• Published 4th May 2012
  • 6,609 Views, 484 Comments

Silent Dreamweaver - -Brutus

This is fanfic about deaf pony (myself installing my life with being deaf).....

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Chapter 17

For once in this whole hospital experience, Silent was at peace - the extra dose of painkiller coupled with good sleep made sure of that. All alone in his world, disconnected from reality, it is difficult to comprehend pain if one has not felt it first hand. Only those who understood this intangible sensation lived with it, persevered through it; in some ways he envied Twilight - she was innocent to him; to the pain.

This was a world of nothingness. Silent was almost invisible while everything around him was pure white: the floor, walls, even the ceiling. The size of his new prison seemed impossible to figure out; it was just a white canvas that extended infinitely. He could not recollect how he came to be trapped in this sterilized white expanse. A big white canvas to him, what was he doing there- he doesn't know. Silent trotted around with seemingly no end in any direction, he was content that there was nothing to find. Though he was lacking emotions Silent was content; in his dream he didn’t have to deal with anything. But this emotionless solitude was a lie, a pure snowy hoof materialized out of the thin air and reached out to him. Silent looked from the hoof to a familiar face. She had this expression that was not of anger, not of concern, a mask of calmness; it was a face that only a mother could make. His mother.

Seeing his mother brought back too many memories for the stallion - painful memories. His thoughts shifted drastically to getting out from this paradise-gone-wrong. Silent flattened his ears while backpedaling, trying his hardest to block out the hurt expression that his mother wore. Odd thing about dreams, everything in it including yourself is considered perfect. The emotionally shaken unicorn was surprised when he could hear his mother's voice; it was in-between a serenade and motherly tone. Determined to not let his son to run away anymore.


Freezing on the spot, he clenched his eyes shut as a tear threatened to escape and break this perfect neutral world that Silent built for himself. Hearing his mother’s voice hurt; yet he yearned to see her once again but not at the cost of feeling pain. What little mental defense he had left finally shattered with a single graceful movement from his long-dead mother; a serenaded murmur. It was quiet enough for her son to hear yet too quiet for anything else to understand, which was ironic since there was no one else in his world.

“It's all right, shh.”

A heartbreaking cry began to ring out, Silent’s achromatic world was being destroyed as deeply buried emotions were released. He buried his head in to the caring embrace of his mother like he was a foal once more. A rough, comprehensible voice tinged with disuse rang out. It was only in his dreams that he had the ability to hear or use his voice.

“...M..” Slowly opening his wet eyes, watching as his world began to shatter and fall at it's own leisure.

“...M-mom?” Silent sat still, unable to move. His perfect picture of peace shattered, sending white shards cascading down around him only to dissolve when they reach the ground. He would be lying to himself if he said he wasn't happy to see his mother, even if this wasn't real. The deaf stallion laid his head on his mother lap as she stroked his mane like he was but a wee colt; there was no need for a talk.

“I have to go now, Silent. Just always remember that I love you, no matter what choices you make in your life.” Winter Blossom giggled when she added, “Tell your daddy waddy that I will always love him. Also, please remind him not to forget our “coffee-whipped” moment.”

Silent couldn't help but laugh, to which his mother joined after moment or two of snickering as they reminisced on that past memory. Winter then began to dissolve among with Silent's dream, however before she could leave, his lofty green eyes quickly made contact with her tawny eyes, smiling.

“I love you mom.” Winter smiled, a single tear broke out of her eye as she ceased to exist.

“Thank you...” Silent looked down as he rubbed his hoof, at the very spot where his mother had touched. He closed his eyes out of fatigue, enduring the bittersweet pain. The deaf stallion figured that pain was a reminder that he was still alive, and it only hurt if he allowed it to. A smirk broke out on his face, as to the deaf unicorn it represented something within him growing and changing, even if he didn't know it.


The first thing his tired eyes made contact with was a heart monitor, the pixel heart beeping in synonymous with his actual heart. It was the first time that Silent truly accepted his mother's death. He figured that she was somewhere better - it replaced his memory of her frail being in the bed. Things were looking up for his father as well, somewhat. Wearily chuckling, all he wanted was to go back sleep. He felt so mellow and content, so extremely happy that he was able to have seen his mother once again.

It had been a couple weeks since the accident, and Silent was still stuck in the intensive care unit. A matter, of which he let everypony around know straight up, that he hated with an absolute passion. The nurses and doctors that knew him dubbed him the “Silent Fighter”, which sounded stupid and insulting to the deaf stallion but at end he didn’t care enough to make it known.

The Unicorn could think back to week and half ago, when Twilight and her friends had to leave. After all, they had their lives to tend to and couldn't always be right there to support Twilight. But Twilight made sure that she paid visits to him - ranging from twice to four times a week. In those few hours, he would see that lavender face peek through his door like she was asking permission to come in. It was funny, but cute to him; he naturally waved her in and told her it is fine for her to enter. Mocha made visits too, he tried to pay off the hospital bill but everypony, including families of alive or deceased victims was surprised when there was an announcement that Princess Celestia have had passed a bill that granted bits for all victims of the train tragedy in either form of recovery or funeral. It was one of many proof that Princess Celestia loved her little ponies. Also, the stars blinked brighter and the moon slightly larger than normal, which was the work of Princess Luna to honor everypony who was involved.

Silent's bubbly attitude deflated as soon a nurse walked in with her all-too-caring smile, which the deaf stallion hated with vehemence because he knew all too well what what would soon follow.. It was a week ago when Doctor Fleetheart informed Silent that they would have to re-break his bones to reset them properly. They explained that the c-spine fracture, cracked jaw, right shoulder and right hoof were fine as they were; the only injuries that they had to focus on were the broken ribs and left hip, which hadn’t set right when nurses set the cast on him.

Laughing nervously as a flashback came to Silent; a week ago, he learnt exactly how bad pain can get and hope to not endure it ever again, for his left hip: when the doctor used his magic to probe it and discovered the problem; the left hip was shifted out, the socket wasn’t connecting properly. If there was problem with his hip- there was a possibility that there would be a problem with rest of his injuries; so they checked- discovering everything was fine and healing naturally expect for his ribs. As the doctor began to grip his left hip, a random nurse held his hoof while administering the anesthetic they had available, but it didn't help much when the doctor gripped left hip and snapped it into two place. The deaf stallion screamed out in pain but was held down with powerful magic by another nurse to not impede the procedure. To Silent it felt somepony took a sledgehammer and just smashed it apart, not once, but over and over again. Doctor Fleetheart sweated, trying to ignore the screams of the deaf stallion; this procedure required the patient to be awake so they could see if he had ability to move his left leg or hip so they could verify that it was successful. Threading it carefully with his magic, he finally managed to connect the left hip's joint and bone the right way it was supposed to be. Silent broke out in a cold sweat, panting heavily as his pain at the hip region seared Silent’s gripped of the nurse's hoof so tightly that the nurse yelped in the pain.

Clenching his teeth, Silent fought meekly against the urge to scream out with all of his might, but the doctor thankfully redirected his attention to a note scrawled on a piece of paper.

Can you move your leg or hip? I know this is a lot to ask of you, but it’s only way I could verify that what we just did was effective.

After several minutes of fighting and pain just enough to move his leg a few measly inches, and Silent breathlessly struggling to keep his shrieks of agony in his throat, a single, pain-filled tear escaped his unobstructed eye when the doctor elevated his broken leg. Very gently, oh so gently, the doctor set it back down as the nurse quickly went to work of recasting his hip region, as well his left leg to ensure that it will heal right.

Silent quickly broke out of his flashback when a nurse held up already written note for him to read.

Good afternoon Silent! After a quick discussion with your doctor.. Silent paused his reading to take look at his personal doctor, Fleetheart, before going back on the paper. we decided to do all of your ribs today, one at time. There is total of four. This is, however, ultimately up to you if we do this all at once or one rib every other day.

Closing his eyes for moment, deciding between mending it by little and little but experiencing pain or experience a big one and be done with it, never to be acquaintanced with this suffering ever again. With great hesitation, Silent pointed his hoof on the paper with the choice of doing it at all once. The nurses and Doctor Fleetheart winced briefly as they realized what Silent just chose. A nod at a nurse nearby sent her to close the door for privacy while another nurse went to work of holding Silent down. The silence within that floor was broken few moments later by some thrashing coupled with screams that gripped in patient's hearts in the entire floor, as well as turned a few heads from the staff that populated the halls., turning a few heads when they heard it.

A few hours passed and Silent was zoning out, forgetting the searing and throbbing pain that latched onto his ribs, thanks to the morphine that doctor and nurse opted for. They put Silent under a vigilant watch for the duration of his morphine induced relaxation; his father informed the doctor that he was an alcoholic, and it could easily transfer over since he was denied alcohol until he left the hospital

However, there was one new addiction that hospital staff took notice of, and it was arriving today, smiling while waving at the nurse as she trotted past them. Doctor Fleetheart knew that it will do him some good after that painful procedure that he infected upon Silent.

“Room 11...12, there we go!” The lavender Unicorn took a deep breath before she pushed the door ajar with her magic. When her eyes met the exhausted, but beautiful eyes of the stallion before her in the bed, blushing lightly as she remembered the conversation that she had with two of her friends about Silent.

Twilight's jaw dropped when he saw Silent holding something then threw his head up with it, sprang into action very quickly; activating her horn flaring up very quickly in bright purple.


“It’s about Silent, but more of about you...”

“What about him?” Twilight became somewhat panicky, this wasn't going according to her plan, even if there was no plans at all.

“Ah will start this off. While you were off searching for his father, the girls got together. We were talking about normal things, but then Spike but then Spike brought somethin' up...

Twilight perked her ears up, signifying that she was listening intently.

“Don't take this in wrong way, we think that Silent is good pony that made bad choices in life, even if we don't know what it is. I know you don't know him well, either.”

“Rarity says that he is not sophisticated enough for you, but ‘who would say or go against ways of love,’ she says. Fluttershy was inclined to agree with her spa partner.” Applejack took her hat off, setting it down on the table when the cyan Pegasus interrupted the farmer.

“I don't think if he is awesome enough for you. I mean, what is so special about him, Twilight? All I saw was that you got hurt by him and that was only making friends with the stallion! I know, how all of us were worried about you, we still do.” Rainbow Dash ribbed Twilight, unashamedly letting her know of her opinion. It hurt, but that was what friends do.

Applejack may have admired Rainbow Dash for telling the truth, or her opinion of the truth, but what she didn't like was how brutally she decided to share them. She kicked Rainbow's leg under the table.

“OW!” Rainbow Dash began to tend to her fresh injury, rubbing the sore spot on her leg.

“Well, yes, that's one opinion... Ah’m saying that Ah don't mind him as my friend, but something about him just rubs me the wrong way. He hadn't lied outright, but I could see that he is hiding something. Also’ what he doesn't share the same feelings for you? Ah'm just saying Ah don't want to see you hurt.” Applejack explained, rubbing the edge of her cowboy hat with her hoof.

Rainbow doubled over, laughing as she explained her sudden mirth. “I-I'm sorry, but while we were discussing Silent- Pinkie Pie was, well, being Pinkie Pie. What she said was...”

“More smiles! No, that's too many smiles. More like! No, less like. Ooh! I know! Love! If it happens, I will throw a party!" Pinkie Pie suddenly appeared from Twilight's back, which made all three jump in their seat. They could hear Rainbow Dash mutter mostly to herself, mumbling something noncomprehending.

Pinkie giggled. “I know silly! OOOOOoooooo food!” She then proceeded to swipe the half-finished soup that Twilight ordered and gulp it all down in one go. The crazed pink mare moved her head closer to lavender Unicorn’s ear and whispered quickly, “Get ‘em tiger. Grr rawr, grr, more food calls upon on me!”

The sugar-induced mare then disappeared behind Twilight's back just as suddenly as she arrived, leaving the group at the table staring in utter silence while they tried to make any sense as to what just ensued. Twilight opted to ignore it, refocusing on the subject that her friends brought up.

“You know girls, forgetting Pinkie Pie for just a moment, it is quite hard to explain, but I like him. I really do. When I first met him, when he walked into my library to borrow books, we made a eye contact and immediately I felt there was something there. When I introduced myself to him-at that moment, I realized that Silent knew of the pain, like I did. When I was young... you know the story of how I became Princess Celestia's personal student, right?”

Applejack and Rainbow nodded, moving their head closer in great intent of listening to Twilight.

“While my family was happy for me, the ponies that I had the...displeasure of meeting with didn't approve of my status of being the personal student of Princess Celestia. I was bullied relentlessly, but I always ignored them by simply focusing on my studies and devoting my attention to only my family, Cadence, and Princess Celestia. But later on it got worse, saying how I cheated to get into graces of Princess Celestia. How I didn't have friends. Quietly frankly, I saw a bit of myself in him, of being different. What amazed me more was that he endured it for very long time, even with his bad choices. Something similar to myself, I could see that Silent chooses who get to be close to him, whether if it was family or friends, very carefully- it was like he was afraid to get hurt and I understood him because I used to have that same feeling. I didn't want to make friends at all when I first came into Ponyville.”

The lavender mare sighed.

“Anyway, when we finally did spend some time together: stargazing, reading together, went out for a dinner and after what the Princess said, I finally realized that I liked him. Truly liked him.” Twilight blushed as she reminisced of her good times with Silent.


“No buts. I'm sorry girls, I understand why you are concerned about this whole situation, but I'm a grown mare now. I would like to make my own decisions.” Twilight offered a sympathetic smile to her friends, content at the fact that they'd be there to support her no matter what.


Despite the painkillers starting to kick in, it still felt as if somepony had taken a knife and went to town on his midsection. The stallion laid in his bed writhing in agony; the morphine he had been given didn't work for shit. Gazing around the room to take his mind off the pain, he found his old saddle bag, home to all of his possessions: his books, bits, alcohol he had yet to drink, and most importantly his sweatshirt. But wait... his sweatshirt? Surely it was here, he packed it here just before getting on the train!

Silent's heart rate exploded; he searched frantically through the room, moving as fast as he could despite the casts that decorated his body. It wasn't there! Silent quickly examined his room carefully hoping that it was hanging up, or on floor - somewhere! To his anguish, it wasn't anywhere in his room. Sighing- he broke out a tear. One memento of his mother, gone. The deaf stallion then took another look in his bag and recognized something, being unaware that his subconscious was reaching out for this.

Silent's eye became unwavering, his action became unpremeditated and automatic as he fished out the unbroken vodka bottle that was latched safely in one of inner workings of his bag. The bottle trembled in his left hoof as Silent tried to cast his magic to uncork the bottle again; losing his ability to wield magic with no possibility that he’d ever get it back stabbed upon Silent's soul over and over. It meant that his special talent, which was represented by a single dream cloud cutie-mark on his flank, was completely useless now.

He finally took that fateful step, swinging his head up and shakily downing that drink even he knew it wouldn't be too good of choice with all of drugs that the doctor were giving him. Greedily, he took huge gulps of the drink; his subconscious inflated when it got what it wanted. While he downed his drink, he was completely oblivious to the door behind him being pushed open by a purple Unicorn, who in that same instant encased the bottle in a deep aura and yanked it from the stallion's mouth, pouring its contents to the floor. Silent tried to reach for it, his desperation for the drink flared, but in doing so he was forced to face the very mare who prevented his binge of alcohol - Twilight Sparkle. Silent gave her a piercing look capable of setting things on fire, then turned away in disgust, shaking her head as the contents of bottle continued to spill into the trash bin. Silent stammered for second before hunting quickly through his bag praying that there would be another bottle hidden. Twilight sensed it and levitated the bag away from the injured stallion, but the deaf Unicorn managed to grab the bag's latch with his left hoof and began to pull it back.

He never quite learned how strong the raw magic that Twilight possessed was until the bag was ripped from his hoof and another spell was cast to hold him down. After things settled down, quickly she began to take notice of a faint sobbing across the room. Twilight then proceeded to drop everything that she was doing, trot over to jump up on his bed, and give him a soothing hug. Alone in the bleak room, Twilight and Silent had one of their deepest moment together, even if no words were exchanged. Silent just sobbed into Twilight's shoulder, his tears wetting his cheeks. After while the tears and crying died down, Silent leaned back on the bed sighing, being depressed. Silent began to contemplate of how Twilight was there for him. The bedridden Unicorn looked at Twilight with a soft expression of gratitude.

Twilight gawked at the face that Silent had on, moving her eyes up and down the stallion’s figure. The atmosphere wasn't volatile like it was mere moments ago- it was peaceful, there was odd but warm ambience within the room. There wasn't going to be another moment so perfect, so Twilight had to take full advantage of it, moving closer to Silent. The magical protege wrapped her arms around the stallion. Closing his eyes to enjoy the moment, Silent offered no resistance, nor did he have the means to, either. Twilight's lips met his and her hoof wrapped around his head as she pulled him closer for a more loving embrace. The heart monitor beside his bed beeped faster and faster to match his increasing heartbeat. The lavender mare took notice of it, kissing him more deeply for good measure. It was only seconds later they finally came apart, Silent gaped at Twilight- his mind trying to process what just happened - the same could be said for Twilight. When she became conscious of what exactly she did, she jumped off the bed, blushing furiously, and ran out of the room. A half-hearted shout rang out throughout the ER of the hospital, most of ponies heard it but not the left-behind, bewildered, and injured Silent that was unable to chase Twilight.

“What did I just DO?!”

Thanks to http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Xaxalot2774 – Xaxalot2774 for the fanart!

Once again, thanks MrMinimii, also my newish editor: He shall be not named unless he wants the credit!

(Refer to my blog so you can get some kind of expectations of how often I shall update chapters).