• Published 4th May 2012
  • 6,609 Views, 484 Comments

Silent Dreamweaver - -Brutus

This is fanfic about deaf pony (myself installing my life with being deaf).....

  • ...

Chapter 14

An orange sun slowly crept out of hiding while the moon went into ensconce, the light gently filtered through a window decorated with star themed curtains. A certain lavender mare pitifully tried to shield the sunlight with her hoof, desperate to go back to sleep since it was her first night in last four days that she finally had proper and peaceful sleep. Shuffling around in her bedsheets, fighting to go back to sleep but a particular white-coated stallion suddenly popped in her head brought a smile on her face, reminding her once again that she finally managed to strike up a friendship with the deaf Unicorn.

I had fun with him yesterday. And although we are from completely different spectrum of life, we have so much in common. The best thing was when he opened up to me, I mean, who would've thought somepony could go through so much, and still be so persisting? We still have so much to learn from each other, but I can't figure out how to deal with this swelling feeling... I'll need to speak with somepony about it. Maybe Princess Celestia? or Rarity?

Her mind manifested and played out inappropriate scenes between the scholar mare and sensual deaf stallion. Blushing furiously and eternally grateful that nopony was there to see her in this state, she anxiously started to figure out what she really felt for him. It was same thing that she left for one colt back in magic kindergarten, although it was fleeting because later on she got too busy with her studying after being enrolled into Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. But with Silent, the ephemeral feeling didn’t exist, it lingers within Twilight.

Pushing to go back to the normal routine of hers before it got interrupted four days earlier when Silent came into her library, rubbing out the cluster that had gathered in her sleepy eyes noticing a loud grumbling and snoring. Taking a quick look-around; she ascertained a humor-filled scene. It was her number-one assistant, his tongue was hanging out of his mouth, leg twitching and once or twice Twilight could have swore hearing him saying Rarity's name which she rolled her eyes then giggled at.

Spike had more than earned his sleep- the baby dragon have been putting himself out there taking care of the library and chores while she was running around the town figuring out how to fix her situation with the new stallion in her life.

Wait! A new stallion in my life, doesn't that sound like we are already...

Quickly and quietly Twilight made for bathroom to attempt to take her mind off Silent, it was beginning to work when she thought up of taking a shower. Twilight looked at herself, mane was mess and tail were all over the place with some hair strands springing up. Fidgeting to combat the bed hair, the librarian decided to take a shower. Slipping into another world as the warm water dribbled upon Twilight, her mind began to devise a plan for today; the checklist was firstmost on her mind, reminding herself that she had heaps to catch up on that list. There was also issue of her friends, the last time she hung out with them was one or two days back at Silent's party- apart from Rarity when she spent some time with her planning out the fashion designer's apologization for the party incident.

Bit by bit images of Silent crept back into her mind. Twilight tried to shake him out, but couldn’t, so the lavender mare conjured up images that made her happy to try combat this strange but powerful feeling that wouldn’t go away. The studious mare imagined herself reading a book that she ordered another day, with some luscious cake and a coffee with some zing in it to go with. Twilight would open a book then snuggle within strong embrace of Silent- reading the first pages together then falling over oneself when Silent's green eyes began to close as he moved his head closer and closer, heart racing and-

Twilight snapped her eyes open in the shower- what hay did she just imagine? Her cheek blushed heavily, her heart throbbed furiously like if Silent was right there with her now. No matter what scenario the lavender mare chose the deaf stallion would be there. Stargazing? Silent would be there snuggling against Twilight, nibbling lightly on her neck under the watch of the stars. Contriving a checklist? The deaf Unicorn would at first help her with it, then behind her back wrote “Kiss Twilight” on it, when Twilight noticed; she would get flipped on her back gently- her heart racing, her cheek reddening as the stallion start climbing over her then start to...

Twilight immediately opened her eyes- in an instant she turned off the shower, stepping out of it while her heart thumped million miles; that was it, she simply gave up and allowed Silent infiltrate her imagination and remain there. Twilight styled her mane to the usual straight mane then trotted downstairs after drying herself, embarrassed with herself about those thoughts, yet it felt so great. This academic Unicorn wasn't sure if this was something wrong with her; she would have to analyze it to fully understand- but love isn't something to be studied, you have to feel it. Twilight have yet to learn this.

Coffee! Yes Coffee! That might would help me to avoid those thoughts.

Blushing while muttering, Twilight pulled herself together, but just scantily- this whole new sensation that she had for him was so foreign to her that it scared her to the core. When all was said and done the Unicorn made it into her kitchen, yawning as she hunted for ground coffee can within her cabinets. Fishing it out of the cabinet with her magic, briefly followed a simple directions on the label, the morning finally felt decent enough for Twilight when she finally brewed enough for two cups. Sipping some of the java, her stomach’s growl reminding her that she was hungry. She sulked at this; cooking wasn’t her forte and Spike was still sleeping in so with no other alternative that she could find within the library. Deciding to cheat out of cooking by acquiring some baked goods instead from Sugarcube Corner. Trotting into her study room, her horn glimmered in light purple aura while her coffee bobbed behind her- the student of Princess Celestia became excited at the prospect of doing her checklist! Erasing and adding some to the checklist then reading the renewed list over to herself after spending few minutes editing it.

_ Help Applejack with applebucking.
_ Purchase a new parchment and quills.
_ Purchase a fresh supply of gems.
_ Purchase daily necessities.
_ Check if library's order arrived at Post Office.
_ Visit Rarity.
_Bring Owlowisicous to Flutt...

Twilight figured this was good enough of a start. First up was Sugarcube Corner to get some quick breakfast, then the second primary destination would be Sweet Apple Acres to help out Applejack upon on her request few days back. Scrolling up her checklist, packing some bits and few other miscellaneous items- sure that she had everything needed to go through the day; she put the empty cup into kitchen sink on the way out, then produced a note for her personal assistant. Fully prepared for the day, minus food, Twilight locked the door behind her and began to head for the local confectionery shop.


Cracking his head, the baby dragon was finally aroused from his sleep; slowly he pulled himself out of the bed. First thing that he would usually do is head downstairs and start on breakfast while waiting for her to awake up. Spike gave a dismissive glance to the bed where he would normally find his mentor enjoying sleep, but for the first time he could remember, she wasn't in the bed. How unusual, his next bet was that Twilight was downstairs. Pacing himself down the stairs, the scent of coffee brewing invaded his nose; thinking that it confirmed his suspicions but he had to be sure so he explored the entire library and became surprised when there was no sign of the Unicorn anywhere within the library. The only sign he was given was a piece of parchment lying on the kitchen table. He picked it up and began to read.


I decided to let you sleep in. After all, you earned it by putting yourself out of keeping care and organizing the library for the last few days. I already left to follow through my checklist. Don't worry about me- I don't need your help today.

Also no work for you today as well, so enjoy your day off.


[P.S- You may have a few of gems from the bowl above the fridge if there are any, but do not overeat!]

Fist-pumping in the air while clenching the paper, his voice displayed motivation- to indulge into his guilty pleasure that is.

“Yes! Mouth-watering gems!” the baby dragon drooled, wasting no time as he rushed across the kitchen then dragged a chair across the floor making a scraping noise. Spike paid it no mind. The gems bowl right above the fridge was his only ultimate goal. After alot of maneuvering the chair then balancing himself on it, he finally managed pluck it off the top of fridge and get down safely.

Still not wasting any time, he gorged upon on the precious rocks. While he was eating, his thoughts deviated somewhere else, mostly on the strange stallion that he met twice so far. Spike was a bit worried because that stalion was the one who had Twilight so worked up for last few days, the purple dragon figured that it was same thing that he had for beautiful local fashion designer. Spike was getting heart-shaped eyes just thinking about Rarity.

Burping now and then, groaning as he felt half-way full with all of gems that he devoured earlier, the baby dragon decided to pick up the newspaper as usual for Twilight to read when she gets home. Spike then went outside, it seemed like it would be yet another good day: clear skies and warm weather. Letting a strong yawn out, the petite dragon walked over to object on the ground. It was fluttering lightly when the wind blew against it and Spike was about to pick it up, but he let out a empty heave.

Swiftly Spike retrieved the newspaper that had headlines that commanded attention.


Spike nearly dropped the newspaper but went on reading it very briefly, there was also picture on the page of the train wreck.

The collision occurred just north of Hoofington in the afternoon after the train ended up derailing after hitting one of weakened rail on a curve. Neighbours in the town of North Hoofington were alerted by what they said sounded like a bomb and rushed to the scene as survivors emerged. Rescuers worked through the night to recover bodies and help the wounded. Equestria Railroad was closed for four days as a maintenance work was being done on the tracks before the accident, but officials said it was too early to determine the...

This was as far as Spike could go; he spat out the remains of gems that he was chewing on and just stared at the newspaper in heavy disbelief.


Spike just knew at that moment that Twilight had to learn of this immediately. Scooping up the newspaper into tight clench as the dragon ran back into the library in a rush in start of his attempt to figure where Twilight possibly would be at.

But how? How do I find her? Think! Think Spike!

Spike did remember having a conversation with Twilight few days back about her friend asking her for help, but who?!

A thought occurred to the young dragon that he had known Twilight his whole life, meaning that Twilight may be Princess Celestia's protegè, but it didn't mean she could cook worth any hay. No offense to her, of course, but it gave Spike a logical reasoning since she didn't make any breakfast at the library. It means she would head to the Sugarcube Corner first thing in the morning before getting together with somepony who requested help from her.

Rapidly Spike locked the door before rushing out of the library, the start of his search effort for Twilight. The young dragon's legs carrying him fast as they could, for once the dragon wished that he was bit older so he could have his wings to speed it up.

Panting hard as he barreled through the street of Ponyville, aiming for his first goal: Sugarcube Corner, or more specifically Pinkie Pie. If Twilight went there to buy a quick breakfast, the hyper pink mare would know where she went or Twilight might still be there chatting it up with bearer of the Element of Laughter. After some stretch of time, weaving through the street; the view that came up was glorious to Spike. It was decorated like a gingerbread house with various candies topping it up, the tower was some kind of giant cupcake with three candles lights on the top.

But Spike didn't have the time to admire the sight. Throwing open the doors, Spike gained some surprised stares from early morning customers in the line with Mr. and Mrs. Cake popping their head out of the counter, wondering what had got the dragon so animated. Spike suddenly called out to the owners of Sugarcube Corner.

“Cakes! Where's Pinkie?! I need to talk to her!”

Mr. Cake replied in his gruff voice, sensing the urgency that the dragon had.

“Either in the backroom or the kitchen, Pinkie should be working on the customers’ orders.”

With that, the dragon wiggled his way through the annoyed customers and into the kitchen, which was met by the baker.

“Hi!” Pinkie Pie began to bounce, being bubbly as the usual. “My Pinkie Sense told me that a door will open, and it did! It did! But I didn't expect you at all. I don't think there's sense for dragons, OHH OHH. Do you want some cupcakes, I just baked and th-”

“PINKIE! Where's Twilight?!”

Pinkie Pie didn't care that she got interrupted, she just pressed on.

“You silly dragon, she was here this morning! Getting a cupcake, or was it muffin? Frosted cake? OOOOooooOOO I know!, I think it was toast, no wait- or it was..”

“Pinkie Pie!” the dragon commanded to grab her attention, wishing for once that this mare wouldn't be full of energy for this moment.

“This is serious, take a quick read!” Spike proclaimed, sliding the newspaper across the counter to the pink mare.

When Pinkie finally calmed down enough to read straight, she just stared at headlines that promulgated the train accident that occurred near Hoofington. Pinkie's hair deflated half-way, when the effectual information processed in her mind she rebutted before Spike could speak up.

“Twilight...Oh, she should not learn of this- if she knew there won't be any laughs or smiles! That won't do! And I'm going to keep this paper, Twilight should not..”

A loud slam echoed throughout the confectionery shop. Spike had to do it to stop her from saying something that she would regret later although the dragon understood where Pinkie was coming from, after all she stands for making others happy and is Element of Laughter.

“No! Twilight has to know about this! I would rather to have her find out from us, it is better than her finding out through other sources then realize that we knew all along but didn't tell her! It is like you always say Pinkie: the best way to lose a friend is by lying or breaking a promise!”

Pinkie Pie was bit taken back by Spike's brief outburst, staring briefly before agreeing with the purple dragon.

“You're right Spike-Wikey.” Pinkie Pie used Rarity's nickname for the dragon in weak attempt in remedying the gloomy mood that now held power over both of them.

“Twilight came by this morning, telling me that she needed something to keep her going for most of the morning to help Applejack with her applebucking.”

Spike became downcast in a exasperation, remembering what Twilight had said to the dragon one or two days back.

“Come on Pinkie, we need to find her!”

Armed with this new information, they proceeded to bolt out of the the confectionery shop- Spike running in the front while Pinkie was right behind him; they both were tearing through the village as fast as their legs could carry them. After while they noticed there were less buildings and more greenlands and trees as they followed the dirt trail to Apples family’s farm in the outskirts of the village.

“Hey! Wait up guys!”

The dragon and pink pony attributed that voice, hearing the flapping of wings behind him. Not soon after a pegasus with a brash attitude was gliding around them as then ran.

“What’s got you guys so worked up?”

“No time Rainbow! You will understand when we get to Applejack's place,” the dragon answered before charging once again.

Pinkie Pie was quiet the whole way while Rainbow was being herself as expected. It was the usual round of bragging of how easy it was to fly there and talking about her stunt flying. Rainbow Dash kept doing mini-stunts around the running group out of boredom. Spike was getting a bit annoyed; soon enough she will know. Soon enough.

They finally got their first glimpse of their destination, a huge red barn peeking over the hill and Spike could see the orange blob in the distance among a larger red shape. It became more and more familiar as they got closer, which snapped into attention when Spike shouted.

“Applejack!” The farmer pony pulled her hat up so she could see clearly and walked up to the group half-way.

“Whoa there, Nelly!” Applejack sidestepped to avoid getting hit by the dragon; Spike was panting hard- taking a quick breaths then deep ones to regain his breath. Rainbow was paying attention as Pinkie was the first to speak up.

“Where's Twilight?”

Applejack was bit taken back, Rainbow Dash was too when she finally noticed the darker hue color and slightly deflated mane and tail. The last time that she saw Pinkie Pie like this was at previous party of that strange stallion. Something about that stallion just puts off her, Applejack couldn't pinpoint it but there was something that he was hiding. At least he was honest with her when she asked what he thought of Sweet Apples Acres's hard cider. The whole situation now felt strange to her.

“Applejack! Where..is Twilight?” This time the voice came not from Pinkie, but Spike.

“Ah don't know. She was here earlier helping out with my rush order that was made by somepony in Canterlot. Normally I wouldn't allow magic to be used, but it had to be done. After it was finished, Twilight just told me that she was off to do rest of her checklist and whatnot.”

The earth pony then pointed her hoof into the direction of other loose pavement that led into north Ponyville where most shops are centered at. Spike began to ran in that direction, but was stopped by Applejack holding his tail with her teeth.

“Whoa there! Ah still don't know what got you so worked up.”

The baby dragon decided this time was as good as any, uncurling the newspaper and laying it out for both ponies to see. Applejack gasped- trying to find words, and a strong realization struck Rainbow Dash and both of them just stared the paper in disbelief. The cyan Pegasus felt terrible that she acted like that earlier on their way to here. Subsequently, Applejack was first to speak up; worry lingered in her voice.

“Ah'll go with you. Twilight might need us more than ever, and I will be darned if we won't there like she was there for us, consarn it. Hold on girls!”

Applejack rushed inside her house to tell her family that she would be gone, then returned in an instant. Then the group began to run together straight to Ponyville. For once, the competitive spirit that Rainbow and Applejack always held for each other simply didn't exist. They became increasingly worried that Twilight might have already found out, after all it was no secret since it was all over the paper and someponies might already be talking about the train tragedy. The gang redoubled their effort with their search of lavender Unicorn; dashing through the streets of Ponyville, Rainbow Dash took the lead to higher skies hoping to spot Twilight faster.

As they made it to Ponyville’s business district, where Spike assumed that Twilight would be at. He wasn't mistaken when the cheerful voice rang out belonging to the very same pony he had spent all morning searching for. Observing a Unicorn coming out of the Quills and Sofa shop, levitating a stack of parchments while her saddlebags were packed with brand-new quills. On her right floated her usual checklist. When Twilight saw her friends, she perked up; it was rare for them to meet so early in the morning.

“What are you doing here girls?” Twilight gave a pause when she noticed a panicked stricken dragon along with four others displaying either worried or somber expressions. Carefully she set down the stack of new parchments onto ground. Becoming increasingly nervous herself, it was clear that they had something heavy on their mind. At first they said nothing, so Twilight asked again.

“What is going on everypony?”

Enduring it, Spike stepped up and was apprehensive when he showed the curled up newspaper to Twilight which prompted her to grab it by her magic then uncurl. The dragon said in soft voice, much alike to Fluttershy's.

“I'm sorry...”

It was then Twilight's set of purple eyes laid upon the huge headlines of the accident along with a picture of the train wreck. She didn't even read the rest of it, she just stared at the headlines.

“No..” Twilight's horn deactivated, dropping the newspaper- a tear threatening to escape from her eyes. The Unicorn's breath was dry, four of her friends delicately stepped closer to Twilight cautiously, afraid of powerful Unicorn who could snap at any time.

“No. No, this can’t real!” Twilight wasn't able to wrap around the hard, cold reality.

Everypony's eyes were cast down on the ground; they all felt terrible. Spike wanted to answer his parent, but he couldn't bring up enough courage to do it, so instead it was Applejack who stepped up. She had to be honest with her friend, saying nothing is same as lying to the farmer pony; after all she is Element of Honesty.

Applejack carefully answered, “No, ah wish it wasn't, but it did happen. Twilight....All of it”

As soon Twilight heard those words leaving the orange pony's mouth, she couldn't figure out what to do. Nothing could come to mind, and then it was when Twilight let out a distressing sob, dropping everything and trying to run, but her body won't cooperate. She managed to distance herself from the others by a few feet, but froze.

Twilight began to stutter as she began to walk in erratic circles.

“Bu..but. H-he was he-e-re ye-ss-ter-day. An-and.”

Twilight was so distraught that she couldn't even string a sentence together and finish it. Her fight or flight response finally kicked in, turning tail as she chose the flight response and began to run hard as she could, but was stopped by cyan pegasus first, blocking her path as Applejack raced forward.

Both of ponies quickly pulled Twilight into a hug, trying their best to comfort their friend. Spike and Pinkie were last to arrive, but weren't far behind then they joined the hug; the company surrounding her could feel the lavender mare's body shudder with each sob. Letting out what she was feeling up to this point of time, her tears were pouring out. Everypony nearby on the street could tell that she cried her heart out, it was powerful enough to make someponies have misty eyes. Not to mention, her friends were crying with her. Twilight could barely speak in between the sobs.

“How..can so many bad things happen to one pony?”

“Ah don't know.”

Applejack and other three then pulled Twilight aside from the street to get away from the prying eyes. The walk back to Twilight's home was deathly quiet, the lavender mare's cheeks were still wet from wailing. Nopony couldn't even get in a word with her because, for first time Twilight learned how to have her guard up and keep it there, pushing herself to just go home.

Spike hurriedly went ahead to unlock the door to grant entrance into the library for his four companions. Twilight was first to enter, silently mounting herself on the couch, where she began to tear up once again because she remembered that this couch was where she and Silent spent so much time together before he left yesterday.

Spike still held the newspaper, deciding to read it over- his eyes widened when he arrived at bottom of the newspaper then quietly exclaimed, which also grabbed the attention of Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Applejack, but not the heartbroken mare, who was still crying on the couch. It was something that they overlooked in the intense emotional event. The dragon decided to reveal a silver lining to this, taking in powerful breath to let out a strong voice.

“Twilight and everypony, read this over- at the bottom of the front page.”

The dragon once again turned over the newspaper to the grief-stricken Unicorn, his right claw pointing at the bottom, and sure enough Twilight's eyes widened as well- it was a list of victims/survivors of the train accident. Skimming through the dead then alive, Twilight didn't see his name. The third column of that list was very short, but nonetheless grabbed her attention.

Alive but unidentified:

A maroon filly, with black mane and tail. Three pieces of musical notes cutie mark. Moved to Fillydelphia hospital.

A white stallion, green mane and tail; various scars. Dream-cloud cutie mark. Transferred to Hoofington hospital.

A light mint mare, yellow-black striped mane and tail. An ice-cream cutie mark. Transferred to Fillydelphia hospital.

A grey stallion with blue spiked mane and tail. A drawing pad cutie mark. Transferred to Hoofington hospital.

A renewed sense of hope settled into everypony in the room, especially Twilight. This hope revitalized in Twilight as well as the others. Hope that drove the young mare to act, sending a quick letter to her esteemed teacher requesting the royal chariot, as that would be the quickest way to get to the hospital. The Equestria Railroad would surely be closed due to the accident, so this was her only hope! Twilight explained the horrid details to her mentor, despite how much it pained her to think of them, to gain a little extra favor with her endlessly compassionate teacher. Twilight then asked Spike to send the letter to Princess Celestia, whom then gave a faithful salute before breathing a green flame that danced around the letter, melting it into magic foam and began its journey to the Canterlot where it resided the two celestial sisters.

The anticipation for that reply was too much of a wait for her friends, and almost unbearable for Twilight. All of eyes were on Spike, which made him squeamish, but he took it in because he understood why. While they were holding out for the letter from the Sun Princess Applejack and Rainbow gave Twilight a hug, telling her that they both will be right back: they needed to go out and do something. Twilight nodded weakly; with that they both left the library with only thing on their mind.

As minutes ticked away, everypony including Spike were trying to keep themselves busy in pathetic attempt to put their mind off the anticipation of that letter. Twilight was trying to read a book, but her feeble attempts to focus on the book were instantly dashed when Silent, and all the horrific possibilities of what could have happened, raced through her mind. She just stared absently at the words that filled the pages, hoping the best for her friend. Pinkie Pie was trying to cheer herself and Twilight up by telling her that she would set up a super-duper “get-well” party for Silent. Twilight chuckled weakly, it wasn't much but it was a start to the party pony. Spike was rummaging through the library, cleaning halfheartedly on occasions, but mostly kept himself busy with the mind numbing task of reorganizing the library. The idling animation of everypony was broken when Rainbow Dash and Applejack came back, entering the library with two other friends in tow. Normally Spike's eyes would become heart-shaped and float over to the new guest, but the current situation commanded him to not. Twilight was vaguely aware of hoofsteps making their way to the library, then a door opening and closing. A temperate voice rang through the silent building.

“Oh darling!” Twilight rose to the attention and saw none other than Rarity; whom rushed right over and gave the lavender mare a hug.

“I'm sorry to hear what happened! But I am here now, and I simply won't leave you alone!”

Rarity held her hoof up to signify her decisive action.

“End of discussion!” the fashion designer sprouted off with her signature smile. Twilight offered no counter. Another voice rose throughout the room, although it was squeaky and quiet as always. A cream-colored Pegasus stepped out from behind Rainbow Dash, her eyes unwavering, looking ahead at Twilight.

“Um..I'm sorry.” Fluttershy slowly flew to distraught Unicorn and got her into a gentle hug.

“I'm just glad that you’re here Fluttershy, everyday I am truly thankful that you all are my friends. I guess if I didn't have you by now, I might would got sent into a deeper end than I am now.” Twilight trying her best to keep a strong front, but her friends looked past her false bravery, and she knew it.

A bright green flame flashed throughout the room, floating in the air was a parchment with a royal stamp, tied up with red ribbon. Spike groaned, but didn’t complain. Without a thought, Princess Celestia's progetè grabbed it out of the air with her magic, hurriedly levitating it over to her. Opening it up, she was pleasing to see her beloved teacher's writing- even in this situation, reading it aloud for everypony to listen.

My Dear Faithful Student,

I have also recently learned of the train accident. I'm sorry to hear of what happened to your new friend. I already sent for a chariot large enough to fit all of your friends, as I am sure that they will go with you regardless of what you have said or planned. It will take you straight to any destination you like. I look forward hearing from you soon.


Princess Celestia.

With Twilight currently incapacitated, Applejack assumed charge and led the group out of the library to wait for the chariot. As they waited Twilight's mind reeled back to the stallion, making her smile warmly in memory. As she was in her trance, the chariot arrived to take them to the hospital. At long last the group began to hear sound of whinnying and strong wings flapping; looking up in the sky revealed a huge chariot being commandeered by huge Pegasus stallions. They made a few circles to slow down with their landing, gently glided over then touched down in front of the library.

The leader of the four-stallion team turned his head and spoke in authoritative voice.

“A chariot for Lady Sparkle and company.”

The mane 6 and a baby dragon to boost climbed aboard on the chariot with Twilight telling the Pegasus leader the destination: Hoofington Hospital. It was then the Elements of Harmony were pushed into yet another dangerous direction. This time it wasn't a threat to Princess Celestia or Equestria as whole, but to a mare's heart. As they took to the air, five ponies and Spike all thought the same thing: help their distraught friend for better or for worse.

Twilight's breath quickened and she anxious, figuring that every distance the chariot made the closer Silent became. She was afraid of what she will find when she got to see the deaf Unicorn. Applejack trotted up behind her and began to rub her back whilst everyponey just remained quiet and looked on. The chariot began to ascend, and breaking holes in some the clouds. The winding hit against all ponies- their mane and tail waving in the air.

After traveling by the air for awhile, the girls finally got first glimpse of Hoofington; various lights blinked in the distance in the late afternoon. The moon and stars were beginning to come out of their hiding place, the moon just peeking over the mountain in the distance and the chariot began going through the process of descanting down. There it was, Hoofington in it's full glory. Twilight's heart tightened up, she could feel it pound heavily because she knew that she was getting closer and closer to Silent.

The chariot finally arrived at their ultimate destination, Twilight was first to get off followed by others one by one. Spike looked up; the group was at main entrance of the hospital. There was a large sign right above the rotating doors

Central Hoofington Hospital

Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Spike began to walk forward but instantly noticed Twilight was holding back ; Fluttershy took it upon herself to gently fly over to the Unicorn and partake in a supportive embrace, reassuring her that everything will be alright. The lavender mare only nodded weakly in response. Together they trotted inside, first thing that all of them noticed was that it was packed with families and friends of the train victims; doctors was running around trying to help everypony much as possible. Applejack and Rainbow Dash tried to stop of the passing doctors, but were promptly ignored. With no help but hearts bursting with anticipation, the seven merely walked deeper into the hospital in hopes of finding the hospitalized Unicorn as quickly as possible.

“Hey! You can't go in there!” The group turned around and noticed a green Unicorn with a vibrant yellow mane sporting a doctor coat. The doctor's tired eyes laid upon on six ponies and a little dragon, his voice exhausted.

“How can I help you misses...?”

It was then that Twilight finally found enough energy to speak up.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle, I came here with my friends to look for my friend who was involved in the accident; his name is Silent Dreamweaver.”

The doctor blinked in confusion; he had too many patients from that train catastrophe to know any of them by name.

“I don't know any patients by that name. I would help you better if I knew his physical features,” the doctor replied quickly, like he was used to.

It was then Fluttershy spoke up softly, just strong enough for doctor to hear.

“Um.. he is..a white Unicorn... with green mane and tail...” The cream-colored Pegasus's voice shrunk as all attention was redirected to her, making her revert back to her shy self.

“I'm sorry..”

The doctor was for once surprised, looking ahead past the group for moment in disbelief and blurted something out.

“Oh! Him?” The gang perked up at this; did this doctor know him? The doctor finally offered up his name.

“Name's Doctor Fleetheart, would you follow me please?” The gang offered him a quizzical look before accepting his offer. Fleetheart led them through the hospital that he knew by heart, easily choosing paths that weren't packed with distraught families. They first went through the main lobby, then one of long hallway, and finally going up one flight of stairs. Arriving at particular section which made Twilight's heart tightened even more.

Intensive Care

“Stay here for moment,” the doctor instructed. Fleetheart then pushed a button to speak somepony on the line. “Doctor Fleetheart, authorization number four-nine-two-five. Here for patient check-up.” All of ponies nearby could hear the click of the door.

“Thank you Nurse Blossom.” The green Unicorn then beckoned the group inside, instructing them even further to be quiet as patients are sleeping.

Arriving upon at the blank door with some paper hanging on it, Doctor Fleetheart suddenly asked the group.

“What was his name again?” Rainbow Dash chose to answer this time.

“Silent Dreamweaver...” the doctor muttered it to himself to not forget as he levitated up a marker off the nurse's table in the small distance with his magic then wrote on white bar of patient's name.

Twilight became a nervous wreck at this point because her ultimate goal is just right there, beyond that door; paying attention best as she could when the doctor spoke up.

“It is my duty to inform you what injuries that he endured. Bear with me for moment.” The doctor levitated the medical report into his view before proceeding, “Mr. Dreamweaver suffered heavily injuries. He had:

Left hip broken

C-spine fracture

Tail broken and dislocated

Right shoulder shattered- able to repair

Right hoof broken

Five ribs cracked or broken

Heavy concussion

Cracked jaw

The group cringed every time the doctor listed out the injuries that Silent had, Rainbow Dash gulped heavily- this deaf stallion went through so much more than her wing injury that she suffered few months back when she was training her stunt flying. Fluttershy and Rarity were trembling, looking like they were ready to faint at a moments notice- not being used to hearing of those kind of traumas. Spike, Pinkie Pie and Applejack couldn't wrap their mind of having those kind of wounds then live. Twilight said nothing.

The doctor maintained his composure as he spoke after a brief pause.

“The patient's horn has also been severed but-”

Rarity interrupted him, exclaiming aloud with horrified look “His horn is gone?! But that's lifeline for us Unicorns!”

Doctor Fleetheart sighed heavily before he answered carefully to the girls.

“Yes but when the paramedics found him at the scene, fortunately they were able to locate his horn and salvage it. This hospital’s finest surgeon worked on him for seven hours and they were able to reattach the horn.”

The doctor paused yet once again to let them ingest this new information in before perpetuating his disclosing of the patient.

“But it is unknown if Mr.Dreamweaver would be able to wield his magic ever again in his life. It is miracle enough that he is still alive, and the road to the full recovery will be long and harsh one.

How quick the recovery is, however... is up to him. Some ponies just give up. Just give him your best support in the future.”

Fleetheart then placed the clipboard back on Silent's door, the doctor decided to break hospital’s procedure for this one.

“Do you want to see him?”

At first the lavender mare gave a pause- afraid of what she would face behind that door. However, there was something that pushed along which compelled her into giving the doctor a weak but determined nod.

“Be quiet as there is another patient sleeping, that’s all I am asking.”

Fleetheart then gave the group a brief glance before slowly pushing the door ajar. At first, the room was dark but that was before the doctor activated his magic, turning on a lamp that only gave out a gentle glow. The artificial light reflected against the equipment around the bed, then the form in the bed. What the ponies and the dragon saw made their mind reel in recoil.

Twilight nearly fainted at the sight.

[Hurr de Durr Imma end this in ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER just to make MrMinimii mad! :D] - Morfonious

*evil laughter* - Morfonious