• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 26,213 Views, 1,143 Comments

A New Flame - The Zebra Hybrid

A human named James is transported into Equestria with some surprising results. First installment of the Hybrid Universe[Displaced Story]

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Act 1: A New Reunion Part 1

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Hoped you enjoy this chapter! For those who don't know, my internet is down and I'll be trying to get as much content done as I can. I hope this chapter was worth the wait!

Comment below on what you think!:pinkiehappy:

It is always helpful!:twilightsmile:

'Manehattan, Lobby'

As I came entered the lobby the first thing I noticed was the lack of ponies, other than the staff. I saw Sam and the others sitting down at a lone table, I walk up to the table and got a smile from Sam and motioned me to the chair on the side of her.

"Hey James, how was your sleep?" asked Flashwing.

"Fine," I answer, "So what are you guys talking about?"

Flashwing was about to answer but Bash beat her to it, "There has been an increase in activity in Royal Guards this morning, so that means we have to be more careful."

"Do you know why?"

"My sources say that two of the elements will be in Manehattan for a while to visit Miss.Pommel." stated Drobot.

Shit, so they do know.

I gulped a little bit, he knows he's supposed to stay away from any of the elements but they are his friends. And I need to know how the others are doing. Pinkie, Rainbow, the Crusaders, Twilight, Spike, Derpy, Dinky, Bolt, and Fluttershy, they are probably worried sick but at the same time, what if Luna was right when she said they don't even miss me?

No, that can't be right. Coco said they've been looking for me, but what if they gave up and forgot about me? All these thoughts swam through my head, I didn't even know that I was sweating a bit.

"James!" exclaimed Sam shaking me from my trance.

"O-Oh sorry, I was just thinking." I apologize.

"Did you hear anything we said?"

I shake my head.

"Well, while you were over there day dreaming," stated Bash, "We decided to keep our distance away from Miss Pommel l until the two elements depart."

"But this is a good thing right?" I ask, "If the two of the elements are here that means they probably gave up looking for me dismissed the lock down."

Drobot shook his head, "That may be possible, but that still doesn't mean they'll show mercy if they spot us."

"So we're not taking any chances," added Flashwing, "Since you have history with the rest of the elements, there will be no hint they will be watched."

"We already look strange as is, while in public, so if we get to close it could stir up some questions and maybe blowing our cover."

I could only nod at their plan, I felt a little bad that I had to not follow them, but I couldn't let his chance pass. Coco said that Applejack and Rarity is helping her with some play, right? Maybe the theater? No from the looks of Coco she doesn't look like the 'classy type', there is that park we walked passed when we arrived here but it looked like no one's been there in ages.

"I think we should all split," I suggest gaining everyone's attention, "If we all travel in one group of two and the other group of three, we could reduce the chance of being noticed, plus maybe find some info on Malefor if the guard has found anything yet."

"That's the smartest thing you said all day." smirked Bash.

"Then it's settled," started Sam, "Me, Bash, and Drobot will be a group and James and Flashwing will be the other."

Drobot shook his head once again, "No offense, I would recommend me scouting high over the city for an open view."

Alright, me and Bash, and James and Flashwing."

Drobot stood from his seat, "In that case, I'll take flight from the roof of the building."

"Stay safe." I say as I get a nod from the mechanical dragon as he walks off.

"Alright let's see what we can find out." says Bash as we all stand and put on the clothes we arrived here in and head out the exit of the apartment complex. Sam and Bash gives me and Flashwing a wave before walking down a random sidewalk, with us walking on a different one. This will be easier then I thought, all I have to do is spot Applejack and Rarity, and separate from Flashwing in enough time to talk to them. Then return to her before the crystal dragoness gets to worried and act like nothing had happened.

Yeah, I know easier said than done, but it was all I got, as we walked Flashwing tapped my shoulder gaining my attention, "So James," started Flashwing with an eager expression, "What's going on between you and Sam?"

"Us?" I start as we conveniently walk past a couple sharing a drink, "Well, I don't know actually, we were close but ever since she...'left'...I'm just confused as ever."

"'Confused'? You found another girl have you."

I looked at her with a surprised expression, "How did you-"

"Oh please," she waves a claw at me, "I'm not stupid. I know when a male finds another female."

"It happened to you before?"

"Too many times, in my book, but enough about me. Who is the other girl?"

Flashwing now had a sly grin on her face, I swear her and Rarity would get along greatly, but with her voice sounding like Twilight all the time it would still make me think back to the purple alicorn, "More like, three girls."

"Oh, jeez. Sam isn't going to like this."

"Tell me about it. I don't know if dragons have similar customs but a friend told me that ponies have this thing called a herd, but I don't think I can do that and take all that pressure. But at the same time if I pick one I'll be breaking the hearts of three others. I-I don't know what to do."

"Hey," Flashwing says softly and puts a claw on my shoulder, "Don't worry, I'm your friend. How about you tell me about these three girls and I'll give you my opinion."

I nod, "Alright, but I have to start when I first arrived here in Equestria or to be more specific...the Everfree Forest."

Ponyville; Fluttershy's Cottage

"Mrs.Fluttershy are you ok?" asked Evelyn.

Fluttershy was snapped from her trance and blushed as she noticed the mountain of dog food she had poured into the dish bowl, but the white shepherd known as both didn't seem to mind, "O-Oh, y-yes I'm fine."

The deer tilted her head in confusion, "Are you sure? You seem a little tense."

"Well. I maybe be a little worried."

"Is it about Mr.James?"

Fluttershy paused and let out a sad sigh," Y-yes, I'm just worried about him. I-I know I wasn't there in C-Canterlot, but I c-can't shake the f-feeling like I am some what r-responsible."

Evelyn gave Fluttershy a stern look, "Why are you blaming yourself Mrs.Fluttershy? You didn't know what would happen."

"Yes, but-"

"But nothing. Mrs.Fluttershy you have been sulking around ever since you got back and it isn't healthy, I know you and Mr.James were close but acting depressed isn't going to bring him back."

Fluttershy kept the same expression, but nodded the teenage deer was right. If she was ever going to see the purple dragon again she couldn't give up and start moping around now. She glanced at Bolt who was happily eating his food, the yellow pegasus knew the dog missed James as well, but he always seemed to have a positive attitude.

"You know for a deer your age, you are very mature." complimented Fluttershy with a smile.

Evelyn gave a confident smirk, "I try, but I'm sure we'll find Mr.James some day and who knows maybe he'll come back here."

Fluttershy gave a sad smile, "Yeah...maybe."

Sweet Apple Acres; CMC Clubhouse

"Dinky, Sweetie? Are ya'll doin' okay?" asked Applebloom with a worried expression. The two unicorn fillies both gave forced grins and nodded.

"Of course we are!" exclaimed Sweetie Belle.

"Yeah, what makes you think that something is wrong."

Scootaloo gave them an unbelieving look, "Well, you two HAVE been distant lately from the club house and when you do come you two barely talk or give any ideas on how to get our cutie marks."

The two fillies were stumped, they didn't want their friends to worry about them, but it seemed that they were already on to their saddened expression. Ever since James 'left' it had been kind of empty for the two unicorns, the adults said that he just went on 'a trip' and that he'll be back soon, but the two knew better, that he either left for good or something happened that the adults aren't telling them.

Sweetie Belle had not been eating much back at Rarity's place, she knew her sister noticed but decided not to say anything. Every time she would lay down she would think back to the purple dragon and the rides he would give her when he first came here. He was like a big brother to her and now he was Celestia-knows where in Equestria.

Dinky had been not been on the bright side as well, and it wasn't only her it was her mother as well. She instantly noticed something was wrong when Derpy came back home and she hadn't seen James in a while. The little unicorn filly knew her mom had a crush on James, it was pretty obvious since she would talk about the purple dragon every time she came home from work. She didn't mind though she actually hoped that if he and her mom do get to together, then she would finally have a dad.

"Well...we just miss James." replied Sweetie.

"Yeah," added Dinky, "He's been gone for a long time."

"Well, he is on vacation." said Applebloom.

"And you actually believe that!" exclaimed Sweetie shocking Applebloom and Scootaloo, "Come on girls, we all know how ridiculous that sounds."

"Yeah, what if something bad happened!" suggested Dinky.

Scootaloo waved a hoof at the two, "Oh come on! James, is a dragon! I'm sure if he runs into trouble he'll take care of it easily. Sweetie Belle, you got to have remembered how he handled those timberwolves when we first met him right?"

"Yeah, but got hurt really bad and I don't want that to happen again."

Something clicked in Applebloom's mind, "Hey, Dinky why would you think James is in trouble."

"W-well," started the grey unicorn with an uncertain expression, "I over heard Fluttershy and my mom talking and they were saying that James was in trouble with the Princesses."

The four fillies were silent, not knowing what to say, "I-I think I'm going home for the day." suddenly said Dinky, "I'll see you girls tomorrow."

She gave a wave to the three fillies who waved back, Dinky gave a sad smile and left the treehouse. Once she was a good distance away she let the tears flow down her cheeks until she got to the front door of her house.


".....and here I am." I finish as we turn another corner, we have been walking for God-knows how long, I didn't even notice that it was dark out. As I finished I could see the sparkle in Flashwing's eyes telling me that she actually listened the whole time.

"Well," she starts, "from the sound of things you really care for the ponies you met in Ponyville, huh?"

I nod, "Of course."

"So far, I'm thinking that you should try this heard thing out. It isn't a dragon tradition but at the same time you're not technically a dragon."

"But what about Sam? It's not 'human' tradition either. But for real if the herd thing doesn't work out what should I do then?"

"Well, so far this Fluttershy and Derpy seems promising, since one of them saved you from dying twice already,"

I blush a bit and rub the back of my head, "Yeah, those weren't my best times living in Ponyville."

A sudden applause caught our attention as we noticed the group of ponies that seem to be observing an outdoor play or theater...huh...why does that sound so familiar, like I was supposed to do something. I shrug off the thought and follow Flashwing as we head toward the crowd, we watch the ponies on stage as they perform their show.

The first thing I notice was the songs and dances...kind of something Rarity would do and the stage had kind of a country look to it. As the play starts to near it's end I feel a cool draft I look around and notice a stand selling different kinds of scarves. I tap Flashwing on the shoulder gaining her attention.

"Hey, I'm going to go get a scarf, you want one?" I ask.

Flashwing shakes her head, "Nah, I'll stay here. Be careful though, guards are still patrolling."

"Don't worry, it's just across the street."

She nods and turns back to the play which seems to be ending, I start my walk over to the stand. I make sure to tip my hat down from any passing guards walking by and tucking my tail from any flying over head. I made it to the stand and greet the stallion there he asks me if I needed any help in his selection. I told him I was fine and looked around the stand and spot an orange scarf with blue highlights, I observe it and decide to buy it.

"Is this what you would like sir?" asks the stallion.

I nod as I reach in the pocket of the jacket, "Yeah, just let me-"

"DON'T BUY THAT SCARF!" screamed a female voice, before I had time to react my scarf was in cased in a light blue aura and placed back to where it was. My eyes widen when I see a familiar white unicorn with a purple mane run past me not even acknowledging me as she desperately looks through the other scarves on the stands.

"Oh good! I came just in time."Rarity breathes in relief still not even looking at me as I can only chuckle at her antics. She picks up another scarf with this one being red with a yellow stripe down the middle.

"Here, try this one-", Rarity stops as she finally glances at me, she drops the scarf on the ground and slowly walk up to me with hopeful eyes, "J-James? I-Is that you?"

I nod, "Yeah, it's me."


"Ow! Son of a bitch!" I scream rubbing my cheek, "What the fu-"

I was cut off by Rarity pulling me into an embrace, I could feel the tears soaking my jacket as she buried her head in my shoulder. I return the hug pulling her closer and rest my head on top of hers. After what felt like forever we finally break apart and Rarity wipes a final tear from her eyes.

"Wha-...how.." stuttered Rarity.

"Hey Rares" I say softly, "Slow down, I know it's been....a while....but let's just take a deep breath."

"W-what happened? S-some ponies said you were...d-dead. And others that you were captured."

"It's okay, I'm fine..at the moment. I'm just glad you're here."

"Me too, but what happened in Cant-"

Before Rarity could finish, I heard a familiar southern accent that made me almost leap for joy, "Hey Rarity, what's takin' so long-" Applejack stops and shares the same expression Rarity had just a few moments ago-


"AH! What the hell! Is this going to be a thing now!" I yell in pain as Applejack then pulls me in another hug.

"A-ah'm sorry sugarcube, but...where the hay were you! And what happened back in Canterlot."

I give the orange mare a pat on the back and pull away, "You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you guys," I say.

"James," started Applejack, "Ah' don't know who ya’ thank ya' are talkin' too, but Ah'm sure there is nothin' ya'll need to lie 'bout."

"Well, if you say so.." I motion them to a nearby table and motion for the two mares to sit down, which they do. I start from me and Twilight's argument on the train, to Malefor getting released and the princesses(mostly Luna) blaming me, which the two mares didn't really take well. But since I told them about me reuniting with Sam and also meeting Ignitus, Shenron, Porunga, Bash, Flashwing, and Drobot, they seem to have seem more interested than worried.

I explained to them how me and the others came here to find Malefor to 'unlock' my true potential, whatever the hell that meant. "...and that's when Rarity caught me at the stand." I finish as I Rarity and Applejack both had worried but at the same time joyful expression, "I'm really glad to see you girls again."

"Us too darling, the others have been...worried on your absence. Especially three important mares."

"Y-yeah, I know how are they doing? And Bolt?"

Applejack decided to step in, "Their doin' fine..mostly...Twi' still blames herself after what happened back in Canterlot and Shy and Derps are starting to think the same, and even little Dinky. Bolt is stayin' with Shy, so you know he's in good hooves."

"Sweetie, has been missing you too, I notice the change in her personality ever since we told her and the others that you were on 'vacation' , so they wouldn't worry or go off to find you."

I look down in shame, "I-I'm really sorry." I try to fight the tears from escaping, "You and S-Sweetie is like the little sister I never had, and Applejack y-you're like m-my best cousin. I-I wasn't strong enough in b-beating Malefor back in C-Canterlot, it's my fault this is happening. If I would've j-just asked for help..."

"Listen here dear," snapped Rarity, "You've done everything you could, and if what you told us about this...Malefor...was true then there was no possible way of you beating him. I'll be proud to call you my big brother."

Applejack nodded, "Ya' got that right! The Apples are always open to new members of da' family! no matter what they look like."

I give up in trying to hold back tears and pull the two in a warm embrace which they gladly accept without hesitation. I could feel them nuzzling in the side of my neck, I had to admit I missed this a lot and I didn't care what the others say I'm going back to Ponyville and no royal guard...Malefor...or princess was going to stop me.

"James! What are you doing!" yelled a voice causing me, Rarity, and Applejack to break the embrace and face the now glaring Flashwing stalking towards us.

I could only watch as she got closer and mumble one thing, "Shit."