• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 26,212 Views, 1,143 Comments

A New Flame - The Zebra Hybrid

A human named James is transported into Equestria with some surprising results. First installment of the Hybrid Universe[Displaced Story]

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Act 1: A New Awakening

A sudden crash woke Malefor from his slumber as his senses and adrenaline kicked in making him leap out of the bed and get in a defensive stance with purple embers fuming out of his maw. He observed the surroundings of the inside of the wagon and noticed a pan with hot water spilled on the ground. He heard the sound of heavy breathing to see a light blue unicorn mare with light,purple irises, and a silver mane and tail.

She had an expression of fear plastered on her face, but also worry. The dragon was confused why the unicorn would be worried about him she should be worried for her own safety. Malefor dropped his defensive stance and just now noticed the bandages that was now around his body, he took another glance at the spilled water on the floor of the wagon and put the pieces together.

'Was she...actually helping me?' thought Malefor.

After deciding that this unicorn was not hostile he decided to break the silence, "Who are you?" he asked as the mare was snapped from her shocked state.

"W-What?" she stuttered.

"You heard me. Who are you? And what are you doing here?" replied Malefor, he already knew why she was here, from the looks of her hat and cape and the design on the exterior of the wagon it most likely belonged to her but you could never be so sure.

"I-I am the Great and Powerful Trixie," she answered trying to regain her composure, "and you have trespassed onto my domain!"

The dark dragon only chuckled at the mare's attempt to be the superior one here, "Domain? Heh, don't make me laugh, I've seen sea sponges with better living spaces than this."

"And who do you think you are insulting Trixie!"

'Oh great, one of THOSE people' Malefor thought rolling his eyes, "I would watch you tongue if I were you. You are scolding a powerful being if you didn't know and I could kill you with just a flick of my wrist if I wanted." Malefor hope she would call the bluff because inhonesty he was to injured with his fight James to do anything and he didn't know how powerful this....Trixie was.

"Ha! You really take the Great and Powerful Trixie for a fool!" 'Damn it'

Trixie continued, "You were barely conscious when Trixie found you in her wagon. You were lucky enough Trixie was generous to give you medical attention and not call the guards, who seem to be looking for you dragon."

Malefor growled, "My name is Malefor, not dragon and what makes you think I needed help? And why did you help me anyway? You know you could probably get a reward if you turned me in?"

Trixie paused at the statement and looked away from the dark dragon, "That is for Trixie to know and for you to find out.....Malefor. But I will tell you that Trixie is turning over a new leaf and trying to be somepony she doesn't want to be."

Malefor noticed her expression softened, "So you made some mistakes in the past that you're not proud of?"

Trixie didn't answer.

"Listen here unicorn, I don't particularly care about what you did. Whatever happened, happened and there is nothing you can do about it," Trixie turned around and gave Malefor a slight scowl, "but at least you're doing something about it."

Trixie was shocked at the dra- Malefor's change of tone, "What do you mean by that? Have you done something as well?" asked Trixie taking a seat in front of Malefor eyeing his bandages. She was curious how he gotten his wounds, especially since he was a dragon, since it would take a huge amount of force to take even one down.

"All I have to say is that I had a fight in Canterlot and escaped." simply said Malefor before turning around and heading back for the bed.

"There has to be more than that. Trixie demands a better explanation!" said the showmare as she stomped her hoof on the floor of the wagon.

"Well too bad, that's all you get. And stop doing that."

"Doing what?"

"Talking in third-person. It's getting damn annoying."

"This is how Trixie talks!"

"Well then, looks like somebody needs to be taught proper english," said Malefor as he climbed back into the bed as one question swam through his mind. Why was he still here? Yeah he was seriously injured, but being with this mare is a risk. Growling under his breath he got into a comfortable position and was ready for sleep to take over him.


The dragon and the unicorn froze at the sudden loud knocking at the door, most likely the guards found the wagon and wanted answers. Acting quickly and ignoring the pain that his body sent him Malefor hopped out the bed and opened his mouth as purple electricity sparked inside. Trixie for the most part was surprised at the dragon's ability. Their wasn't that much information on dragons but who knew that they could perform magic?

Snapping from her thoughts as she saw what the dragon was about to do she teleported in front of the dragon and shook her head panicky only for Malefor to harden his glare, which Trixie did back and pointed to a random box. Getting the point Malefor rolled his eyes and dropped his stance and walked over to the box and hopped inside cursing under his breath.


"Give Trixie a minute!" called out Trixie before throwing on her hat and cape. SHe then used her magic to open the door as she was met with two royal pegasi guards, with their usual serioe expressions.

"We are sorry to interrupt ma'm, but have you seen anything strange lately?" asked one of the guards.

"Trixie does not understand, strange?" innocently asked Trixie.

"There is a fugitive on the loose and we have information that he is hiding somewhere in this forest. Ma'm if you know anything we need to know it now." sternly said the other guard. Trixie now was starting to get nervous, if she lied then she would be in very great trouble, but at the same time if she gave up the dragon who knows what they would do to him.

Even if Malefor is rude and not so caring for others feelings , she believed that anypony could change. She did after all.

"N-no sirs. Trixie doesn't." stuttered Trixie as the guard looked to his companion and nodded.

"Alright ma'm we'll leave you be." simply said the guard before motioning his partner as Trixie closed the door and let out a sigh of relief hoping she made the right decision. That was easier than expected-

"We have to go!" shouted Malefor bursting out the box startling Trixie.

"What do you mean? Those guards don't expect a thing. Thanks to Trixie." responded Trixie.

"Idiot, they didn't believe you. They only left to get reinforcements, they know I'm here."

Trixie paled, oh she was in for it now. Malefor growled and looked around the wagon, "How do you work this thing?!" he yelled.

"Calm down, Trixie simply uses a spell to pull the carriage to my destination of choice."

"Then get to it! Who knows when those guards are going to be back."

Trixie merely rolled her eyes at the dark dragon and ignited her horn as the carriage started to move slowly before picking up speed and started to rush through the Whitetail Woods. Malefor looked out the window to see the guards arriving at the location they were in before taking to the skies.

"Impressive, but we still have company." stated Malefor.

"We? Trixie is the one that did all the work!"

"Whatever, where are we heading anyway?"

"I have a show scheduled at Appleloosa. So we'll be heading there."


"Of course, Trixie has her own magic show and was one of the most famous showmares around."

"Was? Let me guess is that the mistake you did?"

Trixie nodded, "Trixie does not want to speak of it, but I recommend you get some rest so your wounds can heal."

"That's probably the best thing you said since we met." joked Malefor earning another scowl from Trixie as he climbed back in the bed and got into a comfortable position for his slumber. Once she heard the snoring from the dark dragon she let out a deep breathe and removed her hat and cape and placing them on a rack.

How did she get in this mess, if she would've just called the guards this wouldn't be happening. Now she is probably a wanted fugitive for harboring and helping a criminal, but she knew that Malefor wasn't all bad was he? She didn't know why but she saw something within the dragon when he woke from his slumber. He could've killed her at anytime they were talking or could've escaped while she was distracting the guards. Yet he didn't, she was alive and he was still here.

Shaking the thought from her head and deciding to think about it another time she walked to a closet and pulled out a spare blanket and pillow before placing them on the ground of the moving wagon and cuddle to a more comfortable position before closing her eyes and letting sleep take over her, hoping that this situation would blow over soon.

Five days later

The three mares and dog known as Twilight, Fluttershy, Derpy and Bolt continued their venture through the Whitetail Woods in search of their lost 'friend'. The group was getting tired and was about to lose hope. It had been days of them searching high and low, they had encountered a few guards but thanks to Twilight being a Princess she was able to pull some strings.

They heard about the dark dragon Malefor being spotted not too long ago, to their shock, but was kind of relieved when they found out that he escaped the woods. Now they were walking along the path hoping to find any signs of James. Twilight was in the front while Fluttershy, Bolt, and Derpy was at her sides. She looked back and could tell that they were exhausted, Derpy and Fluttershy had bags under their eyes and twigs sticking out their manes, while Bolt was sleeping on Fluttershy's back.

Twilight had thought about it and felt like giving up but refused to give in, but what if something happened back in Ponyville? What if the map called her and Fluttershy? Would they ignore it and keep searching for James or return to Ponyville? Not to mention Derpy having to take care of Dinky. She let out a defeated sigh in defeat as a lone tear slid down her cheek. She didn't know why but she kept blaming herself, she kept thinking if she could've told James how she felt back on the train, then this could have been avoided.

The purple alicorn stopped causing Fluttershy and Derpy to stop as well, "G-Girls I d-don't know how t-to say this, but I think it's time we go back."

Fluttershy's and Derpy's eyes started to have sorrow built up inside them, "W-What do you mean?" asked Fluttershy quietly not wanting to wake the white shepherd puppy on her back.

"Y-Yeah?" added Derpy.

Twilight took another breath, "I-I'm sorry, I know James means alot to you two but-"

"You don't know anything!" shouted Derpy causing Twilight to flinch and waking Bolt, "you're the reason why he's gone! If it weren't for you in Canterlot he'll still be here!" Derpy then started to sob as Fluttershy put a comforting hoof on her back looking at a stunned Twilight who was about to end up in the state. Bolt noticing this also hopped off Fluttershy's back and went over and nuzzled Twilight's leg.

"It's ok Twilight, Derpy's just tired." said Fluttershy.

"B-But," stuttered Twilight "what if she's right. I could've did something."

"Twilight from what you explained to us their was nothing you could do."

"No! It's my fault, if I just old James how I felt him about him....I...he...." Twilight started to cry as Fluttershy now had a worried look and a tightness in her chest.

"How you f-f-feel?" squeaked out Fluttershy.

"W-wait, what?" added Derpy, and to be honest Bolt was kind of curious also.

Twilight turned from the girls, "W-well I...sort of had feelings toward James. I didn't know how to tell him and because of that we are in this mess right now." Twilight noticed the sniffling that came from behind her and turned around to see the two pegasi pawing at the dirt with their cheeks flushed and wiping tears from their eyes. Why are they acting like this?

"Girls? W-What's wrong?" asked Twilight wiping the tears from her eyes as well.

"W-well," started Derpy, "I have feelings for him as well."

Fluttershy nodded, "M-Me too."

The three mares sat in awkward silence none saying a word as they just stared at each other with blank expressions with only one thought going through their mind.......that James was theirs and nopony else. Twilight let out an awkward cough gaining the two mares' attention. "W-Well," she started, "I-I th-think we should head b-back to P-P-Ponyville."

Fluttershy nodded, "I-I agree. Derpy?"

The grey pegasus only nodded as Twilight and Fluttershy gave her one back, Bolt decided to jump on Twilight's back this time and curled up and went back into his slumber. Twilight liked the attention from the puppy it was seeming to calm down her nerves, but only a little bit. The three mares then walked back to where they came in silence not saying a word with their heads hung low in depression. They had failed to find James and the dark entity, Malefor, was out on the loose somewhere in Equestria. Not to mention that the three all had their hearts set on the purple drake.

It was going to be a gloomy and awkward trip back to Ponyville.

Two weeks later

I slowly open my eyes and then instantly shut them from the brightness of the sun's rays, trying again I managed to get my eyes open as my vision starts to focus making me glance at my surroundings. The first thing I noticed was that I was in a room, it wasn't a hospital room but just a regular one with a dresser, closet, and what looked like a bathroom.

"I really need to stop almost dying." I say to myself as I lean up in the bed and to my surprise all my wounds were healed, despite the soreness, I felt pretty good. How long was I out? With the wounds and injuries I had it should've taken forever for them to heal. The real question was where I was, the last thing I remembered was being in Canterlot and fighting.....Malefor.

I growl at the thought of the name, but who brought me here? That's when the memories started to flow back into my mind, Malefor had rescued me from the royal guard that, to my unknown knowledge, started attacking. I get why they would attack Malefor, but why me? Did they know that I was trying to help? The last thing I remembered was me passing out on the dark dragon's back. Did Malefor bring him me here? Or did someone find me and took me in?

"There is only one way to find out." I say to ,myself again before slowly getting out of the bed, right when my claws touched the floor I instantly wobbled and fell flat on my face, "Shit." I cursed to myself as i wobbled back up to catch my balance I grabbed the side of the wall to keep myself upright and made my way over to the window. I opened the shades and was shocked to what lay before me.

There beyond the window was a massive city with dragons......lots and lots of dragons roaming the streets and the air. From the looks of it, the place I was in was sitting on top of a nearby hill overlooking the city. I then noticed the gigantic palace in it's center, what surprised me the most thought was that the dragons weren't colossus like the ones the ponies described, but about my height or even smaller.

"I'm definitely not in Equestria anymore," I say to myself as I turn from the window and stepping from the wall feeling the blood rush back through my limbs, "then where the hell am I?" I perk up when I heard the door open revealing two dragons I never thought I see in my life. There right in front of me were the dragons Drobot and Cynder. Since I was a huge fan of the Spyro Saga and also played that Skylanders game (I just wanted to play as Spyro, if you're wondering).

"Cynder, how many times do I have to process it to you? He is not waking-" The dragon known as Drobot was then cut off as the both of them just stared at me with shocked expressions, well Cynder was I didn't know about Drobot with the cybernetic mask he wore. Deciding to break the silence I just waved and gave the friendliest smile I can and try to act like I don't know of their existence just to not make things weird.

"Sup?" I say snapping the two dragons out of their trance. I didn't expect to be tackled to the ground in a crushing bear hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" she cried as I could only look at the purple dragoness in confusion and slowly patted her head not knowing what to do.

"Uhhh, yeah....me too. If you don't mind getting off, your kind of crushing my ribs."

Cynder blushed a bit and slowly got off of me as I stood back up, "S-sorry, I'm just glad that you finally woke."

"Which reminds me where am I? How did I get here?"

Drobot decided to come in the conversation, "You're welcome for restoring your physical health." he said with a sarcastic expression.

"Oh yeah, sorry I'm just confused how I got here."

"There is no error between that, I one hundred percent understand of being in a strange place. To answer your questions we'll start off with introductions, I am known as Drobot, this here is Cynder. We were the ones that found you and brought back to the country known as Thedas where you were comatosed in this room for about two and a half weeks."

"Wow, straight to the point are you?"

"You have no idea." said Cynder, "B-But would you mind telling us your name?"

Should I tell them my real name? The ponies didn't mind but what about other dragons? It's better to be safe than sorry. There was something about Cynder's eyes though, I couldn't place my finger on it but it's like I seen them before but I can't remember where. A cough brought me back to my thoughts as Cynder and Drobot was looking at me with impatient looks.

"Spyro!" I say quickly before regaining my composure, "My name is Spyro."

The two dragons glanced at each other with confused looks and then nodded before focusing their attention back on me. I was started to get nervous Cynder started to advance toward me with a determined expression plastered on her face. "Tell me.....Spyro," she started making me even ,more nervous at the way she said the name i gave them, "Are you from around here? And don't lie to us, we'll know."

I gulped and nodded, "No I'm not from around here."

"Did you know who we were when we came in?"


"Alright, last question do you know who I am?"

"Yes, y-you're Cynder."

"Well, yes and no. But do you know who I am?"

"I'm afraid I don't understand."

"Seriously!?" the sudden outburst caused me to flinch back, "You really don't remember me? I knew you were oblivious sometimes but this is ridiculous!"

"I'm sorry but I have no Idea what in the hell you are talking about."

Drobot put a claw on Cynder's shoulder which she instantly pushed away, "Maybe it's not him Cynder." said the cybernetic dragon trying to calm down the angered dragoness. She let out a sigh and turned towards the door with a sad expression.

"And here I thought you were golden." she said quietly before walking towards the doo- wait what did she just say?

"Wait!" I called out stopping her in her tracks but she didn't turn around. Was it really her?

"S-Sam?" I hesitantly say, to my surprise she turns around slowly with tears flowing down her cheeks. She rushed over to me and clung on to me for dear life as he sobbed into my chest.

"I-I thought I l-lost y-you J-James." she cried as I rubbed her back. I glanced over to Drobot who had a smile on his face.

"It's okay, I missed you too. How did you get here?"

She broke the embrace was about to answer before Drobot cut her off, "All will be answered soon, Spyro or in this case James. But right now we need to get back to the Oracle." Drobot then walked out the door with Cynder following him and me following her as we walked in the hallways of the giant place we were in.

"Oracle?" I asked.

"Yeah," added Cynder wiping tears from her cheeks, "He's the one that owns the mansion."

"Oh, and I guess he wants to ask me some questions?"

"Affirmative." simply said Drobot.

We walked through the halls of the mansion until we arrived at the large double doors, it kind of reminded me of the ones in Canterlot, but instead had carvings of what looked like ancient chinese dragons on the door. Drobot opened the door and entered as Cynder or Sam gave me a wink and followed him in. Only to come back to pull me inside also after noticing that I didn't follow.

The first thing I noticed was the maze of books that were stacked on giant shelves. "Oracle! He's awake!" called out Cynder.

"Is he now?" said a familiar voice that I knew too well.

"No fucking way."

My assumptions were made correct when a colossal dragon came walking around the corner with orange scales and spines. He had a smile on his face when he laid eyes on me. I still couldn't believe it was him, first me turning into Spyro, then Dark Spyro or Malefor, Cynder or Sam, and even Drobot. But I never expected him.

"Greetings young one I am known as the Oracle, but you can call me Ignitus."

Author's Note:

Hey guys sorry for the long wait, I had lots of things to do plu I was finishing up my other story. I hope this chapter was worth the wait! I should be able to post chapters up more frequently now so that's good! :pinkiehappy:

Comment below on what you think!