• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 26,212 Views, 1,143 Comments

A New Flame - The Zebra Hybrid

A human named James is transported into Equestria with some surprising results. First installment of the Hybrid Universe[Displaced Story]

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Act 1: A New Meeting With The Town and Royalty

Author's Note:

Hey guys I just wanted to say thank you all for the support so far!!!! I am really enjoying this so far!!!!

WE HAVE REACHED 400 LIKES EVERYPONY!!!!!!:pinkiehappy:

Also I know some of you guys are wondering what the shipping might be and to tell you the truth I have no idea!!!

So to make it easier you can comment down below on who you think James should be shipped with.(also it doesn't have to be one of the mane 6, just to throw that out there.):twilightsmile:

If you would also like your OC in the story, just put your OC bio down in the comments below.

Rarity and Fluttershy led me out the doors of the palace, letting me get the opportunity to observe its appearance. It looked kind of like a castle that was built into a massive tree then had crystals formed around it.How in the hell did I not see this when I flew here? I thought to myself as I turned to Rarity and Fluttershy, ready for them to prepare me to meet the town and this Princess Celestia.

"Is this really necessary?" I ask.

"Of course it is darling, if what you said about being stage fright is correct. Then we must simply to do our best to prepare you to meet the town." answered Rarity.

"Can't I just go back to the house and do it?"

"Absolutely not! A gentlecolt would never do that!" I grumble in defeat as Fluttershy and Rarity giggle in response, “If it makes you feel any better, Fluttershy had the exact same fear you have right now."

"Really now?" I ask causing Fluttershy to his behind her mane.

"Well...um...not any more...kind of.....I'm still shy, but I'm just taking baby steps." she answers in an embarrassed tone.

"That makes me feel a tad bit better, but I'm still not speaking to all those ponies. Not in a million years." This caused Fluttershy and Rarity to sigh in defeat, I could see the disappointment in their eyes. I'm sorry but I just couldn't do it, where I grew up I had what you say, 'A colorful past'. But that's for another time though, for now Rarity and Fluttershy were now giving me pouty faces and their eyes as big as they can be. GAH, DAMN IT!!!! I thought trying to shift my gaze away but couldn't. Why do these ponies have to be so adorable!!!

"Ugh! Fine...what do I have to do?" I say defeated as the two mares squeal in excitement.

"Excellent, how about you tell us how you got stage fright in the first place?" asked Rarity. Now that's a story I rather not tell to anyone, but at the same time they would probably do those damn, cute faces again and just make me tall it anyways, so what's their to lose?

"OK, well it was when I was in high-school...."

"What is the capital of Maine?"



The crowd clapped for the student as he sat back down in his chair with a cocky grin on his face knowing that he had this competition in the bag. For starters my school will have these competitions every year to show how much you learned in school so far, kind of like jeopardy, but only the students with a 3.75 GPA can be a contestant. I hadn't expected them to give us questions this easy though so I should be fine, as long as I don't worry about the time limit............or that I'm one of the two black people on this stage.

"Next up is Mr. James Carter." said the principal taking into his microphone while sitting at a desk with the two vice principals in front of the stage.

"Alright here goes." I say to myself as I get out of my chair and walk up to the microphone on the stage and was greeted with the entire school looking at me. Oh, man I did not expect so many people to be here!

"How are you doing today Mr. Carter?" asked the principal.

"I'm fine." I answered back.

"Perfect, your question for the first round is....how many stars are on the American Flag?"

Have you ever gotten so nervous that you when you someone asks you a question you try to answer it in the smartest way you can but get that shit dead wrong? Well, that's exactly what happened to me.

"Well..um...l-let's see we have 13 colonies and 50 states s-so...uh.....13-50 i-is......47!!!!" I answers as the whole auditorium bursts out in laughter and the principal and vice principals giving me an 'are you serious' face. I can feel my face heating up from embarrassment.

"I'm sorry Mr.Carter but the correct answer is 50. I'm sorry but since you got the answer wrong you are now disqualified from the competition until next year." said one of the vice principals with a disappointed look on her face. I let out a sigh in defeat as I walk back stage with the whole auditorium still laughing.

Making sure no one saw me I quietly went out the back door, to the parking and found my car parked right where I left it. As I started the car I let out a groan knowing that when I get back to school on the Monday I'm never going to hear the end of it.

"Hey James, wait up!!!" A warm smile crept on face at the familiar voice. A girl with ruby red hair and green emerald eyes came up to my car with a worried expression on her face. Sam was one of my bestest friends since elementary, she was always their when I was down. I unlock the doors, letting her sit in the passenger seat. "Hey, I'm sorry that happened back there." she says with a sad expression.

"There is no need to apologize, I'm the one that fucked up." I say solemnly.

"Don't be like that, I'm sure everything will blow over."

"I'm pretty sure it won't, but hey, that's life so I better just roll with it."

"I guess you're right." There was an awkward silence between us as we just sat in the car doing nothing.


"Hey monkey!" Me and Sam both sighed in frustration knowing who that voice came from. Flash captain of the lacrosse team with his band of jockeys walking towards the car, who didn't really like me hanging out with Sam. Remember when I said that I had a 'colorful past' well this is why. I grew up in Richmond, Virginia so with me being black I wasn't always treated well. The only friends I had was Sam and my teammates on the football team who were mostly black as well. The lacrosse and football team had always been at each other's throats mostly because of the whole segregation crap.

"I'll try to get him to go away." said Sam stepping out the car.Oh! Did I mention that Flash is Sam's ex-boyfriend? No? Well you know now.

"Hey babe, what are you doing out here all by yourself?" asked Flash with a sly grin.

"First off you and me are done. Second who's says I'm alone?" snapped Sam.

"Oh, you mean that loser you with i that car?"

"How about you lay off Flash? We can do this another time." said Sam as she tried to get back in the car only for Flash to grab her wrist.

"You don't have to go with him. Come with us and I'll rock your world." said Flash with a seductive smile causing Sam to look at him in fear.

"Let go Flash!" Flash however disagreed and and pinned her on the car as she struggled to get free of his grasp. That was it, I had enough with this mother fucker! I jumped out the car causing the whole lacrosse team and Sam to look at me.

"Oh, so he's all big and bad no-" Flash couldn't finish his sentence as I threw a right hook to his face knocking him to the ground and letting go of Sam who quickly rushed over to me and giving me a hug.

"Are you ok?" I ask with concern as I break the embrace.

"Yeah." she answers back.

"Lets get out of here." I say as she nods in agreement. We quickly jump back in the car and drive off, I chuckle a little as I watched Flash in my rear view mirror giving me a certain finger. I pull out my phone as a thought come in to my mind. I noticed Sam looking at me with a confused expression on her face wondering what I was doing.

"Who are you calling?" she asked.

"I was just thinking that we should have some fun tonight." I answer.

"But who are you calling?"

"The crew."

"......and that's why I'm stage fright." I finished as Fluttershy and Rarity just looked at me with wide eyes, probably not knowing what to say. 'Oh shit, I think I broke them!' I think worriedly to myself as I was suddenly tackled by the two in a crushing hug. I instantly blushed from the contact as they nuzzled against my body.

"Oh my Celestia, James! I am so sorry that had to happen to you!" cried Fluttershy.

"I agree darling nopony, should have to put up with that, good thing this Sam character was there." added Rarity as the both of them squeezed me harder.

"*cough*cough*" I coughed awkwardly gaining the two's attention," Hey...guys.....can't...breath...." The two quickly let go of me as I gasped for air making them blush in embarrassment. I had to admit it, the attention felt pretty good, but I don't want die by suffocation from a hug.

"Our apologies, James." said Rarity.

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine and that happened a couple years ago, so I'm over it." I answer.

"You said that you when were a human that you were 'black?" asked Fluttershy.

"Yeah, like ponies we humans come in different sizes, shapes, and colors, but sadly some of us think that one is better than the other just by the way we look." I answer to Fluttershy.

"Oh my! I can't believe that!"

"Yeah but it's better now, yeah there are still some racist assholes out there but not that many."

"So....what happened to Sam?" asked Rarity.

"Well...uh..that's for another time." I answered grimly. I did NOT want those memories to come back again.

"Alright, if it not something you like speaking of we won't push you. Well it seems like you're ready." I gave her a confused look on this.

"What? I didn't even do anything?"

"Actually James you did. You confessed your biggest fear to, not counting Fluttershy, complete strangers."

"Huh, I think I get what you're saying." Fluttershy and Rarity gave me a smile and nodded and went back inside the castle only to be met with the rest of the group and a large white horse with a long horn, wings, a everlasting, flowing rainbow mane and tail, and a golden tiara. I simply gawk at how huge she was compared to me I felt like a freaking ant. I was snapped from my thoughts from a small cough, I turn to see Fluttershy bowing and motioning me to do the same. So I did.

"You may rise my little ponies.......and dragon." said the alabaster horse.

"Uh, hey how's it going-smack-OW! What the Fuck!" I scream as I rub the back of my head and send a glare at Rarity.

"James, you are in the presence of Princess Celestia herself!! Please try to show some class." snapped Rarity.

"You could've just said that instead of giving me a damn concussion!" I hear Princess Celestia give a light chuckle at me and Rarity's bickering.

"It is quite alright Miss Rarity, I like not being addressed formally." Princess Celestia says as I stick out my tongue at rarity who stuck hers out in return, "As you already know I am Princess Celestia, ruler of the sun and co-ruler of Equestria." I don't know why but I get the feeling that she loves to troll people. I didn't say she was, it's just a feeling.

"Well like I was saying before, my name is James and.......huh I have no title, so it's just James." I answer

"You were right Twilight, he is a strange one." she says back.

"You told her about me Twilight?" I ask lifting an eyebrow causing Twilight's gaze to shift from me.

"Well...um...you were gone when she came so.....I just told her what you told us...I'm sorry." she answers nervously.

"Why are you apologizing? I am not mad, I'm actually grateful, that means less talking for me. Man, you ponies say sorry way too much." I say putting emphasis on 'way'. Twilight smiled at me in response and gave a slow nod.

"So, if you already know mostly about me, why are you here?" I ask Celestia.

"Well, from I heard from the elements is that you have no home and were staying with Fluttershy for the time being, am I correct?" she states causing me to nod, "and when the the residents of Ponyville first saw you you they didn't take likely to your arrival and still don't."

"Yeah that mostly sums it up, but that still doesn't answer my question."

"I was thinking of you introducing yourself to all of Ponyville and answering whatever questions they have. Also helping the Elements of Harmony with any one task they need you to do."

'I fucking knew she was a troll.' I think to myself. Wait why do I have to do stuff for them, I don't mind helping somebody help but why does it sound like I'm the one at fault here?

"Ok one question though." I say.


"Why do I have to do stuff for them no offense, but I don't see the point."

"I can see your concerns, but by doing favors for the elements you will slowly be accepted by the ponies as another resident in Ponyville."

"Oh I see it's a trust thing. Alright I'm down." Celestia gave me a confused look.

"It means I agree with you." I simply say

"Perfect, while I go speak to the mayor about our decision about bringing the ponies here, I would like you to stay inside the castle for safety measures." she says a stern expression.

"Alrighty then." I say as I give her a thumbs up as she simply smiles and walks out the front door, 'definitely a troll'.

"How do ya' do that?" asked Applejack snapping me from my thoughts.

"Do what?" I ask back.

"Make ponies smile, ever since we brought ya' to the castle you made everypony so happy."

"Yeah!! I was wondering that too." commented Rainbow Dash, which I simply shrugged my shoulders.

"Eh, it's mostly a gift. Nothing more."

"Well that must be some gift! Oh you should come plan party's with me some time! I love to make ponies smile and you do too so it will be like...double the smiles." exclaimed Pinkie.

"Thanks, we'll have to do that later."

"You seem to know how to work your wings pretty well for someone who only got them a week ago." said Rainbow.

'ABOUT A WEEK AGO' I sing loudly in my head and mentally chuckling, "They're pretty easy to control once you get used to them. Plus I can reach some pretty impressive speed, but you already know that." this caused Rainbow to give a sly grin.

"Is that a challenge I hear?"

"I don't know, what if it is?"

"Then you got another thing coming."

"Pssh, come one I 'll fly circles around you."

"As if, hey to make things interesting how about you and me sees who the fastest after this whole meeting thing. Loser gets to be one's slave for a week."

"Your on!"

"Well, it seems I already have some stuff to complete." Our attention was then turned to the sound of the front doors opening again revealing Celestia once again walking in with a light brown mare with a grey mane and tail. The mare face instantly turned to fear when she saw me, but a nod from Princess Celestia, which I assumed, that she told her that everything was going to be ok.

"H-h-hello, I am Mayor M-M-Mare." the mare greeted nervously holding out her hoof, which I gladly shook in response.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm James and there is no need to be nervous I'm a nice dragon." I reply with a smile.

"I-I'm sorry, it's just...after your struggle with Princess Twilight here I thought you were another conflict Ponyville had to deal with."

"You say that like this kind of thing happens often?"

"Oh, believe me it does, after what happened this is your every other Tuesday." I stare at her in disbelievement.

"This is an average Tuesday for you guys!?' I exclaim as Mayor Mare gives out a light giggle knowing that she wasn't afraid anymore,l 'I guess it is a gift'.

"Yeah, but you'll get used to it, but in the mean time the town is....uh.....eager to meet you."

'Aww shit.'

The group and I were behind what appeared to be a curtain on a stage in the middle of the town. I could hear the mass groups of ponies talking and murmuring amongst themselves. memories from that night in high school start to seep back in to my mind as I start to sweat and hyperventilate and my heart starts to race. I jump from the touch of a hoof on my shoulder, I turn to see Applejack with a worried expression on her face.

"Oh, h-hey Applejack what's up." I ask wiping some sweat off my brow.

"Somethin' the matter, sugarcube?" she asks.

"Just a little nervous, but I'll be fine."

"Oh don't ya' worry, the ponies in these parks are probably the nicest ponies ya'll meet out here in Equestria."

"What if they aren't?"

"Ya'll know how you said we ponies apologize too much?" I nod, "Well. ya' worry to much, how 'bout later ya' come down to the farm to work some of that stress off."

"Sounds good, I always did exercise to get my mind off of things back home."

"JAMES!" I was caught off guard as three small blurs collide into me and tackle me in a bear hug. I chuckle at Sweetie, Applebloom, and Scootaloo hugging me tightly. I hugged them back causing all of us to laugh, Applejack just stood their with a grin on her face. "Hey, girls what have you guys been up too?" I asked.

"We've been in the clubhouse the whole time." answered Applebloom.

"Yeah, we stayed there the most of the day after we left Fluttershy's." added Scootaloo causing the three fillies to look down in shame.

"We're sorry we weren't there when you needed us James."solemnly said Sweetie Belle.

"Hey don't your little heads worry about it, there wasn't much we could do, but we're all good now." I comforted the crusaders with each a ruffle of their manes and causing them to giggle. The crusaders slowly got off of me letting me get back to my feet as Mayor mare approached me.

"Are you ready Mr.James?" she says with a smile.

"Now and always."

"Great! Just get ready when I call you on the stage." I nod as she walks out the curtain to the stage, I feel a small tap on my talon, I look down and see Sweetie Belle looking at me with a embraasses expression on her face.

"What's wrong, Sweetie?" I ask.

"Well, I was wondering....um..." her cheeks were now a bright red as she pawed at the floor looking down. I tilted my head in confusion wondering what she was trying to say.

"What is it? It's ok you can tell me."

"I was wondering...um..if I could ride your back.....when you go on stage." her face was now as red as a tomato now. Why is she so embarrassed? I don't mind if she wants a little ride, plus it'll score me some points in earning these ponies trust. I look back at her and is surprised by her giving me the sad puppy dog eyes. 'Darn these cute ponies!'.

"Alright hop on." I say stooping down.

"Really?" she asks with a shocked expression.

"Yeah, I don't mind." she squeals in delight as she climbs on my neck and positions her small body until she is sitting on my back, "Hey Rarity!" I call out gaining Rarity's attention.

"Yes, darling?"

"You don't mind Sweetie Belle riding my back do you?"

"Not at all dear as long as you bathe daily I'm fine with it."

"Oooookay?" I say in confusion. 'What the hell does she mean bathe twice daily?'

"And now I give you the Elements of Harmony and James!" Mine and Sweetie's attention was caught by the sound of Celestia's voice. I let out a deepsigh and opened the curtain with Sweetie bell riding on my back. As I stepped on the stage I noticed the Princess, Mayor Mare, Twilight ,Pinkie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applebloom, and Scootaloo waiting for me on the stage. I then focused on the crowd of ponies staring at me with mixed expressions on their faces and whispers amongst them like-

"What is that dragon doing here?"

"Why does he have that little filly on his back?"

"Is it a trick?"

"Maybe he isn't as bad as we thought?"

"Is he single?"

Where did that one come from? I took a glance at Celestia and gave a pleading look, who only motioned me to go up to the microphone, I felt Sweetie squeeze around my neck in a comforting motion, and nuzzling the side of my face. I gave a little smile and walked towards the mic tapping it causing a squeak to go through the speakers making everyone cover their ears.

"Sorry about that," I apologize in the microphone, "So...uh...my names is james, but I'm sure you already knew that, heh."

Awkward silence.

"Yeah..um....okay, I'm going to give it to you guys straight, I'm not good to talking to a new crowd of ponies. Hell, I'm down right terrified! I know we some of you....well all of you think that I'm going to eat your children after what happened today, and I understand that but i'm a really nice guy- dragon once you get to know me. I'm am accepting the consequences for the damages I have caused and once again I am sorry and hope for your forgiveness."

More awkward silence. I let out a sad sigh and turned to leave until-

A clap or was it a stomp? Whatever it's a stomp.

Then another stomp.

then another.

Now the entire crowd was cheering.

I am shocked beyond belief. They actually trust me that easy? I thought I was going to have to bring in the 'I Have A Dream Speech' to bring the guilt trip but I guess I don't. I give a wave and looked at Celestia and the others with a look that said 'Can I leave now' which they smiled in confirmation.'Oh thank God!'

"Hey Sweetie?" I ask Sweetie Belle.


"I need to go to Fluttershy's to get something real quick."

"Oh okay?"

"Good! Oh, then hold on tight."

Before she could ask I spread my wings and shoot up in the air and flying off to Fluttershy's cottage with Sweetie Belle clinging to me tightly.

Meanwhile in James' head, a familiar dark dragon sat down in the middle of the void of emptiness pondering at the events that had just taken place.

"It seems that James, had made a few friends. Perfect!" smirked Dark Spyro, which means the more he cares about them the stronger I get. And the the stronger I get the more soon I get to escape this dreadful prison." The dark copy of James then lifted his claw and examined it as it engulfed in a purple flame. "And when I do you are the first on my hit-list."