• Published 4th May 2012
  • 6,609 Views, 484 Comments

Silent Dreamweaver - -Brutus

This is fanfic about deaf pony (myself installing my life with being deaf).....

  • ...

Chapter 11

The streets of the Ponyville were busy as usual- it was the time when the vendors, stores, and stands began their process of closing their stores. Celestia's sun began to set over the hills, casting a long shadow over Ponyville; afternoon was slowly turning its reign of light over to nighttime. The school bell rang; a few cute young foals; both colts and fillies ran out, excited with prospect of getting out of school getting away from their weekend project. There was a calm and cheerful atmosphere that was shared by villagers; elders, adults, and foals alike- except, of course, for one Unicorn that betrayed the atmosphere: Twilight Sparkle.

An orange filter from the sun began to cast warm feel in the air throughout Ponyville. She kept making tracks; on the way some ponies greeted her- yet Twilight didn't pay heed, her scholar mind was telling her that the deaf stallion was renting a hotel room and she would find him there. What if he wasn't there? What if he already found somewhere else to shelter in? Will he be at that oak tree? What if he chose to not forgive her? What if he didn't want to be friends with her at all?

Twilight was genuinely concerned about her impulsive alacrity to seek out the deaf Unicorn because of what happened to Rarity- Silent accepted her apology, but pushed her away. Although Silent technically never told her that he didn’t want to be her friend, even during that sticky situation; even now Twilight noticed that the deaf stallion still had his guard up yesterday at the cafè. The purple Unicorn took a pause in her trot to let out a ponderous exhale- after all, she was riding on flimsy hope.

Twilight felt that she was so close to the truth, yet is far from the truth. The more the purple Unicorn thought about it,more that Twilight recognized there was two chief emotions flaring up inside her heart: first was apprehensiveness- fearful that things wouldn't work out the way that Twilight is hoping out which is Silent's accepting her beg of forgiveness and hopefully move on. It was cruel reminder of what happened at that cafè . The second emotion hit her with vehemence; Twilight couldn't describe the new feeling at all. She felt empty, then turned warm when she thought of Silent. All of this was new to the lavender mare and it scared her to the core.

Why did Princess Celestia go and say something like that? What is wrong with me now?! All of this is new to me; there must be a book on this somewhere. Calm down, I don't want to have another Smarty-pants incident. Princess Celestia was very angry with me on that day. However, as her faithful student, I cannot let her down when she is expecting the next friendship report on what I will learn.

What Twilight couldn't put her hoof on the deaf stallion, was why he was different. The lavender mare could remember growing up in solace under the tutelage of Princess Celestia, not having any friends when she was growing up. Until the day that she found out that Nightmare Moon was breaking out of her banishment which pushed her into the fate of becoming the Element of Magic, meeting the other five elements whom later became her best friends. Yet, she was happy and content from that point on, until he came into the town. At first, Twilight thought nothing of him until that day at the party and Princess Celestia's antic in the letter. Twilight couldn't figure out what she was feeling inside of her and why he was so different.

Twilight began deviating from her thoughts, becoming more conscious of herself and the environment with every stride closer to the hotel. Some paid attention to the purple Unicorn- after all, she was one of local heroines who saved Equestria twice with her other five friends. Some simply nodded their head at her, or wave, or express their gratitude; Twilight stopped only once or twice to press upon the ponies about the deaf stallion; first Twilight would describe Silent’s features and if they have seen him. If so; which direction did he go?

But by doing this method, Twilight noticed that she was burning daylight.

“Enough dilly dallying!” Twilight whispered at herself, ensuring to not forget that she was a mare on a mission.

Twilight finally worked her way into edge of the town centre; slightly exhausted from the journey. The Ponyville hotel was mere blocks away, yet with every step her vehemence snaked its way inside and and latched tighter and tighter. Part of Twilight wanted to turn around in fear that things would go worse than before, but she knew that she couldn't let Princess Celestia, or herself, down.

With multitudinous emotions bouncing around within her, Twilight pressed on. Not procrastinating this any further, the purple mare doubled her stride to whether though torrents before her nerve would begin to fray when the hotel came into her field of view. There was almost no pony around, save for one or two train engineers working on the train at station. Swallowing a lump that formed in her throat, picking herself up and trotted toward the hotel; summoning her resolve to see this through to the end.

As the hotel got closer, she could start make out definite features of the building that she intend to go to. Moderately sized, three stories high, and constructed with some sort of tan concrete and strange red shingles roof. There was also large sign near the entrance that boasted:

Ponyville Hotel;

We Offer the Best Night Sleep!

What had drawn Twilight's eyes the most was the large glass wall surrounding the lobby; it was neat you could see everything inside the lobby, and there wasn’t anything worthy to mention to herself until she saw something that caught her full attention.

It was either a stroke of luck or fate. When Twilight began to make out ponies inside the lobby; she could see the receptionist working the counter, a mare with a foal sitting on the couch and some black stallion was checking his family in. A set in when she saw a blot of white walking out of a hallway and into the lobby with an apathetic face on which was slightly betrayed by small smirk, his beautiful mane and tail were dripping wet. Twilight's mouth gaped at this. Her heart fluttered for second before she shook herself awake, reminding herself firmly the real reason of why she was here.

Silent was finally content with himself, everything that had transpired over three days now. Wasn’t on his mind, rather of how peaceful he felt. That hot spa and steam room gave him that much. It was like for few moment; all of his emotion pain just melted off his fur and he cared for nothing but just getting back to his room then slip away to dreamland and ride out the last two days before leaving this town and going to Trottingham like he planned at the beginning. Silent, wanting to get into his bed, doubled his pacing: his room was just around the corner; reminding himself that he have hidden his room key just around the corner of his door.

Twilight noticed that Silent had already turned into another hallway that led to the bedrooms. He was already at end of the hall, apparently never noticing the purple mare the whole way from the lobby to his room. Twilight's two aforementioned emotions flared within her by one hundredfold. The purple Unicorn began following Silent with a nimble trot. In the left hallway, Silent was already stopping at his door as his horn glowed a brilliant green, levitating a key out of the door crack and was about to unlock the door when Twilight ran up the hall before the opportunity was lost. Her hoofsteps was heavy; heavy enough for Silent to take notice and turn his head around.

Silent's heart stopped. He never expecting her to show up like this, and he could feel the raw emotion radiating off her. Silent's rage slowly rose again; his response was to run like usual, but this time he simply gave up. If he just ran yet again, she or her friends would simply catch up to him. For once Silent decided to give her a chance and listen to her. A small part of him was glad that there was somepony that didn't give up on him, but for whatever reason the deaf stallion couldn’t put his hoof on it. Carefully studying the purple Unicorn before him; Silent couldn’t figure out what was her intent behind this meeting.

What's the proper etiquette for this? Invite her in? Talk or er... write it out in this hallway? Go somewhere else? I don't know! How hay did she find me anyway? What do I do? Twilight is still at looking at me intently, hope I'm not going to regret this. Here I go...

With a grunt he unlocks the door like originally intended, then extended his hoof to open the door rather than using his magic and then beckoning Twilight inside with his other hoof. The purple mare nodded once- biting her lower lips nervously; Twilight didn't want this to disintegrate like it did on their last meeting at that cafè. Pushing herself and building up small and shaky courage, she walked in and immediately noticed a small table at the corner of hotel room with two chairs.

It was perfect for the intent that Twilight had in her mind: setting down her saddlebag at floor next to the table, and levitating out her parchment and a new quill- since Silent broke her last one day before today. Before she took a seat, noticing a movement behind her shoulder and discerning that Silent was extracting two unopened vodka bottles- levitating it with his magic. Silent then began to rummage through his saddlebags once again pulling out his black turtleneck; putting it on. Smiling slightly at Twilight, began to shake his hoofs around his arms and body and pretended to shake; gesturing that he was cold. Twilight couldn’t help but giggle at him, still noticing that his mane and tail were still damp. Some of the bad mood began to dissipate, but to counteract this- Silent put his stoic face back on then began trotting to the table with two bottles, setting it down then parked his rear in a chair across the small table from Twilight.

The first moments were of complete silence, just both ponies staring at each other. One was apathetic, tapping his right white hoof on the table; the other was looking down, chewing and biting on her lower lip still. Twilight could feel the clock in the background ticking, her chest tightened when Silent kept his eyes fixated on her. Suddenly, there was something that pushed her along; perhaps it was her mentor’s words or to learn more about friendship. With a backbone, Twilight gave a determined glance at Silent which made him take back a little bit. Pushing the vodka bottles out of the way so there was room for parchment to lay out, Twilight gave a strong exhale while she sprang to action; awakening her horn radiating in light purple- picking up a quill. Silent kept his attention on the purple lavender noticing that her eyes held the air of being indomitable, but her body betrayed her- hesitating briefly before she finally began to write.

“Silent I want to star...”

The purple lavender paused, looking straight at Silent again- there was yet another impulsive decision that she made in her mind, she decided to act upon it; stumbling around a little bit on her chair before climbing off.

Quickly sprouting this off in her mind.

Now or never!

[I sense a kiss coming! ... Maybe - MrMinimii]

[Maybe... - Morfonious

P.S- Awesome editor as usual]