• Published 4th May 2012
  • 6,609 Views, 484 Comments

Silent Dreamweaver - -Brutus

This is fanfic about deaf pony (myself installing my life with being deaf).....

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Chapter 9

It's funny how weather, wonderful weather at that, can betray the mood when this event began to fold out by itself. Silent began to turn red, quivering at his seat with his renewed anger from last night's party began to flare up within him. Nopony have ever touched his beloved black turtleneck like that. Silent's green eyes narrowed, his behaviour suddenly became cautious. Silent began working himself off the chair, wordlessly throwing some bits on the table to pay for his food. Silent still had no idea why that mare was here!

Bidding his time to leave, but was only stopped by not one but two mares: Twilight and Rarity. Sidestepping toward the exit, then blocked with their bodies; both mares stood side by side whilst Twilight smiled nervously, while Rarity bore a face of heavy regret, like there was something that she wanted to say so badly. Silent tried to go around them, the deaf Unicorn was afraid of what he would do if things went wrong; Twilight shifted herself to block his attempts to leave. He gradually became angrier at Twilight, when cold realization hit Silent about Twilight and her actions of as late. Now he was angry at two mares!

Silent's lavender unicorn companion had tricked, set up, deceived him into coming here. Why else would Rarity show up at this out-of-way cafè? Why else would Twilight ask him out for a dinner?

Silent's anger doubled. Berating himself at his pathetic attempt to control himself, nearly losing himself here and there. He tried to push gently past them; he may be angry at both, but he wouldn't never hit a mare- for any reason. However, his his mind began to cloud: he wanted to lash out. Twilight became genuinely afraid that the plan was beginning to disintegrate. Rarity took the actions into her own hooves, shoving herself up against him and shouted something at him. Silent's eyes widened for moment, then slowly dropped. A strange emotion took over him; he was still angry, but beginning to feel guilty. Silent was about to confront her with whatever was on his mind, but she just shouted again to confirm it, repeating it for good measure.

“I'm sorry!”

The deaf stallion's eyes widened and he sighed, not knowing what to do: rarely he encountered this kind of situation in his life. Silen Dreamweaver began to drop on his haunches- scratching his mane. Something was nagging at him, prodding him along. Rarity held her breath, this silence after an apology wasn't something that she was used to. Rarity felt bad that she went too far with her fashion obsession, touching something that wasn't hers without asking. Rarity felt like time was stagnant, looking upon the deaf stallion. Snapping to attention, the fashion designer perks up then droops her ears down when Silent looked back up with an unreadable face.

Silent Dreamweaver couldn't think straight enough to write, or form any words. Staring at Rarity’s eyes; debating within himself on whetever if she was telling the truth. Finally, Silent blinked once then nodded softly. Half of the heavy tension in the air instantly dissipated as Rarity acknowledged Silent's acceptance. Twilight heaved her own sigh as their plan worked like charm... or so she thought. Rarity released a breath, not realizing that she had been holding it in, and began to move in the typical mare's response: to hug.

Silent may have forgiven her, but he didn't still like her very much. The deaf Unicorn pushed his hoof against her advance darkly shaking his head no. Silent was able to manage himself when he activated his horn, gleaming in green, to levitate the parchment from the table over, With a renewed mind, Silent took the quill and began writing his message. The deaf stallion regained control of his mind being able to form words, so he began writing.

I may have forgiven you, but I still don't appreciate what you did.

What followed was an awkward silence. Rarity felt slightly offended, but she did do what she intended to do- apologize to this deaf newcomer. Rarity shuffled nervously then gracefully held her hoof out, looking at the white coated stallion front of her. Silent responded by handing over the parchment with the quill with his magic. She elegantly activated her horn, which was glimmering in light blue, and began to write.

Silent peered at her writing; it was very fancy- like something that those rich snobs would have. It was that feeling that Silent held on Rarity, but some of it got thrown out of the window when she actually apologized.

Thank you, I understand and I am still sorry about this whole dreadful incident. I do wish to be a friend to you but I understand if that is something slow to take up...

Rarity paused, that cloth was still nagging her. It was sewn perfectly, and it was so black that it rivaled Princess Luna's night itself. She must learn how it was created, then there was the subject of his mother. What was Silent Dreamweaver's mother was like? How was she capable of sewing something like that. However, Rarity chose to stop right there; if she asked again, it would make her apologization null void. The beautiful fashion designer simply waved her hoof, and bowed slightly then left with graceful trot. Silent offered no gesture as he watched her leave the cafè.

The deaf Unicorn just sat there, processing everything that had just happened. All focus was upon Twilight; Silent's mind was like scrambled eggs, hard to follow through with his thoughts, but slowly it fell upon on Twilight and his realization earlier. Twilight was sitting across at their table, finished plates and cups cluttered it. It was ignored by both Unicorns as they exchanged looks. Silent was livid.

He was tricked.

Silent didn't like it one bit.

The deaf stallion shot her a dark look, which Twilight took aback. She thought everything went well when Rarity apologized fully to her lunch companion. She thought the situation was solved. She thought she could begin again in a positive light. Twilight took a carefully threaded step when she slowly took the communicating device from Silent, but was stopped by a green aura stemmed from his magic.

Snatching both parchment with the quill back into his possession, Silent angrily wrote a note upon it. Twilight could hear some screeching from the quill: it was pressing down hard on the paper. Twilight Sparkle sat there, nervously shifting- her stomach began to churn, not from food, but raw emotion that Silent was radiating.

While I'm glad about of your plan to help Rarity to apologize, I do not enjoy being deceived and tricked like this.


Why wouldn't Rarity come up and do it herself?! Don't you trust some ponies to fix things on their own! Better yet, why were you asking a prying questions earlier when we were having lunch? Don't you figure out that someponies do have parts of their life that they don't want in the open, or pried upon on?! Fine, I will summarize it up for your own sake.

My name is Silent Dreamweaver, I was kicked out of my home by my father. He said this to me before I left:

“I'm so bucking sick and tired of taking care of you. You're a borderline alcoholic, depressed and at times suicidal. We can't even communicate about anything anymore. In this box, it contains your personal things and some money for you to survive off of. Good-bye."

That's the very last thing my father ever said to me. My mother is dead for long time now. There is much more about me, but I don't want to reveal anything more. I think this will suffice for the time being! An-

The quill's tip was snapped from heavy misuse. Watching the black blot expanding on the parchment. Silent gave up, turning the now-broken quill and parchment over back to the lavender Unicorn. Twilight nervously began to read, her purple eyes setting on this piece of paper.

Amidst her reading, her lips quivered. Never before had she received this anger toward herself. Twilight's stomach felt queasy, and before she knew it- A cold realization hit her, Silent Dreamweaver already left and with a bad note at that.

She was alone at her table with curious customers and waiters looking on thinking it was some sort of date that went bad. Twilight just sat there, but quickly starting to pack her bags and give a chase. She felt guilty, Silent Dreamweaver felt worse- at the lowest of point. Everything felt bad, and Silent wanted to get away.

Silent just ran back to the library. It felt good to release some anger through the form of exercise, wanting to forget everything about himself. Silent wished that he would take his decision back and went with the gut feeling that he had. Through the streets of Ponyville, the deaf Unicorn just ran and ran, ignoring his surrounding- just wanting to escape from everything...again.

The beautiful weather slowly turned into dusk; with each passing minutes the sky’s hue got dark and darker, everything became harder to see except for guide of lampposts on his way to the library. Silent made it to the library, throwing open the door with about few minutes head start; not knowing that Twilight was actually giving a chase. In a hurry, he went up the stairs, and went right into the room that he slept in. Picking up the saddlebag, and pulling out all six books that he borrowed then threw it all on the bed next to him.

When Silent was sure he got everything, he bolted out of the library, heading straight to bowling alley; remembering that there was booze at that place. Silent had to figure out how to find a motel in a hurry; if that doesn’t pan out- in least that train station was a option. A few minutes later, his saddlebag was packed with various alcoholic drinks. Slowing down, panting hard from his running all over the town, at this moment Silent felt like he didn't care if he died overnight from hypothermia.

Slowing down to a trot, his head hanging low, his green eyes slowly scanned the buildings hoping that he would run into some sort of motel or hotel. Silent let out a empty scream, though it did nothing to alleviate of his emotion that was swirling within himself. Digging into the ground, before moving on.

Twilight arrived only moments after he made his escape, asking Spike with sense of intense urgency. Spike told her that he saw him running through the house just few minutes earlier. She was in full blown panic mode, trying to figure out where Silent could be at right now. Twilight began to sob, Spike rushing over in an attempt to comfort her.

She began to rummage through her paper, hoping she had saved some of their writing or that he had left some behind by accident. Twilight knew that he was planning to ride out the last few days before finally leaving for Trottingham, but don’t remember of Silent have said of where.

Rather than going out to search for him blindingly, figuring out things before going out to find him was best course of plan. Twilight muttered to herself.

Oh Celestia, what have I done? I just drove him away. I need to find those papers! Maybe seek an advice with Princess Celestia of what I should do!

“Oh Spike! Could you fetch me all parchments that you think was being used within last two days, also get me a royal parchment and a new quill. The last one...broke” mustered Twilight.

“On it!” Spike proclaimed, before scurrying off to do the given tasks.

Silent spent about an hour looking through the entire bucking town for some sort of motel, and eventually found one. It was right near the train station. Silent felt a bit stupid that he never thought of that beforehand. With a heavy mind and heart, he trotted inside the lobby. Pulling out his own notebook out of his saddlebag, then showed it to the receptionist.

How much does the single bed cost per night? I would like to rent two days worth please. I would like it to be a smoking room if you have one available

The receptionist mare shot him yet another look of pity, Silent just groaned- giving up with dealing with it. Silent didn’t pay her any mind when receptionist made a smile designed to make customers feel welcome before writing, then turned it over.

Of course sir. We do have a smoking room, and since you're asking for two days worth of rent. It is 20 bits per night, but extra 15 bits if you would like three home-made meals that will be served at specific time included, and you may choose either to come or not.

Silent allowed himself a small smile, he in least had a overhead protection, a bed and food at that for two days before his plan of leaving this town. Silent did a brief math in his head, thirty-five bits times two days equals to seventy bits, so he once again rummaged through his saddlebag before floating over 70 bits to the receptionist. She nodded once, leading the deaf stallion into his assigned room, when they do get there the receptionist paused at the front of the doorto make sure deaf Unicorn is paying attention to her, speaking whilst forking over the room keys.

“Have a good night” Silent lip read, he just nodded once before walking into that room. The receptionist left; going back to oversee the counter and the lobby.

“Good night” Silent mocked her in his thoughts.

Ha! What a stupid mare! At least the motel was one of things that went right in this bucking town! At least I have booze now.

Silent locked the door, trotting over to the bed setting down his saddlebag; then trotted over to the end of room, there was two doors next to each other, with a firm decision to check it out. Silent began peeking inside of first door, it was a closet, so Silent knew another room would be the bathroom; opening then entering the dark bathroom. Laughing to his reflection in the mirror when he went in the bathroom, he was laughing at of how much he hated himself. Silent trotted backwards, made contact with the wall supporting then himself against the said wall; sliding down sitting in the dark bathroom. After just sitting alone in complete darkness, deciding to get out of bathroom. Searched for few seconds and he found where his saddlebag rested, picking it up with his magic walking up to the window and opened it. Silent noticed that the stars and moon began to come out of their hiding; smiling internally at knowledge that night was coming up yet realizing he was looking at twilight, a time between sunset and the moon rising. He growled as he closed the curtains to block the sight of twilight, the word reminding him too much of that lavander Unicorn.

Twilight...ugh, buck this. Time to erase her from my mind...at least for a few days. Let’s see what drinks I do have in my bag. Cheap vodka, more vodka...gin.

Huh, I haven’t had a drink of gin in while. I guess that my choice of tonight.

A sound of cork popping out of it's place rang out in his room, boozing down first bottle of gin with. A strong warm feeling tickled down his throat and body. Slowly he began his usual escape, getting numb and number with each bottle. It was only him with his gin and vodka, laying down on bed; boozing it down.

Silent was truly alone now.

Awesome editor as usual! -> MrMinimii