• Published 4th May 2012
  • 6,609 Views, 484 Comments

Silent Dreamweaver - -Brutus

This is fanfic about deaf pony (myself installing my life with being deaf).....

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Chapter 7 (Edited)

Silent drifted away from the land of blankness, somewhere that he actually felt peaceful. Even if it was empty, something pushed him to awake from safety of a dream; back into reality that he is constantly trying so hard to avoid.

Waking up slowly, his green eyes scanning the ceiling, and slowly he came to the realization that he wasn't outside. He didn’t remember much from last night, his body was just beginning to reactivate after the long rest. Silent wished that it didn't do so- hungover from his drinking binge came to him two-fold, probably worse than one that he went through that day when he got kicked out of his home. Silent groaned as his headache pounded along at the same time as his heart in harmony, but chuckled wearily at how low of the point he is at now. It is actually bit of wonder why he wasn't dead yet. Was there something out there waiting for him? Or is Silent being blind if something that he wanted is already right front of him?

At least the room was dark, even if it was morning: the curtains was shut. Silent's mental state was a mess; he cannot think of anything. Silent didn’t even want to question why he was in bed, all snuggled in. Pushing himself to fight the hangover by simply closing his eyes, the dark bedroom helping him, and soon after, Silent fell asleep. Only this time he didn’t dream, he just simply slept.

How funny is it of how fast time passes when you are out of it? When you're awake, sometimes your conscience could actually feel the tick, tick, tick and you wonder why don't the time go faster; every second felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours and so forth on. Slowly he came to once again, the sun moved across the sky; it was in the afternoon. Physically, Silent returned to normal, however mentally- that’s another story. Taking a breath, rolling out of bed into his all fours.

Speaking of time, only two more days to go now...

Dragging himself out of the bedroom, the short hallway was unrecognizable to Silent but he had only one goal. Following this goal, he checked all of doors in the hallway.

Bedroom, closet, another closet, aha bathroom

Pushing himself into the bathroom, closing the door then locking it. It was just him now. Slowly climbing up to the mirror, staring at himself.

Have you ever looked in the mirror trying to find out who you are only to see a stranger staring back? Do you ever reach out for him? He always reaches back but something won't let you touch him. He's who you're looking for, he knows who he is. He is you. He knows, but he can't tell you. He's so lost. You don’t know how to find him. You feel like you know him but you don't recognize him. He might be smart, kind, handsome and strong. He must be friends with everypony, he looks so friendly. He must be accomplished and proud of who he is. He must know who he is.

That's a bunch of horseapples. He is none of those above; he just wishes to be a normal pony with all normal things.

But that is not the story his eyes tell, he's broken inside. He wants to fix it, he tries to ignore it, but it's always going to be there. He isn't who you thought she was. Not at all. Now when you look at him, he is disgusting. You see fear in his eyes. He is afraid of you knowing who he is. He drinks himself to oblivion but that just makes it worse. He should just do everyone a favour and kill himself. But that’s not who you are; you aren’t either of those stallions. You aren’t anything in between. You are nothing. That’s who you are, nothing. Why was it so hard for you to figure out who you are when you aren’t anything? You were searching for somepony who isn’t there.

All Silent wanted in life was somepony showing him who he was and would accept who he is, without attempting to change anything themselves.

Silent touched the mirror, slowly increasing his pressure, just wanting to shatter it. He just looked away from the mirror, backing up a bit before going on with his business. Silent began to smell himself, the smell was terrible; some of vomit stuck to him from last night. Climbing in the shower, he just stood there letting hot water hitting him for awhile. Silent had no more tears to shed for the moment, using up most of it last night. Turning off the water before getting out; he felt at least a little bit cleaner.

He nearly forgot which room that he woke up in for moment, but nevertheless, after little treasure hunt he found it. There was something weighing on his mind, he felt like there was something missing- can't quite put his hoof on it. Suddenly it came to him: his saddlebag! He began to look around the dark room. Activating his magic, a bright green glow slowly came to life as he cluttered around the room looking for it. He found it lying at the foot of his bed. Sighing in relief, he dug into it and withdrew 'Number One', a book he had always enjoyed.

One of ponies that he knew back in Baltimare once asked him, ‘Why do you read?’ The simple question turned out to be much more complex for Silent. Silent could always lie- “Oh, I want to educate ourselves, maybe simple entertainment or seeking an imaginative world to escape to.” No, Silent Dreamweaver's answer to the question was that for a brief moment he could at least pretend to be somepony else in the book, maybe the main character, maybe the other characters to avoid being himself.

Silent explored the house for bit, mainly to find a good place to read- somewhere with good lighting. Out the bedroom, down the hallway, then down the stairs. Taking in a familiar sight, this was where he borrowed his books yesterday; it seemed like nopony was around. Silent revelled in the solitude, trotting over to a comfortable-looking couch. Silent once again slapped his name on the couch, calling it his own when he laid down on his back. Settling down, his horn began to glow green; the book floated above him as he began with his reading.

Look out for number one.

That was the rule for as long as you could remember. You grew up in Clopton, a tough place ponies always told stories of. Every mistake was painful, every insult was personal, and everypony took what they could get.

Between the gangs and the violence, you had managed to lay low in the background and survive, albeit not unscathed. You had a few scars here and there, the bigger ones you covered up with a jacket. There were some down your forelegs and one deep one around the base of your neck.

You made your bits as a repaircolt of sorts. As m...

Muttering to himself whilst reading, snapping out of trance when he felt something sharp tapping his shoulder. Silent folded the corner of page that he was on to 'bookmark' it and closed it, slowly turning his attention the other way. What he saw made him jump and scream in bewilderment at first, which soon after evolved into alaugh. After laughing for awhile, it became pure mirth. Now imagine this, you were reading something then turned your attention to a small lizard, or some sorts just standing there wearing a pink apron decorated with flowers, holding a spatula! It seemed so unnatural and comical that Silent just had to laugh.

Slowly his laugh died to the occasional snicker. The overgrown lizard mumbled angrily while walking out the room. Silent exhaled slowly, returning to his reading. The mood within the room returned to its usual melancholy state. Shivering for second or two when he felt some cold air rush into the room, Silent looked up from the book and only to get his eyes assaulted by a wall of purple front of him. Scanning the room, he noticed the door to outside was wide open; it was still sunny. Sitting up, Silent wasn't sure what he should say now in this situation, Twilight seemed had same thing on her mind. This whole thing is new to her: a traumatized, deaf, drunk Unicorn... It seemed bad to her at first, but somehow she didn't want to believe that there is such a pony like him in peaceful land of Equestria.

Twilight had spent most of last night studying the effects of alcoholism, as well some of deafness, yes she couldn’t understand why somepony as nice as him, based on what she had seen so far, would drink himself to the brink. At least Twilight could do something for him, but she wasn't sure if he would accept the help or not and internal battle flared within her between holding herself back and letting her learn it all, know it all to take over. Putting her decision on if she should extending hoof to Silent, instead she put it off for later. She pulled out a notebook and did the usual before handing it over to Silent. Twilight chose to not touch upon the subject of his drinking, but rather act on her friend's request

Good afternoon Silent. I hope you slept well,

Twilight paused, figuring out what was right thing to say to him. After few moment of deep thoughts, she decided to just go with:

I was wondering if you could come with me for few minutes. I would like to take you someplace, maybe to eat or something?

Silent seemed stoic, just sitting there when she levitated the message over to him. Silent looked up at her briefly, this message was very brief, and he couldn't help but feel there was ulterior motive behind it. It didn't seem bad- go out get some lunch then probably come back, pack up his things then go back to that bowling alley to drink some more and rent a hotel or motel room if he could find one in this town, ride out last two days. Before finally purchasing a ticket to Trottingham, then settle down in repeated cycle of his life.

The deaf Unicorn accepted with some refrain.

That sounds...great, I haven't eaten anything yet today. Just one question before we go out for a lunch: who was that? I met this uh, overgrown lizard wearing a pink apron. I think I made him angry..

Silent tossed the notebook gently at Twilight, which she caught with her magic. Twilight's eye did a once-over before smiling slightly as she wrote.

That's Spike, he's actually a baby dragon and he is my number one assistant in running this library and whatnot. What did you do to make him angry?

Twilight tossed the notebook back to Silent, he wasn't paying attention for a moment while he pondered of what Spike was. Twilight snickered slightly when the notebook smacked into his face, mouthing “sorry” at Silent's perplexed face.

Silent made a small smile, reading over her reply, feeling his jaw drop weakly. A... a dragon?! A baby dragon, fine, but still a fire-breathing dragon living in very flammable environment- namely the tree itself and books, as well the furniture. Silent, although still a bit shaken from the dragon, didn’t question the mare. If this Unicorn deemed it safe to live here with a... a dragon, then so did he.

Silent hopped off the couch, carrying the book that he was reading back up upstairs and set it down next to his bag; taking out about 40 bits, just in case. Checking himself over briefly in the bathroom, taking a deep breath trying to prepare himself .

Silent trotted back downstairs where he saw Twilight waiting at the door, levitating her parchment and quill. The deaf Unicorn gestured for the parchment and quill that Twilight had. He wasn’t too sure about this whole thing, not after last night.

Deciding to be blunt with his question.

Um, Twilight. Where are we going to eat out at?

Silent sent the parchment back over to Twilight, she paused to think before writing.

Some cafè that I know, they have great hay fries and hay sandwiches. It is not far from here.

Rubbing his back of neck, sighing. Silent gives up for now, deciding to stick by with his decision of accepting Twilight’s offer.

‘Number One’ by Whirring Gears
(check it out: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/1827/Number-One)

Awesome editor as usual - MrMinimii /)^ɛ^(\