

"Yes..." Chrysalis answered in a soft, somber tone.

"You say that... you... then you cannot hate as much as you pretend too. Somewhere in your heart there must be love... I know... I see it. In your eyes."

A silence was held in the air for what seemed like an eternity afterwards, both bodies unsure of what to do. Finally, Chrysalis turned away from Fluttershy and started towards the cathedral doors. Before departing, she turned to face the gypsy mare one last time, once again baring her unreadable, emotionless mask. "Such a clever witch... be warned gypsy, you have claim yourself a magnificent prison, but it is a prison nonetheless... and if you step outside those doors..." She didn't finish. She simply turned and departed through the great iron doors, leaving Fluttershy in silence.

Fluttershy knelt down and breathed in slowly. This whole day had been nothing but a chaotic mess.

Now she was even worse off. Trapped within the stone walls of the house of the mother; Chrysalis' words echo in her ears. 'You have claim yourself a magnificent prison, but it is a prison nonetheless.' She felt like a trapped bird in a cage. She doubted even Pinkie Pie would do anything to aid her. Truly, everything seemed to have fallen just perfectly into all the wrong places; and she curled up under the statue of Faust. Her face buried in her forelegs. "It's hopeless..." she whispered as a tear ran down her cheek.

Suddenly, she felt something different. Slowly, she looked up. There was nopony there...

She looked about. She could feel a pair of eyes upon her skin.

Her sight then fell upon a darkened stairwell doorway to her right. A shadow dressed in heavily as the light of the setting sun poured through the large circular window overhead.

She looked closely and there in the darkness, she made out the shape of a figure, with two, large golden eyes staring back at her. She made eye contact.

Suddenly, the figure turned and darted back into the darkness of the stairwell, and Fluttershy got to her hooves and followed in pursuit.

"Wait!" She called.

Trying to keep up with the figure, she flew up the stairwell calling to him, "Wait! Don't run, I just want to talk to you. Wait!"

After several minutes of flying, Fluttershy came upon a landing to the upper reaches of the cathedral. She looked around for any sign of the specter.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw what looked to be the end of a tail dart up another flight of steps; this time made of wood. Leading up to the rafters on the lofty bell tower.


She dashed up the stairs as quick as her wings could carry her, "I know it was you that saved me on the pillory. I just wanted to thank you."

Finally, she found herself in the very bell tower itself. High above her, she could see countless iron bells of all shapes and sizes suspended from thick wooden beams. Ropes hung down from them for easy access, but there was no sign of her specter.

She looked around trying to find anything of him, but to no avail. Then, she came across something that intrigued her. It was a bed, a large, half worn blanket and quilt covering hay, with books upon stacks of books pilled all around it.

She went beside it and felt it.

"Hello? Is anypony here?"

By this time, she was becoming quite frustrated. Crossing her hooves, she sat down on the surprisingly soft bed and called out, "I'm not leaving until you come out where I can see you, so I can thank you properly."

Nothing. No response. So Fluttershy sat there, hooves crossed, waiting for her company to show himself, unaware of the two eyes peering down from her from high up in the rafters.

Discord looked down upon the stranger who was sitting on his bed. Unsure what to do. Nopony besides Chrysalis ever ventured up here. Who was this mare? She had given him water whilst he was bound to the pillory, and the air brushing against his still untended wounds kept the memory fresh.

Knowing nothing else to do, he simply remained perched where he was, careful not to alert his guest of his presence. For now he would watch, and observe.

It was now well into the night, and Fluttershy had since passed out from exhaustion on the soft mattress, sleeping soundly, completely unaware of the new presence beside her.

Discord had descended from his perch after she had fallen asleep. He sat there watching her. He noted every last detail of her face and figure. Her long, flowing rose mane, her radiant face and sloping shoulders. His eyes traveled up and down her body as she slept. She looked so peaceful...

It was then that Discord felt a sudden impulse come over him. He reached out with his eagle claw and gently touched one of her stray locks of hair. He caressed it in his fingers. It felt so silky and soft. She stirred a bit and he retracted his claw, not wanting to wake her up.

He looked at his fingers where her hair had once been and rubbed them together as if to feel the texture again. His breath was steady and gentile.

He heard her moan in her sleep and she shifted her body slightly. With this, Discord moved away from the bed and climbed back into the rafters.

Fluttershy awoke sometime later. She could hear the sound of rain beating against the stone walls. It was pitch black outside, and even shower was pouring down outside. She tried to sit up, but noticed something was different. She looked down to find that somepony had placed a blanket on top of her.

Wrapping the warm covering around her, she got up from the worn bed and look about. "Hello?" She called.

After a few minutes, she let a sigh escape her lips and turned back towards the bed. However, her ear twitched as something caught her ear.

"I.. I hide my light inside a cloak of night,

Among hallowed halls and sacred bells."

"Singing?" She thought to herself. Taking wing, she followed the singing into the rafters. She looked around a bit, and there she saw him. The strange chimera from the pillory, perched upon a large wooden beam, singing to himself.

"The pearl of my heart locked within a shell too afraid to let it go,

To let it show,

And all the headlines read for the whole wide world to see,

A Monster in Marié.

I fall apart, I fall apart, apparently,

I appeared beneath the light yes it was me,

A Monster in Marié.

I hide my pain inside a melody,

As if the bells I ring can set me free,

I keep all my dreams under a lock and key,

So afraid that they will fly, away from me,

A Monster in Marié

A Monster in Marié

A Monster in Marié"

As Discord finished his song, he lowered his head and looked out at the rain falling outside. He then jumped a little when he felt a hoof fall on his shoulder. He whirled around to find none other than the cream-colored Pegasus flapping her wings steadily as to keep hovering next to him. She smiled as his large golden eyes peered back to hers.

"Good evening," she began. "Monsieur..."

Author's Note:

I did it! :D I did it! I finished Chapter Eight. ^^

I've been really thrown everywhere trying to finish this one. If you've seen my latest blog post you'll know that I'm planning on revising the previous chapters. I've already done chapter one, and chapter eight here should give you and idea of how the format is going to look. It's going to take a while, but I will get it done. :)

But anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and as always, please comment and share your thoughts, I am open to constructive criticism.

Thank you.