• Published 4th May 2012
  • 6,608 Views, 484 Comments

Silent Dreamweaver - -Brutus

This is fanfic about deaf pony (myself installing my life with being deaf).....

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Chapter 21

Nurses and doctors scurried through the hallway, past Twilight and Amber whom traveled its length to reach the incapacitated patients. Amber was still quiet, her eyes was set on floor watching it go by as she trotted by her enemy in love. Although the mood was heavy and dark, throughout the whole thing the maroon mare couldn't help but smirk as her mind took to more of a positive light. Amber began to hum some familiar song that she made up herself a long time ago, when Silent's heart belonged to her.

Twilight turned around for a moment to the source of the noise and scrutinized the Unicorn behind her; she couldn't help but wonder what exactly Silent and Amber could have done together. Pangs of jealousy forced their way into the lavender Unicorn's subconscious, coupling the increasingly intimate images of Amber and Silent: at the park, their home, a bar, in... bed. Shaking her head, she worked feverishly to rid herself of the thoughts that now plagued her mind, of Amber being a genuine love to Silent, or at least tried to. Why else would she show up out of the blue, weakly acting like nothing had happened between them? The scholar wanted so desperately to ask what could have driven them apart. The further they trotted along the hallway the further Amber sunk into a memory. As she did so a smirk of inexplicable emotion that Twilight couldn't place spread across her mouth.

Twilight gathered her courage and decided to ask Amber straight out - mare to mare.

“What exactly are you to Silent?” Amber stopped, perking her ears up. Hearing the question that cut her deep down, the maroon Unicorn lowered her head to lowest point possible. She began to speak, her voice fluctuating dramatically as was common when faced with a conflicting situation.

“I... don’t know... anymore...” Amber kept her head down, her eyes making contact on the white tiled floor of the hospital.

“I am, or was his lover.” The mare then sat on her haunches, sighing as she coordinated her reply to the purple mare before her. She looked down the hallway, she wasn’t ready to look her opponent in the eyes. She was about to stop, but the intrigue on the other’s face egged her onward, so she breathed a deep, shaky breath and continued.

“I...look...Twilight was it?” A nod came from the temporary companion. “I bucked up, not an ‘ Oops! I'll apologize; forgive me?’ I bucked it up bad.” Amber slammed her hoof against the floor. Twilight leaned in, anxious for the next part of Amber's explanation, but, to her dismay, Amber pushed her along in favor of being alone with her thoughts. She released the air that had been building within her much smoother than it had initially entered, but try as she might she was not able to release the terrible thought that floated around in her mind.

“I need some time alone.” The maroon mare shot the other unicorn a pained look as Twilight began to vocalize her reply to the ex-lover. “I'm not all here right now in my head. All I need a some time alone then I'll head up to that big lug's room.” Amber smiled weakly as Twilight bit her lower lip the moment she heard the one of many handles that the maroon had for Silent, trotting forth on and not bothering to look back.

It had been a couple of weeks since Amber met Silent at that fateful, cold night, just sitting there sipping his vodka together. For their first night of being friends, they began to communicate through a series of gestures; Silent tried to keep his excitement in check. He wouldn't want to scare away his first potential friend in a long time, at least since his middle school days. Throughout the week they would meet up, exchange their respective "hello", and promptly head down to the bar to drink. The Pegasus even returned and apologized! After a stern "talk" courtesy of Amber, of course. Needless to say, it was hilarious seeing a stallion piss his legs when a she used one of mare's arguing techniques.

It was during the weekend when Amber had to take charge in this new formed friendship, introducing him to her friends, including one particular stallion whom later became his best friend. One time she had invited Silent for coffee, an attempt to pry deeper into the reclusive Unicorn, but, to her dismay, Silent didn't show. As the minutes ticked away, the ever growing anxiety within the mare shook her in her seat and forced her eyes to scan the small shop time and again in hopes of spotting the stallion. She thought she had gotten lucky once when a white pony came in, but unfortunately it was an elderly mare with a brown mane. Amber became increasingly worried when the clock struck the next hour, quickly scrambling out of her chair, but not before picking up her shoulder sling bag and throwing some bits on the table for two cups of coffee, one empty and another full, untouched.

Hurriedly trotting through the streets, eyeing the few ponies walking by, Amber searched for Silent. Normally, there wouldn't be a cause for alarm if some pony didn't show up at an aforementioned time for some coffee together; it would have translated as him blowing her off or getting caught up in something that took big deal of time, but Silent wasn't normal, at least not emotional-wise. In fact, in the time that Amber had spent with the stallion he would never quite seem attached mentally. She would occasionally prod him to bring him back, along with a slur of assurances - lies through his teeth - of how he was perfectly fine. It had been only one week but the maroon Unicorn also realized that the deaf Unicorn was always a stallion of his word; no matter what he did, he make sure he would be done with it instead of prostrating. Which is why him not showing up to the meeting worried her as she trotted along trying to remember where the deaf stallion lived. Amber wasn't sure what was exactly wrong with him now, especially since she knew so little to begin with.

Along the way, the mare remembered that his house was near the train station, so she trotted through the streets as Princess Celestia's sun was moving down into the skyline.The distraught mare paused at the station in a combination of exhaustion and confusion. The sun had since vanished, giving way to night. She watched the sky darken and the stars emerge from the abyss, but a white blob emerging as just another freckle against the sun's perfect deep sea complexion stood out to her from among the top of an apartment building. Fear gripped the panic-stricken Unicorn as she leapt into action, fearing she'd lose a life she had just gotten.

Amber used her magic to kick down the door, then ran down the hallway quickly reaching the spiral staircase. The mare panted as the fourth floor passed her in her ascent to the top, then the fifth, and the sixth; How many more staircases would there be!? Finally reaching the eleventh floor, and nearly out of breath, she away the final door that lead to the roof of Silent's family's building. A fearful chill rocketed up her spine as she saw her new friend just sitting on very edge of this building with about hundred foot drop to pavement below where he would become nothing but a mound of meat. Silent was swigging some last drops of his newly purchased vodka. First thing that came into her mind is to yell out to him to get away, or to stop, hell, anything at all really, but she quickly realized afterwards that he was deaf and nothing could change that. Amber very, very cautiously edged closer and closer the stallion;instead of galloping or trotting, which he would surely feel, sitting atop the unsteady ledge. Instead, Amber began to slide her hoof along the hoof, two at time- front then back, front then back - the process repeated over until she finally reached the deaf stallion who was still swaying around, looking straight down the ground. Amber's eyes widened as she realized what he was about to do; she dove toward him and grabbed him by wrapping her forelegs around his chest then activating her magic to assist her in her effort of hauling the heavy stallion onto floor, far away from an edge of any sort. Amber panted heavily as Silent dazedly looked around of what exactly what happened. One minute he was looking down at the dark street, the bottle of vodka he had just ingested quietly nudging him further over the ledge in a fit of drunken disorientation, and the next he lay on his back in a pained daze.

Amber regained enough of her composure in time to unload in front of Silent's face, screaming as loudly as her vocal chords could withstand, her voice carried in the darkness followed by a resounding slap as her hoof met his left cheek. Despite being deaf, she was sure he would get the message.

“Why?! WHY WOULD YOU GO AND DO THAT?” Another slap aimed at his cheek, “WHAT ABOUT YOUR PARENTS?! HUH?! Interchanging one for another smack into his face to empathize his parents. WHAT ABOUT YOUR FAMILY?! WHAT ABOUT ME?” Amber picked his head up with both of her hoof, “What about yourself?” A single tear finally escaped her eye, the anguish of watching somepony nearly plummeting to their death, by their own choice no less. Worse, it was her new friend. “Why would you do that?!” The mare let out a sob, then a gasp for air. All of that shouting left a bad taste in her mouth as this night added to her own list of bad memories. Amber then stared at Silent's eyes, hoping to find some answer to rectify the stallion’s recent actions.

Silent just laid there, as the first tear broke through the threshold of his hardened persona; his own breath became short and swallow. No words were exchanged, but the night became filled with a nerve racking sob since Silent's outer shell crumbled and he tried desperately to express what had been welling within him for most of the night. Amber carefully levitated her bag over to the pair then pulled out a notebook and a pen for deaf stallion to use.

The pen, wrapped in Amber's aura, shook heavily as it contacted paper, pausing momentarily while she reflected on what to write. She waved the thought away and wrote what came naturally.

What is wrong, Silent? He shuffled awkwardly under the question, sitting higher to prepare an answer, but his shoulders slumped as if the weight of Equestria taxed them.

The magic aura around the notebook and pen changed color as it turned over to his control. He tried, to the best of his inhibited abilities, to summarize everything that happened happened with willful restraint to explain the problem head-on. My mother... died today, and my father just took it out on me. I don't know exactly why, but we ended up brawling it out right outside of her room. After she... Silent wept, his tears falling on the paper, sniffing as he pushed the paper back to his new friend.

Amber disregarded the paper without a second thought. Instead, she wrapped her forelegs around the trembling stallion, hoping that her action could speak volumes more than her words ever could. Silent accepted the embrace like a safety blanket, and while not erasing the pain from his mind, it comforted him to know he had another soul to share the emotional strain with.

Silent buried his head into one of her forelegs and let loose the slue of emotion and mental trauma that had gnawed at the back of his mind. His caretaker, the one who helped him to control his magic, the one who cheered him up at anytime given, the one who gave advice and the one of rock in his life was utterly, truly gone and going to be buried six feet under sometime this week. The deaf stallion then wrapped his forelegs around the maroon mare, his shoulder resting on her shoulder; her being there made all of the difference in his life- even if he didn't know at that very moment. After a long while had passed, only dry streaks on his cheek remained along with Amber's for different reasons. The air oddly became warm as the young night pushed along, the moon floated in the air with face of Mare in the Moon staring down upon them, not knowing that a thousand years curse will come to the end in a few years.

Silent's breaths became short as his emotion and mind ransacked itself for something of a safe refuge from all of this. Without thinking at all, Silent backed up and then plunged in for a kiss. Amber pulled back in shock, slightly lightheaded from the air that had just been sucked from her lungs. She was void of all logical thought process. Her normal emotional state had since been thrown out as she, too, sought refuge from the horrifying acts she was mere moments away from witnessing.

Their forelegs pulled each other toward each other, each aching for something as both dove into a frenzied kiss. Silent kissed her lower lips and began moving down her neck, moaning began to fill the silence that the night brought around. Silent began to pant, his apathetic personality got completely thrown out as his primal, raw urge took control of him pushing the weaker couple into the floor as he placed his lips upon her again, then moved up to her horn where Silent gave a few experimental licks. An excited gasp caught in Amber's throat and she quivered with excitement. Not one to waste an opportunity, Silent slowly slid his hoof down her figure until finally reaching his prize. His head trailed his adventurous hoof, earning an excited squeak from the mare. Amber bit her lower lips watching him with great intent, realizing that she hadn't ever gone this far with any of the stallions she have been with yet. Sure she had a few fun times with her ex-coltfriends in school but there was som-

Her train of thought came to a crashing halt as she felt the slippery tongue of Silent emerge from its dwelling and find a new one within her.

Amber rapidly shook her head in a desperate attempt to rid herself of the best moment in her, and possibly Silent's, life. It just wasn't right to delve into such memories given the situation at hoof. Amber deemed that it would be hard, probably impossible, to gain his trust, or possibly his love, but it was worth trying because of everything they have gone through together in their old life in Baltimare.

Try. She just had to try, no matter what kind of words Silent would say to her- no matter what, she had to believe that love could conquer all, but it was only a naught hope that she grasped so dearly to.

Amber wiped tears that she was unaware had accumulated whilst she traveled back on Memory Lane. A fire welled withing her stomach as she gathered the courage to finally her fate. She rose to her hooves and walked uneasily to the room.

[DONE! I’m just done... I hate you for making me go through that... I still feel dirty!] - MrMinimii

:) In least I made on my promise to myself and readers, I won’t write clop and I didn’t get into anything remotely near to it.
Okay, my dear readers; here’s your rightly deserved chapter after a month of waiting!- Morfonious