• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 26,212 Views, 1,143 Comments

A New Flame - The Zebra Hybrid

A human named James is transported into Equestria with some surprising results. First installment of the Hybrid Universe[Displaced Story]

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Act 1: A New Day With Applejack and Rarity

I walked down the dirt path that led outside of Ponyville while deep in thought about the events that transpired yesterday. Three mares, three attractive mares at that, all had...feelings for me. Do I like them back? Am I just sorry for them? All these kinds of questions kept appearing in my skull as I would believe to find a solution to one, but conjure up another question in the process. I decided to go on a walk this morning, just to get some fresh air since I had all this stress and curiosity pent up inside me.

Taking a look at my surroundings I noticed I was walking past apple trees leading to a whole orchard of apple trees. "I must be close to Applejack's place." I say to myself as I spread my wings and soar over the orchard, "Maybe Applejack has an opinion on this?" Yeah, she is the Element of Honesty, so she'll give me an honest answer on what to do. Wait, does her element work like that? Or does she just have to tell the truth, I'm just going to put those on my list of 'what to ask AJ'.

"Damn, this a big orchard!" I say to myself hovering over the vast rows of apple trees, trying to see if I can spot Applejack, but to no luck. I then noticed a certain clubhouse that belonged to three little fillies, having a smile form on my face I glide down to the ground and approach the club house and climb up the ladder and knock on the small door.

"Who is it!" yelled the voice of Scootaloo.

"Pizza guy!" I call back holding back a chuckle. God, I love kids.

"What the hay is pizza-" she starts with a confused look but then it went to glee once she saw me and pulls my neck down in a hug, "James! What are you doing here?"

"What I can't see how the three of you little squirts are doing from time to time." I say before lifting my head back up and following her inside the clubhouse.

"Hey Scoots who was at the door?" asked Applebloom.

"And did you find out what a pizza was-" added Sweetie Belle. The two fillies then had big grins on their faces as I walked through the door, knowing the routine every time I was with them. I braced for impact I was tacked on the ground in a massive hug. "James! Where have ya' been we haven't seen ya' in like forever!" said Applebloom.

"Yeah , what happened?" added Sweetie nuzzling into my neck. I chuckled at how worried they were, it was adorable. Ever since I came to Equestria the crusaders and I got closer everyday, Scootaloo and I would always talk learning how to fly. I asked her if she could but she gave a sad look and said no, but was lifted up in spirit when she told me that Rainbow was teaching her private lessons. Applebloom would tell me about what cutie marks and the different kinds they are and was explaining which one she and the crusaders should try to get next. Of course I recommended the safe ones like a cleaning cutie mark or a cooking cutie mark, Applebloom didn't really like that so much. I gotta' say though out of all of them, I say I'm closest to Sweetie Belle the most, don't get me wrong I care for all three of them like little sisters, but for some reasons I have more of a connection with Sweetie, like she was actually a kin of me.

"I've just been busy lately that's all." I reply as the two slowly got off of me.

"Soooo, what are you doing here?" asked Applebloom.

"Oh. I almost forgot I was hoping if you seen Applejack I need to talk to her."

"About what?" asked Scootaloo.

"Grown up stuff."

"Awwwww, come on we're old enough to know."

"Yeah! We're not babies anymore!" protested Sweetie.

"Hehe, Okay how 'bout this you guys lead me to AJ and after I'm done talking to her I'll tell you everything." I say.

"Pinkie Promise?"

"Yeah, yeah."

"Sounds good to me, I'll show ya' where she is." said Applebloom as I followed her toward the door, "I'll be right back girls."

"I'll visit you girls later!" I say waving as they waved back. Me and Applebloom walked out the tree house and climbed down the ladder, as we touched the ground I was caught off guard as Applebloom climbed on my back. "You could've warned me if you were going to do that." I say with a grin.

"Sweetie and Scoots always get a ride, I just though it's my turn to get some fun." said Applebloom with a hint of confidence. I let out a light laugh as she pointed me in the direction of Applejack. As we walked Applebloom was telling me about the adventures she, Scoots, and Sweetie went on while I wasn't around. I felt a little guilt that I didn't at least swing by just to say a simple hello, but Applebloom said that everything was ok.

We walked for about ten minutes through the orchard, and damn this a huge orchard, until we came back at the entrance where I came from and saw a big red barn and a small house. 'Huh? How did I miss that?' I think to myself as Applebloom leads me to the back of the house. Where we spotted Applejack kicking some trees causing apples to descend into their awaiting baskets below.

"Hey Applejack, James is here to talk to ya'!" yelled out Applebloom gaining Aj's attention.

"Well, fancy seeing you here sugarcube, what can I help ya' with?" asked Applejack.

"I just wanted to talk to you about.....personal things" I say as Applejack seemed to know what I meant as she sent Applebloom back to the treehouse, who groaned in response. Applejack led me over to the porch of the house and we both sat down. "This is about Twi', Flutters, and Derpy right?" said Applejack in a flat tone as I looked at her in a surprised expression.

"H-How did you-"

"Rainbow told me."

"Seriously!? Like I said I expected this from Rarity not her."

"Anyways, Have ya' figured what are you gonna' do yet?"

"No, not really....that's why I came here to get your opinion. Fluttershy has been helping me ever since I got here, Twilight is smart and funny, and Derpy is just adorable, but-"

Applejack cuts me off by putting a hoof on my shoulder. "You're afraid ya' might hurt one of them are ya'?" I look to the ground and nod slowly.

"But there is another thing, I don't know if I like them back, and I don't want to say anything unless I'm absolutely sure."

Applejack puts a hoof on my shoulder and I lift my head to stare at her green irises, "Well, I have one answer to one of your problems."

"What is it?" I say with a hint of hope.

"Have ya' ever heard of a herd during your time staying in Equestria?" I put a claw to my chin and ponder at the thought. Huh, I haven't heard of that, what is it though?

"Now that you mention it, no not at all."

"Well, since us mares outnumber stallions five to one, Princess Celestia decided to form herds, where one stallion can have more than one partner."

"Wait so you're saying that you can have more than one girlfriend!? And everyone is just ok with it!?" This is every man's dream.

"Sure can, but the stallion has to choose a lead mare." I look at her with a dumfounded expression. Wow, is this for real? I can't even fathom how that just made things easier for me. I have been on this ever since Rainow told me yesterday, "Well that fixes one of my problems but....like I said I don't know if I like any of them back."

Applejack puts a fore leg over my shoulder and pulls me into a hug, "Just follow your heart sugarcube, then you'll know. Ask them out and get to know them better."

I break the embrace and nod, "Thanks Aj, it really means a lot. I'm going to see Rarity so I'll see ya' later."

"No problem, good luck."

"Thanks." I say before spreading my wings and flying off back towards Ponyville.

I landed in front of Rarity's boutique and gave a few knocks on the door. "Comiiiing." sang Rarity as I heard come towards the door and open it and gave me a look like she was expecting me, before I could greet her she grabbed me with her magic and pulled me inside before slamming the door and flipping the sign in fron to say 'closed'.

"What the hell Rar-mphf!!" I was cut off as Rarity put a hoof over my mouth .

"James, darling I would like if you would not scream, please." she says as I roll my eyes in annoyance and nod in response.

"Was it really necessary to just drag me in here against my will? I have legs you know." Rarity then gives an embarrassed blush.

"I'm sorry, darling I'm just excited for you!!"

"What are you....oh god you know."

"Of course I do James, you can't hide things like romance from me."

"Well...um...then I guess you already know why I'm here?"

"Of course, Rainbow told me everything, but I have to say I expected this more from me than her."

"I KNOW RIGHT!!" Rarity led me to a sofa and motioned me to sit down as she walked off to the other room and came back with two cups of hot tea in her magic. She sits down next to me and hands me the cup, luckily because of my thick scales I didn't feel the pain. "Alright James, tell me what got you interested in to these mares." she says while looking at me with half-lidded eyes.

"You mean, Twi', Flutters, and Derpy right?"

She nods, "Well as you already now Fluttershy and I have known eachother for awhile now, plus she's the one that took me in when I came here, she's kind, loving, and cares about others more than herself."

"Interesting, what about Twilight?"

"Twilight and I have talked but it seems like everytime I'm around her I am lost for words y'know, like if I say something stupid then I'll screw everything up. She's smart,cute, and like Fluttershy cares about her friends more than herself and I respect that."

"And Derpy."

Rarity had a confused tone in her voice when she said that but I ignored it, "Derpy Is well just adorable all together, she's funny and has the cutest smile. She has the most adorable kid and sometimes I can't help but think about her every time I go to bed. Hell, she even asked me if we could go to Sugarcube Corner."

"So, like a date?"

"Well, I wouldn't say a date but rather a get together."

"James darling I know a date when I see one, what did I tell you before you can't hide anything from me. So what's stopping you from telling them how you feel?" I sit there for a second trying to figure out why I haven't done that. Was I scared? Maybe, I didn't want the same incident to happen with them like....Sam. My expression softened as I look away from Rarity trying to fight back tears.

"James! Are you alright?" asked Rarity clearly concerned.

"Y-yeah, I'm cool." I started, "R-remember when I first got here and I told you and Fluttershy about why I was stage fright?"

"Yes? What about it?"

"Well, remember my friend Sam?"


"Well, after that event I told you about me and Sam found out we had feelings for eachother and went out on our first date." I paused trying to keep it together,"Everything was going great until some guy almost ran it to us and then-" I was at the point where tears was now running down my cheeks, Rarity then pulled me into a hug and let me lay a head on her shoulder and motioned me to carry on, "I was being so stupid, I don't know if it's different here, but back where I am from the guy will always stick up for his girl no matter what. So being the idiot I am I yelled at the person who almost knocked us over and.....and.....everything happened so fast and the next thing I knew the guy was running away and there was Sam lying on the ground with a bloody hole in her stomach."

"W-what happened next?" asked Rarity, rubbing my orange spines as I cried softly into her coat.

I took a deep breath and continued, "I-I rushed her to the nearest hospital and started screaming desperately for help. When they doctors took her I pleaded to be with her, but the nurses wouldn't let me so I had to be in the waiting room for who knows how long. B-but when they finally c-ame to tell me h-how she was I a-a-lready knew the answer." Now it was Rarity's turn to shed tears I knew this would be too much for her, but I continued on, "They told me her last words were to stay golden and everything will be alright."

"W-w-well *sniff*, James I'm so sorry for you. I-I know you must be f-feeling terrible right n-now." stuttered Rarity. I wipe my eyes and look at Rarity a she does the same. Rarity then, to my surprise gives me a peck on the cheek making me stunned.

"Wh-What the hell w-was that?" I ask in confusion.

"You needed it darling, I know after what you've been through I'm sure you'll need some comfort." she answers, flashing me a sad smile as I giver her one back. Our attention was then focused on the rapid knocking o the door, Rarity was about to answer but i told her I'll get it instead, She was about to protest, but I was already off the couch and walking towards the door. When I opened it I was surprised who I saw.

"Twilight?" I say, looking at the lavender alicorn. She looked worried and was sweating like a storm.

"James! Thank Celestia you're here! We need to go to Canterlot now!" she said in a hurry. Before I could ask why she grabs my arm and pulls me out the boutique I wave to Rarity as she waves back. I gave her a look that said 'Are you going to be ok' as she gave one back that said 'I'll be fine.'. Satisfied I left out with Twilight, stopping in my tracks and halting her to a stop a gave her a stern look.

"Yo Twilight, you're going to have to chill for a second. What got you so worked up?" I say to her.

"Do I have to explain it now!"

"Yes you do! Since you rudely interrupted my conversation with Rarity." Twilight was taken back at my outburst even I was too, I was still emotional from my talk with Rarity so my temper might not be where it's supposed to be at the moment. "S-sorry Twi'" I apologize putting a claw on her shoulder, "It' just been a long day."

"You don't have to be, it was rather rude of me."

"It's fine, you can tell me what's going until we board the train to Canterlot alright?"

She gives me a nod as I stare at those beautiful violet irises, 'Oh this is going to be a long train ride.' I thought as we both spread our wings and flew toward the train station.

Meanwhile the two dragons, Drobot and Cynder, were perched up in the clouds watching the whole commotion with the purple drake and the lavender alicorn. "It seems something is going down. There is a seventy-five percent chance of things going wrong." said Drobot in his metallic voice. He looked over to Cynder who had a surprised and yet sad look on her face.

"Cynder are you alright?" said Drobot snapping Cynder out of her trance.

"Did she just say James?" asked Cynder in a shaky voice, trying to change the subject.

"Affirmative, weird name for a dragon though."

"Y-yeah it is."

"We need to follow them to Canterlot and make sure he's alright." Cynder nodded as Drobot spread his wings and took off as Cynder just sat there with a sad look on her face.

"James?" Cynder says softly as Drobot hovered in front of her.





"SAM!?" boomed Drobot snapping the violet dragoness out of her trance once again.

"O-oh, right sorry." apologized Sam as Drobot nodded and flew off again, with her following behind.

Author's Note:

You guys are the SHIIITTTT!!!!!!! OH MY GOD you guys acually got me ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff- 500LIKES.

I repeat.

fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 500LIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you all who are enjoying the story and thank you all for the support!!!

Like, comment follow!!! Just because I'm so hype right now I, for those who read my Dragon ball story Equestria Girls: Battle of Gods, here is a little spoiler if you like but until then PEACE OFF!!!! OMGGGG!!!!! I'M SO HYPE!!!