• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 26,213 Views, 1,143 Comments

A New Flame - The Zebra Hybrid

A human named James is transported into Equestria with some surprising results. First installment of the Hybrid Universe[Displaced Story]

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Act 1: A New Day With Fluttershy

I woke up early this morning so I wouldn't have to repeat the incident that happened yesterday with Twilight. I was now walking along the path to Fluttershy's to see she how she was doing and if she needed any help. I was the least I could do, plus out of the six I feel more comfortable with. Maybe it's just because I knew her longer than the others......and she didn't try to kill me when we first met.

I put the thoughts behind me as I made it to Fluttershy's cottage and was about to knock on the door, but stopped when I heard a familiar tone coming from the back. I let out a smile knowing that tone anywhere and walked around the cottage to find Fluttershy tending her chickens in the back. To tell you guys the truth I do miss staying here with her, but I was just keeping up space and I had to leave sometime.

"Hey Flutters!" I call out making her give out an 'eep'.

"Oh, hi James what are you doing here?" she asked.

"What? I can't visit a friend?" I say with a chuckle, "I'm just playin'. I came to see if you needed help with anything."

"Well...um....you could, feed Little Dave and his friends their breakfast. "

"Cool, now where's the little rascal at?"

"Oh I'll show you." Fluttershy walked me inside the cottage and showed me to the the corner of the living room where a big glass container was with a whole bunch of cobwebs in it. I gave her a confused look, where is he? Did the little furry guy leave without Fluttershy noticing...wait a minute......this was not here the last time I was here.

"Hey, Fluttershy this wasn't here when I was staying here was it?" I ask.

"Oh no, I just found the little furry guy and his family yesterday."

"Ok....but why are there cobwebs?"

"How else are tarantulas supposed to live?" I felt my heart drop to my stomach. Did she just say...? No she couldn't have...maybe I'm just tired. I'm going to be honest with you guys I am absolutely terrified of spiders. I don't care if you say some are harmless, if I see one I am either smashing or running.....mostly the second option.

"I'm sorry Flutters, for a moment I thought you said tarantulas."

"I did."


"O-okay, and you s-said t-tarantulas......as in plural/"


No. No. No.

"W-where are t-they?"

"Oh they like to wonder sometimes."


Without thinking I let out a manly scream and jumped and clung on the ceiling still screaming.

(For those who want to know what the scream sounds like.)

"James! What's wrong?!" asked Fluttershy in concern.

"Nothings wrong." I lied.

"James...you screamed and jumped on the ceiling."

"No really, I'm good." I say while gliding down to the floor, but unfortunately Fluttershy didn't believe as she just gave me an irritated look.

"Ugh...fine, well the t-thing is....I'm a-afraid of......"

"Afraid of what?"

"S-spiders." I say softly as I do the best imitation if Fluttershy by getting close the the ground as possible and putting my wings over my face like I was in a cocoon of shame. I then felt something soft and warm stroke my back I moved my wings from my eyes and saw Fluttershy lying down close beside me with her wing stroking my back in a comforting manner. I looked to see her smiling at me.

"Its ok James, tarantulas are quite harmless."

"That's what you say now, but then you find them in your bed trying to eat your face off."

"Come on James, that's just a story parents tell their foals when they misbehave."

"I-I don't know." I heard Fluttershy let out sigh and then a light giggle as she nuzzled up close to me and my cheeks start to warm up. Our attention was then turned to a small cough, we looked up to see Angel with his arms crossed and thumping his foot with a smug grin. Me and Fluttershy quickly got up and put a little distance as we both blushed in embarrassment. "W-what is it Angel?" stuttered Flutters as Angel pointed behind him showing a GROUP of tarantulas happily eating their breakfast, "Oh so..um...a-already fed them?" she asked again as Angel nodded.

With speeds that could impress Rainbow Dash I quickly flew out of the cottage and started to hyperventilate as I leaned against the mailbox. I heard Fluttershy gallop from behind, probably worried that I saw one of my worst fears in the same room as I was. "James are you alright?" asked Fluttershy putting a hoof on my shoulder.

"I-I'm good, I just need a second."

I finally caught my breath, and let out a sigh of relief...until I noticed something by the Everfree Forest. "Hey Fluttershy do you let your animals go in the forest?"

"Oh Celestia no, not where they can get hurt."

"Well dog just went in." This made Fluttershy gasp and now she was hyperventilating, I shook her a bit snapping her out of her state and looked in to her teal orbs as they stared back in to my violet orbs. "Flutters calm down I'll go get him."

"B-but the last time you w-were in there, y-you a-almost di-" I put a claw over her mouth cutting her off.

"I'll be fine, don't worry." I saw with a smile. I was caught off guard as she wrapped her fore hooves around me pulling me in a tight embrace.

"Please come back, safe." I give a nod and I fly off toward the dark forest.

It should not take a hour and a half to find this dog. I am serious! It is taking me this long to find him. I can't go back to Fluttershy then she'll be devastated. I'm never going to-


I stand corrected, as I saw what looked like a small white shepherd barking at a cave.

'Ok, this is going to be easy all I have to do is grab him and we'll be on our wa-'.


Of fucking course.

I then noticed a pack of ,what I was told by Fluttershy when I first got here, manticores surrounding the dog trapping him and making sure that it didn't have any way of escaping. The stupid things I do, I could've just ignored the stupid dog as it went in the damn forest! But nooooo, I had to play the nice guy. I watched as the shepherd snarled at the smallest manticore and started snapping at it only to get knocked away and into the trunk of a tree as it let out a yelp in pain.

Ok that's it!

The manticore raised its paw ready to put the white shepherd out of it's misery only for a purple blur to ram in to him. The manticore was dazed for a bit but instantly recovered and glared at it's attacker. James let out a growl and stood in front of the german which looked like only a puppy. "Alright, Simba, how about you and your pride back off before I make you." James threatens as the manticores only roar in response and advance on the two.

The closest manticore pounced first only to run into the James' hard horns and was sent flying back. Two other manticores lunged at him, James was able to dodge one but was instantly tackled by the other. Using his strength he kicked off his attacker before he could bite his head off his shoulders. He then let out a ball of fire that hit one of the manticores in the face burning it's mane and causing it to fall back clutching it's face in pain.

James then charged the smallest and collided with it's chest causing its rib cage to crack. It roared in pain and swiped him away causing James to tumble across the ground. Before he could recover the biggest locked him in it's jaws and shook him like a rag doll. If it weren't for iJames' tough scales he would be kitty chow right now. The manticore then slammed James on the ground and attempted to step on him. James rolled out the way and threw up a flaming shield as the manticore swiped burning it's claws off of it's fury fingers.

James then took the opportunity and grabbed its neck in his jaws and slammed him on the grassy floor and snapped his neck in one turn of his head. James looked at the rest of the pack of manticores to see that the final four were surrounding him and glaring at him for killing their comrades. All four jumped at the purple drake.

Thinking fast James' slammed his talons in the ground causing four pillars made of dirt and rock to rise out of the ground causing the manticores to run straight into them causing one of them to get knocked out and dazing the other three.

"Now that's what I'm talking about." said James as he rammed into one of the pillars causing it to be lodged out the ground and fly in to the second manticore smashing it in a pool of blood and broken bones. The final two let out a roar at James as he gave them one back and shot his bubble breathe at the two manticores confusing them. He then spread his wings and took to the air and dive bombed one of them breaking it's spinal cord making it collapse to the ground.

James then sent a glare at the final manticore, and finally getting the message ran back into it's cave. James let out a sigh and limped over to the white shepherd puppy that came out of the bushes.

"Hey boy," I managed to get out holding out my claw as the shepherd sniffed it as the it sniffed it and started to lick my face, "Alright, alright you're welcome." I got a closer look and noticed that this dog looked like the one from that movie 'Bolt' had the mark on it's side and everything.

"Come on let's get back to Fluttershy." I say to the Bolt look-a-like.

'Bark' he barked in agreement as we made our way through the forest. I then noticed a piece of one of the manticores stingers in my arm.

'Well, shit.'

Me and the dog exited the forest, I felt the venom from the stinger starting to run it's course so I had to use the dog's weight as support so I wouldn't fall out. I noticed Fluttershy still waiting by the mailbox when I left with red teary eyes. 'Aw man..now I feel like a dick.' I thought as the dog barked getting Fluttershy's attention as she gasped in horror and flew towards us.

"Oh my goodness! What happened." asked Fluttershy. I could only groan in response and let out a weak smile, the dog then whined and motioned toward the manticore stinger in my arm. With strength I didn't know she had me she plopped me on her back and ran towards the house and plopped me on the couch and ran off to get the first aid kit to treat my wound. As I lay there the dog put it's head on the couch and started licking my paw with a guilty expression on it's face. "Don't worry, buddy I'll be fine." I say to the dog as Fluttershy came back with some alcohol and pads.

She quickly pulled out the stinger, put the alcohol on the pad, and placed it on my wound making me cringe a little only for me to relax a bit. She wrapped up my arm and gave me a sad smile and which made me know I was going to be okay.

"Hey Flutters, I'm sorry for making you worry about me." I say.

"I-It's fine James, really, just be more careful next time, alright," she answered as she gives me a hug on the couch, "I don't now what I'll do if I lost you."

"Oh...um...thanks Flutters." I noticed the dog who was giving me sad look, "Hey Flutters?"


"Ponies sometimes come here to adopt pets right?"

"Yes, I'm open for all ponies who needs a little company in their life."

"Well, I was wondering if this guy would come home to me." I say as Fluttershy looked at me in shock as the white shepherd jumped on me and started licking my face happily.

"Y-you really want to adopt him?"

"Sure, plus it does get kind of lonely at my place so he'll make the company." Fluttershy squeals in excitement and gives me another hug.

"I'm so excited for you! What are you going to name him?"

"I was thinking about Bolt." I say as the dog(I mean Bolt) barked in agreement.

"I think that suits him fine. Oh, speaking of having guests I have to meet somepony at the train station, she's going to be staying with me."

"Another one? Wow, keep this up and you might want to start a hotel Flutters," this caused her to let out a light giggle.

"You want to came?" she asked as I hopped off the couch and opened the door and bowing like one of those rich butlers.

"Of course, my lady." I say in a preppy tone causing her to giggle and walk out the door.

"Let's go Bolt!" I call out who barked in excitement and ran out the door following Fluttershy.

We waited at the train station for about thirty minutes until I finally heard it's whistle signaling us of it's arrival. The train hissed as it came into a halt and ponies poured out of it gingerly, amongst this pony was a deer, a doe to be exact. I watched as she spotted us and walked over to us with a happy grin on her face.

"Hi, are you Fluttershy?" she asked.

"Hello to you too Evelyn, it's a pleasure to meet you." answered Fluttershy, "and this is my good friend James and his new pet Bolt. James, Bolt this is Evelyn Hopskip. She is a fourteen year old princess from the Deer Kingdom and Princess Celestia assigned me herself to give her refuge. "



"I never knew there was another dragon here in Ponyville?" said Evelyn.

"Yeah, believe it or not I just got here last week." I answered.

"Are the ponies accepting in this town?"

"Well...they weren't with me because you know being a dragon and all, but I think you'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yep! I'm sure a cute doe like you would get along fine." she blushed at the compliment and let out a giggle.

"Well I have to go and get Bolt settled in at my place I'll see you two tomorrow then."

"Okay, James I'll see you tomorrow."

"It was nice meeting you Mr.James!" called out Evelyn.

I let out a chuckle as me and Bolt left the train station and walked back to my house in Ponyville,

(Meanwhile in Canterlot)

The crystal in the throne room started to vibrate again and another crack has now formed on it's surface. Darkness will soon spread across the land.

Author's Note:

Hey guys thank you so much with the feed back! You guys are blowing up the comments and my message inbox! Keep it up! Here are the results so far:

1-Moon Dancer(Alright, seems cool)
4-Gilda(Give James strength)
6-Luna(For the Lunar Republic!!)
4-Rainbow Dash:rainbowkiss:
25-Sam(as Cynder or Ember)

Also if their is still a tie for first place by the time I reach chapter 12 or 15 I am going to have to put the top three in a herd for james hopefully that's ok. Comment below on your thoughts.

Also OC by Cas Potato