• Published 4th May 2012
  • 6,608 Views, 484 Comments

Silent Dreamweaver - -Brutus

This is fanfic about deaf pony (myself installing my life with being deaf).....

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Chapter 6

As Silent took a step into the unknown, his heart and head pounded in synchronous. What Silent first saw was a sea of multicolored ponies, all turning their attention to the star guest. Silent wanted to trot backwards and get out of there because he wasn't used having this many eyes on him. Half of Ponyville, no less! Twilight noticed this and she wouldn't have it, with the rate of things are going anyway,so she stepped forward like a natural leader and spoke up clearly and loudly. The deaf Unicorn just sat there, smiling awkwardly as he gradually got more attention than when they walked through that door. Praying to Princess Luna over and over that this party wouldn't be a repeat of that party incident.

Silent sat just a couple feet away from the lavender Unicorn speaking the crowd, supposedly explaining the situation to the party-goers. Scanning the place, he could see there was a plethora of confetti, balloons, food, few different punches I so hope those are the drinks that I've been dying forand ... the crazy pink mare? Pinkie Pie looked so different, her pink coat darkened and her mane and tail were flat. Silent thought it actually looked better on her, although her current mood was creeping him out. Noticing Twilight, his new Unicorn friend, walking up to Pinkie Pie, spoke few words to her and nodded her head at her then gesturing her at me with a smile. It was then, very strange thing happened when Silent watched Pinkie Pie's transformation. Pinkie Pie's eyes widened, her frown turned upside down as she beamed a huge smile. The crazy pink mare’s darkened pink coat turned back into, well, more pink.

Silent actually compared the crazy pink mare's mane and tail to balloons, due to them inflating just like it. If Silent wasn't deaf, he would have bet some bits that it would sound like balloons if you rubbed her mane. Barraging through Twilight and some of crowd, she stoped at Silent- bouncing in place and apparently eternally grateful that this whole thing was just misunderstanding. Also the Unicorn, the star guest that she invited to 'Welcome to Ponyville' party, actually showed up. Pinkie Pie then began to bounce on the spot, and when she was finished bouncing she actually spoke slowly for once, Twilight's speech earlier directing her actions in her seemingly random head. Silent was lip reading very carefully; Pinkie Pie trying her best to be slow for the deaf Unicorn.

“My name’s Pinkie Pie, and welcome to 'Welcome to Ponyville' party!”

Silent chuckled then nodded, gesturing to that crazy pink mare that he understood most of it. The white Unicorn held his hoof out which Pinkie Pie accepted, shaking his hoof furiously. When the villagers witnessed turn of her mood, they gave their cheers at both ponies- including Twilight.

Drink, drink!

Silent exhaled sharply walking past the crazy pink mare, deciding to ignore the other ponies for the moment: his need of liquor took control. Some ponies stopped him on the way, greeting him. He returned the gesture autonomously. Silent kept pacing himself toward the punchs like there was nothing there to stop him. The deaf Unicorn made it to the table, recognizing one of the liquids in bowl before him, though it wasn't his preferred drink. Instead of vodka, it was hard cider. Activating his magic to pour himself some; in a rush Silent downed his drink in no time at all. Only ten minutes had passed after he polished off his fourth cup. He finally achieved where he wanted to be: numb yet coherent. Four cups of hard cider isn't even close to what his usual vodka can do.

With an extra spring in his trot,he finally got what he wanted all day. Making his way through the crowd levitating his fifth bottle, along with an extra one. In short distance, Silent could make out the purple Unicorn, Twilight, among with pink, cream, yellow, light blue, and white ponies. When you are in a semi-huge party, not knowing anypony, but one, naturally you would go to somepony that is familiar. For Silent, it was Twilight that he was most familiar with, so he went with it.

After weaving his way through the party-goers, nearly spilling both of the cups twice when somepony bumped into him, Silent waved at Twilight which she perked up at, smiling beckoning him to sit down among her group for friends. The creamy yellow Pegasus rushed and hid behind the rainbow maned Pegasus. The white Unicorn with an extravagantly styled purple mane made a loud gasp, her sapphire eyes giving a quick glance over Silent's choice of fashion; the group of ponies looked at him expectantly. Floating the extra cup over to Twilight, which she graciously accepted, but after sipping some of it; she secretly set it down behind her when Silent wasn't looking.

The deaf Unicorn was rummaging through his bag, fishing out his now-beaten notebook. Silent had a bit of difficulty finding a blank page as there was only ten left. As soon Silent pulled it out, Twilight snatched it out of his hoofs; looking at the deaf Unicorn with a wry smile as she pulled a pen out of his bag. Giggling to herself, placing the pen on the blank page. Silent began to fiddle around with his hoof, giving this mini group of mares a look around; they looked quite different than his usual set of friends- it was somewhat strange of Twilight since Silent was beginning to peg her as academic type. After all, Twilight lived in the library! Silent, however, reeled his thoughts back, reminding him that you can find friendship with anypony if you take your time to know them.

He felt something tapping him, glancing over his shoulder and noticing the floating notebook, courtesy of Twilight's magic. Twilight smiled as Silent pulled it out of the air, and began to talk to her friends. Holding the notebook with his magic; his green eyes began to read from left to right.

“Are you enjoying your party so far? I hope you are. Anyhow, I would love to introduce you to my friends! I'll list them off from left to right so you could attribute the names to correct mares. My name is Twilight Sparkle! I jest! and I'm sure you already know who Pinkie Pie is ; she's actually Ponyville's go-to-mare for parties. That's Applejack, the owner of Sweet Apple Acres, they produced that hard cider that you are drinking right now. That's Rarity, she's a.. ‘passionate’ fashion designer. Onwards to the cyan Pegasus with rainbow mane, her name is Rainbow Dash; her talent is stunt flying. The shy Pegasus that is currently hiding behind Rainbow Dash is our friend, Fluttershy. She's sort of local veterinarian; she absolutely loves animals.”

Silent contemplated, remembering that not a few seconds earlier that he thought Twilight had a diverse group friends, he was proven right. He allowed himself a small genuine smile. Not sure of what he should go on with this, he just chose to write big words on a single page that stated.

“Nice to meet you all! My name is Silent Dreamweaver!”

Flipping over the notebook so everypony could see, all of their reactions was all the same. All were smiling, speaking very briefly which Silent assumed that it was reply of “Nice to meet you too” or somewhere along those lines. They proceeded to spend some time with each for half of the hour, Pinkie was asking him how much did he like the party, Fluttershy finally had some courage to come out just enough to say “hi”, Applejack asked him how did he like the hard cider, Silent told her that he loved the taste but believes it is not potent enough. Somewhere along the line, Silent's notebook was finally full but only to have Pinkie Pie appear randomly holding a empty notebook, and of course it was a pink notebook. Sometimes the conversation steers the others other way briefly, discluding Silent in the chat. It was somewhat okay with him for time being, one of worst perks of being deaf was that normal ponies sometimes forget that he was there- even if they didn’t mean it.

Things got increasingly worse afterward, however. It began with Rarity examining Silent, more specifically the black turtleneck that he was wearing. It looked like it was sewn together very well, no mistakes in the seams and the materials were high quality. The black color on it hasn't faded at all, even with years of wearing. Rarity wanted to look at it closer, and so she began asking Silent about it. Rarity's obsession of fashion which drove her bit too far with her request as she tried to touch Silent's black turtleneck with her magic.

Silent held his cloth down with his hoof, growling and gave her an angry glare at Rarity, which came across to her as ungentlemanly. What Rarity said next to Silent broke him.

“Honestly! Didn't your mother teach you any manners?!”

Silent was lip reading, his body began to shake with rage. Silent's disease of depression came back to him twofold. Snatching up the notebook and the pen that he set down earlier. Silent wrote rashly in very first page of his new notebook before shoving it over to Rarity with his magic.

“Don't touch this piece of cloth ever again, it was made by my mother! It is last thing left that I have of her!”

The tension in the air was so high between both ponies, even a slightest movement could cut through it. Rarity became quiet for some reason, she began to pick up the pen with her magic and began to write something. It was something so trivial, it would be easy for Rarity to apologize and for Silent for accept, but he doesn’t have exactly the best handle with his emotional state or best of social skills.

Silent tried to calm himself down, exhaling sharply and slowly as his brief outburst began to settle down in the minds of Rarity, Twilight, and their friends. Not to mention the party-goers that were nearby. Silent was almost entirely calmed down with bit of help until Twilight who set her hoof on his shoulder gently, this simple gesture of supposed comfort- Silent wasn’t used to this simple action. The deaf Unicorn broke down, shaking on his haunches. Silent’s eyes threatened to break down.

With that, without letting Rarity a chance to respond or anypony for that matter. Silent stood up and left the Sugarcube Corner. Leaving the six ponies and the party-goers behind in shock. He wanted to run from everything and then himself as usual. Tears were threatening to break out, so he just ran. Stopping for few moments at one of Ponyville’s street corner.

Buck this, buck this all!

Sluggishly walking, he came across his destination- the bowling alley that he spied earlier today. Opening the door with heavy heart, giving the place a quick scan. It was still open, his eyes making contact with a large counter. Ignoring the bowlers doing their thing at the lanes, trotting his way up whilst taking out about thirty bits and asking for best drinks that they have. Afterwards when he stepped outside; first thing he could feel was the cold air; carrying five cheap brewed vodka bottles. Silent’s bad side finally took over him as he screwed open one bottle and began drinking, began his journey back to one place that he was truly alone earlier.

Anything to get away from this.

Making it back to that oak tree where he was earlier, he screwed open his second bottle and continued drinking his troubles away. The first or second bottle of liquor wasn't working very well, he just screamed and threw the bottle at the tree trying to quell his rage and pain, mostly his pain. Silent just began crying as memories of his mother began to surface, her beautiful white face, brown mane looking down at him with a loving smile. The memory began to skip over various points of Silent’s life of his mother or his father or both.

Wiping away his tears, his body shook in anguish holding his head with his hoof.

Go away.
Go away.
Go away, please

After quite some time, half of third bottle was finished; he went past the stage of simple numb and a buzz to full blown drunk. Silent began to behave very differently, he pranced around tree not caring about single thing in the world, not even himself. Needlessly to say, Silent's face and body was mess; probably worse than that day in that bar prior getting kicked out of his home.

Silent's vision was heavily blurred, he stumbled on his hoof falling sideways holding fourth bottle. Adding up what he had so far, five cups of hard cider, four bottles of cheap vodka- subtracting the unopened one. Silent groaned as he felt like something was pinching his stomach, and twisting it around, holding both of his forehoofs to his stomach. Pain is all he could describe in this drunken state, Silent threw up most of what he drank or ate that day. He released a pathetic whimper, crying. He hated himself so much. He felt so pathetic that he always resorted to this to get “away”. Under the canvas of one million stars with a moon gradually moving across the sky, Silent blacked out. The deaf unicorn's snoring breaks the peaceful night, he laid there wasted with empty bottles then some around him.

Slowly a purple aura encased Silent’s unconscious body, floating him in the air. Twilight deciding to take matters in her own hoofs.

Sixth thanks to MrMinimii!