• Published 4th May 2012
  • 6,609 Views, 484 Comments

Silent Dreamweaver - -Brutus

This is fanfic about deaf pony (myself installing my life with being deaf).....

  • ...

Chapter 13

Laying back after he softened his stare at Twilight, looked up at the stars; after what he went through in his life and last three days, Silent couldn't simply stay angry at Twilight- stealing a look at Twilight just sitting there being disheartened, the moonlight reflecting off the brilliant light pink stripe on her mane. Silent's green eyes made contact with her terror-stricken purple eyes, and with some deep contemplation the deaf stallion finally helped himself up, beckoning Twilight to come closer.

Silent calmed himself down when his heart told him that Twilight didn't mean what she said, but it seemed like she was genuinely interested in learning more about himself- after all they had great time stargazing and learning sign language. It had been so long, Silent couldn't quite remember the last time he had this much fun.

Twilight flinched slightly, still not knowing what Silent's reaction would be; in there small distance between them sat the parchment that was heavily written on. Slowly a green aura took it over then carried it over to the magic caster. With a groan, the deaf Unicorn got closer to the fire so he could see in the dark, and after rummaging through the paper until he found a blank paper, began to flesh out his thoughts- his face became somber as he went on.

My family was just an average family, but the amount of love that we...used to give and receive outweighed our small size. I was the first deaf Unicorn in our family. At first they didn't know how to deal with me as normal communication wouldn't work, but nevertheless they loved me like no other. They worked their flanks off providing me everything that they knew of life, and when I enrolled into school I had it bit easy compared to other foals because of my parents.

The pony that has influenced my life the most is my mother, because she is the one pony that has always stood by my side, and always encourages me to reach my full potential, even with my disability. She was amazing mother, she was also the first who taught me how to do magic; I even remember the time when she taught me basic levitation...

“I can't do it! I've tried again and again, but it always manages to blow up at my face, mom, no matter what I do! What am I supposed to do now? I don’t know any Unicorn who took months to learn how to cast a simple levitation spell. I'm just a... a broken Unicorn!” Silent proclaimed.

“No! you aren't a broken Unicorn Silent!” a beautiful middle aged mare tried to reason with five year old white-coated foal. She had brown eyes with her brown mane and tail to accommodate it. The loving mother pulled Silent closer, fretting over him like a mom would do; the deaf foal had difficulty learning how to levitate objects and if Silent does manage to encase it in his aura it would pick up and fling itself across the room, or he would pick it up then the object would “leak” through his aura and fall into the floor below. There was also one incident where the deaf Unicorn somehow managed to make a glass explode, landing him in the hospital suffering from few cuts from flying shards.

“I don't know, I've tried and tried. I'm this close to giving up.” Silent replied back in sign language, his face somber. Silent's mother rubbed her foal's back before replying in sign language.

“You can do it, let's try it again but this time don't think that you're going to pick it up. Instead, you need to want to pick it up.”

Sighing heavily, young Silent began trying again with his mother's words pushing him along in the right direction. The deaf foal straining hard focusing all of his magic on his horn and on the plate on the table then slowly it got encased in green aura, slowly the plate levitated into the air then began it's journey to the magic caster, floating close and closer to Silent with each passing moment when the plate finally reached midway it shook and fell out of the deaf foal's control. The plate shattered upon the impact on the floor.

Throwing his forehoofs up in the air, he ran to his room. It seemed hopeless to the deaf foal. The house rattled lightly when a particular door slammed closed, a stallion walked into the room with worried expression on his face upon hearing the shattering of the plate prior and the loud bang just after.

“Should I dear?...” a rugged brown-coated Unicorn with green mane; his lofty green eyes glancing at Silent's room door in small distance.

“Of course Mochaccino, be careful my love, our son is in that unstable condition right now.”

Mochaccino began to wrap his forehoof around his wife, nuzzling her, kissing her as they broke apart, his voice trailing off as he took off, trotting the stairs that led to the hallway, their son's room was just at the end of the hallway.

“Winter Blossom, that goes without saying. I love you my dear flower.”

The brown Unicorn trotted up the stairs, not soon after the father was at the door, opening it cautiously and searching blindly with his hoof until he found the light switch and flicked it on and off several times to grab his son's attention. When the father entered his room, the scene that he found before him was a bit disheartening, his beloved son laid there on the bed with somber face. Mochaccino paced himself until he reached his bed, sitting on it and soon after he began to tap on his shoulder which made Silent to turn around; both of them were eye to eye.

Silent’s father began.

“You know what son? I was like you when I was a kid. It took me about two months to activate my magic.” Mochaccino was going to carry on with his story, but got intervened by Silent.

Silent stared at his father intently, and signed “Really dad? I always thought that you had no problem learning everything you know now, I mean you don't really...offer any advice to me when I was practicing it.”

Silent’s father sighed at this, before replying.

“I'm beginning to comprehend where you are coming from with this Silent, now that you said it. And I am sorry. You see, I thought if I left you alone, you might eventually find your own way of activating your magic. I was worried of how you would get treated at school if somepony there found out about it. I guess I didn't want them to stack up the picking you get already for being deaf. I assumed you got used to it as I've seen the words go in one ear and out of another when I went to pick you up the other day.”

Silent looked up, his five year old mind unable to process the deeper meaning of what his father had said. The deaf foal sighed and replied.

“I forgive you daddy waddy.” Ihe father and son began to laugh at the nickname that Silent gave to his father after that certain incident where he caught him doing some...strange stuff with his mom in their room. Only later would he get “scarred” for life by learning about facts of life from his parents.

“No, seriously dad, the school is pretty terrible to me thus far due to bullying. I mean, I've learnt to ignore it, but it still gets to me sometimes. At least you know that they don't want to attempt to physically rough me up anymore after my rage took control of my magic and I threw that bully right out of school window.”

Silent's bed shook slightly when his imposing father roared out in laughter, Mochaccino wiped a fresh tear of joy off his face, recalling that day he was so angry with his son that he resorted to violence, but was also proud that he did stood up to his bully, and it was always entertaining remembering that bully scampering to get behind his mother's hindlegs when Silent walked out of the principal office.

“Listen to me son, your mother and I are worried about you. You can be anything you want to be, don't give up practicing. Do this for yourself, not for me or your mother. I know you can do it Silent.” Mochaccino's hoof sign was impeccable- both of Silent's parents took a private lesson in sign language to be able to communicate with their son effectively after they found out about their son's disability.

Nodding to his father, Silent gave a small smile as he signed. “I will try dad, I'm going to apologlize to mom for running off like that.” As Silent began to hitch himself off his bed, his father activated his horn and a dark brown aura encased Silent, picking him up carrying him to his father who then gave him a bear crushing hug.

“I love you."

That's just one instance of how my parents used to be Twilight, after my...

Silent's tears dripped on the paper; wiping his face with his forehoof before proceeding with his writing on the parchment avoiding the wet marks.

My mom's death was few years back. My dad stopped...well, being a dad; we communicated less and less and eventually he couldn't even remember how to use sign language anymore- we retreated back to using paper or simple signs to communicate though we rarely did. We both were like strangers in that house.

It felt unbelievably good for Silent to let out what he have been holding inside for long time about his family, but he couldn’t figure out why he let it out to Twilight. Why her? Maybe she was his first friend in a long time, or was it something else? Silent couldn't put his hoof on it. His bad side began to loom over; it may feel good to let it out but that doesn't stop the terrible drinking addiction he had. Twilight was still reading the story when Silent hoofed the parchment over; in this single moment she had learnt more about her deaf companion than she had in last three days.

Snapping to attention when Silent got up on all of his fours and took a few steps then stopped; drooping his head and ears. He was planning to leave but for some reason couldn't so he turned around and trotted back to the fire-pit, laying down then began to sob. Silent was a wreck, he didn't feel like walking all way back to the hotel, yet his addiction commanded him to go. Silent was desperate for a drink! Twilight cautiously moved closer to her new friend and started to reach over with her hoof and stroked his mane; it was like external forces, that even Twilight couldn’t explain, drove her to do it.

Normally Silent would push her off and tell her to leave him alone, but this time he didn't want to because he was taking in pleasure of getting comforted like this. Unhurriedly Silent became stable enough to think straight, feeling better. Turning his head around to make a eye contact with Twilight to mouth something to her.

“Thank you.” Twilight smiled at this.

After Silent ceased his sobbing; his mind bitterly wandered upon on the memory of his father kicking him out of the house few days prior, finding himself debating within himself of what really happened to their relationship and why had they become like this. Silent lightly bashed his hoof against his forehead.

Maybe...it's me, I didn't try too hard or what. NO NO, it wasn’t him- he certainly didn’t act like father!..no argh oh Luna. I need that drink now. No! Don’t get distracted...

Silent spent about thirty minutes of heart-searching, figuring out what he should do from now on and in the future, before finally deciding on something in regards of fixing himself and of his life. Silent determined to tell Twilight of his plan before he leaves tomorrow when the train station opens.

Twilight simply remained quiet, just enjoying the moment when Silent opened himself up.

Silent’s bones cracked as he stretched, getting up slowly while yawning. He was exhausted, but felt content with himself. He tiredly gestured for the parchment, which Twilight then floated it over to him along with the quill.

I'm tired Twilight, let’s go back to the hotel. It is getting pretty late, pretty cold out right now.

The lavender mare nodded in agreement, using her magic to exhaust the fire and packing everything up once again in her saddlebag; then together they commenced a trip through the park, quiet the whole way back to the hotel. The purple Unicorn once again guided Silent through the park back to Ponyville. Together they trotted together for hour to go back to the hotel. Silent's eyes were drooping heavily, yawning repeatedly as they made it inside the lobby then both Unicorns let out sigh of relief when warm air enveloped them.

Making for Silent's hotel room, the deaf Unicorn pulled out the key out of the hiding place that he designated before leaving with Twilight earlier for their dinner and stargazing. Opening the door then turning around, noticing Twilight was still following him inside- Silent thought this moment would be good as any, he mounted himself on the bed to rest his sore hoofs. Lazily activating his magic, drifting the hotel's paper and pen that sat at coffee table over to him.

Thank you Twilight, that was fun. I learnt more about stargazing than I ever thought I would know- I never thought somepony would memorize most of star constellations by themselves!

Twilight, I want to tell you something.

Tomorrow, I'm going to leave by the train to go back to Baltimare. I've resolved to meet up with my father, and talk things out... if possible. After my little storytelling earlier, a realization struck me of of how much I bucked up. My father may haven’t been there for me and his family, I could have tried to patch things up instead and maybe things would worked out.

When Silent began to hover over the paper and pen over to her, the purple aura took the control of items in the air. Twilight giving it a quick read-over, all suddenly she became bleak.

When the deaf Unicorn gave her a quizzical look, wondering if he had gotten into her. However, he got his answer from Twilight not soon after; giving an awkward smile at Silent as she wrote.

I hope this doesn't come across to you as outlandish, I mean... I finally made friends with you after few days of messing up, and now you're leaving?

The deaf stallion read the answer, then began to pretend that he was considering something, staring up at something in the sky to smiling at Twilight gently. The pen came to life, fleshing out an answer for his friend.

That was another thing that I've been thinking about earlier, after my meeting with my father- for better or worse or if the meeting even take place. Afterwards I am going to Trottingham to check things out like originally planned, and if it doesn't work out I might...might come back to Ponyville to live here; everypony here seems so friendly- including you. No promises, but I will try?

The personal student of Princess Celestia gave an ample smile, at least she knew now that she was accepted by Silent- one step closer to figuring out what she felt for him. Twilight was glad that Princess Celestia's advice in that letter worked for her in the end. Twilight had only final question that she wanted to ask the deaf stallion.

Silent, I'm wondering if you would like to hang out again tomorrow before you leave? Maybe you could come to my library and finish that book that you didn’t finish? ‘Number One’ I think it was?

The deaf stallion pondered upon this briefly, then answered.

Maybe I will come, but I need to go and figure out what time is the first departure tomorrow. Then I will make some time or not depending on the time, okay? Anyhow Twilight, I need my sleep if I'm going to function tomorrow. Silent stuck out his tongue at Twilight when he showed the notepad back to her.

After the lavender mare finished her fit of light giggle, she trotted out of Silent's hotel room after both made their good byes. Finally alone in his room, the addiction that had been haggling at him the whole way back from stargazing earlier. Silent gave a sigh of relief as he uncorked a new bottle of vodka then downed one-thirds of it. He stargazed once more from the safety and warmth of his hotel room. He spent about an hour before the deaf Unicorn finally felt that his bed was calling out to him. Setting down his drink on the lamp table next to the bed, Silent tiredly climbed into his and snuggled within his blankets. A few minutes later, some snoring rang out in his room

Fluttering his eyes open, trying to keep it shut closed; but gave in. Silent figured that some coffee would do him some good. He began to slowly turn over to his side but got flashed by the bright light and after leaning to the edge of his bed to stand up, toppled off the bed with a loud crash. Rolling over while clenching his jaw with his hoof, groaning in the pain then shook his head to fight off pain. After few moments of fighting off the pain the deaf stallion began to make some hot coffee, while it was brewing; he began going around the room quickly packing up his things into his saddlebag. An idea slowly formed inside Silent’s head.

Hmm some morning weed along with coffee sounds amazing, gonna get out of here soon since I need a train ticket. But first, a shower!

The white-coated stallion dove into the shower, preparing himself for another day. After about fifteen minutes of cleansing, and grabbing a towel to dry himself, he strode to his prepared coffee, pouring it into a cup with two sugar cubes and a healthy amount of creamer. Silent settled with only one bowl, he wouldn't want to be high as kite when he does finally go out to do his business. While Silent waited for his coffee to simmer down, he scrutinized his saddlebag then fished out a bowl and bag of weed.

Smacking his lips, he filled the bowl and brought it to his mouth, ignited it, and took a long drag. Silent held it in a small stretch of time before finally exhaling all smoke out, his free hoof sealing the hole to make it not burn out. After about ten minutes, the bowl was finally finished and the coffee smoldered down to the right temperature. Silent took a sip of his coffee, taking in simple pleasure of this morning with his coffee and weed minus the rude wake up.

After it was all said and done, he trotted out out of his room with his now packed saddlebags; making his way to the lobby, he signed out and hoofed over his room key to the receptionist. The receptionist gave Silent a strange look when she saw his lazy pink eyes, but didn’t give it much of thought. It was still morning when he stepped outside, going to the train station was easy as it was right next to the Ponyville hotel. Silent took a notice of about ten ponies bustling around to form a line to buy their tickets- the deaf Unicorn joined the line with the ponies still gathering behind him.

After spending thirty minutes of his life waiting in the line, sweating his flank off under full blast of morning sun; he cursed Princess Celestia, remembering that it was her sun's fault that he fell off the bed this morning. Finally he made it into ticket booth with his note ready, giving the clerk a curt smile.

Hello there, how much would a ticket to Baltimare cost? Also, what time will the first train leave?

The red-coated mare that sported a train engineer's hat examined the note, a welcoming smile spreading across her mouth. Because she was an Earth Pony, she fumbled a little bit while picking up Silent's pen with her mouth and writing a reply.

Good morning sir! A ticket to Baltimare would be...

The booth clerk paused, giving a quick peruse over a piece of paper that was tacked on the wall; after getting the information out of it, the clerk continued.

...45 bits please. Also, the first train's departure is in two hours, you should show up about fifteen minutes earlier so we could ticket you in.

With this the deaf Unicorn put up 45 bits in exchange for a ticket, and left after giving that clerk his thanks. After he weaved his way through ponies getting tickets then made it out, he decided to take up Twilight's offer from last night. It was nice remembering some of Ponyville's layout when he began exploring the now semi-familiar town; walking past the Sugarcube Corner, Carousel Boutique, and Twilight's home as well; it was unusual so it was pretty easy to find. It was same as the deaf Unicorn remembered it- a giant tree with few windows and a huge open book in the front. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door few times, taking heed of the door opening. Silent expected a purple mare opening the door, but instead he got little baby dragon standing there with peeved look. Silent couldn’t help but snicker when a recent memory resurfaced of seeing this little “overgrown lizard” in pink apron holding a spatula.

What was his name?...Sp...uh..Spi, aha! Spike! Spike! That's it

Spike grumbled and gave Silent a death glare; apparently the little dragon figured out why he was laughing at him. Suddenly the baby dragon perked up, turned his head inside and spoke briefly before returning his attention to the deaf stallion at the deaf stallion, beckoning him to come inside. Twilight was smiling when she trotted down the stairs pausing to wave once, holding 'Number One' with a brand-new notepad instead of paper or parchment. Letting a sigh of relief, glad to be out of the blasting sun outside, he settled down on the couch when the purple mare sat next to him with the book and notepad ready, wafting it over to Silent.

Good morning Silent, I'm so glad that you took up my offer and was able to make it before you left. By the way, I have gift for you! Hold on while I go upstairs to get it. You can finish this book while you wait.

Silent gave an inquiring look at the lavender Unicorn, what he got in return was a blush and that book being tossed at him as Twilight quickly trotted upstairs to 'escape'. Silent still didn't get why his new friend was acting like this, but he chose to shrug it off once again, beginning to bury himself into the book. A few pages and minutes later, the librarian made it back down from upstairs holding a wrapped box. Silent respectfully put it the book down before he made a gesture by pointing at it which said by it’s own.

“What’s that?”

The Ponyville librarian, the protege of Princess Celestia, the bearer of the Element of Magic, and one of the heroes who saved Equestria twice nervously bequeathed Silent with something, watching him intently as Silent began to unwrap his voluminous gift. Upon first glance, he found the book- "NightWatch: A Practical Guide to Viewing the Universe", but as he dug in he noticed a second book buried beneath the first. No wonder was so heavy! The second book was designated “The Backyard Stargazing's Guide”. The third gift was the new notepad. Silent looked up and signed to Twilight, expressing his gratefulness..

“Thank you.”

In return, Twilight signed back with huge smile, happy with him accepting the gifts- remembering the sign that he taught her last night.

“You're welcome!”

They spent about an hour and half reading their books together on the couch. Occasionally the lavender Unicorn would steal look at Silent, examining the deaf stallion before her, but when Silent looked back at her, she would instantly turn her head away, blushing, and dive back into her book- pretending to read it.

Subsequently Silent eyed a clock above the counter, and noticing that it was thirty minutes before the departing time, flipped to new page on his new notepad.

See you later Twilight, I have to go now: The train leaves in thirty minutes and I don't want to miss it. Thanks again for the books! I might will bring back a souvenir for you from Baltimare, it will only make this fair. No disagreeing on this! And... Twilight, I want to thank you for the fun we had stargazing.

Anyway, I have to go. Have a good day Twilight.

The lavender librarian pondered over this, before replying.

Of course, I will wait for you with that gift. Have a safe trip! I'm glad that we were able to patch and fix the misunderstanding, if you could call it that. I'll be here if you return. Good bye Silent. Twilight hitched herself off the couch, giving a Silent a hug, but not before giving his new notepad back to him. Silent smiled and gave her a goofy salute, leaving the now finished book behind on the couch, and trotted out of the library.

After the navigating through the town, he made it to the train station with ten minutes to spare. A particularly crazy pink mare stopped him on the way, saying her own good-bye. How she knew those things is mystery to Silent, but at least he wouldn't have contact with her for a few days. Silent didn't hate Pinkie Pie, but felt that small doses of her hyper personality is better than dealing with her all the time.

Dragging along his new two books with his magic because it wouldn’t fit the saddlepack: it was too packed, he was the first in line and he began to climb inside the train.

Hm, I wonder...

Making his way to the last passenger car, Silent jumped a little in the air as a mini-victory celebration when he saw the last seat was available. Jumping into it, claiming the seat as his, Silent unloaded his stuff on the chair and cracked his neck, reveling in the fact that the laborious saddlebag had been lifted from his back. The ticketmaster then came up to him as the train was doing the final calls for boarding before departure. Silent held up his hoof to signify 'wait a moment' and began digging into his bag to find the ticket. Once he had found it, he presented to the Ticketmaster, who promptly ripped it in half and returned it to the deaf Unicorn. Silent began to read one of his new book, choosing “The Backyard Stargazer's Guide” to start with.

After few minutes of waiting, he could feel the train rattle as it departed Ponyville's station. At first, Silent just looked outside of the window, taking in the sights in the glorious daylight, as opposed to the candle-lit silhouettes he was presented upon first arrival in the dead of night. After awhile he got bored, so he decided to read one of his new book to learn much as possible about his favorite activity: stargazing. Silent opened the book to the first page, it was introduction of sorts.

Did you know you can see a galaxy 2½ million light-years away with your unaided eyes? Craters on the Moon with binoculars? Countless wonders await you on any clear night. The first step is simply to look up and ask, “What's that?” When you do, you're taking the first step toward a lifetime of cosmic exploration and enjoyment. But what, exactly, comes next? Too many newc...

By the time Silent was one-third through the book, it was well into the afternoon and the train already made two stops at Trottingham and Fillydelphia, then it was to Hoofington, Manehattan and finally Baltimare. The deaf Unicorn looked up to find himself with fewer ponies in the cart than had first arrived. Among himself sat a family of four entertaining themselves, an aged couple interlocking hooves as they enjoyed the scenery that flew past the window, and a teenage filly whom Silent suspected of being a runaway.

As he realized the train were getting closer to closer to his town which resided his former home, more importantly: his father- taking a deep but shaky breath. Gulping, extremely nervous of what will happen when they do finally meet face to face. Silent now can’t figure out what method he should use.

Should I just knock on his door? Go to his workplace? Or just go in, and say “Hi! we need to talk?” Leave him a note telling him to meet someplace and hope for him to come? OR this is a stupid idea altogether!...argh! Don’t know...

Silent’s contemplation got interrupted when his stomach growled, reminding him that he needed to eat, so he took a break from reading, putting the book away in his saddlebag, and waved down an attendant to order some food. He opted for a simple salad, followed by a quick nap. As he waited for his food, the deaf stallion delved into his bag and fished out his unfinished vodka, soon to be finished, but a first small shake made him drop his drink. As he muttered to himself while picking it up, he felt there was something strange when the train made a curve turn. Silent felt that there was something to this when he felt small tremors throughout the train. Curious, he got up on his hindlegs, looking ahead at the train car front of him.

In slow motion he could see the car that was front of him bend then twist as a wall of dust and fire formed, and a huge jolt struck throughout the last passenger car. The jolt was so great that it threw Silent forward into the chair front of him, breaking his right forehoof in several places. The deaf stallion screamed out in the pain, unknowing of what came next; the force of the first moments of the wreck was so colossal that it picked up the last passenger car into the air, flipping it over and over in the air; flinging Silent around inside the train car.

Slamming hard against the objects in the train as it rolled- hitting the chairs, other ponies, the wall, then train did a final flip before coming to rest. When Silent became conscious briefly, being unable to discern where he was- only seeing a blue sky above him- the only thing that he knew was that he was on his back. Suddenly immense and horrendous pain came rushing over him when the shock began to subside; his body felt shattered. Silent couldn't think straight or even move. The last thing he remembered was being flung headfirst into the structure pole of the passenger seat. His breath quickened while his heart races when he noticed trails of blood streaking across his once white coat.. Silent wanted to scream out, but he couldn’t: the shock was too tremendous.

Then the darkness came to him.

Thanks MrMinimii once again!