• Published 9th Nov 2014
  • 6,528 Views, 507 Comments

The Draconequus of Notre Mare - Inkquill

Deformed, beaten and hidden from the world. Locked away within hallowed halls and sacred bells, the world beyond nothing but a dream, this is all he has known... that is, until she came.

  • ...

Chapter Five: The Courte of Miracles.

Chapter Five: The Court of Miracles.

Fluttershy and Pinkie made their way through the dimly lit alleyways, Pinkie guiding the rosé maned mare the whole way through.

"Um... excuse me but... where are we going?" She asked in a dry tone. They then came upon a small stone arch with iron bars place between the cavity, a slight stream of water, or at least it looked like water, flowed down from the alleyways drainage canal and underneath the arch.

The strange, curly maned mare gave her a playful smile and said, "You'll see..." She then proceeded to push open the iron bar restraints, revealing a passage way just big enough for them to walk through, and leading downward.

Ducking her head down, Pinkie Pie made her way inside the cramp subterranean passageway. To Fluttershy, the tunnel seemed the likeness of the blackened gullet of some unknown creature, a thick odor rising up from its depths. Fluttershy stood there as Pinkie Pie ventured a short distance in before looking back at her.

"Aren't you coming?" She asked cocking an eyebrow.

Fluttershy looked at her befuddled, eyes blinking. "Um... what?"

"Aren't you gonna follow me?"

"Wait! You want me to follow you down there?" She exclaimed. "I don't even know you."

A playful smile appeared on the pink mares face. "Oh silly, I already told you, my names Pinkie Pie."

"Yes, but that doesn't tell me who you are!"

She shook her head, "Look miss... you know I didn't catch your name. Silly me."

Fluttershy mentally retreated inwards at this, "I'm Fluttershy..." She whispered.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"I'm... Fluttershy..." She repeated trying to hide her face behind her mane.

Seeing that this was going nowhere, Pinkie revealed a large brace hearing aide, from where exactly she had gotten it was a mystery to Fluttershy, it had seemed as if she had pulled it out of thin air. "What was that?" She asked again.


"Okie dokie then. Nice to meet you Flutters." A said with a wide smile across her face. "But anyway, aren't you coming?"

Fluttershy was completely befuddled by the situation. A strange mare saves her from two imbecilic guards, in a city she's never been too before, and is asking her to follow her down into some Faust forsaken tunnel! What in the name of Faust was this place?

"Look Flutters, either you come with me or stay up here with those guards on your tail, but just remember... I'm not the one with the crossbows and the pole-axes..."

Fluttershy paused for a moment. She did have a point there. In any case Angel, who had been keeping pace with the two mares as they had maneuvered through the back alleyways, was the one who took the initiative, bounding in after the odd pony.

"Angel..." she began. "I'm sorry it's just that... well... I don't know you and--" She was cut off as Pinkie Pie held out her hoof.

It was a simple gesture, but it represented an uneasy decision.

"I can't, I have to get back to the caravan. Pipsqueak and Trixie will be worried sick."

"Who'er they?" Pinkie inquired.

"They're my friends from the caravan I come from. They're like my family."

The ever-present smile that had adorned the pink mare face disappeared in this instance. "I'm sorry, but it's not safe now. Ponies here are different from the ones you've probably met on your travels. The guards will be looking for you due to that little skirmish you worked up."

"I didn't mean to cause a scene..."

"Doesn't matter here. Maris isn't that "welcoming" to foreigners, it be best you lay low for a while. I have a safe place you can stay 'til the fuzz cools down. Because believe me, if you want to see your friends again, you'll follow me."

Fluttershy thought on Pinkies words, either jump into an unknown abyss, or into the waiting maw of the wolf, either way, her fate was uncertain. "...o-okay..."

With that she followed in after Pinkie into the dark tunnel. After a short time walking, the light of the entrance had seemed to have disappeared. Pinkie had miraculously, and seemingly out of nowhere, obtained a torch to light their way. The tunnel had a vaulted ceiling, with moisture dripping down its moss-laden stone.

"So... um, where exactly are we heading?" She asked nervously.

"Someplace safe." Pinkie replied.

"Um, yes I-I got that but where."

"You'll see."

It was becoming quite obvious that this strange mare wanted their destination to be a surprise.

"So... Pinkie Pie was it?"

"Yep, that's me. Madam Pinkaména Diane Pie at your service," she said with a bow, "Jester, storyteller, Queen of the Truands and occasional proprietor of various regional cheeses."

Fluttershy blinked in surprise, "Wait... what did you say?"

"Oh, I like to collect cheeses, you know like brie, muenster, swiss--"

"No no, did you say you were the 'Queen of the Truands'?"

"Oh yeah, that. Sure did, why?"

"Your a truand?... You're a thief!?" She blurted.

"No silly, I'm not thief I'm Pinkie."

Fluttershy took a step back, "B-but you said you we're... t-the 'q-queen of the truands'?"

With disdain, Pinkie looked back at her, the fire of the torch highlighting her features, "If you think I'm a lonely criminal then you're dreadfully mistakened..." she said. The tone of her voice told Fluttershy that she had struck a sensitive nerve, but how else would she have reacted?

"Yes I'm a truand," she spoke up as she began to descend a stone staircase with Fluttershy in tow, "but I am no thief... my kind only take what we need, no more, no less."

Fluttershy had heard of truands before, but from what she had heard, the immediate picture that came to mind was a raggedy clothed thief that would rob you blind at first chance; nothing like the rosé manned mare that she had met.

With the light of the torch quickly disappearing down the winding stone staircase Fluttershy quickened her pace to catch up. Angle the whole time riding on her back.

"So what brings you to Maris?" Pinkie inquired.

"We came to trade goods..." answered Fluttershy, "we wanted to open new trade routs."

Pinkie looked back at her with an expression of confusion and mild amusement. "That's funny, gypsies don't usually want to come to Maris."

"Why is that?"

"The Marisians don't take kind to foreigners, especially gypsies."

"But, why?"

Pinkie stopped in her tracks. "Because they use magic..."

Fluttershy became puzzled at this information. The Marisians didn't use magic?

"Magic has been outlawed here for some time now. When you were in the streets, didn't you see the bands on every Unicorns horn?"


"Those are used to prevent anyone from practicing magic. Also, did you see anypony flying around? Anypony?"

"N-no, I don't think so."

"Well flying is banned here too. From birth, all Pegasi's wings are clipped. Anypony caught disobeying these laws are either beaten, tortured or worse... usually the ladder."

"That's awful!"

"And we can all thank our "beloved" Queen Chrysalis for it."

"Queen Chrysalis?"

"She's our ruler. She's the one who's practically bound all of Maris in shackles."

Fluttershy was at a loss for words. How was she to respond?

"I tell you Flutters. In this town, you’re better off underground. Hey, that rhymed a little!" She giggled.

Fluttershy couldn't help but giggle along with her. "You know? It's really amazing."

"What is?" Asked Pinkie.

"Even with all the subjugation the Chrysalis puts on you, you still manage to keep smiling."

"Better to smile at the little things then not at all I always say."

"Like what?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Oh, you know? The little things. Every day deeds of ordinary ponies. Somepony just lending a hoof where it is needed. If that's not worth smiling for, then I don't know what is."

There was so much truth in those words, Fluttershy felt a warm smile grace her face. Ever further they delved into the darkness, the light of the torch glistening of the moistened stone walls. The smoke from the fire stung Fluttershy's eyes and nose, as she would occasionally rub at them. Finally they reached the staircases landing. Suddenly a frightened scream reverberated throughout the underground tunnels.

The scream had come from Fluttershy as she beheld her new surroundings.

Millions of bones decorated the walls, skulls lining every alternating passageway and corridor. An endless labyrinth of the deceased.

"W-what is this place?..." Fluttershy stammered, worry filling her veins.

"These are the Marisian Catacombs... some time ago the city was ravaged by illness. I wasn't born then, but I know it wasn't fun... everypony that didn't make it was buried down here, since they ran out of room in the graveyards."

"That's... awful!" Fluttershy cried.

Pinkie stopped for a moment, as if she was lost in her own thought, "I know... unfortunatly, the

Catacombs are still gaining residence... thanks to her majesty."

Fluttershy made no response to this. What could one say?

They continued their way through the bone strewn halls in silence; rats occasionally scurrying this way and that as they passed.

Fluttershy tried to not to pay mind to the uncountable number of skulls that lined the walls, but it was a wasted effort. So many lives lost, hidden away in some dark Faust forsaken cave. She felt tears begin to as the shear number of the deceased began to overwhelm her.

She began to think. To think about her father. Memories of him began to come back to her. He had died when she was only a filly, oh how she missed him so. But she also began to think of her mother...

She had been a Pegasus in the prime of her youth. She worked as a wine maiden in a small inn along the east to west road. They had met after the caravan had stopped to make camp for the night. But Autumn had decided to rent a room for the night in the local inn due to the ominous storm that could be seen coming up from the south. The tavern had been warm and inviting. There was an open fire pit in the middle of building with several pots of cooking, hearty stews placed over the glowing embers. The smell of mead, spices and pipe smoke filled the air, along side the drunken laughter of stallions.

He had taken a seat by the fire pit when he first saw her. She wore the simple garments of the peasent folk, her hair a rich scarlet pink, and carried a metal plater with two tankards of ale. His eyes followed her as she approached a pair of farmhooves who had clearly already had their fair amount of alcohol for the night. As she served them, one of the gruff stallions had reached back and grabbed her buttocks.

She gasped and drew back from them as they let out an amused laugh simultaneously. The followed that up but insisting that she join them for the night; giving her smug complements and grabbing at her form. Disgusted by the two, Autumn rose from his place and approached the two.

He defended her chivalrously and managed to stay the farmhooves without any form of scuffle. Afterwards, the two properly introduced themselves, and they struck up a conversation. Her name was Scarlet Sunset.

Fluttershy had always enjoyed it when her father would tell her about how he and her mother met.

Finally Fluttershy could see light up ahead. She could smell the scent of exotic spices, wine and urine in the air, an odor quite familiar to her.

They came upon a large archway covered with half-tattered drapes. Streams of light pouring through the many holes. Pinkie Pie reached out her hoof and swiftly pulled them aside. "Welcome to the Court of Miracles." She announced proudly.

It was like a miniature kingdom built within the earth, so lively an colorful as laughter resonated throughout the halls. This so called "Courte" reminded her of some of the many fairs she had seen on her travels with the caravan.

"This... This is incredible!" Said Fluttershy.

"Yeah, it's something." Pinkie said with a prideful smile. "Hey everypony! We have a guest!"

Suddenly, Fluttershy was swarmed by a whole mob of strangely gladded ponies, all eager to greet their new visitor.

Fluttershy was at a loss for words at the numerous smiling faces that greeted her. This had been the first time since she arrived in

Maris that she had received a warm welcome.

One individual stood out from the crowed. She was a gray-colored Pegasus with a golden-blond mane, sporting a bright smile on her face. But what really stood out was her eyes. Radiant golden orbs the both of them, but oddly enough they seem to be looking in different directions.

"Welcome, welcome." Said the curious wall-eyed mare. "My named Derpy Hooves, but you can call me Derpy."

"It's nice to meet you, Derpy." Fluttershy replied. "I'm... F-fluttershy."

"Nice to meet you Fluttershy. Listen, if you ever need a bite to eat, I always got a fresh batch of muffins ready for those who want them."

"Thank you, I'll keep that in mind." Fluttershy said with a smile.

With a joyful smile and a wave, Derpy trotted away. "Ok then, talk to you later."

Fluttershy waved back with a smile, for some reason she reminded her of friends on the caravan.

Fluttershy's smile dampened at this. Her friends, Pipsqueak and Trixie... She had been gone for quite some time now, they would be worried. She had to get back as soon as possible.

Going over to Pinkie, she nudged at her shoulder with her hoof. "Um, Pinkie?"

"What can I do ya' for Flutters?" Pinkie said with glee.

"Um, well... now that we're here um... how do you suppose I can get back to my friends in the caravan?"

"You want to leave? So early? But we have even done our customary song?"

Once again Fluttershy was befuddled. "The... what?"

"Hit it boys!"

At that moment, a trio of marionettes dressed in band wear appeared seemingly out of nowhere and began to play.

"Maybe you've heard of a mystical place

Where the Truands of Maris

Collect in a lair?

Maybe you've heard of that mythical place,

Called the Court of Miracles?"

"Hello, you're there!"

"Um, why are we singing?" Fluttershy attempted to ask.

"Where the blind can see

And the lame can walk

Oh, what a wonderful place

For just you and just me."

"For all of us!" The crowd joined in before Pinkie continued.

"Come precious pony-folk,

Lend an ear to your queen.

Cus' in the Court of Miracles,

There's always a joke."

"Here in the Courte,

We may do what we want

Be tricksy, be cunning

Be humble, be valiant!"

With that, the laughter stricken mob despised, returning to their previous activities. Fluttershy stood there dazed and confused at what had just transpired.

"What was that?" Fluttershy asked.

"You like it? It's a work in progress, but we'll get it."

"It was... lovely..." Fluttershy said meekly.

"Coolio. Thank you."

"Yes, you're welcome but..."

"Right!" Pinkie interrupted, "I know, getting you back to your family. Don't worry I'm all over it, but Lets talk in private."

Pinkie gestured to a large pink and purple striped tent, becoming Fluttershy to follow.

"Oh... well, ok."

"But fear not, Madam Pinkie Pie has a plan!"

Fluttershy's ears picked up at this, a smile donning her face. "Really? What is it?"

"Do you know what the Feast of Fools is?" Pinkie asked.


"Well its one of Maris's biggest celebrations of the year. Theres music, dancing, food, drink, anything a pony could want to have fun. My plan is that we sneak you out through the crowds while the guards are distracted with the festival. It's out best option."

Fluttershy could help but feel nervous. "Are you sure there's no other way, I'm sorry I'm just... I don't feel sure about this..."

"I'm sorry Fluttershy. Our best bet is to sneak you out whilst all the guards are occupied with the festival, only way I can see."

Fluttershy lowered her head with a sigh at this news, her ears pinning against her head. "But you're free to stay here for the night." Pinkie offered, trying to raise her spirits.

"I... I guess one night couldn't hurt..." She said with a meek smile.

"Yay, sleepover!" Pinkie exclaimed as she hurriedly retrieve some spare quilts and a pillow. In no time at all, a perfectly made sleeping space had been fashion, just for Fluttershy.

"What's that sound?" She asked.

"What, those?" Pinkie replied. "Those are the bells of Notre Mare, the cities great cathedral. Every morning and night the bell ringer plays them."

"Bell ringer?"

"Yeah. Nopony knows who he is, he never comes out. I hear he's some kind of horrific amalgamation of different pieces and parts sewed together into one being! Neither beast nor pony!"

This both intrigued and slightly frightened Fluttershy, from Pinkie Pie's description this "bell ringer" round more like some kind of monster. But on the other hoof, the thought of such a bizarre creature roused her curiosity. What would such a being look like? What would he be like to meet? Would he like animals? What would his favorite food be? All these questions and more buzzed about her brain the more she thought about it.

"I know," Pinkie chimed, "weird isn't it?"


"Well, it's best we get some sleep. Big day tomorrow, we need to get our rest so we can be expert ninjas!" Pinkie said with a wide grin.

With that, Pinkie dimed the lantern illuminating the multicolored tent as Fluttershy climbed into her makeshift bed. The fabrics were warm and comfortably soft, she would make it top priority to thank Pinkie for her hospitality in the morning, but her mind once again drifted to her two friends Pipsqueak and Trixie. How would she explain what had happened? What was certain is that she and her caravan would have to get as far away from Maris as possible. Faust knows what that Queen Chrysalis would do next.

As the warm of the quilt and the plush softness of the pillow caressed her, she drifted into an uneasy sleep. Perhaps she would dream of the music again? That gave her comfort.

The world was void. A veil of darkness surrounded the whole of the tiny foal. She sat there in the emptiness, alone. Dressed in only a nightgown, she looked about her non-existing environment, clutching small, stuffed animal in her hooves. She shivered as stood up. "Hello? Is anypony there?"

Trembling, she began to walk forward, her emerald eyes darting this way and that, trying to find her bearings. "Hello?"

Suddenly, she spotted a single point of light in the distance, almost like a candle in a dark room. She moved towards it.

As she came ever closer to the light, it seemed to grow in brightness and heat. Her lungs grew heavy. She could smell smoke.

Without warning, the tiny flame erupted outward, becoming the likeness of a great pyre. She backed away as something began to form from the flames.

Her breath quickened. Her eyes widened as tears began to form, streaking down her pear-white cheeks. Her hooves seemed to have vanished. She tried to run but something was holding her back. It wouldn't let her go.

The ghastly flaming apparition drew nearer. It's fire purged skin seemed to liquefy and fall off in horrendous fashions. "Chrysalis...." It called. "Chrysalis, help me!"

The filly screamed and sobbed as the monstrous creature loomed above her. It's flesh falling from the bone, it's face was distorted and mangled. Almost like a skull, but with the eyes still remaining. "HELP ME!"

Chrysalis' head shot up from her pillow, throwing the covers as she panted in a cold sweat, "MOTHER!" she cried. Frantically Chrysalis brew in breath after heavy breath as she quickly came to realize she was alone in a silent darkened room, pale streams of moonlight reaching across the floor from the windows.

The sound of their queen's distressed cries alerted the guards standing watch at her door, as the quickly burst into the room, pole-axes in hoof.

"Your majesty are you alright? We heard screaming."

She sat their for a moment before collecting herself. "All is well lieutenant. Return to your post." Her tone was dull and unmoved.

"Your highness..." The guard began to say before drawing back his tongue for fear of provoking an unwanted outburst.


With that the two soldiers bowed and quietly exited the room, leaving the queen once again alone in the dark bed chamber.

She sat there for long while after her guards had departed. The lavish royal dorm seemed so desolate and void. The plush silk sheets seemed like brittle papyrus and an icy sting lapped at her skin.

Above the vast, king sized bed, a polished steel emblem of a blazing sun with an open eye at it's center loomed. Ever seeing. Ever watchful.

As she sat there, the burning image from her night crept once more into her thoughts. It called to her, begging her. A tear streamed down her cheek, turning her fur a light ashen-gray.

"I'm sorry Mother..." she whispered. "I'm sorry."

Author's Note:

Please comment and share your thoughts, I am open to constructive criticism.

Thank you.

And Happy Holidays everypony. ^^