• Published 4th May 2012
  • 6,609 Views, 484 Comments

Silent Dreamweaver - -Brutus

This is fanfic about deaf pony (myself installing my life with being deaf).....

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Chapter 5

You know, sometimes when somepony that you know or don't know that well is walking up to you and bearing down on you angrily? You don't have the slightest idea what exactly you did wrong; thinking hard back on the day or anytime that you encountered with said pony? Naturally you would get nervous, this is exactly same thing that Silent is going through right now. Shuffling, rubbing his right forehoof as he sat down, thinking back on his day so far in Ponyville.

Waking up in that train, the cafè, meeting that crazy mare, walking around town, looking for liquor, found a library, meeting Twilight, borrowed books, came here to this spot, smoked some toke, did my thing with Daring Do, peed in the bushes and there she is.

Silent's brief memory trip came to end as Twilight arrived, face to face whilst deactivating her light magic that she used to navigate her way here through the dark. Twilight began speaking for a second or two before holding her hoof her mouth, as her memory tugged at her that Silent told her earlier today that he was deaf. The lavender Unicorn awkwardly smiled waiting for something. Silent figured it out, smiling nervously as he pulled out his notebook and pen with his magic. There is million of things that he could just write down, asking her why she is angry, how did she find him, what exactly had she seen, and so forth on. Silent just chose most simplistic thing to write before he handed it over to her.

Hello Twilight?__

Twilight's face scrunched up as she read this simple message, looking up to make eye contact with Silent, which only made him quite more queasy. A purple aura took over his pen, which Silent promptly released his own magic- Twilight focused on writing her message before turning it over to the white Unicorn. Silent's green eyes traced over her writing very carefully, not wanting to misunderstand.

“Why' didn't you show up to your party? Pinkie Pie told me that she invited you earlier today, most of the town was there waiting for two hours but you didn't show up! Half of town is angry with you, and the party host is depressed that you didn't show up.”

Silent sighed, waiting as Twilight paused for second before handing back the pen and notebook. Twilight's face told Silent that she had more to say or ask, but this was bit of good start. The deaf Unicorn's mind began to work trying to remember who Pinkie Pie was before realizing that it was that crazy mare earlier in the cafè. Exhaling as he realized that the explanation was somewhat simple, and this whole situation was, for a lack of better word- misunderstood. This was one of few times that Silent wished that he was normal pony, once again he felt like his deafness had done nothing but cause yet another problem. A problem that he didn't mean to happen. Silent somberly wrote his response, his thoughts began to wander back to depression. Some drink, any drink, sounded so good to Silent right now.

“Pinkie Pie? Wasn't that the crazy pink mare? I didn't know anything of this party or invitation. She ran into me in that cafe, and did...her thing, if you could call that. She just kept talking, then left abruptly; it was then I left. She didn't talk to me directly, like what we're doing now.”

Nervously floating both of pad of paper and pen back to the lavender Unicorn promptly. Her expression shifted noticeably from being suspicious and mad, then realization, eyes widening, returning to normal then understanding, then finally a soft expression. Twilight then did a facehoof, muttering “Oh Pinkie Pie!”, Silent assumed based on his lip reading. Twilight muttered something to herself, writing her reply. Silent was still rubbing his right forehoof while he anxiously waited.

”I see, that explains things. You see, when we arrived at party and Pinkie Pie announced that she invited, I mean invited a new stallion in the town to the party. I thought she communicated to you by writing. Anyway, naturally she went around the town inviting everypony that she knows, including her friends like myself to go. Well, after some time had passed, and you didn't show up. Pinkie Pie was getting..depressed, thinking that the pony- you- didn't like parties or ignored her invitation- the situation slowly got out of hand. Luckily, one of my friends asked her what did this stallion looked like.”

Twilight looked up at Silent briefly, taking a mini-break before continuing. The notebook was floating in the air, encased with purple aura and the pen wrote by itself frantically.

“After our pink friend explained this stallion's features, I realized that it matched you. Putting 2 and 2 together myself, I took the reins and asked the party-goers if they have met anypony like you in town today. Berry Punch came up, told me where she sent you. I spent about last hour looking for you, though I couldn't find you until I saw a strange glow in distance, coupled with my magic locating spell. I think the party is going on, if you want to come with me. I'll try my best to explain the whole situation.”

Putting down the notebook down after Twilight turned it over to him, Silent began to comprehend the situation, then things got quiet as Silent contemplated about the party. Personally, Silent hated parties, he had some of bad memory/experiences that came out of it. Silent's mind began to take a memory trip.

It was long time ago, when Silent was still colt; he was at his first outside party to getting his first taste of booze. This was just soon after series of events that sent him spiraling downwards. One of his former friends brought him there, and after while everything was good. Upbeat, drunk, and most of all- numb. Silent loved this feeling. Soon after, some drunk mare at, one point, began going around to spread the word that Silent Dreamweaver was hitting on her. It was getting a bit cold, so the party moved into the party host's house. A few moments later, a huge stallion breaks down the door running up straight to Silent- naturally the deaf Unicorn doesn't know what had transpired. Apparently, that stallion was the mare's coltfriend. They were face to face, literally.

In his drunken state, he only got one hit in on this angry stallion to defend himself. Silent couldn't use his magic properly. The stallion ducked the second punch that Silent threw and gave quick right hoof to the jaw and dropped the deaf Unicorn. The next thing that he remembered from that night was rain of hoofs to his face, with his face red shouting vulgar things that was directed at him but never actually got through. Pain, is all he remembered; the ponies did nothing to help but after a few moments of beating. Two colts that were there finally pulled the enraged stallion off Silent's battered body. Those colts had difficulty keeping him away, as Silent could remember next that he received a kick to the face that knocked him out cold, his blood was sprayed into wall. He had received some heavy bruises on his face and cuts on his forehead as well his horn. Silent was sent to the ER, and spent a week of his life in that undesirable place- the hospital.

It was one of his first scars, both physically and emotionally, it was also the beginning of his distrust of ponies in general.

Silent later learnt that the stallion ran away from the party with his marefriend. Long story short, they questioned everypony at the party and somepony said that stallion's name. Few days later the Celestia's guards arrested him and threw him into jail, yet it did nothing to quell his new founded scars.

Snapping out of the big memory trip, blinking once then twice.

Quickly Silent's bad side snaked its way to his mind and conscience. Silent needed his booze, he wanted to be numb from depressive and horrible thoughts that was creeping up on him, just to get away from the world, away from himself. He literally needed a drink now, giving into his addiction it was always an answer to everything for him.

Twilight was still sitting there, looking at him wondering what got into him. Silent looked like he was sad, just out of it. Suddenly, Silent perked up and put on the mask of a smile as he attempted to force his lugubrious feeling and thoughts down. Twilight felt that Silent was hiding something, and she felt like even a touch would break him down. She examined him carefully, hoping to find her way in and ask him if he was okay. Silent wouldn't have it, he had his guard up- focusing on his writing. There was something else that he did that she saw. Twilight also noticed the book was encased with Silent's magic, it looked like it was actually playing out the book! What kind of spell was that? She wanted to learn that spell! Silent Dreamweaver's cutie mark was another thing on her mind. It was of dream cloud, one light cloud with a black cloud behind it. She so badly wanted to ask him about it, of its meaning but she forced herself to not in fear of losing a new friend and driving him away.

”A party? That sounds great, I'm grateful that you're willing to help me out by explaining the situation. I think it would help a bit if I apologized to your friend,”

Silent paused in his writing as he glanced over to top of page of their previous conversation.

What was that crazy pink mare name?... aha Pinkie Pie.

“Pinkie Pie, even if it is unnecessary, after all I feel like it is my fault. I think you're great at magic, since you're able to find me with this..magic locating spell you say? Thank you Twilight, shall you lead the way?”

Silent Dreamweaver put on his best fake smile as he could, he thought Twilight believed it when she smiled, trotting away from oak tree toward Ponyville. Twilight reactivated her light spell to navigate their way through the darkness, the moonlight helping them out. Silent promptly followed, making sure he doesn't get lost or drifted away after all he was still new to this area.

Sigh, only three days to go...

After spending about thirty minutes navigating their way back into town, they finally made it back. Ponyville's night lights was like a beacon to them, they released a small sigh of relief coupled with sense of pride that there was no problems on the way. Silent couldn't help but get some sense that Ponyville was different during the night, it was too quiet, almost like a ghost town. Twilight did say that half of the town was at party, but still. Various stands that stood at town centrè wasn't there, in the darkness Silent could see few of places that he went past earlier today. Only place that had their lights on was Sugarcube Corner; with each step that Twilight and Silent took he could feel his heart jumping to his throat, getting bit hard to breathe, getting a cold sweat; Twilight was oblivious to this.

In a nutshell, Silent was afraid of what would happen when he walked into Sugarcube Corner. Both of the Unicorns made it to the door, standing next to each other. Silent tried to calm down his frayed nerves, smiling nervously at himself and Twilight. Twilight found his nervous smile slightly amusing, when she knocked on the door and the lavender unicorn's ears perked up- hearing some noises coming from other side of the door. Silent watched as the door knob wiggled then turned to the right, his eyes widened- it seemed like it was the end of the world for him.

Gradually, the door opened.

Overly-super-awesome editor as usual! -----> MrMinimii